Group Hears Mission Planis The Evering Depièarineini, WM.i S. of Knox Churih met on 'Feh- uain-1aithe home ou, Mrs. Car- utttets. Thoe ere 1c l emnbers itrscli Mis. Marshall opnne - nu tlti a prieraathe l utietesof Praeranad the bmn "O Lord aît Mistet ut us AUt wos foilîo- cdi*tsviii .ter. Mrs. SnhîtvIir who ted the de. voliions ruait from the firsi chap. iet, of Romans, and chose os lier (hemne .Are Me ksliamed uf the Gospel ?' She pointed oui thai it oui modeirnissirtItChrîsijanis ciniite titithe ditiiî i hM'e iand tit., fli se, titîsit i ut it liis aie wiitessltgtin g e i and iiieivos. ainsos as i tues t îî'~\eî' rootgiziiig 'or it to it .îîh-îtp Foin dote to steak oui proudis% as A GALA "MAYTIME BALL' s hning hnid ai iii' Clb aO int Oakviiin on Satorday, May îtid o potiýns 'wih o en eves. 14 to tsip tise Milton District Hospital Monsens Aoniiiary raise tonds tomard the W.A. par- istîie t'eteling oîî hudnes tîctpatioun nthe hospiltexpansion projeci uhs s gar. The WMA, pions in spend absot $10.000 o atîtko tiausehsavi cl ka ona ern gîft shop, phsiottsnrapy eqoipmnnt aid a patients' solariurn, and bas decided Io tics infic rîrd tuilant sponsor the May dance Io hnip raine tonds toNard the prnject. Cotorittee members shomi Caniadlan Missa.lIns ai a recent meeting mhenn hny made plans for tise enent arn, lfn oIghl vine-president Mrs. - iMrs. MeDouga)li -roîîght the 0. Piniemit, assistant ticket connener Mrs. E. Alton, M.A. presidient Mrs. John Conmay, danct nmessage ltoit he tait chapier convener Mms. J. W. Oster, palicity couvenrfilMrs. J. Murphy, and assistant decorations con- oft ho stiiitnv hook e titi cil verter Mns. t. Gamuonski. Others on tise committen are Mrs. Dog Conlny, prions convener 'Thrîîîgb the Yi.ors in Couada'. Mrs. C. A. Martin, decorations convener Mrs. Cnarles Anderson and ticket convener Mrs. Briat Tbis îteîl t sut'hfichemorkoftictue Best. National Deparîmeni for the pasi .' ' . 10 et ns, andt spolie of the couitt ietteicaiti peoptiesîbu %%Sv frckoftheir imu. and i.ntuy. Thon înorked itih thte rtuttu Inst.ute Safety First "Prog.%,ram Cauodiaus, the ludions, tht Chun- ecanadiltus. and Id nussTais 1uo111_ Em h z s Accident Prevention tsvîeri.uuîChurc ecat' mtus.nowin 1 a'IL-~ cdinuthe Canailian West fi-i lis îîcîlic.ui îissiinrv nork. Tht Fhruiuv tmettitng. oi thu riai'iutîterluioit fluicliu lo is hometng % bs[utt Rociro t sppivsoartlrernft usti ol uy Wme'I stiuuju M usicpsstîilt cusnîll thîtîstîji erIohe Sgai annti u ý%vcr ruat an adotud.A ltetruaus' mo n M-. li.T -PhADotutIK 8 GTO er mr hemssion fields. Thereture il sitormvos-eniug.thue wmu a giicit tufarcpreeufauise luitheOf-~ci peudiuluaml c ME.ANDMES MIE UONON eremaried Janaary 29 tuas îtecided hc the group su cul' altedance of iîeuuiers ussd sec. hier's Coffsîicce in Guelphi%%sa sPoin Sativ rirsi. n Hoiy Rosary Roman Catholic Chorch, Milton. The bride , thse cc1 mouev for ho haie ibis vear erat vSitoîs. The puesideus. Mrs.i itîussoît. Mss. Amos had as giies spei former teeni On Brou, is a daughter ni Mr. and Mrs . C. 'tsîcii la chlîrens etothin-- auid Freti Edîsards. cuutuîcîedthe onSieitt t heo rutp had licur i-Mrs. Joiîîuît 1ait ouftîit De Brnyn of .E. 3, Miton. The groom is a souni M. nd qiilîs. meeting înhicb opceît îiîh iliteliale lI atte'nd ftiti uihuin fulite huo:rds ai hoine assd uhu Mrs. J. Maxwell Boughton of Miton. Years Prugrams -Ode oand Mary Sleîurî ole tfl-rg ic siepies inuis tiav I uîotesin u oth îs.ces i, Mus Mukas' Stnîcît ui thtitiThe rol cuitiivas auisei-t islettiati'thc11i1 îuit ustiil sosieutjîe utfaccidetîîsWe le prograns lor the vear. She and "Whaî lu du lu ais Emer*genî*"'. the Astîgîu c Wîtuues's liîltîute. mci lsorrcueeosseîerî doN v Bcug tD-)e B uyfl -ter tommitîecehad s-et a' - ýSencral items of hîsi neissi %%en Mrs. M. F 'ceman face a-u ul ne- Iiuiuifs iteh as leiesltm ps A double-ring ceremony n Hol o h ed tipth b iteal uit lime aud t go ia ut eitniSThe pres i. si Se4brieriuvugîtoutitie' IlPut tt itei îtuai iogi-M iuiiu usiadcecticles s Roiary Roman Catbot Churcocabonwotiepieto îlot k. and theresutus shoiIId Ilreqitesio' 'îîlîesl îl jtculîluîî s uuctM sîtîî îsuî ltuilci Milion, onicd Madgaline (Ceeni ut eg ota aceousosmtke fuititre meetings ioierostiu.- uiS hoheTB suries in hîs local-i 'sud Citopittan lio pelicsîtiiieii. Soi,accid.îenuttsutig De Bruyu and John Michael and o cuue ni oit tIiti chrvsuîs.tnd iîlurm.tive. its. The sert cans, Mr,. J. lIt-ssc.,speatker. 1101cr lîtîpesu %i uulian nutuce Boughîou lu marriage onu Jantiarsthemnîmi The presittout :juustjncedctt the tsi eîi'uu.ndjstlmoihIe amij 29. A speciai gîtesi au the sietdin, Wot lutDa\o.îclf rayer meet ings. iii ojf ijut'and uio Tise bride is a daoghîer of Mr. nia s Mrs. C. Huton. theise - iue fieldin luSt. Fiui's Ui nted' OFF TO YUGOSLAVIA IIOLSTEIN OFFICERS Ilie ti nsg ii,cse(]sotir and Mns. C. De Bruve utfR.R. J rooms graudmouher. Churcsh un Fol, 25. The itretIor Rc'fers ichu rotailthe lc - R i Hk l ii i tttsie.,ttuij iiot Mitonuand is empiosed auithe Ou- Mrs. Jean Bougluti nulf Brat. ['lieue oetiluf îeîaumenuîi,8 .0ý stets - Io - Franuc espt-rirnuu' ce 1T"lll tIllenio' (lui*t o il'It cuiii Ih\" tarin School for the Deaf.The toril madtîi hh 1e hnidesuo.uîds î' ottk. Laeruoiarîîuoîsutîî t.siiOisOli'ttltilt I .1icinif1tovalte socîialtho groom, sou ut Mr. audn r.Jadrd tt Mra'îtoso. AIterthîtlieriuug nas r u' aeîîcoît ni ttht iiýolc i eiusA-u ,tuî iiCi'iis'ttii i i MaxwelBoughion out655Main Si.. Ouests ttendyd uSe %sredduný ng d ileîiîîltoî ho hîmu Tak bSe itriti.îruss ilJith,îîDe. -da leB. - i heMrhncln ýI i Milton, is emptoyed asa barher from BrantordPFrins, urtord, ttii TSi Cîc vss"it n sug .and toi' pati lhmiti Test andii itCttit'merc ile i ti ,tng il iii 17ifi Tir t kkl nchMtti Mit-ti u .t s fI ai Len and ordis Barber Shup ioBorrie, Oshawna. Harles. Acton. Ilnîîcdth ie Mipah enoedicionip-e.,ntvrudnt 2ha M.Biktsltnhrco oteiMlo. Milton. Goîti. Preston, Kitchener, Burliug lTe ittîîtss. assîited hi' Mrs usopuesin 1is frautsd tIup2otîi lîtst.M ,îkt' ittitie itt i ktt, Rev. Faîher J. J. Murphy offie- 1ion, Watendoîîu and Milton. Etiiotu anti Mrs. Brn ou 'u uscn o uoe uYgcjutsikutusîts 1- eriiwH iluîtutgisîuî sr'dsiania ihis spriug. Ilu iiliebcthe ialed ai the ceremouy and sotousu - The yvunun roupie u it]reside aui dainiv refroshmeoîs and the soc- firsi lime Canadiancoilite haie: C.atnadak. lie s lient directir Charlin Cairns sang "Ave Maria" 436 Broadiios Si.,Mitn ahor%-fejy yal.-1 A1 and "Ou This Day, ancompauudMtont.lhotriieiyd b lii becushiw tis îa fair io an in outhe aussuu '" Ao - ogaitSister St.Ctarecariai n toors, hoogh Canatda G.iI o ftiuicuon on by ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I oralt ar. ~e t aeîn -.anv bas expuri-it rutIie bre ut scerar, pr nme.u t The bride, givnuin *marriage byiS t Ia l vens 'aetieC rial Tegvrstsuessî uý ts,îislieoî-1l1Harjuisll)s Glr ortOi ber faîher, niore a wite satin r- siSthlsi l i rneirplr2 :i i% ic-rýd.ii . l c diess with a tare hudice. Her i n-rI Q ieSccesfu uteisid tut slitrenh C i-iii'sistpacvOt c Mfi ic peari headdreus heid a inger tuPIT -tn rBride îs...u cu.ehave sfu i Hîîistlemnshadcon îIFeusîhc.îlook.îuei. Nltp.t O M Mar--- veil aud she carried a cascade of, Frinr o ibtur marruagt on Jan- itiîsa Pîui"îttsa dartai a 5.1- in or prime sttck lis a resuli ofi tintti O., hr Oeprei red roses. The string ut peanis [ohm v29, Neeni Oc Bruvu huit Mibo loutunuf't ns sîur loch un the iisStheSexhibbiîutiton. h5 sthipîstnet, ncu it.juic M. sotrs Semrema agfifrm ogbt tn e Sonfuot ai er- ponud, il ondin lthesomr'mo iso s assombied ai She (trocs Gransd P Fie t c the groom, l ai speciai eseuis. S.tuudac, Foi. 1J, il roui isiîed f.îrm. sit to w o r Miss Lynn Marshalli, maid of11 Ou Januars 12 the staai taithe teana VinieCria honoir, and Miss Rene De.Bruv,, Ontario ScbouuifirntSe Ocof. Mit-spîunsotred br tSe Junior Ausliars bridesmaid, wore pink satin bai- Ion.,sohere tSe bride is empimused .mad te Git- ' Auisilirv' mî Grime lerina style dresses, irhite bcad gaie a misccIta ucous shouiti. A-lijîChtrS bandiaud ccnsorie andror- Mrs. J. Humtue. au auit o th ue îioutitan 10t aduits ond rouing. E U Y < ' ried nosegas o' white chrysan-i-grooinu. Mn,.C.Huttun andutMrs. anrstund nufr îualoito Ihemmi s-ilSpiukrihhns. M. Reidscktîcre tSe hîîstosses ion urttsanig1e rgui1d5 Bilt Hutton of Brantford, o cou- 1t mistelu nleons shonin uin Brui- JjmmrAustoucae grt AND sin uft he groom, mas heit mou tord un Janunons17. JFisoroAis diarlseauj. iti it' and rvaeBoubîonandbon e -Mrs. Jîjîco Mutîlofi tait Mns. or Mrs. Lai, -s Smith. OiSon adulîsIA ftI Bruyn mere ushers. Tons vGibstun nusce cmihîosc sesisiu t'iîeu n USn GLAMhURf A amidiner soas hetd ailor ashoueituiltSe Somero i Mn.