IM.M A. Hou.. League3y Bob Watklns Minor Hockey Schedule j The foilowtng ns the revtsed schedule for housne inague hockey *Plepne note there zare nongamres schedutled for Saturday Febcuacy * I 26 becaune ottheSkating Carnivai and for Saturday, SMarch 1 2 b et *canne of the 4-Town Hockey Tournament in Fergus. or ISATURDAY, FEBRLIARY 19 n 6.4-73 a.m.-Fay Piîînitg vs Miton Lumber. M Schedule inn îeffort to close the gap. An- McCuaigq . tl 6 1 13 735- 8.25 a.m.-.Mttton Phacmacyv vs Industriai Caterteg. p Plase note ttle sctîeîitsiufordus ýWvsîn anad Ataît McKtnnon Pay Pt...... I 4 3 4 12 825- 9.15 a.îît-Caîîaîiin Tire vs Muaig Insîtrance. the bouse tuaeue ls shoînse- is ucthemarksmett for the Lod- Hoo. t.....1 4 7 0 8 9.15-10.05 tî lore oil %s Lalt4970. whece on tht sports page. There gets. ait-b Larî-y CharlIton, Steva Phîaacy . Il 3 7 t 10.05-10.55 atî-CetHardwareî- vs Mawhray Fruets. will hb n reottiariYs- shecitttud Wilson anti Gong Browa gania Coan. Tire . Il t 6 4 6 10.55-11.45 i.m.-Retiekztl Loîlge vs Litte Firemen. Dae nW iencdav uvening. assts. Mark Hvatt ram Cat BANTAM 11.45-12.35 p.nm-Bechl Brotbrs vs Ltte Pontiacs. fehcoauS.y 23, enor i Sa ttrîiav Hitta\vas the scoring play laor Lasi weeks Banlam action saw WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23 mocning, Furuary 26, (leio theib MoîvhraYs. the inca hottom teams hand the Na regîtiar subiedlute Puas ltice ime lor 4-Tawn Toarnament. Skating Carnivai1. Little Pantiaus iisplaved a league teading Green Fuels ctuh SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 26 tn ait proaailiiv. Novsice and -teadier oaiinc, as they edtW.tîrapulir of'deteats. The iciary No regîiar aclictil-Skitiiigp (asnival. Pee Weu qaaricr linal pias- liotis ta naîo2-i. Tbe Fircfight- pioncd stouhi enjovahte lor- elt] WEDNFSI)SY, MIARCH 2 wilt ho stting onci 9tttit,.Its as 1;I.fIi- -4 c il ntitiii lo ric titîu .sib, isniasit l i,,s[ ;30i-t620 1,111. îîiý-atiti-j-%, il MtoPisiFîliîa Mar-chb5,wiitiettBillat i uti I ItI-1 ti i tlai at s""al 01 og %%il, IIilt i teLicaon. Jack Durant, 6.20t- 710 iti al4>70 \, Bell1 i4tilivis. hegittning on M.iiît16. l'lic ts-_II fiti olls l liii b"ii fu ite Li upeîted andicloscit[ttc sciîriii 7. Il-8.00t vi.t iî iiiî~is Kiitlits IMoWctar. of schedtîlc ssilt ho contii mcd litait siulic tiepianatis arrive. tar Gteens sith a goal ini cacit 8.00- 8.5ti0 i- c IsltttîidMarkets VIsPark Fatm Dairy. nithin te next week or- su, amii Mike Seratini iorttcd bath count- peind, as the Fuelers see edged SAT!JRDAY, MARCH 3 details nill bu fotthcontîîg inicts ftir Paniaus, un passe., frnm-2 by the Motarmen. George 6.45- 7.35 a.i-Mitlon tcpaîiIiiii-iit Stucs- Vt Milton Police. this columna aI lit titteu. Fd IFonid Ken tas-. Sien-e Me- Prenaiak fired a pair for Beiltu 7.35- 8.25 atoMisî ils vis Luth.- Fircîn. Foo'Town Tournameat Cuittueon itassed tut Part Ma-lin with Allen Honey coltecttng the 825- 9.15 amn.-Ci-estt latîssitu ss Littlu Pontiacs. The coaches andîlmantagers ban-ec'tr "t i îenîcît scate. cilher goal. John Spunat sias ceue- 9.15-10,05 atîs. B ol4uiics vs Rubekah Lostge. been named for the Four- Townît Beecs sBnrothurs 1etanaguil lu0ditled with an ont. 10.5-10.55 t.iit-Mitlitin unisber ns ItltsChirbea Kige. Toornament tuants that iii ie-pilleitu ac k lot a 1-1 ienith MittunDepariment Store wan 16.5-t1t.45 nsFi- tîi iigvs kNii It surance. resent Milton ibis yesir. Tiis Ciesi ttii inte b ilerNa- the other club ta humble Green 11.45-12.35 l.îi.Caiztl t is% Mil lit Pharinaîs. annuat affair in hing betît it Fui-Vicetacatiin* Il nias unit luend Fuels, a-ditdhey also caunteit a WF.GNFSDAY, MARCH 9 gus tis year, on Saînrctas. Marcb tl.î tir nmoisi of tbu game, sitb 3-2 victouy. Les Wilson bit fîstînt 530- 6.20 1r ns--Miltîîîtî t)a.itittant StorttVI BulBrothtets. 12, and Harolcd FrgîtsoninlItltubîtb giallus hbcbg tustutifre- Bob Caulter ln the firitrfnanse 6.20-7.10 ptiti..tl4170t VIMitnPîtlîce. officiai representalive for Miton. Itîtuttls. KitlitWiiianisan sotuet fi.othe Clthiers. fuoliowed hv 7.10- .00 pin.-lii ils St. iittu vs LutstCisîtodMtrkeîs. In charge of titu Milton Nosvtiice lt]' uslinut111c aîelinge pen-losinat lisrloîlscures bv Kirbv Mun- 800îl-8,0 S iiKîrtsMen', Wu.îî ssF.îk Fatii irît. are Veun Gaing andI Ras-Fller.iîtnd Ruos Il ci iattagd ttlic i-so mani Cottitîr, nilh Jatte Hop- SATItRIAY. MARCH 12 The Pee Weus arc hitîg I -ttt ris! ý L.îîuLir isuleg.tnîi' the bu lits ansi Wilson assisiing. Gîtais Noi ragittir t îîtt îîî i iîtsi, regits. taiiutBuacîs - iy Don Favan ttd Bah Kît1îsîlus hv Len Ste. Marîice ndKesi Oit-.1 salle Vern Bridigmnan andtithli Standings slattud Li inte h ast Burton ai-e tuokiiig althKis - I>î FW t. t Pis, lt1araitle etc tis- Faulîts istît Wen tain etrs. Thusu tatîts aL ire i. SBcaliBis. Il 7 is3î17 tiattlItut Sic tuttiroid ;1ltit o a o t a e t i critfrumîtheu.-tîsc LugîîunîcîîPlsî.s Il 6s352 14 IWin. rusent Milun i le lclttnîi.îtRlct!s Il ii 5 o12 MiltounFolice u litped inloît- BpFranskCltarke lovplik ti 'lus si csu t5ii20 shich ismacletopsntciitriasitrnitMîîsstt.îîs Il 4 2 12 ctttd place in0Ittc stanings hs MltotntNovceFrdtu. eiei m i bthlierIlt,slsa he Aciona.Feruns. (ncîrgetuîîîs .îîîîCria tî1,1\e. 114 6 i 9 haesling Lnscal 4970 a 5-4 dufuat. itesi possibles-ilsu c tit cl\it112pittlrîk 1\i\nditt'PoillIllesu Miltton.Each vuar ctî tatitsFitaîstaît il1 t 1810 0 2 Bancs Nijhaltlshîsi Polilc ù,to iloppoatîsînilîn oilsîîd. uti xadl îtcha îîîrsîîî,neuîp. takenaaitîre le plasma nLhast ItI PFF. WEE ilsîpurinit lu.tsi sh a Pa-ir ait'saîînd-up întb a4-t sici utsni, \s-r Ilitand a [letroc the taiher thue tawses iorl (fil% McCaîig itiitaisc tank overgoais hetpud hs John Whulihan. the opentng garlîtuo! tuiet Is! - -- i s t s ai' hockey campellîlan nte buNi> tale ofsss î se scond place 0Slow Robineson anti Waîsnu lbre scrtus lot-itbeTrii CunItttsBucFlts iîtcdi*îps vice, Peu Wuc andîtBat tillant stIni th isa s.îî ncs hs utiging Hatnd's Eunu .T henî-îb a lo e s GcouiNeu totisetutamioIlstliiir t ic toînn u ietîs. fications. l ~~~Ctîckcîî Kîtts2-t This Pu ec e %ihi obeb aeNe itnhsedIeplrfrtr o i, vc o-ke, ficatina.j tastiitt s t tLitcltittO up. sîtlîtantis. tssisted bv Rick Lîtundtttcontent[aîîd carneulatithetuitît Stkc sîaîk long sl'ori isl Mincir Hockey Dance ais .îLiast pointsseparating tbu Scott Miltiamnasn.Inte bu ant nemuue goud ual sîssîts cu ta t.îîtncd Sotat McKet. caîi Ivî Juni a fens mords bueeta u t tu.îsîîs .îtnd! usais Lime il il close plras.Wiliamsae oanu temnaeet bueFr, -e' h hrdprn ndto c mangeulî. ls Fadsmutntthbuehîdlprîd.edfhu M effcî ha th e--uIvse nf MM li.t - usKiuiss-ttsinglud and Steeluers a temporaun- Iuad. bitl n'epîsieng up 1tapa1 1t ii> ittu uttuu tl is saond market- ai HA. s ptenîn 10hotua uln ,ti p Bt!! CIiriil folr firsîlta marrallis hv Niliioli and ncru, îîrtaIttII.Itluut l etit statslils ustIdIlesant-ing - at the Canadian Legian Hallt int e t.iîs n.iukct î toi- singleI u inaterri pîoîud ta nul. Saturday. March 12, ifterthr ob u 1îttiîs iN iaeIetîne rsu itcenunigtt for VicIai-y. Emiils cal - completionoai the FFour Townsîtl\ ti lticil onis itît.1psi I frons lcal-tI-o marc asss i lbt Tusttrsiili -iil5t Taurnuy. Opratinnal usîtcnscs 1JotbnîArtnld. tits Lillo gins ta WhectîheBob poits Tth,%î itî.îsMitiîîiii !î il tciunilt are higheu ibis seasan. andthbuex - Fît\ Piii u ssii tp hsccFe-rr-ier, Filî Mleati nd ilAed% 11Psttiod tillI li.i ioltiit lcueateropes theîdancessitl bu - olic!ud itsIttc lîrsipid tcinln Trenasý. Laie le the game Bosh !ttik itîtiitiflici. liiio iitAnnouayce New a pleanant 550v ai batttering otit )l lI tsip a.sîî a ' a ai n mMaKe edît lise tuail tnta pa.îs Thteti is rd pn i itît -o, nuiln JUiUlee sagging finances. Mut! baie marc Tua ,C--t,' 1 .î îiuîîî tinis ci t sîsîs Nuit Btihttî. Iathlbtisslpi usuitli\IkiI-eu s information asusoturit as ilatls 5.1111il14-4 i.-îttssi [.taSietp- Standings ,nski soîtillir l.î 1t1t , , hnk are finalized. -onuit ,pI.l-lrIllte-Fit iliiitîth LT P tIsîsi I iiLO Ut tîspit ticIlile Tykea and Paperwelghis Rstt liiuo.îîiîsb ihrfîc u ls. 14 9 Ttî ii P î iitlslt tst1 t i xlsivehetîiiag suhstaace penn. Tentative doles hthav tsel 'etILcutl>is.istl.h% ilîpsîîît .nolFîise - 13 7 3 7 îî iiit(;ait\ oi u, en ro ii îtîî u s trik heaîîîeholds and; far the Tvke Tournamunti St -î-' Ko il, Omitît Bitta Wlliiimntti tioctal4970 13 7 4 1Li fps iMi l on\îti. repairtîtinsageit tisnne. haro. snih ibis tournes sl.îtîtlot ii l ii' . t î lo il '!înîc-s s-tt.Stto e 13 5 8 1,t Iti thte tccondi iilviii l s. Nîîîîî u l ili lsîtîl 1liii Saîuudav. Marsch 2,Aprit 2 aîîind siliiohntKstiiin ndBill Pt-1ot Bslt ota.l-con Il i nittlotciî(iiItt 1i n l i Iîîît liît t If IîtLt.LtteiIl-,51tiai:iîî2iltttt.ilsI-. Apuili9. The Papersseigbî Tour-,nmaik sîittiiussltir thart Atilttti ...3IDfG1EThalsut tî li,ai atiit i I,,stiltilst îîîîi,îîîîs p.îîî ilîinsboult nament aiîDGie ssi! hegit sni \%oîtîil, Pîasni.k 2). Bobh String nibeMesWaciniiu t. Il t5hc. \ttliîni si.llti1-1 ilmt ai Friday. April 8, and carry îbroagh ci, GDutcan Liaig. Tous Fîlioî hi ussiitsî.kîigGen Tilsta1tu1îîoiilîu usIli>'. r it stîîand pbuîniinulten- antit April 17. Sincelse thesuntandît \Nllitiivsî, tii ttthe lîotp teîiin a k în t angGennsurerlusit (ai-t.îti.isopt itiut utIfi ini t ol'sttu in ruquire proof ai agu. ai]th1e Ibl Milioni mbusal i ga Gi rhearup lehi- î4- sarke The - are asked ta bricg Illîh ertit i- ouit III siains i aslosu 3-2 citaiin Tanittr, ntieitei iloc s itît -j tt1,sî- livii i wh nite- 511 li cales ta the nesi puatilce. on tri-I itais in Pbsrna. The Gtag. theacnin trae scitMnui),1 aitsnm. aîîul.nsu ct day. ehuuary 18. Thsens iliibu gituttook an cttuivtJod sîbeBob Lihe oand B tavmTrah cani u leIi Gae to pae checked bv the taurnuiment if-.Sigunt tatlieid fra m 191gb Camp- hîLima a niBtryhie apiee.Pue nr.wie a %a..îîspippe-ila 'Mîîstsimporîtînt o 'il r.llt ficials and retoînecul thbuplis -betl].ansd Roger Rîninlelut.aîl ila reins.Ganue Hlic. PsiloGAn-lspair. Sintgles 55vn t loi. 5ttl ti"l,51 i lu li lî.îIlin eus as taon as possible. PLI,, trsu,îDogillio sîsîn. endes aHlMnesîs lisBatigbinîans iotiîn Fuii l huis san it.îiu unw, Iislttil ,tinî-u tsi- Novice ltisldnttrit.ituut i e s'melhask and MaTtah tinist rciitheîtss - %1hofila1 Ilnt' asissîiepautmeoî. The ine it.îtlui"~ l~i ut tiiu îtil The Novice section ccninus .liii Lîîcsui tuhboutunked at rerfu te lmtn a tin o(H.Irii ici ptiIiil t3)>,tSi ii tli.t, wi sîîî~luIcth it Io dinpiay sorme ai the igbtcstIr-Ca(Lintl t rtin lins Sales and ervb h an emt îen Baîîgbîîuîs2>, Toiii(.dliiitti12>,ii l%% p îts.uîsBiîuGîîîuî action in minour baukes. svilb loIti c Kee knîuluîltiltuiariv iGnihe ltksat e o. h>Rts Matenttîus(2). Sissa finît ni l.i .tukh i t),Illîts uc titi ikisn se l a li ut ioî ssittpI îst sîîî iis c i I i teks gamnen heing deriiued bslu" il-lîa,-t î il iki McTrtusb Monnddain.Go -lan une goal margiesanîd Tîit itMlis Bîîb Rîsk firuci - Tue aut.ii iitiu -tins Sin -Stnings ltwîýt iI ui u Rehekah Ladige oultiîl Miii- ttatliir ii it a îoîtin e .andiaail esclub rearet i p nitb s' it' W1 il, t' buay Fuels fr a 21 %îisîîrnuandî hîlltuit iiluf it 1siha Vaine. pUutu îak oolorîtnîPnk . i 2t- llitili ii Bilt Bradhurv bad tlu bu paulisît Standings L[-id%%it FoodîiMai*ket,7-2. Toutight (b4 > 11(1l>'tart.îItl.t iAIk ltil tarty gond le the lsti perild. 15 P W t T Pis. