Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Mar 1966, p. 3

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CàpC»k fka tlest Y.., Teother Sourd »days Actioa Wednesday, Match 23, 1966 3 ~hwe C Iktef Itejst ____ ___ ___ta a special speaker for his ad- AII~aa .$15 for mileage in bringing hirn MUI~~altu schoals are ringing wilh m~U D M U Uta Milton and returning hlm to, ang in preparation for the caourt- ~i V ErE Toronto. Despite a canflict af interesi cauncillor MacArthur vated ag- Mr. Hoey declared, "in not îy Music Festival the last weeki 1 hînrto n ciiiso hita elwhpCu.Mr oto h npco;hadds er eotfo h Hay ndconclorMr. nn at Dpuy eeve Hoey and Mr. Mahon caot second a motion North Hallon Division finals are an loter-Sehool Christian Felisse- iMcGown stressed the earlier ap- cassions and delegatians an rau- principal ihat Ihere mas ot sut- Hoeyandcounillr M couAn cllor MacAriu d-cRared ai deaiing seith gravel pts, but ai Acton Robert Little School sbip club was outiord la mensi- praachbhy -Mr. 'Folion and hlm- uine business. concluding by go- ficient interest ta warrant inir- MacArthur, a motion approving 6 ouset of Mathu discio 'hyd ive6 hudt be aliuwed on April 5 and 6 with Miss Ina bers or the Milton District Hig soil' ta the principal clid ot cou- îng ino commiltee ta review ira- donjion of the tive year business the issuing of four gravel pit anîd beied aucito r Mahdscsson shotdo ta viev an 16e mlter Bamen. Brantford, as adjudica- Schoal Board an Wedinesday ut siuie an application for sucb a chers' salary negatiation. anid commerce course. qurr lcece aspase a sbed aolto ta von 16el Mr. v otn efmteddbi. ihllr las( week by William Fulton, re- club. He suggesled the newspaper Board Briefa e Approved installation ut a Monday night's meeting of Nassa- mat ter since he is the amner ofi la second the motion Ibat did Titis is the last year Ihat North gional secreîory ufth1e Inter Var- repart gave the impression the tn routine business. the huard: ilpocseso ntesaf gaeaTwsinoni. agae i.fot cancern bis gravel pli by Haltai and South Haton tesîl- sily Christian Fellowship. esoitO a oeafra Received a renewal of ils board raum. A eia onsing gorael. ai Nove Secnde sîîn.1e5 e a e asm eascae.Pria h or okn cin on application. and the discussions non-amned automobile insurance e Approved purchase of clght dequarrvo licsin thael tasi- Cucla adnidctd6 en sasuc f cm lorlrs oi the separotion oftihe imo flic tapie. detaying cansideration t5erc exploratory only. plc.poeto een o aiu ship bas been honging lire for adperdaseaaeml 6 towsnship - la Burlingluin. miii bc sliscussed ai flic annual of sus-h a club la a fuuemc-Vote Approves q! Authorieed the ollendance raoms in the sehoot. several weseks, but a motio'n piro- coserin, Mir. Malton's gi.tel pi, ibi% sien t esets have au permit tneeting ai tbe Haltan Musie Fe iný as il huarddi glos i s eosepan- teMn~li~rl tedacdyo posesi fis ceutîcilior Ross lu.- [luit hasi ds-vidsd 'lt IL) prOPOse sc Thesisosue ut0 ilICssmv i a Assouiatiait on Mas il i rtssc e sports. .tndî res-v-s- tilrai Assos ieison baci osui madle wssesop loi, intendance officets. don aind*seconded by coutîciltor tl, because ho dtdntî ttsink !le tIout Ille assessînt dset ises lesta Miltott. lî.st.tt nesgstations 1itiotI tel a5 dcisiot est wtethv-r ta seek e Approved poyment of Febea- -Tte enssuat meeting of Mil- William Mahon received the snp- shoulul ask Mr. Mahon ta second flitc pits and quai r's hsg sas, sîtlbisine nil uge.3 Tua lc. -prisino mlbutt i rvacu slaatn.3.3.7 t caisteri ssai f l the hida part of Reeve William Coutiter il and ho didn't tee elîher Mrs. noled the laies derived tram flic iMs contna- unth.0o.. 1re news report of board con- naiing neariy $600 mas included inth vaeriut1ehsia and mas passed., three votes la MacAthtur or Mr. Hocy wauld major pits and qoarries is about rM. Fuoton. accampanied by G. sideration had been glen. The f'or suppty leachers. tonight (Wedncsday). imo. Deputy - Reeve Hoey and second 16e motion. one-third ofth1e amotînircvc:ived $1,376 Collected G. Addison represenling the Chris- -association opproved the prajeet e Agreed ta adeise the insur- tram Mohaiwk Rstceway. îlots Lzivmen's Group, cîplitine. on o 4 -0 voie eiih lieu abstent- once agent af the current valua- Tisc Paobleo I RedCros Bltz ic oir m ariî gru as in- ions. For luriber information on lias of contents of the et oot aucîiacolîusd eepeate nCaad l 129! Ille prunascd group. the associa- and seek o recammendat o Y S T, culicllo cntiue, 'i Mud it iglitis seconsd annuat Clubs lice epresitti aperalisg lissn suggesled 1he 'board contact thc anon of inuac YOU Re R S A parmen fo Senor itien tese pusgI lut farrti. about buit, loi- foands iii supporta ofIle in. 350 high sehools is Canadsa flts Inter Varsiir Feiloîeship Club. carried. Apartm ent ~ ~ ~ hes fo e io iiz n ts an . ioda onihne uilsratba the-Canasion Witg ca gros-ps ltesd etl j abs ho hobserved they had donc. e Referred a quoatian af To be Buit in Esquesing Twp. Rede Crotgsiis bas ne;ne in$36l ereon aitn otCe rse .Grhu ted the S606.20 la thc property commit tasd au in tIe aî-shp f s- îg e isisît t ier-o s n lare stickts p- s t itei He gop- its D rive bl sit, r cis cosisand Gunel p. i bu t Ise gr o îd e re sd l a- te h utto o h Esqueîng vunsî Monsay o 1966 riad ,xcsps-stuivts ahli- ing ta continues enssîoav., Mr. Ma sdate, caumpaign chai rotair. atdt ielalean ulh ulc uscniee nycs e- h ulla a o night appistieu a hi laie ta iga auuul'Iing lu 5117.000o. hon insicals-s lic hai rlsitsd flic n eot-s ususs Voluntarys Memberhip oa, i1elrtmeigbcuespi n n lainu dr, pe an agreement sssth the tasen ut Siks Staflsion homes ai' tisa raIlspayrs in the Rslîrîîs tram samec airsas ai Participsation ln the club is vol-ý deaiRs OnUR HEq-was-0 o-n16 oeecnmc Guargelusen ta ailose 1he George- Mortis Zamikoîf ut Torontto rs-a ussualir afuit-ed bv hiasling îosrn are f551 inclusie in sh t- t. ntzairv sand il ciller scliol houes., aitable. Choirman G. Roberts ex- e Apsroved isaymctof at5 toms Kinsmen Club ta tereti an suas present rspresentiog 16e ani flis-, had ludicalesi 16v irrli.hîsesuîipina16 Tset giuphonssueî tdi isn ihe ne od b e je o Il-unit aparîmeni building an irssi ofMar-ris andi Sans requesl- nii- ncerns-d su îh Ilts rsumtîi- dsralsatsln sslt et-sn lnuialsn l tci* or l ole gofi ,an sc e xp rejseli- quesing. dilvision on 70 acres et launsd tsr toî s han lis tise bilstng. sîssois reash ths- gosal ai 5.700 csi Chîistîan fle asnd fasilh. Il psIresîsto tio for Mtasinisth The landl in question, lisair siering on Ne. 15 sisiese.îs. Ms.i Caîîsciissr MucAr tissr inies- suithiui il ic 1s51 steesk asnd satidi a îistic usuuît 1 s ' ai lits ones ossl s foIllng1e A III< O IN C IN G ..e Georgetowno Isspilal on tlise oui- Zumikail liii heu-su litssenst o es-test. ses-nais fi ses-rs-eie f utIistastcsai repat trobl lu 6ep> et-tes ousiîs- esaTebsrien ia camiiv ikiris ut tous. is orfie bY t6e pISIvioss occsiions isith a simitar suoisuncei. oune hi tise hi.uting V isisd on lime tu, ee O eicks, toi1. or 70 minutes la tere hiv - CHANG 0Fru-S*I bien ut Georgetaswn auss the s-quest. He was bold his tirai .uns thesstiser is * 6te iuucks-il Chtampions. 1 Tise grauls nssrsnallv muth C A G O W ER t Kinsmen hople lu ciet an apart- usauls hase ta proscrit assurance Ili ers-sess nu qusarsles, lts-te The losîn uspl sit t tî 15 su s- cies-kis suler sviîool liasss or 30 nient building for sensior citicens. %,i*e and sciscri scosui bc iip- ,souliiol be neariy as lans u telcs fsor tlie Msnuiav blill. Os-- la 40 sinules, Mr. Fulios exiîsi, Tu bs-gin îs-llh, Il onmîs seul bc piiesi belore uns. decision cousi trutcks." gastisers isîs-iusisd Mr. Kent, Doit s-s. Participation sl narmaltv 25' geou, caslu-les. 6e re-clites. Cossîssilier Gtordlon slal-d. Ha%.t% utd. J.uvk Lauing, Mes. O. ta 30 siiulenti. "A lis-alibi- geaup IIEINIY The agreemen t si-its the taisn Secai ailier isusiiisa sietega- ibere's ais lot 5 m ur le tra lot Brasdon, (Srv Mettasi ainsi Mn. sus lte ichuai s-an vunleibuls- la tuf Georgetlown frecs tise ts>wO itis wcuprescritl Io pesent' Mttttawk Rascwa' ihain ltsese- >W Rowev About 160 cainvassers tlise a-iole votonmuniiv, Mr. Fui- HAIR STYLING M ilton U pholstery ihpo n I- naligrasade.wsfo h rucks. ansd su iîarlivpaleti. Ion bold mesobes. Il the bsoard 198 MIII St. - Milton aparîmnent uIsi-llers bes-ame w ct.N unes-ii scere reos-hes suite ses-oi la comptais.' .pp res the club. il siuuld ho iare cases. i %%as tisoa .grccd Io as insusisiu.s pesîheiens pvîîtiss- Th iern elaedaacolaseb. CA 8 -36 aillais laxes at flits-rate of $25 lien turthr investigatlion hi- soussiti. TeDfeec siuns u usho sebr C 7-23N W O NDA DOEAE Outil. ~~~~Accoultis tolaiug $229 suses ap- "Hues-ti Msý Gsusdonu. suise t.sscflisuGorodonasuiceesihese .sîîc isîteils dveîsîmined. FOR APPOINTMENT ' R E Â v III solclas prvdab.lwpoe o aio inis-esv1 hneu-î Iise kn% fnic . tgsi-l.~u-siat seills- liti, tue- Ci-iat Cotes. rp-esenting * Modern Equiprnent i diiie- Mss ei i1A tuck iss d auk iss itîst 11,99iug sthlie Miltons Minitîisiai Assovci.s Pa ~~~~~~~Rect Wiliamn Cosuttvessssii soitili il ties gel il clone- titI is itisuppeit-us-esi aisuv eariise *Epi Syig Couny '~OSi 3,OO s-tstcise 1 sîv 1 s gasel pis, aild seaus." aiîiiso ndt utiii sii plits Caîoring, Wavinq R.R. 3, Milton 878-9094 C u t s- --- $3,-0 Fou [liuee letel nt esiablisi ait Ister Svlsui__________________________________ Split Vote Approves Sending ' Three Men on Overseas Trip A uusposai tuisais- ltolutte"p- go ilhuvi sisots ic i e uvlldtuc revnted b s1Ireosalfi1r-,aflsl pa. titeste Ivsard fliteblceo t ai hall as-s-k. iee-caaniy study 16e csait.q tour" aI local1 go%>emientolati Acten sepalus-s-cee R. R. Pas k- S.000 cas- lsan ilut s u ppasýi-ce obus-t -ev-sititre-s- siausfou n %i iait ai Hallon Counts Counsit l u scri. He suggsistesi teessouis lait ircek, but iss.stil ai ap-suulsi ieseit asi isa5ît 6y id-i peoaaion su spli seauie si-jing aise observueas tes-e. Depuis ReceeF. Rogers, Bue-1 Nassagaiesa de pts res-us W.s ingios prcssvdfr hue 1e hive mas 1Hu%,r ocluires itih M. Parkse, repreîenitatisn.noing 16e tnp. uggesiing ilinecessavIl le isus eciesd 6v $750 anc asocuno l iluses ou espenses io eas-h mesîber 'If thvcdleeg.uiiaf ptepauationoai the fmati reportl iroîuisibc gisen 250 icor ouitsif bc inessscdti, laltie ans- ps-ion. pueket espenss. Tise conii*%s, Llmlled hy At tolt soucis S 3000. 'Il isol t cputi Rees e Oas scggetedt going la be as ilsas cruise. istis e esoflis sai speOiing lots a tigttcshe'lute and ire shou I musb tin coltsentitos. He .ukesl t haeasutticn repaîtt ram flielatse stauifiisclst atio n iteter thser s'eprcscntise, an tlitsi relurn . Municipi At cidnsi plc isss it~-ste-siesi 01aislits-anotat tsat esîsld ci 6 M. Rougerts explairtec tise Selp-spetit for camnu ios. tember trip %%as b1 i oll ni Rcee -G. Lestis- uisi-sibudcget, rc-rtsnmadetfastss-ae ttudl iese eing patecl.and t iii .p- nous 6e eniimesi. He soleil t6e pearto bclI ue pace S3.000 Pianketi Cstmmiîsia 1sholsi lcatd 6e csdi reporting abaut lIse ime 16e di' Scppsrtissg the ss-îsîiîîg ctshree- enoion tturns andiinotrmationi deieg.les on te siîsioursusece gaineci soul6bc elpiol i ns-ansic-, Reese H. Hinisîn. Deputs Rees - crin isî lisieport. Rogers. ReeeF. Gatiagites -Ree- $3000 Worth? Hi. Mses - Rcesui W. Csscitcs iandc Oakiiie Depuis Res-se Alan Ds-pcsi Recue W. Lestie. Otpsas- ODur soggcstesi the counir\,euisi s-st suesDepols Res-se Psess nul benrefi houIse exs-ni sut%3,000. Rees s-HunierReese Lesisu lb. Geogeownreeve W. F. Hunier Rss-se Lelie. Depuis Res- is-Oa suggbcd ifmembers antesituoand Dpu(vReeHoe% Settie Expropriation Leaver Bros. Property A n expropriati on csae ihai bas ieds a pice-efailise pusperir been deagging troughueois anti aouId beideatlar isuing tsor lsarings uinie 1962 mas inalty buialo tramn an Aberta laik. The setle fst ssi seek ohen the On- Leaves fitem originals ssought ariu Muniipal Board ordereti $145.000 lue flise lsarsibchuit oce- Hatlits Region Ctnervsios Au-,- iog su seat ing bslre fictie ttorils lo a ps $45.000 ho Georege CousshsCourt iusge George E. Et- sud t.. Il l.aittv utsiitooatihm ttilion esicsesi is pise ils 70.0001 onics tieGuelphlUneLiseuer Camsp-. Jusige Ettioti Lssggested a S42.5010 beivilte. i swuls-nient aussithe lient ppeslesi TIse Authorir cîxpropriahesi 138, tssthe O.M- l, inaiiy gainittg flie acres altflite nuehsensiof ai Wk- 5S45000 ligure. ce's Lne. Burlingios. hura resee- Tise Authoiurlr sas lai pîses- lor it. atr heAu o y d.infflcproperysnce1962. Greet Easter WITH NEW / c POISE AND BEAUTY With Sprsng aroood the cor pou iii 6e thinking ofa o0w -Opermanent and 55cm bi syles . . . theo coul or camne in tis ora aponi. n lus tdoy aut paiisfo The House of Professional Hair Stying Fulshion Deuuty Louage At 171 Main St. Phono 878-9533 %it.l suetu-He- saisi lis- Pes-ssisussio'.u uvpeemtlis la ssitu iptIlle tauusssisip %lillonssus Ou.ee, Wluter Simntusun. in licpoltio flaijý,slIIetordsoni McPiil anD. H. Me- ttsli bc suit iiescul flis-peemtsî Mittusu. %usi s.stesi A seqos-.i ucrui'l -Tanedt rustîti uait.s sur ilpermitNa Ils0 tictecs-i .ug.iulithvevsiedsittits-iti "ai [tiini t ses-'l sssge usli s thgussel pis anssi A Meetlinug of ausuvil sii Ii qucais[\ lIps-tr, 0s s se ti i sît- sc i qasir iitt tissu bas bs-s-s .it ilis- iet c.stesstsigitl,. uv- icsi tiis-tisettcoreeiliss Tuus-ssLu. tsrsHu isdsea uIs.tith.,e \IMardi29. au Weciissdits, Mais-lt licence,-sttlmldsthb c cîtsisî-ee Il).5 '(nablee iue Ue s is aioais oncrete, CLnder, Slag and Silo Argument on Fee MMi-NaeAitlue ansss-cs. B L O C K S ns-ses as ansfiieutistsicts-s lcal vs-î,:lce îiLlLinti bc issuest - i l%îsili tise- i u essd ibsust " J.COOKE <Concrote blocks) Os-tutt-Re-isHocses rsss-loiLTD. an eaitttssniiitcigit litc uap E-7 toi, ls-suca us- e kussusi lise i E47 6 ruts-pale r oppî%i tien. lis - aEVENIN~GS les ct o lic- itssinus (isoliclt-tis 11<111 au' he.sîs- ivl bs-tin-a psssses-s CALL JACK HALL posisssn tiliscgranit lis--es-s .susrcl MILTON 878-6365 thlentsl t.sI5li-utm.abcut ___i_____________ OVE RDUVE BOOKS May be returned to Milton Public Library WITHOUT FINES until Saturday, April 2, at 5 part. March 26 to April 2 is Library Week in Canada and amnesty has been granted on ail overdue books. MILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD. CHESTERFIELD & CHAIR Re-Upholstered $135.00 Up START TO FINISH. . WE DO IT BEST 1 Afi sasso toth 1e sîsalinsi intoil s flita makof aur expert craitssnisiP. From frame ta caver, mn rebuild pour torni- > ture, tharougbiy, using the finest 0 FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY sUPHOLSTERY Nom Owocd and Operaind by R. R. 3, Milton Phone 878-9094 TIink FasIiion... TIink Quality ... Think of Yourself in yj wear a Iaiffl in Orlon GOLDEN CROWN odds o maoth oi tes- tore ta ORLON* . . . the fibse thol leis pou bons yoas cake ond sol il too. Waîh iftîme and ime ogoin ... it wiii lokah s scromptiooî os it does righl bers. <ceps ils shape ond sais- esis. t00. Go on. induige yourielil Looped pulover, $798; Ribbed Poor- boy, $698. 016cr Choice Sheliafirn $398. LOVELY SPRING COLLEC TION OF LIVELY NEW DRESSES Look ansd feel as fresh as spring f rom Dur lovely Assorimeni of styles, colors and prinis. I - PETITES 5 - 15 JUNIORS 7 - 15 MISSES 10 - 20 WOMENS 14'2 - 2/ from $1098 MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE TELEPHONE 818-9261 OPEN FRIDAY EVENING UNTIL 9 P.M. OPEN A BUDGET ACCOUNT ACION S TRETCH i v)k -ab i JJ Fuit '-Value rï -i'ý Coinfort From $6.98 {~ S RAiGM IAND "A" LINIS kncs and Trtn es. From $4.98 1 9

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