Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Jun 1966, p. 5

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30 -lot subdivision A PRIZE-WINNING ENTRY by Milton Lions Club ai the District brother John maintained the necessar1i 100 ihs. of stea m pressure "A" convention parade in London Sunday brought a third prize for the entire parade. Of 323 entries, whîch took three and a to thi. club, and ioads of pubiiciiy for the townu of Milton and haiS hours toi pass a given point. the Mlton Lions were honored the annuai Steam-Era reunion. Theme oS their entry mas "Milton, to receive o third prize and they were ivîervîewed for a la Host Town 10 the Annual Steam-Era Show" and thousands saw TV program ater the parade. Lion Fred Sargeunt look the abone the entry. The Milton entif was eomprised of 20 Lions majorettes photo of masqnereding Lions Sam Nadalin, Dru McDoweli. Vano led by Miss Cathie Hooti 12 marehing members of the local Mauro. Mai Smith and Lion Chief Ont Mowbray 'pullîng" the Lions Club, a 50 horsepower Rnmely traîtor operated by Sher- Rumeiy and caliope while a large crowd looks on, Below, the wond Hume oS own, anti the familtar sream-operatedcoialiope caliope anti signs promoîing Steam-Eru are showv mith local loanedt hrough the eoarîesy of Minnie Thomson Memorial Mos- ehiidren ridîng on top. eum of Sraîford. Dune Thompton operuîed the calliope and is -'Photos lîy Fred Sarqcanî Shonhuayded Sox hmaeden hy Duadus Aler liî'îiîîg ini tine penitir. niances i îhî'iî iiti ti iiiigs. tti.' sîititlî,îîdeîi Mitit Redi Sus I sset'nrI hoibei tf) t in Dutnîlas un IThtsdat.esnning. Pisying wilb loutt litsnA/si te inn uip. plie, a pair ni neti' corners, iti' Sos sut ilc11ia lt/il -~oi i\ trolltL iiîitîîî ii lit, inii e * nîund antd ut ttggnct %%itu lit, titi i \% -tii hi i idl ' t' i Ih litittgtaiiitutii leic/J 'lb\Im en le iai ii,2 tltiitt". tîtîli oi n d tit iti tl itiii (M.Denyes pupils enjeiy Name six champions nal scheeI field duy ~+r)i, r,.kr-I mei By E. Riley On Frîdas J. M. De nves sîî- dents participatet in a field tiav program designedt luselect \iit- ners for the cnming inter-Sîhutît field dat' sompetitions. The progratm of esvents. \in ners fabulatioîn anît covipeti- ions sîneecapabts htndleîi bs Mr. Besses anti Mn. Rttiatas sisteti by the stait. Thre winners dioplayeti poiti ski]t anti spnnlsmanshîp antd tbey etpect lu preseni qoite ý chattenge on Wednesdas%. The% deserve oun besi support anti admiration/as du tli thîtte ti li touk p/rt /ntt put lotit hu' best effort. Interniediaie Boys 100 yard dlash, Robent Liwr- ence, Terry Ruwley. Marras Gi- lins. 50 sard clash, Robent Law- renne, Ters Roules. Dive Mon- gan. Rnnning bruati ump. Terny Rowtev. Walter Mciv. Peter Ri- berts. High jump, Sînven Fusai- choit, Mark Ch/se, Tenis Rois- ley. Cali ibroîs, Robert Lau% nince,'Peter Roberts, lents Ruts. les. Intennediae Girls 100 yard dasb. Patsv Pesniah, Brenda Scbultz, Betty Hamilton. 50 yard clash, Patsý P esuitik, Brenda Schultz, J/net Gilites. Running bruail iump. Ca/dtte Pbetps, Paîs Pnsniak, Janit Giliies. High lump. Fatsv Pnes niak, Sandna Roui, Claudette Phelps. Bau tbnîw, Javel Gîl- lies, Karen Timhie, Sbarn lait. Junior Girls 60 s.îîi îclash. lots Couîtsnn, Dehhîe Robhirîs, Shîntet Cbistii'. 33 sîrd ii,sl, Lii, Counîsun.Deb- ic Walilet, i. 'ki SclitizzelEtîn- tig iutiliîtnp, Sîîsîin Arbis. titis, îîlîa Dehhîe Vuliien. Htgh ii p, \anusî Martin, Sus' ý.n Aitsc, 5Vilt Sîistui. B/lt tbn,ti. Vichi Sîiisî;ei. Pîîîî Smitht, Anna I/illais. Junior Boys 75 s.