Any Used Basebali Equipment? If S0, SeUl Them With Want Ads _________________ .IT iL~ BIRTHS BETTELEY - Mr. and Mms. Ro- bert Chas. Bettecy,(nec Gray) of 724 Cambridge Cres., Bramp- ton, are pîcased 10 annouosce the birth of thir son, Robert Charles, wight 8 Ibs.. 21-5 os., at Milton District Hospital on May 29, 1966. B0ROKSING - Jue and Thcrcsa Brokking (nec Bouwmcstcr) of 7095 Gueph Lin, R.R. 3 Canspbcîîvillc. are pleasrd 10 un- nouncc tho birlh of) îhir son, Pe- ter, wiglt 8 lbs., 14 00., at Mil-' ton District Hospital on Mondav, May 30. 1966. A littlc brothcr for Jacqueline, Allen and Judith. CLU.GSTON - Grant and Dianne (nec Commons) of Hamilon, CAROS 0F THANKS 1 FOR SALE t would like to thank fricnds CFLOWER and vegetable plants. and elatves Rcv Smih, moghCoî at Ed Joncs, 69 King St. or W.A., for flowers, cords and vis- phono 878-9579. c-2 ils. Also flic nu-ut- nd :-. G - 1~ GIRLS bicycle, 26", J. C. Hig- crs for the %vondorfuî lit uîhîhlo gins, excellent condition, $25. in hospital. 'Phone 878-2664. 1c4-545 c4489 Britha Peaocok.1 1, HP. jet pump with 30 gai. 1 %vish tuoexpress mv s"iicorc, tank, $145. Baby crib. John Ihanks 10 Dr. St-or, nurses and Ridgesvay 878-6175. c4-535 staff of Milton District Hospi- tl for their kindncus durisg my FLAYPEN and Thisîle baby sîav thoere. also 10 frionds for carriago, 12' wheels, excllent rs ,î ll%%is d itils, condition. 878-3618. 1 c4-547 C449 Robert A. Browîîridgc.- ADDING MACHINES.,lî-pewr- I sîoold like 10 lhank all mv' lers for sale or rentaI. Phone 878. relativies, friends and nighhors 69%2, Harris Slationery. lctf-417 for Iheir lorcît- gel wrll cards B-1-CYCLES-:lI junior bike, and haulifol bouquets of Ibm--28 o' ers sent lu me whilo I am stay--girls; 1 28', girls: ; 8 os isg ih Jospb roîs Mc- Ecokllnl condition. 786ý75. 1C4-697 CLASSIFIED RATES Telephone The Canadien 191 main St. 878-2341 Champion uiton, Ontarlo BIRTHS, DEATES. MARRIAGES. ENGAGEMENTS - No charge. FOR SALE, FOR SENT, ETC. - -$1.25 minimum charge for 15 words - Oc per word thereatter. Suheequent insertions (ne copy changes) - *81.00 minimum charge for 15 words. Oc per word Ihereafler. -25e discount allowed for cash payment. COMING EVENTS, CARDa 0F THANKS - $1.25 for licol live lines. 10c foc cach additional lise. IN MEMORIAM -$1.25 pls10erper lme of verse. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY. REAL ESTATE - 1.40 perro)olsssi inh. Dradlit 16-aesasteiosi 5 pm. Monday. BOX NUMBERS ta this oflice- 25e additional. DEADLINE US 12 NOON TUESDAY 6 The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, June 1, 1966 Ph Ph nii '63 $91 251 Pl, es Cr Ont., are pleased l 10 noflsncO orlilHospitli. the birth of their son. William c-4513 Mrs. Loîîio Walker. ELECTRIC automotie healer FOR SALE 2 PRODUCE FOR SALE David, weight 6 lbs., 12 os., ai - silh lan. suiiliile for collage or St. Josephs Hospital, Hamilton, I woo'ld liko lu express My 5sin- recrealion room. Phono Ont. ay16,î96. - c hanis tu f riendi, ncigh-45 - SADDLES, HALTERS etc., rid- ASPARAGUS for your freezer. ' Ont..______May ____16,__ or9a66r.also fr crd, 6 în e.iment. Silvcr Saddle M. Traas 854-9952. 2c6478 in COIJLSON - Marjorie and Paol flowers, gifîs and baking sent tu COMBINATION refrigerator Shot-. 109 Lakoshore Road W - of RtR. 2, Milton, Ont., are the huose during my sloy aI Mil- and freezer, 21 oufI., $14995, fol- neor Kerr St., Oakville, 845-058j. BALED STRAW. also some pîese toanooce hehiton and Chedoke Hospitoîs. St-cc- Iv guaranleod. Goodlts Hard- 1c4-424 sood barloy. 87"-439. 2c4-549h of their daaghler. Karen Roth, aIl hanks 10 Si. Georges Evon- are, Georgeowosn, 877-2551. -- lio HAY. permanenti posture mis- e: weight 6 lbs., 10 ces., aIt Joseph ing W.A.. Rev. Jcffares, Dr. Aik- 1 b49-264 (SAS and cleccric sioves, lie rcineîudigafliniedonn Brant HotpilI.Burlinglon, on eltoad, Dr. Burgess and îhlicoit-;condition, ,ll sizos, priced hr aing cnollalain iel, on9 May 24. 1966. A sister lor Dort-I nurses, ai Milon hospitol. PICKET PENCE. 15 sections lions $35, -lît-y guaraniecd' Gourd- sh,8r4-h6s5. Mctlosh 53rm, and Gary. e4-539 Lois Richardson. itîsed), sould roqire repiniing. lts Hardsware, Goorgetown,,. 077- kaiill, 4-55 c-3 ___________________________$2 t-r section. Phono 078-9692 2551. lb49-266________________c 1 ssould like 10 th,înk mv nigb- aflter 5 t-n. Ic5-611 - - - DENT - Mr. and Mrs. Larrv bora. frionds and rlatives lor NEW Cheosterfield, spaco tas- 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE Pl Dent (nec Carson) of 131 Bell the nice lot-sos and cards I re- AUTGMATIC and wringor wa- ors, chrome suites, hunk hods.1Isr St., Milton, are pîeased 10r an- cived daring mv slov inste icss luîlv guarantedl. rom hîgh chis1 s-r. eetr:', COLLIE PUFS, reasonablo. 878- 0' nournce the 'birth of Iheir daugh- hospilal and a big lhank voirs bIS19-95- Goodîet's Hrdiware, ranges and sioves. MacLeitî Fui--16733. 3c3-502 N- to, Cheryl Sonjo, weighl 7 lbs., Mrs. Rhea McEaclern asd'Wilma1 Geor-geowsn, 8772551. 1 b49267 niu-re. Acion. 1 b49-261 RCITRDApaos od ta onMay2,196, pcaI itnDsrc sI uo o the usv oeoguis. 2-PIECE cheslerlield, lso da-Y YOIJ WILt. LIRE htîsig 00visil Iraiisd. 878-4800. 3c5-491d taIon ay26,196. spcia ianl tou 1 h tlI hair. good condition, tuiieble for h-iligmooiosan co I RGSEE mrcnSe- oftheb Milton Disrict Hos- ý uligmtrasadca l RGSEË mrcnSe-i FOSTER-Rohcrt and Rta (nec pitl aand Dr. Sver. also 10 Mr.1 collage or rccreasîlon roos. Croitlords, Camphetlville. Ouick î,lant- pont- maie and a yearling d Morris) of Montrcaî, Ouehec, Gaa o i îaviî a mnpheiîriîîc 854-2514. -Ic-4.568 service. High ttalily. Phone uiv coot.Camphellville 854-2504 fi are t-oud t0 annoonce the arri- c4-6015Bt-icCloe. VACUUM ecener, in nom con- Camn tilc84-22 l-16 i,îîr 6.- 3c4-543 ci voal VficndoriaîHontaot-Ihdition,1 I.sp. rali ng including DÉEPRF FREEZER, also conîbi- NEED extra milh) 2 1Iret-sreg- RoyalVictoia Mopilal Mont bol..S5. Gasdlets Hardware, -nsaion 2-door roferoor id scrod Holstiin cuits - milkisg 60 real, Mat- 27. 1966. IN MEMORIAMS - Geoigeosî s 877-2551. 1649-265 irrr orgrlr n l tI7 olsl.Hîr urI ____ - cerie stias-s, suitahle [or Cttag- 1 Hiilihurgh. 855-4579. 3b49-252' GRISONI-Mr. and Mrs. Silvano TURNER - In lovîng mCmorv H rnssa e s. Bont JueisBrunmc Si., 878- Grisoni of 369 Main St., Mil- ut Mîrs J Turse llso pab- ans n 9784. 1c4-567 ton, ar 10 eLatew k Ont., ae ploosed aIsMo 3a15.n-AYcr eî. let:bb 4IPEETSFRSL nounrce the birlh of their son,cdavMv3,15.Lahr o BB ca ca.TC;b,4IPEENSFR AE Robert John, weighl 8 Ihs .18) The tgoden gale doet- nu-i, ,îî agec sitîu ut factum or sîrolr, lot-c snt-: hast- tlayprs..TRN nos, I Mltn istic HopialFittrices scars ago odas, :ti,loili-inade hs idIot-. Iateri and like ses, chromoeiih mesh sid-TRNSLAN] TR, good condi- on May 26, 1966. Wttlsarewells lti osspîîlt-eîs. ,ddtcs. WsteIrn or Eîsgish sivIe s Cati ho scen al Bill Gober«- li. 7-221 c ______________pist-d it-v. sddls stI bidos orcither tt-s Sisoco Soi-vice, 263 Main St.~ 7 FOOT Deîrhunt mnumen,3- McDOUGALL-Mr. and Mrs. Toi-- Everriemenshered LcUiranîd -hort-os or punies. Ai 0 t-osnoîor: E.. Milton. Ic4-544 -peuht hilcîs. 87848092. 4c4-550 ry McDougall (nec LornaHum Charlie - Basntous asd graudsuîîs ut pont-ca ris- and sulkies. ard o 43 Gore S.,-Mlt--n ChW.sAlt-c advHwad.CAR, TRUCK & TRACTOR TI i cOOD i,t- et-vMuusev Iergu- ard 0f40 GergeSt, Mtio. hutcs Aluc aud ussWr F. Cross BP Sevc ampleased lu announce the c4-529.C trN 5Hvs.1 ieotRES 'soir and uî.cd. user 2.009î,,It)jl srPlsuutcCamlloclvillo' Conr o 5 fv..1 Red:.ý' ,lIt-Springfield tiret-in t-stck, 8542346. 4c4-608 birth of thir daughler, Jlie An, ________________ PHONE 878-2952. aivuctuspues .IIssd, weight 6 lbs., 7 oct., aI Milton CaIlszlo prcNfatfie: Disrict Hospital on May 24, 1966. COMING EVENTS IltB11.00;: siel l otnccd, $1.00. We MASSEY HARRIS 4br si-e il A. ~ m.'ays aie hatteries our mut-t cals andlî-,ke, as sicel. iss good cosdiion, ________________________ i,. rntruicks-. Milton Tire ast- Radi,,- $125. NElsun 4-6057. 4c5-496, Danetiii.e o Legion audilur- nay D y are jlur Sersice, 191 Mill Si., 878-2711. AE 1îraioul4,go ENGAGEMENTS 'tom Frit-ay-, Jure 17,rom 9 pns. Pn " lcifil t 9-itliiiît. Reasosable price. tu I a.m. Joli Be rry orc hestra 1 ray-_-_ays Mr. and Ms. It-aoc Mison:1 (lseiu-i and modem mut--ic.HGUSEHOLD lurishings: 1' Plonc Gergeowusn 877-2074. are pîeased buo nsounce the en- bSi 2481 v, ithct-îterlield suite, $95; kilahesi 4c4-603 gagement of Ihir eldesi doogh- -- Mse-eg onad tore. $35; I 48' costisi.t lbcd. JAMESWAY ilo usîtader'1. ai-' er, Dianne Marie. tu Mr. Laur- HI-Ro y Curt-h gardes140-I1cutîce itabte. $I5; end - -get teeder. usuutlk ii-ut-cretu ence John Barrois,aIt-o of Mii-,- pou v. Saturdav, Juse 18. on the New Idea Hay Tools tble. $10; I Su.,ndusavi ail rvg ' lient.- Johnî Ridgcuy 878-6175. ton. The mrriage vill ake place church pruperty. Soppcr t-rvcd - huîe aîîd asîste. h's 9, $40. I t4c-3 on 'aodtJnc2.i a-nd penny sale. Ramn or shise. BEFORE YDU BEY SER ai,tl ssî,uýple chi,-SI5; bicNcte. c-3 Anglican Church, Milon. - c6-422 Mtstev - Iorgus-u balei't. Eul,,ns gldcer, 26"- isîsi,. It-c-ut BADGER bar i tcuscrt-, silo uts- 3pt- i. st-h .and st-emieuiud lc d . S35. Cash ti u suut.N.Pîsuse ,,, ale udîî uio.iiitic tceujisg: Dtnat-h Preshstc-iiti Chsrch sîsuiers. 07229 l-5 26 cqtipilicitt. Eal.. E. Sîsoîs 79-6406.' %%it Ihase aiiopeni air sevice ,it -3- in,,t 44,s%ilici- & îîkcs.-4857 Mr. and Mr,. Douglas Seelcs Klsu Paîrk ai 11.30 asi-Sondas,, Nt-s'est- d a i,utrsssovssc of R.R. 2, Putlunch. arc pteascd juse 5, loliosîed b hie Stusdu uloidtoses& Fieliks C.IN ~ F ~ Iox tsî .T-e t.îis e P ins annntinscitv n0aemt of ýt" thatpu-i --il ...tage Ss1iNîtG.E.R their daughler. Mredith Joan,' to Daniel William Nelsons Alias.' The pupt-itf te Nrth Hal- son ut Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R.,tniti Sit-iine Scîsoue aie holding- Allan f R.R. 3, Milon. The mar- tlut- r znusu,îtBt-ai an,îd Tcu ai - riage te laie place June 25 ai ficît ctlooal uit Fiidat- - Jouie 10, Mounlsburg Bapisl Churcb. toim 2 lic 5 t-s. b5-514' i.StSit-i't-tcsAnglicani Chîres,ý 'Mr. and Mrs,. Gerald Caînrus Hurrîîbs Cemeter-v and Mecmorial: Twiss ut Milton are plcaeat-c u D,î Se-esce %t-il u eheld ai 11.15 announce the engagement of lhcîr I.m.. Sîîdus, Jonc 12. Lunchcoss onît- daughler, Pat-t-Anse,tel folloirint tit--t-ovit-e. c4-540: Mr. William Donald Camp-bellM, aî r. iasArlr Ison of Mr. and Mrs. Murdo Nur-1 ut Milton st-lt! culebrate lhciui man Campbell of Milton. Thej Gotden Wcadisg si hleb îhraions: wedding wilI take placo on 5,1- i 1te tome ot Ms -,ssd M rs. G'i urdat, JuIt 2, ai 3.38 ut-lot-k. sndits Turner, 56 Jusmaur Drve, IKnox Preshylerian Church, Mil.,Strceîsritc. utns 5,i-rdav. Jssc 1 i' ton. .tr..:sî2 taS.5îand 7 It.,99 Relatiss ________________ ,nd tîîends tc-iisiie-. Gitis' Mm, and Mrs. Thomnas Possvr o rtt iiltu lot-tcitîcd. c4542 Oblaw-a it-h te asîîîausice t i e M.,îtttît Fiicside Cuetiesit-. engagement of titir sou utct-t iti . Iilse? ti-luit iltl-i- daughber, Elles Juan, Iosi-M.'sî.îîî culuctet-Ifi% Mi. M.S. James M. Bîssonsîeltîl ofMilton. -'K etît t-liai 11Emmîîanîuel Bat-litI sonof Mrs. Elizabeth Bîss.ossoe tti--btiticho Sîîîîdus,.J3t-ic5,it 8.301 of Bockvillc and flic labe Oscar' t-m. Special mst-t. Retust1i- Bitsonnette. Tht- wcddisg lu faite tvcîît-. Ati îîeciii diatis itîilculd place in S. Thonsas Aquitta-. Spoiii:ietl5v fliteChrst iatnîLayt. Chuch, Ottawa, 0on Satuidat-, ici's Caliiiisittuccat Miilton. Juit- 2, 1966, ai Il oclui.kt4-561 Milton i ,iit i Il iusiitii IA. OEATHS oittit t-Auusiuî s Aîîîîo,,Stut-tet Pas iv %titîtbho setti .1Mcrrv- broui Faîrn tîs4h Lise. Etqiet-- FRICKER, William - Ai Halloît i. ,tnd .51s1Sidlc-îud,uts Wed- CentcnniaI MarrMilon,.un sc-lit-..jieis8,1966. il 6 Sundat-, Mat- 29, 1966, Williams AI] l îeihet s lire isîvietIolui. Fricker, formcrly of Adtos. inihit- ten isl.tltii)brisît- ipîsseîs 8fth t-ar, son of the oice Mr. and mneiithel- il, a t-lct-t. lt))i,ttite Ms. Athr Ficker of Londons, îî rtljie cloîstiait llai lic iji. England. ioi. c4521 M. Fricker resled ai the Rom ley - Shooemaker Funerat Horne,i Acton, Funcrot service %vas 1 FORSAL in tIhe chat-el ai Halton Centen- FRSL niai Marier on Wdniesday at 11 arn. Interment Evrgrccn ceme- 83.YS bit-ycce, 26". 878-9263. test-, Milon. bl 1 c455 _________-. -SIGNS ut tIi kiîud. Ray (Sot-v ROBINSON, Keibh D. - At tho 8782150. Iitt-431 Oakvillc - Trafalgar Mc'itial tURnNI:Y 40"s t, gt-luit-I Hospital, att Thorudat-.Mat-2t), ditils fPit-sc 878t6104. 1,4i bI 1966, afler o short stîncs. Keth b,. Robinsoin, 1173 Sith Lille, f.IlIS bhi. vite. 28" whcrls Y Ôtkville. hlovcd hoshand ofLl RoberitiSi., Mltoi, t-bome 88 luabeth (Betty) 'Piddînglon. drar 926-3. c4 522 fathen of Robert, Michael and Me-- - - - die; aso urvvedhy oursisers0JRAILER - siceps ,$500 on hest die; asesurivd b for istrs lir.8783129 beimeen 12 sous and two broîhers; in is 48t1s- od 1ad3 t-m. 1 c4-537 year. 'rivle fuseraI siervice w as' REFRIGERATDRS, ahl sizes, held Saturdat- mornung. itr- tulît- guarasioed, trics fr ont $35. ment St. Judes cemtent-, Oak- Godîcî's Hardware, Gorgetomn, Ville. 877-2551. 1649-268 Enter Massey-Ferguson's Hay Days are Pay Days' Contest Yu zulsas-buy t- er st SEWING MACHINE SALES - SERVICE R E NTA t PHONE 878-6861 puis iiitisclsut i a-t Sii.tit- 00 bTt rciinc Rd-. 4c8-558V FORD tî,.t-t.r tutti Deirborn' lui-te 9999;. Milton Equipment Milton Fabric Centeri Co. Ltd. wtce îeervit-e our sabet- anud 1ix tlic resi. Phone 878-2121 or 878-2122 1b4 ENJOY A PERSONAL PORTABLE TV. THIS SUMMER Choose Froîn 11lP - 12't - 16"f 19'# - 21"r IN ZENITH WESTINGHOUSE ELECTROHOME DUMONT PRICED PROM $129.95 '10 $29995 CHASE'S HOME APPLIANCES 181 Mill st. 878-3221 Services and Repairs on I makes of scsting mat-ises. TIP-IN TIRE SALES LIMITED BASE LINE - HILTON Dominion-Royal Tires and Batteries coulîe i cid sc l ic iist UNIROYAL MASTER Thc e li us. huie soi iici . USED PASSENGIER anud FARM TIRES 99c and Up USLD TRUCK TIRES In ailti/ct-. 878-3131 ANYTIME If but-v CALE 878-2367 24 Hour Service I3ALED sî,8r 78-3119. 2c4, SPRING PLANTS *FLOWERS *VEGETABLIt-S F-or t-aur Sprng plantîng. Coul VAN DE VALK GREENHOUSE R.R. 3, Milton. 878-2100 CARS FOR SALE '56 STUDEBASCER, running. honte 878-3417. 5c4-512 '58 MERCURY. bent offer. sonc 878-9958. c-6 1954 'P*LYMOUTN, good run- ng order, $100. 878-9069. 5c4.499 I3 PONTIAC, in good condition, 995. Phone Camnpbeîlviîle 854- 87. 5c4-526 '58 FORD Fairlane 500, motor, td hody on fair condition. Ap- v 70 Main St. ,s[lcr 6. 5c4-519 1957 VOIJKSWAGEN deluxe, suod mechonical shape, good tir- s$275 cash. 878-2257. 5c4-493 1960 BIJICK Elîccra, fully pow- -cd, gtsod condition, $88. Phonc gillois 878-4765 Saturday. 5b49-270 1958 CHEýVROLET 2 - door. andard, 6 cytinder, vcry cican, in excellent condition. Best offcr. Phone 878-4846. 5c4-602 1959 PONTIAC Parisienne, 250 p. molor, powcr steering, pow- or hrakcs, stick shift, custom made hool. oasily financed. 878- 22. 5c4-534 1962 PONTIAC Parisienne 4- doui. 6 cylinder, aolomatic, oiwer steoring, regular plus 5055'v tirrs. milcage 49,150. one onr. good radio. Private sale. No Irodos. Phono 878-9938. 5c4-606 1965 WAGON, Ford country se- dais, V-8. oolomatic, power steer- sng and brahos, cloctrie rear win- doW, ail estras. encollent condi- ion. Must selI. Owncr grtting company car. Phone 870-667. 5c4-554 For Your Next Car .. . TRY BUCK HAMILTON AT BELL BROS. 87"-380 6 BUS. OPPORTIJNITIES 8 HELP WANTED Business Opportunity FULLctime sommer employ- metloa office requires a nIe- Sc to $1,00 STORE, in a Bruce nographer immediately, accurate County village, population 550, typing essential, shorthand pre- in a good airicultural arca, 15 fcrred. For appuiolmenf, pIease miles frise larger stores, brick caîl 878-891. 8c4-601 l-storcy buildingI1' x 90', hord- wood floors, uLII basement, STOP Worrying about debîs. new oil furnace. Total taxes Pay îhcm hy giving Rawleigh $278. 1965 sales $26088. Show- service in Milton and Halbis lng an excellent profit, Omner counly. Eslohlîshcd routes. Wc wtshen ta retire. will hclp you if you are a hard For furthor information phone workcr. Write Rawlcigh, Dcpt. F- HIARVEY McCIJRDYTARA 284-815, 4005 Richolieu, SI. Hcn- 934-2567- y Monîrcil. 8c4-175 Represcotative Wilfred Mclntee & Co. Ltd. Rcaltors Walkcrton, Ont. 6c4 7 WANTED RIDE tu Brampton, app. 8 am., relurning 10 Milton 5 p.m. Gail Thomas 878-9958. 7c4-515 WOULD lihe ride f rom Molfat to Adtos and hock . SIarI mork 7.30 tu 500, Monday Ihroogh Fni- day. Phono 856-4398. 7c4-937 TRANSPORTATION 10 Rex- dlate, vicicily Simpsons-Sears, ar- rive 8.30 ais., bcave 5.15 p.m. or approsimato. Phono 878-9203. 7c3-487 LIVE POULTRY, GOOSE AN-D DUCK >FEATHERS, feather ticks. Highcst prices. We cal. Wriîe I. Zener, 776 Coltege St., Toronboo.r phone colleet LEnnox 5-0724, v- ening HUdson 5-2030. 7cf-418 WANTED OId Hay and Straw For MuIch Chudleigh Bros. R.R. 3, Milton Phone 878-2725 9 EMPLOYMENT WANTED DAY care or wechly care for children in my home. 8784704. 9c4497 WOMAN mold lihe lighl house- kecping or haby sitting. Phono 878-3698. 1 9c4-473 10 STUDENT EMPLOYMENT GIRL, 16, Commercial sludenl, isishes sommer emplot-ment. An- ni Nielsoen 854-2529. 10c4-559 BARRY MAHON, grade 13 sto- dent, reqoires sommer emplo-- ment. prenious larro experience. 854-2227. 10c4-541 12 FOUNO BLACK lemalo pop. 'May- 22, hrown l.t centrail Milton arca. Phone 878-6837. 12c4-525 13 FOR RENT CLEAN comforlable room. 878- 2053. 13c4-551 FURNISHED room for rcnl, gontloman. '.78-6587. 13c4-532 2 LARGE Iront ronms, kitchen anîd balhroum, central. 878-9908. 13c4-553 LARGE ront, suilable for 2 gontlemen. 358 Main St., phono 878-2729. 13c4-ff4 705, COMFORTABLE furnished ruum, soui gentleman, cenîralt- b ocaicd. 878-3184. 13c4-562 G ET MAN HELP WANTED rtailT-Ss ___esrvcc HA HýAN tuReSSr, -ahtochivkilk 87-20456. 13c4f-42 EI~~L fuIl Iinsc..VogueMSlon tolmsn HdoarKi8id7 Phn G RAT EMPlRonCEDEs 14'dr - rom 9l 1ad ller 7, 878-6126 or, $190lt-ornhour. Pleut-e caîl Aon 853-2238. 8iec 5 01e e. 7-25. 13c44928 DEA L 88-A1.845 ARTMENTeliscntingdr4 m, kit- E Prît- uumaslive in. 878-9289. 2437 , 87 126 8b5-53853-230. g44556 196 Cevolt mpla MADLEaor loma ors-ou Id ako EXCELENT, pavingr, oodt Reed Redfrtces ,bthudaiedr urs se le- Convertible a lamilY lu ssork in greonh'uosos.0Ok ilte 844-6565 hefore 9 or ai- lie8, uiselcra io, osîs. s rhiIeisa l y - 6438. - o 8 -1 br 6 t-m. 13c4-500 ke .,, p - ae. . FIfla,-, SHEne9al,,lrîo.m8h5-564; t.,t tsroîe, a- iiig -a ssi raîsît .s.Lue 16151.D 3!edo bus I l, 1250,îîvp. Hotbart hIle sîcîder ut b350 Ilb. oil 195Ceret mp C. ult-c-Iutp. 150 isoun, at-k- 195CerltIp a l,200. Sitîe et 826-2005. , Sedan 4c6-548, V-g, auîîîiatuc. radio, poser ----et ing, pusi-on bnakct-.wibie- I-OR SALE isabis. nsheel dit-ct-.undernsens 12' Swather c tair urirranb5.. Lic. H 191317. 1964 Pontiac Parisienne JOHN DEERE 215 2 Door Hardtop -idl or 2 t-cusuns. extra knic. V-8. ,uuhosîatlie. radio. pois-dr s% calivut-tct-. Per-lctltoieu-,t-ieeeinsg. s s-or nrake-, white- t-onk. wrhis i i sth blacki inter- trathcona Orchards iîur. Lic. 270284. (iitt---s5Eti ut lantu, 1964 Mercury tlý)j i-utcHti îîgtsîî 634-3217. 4 9 Passenger Coîony Park -- Station Wagon V-8. ,îîîonsatic, radio, pois-e r 'Hay Days are t-ucuiusg, puo r lbrakot-. ushite- Pav Days" il,-. isecl dises, lucalîto- PayDou- c. Lie. X 1490. mt ili v and Used Hay Tools ,,11963 Voîkswagen Witcustirtanîd uiic-salt.neu-v ýAiIon quip ent ctcîuu coundition. Lic. H 10070. ~iIto Equiment 1962 Pontiac Co. Ltd. 2 Door Hardtop :c ui-l i tise til5ii -l ot-I tut-d V-9, .suîoî.iien ssmti t- atnd I1tiiiuieit t nsiscc l it-ev. Lic. Il 17707. 13A 1 11'RS Net-s IItthtttit. 1962 Chevrolet 2 Door (thuser P. f.0.'Aliai.mitwls IV'eruu Co lt- b PIs-t--i-v cli,îîî llîoogîsoul. Lic. Interntional IP:.o. 22192. RAKES 1959 Meteor ii ecie 4-bar. %Ishcel rîkc. 4 Door Sedan MOW[IiRS V-8, aloiniîs,ib.radiu, wnitie- .u-ttuoui .3-11. Isiitil. us.ults Lic. 608125. X(uuu- îu-tlus. tl1ake ai- Offer C On TIîosC aI t-lji t abir. c,îb. m terr )% coutu lîc.îd. R e e f ceul t goud 0t-let-c raclur> LIMITED We liivt-bluitsi. Vur Clisvrotet - Oldt-mobilo Phone Chevelle Dealer 378-21 21 - 87 ,8-21 22 Onstario St. S., Milton 878-2393 4b4 5t-- quired for G.M. decalerssit-,agecondilios. Wrile omner. post oi- su barrier. Appît- service maso- lice bux 789, Milton. 13c4-552 ger 878-2355. 8c5-516 BANKING CARRER - Young nsan, grade 12 or 13 graduatc sn-, 14 WANTED TO RENT leresîed in a positionitilîui excellent future. Contact J.. BUSINESS ssaîsansd Iamilv Semple, Bank of Monircal. Mil. îî-,îîsî 3 lu 4 bedrouîss home. CatI ton. 8c6-566 878-6237. 14ctf-471 Experienced Miltons, icacisr ai bbc O.S.D. Re- i pis Box 65, The Caîîadian Chant- Heîp Wanted piots. 14c4-511 Heavy Equipment roFAM L u 4rc-uires 3-scd- Operators H'i.iiistioti-Bransalca a,îca, a- i u tecnant s,. rclicicet.,îsc NeprO- Ash i ettsii Io ett. ,Rot-lt-Bux Nu. 66. Tise I.,îî.t-i,îCiaii hà Iiu. 14t--2.l RLD-D-MIX CONCRET E BRotite St. N., Miltoni. Bot-t-non 8 ii.îî. antd 5 16 SERVICES 1ROIOTILLER sers cous. Phonîte HELP WANTED 1878-2422. 16c6-530 F E M A L E BRICK, st-bib .and block usorli, itoîttaicet- cliisstîevs ctustom Assistant To builtihoises. Cati Pries Mattonrv ICtisslructiois, R.R. b1, Camspbcell- Th M na er c l e 854-2672. Ihctf-531 At-plvis uts sîbug, t-bailig ect--i- ROTOTILLER itIl peratur iecsccatnd qualifk-aîiîsv, o lt-e ,be.$350 t-e isuse Iiii 11111cage $3.501. Caîti 878-2756 Eatons Order Office \irecîds alslîer b t-tii. ait-Ial Maîin Si., Milton.s . 1Yutîtrctteaisu. 16e4-494 8c4 i FU tAsAI LLIENs MACHINISTe Wiils goutrai îmachsinse siot-cx- porionce. METAL FABRICATORS Ls.pecrenced ini lassou asîd ct-i structiisetolighh nissollat-tcil lN-. Abiity lu ncad blsepritîls c Is asti. Sleadvijobs %viih esceiheat ut- gos and bcîîcfils iîschoding pois- tson tlais,1 PHOENIX MFG. CO. L Milton, Ont. PHONE COLLECT 878-2818. Conliacior >Plat- ig, Cernent Wonk 0 Ciinîcvs and Fii-eplaces 0 Esiciior Stucco 0 Pbaîsîring Rot-airs Phone Acton 853-1818 Ihoîf PACONI >ead Stock Removal LIMITRO ighesb Cash prices for dead or disabted comi and hanses, âcence No, HGC 349C65 226RP65 Phone -ZEnith 9-7950