The can.aiahi champion, wednesay; .erch-16; 1966 Na sg wy1o n ilr a tW . sr r W~~~~~ ~C! A rtielQulsaCmesation; Well Runs Dry 1 *f e e Reeve W. ~~~~~~couller and Deputy county wVas not responsible. KngeihCutwsoptazd ~~~tiReeve W Hey objected at Hal- Dept Rev Hoy objected to wihmtpelartonery - ton Couanty Council Io a sectiono sip estteent mn the report Saiturday miorning when a car Fl ~~PU , tu p is r c lhe road commit tee report noting thati did noi .offer much intorina- driven hv hier husiband was the conunilitee demied responsibil-; lion Io [lhe complalint. . in collision wvith a vehicle driven By rs Cci Ptteso Ms.F.Jeffeott servedl delicious was hield in McCurdy's; Centre byv ity for lamnage toi a ratepayer, liDeuvRevHeyntdh. a o RR.3 The March meeting of (lhe Omi- al trnon eanluc. heDmqnRerainCm welomyhdupiewartohiMlt.Mr.arswstkn agh Presbyterian W.A and W.M.S. BIrthdays mie. ovner ere Mr.Ry During its regular weekly mleet- par aestashudeinld RveG elitclldaimil. man beasIhyha rndt o Millon District Hospital in the was eld n te Suday cho lHappy birthday oyunFlerand Mrs. e rvs rz ing Monday, Milton Council: ed in anVy-a defining the ar-- ai- iincident in Gluin Williamsq when welt Reeve Gallagcher suggce itnFr eprmn tlt rooms on Thursday, March 10.! friends: Charles Lawvrence, 14 on wvinners wvere .Mrs. E. Martin, wsavedbthsoitreatoeaministered by the footings wvere installedi for at new this was dfonie out of the goo ness valtn.Fr Hospiafiials descibed with Il members presenit. March 17; Robert Sargent, '2 on, Mr-S. Gordon Leslie, Walter Ber- a dv.cib the tonooldiotbu tpory parks bo ad dgeaeaesteesuh fterha hear asigl fin l godcndito The meeting opened wvith pray- March 17; Katherine Ayres, 10 un nard, 'Morris Williamson and lu- ah nd cou a motgage ponrty • ars badvd. b Conilrdmges Rieal,ýs fo ter rin Tou hleiwrd hlted anecnea eec shiln be reladito er,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~n Mr.Ccasalprsdn.Mrho4nrctaly 0 ncypiewntt r .Wl iue aoa mof the onaiotý 0 ha an advrismn in withteir wls. C'ou ny rfepn- beteenri th e d cuncior angfoeoptl ihn" e Mrs. S. Smith read Ilhe Scripiure March o:; Sharon Jones, 10 on' liamison.. A fimle lunch and social Munipa Boar. The normal last week's Caion regarin ibiity wa enir e. called aeo vo ownci amend ent a" lesson and ave Ilhe prayer. A March1 17; Shierry Simi. 9 on' fimie wasu enjoyed by all. prM d is odbnuriaia par ot itmvens Chadpo suggested coun aTh cetclaine ii ta le avthe rnuteienc rom i hýia ihn" e \adf.hIkwa read f1om Marchi 17: Grain Lee. Marchi 1N We % are lor ut replort thtrss.H lo oulnd te d-hlw sn iawre of2p'ei t o n-1 Nl'lie whme r c heslaitr Ser i n i t e Il e trli The ca drvn b M .C rn W.H m on ltr Ilowers seml on Douglas llimnah. 7 ,in March 8; man 1cildren are msigclau,- 1ale eqTem nheorteconaadrva bl ora seir it-viechreshi el asa Ied Rev vu e Mkdr> aspoceJninrh nMat his birthdayI recenitly from Ilhe, Paufla D uig ne year old On esbc u ofihelu, ch)icken pox toie a c ui e inustialo a[reae. iw zen' apart en pojctl e n vl o ted hvi, ,, n>ad . w ien i \ ad hel we, i ne theý n( te coul akd bereor o St.l at aboui u21 .m n ai W.A. Manv bundcles of Caniada Marchi 15; ·Bethi Ma .rshall, Il 0on and mumiiips. Amion, thec sick aLre othelileilil,,il aIae site' bp1eliv e i Fer e t a ed t od driIlnn a n w edc aI l ih narext oad comm01111 itte ca rive a b y r. a ggartvi a- Packers label, were handed in- March 12. Mr.Hrl oglas and son Indicated il wvas not inter. paly ait h ighbankad patl wa Rieeve Lsie r ld em ers thed meinal the x aenntt war tempte topsi, Poh said.ta[ more are requested. TwNo beauti- Mrs, Vera Pikt n 'r.Terwtýah the mumps ese1nBrigo