Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Apr 1966, p. 7

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j ve ic u tr al bi ct m c a! p fi Services IlR#an eMt.d U1Nms(.ffuil LGI<odud lI411clIfu< R- ~ yof TEN ERSImplément and Sheriff's Sale A. E.Le A1 kidg FedBenet 78Z96.Pony Sale I1 1962 BIICK ta 6e sold hy ýo c4&-3-4796 MITNFR AEAktn Publie Auciion on Mondav, April MTOIS LIMITIED SERVI!CES,- For Sale, waler Milton, Ontario Cati lveqtock ]Excluge 18, 1966, ai 10 arn, Nembersofa the Toronto, Ontario~ ylen.pumpn and sofleners. n9 w. ie ts fGl aewllh e i n avle-TaagrRa enilaglng fain. Phone 878-6175, Sealed tenudern wili b6e receiVed O, 7ll . ie ao IOu Siemi i ed in otîr noraeanOkile TfaarRl ohn kilgeway. c-4744917 6v the tondernigned for the con- and 7 mile-i neni or Freelon, Nvarîl ah l ear ni Jim Bailei BA. EstOae Boards n iucioniiia emei ioe Icar OOD FRIDAY APRIL Sth Serniee Sation, Base Lineca-ind Yer<C Sel SEVCE-Wormsi a prohiem? garage ali lite Milton ire Sa- i mm. Ontaioi Sis., Milton. Ter-nis:t coli. .- f11 evc Use "P=tovin<", the one donc tion.Ponies: hornes and impk-menin. A.RDR PENCE, renimeni for pinwrm, avail-ALRD .S Oakvi[Ie allie iolir local deug ntore. Bineprinin and pecificationn Any one wihing 10 ensnnlatny-Aciner c-48-3-4881 mav 6e ohiained ai the office of ihing, contact the undernigned Aitoer 15 ACRES îlock ~ ~ ~ ~ th >nk ieicn. in n Fic Chier, 275 Main Si., Mil- ucioneer or htiîîg il aiong Io 1he Signecît Andrew W. Frank, <y4t6 Line pieti SERVICES - Brick, so nntn a le. Sherili Coiniv oflalittr. $8,500 oliifi- thi-. ehnice peeo bokwrfrpaechimnev-,. Aîîiîîneer, CARL ROTH, cusomon hili homes. Ciii Prie-i Tenders pl.invlnîrketla; on la48 Wliîlt ,lili. 743-4557. fit irt ;til 5, 1966. ct48,n tiltetil, P ]it" «tilt, <uitDonî hloonrv Coinitiiiti . RN. 1, rîttieîii itilheireceitru l lttiti L i ,,t<,< ttiLk,-li Eompheliiilc 054:2672. 500 î.m., Ptida *V, Api i î6 tîttt SERVIES - c-48-8-4938 The oien i or anv tende~r notý AUCTION SALE Notice of Application and nione work, Einieo r nirccOf Far Implements and Daiey h Campbellville placen boult and repaired, cernent Addre-in tenders 10 Mrs, A Cows fiIno and sidewaiks, remodel- Bnînh, Secreiary of 1he Milton -TIIE CORPORATION 0F- TII AT JUNCTION llng and imal plaqterlng john. Fire Area, Cerkn, Office Milton, For TOWN 0F OAKVîLLE $1 5000, 16 roanti un 3S1iioarn rocek Ed MeMîtlen, 8531818. c-38-1912-tf Ont, c-46-3 MR. DELMAR MACKEY laocei contrele blotck hlomer, 3 -~ --- - __________________ Of RR. 1, Pîieeiinn, sitiaietion t Dispense wiîh a Vote nparale opariment., <iii hcai-i t6e lth Concessioin nf East Fim- o h lcos ing. Reali îppîriîniiitir lit'e NIAGARA Town of Oakville hitit, 3 mile-i