Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Mar 1966, p. 17

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Lohrer Soro Urges Farmers Improve Conditions As ve are ail aiate fam lahor-1 the gitalitî*nvai the labor improse . 11îsy i bi neednon Ithe job ers are lnr mo ckhiý1b cinitg n-ie scaccr, W. S. Lock-at, Assistant Dresi liprobaihr a pretils gond cservn-ear. Tiîrrr are several ea-! ooftni un amne Pîlp and Paper, stocker. Aaiti, however, ns-r iii sons flic titis trendî. Poal ae sSisnnaitii pa-iotice thal tint ail person., pal the rompelt nittotnt i iiiistIrn-, vîîeî-e igrerenttsa-i a ittetingtif l h saie strss on thr sainetctted. higîer isvgesarer paid, anItteinetîri ttin Fruit anti Vrgetalle Saine pritmils[imphnîais ontmn- svakigrcndiltions are pt-vided, G ioNveis' Associationui,iressrtl - wileiiirt na iers il is srrnri 1. are li niitaii-.As alescli.eiinltrrîp a e atiintslips Aai uniloyvervoit misircg 1lhc lainiet-roenis lagalirr flicrLishent8vir,\is-itporait i ii get-iing ni/r iie iirocis anti lirirvi tri ion-ci ironti otîti su -s lie flic nio t risi ot f iasock lotce. Mr. lil itiunt as ailt-tiicl i as agrd, flic rippirti. andthe uiskil t ukari i iess-dtl ici inn pa;iinct- silit le(. I(s%%,ihrnucainaifartn iol isrriair inlnnrr asinrarctît, As litiicnnpliin-rNrnm iner videtirlh bsi uc.gs ainds-iinîg haýit ntcdýisliai anit itliial t(iwuiitiiisis. Att eniîNerr cîoditions il can, ti innprteir nsi hli, stlichalssnt ii-lnitt)"ig. mu, ntsi lic ,,,,,ible i ail tnies other indtîstrs-. Thr iarmerrmnusisilt-slicetn, sril-iîll ini i -tuttid svnltitralingsvitlin is rminulvcs. cmplov a lirtrc nîaroflteîbre oir ussiai nrrts. so liai hr gains ibir renpect. A compet enlnswnckers. Woking toit- A periinnilicanînnîtsatisfIn ititial îindeiftsantling hrîîsrrn ditions can be imnproveil a gondt eiritirti on a juli sili nut ,î emilninces anti empîtîsers shotîil deal on mansi facmn.. Ons- nvi-ien fot l ia1001 per cent effoct. On e\i5t ai ail limes. liese conditions do imprase stîli the îîîlî,r hantl, a W110ai t indors Thr frrling mosi iacmccs, have ldvsems h e that lar s [ltaalble nless hmtertpav cLbe povil dThis isînat ah- 0hlkfrr.Pavis impotant, but si), are nz nli er îhings. !gela thu a s ait gtiiitg 10 Tis ilih ou nrîliesa îciis? The Irmer llust iiiiit 41k- T ~ poto i a nirai îhaîielî ni i.hii ille i ongittngr p,'it. sMun.a lt OUEST SPEAKER ai lie avouai neeing nf Haliain Ca Dp Mediicai Services on Saîvrdny ceas Halion MP. Dr. Hanny Han- iey. Dr. Hariep s shocen chinng -ci E.D. Maitorin. ssi inîrodnced tie guesi speaker anti Tornin Adein on a titi"nr of lie Co-Op. Three Herd roups Two Princesses Plin Annl iMeeting <ru wned Oueenps The annoal meeting onihreTe omr atn dr Halton Daim Herd tmprîîremeni Princes e onr ather tart Associations iiil b ilhithePlincseo ute arl Agricltorat Office, Mlon,. TLiiis ths past week. Margaret Hun- danMri2. omn.n ter, daughter o Mr. and Mrs. t0.30 a.m. Frank Burnes. Farm Ahr utr utntn n Eîonnmics. Cnt Operaînnes antd 1965 Datry Princesswans crowe- Statstie BrachToronto, - nu ilc Quee of the Cottege Royat StaisiesBraaiutKcinp tsile Agricoturat dincuss the aninuai repotr(ii eitliSchoot. ai ilie associations. Adian Nurse, daughter of In thenear en ding April 30 Mr. edat Mrs. Fred Nurse of 1965. the West Hautin hssittiation Geotrgetown, 1963 Dairy Prie- btîd an anrage protduction of cr5, was -rwe ueno i 10.998 ibs, ai milk. 410 lis.' of fai.* losepios Sehuol of NursingtI tlie 19 hertis in Iis associaion Toronto, at theiraflesut formiai mccc under the stpervision oai"At Home". al the Consteltations George McCrnatk. The Croire Hîttet. talton Association tnder Htintartd ________ Kingusilli 22 ierds. .îseragrt Cam 10249 ibs ni miik. 371 li. ofilat,. Reserve h7p The East Hautin. onder Frank Cliiatotm, sitb 22 heids.aneragectl Charnles Macho ni(AMiltoinan 10.029 ibs. af milk. 363 ý ls. ii ssocit tictutei Iit OitDvioîAg- Diseuse Plicies ri ttltt l collici-de - euiri Cliente Gracte. Assistant Lit-e lie reeinni inînnpnnînn Beri Sintun% stock Comminioncr. stîli listisman iiithe 1966 Rtleeoutilwn îlhe changes in Daim ilerti lm- le it ti iiilticplit. p rtientniAssocia tins aondLise- stock Brandi polici's. I E Foliowing dinner members utii Learn to Entertain travei to the larmns af Sam A t a ie rap. Stan Ma-sand hiutrd T, -A LsisMeeting m-cl, (la lîok uer lie lcedinig.l'bc intîiihi nnî-inîîd iitint management,.adtoti nîtsiof tiibreScotchli131-tk ls s itlmie l.irnconssý. th, lînnîtri, li , Futs i h 5-tutu 19. hel dinis i [titltiti If anything mîkes e thildtirt - pri nn n (iîîîîiliuijýiIa lier ilian poing iii bruI us hoîsua .î trii îtitute -ile initsniln ing lat i lnsparentisaebine înc iilb-ni bthu ýrne ttgbt tlitmiil lied, ritt.kingItp Lopuart\ ar1s%ichcbe. The Canadiars Champion, éresayMri On Satn day, March 26, ai 815 ing "AYoung Mào's P*pyaCh pin., Hallon Junior Parmers an- iii hased around -the'an lcal,'f the nii Draina Festva'vii l ae yoiungesi son, DonaI4, i«, pl ,tahi.Pni lristian.i, lithotiglionly a hlgh.sçbofiýkor tCalion ÇCelie, Miltont. s aiiempling lu Court _ ege lus výr i irer ane-act plavs girl. Leon Dutfield.-eýcAje**r at si ril ivenît li i re t îî JnioirI Brookville Schocil is directifig the t".iireiilis iii t-alion Cniity -! play. Nwtvit], Actitianid Pacrinao. Finali Pacrno .Tunior Farrýters have arptain iv iaking p lac c tlosrn "A Private Affair" for ijsivrrk, iniLan effort to gci hack- 1lirir presentation, and bthe dircc- p CMni antd proipns inifor is Mrs. B. A. Oates, R.R. 6, foi the luiival. Milton. Nt, id liimioai Vtricrs p111iu VeineirShzts, vice-principal of . 1 1-B (' tiLi d Ld\iIi Vic ni Public School, Guelph, t 'n :ltiii ilie on a uiti a gradualc fcom Stratforid nigrr incointr amie. The play Teachers Cîllege, wiit Se adjudi. s tirrcirti hn Mr,. W. A. Brain. taltor. RR. 1 NiirrvaL Tickets arc available at the Ar mi .1tiiiior Famrsiegv Agrirtiltîiral Office. MORE THAN 70 oembers and gonnîs aiîended thi' banqueti Co-Op Medicai Services in Ebenezer United Chanci on batunday righl are cireclors George Robentson and J. N. Bird. Halbin presideni Sain Finnie anti . Srlînield, Proiniîial Srrrriary oi Fedieration ni Ontario. and annuan meeting of Ha ton p. Shomo clatilng, from lflac n M.PFF. George Kerr, Co-Oîa Ca Operailive Medirni Service% ms b ille .1," 10de ot, 1 1887 FarmersAdvocate litotiti5-si littîn s- lita io, i. ili killrits CnnîîîRt views l' Ithos ilI len"f"ipi ()n\ L o4giio g o oio d 0« i]l, rii %i]ec li s l.mttkiipiicittghiiiisflic lî' l tti oi i.tîal pîatî il. , e dav, Jtir Wicksîotîlri RR. 2 int I)ii biu ttvw elrII fal canic a rallier. n lr in t ii iii i l's od, « Norvul Juniors d "The Faner', Aduuturandtiltit ateCO'cr H o tlumoe 22, daird týi e lici 188-, re t-ri ir. oitietît SN ng Ti Sids and % i tpiliid ai London, Dut- 'Raîikie -,aid lie lue h N jio rar r or he var 9hh- itilisier. Bi-iligiutut.snmmroilmi 'onr Z7\lleda the oneof John Miile nianîiiiofihe rtîwsaitiriltes îtirtii tt h '-en ,lpo , Cai M, 1 reTlte iitng l%.i, ope in ite magalcînîruotitiluateheurti - i idttiirlWoo iîti eroan utuli ithe intt tatF t - t lo itt ni ng.îtirnalas Aittu.ani\u-dMcsrslîîtltt- iIl nI Iii lîîi 13-teroi ,5-jaini t i e" t - te tlittistiii ts ol d fttiib el,- I tI\ estaIr t .1.s i S.Ftee- -' It mlb uni e k l1ot .lIiiN tOUtia di4tILtIL, ti litsIbotkloliitisti uniorrinuio kofInliln(f it, . Ait-s t \0iit- .ti 1i 1ii ,lad tiI it i ul rt , hc k lmt d,. iisiîtiilîe nseir il,,ni_ 1,20l2iii1it a ndtis mi i oiîiliiti -t Onlario miit o li e i i nt ît r e ars. Il 5tas nIilis. LaII-In I1ît ,lit"\ nt f ilt kils Ihi- uerini placeeof theliric- îtîn-icmîns ,ttid urni ttint G s A tutu A miiiho tinittills Sotntda sold ti asrt. oifie;ori-tit o , I d o tr, The antial prsentaiionnfor the G.T.R. anti 5WR -(rand ti îk retîit\narid Junir Frmer andlNorhnWsrisan it inembers nli]] itake tel îîm iof a tnlie c nas impotrteranti h titi etithie antd dance. et-fr l]te iritituleanti kipi " h ncî1înnlin Faut' r anottal ilitt lti ale ititllngt-nal ýht, riv \ il clie ldiii iahil e s in t A t i s l i L n t k i it r t i i ni M i l t îo n î n S i t i l e in t ii g i oe tîn t I i , - foi \I]]b fsît ieldna iliiPa lirad itttiisngIillt ,iie ho se K el in to Pide nte it si ome. init li i Inl i n- pr kctt i i tu tus vJi tnt liritýn Jti t it iit h tantînlHamlt n i ki hcalit\Appliances Note ForRaua __yAa uepenAuî for 50 Years. You Can Choose No Finer titan Kelvinator. Your Ca-Op affers direct factory service in ail Kelvinator appli- anaes il seils ... Your assurance of depandable, trouble - free Gperal on - 13.5 CU. FT. TO DOOR REFRIGERATOR FREEZER " i 11-b.Capacip Fr er " Ainlointic Delrosliog Lif Oeutiea Dont * Lit ui ea l uapo Shelves 2(37.95 0 Magnelir door closure Check Ail The WI1T H TR A DE Pentures et Haiton Co-Op TIME TO kNGE YOUR ýOW TIRESI -or comene i oday DAVE'S A. SERVICE Si. at No. 10 Sideroad 878-6741 -n 7 am to 10 p.m ey 9 atm.tut 10 p.m e e e iasued lni amounts from $100 upwards for 3, 4 or 5 years. earn the above indicated interest, payable haf-yearly by cheque. authorized investmertt for all Canadian Insurance Campantes and trust funda. AT V E HATON '-Psumpis CLEAN MASTER WRINGER WASHER "*Non Cogq g Prer pu lp " Convenen Fngr Ti " Heîvy Daly Drive Mec hannsn 40 Long lie r.Tottiilre Mecianisnst nit 12 yeur Checki Al These Features aI Haiton Co-Op 135- 9 WITH TRADE I23" ELECTRIC RANGE ALL THE FEATURES WRAPPED UP IN AN ATTRACTIVE, COMPACT SIZE I TO COMPLEMENT VOUR KITCHEN, EASE YOUR WORK. rim -.ý ýý 10 StminResisiani Lifetime Porrelain lolerior and Exierior Finish. 0 Aatinnaiic Oven Thermostat Contrais Baknng and Roasting Temperatores 0 Pîciare Windom 0 OveniSignai Lighl BUDGET TERMS AVAULABLE Choose Dependable Kelvinator Appliar, See All the Petures ft Haiton Co-Op S169. 9s WI1TH YTR A DE nces at BUDGETr TERMS AVAILABLE HALTON 4E-OPSUPPLIES, GEORGETOWN MLO RN 6% PAID ON GUARANTED TRUST CERTIFICATES STERLING TRUSTS/ CORPORATION 872 Bay St., 35 Dunlop st., 73 M=ISsIUetU Toronto marrie 081 AI-IN ELECàC IDSTRIAL COMMERCIAL CONTRACTING SUBSTATIONS MOTOR REPAIRS 24 HOUR U 'A MAINTENANCE SERVICE 3-. - ~ LOI NÂDALIN RR 3MIL.TON 878-2206 0 "MAKE MONEY" 0 tS. J. B.KAUFMAN WINNER ROR. 3, MILTON 0F e $1o00 0 Timed Outtet * Oven Timer ------------- ------------------------------------------ MR

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