Ok r tetalwne wihmd cmitedcdd.oahr oIt Ward n . int ase Tep car skie i onlipeypave- ful quilis were handed in, one Li Phyllis Ferrier wvere in charge Sincere sympalhy is extended o .I The estals ant ai-re t natisfac for ch an apar its ominci'saicie t at he I io mater cioul be rero The ch in urn stirtC rstre. fan pattern wýith blue lining, the' of >fhe TB chmie Nel ai 00erel to Mrs.t LileCmbl nte¡Ten e an inaion ote Mrk eslsalr o hLnt project.iutn sadie h lIni a1( vote Lo l he am en ment h aag touc the Cairns arwa other a heavier quilt, and both W. Merr- Chof. Net adi60 er-s passmg of hier mother, Mrs.'Mark'lne to discus tacurrent propoas on men AgedwtIonloBs asaa arpeettvssp stm da 80 h agr are for sale. Get wvell car-ds were uon, took fle test; maye rvm of Elwo.Fnra e h rjetonilo .Bs ht nivnoy ftw-we Nported thSeltonbt ip sd- caeeied Li25 damw Teag plic to) be Sent. gave tF1eir services and hped vfewsledonioda,'a c n oeakill ownan ge r . 'flai nd shoul bemaen wha,,t is feteds W.M.S. Portion ¡h m iade the surtvey al uccess in !4. Mr. -evin is urive cb Neda l hadben quote s anrpu shold besod The build-k y poi11,c The W.M.S. meeting was cair. isi district. ive o t daghes udigin earie tha Mito coudn' inanseirda.isrctdt ed by the president, Mrs. C., Win Tourney Crests Mr,. (Dr.) Stokes Mrs. (Dr.),i eafrie to a ilt n hare anyay compethe neear inorma The pnaret ofte oer 0 Patterson.'Mrs,. F. Amme read thec A second all-star Novice teami Corvett, Mrs. tilir Cambel Ri siur bovt- whoýI planmnorhokeai Glua Tidings prayer. -Mrs. Jeff- tor, Milton hockey, coached byý and Mrs. L. Schneider. L Gireced arle ter toco i. J. Eindose reouiosf o Miho wilave noortunity i cout was secretary pro - temn Ray Fuller and Vern Gooding, Cnrultos to arld er • io pfreshisnduc ofL PotCl.neu0n1medae1 eise opant n e in the absence of Mrs. H. Pea- compiieted mn thle four towni tour- ryIloalyugpayro ih appreciat n annuail mounciplao o n Claken potin nd wcla- <sisane whnthIito i cock. A letter from the Crippledt namnent and won over George-' Pe Wee al-sa hokyma una ipa atior o lesand solugsigta rHce soition hold Wa ýInIl ill Civilians was read, expressg towni, and in the linals ver Ace Mito e aist topcrer feor in flic se c anu innlaiole o e1nna nulmetn nSnyApi their pleasure in commg, to the ton. Local players Eddie Ford, ta.•Wsavie yDpt rioject anlad o - laimed by mun- 1 Si. Patrick's luincheon in BoyneAllani McKinnion and Ross Fuller ToFr agr ev .Mnt e wvouldi be cipalitie nd reo tlased bo other ITheana etn ilh enronMarch 16, ai which w ere on thle team. They received' unabletio meeter wihth uli0 lime a colored film on the work cr*ests and a trophyv. Congratula- Young ladies in the 14 Io 18 scolbad nterbugtti unicipalities.hedhi arnteRvaCn- of thewir soiey ill be shown. lions to Coache, and players. wear age in this district inter- week. lie urged thle morr and o AdIivI Mrs. M. Tulford, dian leio 1all, Milton. Changes Friends, are invited to attend this, Mr. and Mr, C. K. Jarvis NiS- ested in flhe Ranger programi arec te e br o h iac Mill St., ins'tallatlion (il sidewalk tir the awsotiation*s constitution din -r ited lin Toronto thiS pasýt week invited to McCur-dy's Centre oni commnittee Io proceed wvithut requires submission of a petition w\iIli e consideredI and an exec-tl M r. Robert MarshllI was in ai thec home of thecir sister, Miss Thursday, March 07, ai 7.45 p.mi. hiLindbuh wesivledlv a 97wl eeetd ar - aCi ad r.C .Ee, have The reua Mac pekemeeting of r Nou aIvar [lhe tonad Ille oil vill bla il thIur An pi )p ed anemet - ) for a Purpose". Mrs. Smith, Mrs.! sold their home in Omagh and Perev W. Merry Home and School 2.Deputyý Reeve Menelv explain- "lut the need lor a idlewalk on b\ Billo seev et r o ow-a i Jeffcott and Mrs. C. Marshall plan to move shortly to Oakville. will bie hield on Monday, March Fdbdelta h colMilty ae att h ot- nie, b\ March 28. tiree wee gave appropriate readings. A The\ will he much missedi. 