cani nf No, 6 I-tmpv., o meciitos i riipeln o-i FamadBsns OR FFRIDAY, APRIL 15th TARE NOTICE TIIATt etp*,prv Farr andBusnessBOAR OF1.15 p.m. Cosutats PAK ANGEEN TP! EMENTS-lH.C. 26-plaie 1t The Cotitli of 16e Corporo- Tom Bradley I Conulant PRK ANGEMNT tîîîîleîîil ini.: itrninalA Ii-.tclnoe ith1e Townît<ilf akville in- 10 Leovesden Place, Haniltion. TENDERS 3-eiion ping lnolh ciii- «<nc o l\ Io i l' lite Ontarito 878-9543 TENDER 713atr; M.H. 2-lîîrnw ,piovw; Muicti.patl Boa.îtrd ,iipîitn.iiic148 38-73 Sealed Tendern piainly markeîi Ctickshuiii Ottiire npreaîer: lnthnecons tnrut ion 1 a o enuti Specializing in Farm Income "The Itaillioitn 0 Iooiiilihln muoer, praver phîmp anti harri-; Police libuiifpildg .iitt-,itnitieii Tax, ai Drîîîîqîîin Park' iii hel-e- <V -<t <u eîiiv.lîîî--,ertilizer udt coiîof S 481,950., -iuh iut Reanonahle Rate. ceinedil«iii 5:00 pm. (Locali tresmer; 700 hale-i hay; 100 *noie-i halli '(le-ra,dI)icIl lei '411tii1 <-<n-i.- i. viiirpa;i1 ot Chrsti&W oocis Nîtailvance ptlimenin. Titoci on Weiunedan, April 13,~ ni,zi 0euarpn. rîli--i îîiîhî<iiii i.p vile Boa.rd oifPPark Mon tpe-t tlelnechJte- ninc t in ccoeiitt 20 -ri REAL ESTATE BROKERS ment. Na. 1426 Ltike-ihire Ruai Nîti; Jernev, ditîe ini Jîne; 2 Jet- _: plaiov]lemdeo 189 Main St. - Milton Dryclean up f0 Went, Ookviile, Ontariolor-the el cani, diti n Aîîg.; Jerev,îî(Ie 1 pleiii iI i«<el HP~ in Sep.,- Ho tein, ue in une; he< i lnîîiii Muiipal Bio-rd lori- 5,810 ul pie itij) 8 lbs, for $2. uppli ,nuîcomplele installat1~ion Sp. lîlen u an dri iin %ihtea- ý-eItýmighm % ai loodlighîn ai the Di iimqiin 3Holstlein lîileri, 400 16< - Here- - itdîntîeennw, oe nd1ert, ,t-ilniiniilittit lîtîme otî FIALF HOUX SERVICE Park SofîhalilField., nid nieer, 400 lhn. anti2 c.ilnc eti iiolite e atli- ik,. Aheu nd Iihe n igti, iinini<ttttim4 Evrvwekdv 0 p Dniqii Pîr nloaîd ui- IUSEHOLD FURNITURE -' t iii t ,idiokAti «i ititlîîîr îvî Evev wekdy t 6p.m, Dumqin ar isloctedwit-1Pi-inn: propane gai niane; kil- r.îiepaver mu\,, niihin i-ienv-nne <ieeibtîh. Titi'htaeriin ini- Thavorda ndFrvi an a mnd cacat of rlqin inePart16efhaot- chen raînge; tuohîng machin,-l.-a, aller the fir, ipublictioîîn iof îiuiiiiiiec<«<itItin iitieL ii Do~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ yorludi enaA e iDimiin nPr iLianti aiher hoiinehilil ootin. -ilittnoice, end b% pont pcepaid a large loi, friendin ourroundingn. Laundro- 6, Concenion 7, Nenw Sarvev, oni TERMS: Ctanh on the da% oni"lithlie Clet k-otiihe TowinnofaiOk- mi reshirîit mai open 24 hours daim, 16he To-innof aI kviile, Pî<n,,0,500 ile a nfudenlevelt k o rin catit-ed ii peciicetlionn and tender docu--Proprielort MMr. Delmar Machev. a -tLeiiing iaiiiig hi-i tilt 11iu MILTON LAUNDROMAT ment. ma-i te eien or ohiaine-il Acioncec: CARL ROHi - ie<ltiin uuîîl appraval andth1e kihîhen nilili Yaîîigttgnlîît ai te oficeof Te Uvlleiîîî,îboadn. lîîll 6:rement tllut 191 Mill S. Milon, 878-6811. a 6 llcnniTeOanle Waterloîo ph. 7434557. grîttinlnIofsîch objection. ltilinnîp-llalttn c4-l IBoîu iiPak anîeeNoc48211- Te Ontaîrio Mniipal Board ________________ 1426 Lakehote Ro.îudW-i, Oaîk-, niî etîlci îîrminîî, lathenfalotle COUNTRYHO E i ille, Onario. r____________________ iHOMES,-iii 6 icîîn1750<ii vii iti 6-t<ti Mito6Telowet or ani htentier-ii l t .1 <iii <ii ie îqîireuî antima\nt nchit,6ni- l lIot1,lit t ,a,,n & 1e.oar <jipi tutlb Lealoth 1e n.iî wtrkn, httilK < i««n. Itarge kilchitrît tnt Costutin o ncearii eiepldhi ~~ i itiît-iîtg -'. il ma-i appoitn utîeîiit ,<i,, fudi COMPANY LIMITED WM. W. BATEMAN, a< nottîrînîlplace tic a ifilic I«,<îî« il îîîthîîr<, 4piece l<ti R. R. 1, Camphellville, Ont, C. Etîincîn Aîmintuîrt<îva N tcIo dtrs ea. ,guhe ait«-ihleci«n- ini iiiîlîtitrcd lîîixet ,tndl tiiv J. . Cornwatll, rh.îîrman. <c48 N tc oCeios 1,cniee.hitinftntic il htnem<-nh. pît CONTRACTORS -INAIFO il lite Tua «tif Oahn-1.e, SPEIALZIG I _________________ In__ th1e Esiale of WILLIAM HEN-; iîii 01h ctitiofIMatc,i1966. \,Iltiît id,îîr u it <t lel Municipaiity Work EV MACARTNEY. laie of Ihel il>:>hn, n ai Residential and Commercial i AaTown tif Mlton, In the Countp .S A FPATIiRSTONF (l keti «<t14 -c-'" Asphait and Concrete Paving i euction Sales -of Halton, retired armer, de- Ti;i < f O,<ki le ARM * Drivemas * Sidewaikçln --ceased, litn 50Ftk îeAnt 7<ieOilpMS e pt i " Sehani Gdrnunds and Service LAI(4aicGep Lnp:tl Sationsiec. CLARNOAL PERSONS honing ni c<472 ii<ie.Ankiîîp $10000, Wackmanship gacantecd for 1 AUCTION SAE e.îînn igairintnh 1eEFniîe ofiili,, 12011 tutt,, ot itiitvîui c<id. 4 -<il two Lcrs. 1abîme name-il eceaned, inhît uit,1 tue iant n home, 2 harrin IN THE TWP. 0F ERAMOSA ion or tabout the 28Atm a lcr-.h-i iani,î. Anking S44.611t1.! Phone 854-9922 ca,,arv, 1966, are ccqîîired Io ntd Ra saeCt Campbellsoille 0f Reg. Holstein Catlte, Moder n i< t i the ame a Iote <tnilý-t- C , ,ýFanMaetotne, nHaan etci.' igned oitttt n i-blo an---- BAil PY-Aî îHuamiltonun Mon. 1011it1liteti Ronue n.î iltnd Cana îi.îv. A1ril 4, 1966, Elizaethî l.îîI nî, Toronaato.,îand lie%,hîîmp-1 <<unilitieiirî l da-italn<titi til <it ficuit- a-tiilli gi ettitin. liii tlie M<îiu l ev; - "Sinte lte ilititce meeting the-girls 1er iiil Dtit<i-(mi.,. fit-rge tav - ' coli rnItdiing. lanti a Piu-,niliWoiidnIoc1k fiveit ni<l< i rnitMiltoiin iiteî in Pt-ttcrittti-h. Ke it.Sit ut e,liiîi î on1liiiîkngiviiig -inn-k-' Drtrî,I Militi;l (utlMin. 