Chuch romeaQ" à b*ornés By Mes .JMe 1arreqtgre.Io as hcld at the borne The Eveniag bUr o 6etIptps Palai tlMi,, uperiniedeni of, by United Chi rcb omqqn Met ai Eden s llîle4 Chaichto Sunday 1he home ai Mrs. Grace.CrnW"pi Soltîol on Thtrsdonty, etur on Monda v eing Thte m00tngl t17.Ihe ve-tI s pr -agom as di, .e) open-dit vlaah>,mn, nul se-n.uou stsed jadetiaan Shoot mlassc Mr% G. Ha I n v-toin. or thedevoont pRerjod ati l. 4isdiete hoilaacrok- chose asber tope Stîolnçe i tic 1party n 6ehe hunbbase- Goden". men nMprl.Eleenmembe A dance mas -panned for 04u h s al the BovnneConsmuniiv CentTe C o pp 0 Or anti arrangemeois lucre siss-a ii-vgoirep t th e. Mc... Bcriha Grexian va l, r) li rlce TI wr1 cited si .coneiier of, thbdanepcc p)lFik\mriiga li. '1..Eveis- n TYocr aIndýs. leMrs .Dil rinl Olive Walace. Same iterature ncnee n laiseeyn a Couples. Clu#b.tasdlsctused, hl hlO n n a buti il oas decided thIba le 11e At Allant r Aie Clubh mas nocildulumost, A dlgtu [ercu a n The meel' IOetS04du witb P f 1joe ý svrlmemheso er. Mcs. Berti ttnWl H Wmh charge of 16e ptre ttt rt osiedalth 0thanvr vo which incadcd, a. penny sale. Ashgrove Women s 1tIs itiate betd --- Lunch %vas served hy MI-. tigri i n Si. John's Uni( i Chchl Dufour and Mn.. EseJmatTynt!ir. Ga-eano ieday, ebrsi-71 Newfoaundîand, Vîitor arv 15. A delicias Iîs luke' dinner, iMr. Eaci Pennes' y af. Gander, aIn excellent proeram. and Miss -ii ii Newlostnstand. ba, been 000110f 'Eîhei Chapman as guesi speaer A CANDLELIONTINO CEREMONY mus slaged Salarday îîîorning wilh Brownies from the four ai the home af' Mc. and Mns. AI- ail cumhined la maîke iblis a, Mlton Brownie packs participaîing. iv emphasize the morîd-ide goodwill oi the Scout-Guide hei arme akumeîheocain.A - onemeni. Candlelighlers mere, lefi 10 rîgbi Barbara Baro)flistMilton Brownies, Satan Gra- Hear peakr ' ending molre Mrs. S. Mi,, Mrs. h The generai meeting of the Bd- C. Wrieglesworih. 'Mc.. H OCan-1 uni of 3rd Milton, Elaine Wiîluker of 2nd Mlton andi Danielle Boyer oi 4)6 Mlton. The four en United Cbureb Women aIlao. .Mrs. Ai nssnorith Mr'. Mer- packs met ai the Scout Hall for a program in which nach groap <slnd out a ski depiciin beist an Mandas evenine, Febru- oi.'Mci. R. King, Mn... M. -B«oni Browmnie aciilies in vari coaninies. acf 14. ai1 e nici Mr. and r.îîd Mn.. J. MeCarron. Mc.Mler Masoin. Sireeîsviîle, The North Trafalgar uceLO RAT wilh 'Is.Phli Nai.a chair- Club heisi a successfal card prLWRGT man.0<Sîrd.eeifFb0 Liberals' Annual 50 ssni gaie lac laie arrivais a The meeting capeniedvi iiba ,a <i rhTaaigrC'Miliai..k R Campbelialîe, hymn andi praver. Mcs. Les Rut-l niils Centre. There wrc10 ~i,. heing îiiiîîitied hoic 1966 rai.' tedecivwas iii charge of the devo- tahies in laandpri" vre onv nti n H uW lIne r i. I i0s i«ioellect lillowingi t ionai periosi. An excellent paper :iu..:islcsthe îalIIsig: laies. flis ixtsh raîce ai flieeî'glii r ace Ms les ioiimhhi 'il îîogaî.nîs each ai. on Vaientines mvas. rei. The an- Mci..