21, al 8 p.m.Thswl be the Last c boa dg a et r n enr ei. om o the hCou ill . priorin Jarv itfIl ie ml'e ing. quilt top was hrandied in bry Miss Wiie are pleased lo report that meeting for- isi year. W. S. Ro- ed lad the trasre explained . Aorii e toe offer for o Ial Douglas for W.M.S. worli. The M i- Donna Perry is doing nicely binson has kindly offered to give eqiain fli igurttes- equired a ot on John St. lest Fof BelYu othto ote(n trasrr' eprwsgiven and and hope, to soon be home from L travelogue in coiloir of his ipfrom the auditre wreulso n ot oic has ben hieldbyth own B dian Arhii and Rhemans -accpted Rolcl od"e- Milton hospital, where shewtoe win weM ersmnswlb vilablle. • Approved pamn»fa-ioit lhlpm h ana deem" as well ansvrcetng akn.followving a car accident re- d Evýe vi corda\ i n-•Atie the roclam on cou nt alln 63463 ( lenu-S of tlhsnel , madte iain sale of home baking was hield, Final Euchre mnalIN scheduled will be- given ait 0 a.m. h Ap itti to am Octoe 30A 2 6,16 afler which Mrs. T. Snow and The last euichire for this season a luter date. a.m Authrized OT Parer nrcgiino0heRdCoscnrbuint h as roml thre mur.icipal office Stail IoInrcgiinothReCoscnrbuonotecae CAMPBELLVILLE ~~attend al meeting of the Oakviilleo t ag r te t of humanity, and to direct attention of Milton citizens to CAMBELVLL W e d lur G roup ndations the many outstanding services of the Red Cross, 1, by the H a l Filled to C a p a city i ak or ealn h pctpwrvst inme, do h-r--y r-ci M-iltonReCrs 1 IAIN WILLUAMS week. For Fire Benef't Dance .., S.G.CHILDS, lzaet r. ctn 3-19 By Mrs. George Inglis Misý Patricia Bvers and Larry . The Bi)y Scout papier drive wvas .G HLS Brookville Hall wvas filledl to McPhail of Toronto spenit last Icancelledt Saturday but wvil liteMAOOFMLN capacity; on Saturdav evening wýeekend with Mr. aind M rs. J. Iltact- this commng Saturday. Mar. A OMYROFILN when friends and neighbors hon- Robertson and family. 19. Please he prepared. SW8ppers, bargain hunters & neW Car Shoppers! kwa R-Iaq wfe nEe£ se e n e -; -Ry Al6,yyOUC«4N6 mrAelWr21 ME aseWrc4W osrc!r 1'rArMW 878-3272 MAR. 17-18-19 and the Bikini Machine"" - in color VINCENT PRICE - FRANKIE AVALON "BASK IN THE SUN" CARTOON - "MOU5E TO DO ABOUT" Matinee Saturday at 2 p.m. MON.-TUES.-WED. MAR. 21-22-23 "A Very Special Favor" - in color ROCK HUDSON - LESLIE CARON CARTOON - "GROWING PAINS" THURS.-FRI.-SAT. MAR. 24-25.26 ""Red Line 7,000" - in color JAMES CAAN - GALl HIRE CARTOON -- "ONE WEAK VACATION" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT S H OW TIM E S MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY - One Complete Program Each Evening at 8 p.m. RIDAY end SATURDAY. et 7 and 9 p.m. SATURDAY MATINEE - 2 P.M. - - mil ll il . - - -- - v àý . - - .--- ored Mr. and Mrs. M. Traa, vwith Teen and 20 Service Th Iubruosis Clinieat a purse of money amouinting to M Srl EaateddCampbe,»llville Masomec Hall was over $450 to aid them in their church serviceat Westminster ver% succesful Fridlay, and it is tire destruction last month when . btrincuchi ulph u hoped cevrone will remembelr they lost a chicken house and byeatroP oæ n ocm back on Wednesday, e contents. Curries' orchestra pro-Wae to Knox Presbyterian March 16 for their reading and dui dtneilunch period special Church i -le evening toi a TeenX-y fncsaSpks draws were made, mante radio. A. E. Clement, Fire Chief of gidoBrucurreer o