011dil i iti-i tikîtîl nýe-i uir Alirtlie--lor «i ofReglina.ti - The fi «<et ,îi rtite îtî-i helîl titi Caoslp Calt Weiieda tinit trniiig lit fle Mc- M,î dur ~,in--,î0tîe relira-ri Kî.rFîtîuiell ittîtîr. hîiernicîiti-ciîî<i ii (0 («<t Gilt Week, - llee*\,Milltit. [lit Mîlltîtt i* l trîlac ,î a ilng dîý ln e I q)in alIo iii heui l .. ____________________________ rnînK. (i li 1<g ,îaîîlgigglinit <i- REAL. ESTATE fContinuedî liaeeît" tti, IIIrtI. cetl- tli7îîlîiîîîî -îilitt itititt E.A. Mitchell ,II<L' tittitiuttiiiiiii iii, 1 <ii 1-ilîîîîîîîn,îîîrî li -- ilile i u itli Rh X LTRS APPRAItI NS - lîtnt,, lie,- limil ie lvnol INSI RANCI-. .î u nd îîîî ipttu -niti 11e <[lie 24 hjtti,,I Si I î,tiîtîi. Siti I l L .tt..1 r;,,, tî-g î.îîî1- lir, anditi aîi, îî ,- ii il.6 Milîînný ELECTRIC HEATING li, -,îîîîl \,îîîîî r-i h e nt Fmt ,gît, -ittnititi kandhciftt il-t-ilt lil i gitiulti,il I BiIt A ýhnkit i ch l it \i rampton, 451-6232 Toronto 677-1314 i,48 181 Egiiniin Ai-c. E. Toronito, Ont. fay, April 6, 196d.7 FARMERS! cal ni îî S t ,îî , lu i tti lt Clttî l Il leIt l i iii. :o o ln Twi ,att ii, ii i pt I lle al- \huîtiiiand a f li -t ilItintîr he Receives Honor Pin A. (G US) At N.Y. University aar.ulr'ara A incîSL î.îilîrcîpirîiî l the ii 5.t iitiishtit ,1436 MainSt. 29 ,îîîî . ltttrPttt I Milton, Ontario itti tl -i teetpin, * PRODUCTS 1 <uti motn te Di inný Mim tinlle çut.tiîiî e SERVICE LT Dead Stock Walnut Ranch Ltd. Crippled anA Disabled Cowis anA Hontes 24 Houe Service Lic, Nos. t33-RP, 28-C-62 Waterdown MU 9-1044 c-12 il PACONI Dead Stock Removal LIMITED Higitet Cash prices for dead or iabled cuti anA horien, Licence No, HOGC 349C65 226RP65 Phone ZEnith 9-7950 C-50-0f Tenders Department of Public Works of Canlada Tenders SEALED TENDERS addresnned lu te Ofliien Manager, 241 Jarvis Si., Room 605, Toîronto 2, Ont- aria, anA endorned "TENDER FOR EXTERIOR PAINTING, FEDERAL BUILDING, MILTON, ONTARIO" iii be received ontil 3.0 ptm. lES.T-i. April 28, 1966. Plans, specificaian. anA frt ol tedec ian te iran, or eue hi tibtained, romth1e Office nf the Carriaker, Federai Building, Mil- ton, Ontario. Tut bc tonidered, cach tender muni bu made an the priniet inrmu suppied by te Deprt- menu and tin aicordance wilh titi co<ndiioetann-l rutthercin, Tle aen or any tender not neceumarihu aire pied. John P. Harle, c-48 Office Managen, USE CHAMPION CLASSIFIED ADS --FOR RESULITS lth1e 2716 uai iltAprl, 1966 . ;l - ti insrin s îeu n rc-i.lahte wdl bc macle. NiihI-n <ii Farms For Sale MATTHEW PARKER univ lui tht ulil,iitn 01notilit- B rîtîr mil Oct- (utîîl.îfrunn, 5f) D ated .et Mlon, t16 1,t1-L ei îî , 3Ss ii' fir t be i h To elhbauionut ah 16e rm, a i Mrth,1966. 