Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Jun 1966, p. 1

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Authorized as Semond Clii Mai by thlias ut Ofice DepartnieuitOtawt MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1966 Mi" ut onmu nt o e ansec Deputy-Reeve 'elisuppointed" o ver cmttee's dissolution Noinm Peai-ce. î'etfied chair- man itIlie 1 c iiecteiniial ettmîiiec.-.ap1n.aîed ai Mitoni Csiuncii Mondas, lotlowing hi-. submj-,nion tast meek of the final minutes ut the now dis- banded comnittee. I f toit u houtd have an op- portuuiîy to nov why sou threnv n the sponge", Depuly Reeve C. Menefys uggested. Mr. Pearce suggeted the ttep. Lit ' reev' atteodanct: at sume ut thse meetings wountî have pî'used vii ightening. but ains' ttliig t ut i i î o nî I lll )icc - ttîe t -cbu -nuply betabut'ing the poinit. l'usni.-e isa ppoiîntl, the cepuI-revc ouctudent. Minua puiints un the rcticin ut a plaque tu makse il knwn he punîdarca man gisen hs Robin Huod Flour Mitîns, ecr rei'cw'e'tland Manur Chilcîn es- pt'emnen thaîîks tu Mr. Pearce tut' attenning. :1 CHOCOLATE BAR SALESMEN duserve a break, doul îlhey? Wei SIeen Power and Gary Douce lhiuk vo. More thon 100 young baliptayers mure out seting chocolalu bars on Friday and Salur- dlay lu help raise monny for the Milton Minor Basebali Associa- tion. The soie mas a tremendous success wilh enery bar being sold. Minor bail nonculive memhars copresseci lhanks tau the Milton ire Deparîmeul for the use of their office, 10 the boys and coaches for their efforts undt 10eneryone who boughl a bar. Golden wei for Mr., Mr! Golden nsoddirîg cetohu',ticnns o iscd un Saturdaîn -JonceIl1, in honor ui Mn.aand Mis Alan Arniitiong ut CoutnSi..Miluon, xh hlane reac hed ihein 501h searsi ssveddecn ilIe. Reltiveos and rîonds gaîhen- cd ai tho homeofici heir sn 5-v- l-o and daugttcn.Mi'. nd Mn-.. Gurdo n Toidern(an loi vanDr. in Sinecîscitto during fic alr rouitliand cieniiiy. l u nnicnnt theur bestl uiis n ,îd pîcei v.ans- beaalilu guI-t.. Bots Mr. and Mi-.. Armntrong ]lacve onjone on guaud îath lver the s-ars and sucue o-peciatlv ptccued tliaso sut iutii heir reativessa md 1ie icstî. M.uîî me- monoes oi 50 vcuî n .iou mci O 10- caltentb.%hbohiahMu. and lMrs. Armsnguîg îih hem thoughls guinto 'ack luo Mien ibos mcre m.ucied on Juno 7. 1916. Tho bridec'%%as Ilileiformou Edilt Jloîsiaî't. tnyil'ci tI lieta ite Mr. adi s.i Tom Houaîd ut Huntîsile. 'flic roumv sas tho suis of lIse laite Mr.,and Mcs.e Jaunen ArmsonoiloToronto. Then' had i quiet niarinage 1.ili Heiîcîsoît. Sask. Foliatuiig thein hoiicsuiiaiiion î e turved lu heiin hîîîiest .ciBdatoa l Sask.,- îsh;c ulhiso1..lint tainio onlloiir nectionorula1m0urelu lanîd. Yais ui dcpt'-,iniind.uuf buti liîui11.1(inth Corgan goud hcalti tlui ciii s un untilC 1993, us lien il uc-ic turnedtu li Oîicai nîîîîd îîîîîcd lu Mitoun, wstîcflilc%- la'imcd laisthe Ttîlîî Linoeutil 1958, iclin iluc o 11<1 yod lu tteir pi osent homte on CoutiSi. n Militon. Tise famliy colinI. ot0une vul Howjiard, sîlo rcidýs cil iiur.anîduuîuo ditulilci ernîice ut S in-tshlmea th lnîhnatiiii s-ono tuoied. Tua csloud their bIs s ie guontis caie rultCalgtary- Altt. Torontou, Westun, Oakvitto. Dut'-f talit, Uîionvittc. Guelphs, Mit- [on, Tcrna Collaandciuiiakvitto.4 Tise happy couple reccived i.u tetogram nrom Bakot stiotti, Cati- t'ornia anti Outtcuok, Saskaftchem- Cail tenders on school The Deparîment of Education Clare G. Maclean, and he and luas approved final plana for the the board have spent neyerai generai purpoae room [o be con- mnontha visiting other achools' slrucied ai the Martin Si.t.ien. generai porPOne roins and ,or publie school, and Milton drawtng plana for the Milon Publie Sehoul Board han ealied addition. for tenders on the addition. Tenders close on June 23 asnd The room in lu be but ai the Board wiii meec iit even- the nouih tide of thse senior me u open the bido. .choot f fonneriy lise Marin Si. The generai purpose ruom high achouit and is expecled îu wIli be the firni large assembly cuit $81,200. The arcitieci is ares for the Public schooin. To Iaunch St. John brigade at special "%charter night" Thte n%% Mitoun ivisinnfal The Miltotn urgauizern arc the Si . John Anibl.încc Brigadte Frank Lîsîsun. Don Milter anBd kn han licou gr.înid a provinciat Stan Cal,uttrl mcm of'uthe Boe PR gate charter and a speciat "charter Aconu division ishu ivo in tuwfl night' han been at'rauged fur and decided tu nec il there ws i unique miha Wednendtv eveuiug, Jue 22, il cuuugh intorenitucalttotum A unique inintîap istnr wsanuncen tits eck. i scparaie division. Their et- tct hv Milton Police tlîtn Woman, daughter hurt in accident A Spessîtisoî%uaitiîtnd ieor 10-eart-tlttcI uyttiriîic hos- pilaliaott Ttisdan atternonout tant sscek wsîtenît icir tate-mîîttc caris n intt i lotitu tatit stamuîcttltict'i-on inua trecon Higîtisay 25 suit lIutf isc Side. roun. MIrs. Sadie Kelly lit R.R. 3. Meiltnit ii i ltuî Dintict Hupititl sittî lc.îd l.croi. andtthîtiýtno lii iert liîe, ohuis antI .nkto , L csteItut tîe ue car accitdent. Hec tluglîter Doîris Annio e lIs halîLiîtt turc-cl t.n, usadbie. Police sn.dtheîtcaîr. oniîîod hv Mi-. Keîs n nitDonnis, wsn heingîtricen îîortt un Hîigita* 25 when i itlid ont ut cou trol about 420 leo nih ut the idc- ruat, .Il iin iariiing hc.îits %,at the tiîne. Tte cil. a11965 Diiigc. %%-ascla- d il, Litota iirc t. Mr,. KRotI ndmlier htînîî Honr uroprîlo the Spovniîtc Gunerît St île îonî -ligttiav 25 Li 1.5Sideiîî. -k lîltreîî .îre- agOl s' ing S.îiurdavs iknhio radco. àdding celebration S. Allan Armstrong MR. AND MRS. ALLAN ARMSTRONG of Court St., Miton, cule- bri lndheu S5tliwedditg aunivernaryonotsSalnrday. fThe happy couple. aciuaiîy uuarrind on June 7, 1916, fauvud in the Milton aiea froms 1933 util 1958. Anninersary cetubraluons mute held oui Saîucday ait fiucbome of iheir daughler and sns -tam Mr. and Mis. Gordon Turner un Slreelsvuilne Emupty ài hum ns ut Mo (fut fotu Mîlîuît andiActan lire itcaiunts lioec cîiict omut Satunttan'tttui'iitig siteto harn tit a Scuuut Lino Nassag.svcs-a lar cti mac Moift catuglu lirec. The barnt s in the Milton ire ditit but tenatsscatteti ohi brigadeos. The cuopis- barnîvascn 0 et Iacm ousueti by M. Duduih ut MuLLantd lits wtusentThse ouher buildittnsce rc mntcd lut Mot taîttiten. ITit o sns as nut itsoreti. NO LOST DOGS Des-pite -'tiscappatrenl high iii- stcacce ut tiognapping' in mu- icipaities truand Milton, the tuicu ilseli han osperiencoti nu missing dugn f0, dato, Milton O-P.P,[report. fots nete suocestul, and ýthey gaiet] cnuugh intetesled work- ers tu turnîilie corps and staff the branclî cntiîniiitcc which tî.ndtcn thc busnesscndcuti t ciirpn vîrh. l'ieccharntern%%as rei.eived in tic maîilian Saî urta.v, Mr. Miller tuid Ttîe Champion, aud itl liec lurmatîs- presnn ed ou Junc 22 hi olficials frîîm the Ontario di- vision. Ropreseutativos of tocal tndîîtrv and nervice clubs have bcen itivitod to attend tho char- icr nighi andI gise the brigade a big %endoff. Milto oîCunîtoî t mlMonîtay te une ut Ille stiortet regutar ,- o it on record. nits ad- ioîîcnnset coîning ahouit 8 p.m. Menmhrncone inued in Commit- tee of the Whoe tc flittc Manurs nuggcsiîti [t incu-in 'somo ppno- tison iîng %ss.îs oueti. In regutar Itiiîestinemhcru 0 ReceicîncîbihiIllte stilicitoir a pi-eliiiir ns îeporît ou thcîrc- flie Trianigle Pat, liafite Liotn ClubhTie nîît r nuggentetil %%as niai leyal foriIll t iln us i dvladIo aaitablco itgaci- theietîlunn iiithe d itotii heing obtiîned. a Luar-ned flic sîticitor adis. cd fltc pronent nihdiviniucon- trot tîtîîpascl int1954sctn .îdcnîutc ltu uphotd the buin'. lice/c-tiltsubdivisintn. 0 Wcî o ,îîtinont ufic oDe- partirnolîu nicîpal Aflaîrs tlie hasch',n otior o ot-t $158500 tiohentnîren oniflic gencratlîpîr- pîînc-îîîîîst the Martin St. Sco l %its icîîrolanded oIt ai $158,0001. Thto iebcnunen have beofl ut t u la inenc provinci c-oup litaitinus etucation de- 0 Reccietl ainiivitation uli ( le i'liigi ut1 Ilie local Si. Jîîîî iiitbulance gîuup oit Wcdntiii-tv, Joute 22aitIlic Le- gîîîc fiaIt. 0 Appt-used flite pîsîîctit ît Ic $65 tee0on lichaIt il tic as- .e-r%%olii.d cuiptoîidfle ît'thinoier coursc ottcroedhv the lu.stitute of Municipal Assesors tîscougîs Qtieen'n iUniversity., lus.' quurry hlusa Workers bIn he Ballon Coun- ly Admiinloîralion Building and Court lionne tisouhi an earth- quake hsadt jgglcd the building Tisursday, misen accordlng to one wîltess, the building "shook viihly for cighl lu l10 seconds". StîcrifE Audrew Frank report- cd he and neyera-I otisers notie- ccl the building sallie, vhile they wcre In a court room on flicte hird fluor. idoweyer, stenog. rapisers and clcrks In firsi and îecond flour offices did coi not- Iet Il. Tue "quake" happened riglîl at 4 pin. and caused nu damange. Furthcr chccking bino thse nîater rcvescd lise »sotion was fsirly simple - tise "quake' wsa ftributed tu, siock maven f rom a dynamiten binsai u a near. hy atone quarry In Naaagaweyn 1 owtilp. repii t- troc k. RohertIlrving, R.. 5Miltlon, tuttI police liec 55an diviutng liii truck nîtîtîli on Maî iii St .ait hatt stoppest ait[lie (P.R. lcccl rainig liii ihtg -i lit, Hu ohnoiecl(liaiîî(lie inii exttndcttladciun Illeic lo lun, truck, anti in i, lii t tu dîscîîgag tl, Ilie gai %va Piîtitc o. ti ot îî cidetsinJolie 10 andtl unec Ju 12, ai]ltilîcit-e O lî l c.îîî.ge Ci une tunleî S100. Locil fîîîîîlicLîoLarno Siiiîl ' c'i, fhîtloiiiiandîc lial- tonîîRc'ciiinti suit lie onipli- 1 i .lt iîniîiîiîSciuttas isthe itaii iltcelchi eitn i l OIti - C hI [ lliii5 lootiipingfIlieCol-i Ii,n Lcetteiics cogeiien P. B ri (fs aie uete asvt- er300me iii eto nsfrnii.flnc'al. scit s-ui 'l.iMdcîîie V.nic-nîiiitac t p.îsîîltîîî 0ol $9.- iiiii i liîtli I rliî.îîîîî u i-to I. Zauati. unoItlieteliet- % thtî usn hallt and The Sonda y ceioii iei oe G. McLeaîîîS956. 0nIllîe lîîyhtîyhîniof i'aiipton'n t pavîîîcîît ol01 101 i n imaîîîu.tltîîoî I.Festival, hoe andt tquipîneziit hiighotu I i iiav iîîîî ii uSunî- insalltin o f ic iN c'Niiiii 'flic- f îîîîc Scot,- istalatiîont prico ceieiii.ii\il îît ahc illico ît tho îlci(tL itIllîei- i tii.îi nulait iiiuiicit 3 p.nî. sit hought I e .%i- Iýljoiii iiitl fi ie n ip.itiîeit î l ite. hi t l îîo I111!it IIIIIlîiitlî on, P. MoIîîy,îîîlid.il. tîiFîi Mccallnîî(il it flic eagc icit i fro t ille S l fic-, pipeîiiîîg I pasttîeîît ii $2,- li1' ci iîi i a,îî ..l'l back N. 'fiout % tc 18'(,b.Sn îlîcîtii ý c.îîîe iliti he- ig otsfic'fine piii- ily i tt in1 di\etccloigiintld natrtîîli k ici. "lî'îic îîc e Scot,î (Pecl, Dîlleriii aluIo ztsoîe lite aîîcltflitnîîRcgiîiiiiltvaînp- a Li. ~~~lt ii%, lciedati ilena 0 Appruv-c 578.22 lu L. J auichitLci Clarý 0 Approson I licel Brai c~ Lid. lac the truck. The liat not heun iginat tender tiii-unit ira 382..i8 lu Jiuiit lui mont, on ]oitI pltl o 0*Appruced 333.50 lu W. A luri' -uteIn puot tlor jani I rouisftue pi- Baw ne itoRua De li ce Ato ch ilII Scliolu lle Si. 'ftilli i' T'S BICYCLE LICENSING TIME and every one the Town Hall belwaen the hours of4-6 p.m. ot the eslîmaled 700 bicycles in lomu must bu loday, Thursday or Friday. Bicycles will also ha regînlered before the end oftIhe meuh, Mitton licensed on Saturday aI the "Roadeol et the Police Chief Roy Andress reporled îoday. Licen- Williams Avenue High School, f rom 9 arn.util nîng, ohich is freof charge, began on Mon- 4 P m. Frank Dambroisie is shown here affer day and will tant lhrough unlil Salurclay. Young- gellîng hîs iceuse. More [han 100 bicycles sîvîn wî b bicycles lu bu licensed shouldti ake wnrn licenned on Monday night. lheîî to t he new Police Garage at the back ut Century-old regiment Lorne Scots to mark anniversary ceremony Honorary Colonel of the t-ugi. men t s Colonel John R. Barber, ED: the Honoras-y Lt. Colonel is Lt. Cul. Cocu Smyîhe, MC. An ils came shows, the cere- Ilions- ut Trooping :the Colovr centres arouud theé Colurs of tha Regimuint, whieh are [mn tn number - une, lihe Queees Co lor, beicg the nymbol oEf the Crowu [o whteh a soldiers loy- altv is due, and the oflser, the Regimental Culor, reprcsenting theo spirit and traditions of the Reginient wlsioh are liseb'asis ut csprit do corps. Cuiors are nul normatly car- 'jett bsv anvone helow the rock ut coînmissioned oflicer, but tise ceîeîîîuns-of Trooping tIhe Col. ocommences witis the emb. lem in charge of a Sereant, as- sislcud hv Iso seuties reatis- Lu gîî,rd thie Cotor trom harm. In a simitar manner, tise Gu,îrîs are drawnuop eitiott ilîcir olticcrn. The objcti n bohcane, s n 10show chat thse utan-eomntsinnîet officors and mîenî are nu lrusted vIsailIse t-en- ponsihitits- of guarding such a nict'etisymtbol cati safety he left in titir hantis. Sdil old portable classroom to St. Joh n s. fitouhe'v% lio deniesl ci lohoitui-i tte lou utot igît At Montisys mcetilig, %j- le,-cl'tîlci [liceibrigadte is be adta "ltiîîîîîsiîy511 0 sclluol asil >niiîi 5llor iit. Ilec' ili i îscc'c'ccci. ttîeî'.rang-. bled îînî ueecîs a Pt l -oi lil.Mit lo n Public lportttableliluit 11ci e ilcc'i. il îîîî 999liiS4i0.îand outs' tî)uiiiiîîg tut'situge outnt B ili ([Illi, sîck tIvticcînl aIli'iic "lle Bici illiccdIlle oueici uiîi- le iolic-s i-îî,a*îs z.îîîtoli-iholdingc-tass 'el, 11 \ ca t .îiîtiî, ' iitiniiuii i Illeic iii l itt.to iîî i t 11a1-lMillii 1 îîîî. Ttîcuu lieu' tuiied o ut01 tIle briugade lii i e t ic' tOtice St. itsoii ii 1loi Ilie Mciiiili -Rc' iîîîi ý in'îî tue t tîicie Miltont aiiiiiîi i and educatii l'ite Mitîîîîiîîî ti ttli ii I uii mute.iut l .iii ile ligIl Iiictîl' in t uuî1101î1 ilIl îî ltiiv n JutîIl l Amtbulatuce But. Asîîcîtiîîîî hii ii n iii liit falei î în. Ilie StI tlice Itiî,uî lu.tn a1- ' %îîîîî't,îi, luit Ille mu lieu' ýiun Aloi'Niy ii i Illc tcîutc's îî.î au li Iltie iiental i etit-o u- lti-ii tisnt lie iiiati"IiaiIIi iccide i, i. t I r l' îun'i tt le bîuildnîg t'it i aiiuts'i'u il-i itti ifil, .ý tis i ci loi tt Ic Luit tii ScmoiI llet ttSI.Jutuii Att-sit,,. -fth..l ,o CHEVRONS, a speciat recognuition carned by thc C.G.l.T. ai St. Pouls United Charch muru pre- sented Sunday morning. fine girls mure aiso presenled milh Iheir gradualing pins afler hon- ing conupilod flit C.G.i.T. traininsg. Luadcir Min. C.Daîgiuisb is shomis mitb Ihese girls, Lois Cairns, Carol Cannion, Susan Gray, Nancsî Case and Laurie Sinclair. Susan also received her bise iauyard, the symbol ut a junior leade. [tee. He cing char umianent ntaterits ;e. Me des htum- mal scurk hoon set ted asso- îîî'eît teItiiîg te St. Juhnsbri- tu(l itchue buildting, but [rus. tee (.iiike ohiectout. He nati tIse SI. JohnîuAmtbulatnce was ougan- ii d15 Nbats.ago ut Milton andt il Ittteintaletten o 1 sars. 'Wec d lu tofutquens- ihings .uiuid liue ietc continueti. "'ouit cotIuosciuîg $400 donunr Ilite drin. i ttever nsv anything n- stuplditntu ,ttlits- lite. Mul a,heciil tht a it onîhe mu. hutliont11iiig St. Joîhnîtlupur- caeIle hbuildinug bc -ccieti, "nu il\iiitgît ittlte paper [bat Truitlce oit Hari poinieti mit Illie St. Joihntcroup itatilit- île illiles- alni il seeti ikve a îuîîn'tlîn camue. ti.le ttîintiet iltîuîie Cotuke [tutt iluthle botarti ii ll Ile builinfuron$400, ilicN soiui cigel $400 leni lu pro- vicia eiitintoul utciclioc gai~cis 'tlîis «s-ea.rsolutiere ssas 110 proufi t ilucotvcît. f)tîer i- Irtse hccket iit p, ti( Il ote o l othîe Isutîti iuug hic St catuicît 5-I ou a re- cuite vit ote, iitîoîuy Tmtsieç Cii kn o o c ting. Tue Si. John group iras ce- îîuuiodl s vckilîg a site ai tise 1.-ic groutts toretoeafo tIse por- taîbloettissiocutîs. Tîte Boardi cîshedti taiit be temo-eti front the Bruce St. scooltgruntis by Jls 31 andti he site in q(u bu cleattnt.and leneiteti. Iiiat theîî-i-t-n. îi tic tCrfic' nogiiliiii l,î ,di.îîîc oct ii n vrn %it% Compeient titerin îd tuon- cîîîîîinionod ottt cunn sace ccîîîhîîcd tiu iveseiîegîtsand tc,dornsip to the men. Twsice in iccetie 1'.964 andti1965, the t ogiment hansewon the Gzowski tiophy awardcti for the fmosi cf- iîcicntinlintsr ' unit in the Can. .itan tilitia. Ilu nuecoumpetit- in,[ieîcregitîteni ranks second tu noec icenulin. Seek driver The souic h for t ho car is eh ,tiac îîc c i an tîî jurc-d îiitiiiyPauît Cipp iiutTrentiaine Rît., O.kiht tc. conitnuîen thîs îe'k. iltkilic Poliîce alIc'iîetîg,ît- ,îîîcnd the public'inco-quenîti luifin tii l iiciANY ifor'mationî ics iîaýi.în î.îc -iiich sititi d le u flict ics-tity ii'utlite Iit- aiitt lun driver. 'l'uie boy n 'epuitlot lubhopro- gic-silg naist.îctoitv but mciii lcin iiiliupital flu t-neriaI mtitî et 1. Vol. 107.-No. 6. Milton Cou n iroop couors in bunday ------ ----------------------- - - ---------- Fý ---------- -, --------- ------------------ iwenty mages.-ien uents. Twentv Pane-%--TAn rýnft 1.

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