vi lea a ST. GEORGE'S Moic Hl eled m cel ¡H per of groceries, donated by Coul- ing toushow% a film on fire rire- ter Brothers. W. Gunby, Milton; cention, and to answer qeto Parker's chickens donated six Historical Notes aboui %lmae tire equtipmennt chickens won by Harry Wood. slrn\ aduolts and children attend- Bryan Esserv, Mrs. Frank Quin- Read for Auxiliary d shall Paul ail of Campbeill 1 By Mrs. H. Richardson Hlappy hlithday g% reetinigs to and Clifford Wedge of Acton.1 The Atternoon W%.A. of Slt. . Ro\ Wood, Daidi Mennies. Mr. and Mrs. James Robertson George',churchhldc their March W ýend(al PhiIIips, Robert H cirren, and family entertained at a tur- meeting on Wednesday, March 91)ri-%Hl Denni 1tankWhe an key dinner in March in honor of at the homev of Mrs. Smýinen Cur- DoiugIlasingls. Jeain 1:11a and David Menzies' 88th birthdlay. rie. Susa \ maSickliersr retns Dinner guests were heside the i The meeting opented with a \'-ineancriv getgs guest of honor, William Alexand- hymin and the program taken' r-Mi and Mrs. Wallace King and er, Mr. and Mr,. William John. fromn the .iýing Mesge ith ýMr. and Mr,. Albert Thompkm,. son, Mr,. Charles McDowell, Miss Mlr, Jay taking the Sicripture Elsie Jagt and Mrs. William Mc- reading. Reports wecre given bN Phiait. Many cards and gifts were the conveners and the roll call O EEO O IS received by Mr. Menzies, all wish. wasý answered by namning your H M C N IS ing him many more ai f goo)d lavori te hy-mn. Mrs. W. Powell STUDENTS health and happiness. ,gae t he "Thought for the Dav". FF Mr. and Mrs. orne Colling and Historical Items 0 F fmleneaied (in Suinday tol The Dorcas secretaryhiadt arti- O L OR a dinner to hono the latter's I cles for the baie (on display. Sev. 0 YARD GOODS parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace eral items of business were di- ND EVING King on the occasion (il theircussed and a quilting was plan- SPLE 35th wedding anniversary. Other1 ned. Mrsý. Gaille as istorical con.1 Just Present Your invited guests were Mr. and Mr;.1 vener gave an article and Mrs. Student Identification Card at Beverly Ella and family, and Mr. King read an article taken from MLO and Mrs. Charles King. Many The Champion of 50 years ago. MLO cards and gifts were received by Mrs. Currie and Mrs. T. Howvard DEPARTMENT STORE the happv couple, and good conduçcd a contest which wvas 200 Main St. wishes for many more happyv ery intervsting. vears of married flie. Mrs. Dolbel gave a chapter of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Moore ar- the Studv Book. Mrs. King, the rived home firm a mojnth's holi-! president closed the meeting and day in Florida on Sundav, eachi auctioned thec miscellaneous sale.1 with a good tan. A lovelv lunch was enjoved hv Miss Lena VanToi camne homei the committee in charge and Mrs. MILTON ) from Milton Hos-pital (in Friday: Reg Twviss thanked 'the hostess. and Mrs. John Gilmour wvas tak- Sunday, evening. March 12, 1the en to the %amne hospital last Sun- 1B.AC. hield a meeting in the TUS-FRI..SAT. day. We wish them boifh a speedy\ church hall when pictures were HUS recoverv own. "Dr. Goldfoot CHICKEN .pres88r meeà:;frosh, stemp, "a CHICKEN SNACK .. 75C BOXES .. . ----$1.25 Se r le e 1 1 FAMILY BUCKET $3.85 Serves to7 BARRELS - -$4.95 7 1 ( PHONE 878-6028 MURRAY HOOD DRIVE-IN Base Uino Rd. West of Highway 2s COME and H EAR WLOLTE HRW OF CLARKSON "Flowers in General'l DON'T MISS THIS OUTSTANDING SPEAKER MONDAY, MARCH 21 SAT 8.15 P.M. SENIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL MARTIN STREET Acadan C»so 4 Dos Seden -h kWd t4 Doo, Hedtop Bwca kylkS op AUTHORIZED PONTIAC-BUICK DEALER IN MItTON: MILTON MOTOR SALES LIMITED