1 'tratte- l;it upicd ic eliThe loi 6 tcon. 2, Eramos.i Tmp.,il- MESSRS.IIIiTCHINSON ýI l-tadiiin.til v itur iiiii ualed an 1he rd Line, lrnitii rm I1HOMPSON, i tAtuSîlîrîDî,ri. north ai N. 7 Hin., 2 milesnnenl PO.But- 400. Millon, Ont., WILFRED McINTEE oI R<ik-iood, on SîîIi,î ir, liele ite <tectu- WEDNES»AY, APRIL 1006 bt.rs . c-8-3 & CO. LTD, Comm cncinp ah 12 arn, sharp eErîl h-tutBruîker, 16e lullaning:plcton Riint REG., FULLY ACCRED1TED Notice of Ap lcto HOLSTEIN CATTLE-16e herîl, Harvey McCurdy ton-.istho<il32 head of regrisered, TeLqo LcneAf Dohinîttulun. R.R. caceuna ed, Holtlein catIl. A reul TeLqurLcncCc hue iaii 9342567. choite hame breA herd. .ai coini Lieening Distri.t Nu, 5.1C83 WaterlooîUînit hall-.. C oware a-il ___ 0_ hred o Foxn Bran. Sire Serviteý TAKE NOTICE ihlu Milon htalln. Poil de-cription anA hreed- Cu ln, Chi lub16 teITuuuutiii ýfMiiý ing daten gven on ale day. Tes-l-nlin ite Cîîîîii ii i liailnvil FrSvceadatfci ceti or pregnants. Caltfe eling îeke ,ppliuititn i ,a -Spcciai Cun al harpautl3olck. Meeting of the Luqtar Litnit %K pn, rn. oll; Wenl- Bî,rîlof iiatioIoine-lie l i BR IAN BEST cmn puînn saddle. te Lur,îl tuun, Knighl Halii6 HAY & GRAINu-I 200 hus. of aniiuiAie. Stuit, it,<tiht kiliN Realtor and Insurance heavin mi-icAgrain- large «<<- o«f oilHa-uilion, in te Cimnt. io irage hati-, arrel oI minerai, WenI -ini-t,n Fi idan, te Tîten- 310 Main Si., Milton TRACTOR, THEESHER, FR nttîccnîl day iof April, 1966, uai AFOHRVRTR ,te hour oil'1000 uîlock EST AGE HRVESER -Masey uin te îîrenîîîîn lior-tissunce878-6292 878-6592 Pergunon N. 50 dienel racior, of a Club Lience. for te saleý asng<ud annewmMannev FerguiunaA namîn <i l iqutîr n<îlî 2900 FULL DOWN PAYMENT- 3-larrura hiuraulic pion-: Hergol «<and consompin-îu îne-ttint Mulen3ieiî,îîpî ee S p1-lît ractoruirtlin-.lor: r-mettuit inlled in .L hl i, itutModuern -utiig < il -1.v Graham ctiînelplow, 3 hp., Donîtu INintie t-t1litutu< , thiresiter, 22 nl 38. on rubher, Lis For tee iulluîing premtine-,: litittre tuttian dininutu unt, 2 oh gond an nem; 100' endIenn drine, Mltone Ciiinueg(lt, 65 MiIliiie atdttîl IîtIe lieu n ,ut.,tl nît bell; Feurn Bssel raclar dine; Dri-i-t-.Miitlt.nDiiit.,lîeinp put of lheu bah,îîlîrîîu, 60 i. loit,Cls niel it]andr<tller; ergunon irai- Luth14, l itn tnnut2, Neii Sir- tl uilicîtandîl itglitse.hîîuîh. tir tonnýer, 7' toi. 3li.p-- Mt ney e, of te Tîunehup (et Tî,îitî lutlhpivîe $l5oîi tll«tu i Harris 4-bar ide deliverv ake; gar i uuin fliTowmenulf Milton,.INpavmntSIi 14 P. . & . 1 MeKer lforage harvenler. in flitc Ca tîni i iH.îii roiin MeRe l'rage wagon, PTO., hihtiscntui-c el a unn itte,.$1811 PER ACRE ' -100 acreetor- tininader; M asnev Harrin inuler,, britk,nstne and hîcit huiluding ter lot, 1t mle cetn ui1oii-f 8 cu, on ruhher; Massey Harris n cunia ining a cnrling rink antictub 25, soutuol Au «n. ail bili, jiteavy Auhy fart lwagon- fliai t ay houae tail latililien. creek et., ireailt itidetit mm rack; cireular aw, S h p; iar-h10,acre loin. Linheul pricer 18,000. r ont; Ntew Idea No. 18 tracto<r Anv pernin îsiuen in te lit-(Spen Ilaofller. mantirenýpreader; Wod's ouiroi- nutg istit liu-i<uiiituIthe f er; Iceplin lanning miii- Utinaappiction, amil lie ittuuni, l- iOI MI)NlI'l Y-Ceitit <Il-htl-ý J, pump; power nnow nitaer; 3 P. ibetiouin in iriîiuîg shah lic ilieu eti, tiavi uk it c(ile,,i u- jgrader hlade; Ciiel gardon liai a-uit Mi. f-ivtigr C.OGage, QOC., gaiiuuiiI %v ir tulace ga-ut.ge,- j a fur 6itAieanA coliiolor; irai-he ltuepuin t egini iar ofIlle ilie-t ait,tnliingioouttuitiuge il- n îot puhîmît; nainp patp; nier1 e nning udintit, llua ddri, <încnthen, ceraili iledblton e tor n but-ai: Seiora manurt-iaad- Ban ou iinitttteicBl 1.5 Kinîg Iti lttenin, /Ag.unluealiu. Cr tnr tot'bain;heathotuer; Stret Wnhfamilt.ietlt-unI Dpeituilct. 1- noea lente; lence paîst.; Iimber; hnim 6îu- l< «titga 1900 Sîttl itibitk 3 -tedrotunt suite huuîetr îiuigonds; adding Ilichthlie aîîîîili,ii i, le) lic, utigao, spac ni <ttu-ilivingîuuîtîun, macbine; tent; ftairn C.; 1,11lteu. kilciibliotn ibs. D a IY - edut Millonte. hum29î1 li luietu. I/A gin hu.îlîîg, 60 IL. ci DIYEOUIPMENT- Cham-i nI Mat-tht, 1966. luth. 6h, Nil A. nottigigu. Cai- t- pion 22-c.un balk couloer, ausit««dl THE MILTON CURL INGl CLUB, <tic ifor $1011 P. I. & T. nunlu.: eas neu-; Surge 2-a nil milking tma-LIO D ,iep Lne bhine- mut Woîdn pump; Sicw- 1peu: E. R. R ecî, peientn, nBUILDtIG unL -uelp ie, 3fi an nC îtci prn; <ectrie île-165 Milsitie Dr., Miltnnt. foagDiii)I. iele u- horners; inier-cnit tv-hem; many -47,2 tîn <npi li ae i. îlepnn- otherartiles.pi ut $2,250. r. TERMSt Catit *116 clerk on da of-sale. Owner nt ccnpnnsOi e n case iawmo For AIL Your Real Estate ofaccidenltsaie dav, Not reserve as the act nI sl. ItTIROUCU THE & Insurance Requirements Refreuhmenl hoothh WM. A. GIBSON, Acioncer, WMAT Cal Phone Gueph TA 4-1478,88-69 Harold RoycanA 7 6 9 -FreABa1ptie, eerki. h-41 4C48 878-2095 878-6057 M I iR -utrige k il hutt tutu A litIiilitni kit,01 1 rî t. i al . \lIl l Realtors m.'etJ iluttiir,li-cI.ft «2i imtilt tiI m Exciusïve Area îlu.îîumuîg nplilecl itmenir u iiA and k ttiauîrituna,3 hed- tutti ii, lui ing tutittit \ýl iieiliaî, i tge il aulet kitchen andtiti ltne .mta, lutte-l itulit tit iiik nît imîîkn 1lui t ut ttt iiIII ili lu in,. tg ,îuu.ulu-tl orîlnhtitt ucti i lii li intg mtitIi-i -tir- i ii putce S21.5001. Many Extras lutmtu lmîîmhng raninc i<ih humei,' kuttlmi.oý dui ituittt-n, Inla i ilili-niii bmu-Ituloon . Kna Wiuen tut-i rltiti hîmi mmtira 7ot hî-îiuîmmmun ttti ratiti l ol n-m poo vîul til t a ut E3.m, mi lutin \ou nitl tien A mmiii lut - rellti n i i Io.Laii We are Here to Serve Anitu a uiuuîrmuîmmlu iiNhmes tutid.ti<ettgen, largtetut stili mull', tin hutte. andtIti !