înîi iasit Dasid Rotberts, Raîtîts EImilttan, Sînsen Knuss vs 4i t)i ii.itit. Datid Robert- -un, RanisEHtamilitn. Tîmaîb Baittes Runîîvîg h tîttci lump, Liii Fiatitie.Datvti Rubertison, Mike Piearsto. Iliglit amp. Dav- id Robherts, Steven Knoîmes, Cliiles Alstaik. Balil throw, Bruni Tsns'î, Ch/nies Alcîîsk, trail Juit.e. Baniain Girls 60 %suldalit.itlnt ee. Titi- ils 1.tins, lean laikiuik. 35 Ntîîldttsh, Vîîkî Bird. Janice Le/, Mormn Sctze. Running brî.itiivtnp, VickilCui. ,Sheila Wilta,ts Kint St. John. Balil l ttis, tavle Cross. Dehie Wiisctu Carol Anne Cttlen. Banlain Boys 60 sîrd dish Tel it Cotîsens. Dalie lIai titien. ii/ l Ptidu. 35 stnîltiaisi, Bt an Plasidit. Mai- tet l'iitard. IDale i/e-nden. S.onnititg bîaî tilmp. Chrisîtoph- e iiil'un.FPaul Spîîîît, Stesen Hîîkaîîssîîîî Bailli tttus, Paul Sptii,.Robhert Butrke, Date FiLirn tien. Escitin,. linissieri thi r'il (Athe dilst theiW.1. i It Juveniles win over Irindale Three rusninthe insi thi-ce mitre l' it e hird and singles in the fourth, ith /nd sislhin ntnirsgs bnusted the Milton Red Sos Juveniies lu a 9-7 %sin tîet Erndale on Sundav afiernoon. Thre bard hiiiing Sus pountict tint nine sale tins i'n route tite %in. Eti MeLeoti singieti. Donc Cîtventiaie douliet, Frank Ber- i/ssn sngied andi duhinît, Murray Daisson singietiîs tiee anti dtubleti and Leon Stiîkie singleti anti Ron Pattî-rsititfur the winners. Bob Leu stanied on the motînîl for Miton anti tasteti se mnin-t tiitgs. liteailtissetievn run, ns ive its. strttck oui 11 andl sî'lk' eti four. Richard finisiieti up and attuwed one bit anti nil nns. He struck ouit to. Stihitltil ul,îîadîîi a î-ecîîls \îîîîthete.m siv hem s traiingîîîc t iilite I i .Iti lls c 1. le Iiii i i ti' îîîîî sii i e g l '.tic ti -oo'ini ,a i ilt îîîî lî'ittti titi tit Iliter Fîthlit scSîîîîî Foiiowing are lire csaion, ti.it. i/tiL-èiirip;B,îîî,îî ijitîs.Ritet I'i'Itet Junio Girl, s.Vivitia huindittil;io Hu%, is. (iit 'liii lt/t î,îte Btiss.Rîsîs 01111011î1. Betsiail' itîttiti îlt.,%%e tutii'd tin 'n\tlitttlîtîîîeîîîîth Viiatinit hSttti.ittt ilh tilt 'L -1' t'up iof Set S'ouitilt i fiitiiit ua s.I!itnvc ler te iseeîiittial Relut L'îînsesîiî,tn Atca sought on t)VSI I.I' i Mtl uit Cutiîil un Mtîttday by BilutSiaîtte, oi. tur lui Kt«uigeraid Moxey, uwni es utIllte prupetyt, but nttie tinrmastken tuilit t the cur- t'ent "'tteee" un subdivisions. Mr. Sbtrrpe pointeti nuit bis clienttsss.re witlingtoiinccase ihvincnil. lie espiaineti captital t'unit i itittitoiin Btîllitgtuti icîti. 40i antie- iou' $700. Inti Lkilic i/i i/tinge I tuti$400 u i$600iti, unii i Gi-trgelowtcîtIlii'i areu 'liii $400. llite buvttlt'ts areiintei'îstedin ,ttii'ing -'tcubivutisiun sur Lis possible,.titis linig oit îsîîîîu' Si. Lire- 72 fuel hl Ioniein [lie ttiurngarea tire 50 luert.'Ille ai-eautîîildui bservcit t5 a diad-etitl tatiutnt Fies- Jol Rît. Mn. Shtrpe titi/ilflic,'6.32 acre ot5i/in aregii.eetntin lti sîîtivisiîîn antI hati srvires tt'ttlefrntttitiiniig strceis '*ihe area, subjent oiii u-a pic% ittt uititi ti i ,,iS tt.i Angels, Yankees lie in minor opener ITte Angeit atid Yanikeets bt- led to a 5;5 lieii ihe opeîîînp titme ol Muittin Mi titi Basehtli Assoîiti(n "B" Iîcgueplis lai ivrek'. The Anguls led t3t1ithte cn ti hi-thiril i ttii n iiriin, In Chartlis S Ai ok. St iei t ilo anl d and Wvne Wlîttrn.Tîte litMm TSurniiier In tirefomrgh ittitflici Yank ce cu intrlli43 a, Rît t i-iti"i i [/ltiti Plate. tii Illiali ttu.Ille tt liail n ti ii, . Il t dl m ii it l i l "'.1mît Attiett itî'it t up (uit.1 rîtti i Wtas'tt/Sliarnttin [liei bîitîîîî of Illte sccnth. Bronte St. ut aland cmmeciast n tt i)eîîîiv Reeve C. Menefy flip- lî ier tc"Ille sîtrolment