- J. H.n'ilion,,. B urton Is flh rles ' ernp.eton t ii ii îîs andflloing lie sesen-1 fluaI lunchean date %vas def'inie lIiii as a lady) Mi .Erni If eonfirmed as Mav 3. Mc... Car- Martin; men, Daa kirk. Walter Coniroversiai Charli. Temple- ha.. heurt rei.cbeslulesl loi Maich Ill 'race .i the -ine-race harrmess colt %vill 'ne the speaker. The mu- Bernarsdad R. Feaihersion.» ton \«ha ju ai lied inahi. hid ta 19 ai Horab.Te.baiI Gl (lsib pioerami.cadlinighî. Oihel*riii.e. 16r and daughter Bromnie aad Mc. aad Mc... Frank Hall scere gain leadership ai' 1he Onario an the Sevenih lins-. F sqssing, admission ai ail <i acsi.emains Guide banquet seas discussed. conaeis or the esenina LunchLiherai Paria twosas.ago,iili Jasi aarih eof thse 411 tifflium. uesan s tviiias sean Mc Soin ofaithe Crippied Oas i.e%,ed 'ai. the ladies. Ile the guesi speaker ishen the Mc. Tampletiaî, kîînoilacro.I. 525 lac grandi.and admis;sion, Ciilian Saceî was fuesi spea- Halîoa Coaniv Liherais halO iheir the Province as a diiianiis pulic s .ad S2.50 for the sliihhase. ker and spoke oHappy6ertaimi.vand allsuai mneting and convention on speaker.,mmiii heaimlins- flus da\_______________ mork carried on. He aiso shamed Hpahîîdv vses arcecx- S lavMrh1.ln ovnin ilo' iv a imadsuii ti n1' endesi o Jacy McCarroa Pcb ira ,Mah1.logcnei-n.Hlua'i a fil andsaaa slrp MiIls14, and Mc... Lv'ia Ravcc. iiarsih Theueetî, chs-duled ariginails- M.P. Dr. Harni. Hai i-i.u il als, AOU A onsnOD A Woanderfst i Lue".which %vaslo-Mna vnnofti ek pakadtrccilnti!L A huA.J nsn .D greatlîfenjafed 6f the ladies. E.a asa ccgo i. sek peak ns ,dishc- <lui liniuu-ss evea mcmbers aiiencd. The' Congratulutions anud gond vi. .6-afsi' meeiag ciosed <il-h a hîma and es ia Mr. anud Mr,. Jaha BBaisse]] pryr uc a srec %teansi Mu. ai Mr,..Feensirai on cd .uns llliaming the sris amu Olucia ilf the 1Ilmtan tuuilt\ usd Affernoon hosies.thesoccs-.ioniuofiiheu Sm sdslng n - Huimiranuîsaui.helsii n t6e Lilieral Parti luil 1966 «IIia, i, Mr. andi Mrs. Rua Bceak have Fs-lu 27.slîmis h 6.<s-euî led hva uh,înd in ccieemisa Eenn lefl for Pinrida. mhire ihea mi iii Mr. andmiMua. J. MsC:ucrouuî wi-<s- mihich <lu,-Y.P.S. look puru. 16ev ~ ..l..M<- eajov a monihi. holidias. chanci <i5ieiti ai Mr..însi Mca P. laeIs-Ciis-îstu<oflic- hurne (ili Bill Aiigeibs-1c 1,. 3 lile- Friday svorning Materlal for Indiana Lord. Nemi Toromntuo,un Smus:i..Marshalilior a hriei meeting. Fui- cal kinds ai liu an Th gnea metn o Hrbvan ,uîts'inslculflite 2156,uh n- las>ing aîdiscsmionu the skiiiag marine naunialîî,c a,: i ail, PHONE B7B.9972 United Charch Women atas belà i - <e caian ofilosuuiins., part\ platita-ir iu 6aFrimassias ansi Whale auesuunt nereumi l tut- ia t6e charch hall on Wednei.dav- - --ad ns- GeogeR. Samneu i. laaal iismI) su :ul< l.< util -u Caladital.', Altnti, luler 184 MAIN ST., MILTON eaening, Feraary 16, mi16 1 4 ai Turonovm.LI uuuush m\%.acuems-si teli eiuslesasIiiCl.________________ members -prescri' The presisical The ss-condl ins--uetin ofhe Mcr.andl Mia. Artilant -i- Mc-. James Snos, pened the- Hoînhi. H.îppîHasiesi. club cas huoues-l.aî Sa.uad,îatIe- ý1ý meeting wiih a hva and pras'er. hels i th <e home ai Mci.. Roi. Wii- ltionn Flarudi. The minutes ai the previaos rmect 'On SaîsLirsiai marning. mi16 Il Mc..îand Mci.. Kerr Jepm, iaf oerc reasi ansi adapted and members ansmcrungithe ral sali. Kimni. ,auuuandîSlIh5 cln. given by Mci.. Greston. Mc... Rab- T6e presideai Darlene Leslie, OP- ns-r guesu. af MrsC ar son meai the treasurer'.. report.,enesi the meeting-o-u'ih the 4H Ilt.mMIto.n <n Stînd.uonthe c The Seripture and meditaiiat plesige. A dis.cussaiuonan enlsti- ctu .aîun oI Kim', second biihct% aere given bi. Mc.. Robson. The ing ansi leesiing a gsici.i look place. colt eau. îbchei.ord heari', i.<ai.Pasking .ulmsetend h:ug %iluademt answerad bv ail. A discussioa cansîca is-sih. orie oaih,6e mm- (oncet5e, Cnder. SIag and SIlo took place duriag the business he.. Ail mmcuî u-i h.nk s otes. e and Mci. McK:u nsi Mr,. Wilsonin l- B O sewiaf needssi.e re îrncsit aî trodusesi <6e momhers n t<li L C K be sent o Mci.. Walter Colton aifîv'rk, ansi lunch <svai.s ui.esl hNcati the ladian Mission, Loagniew, At- the hostesi.. berta. Frienda andl nsighhiuri sensi pet. J. COOKE (Concret@ Bocks) Slides sacre ihossa 6v 'Mca. meil ishes la Cleheri MsDommeii, LTD. Saoss lakea on a trip la the Ai- visin Miltuon LDitrictsl -upi. E476 nskaa Highwaa, Prairie Provineci.NE476 sud same Honbf scenes. Thc At Hutenanny EVENINGS meeting Oas roagbl la a close Eden Unitemd (hue h Y.PS ai. silb a hivama ansi prafer. Mcs.. eadesi the seri selutSîceetssilc CALL JACK HALL Sampson sers-esi lunch, assisuesi Preshm'îciaa Chtrch an Sunsi-v MILTON 878-6365 ni t6e ladies. s-ssnîng. The shursh mmmii.suuîmm si ir ur AIr5E Vc5 Mouptaberg Dam. a~it hmin ~nedy c.2,l 5 1 ireather forced the etninof ihii construction deadline !ni 1Iss, 1-0 120o Q w00soaW I6, and. wouid resil in di UepC iS % ." e prblm t10110 engîncerlog fees lolalling Unxpcld role a ensed 1pi-ojeet, has climbed 516.000. ta as mitçls w; 20,000. yans 6v bail weaiher saili pcoh- 1 $86000 and engineering fees <-eArtc giai1enr Ole, abin hoostI lle conqtcction cosi 1 exlpeclinsitsi limb $20,000 Io 554e <VOIseeilp141iwîi, lie<original outi- of. the Moiit6gti l$iet<niit' I)i0001. There wiîî.aiso lic au increase 81mai, 5s 312,00<1. that total did 10-12 pet' caiment et9of,1 hic'f abotl $720 asi. mpnstiniloiiiclmde $45,000 for the price tiallsit Iteoil tConslervaliojçn tih!i(-. lrIo s>pispinv owaers i 0moik on a sideroasi and a cul. orli learned ai their. llebtvarythe iaiea. Vet, ahich titosigii the price in mneeting. $357000O. An increase of $15,000 Consaiiing Ejigineer M. A. Mac- on estiitpalei wark Ilulie donc ai Finial casto h e ihpcjec bave i eilioi J. M. Tamlilson and As-1 the C.P.R. crossing raised Ibe -a notaee he stimai d ai$4J7,720 haiates Limiied, Burliagion, ce- iil 3200 îaisiIesm and thi.. incipdes uvera.ges talai- pariedi he overage.. were caaseditalti $7,00meabu.hesm ting 5,000. An i ucrease of $8.000 hy not knaming exacily haw mach The Miinnisberg cdam andI req- i. c-.iiiaied aon the contraci price. scmark iad Ioi he shne - 8ome c ri ir is iicaici 14 nmileswes t if biiing Ilplie final coiliraci itotal qo..p iii ,- e lier lii iei cesi: Mil lonan i i Il o viiîe 2200 acre io 'S277.0010. "fil,- c îî4ofchanges . <liil I <mci ili:e.,,oi Kcîîî e ciî , 'W iii.lorpe' <<iii 1i'-a-i< SATISFACTION YES AT BELL BROS. OUR MODERN EQUIPMENT IS - STAFFED BY LICENSED FACTORY-TRAINED MECHANICS TO INSURE DEPENDABLE SERVICE AUTHORIZED WARRANTY SERVICE ON Att CHRYSLER PRODUCTS I5 AVAILABLE I4ERE WHEN YOU WANT SERVICE SATISFACTION ON i CHRYSLER PRODUCTS LOOK TO BELL 405 Martin St. BROS. L 1M1T E D Milton 878-6380 T TL.K AEGOUT -1'. . .. 1iJl-k IhWANT-ro oPrDpE1T4BOUT ~My PCr-TOQ5ILL$Ç.al RDRH4T the miracle fabric unequaled for easy care FIBERGLASý - SINGLE WIDTH 50" Widn n 90" Long $15.98 PAIR DOUBLE WIDTM . . .. . .100" Wîdn n 9q'Long $32.95 PAIR TRIPLE WIDTH 150" Wîdn n 90" Long -I-f $47.95 PAIR OMBRE PRISM STRIPES ....- NEED S50LITTLE CARE JUST HANO WASI4, DRIP De' AND REHANG, FULL THREE FINGER PINCH PLEAI TOPS. GUARANTEEO FADE PROOF FOR TWO YEARS. COLORS: TANGERINE- BEIGE1 MINT GREEN - TURQUOISE1 HORIZON BLUE. Oit... CAN BE MADE UP AND CUSTrOMIZED TO SUIT Your requirements aI special economical prices on identical patternh. Tell us your needul PLBASE COME IN AND SEE OUR DraperyDepartmient 2,MainSt MILTON Phono 878-2067