-,. Andul il n mu pla I,u ell, lui tuu îunîn Gîlîn %ît iuiluglîiî)N A-NNA CAIRNS 878-6980 340 Main St, E. c-48 Peuple reod lThe Citampion ho hîuy anti bmw The Champion 1 toread. For ppilitîluttlu STELLA PARTON 878-6705 NURSES! WAITRESSES I Wo Carry a Comploe Lino of IIIUNIFORMS lb SHOES 0 HOSE MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE LTD. 200 Main i, milloît 878-9261 ELECTRICITY US OUR BUSINESS Dont 6e a Tinkere wth Electrlttt. Cat' an expert for *HEATINO *WIRING *NEW CIRCUITS *ADDITIONAL OUTLETS *OUYDOOR LIGHTS Por a Frre estimote Cal FEATI4ERSTONE ELECTRIC TR 8-6378 ______________ *ADVICE New Store Heurs Whnyual 0 Closed Mondays your Imperiall 0 Open Ail EsorAgment, y Wednesdays soAetyu * Tues. - Wed. - Sat. cal l nthe total 9 am. t 6 p.m. resources of 0 Tliurs. and Fri. imperial Dil 9 a.m. ta 9 p.m. WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIALS C WEST END MEAT MARKET We Feature Eed Brand Beef TELEPHONE: Wo Serve Tho EasttEnd, To. 878-2381 BOSS HOUAIS. Pop. 0 THIS WEEK 0 CLEARING FORMAI FABRICS 38-45"" Brocades & Taffetas $39 nj$.8Now OnIy $2.98 yd. ARNEL AND COTTON PRINTED CHECKS TERRY TOWELLING 45" Wicle 36" Wide Reg. "' Now 89c yd. R,-8'No 8 d $1.69No98yd Light Weiglit Wools in Pastels 54" - 60" WIDE Begutar Nw yd $450 y. and iUp N (2$.98y 12 Martin St. Milton Phono 878-6861 7=. :Z .......... F- PERSONAL - The Cahadiari Chainpion, Wedrnegd Mr. and AV.M -lryRirhardn and Mr. andilMrq. Reg Tvin i nit iu o el ai lthe home ol t-heir cousians i . . <NFi ,jtoIit ii. and Mrs. Chaien Richardson eVsto W ek d or Marl, le, Michigan, oiver Ile r ii i W w meekuriî andi aitendedti heir 501h Milton 'Rangers are anxioLil w'ctding anniveri-ary. iooking foimard 10 Lanierw'ek- endwien ihe.v hope iii honntILS- ti adtn piih1iýroreaiionn I)v liont BORN (Canlinueni) lcine i nîjpcl 12 pirlnrî,uti'-iinri IiONI -M r.ond Min. lnt (I i'ttiti 'i. [tetji iIl RN. 6, Milton,ai The Ainrîjeon pli le accoumpaiii- pie:ineii i announc the bhii 1 ei v îhrec leader-, expeci itu or- ni Iheir tiaugh rr, Sharon El rive iiatSiriyairoî ieoheih, <nniMhl7olhn O Stinti 'on LntI Iit eiMii an r .Thev Peei flttn1ti,,, (oiknvjlie, (<ilIl ni e vt ciiertidtnd ftii hv Matrt 25, 196<6. A jniri Itirirr M t o-v opn PI tnt-i ttMilî-t tonR ner ttîiit DEATHS (Continuedi k11inal]. Itila i tdl t, er LIo, Rin rîi iMc.lte titi t-n- fr Esso

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