pî'îjec. tion lorntbe bigh schoui over tlle nesi il ve veats, anti soggesi- ed i sapital contribution uf $1,200 tir even $1,500 per lot mîtultint intake anueirer devel- iii u loit i ilule. g iî' l t ttuiiil i es' e lm titrei' ititi s iii' cli liei al- tlce ut tililtisîle Genorge' )%uas oltet'itg sersiiet in- cttu la tnd ai $1,000 ait acte. 1l appears eounii s nuit pret- lied Io commit ittemscives*, Cotiuiiior Job non observedi, tn le siiitttt'tetit'et I lnm he nmeeting. "i i ulypeuple mho profil fruit a tiewsi îdivisýiun arc lte deviluper andl the tuttiest/le peuple", Couîilur Jîîhnsîîn contitiunul "Mbhere aie peuple going It lise.9' Renie A. Ledu'itb asheti. "its up la the hiphen lormi iii gtitet'nt'nongtlu linuluie tther oas tif meeting stisis lke ecliitiiin", C'itinciioi' Joahnsonî Il wj i ost îîîî' Illîe Plinîîg WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIALS AT West End MEAT MARKET Ciosed Mon, Open Ail Day Wed. Open Thur. anti Friday tlii Wr lrature Redi Brand Beft We Serve t h. East End, Tee ROSS HOLMES, Prop. -- 1 The Canadien Chamýpion. Wedneriday, June 1, 19665 A"<s u*-12.5 The Mets andi Gianlo openeti tthe scason for te National L-eague wHih the 'Mets 'Esking thre first game 12-5 ln te Milton Minors. Bruce Adanison, John Volpe and Brian lvottrs rurneti n soilid, pittiting Il'rhe Wîfloerls with Aneijo inkarch chargeti witbi the toits. Outstanding per- formers lor theMcts were Mikc Ford, Brad Evans, Bob Ctteskey and Bill Tardiff, with Broce Shannon, George Presniak, anti Ray May standing out for the Giants. Boarcl etai'mraii iassvîîtkiiig unt a tepuit on wttat st/e ni capital contribution is requiti-t o meet cufis. Merniers agreeti tttev htottldi salilfor titis t/test pro)pos . Roglers roll antarest grows Ssvelting crowds indicale grtawirg it teresi on ruiler skat- ing ai Milton Arena. Lasi Tuds. day nigbu coller skating wâs itel i n Miltron Arena for the lii-ti tinte aJd164 liersons attendi- cd. Thîiiav evdning 73 attend- cd ant i Surday enening 130 attentict. Arena manager Larry Artir- reportînîl bat un Saiurday ove- ning tome hadti lu alt in 'in li. reliti kaies. "Ilis going over %t, %'t hu'I lt Cieti ie/ior treatinent sviiiidî'îgs, is a major fieldi of ctancer research anti is oeo f Irle avenuîes ireing expioreti by t esearcli Supporteti bythtie Can. tdian (aner Societs. Financial Assistance Available For a FARM POND To encourage the construction of Farm Ponds, lte Governinent of Ontario will pay 50% of the cnet cf an approveti pond. up te a maximum cf $500. This financial assistance in available 10 farinera for: *CONSTRUCTING A NEW POND *IMPROVING AN EXISTING POND U arrOI,. oserait pose Csnniy Aaniesitse Repreesentatie OR Agtealisesi Enineer for iinreration, app5liton forir., andi arie. OntrosOereterent Ontaio sDepariereni of Eoergy of Agiuture andi Resouseer, Management ons. Wr. A. Stearst, Maistten SHrs J. R. Simonett, intelr NOW OPEN Wash Your Car For OnIy 25c. It's Fust, Easy and Fun ... You Cau Evon Wash Your Car Dressed in Your Sunday Des?!l FOR THE Sizes 141/2 t 241/2 GUARANTEED WASHABLE DAN RIVER COTTONS $6N; ATur' SUNDAY DINNER SPECIAL CHICKEN WITH RICE SOUP CHEF SALAD $1.25 ROAST YOUNG TURKEY and CRANBERRY SAUCE MASHED POTATOES OR FRENCH FRIES PICKLEO BEETS FEACH SHORT CAKE FOR RISERVATIONS PH-ONE 878-9061 W. Ar Open Every Day Throughout the Y.ar IÀDO RESTALUT 181 Main AIR CONDITIONEO Milon AWE VACUUM only 1Oc 0 SOFT WATER fAk 0*SOAP -RINSE *Vacuum Available f1 ___CINTRALLY OAE -- on Main St. East opposite Milton Môtor sales Cil UK.N lllq=ul

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