- HinneMOuu.ti .F- t 12.15 p.m. and a rereption %%sas Murduifi ou Jonuarv t9 and Mnscsn o Foîci Mres. EAunFrse bnld i te ieeniug ai the Rural Tommy Gbson usas ou cinhuties anti JennFergusun. I EE Canadian Legion Hait, Milton.i for a ibiaer. Ilumuts repurîod uSe carnival' Mr., C. De Bruyu renîived our Scr, BiltHuilun of B ranri f ord, mias one uil theo bus sucesiot EXPENSIVE HERE daugliler uitIhe evneug rerepiion 'gruomîrnan aiutSe îneuding, wa's oven ant i]it iuigstors set-ment wnarieg a Stuc lace cdresi and bth Sitfr tan m fur5ionho g roomn i m S oiusg i n E h h oeies Y u H v jakt1iismihut btndaoBrantford. cludieg uSe isb pond, dîri fameuEhneteLveiesYuHv corsage oE pink caatos A presenua ion sas made lu0.înd fortune teliig hootS. Mns. J. M. BOughton fircivnd theroupie f rom tSe icam uer A imait suîiicose, une of uSth LtO rE pet tl for ber sou, weariug a green sii Suintforionn Oahiit-'und the1( oe ...LtOu Ex rsSyl dres mS wta matchiug greenufea-u - 1 icîhuuir - ulmîmîr 1 priocs Iras won h i Luît grooms sudroîs band a 'jeep rater"ws thered bat and a corsage fBar - - mb lueoitý)toýIsit o r ar bronzechrysuthemms, mProtct-d, iruum tSe carnivat go- imotards She Junior and Girls'Ans-' CALL US TODAY tilt-V and mission wurb. iu The House of Professional Hair Styling Nlght Snool Open ouse RVi1,ttihii hN Scheduled for March 1lst 5stiaheualnitmeF. TBeutyLougeh PruJerîs cumpleted by 225 Mil-thbeoIlhch ut gear wS ch bîgan r t o in liaustegorckig ion Nîght Srhoot students wii Se in Nuoshmer. cari remove jr destroy mutb ofii At 171 Main St. Phone 878-9533 on disptay at 'INighi Scbooi Open ________ Illse vataSic mincrai nor itanin, House" in the Wiliams Anune tot ni._____________________________ high ichool un Tousday, MartS . DIAL ZERO The tiio hour program nrom Cbiidrei n' cucSxrpecurt i i 8.10 p.rn. iii gise isiiors pieety remtember phoneunumbers. Bu ot opportuuiîy tu sec the articles yoo con 'each tbcm une mile: d'fat which iti Se udisptayin onue ual'zern; tolthte ladn inSus s wrntg lthe shop roumi. and she iiibetp ynuu. Be suri-. prmgram witl also Se! hedi h;eehneuSe- u e raboum 15cm hu e ditu Out of respect ta auditorium sohen studenîs miti boandie emorfeuciesmsat modlet bats, dresses, sirts and vourî'biid's tulein an emî-rgenuoî. bltouses whirh thnp made duriug Su uacis yourî'hiid lia diai zeroi. h m m-fr IN-I- MITON TRAVEL SERVIlCE CNR Passenger Tickets* This office is now an authorized Agency for selling Canadian National Railway passenger tickets to, or f rom C.N. Passe nger Stations. Sav, The CqMadîpn Chetnpîors Wedrnnday, Pela 23, O9e, i Institute dmires Scrupbnk Hewv (huvrh RetorthuSt.y Mrs.AWaton loh i, Mil ig. ti npro ho eng a towsh se nWedned h tfi eorweliltatd. ai .ici-oon of fst %eek to tL-1 l'iL. jol tait, Whai 1 wouidIlke metuters nai the Motiniain Union 1 Inp>eserve for lie tu tuIIeil Woinien's Instiiote loitil Feb. jioughit forth sonne 'inieresting ruary meeting. Twenty-four mcro-1 suggestions oi practica and mor- dotn Mcm prseniasa ii"M . alvaines. Mis. Norris contibuit- dnn t.Mts .haos a wecons ecd an inieresting paper on the is- guei. rs.F. orhtit, Ilsitory, î'csîoraîinand hcauiy of dnl, mas iii the chair and in theci Jotîns Church ai Bclwood. absence of sccrctory t reosnrcr, Ont Mtti ets ndhuo Mirs. A. Cliecnts, Mn. VcIiil agravic ndhuo Norrissuhstttttc. ottkeît pocm rccitcl h5'Mrs. A. sciri coret te G .5 l).A plcainient lion Io thetitii'iiitl ineil Io lie F"'r fisedin Alsîiand Io thOiiiier'yî.i. 1 co osmiitîtIlo convenîtion (t Womnn's tnstttttc Mrs Rcodhcad and Mrs. N. Lang- ui Mon 4 and 5 ai Guclph Outrer- un iie siyM h dt fie esîr ni,in appreciotion of leadership IYiti te eting in March, iras i- moved forîrard one day oc March Mrs. IL Richardson, curtesy )o 15. convener, ihattked thi vartuons to Varicît reports mcrc gieu lv 1cicetes tokiug partinl an enjoy- sn ronveners tif standing etîmtice sablhiectinîz. Lunch cunveners oS n historv, eductin agrictutire oervedt a refreshing cîîp of ýtea, ce ond saftirby Mrs. G. Gasi le, Mrs. iittiotntttig adjitîtriment. n-W. Dates, Mrs. H. Wilson. A porn ____ erphit uistrihoied on saliv mci in sur-es in the home mas a handvi MORE DANGER rcmindcr for hoosci ies to pin Ilcrv ure sou lose vour tern- uip. Mrs. L. Distîn, carattir, pcr ai the mheet, or anger another hroîîght tho lustitu sTreeds- driver, you have i ncreased the nii Scrp Book I he mee danger ontheroadis YOU ARE INVITED s, it The new executie of the Mill..En Benc T fi(-:,CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY, wiIl b. lis. holding an OPEN MEETING la plan the 1966 program, in the Martin St. Senior -ak. 1 Public School ait 8.00 p.m. on sedi TUESDAY, MARCH 1 nid Spekers, MAUEICE G.GRIMES of thse i ig h iOntro Chap and MURRAY INKSTER of e olý ~OakvieEegional fond-Eu sing Chairman. Evnrone wecorne. Plnase cnme and spor youacr Soniey. JOHN BARTLETT, ilh', Prnsident lol la rs ri<. INCREASE YOUR INTEREST INCOME interest on 3, 4 and 5 year GUARANTEED IVSMN CERTIFICATES Special rates for shorter termm. Issued in even or odd amounts from $100 - $100,000. Interest paid half-yearly by cheque, June and December 30. Investors include many Insurance Companies, Municipalities, Societies, Churches, Cemetery Trusts, Estates etc. Legal Investment for Trust and Estate Funds. 10/0 SAVINGS ACCOUNTS 4% interest paid, reckoned on the minimum quarterly balance. Your paid cheques serve as receipts and may be obtained ai the office each monlh. Childrenus Accounts Welcomned. $1 Starts an Account. Ask for Fee Dime Saver. ve by mail. Free postage-paid envelopes supplied. CONVENIENT OFFICE HOURS MON. - THUES. 9.00 - 5.00 - FEIDAYS'STIL 6.30 Yeur local trust Company HALTON & PEEL TRUST & SAVINGS COMPANY 252 MAIN STREET MILTON LOENE SKIJCt, Manager - 878-2834 H.ENRY SERVOS the store wiII be closed until Thursday morning, February 24, 1966 MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE 4 4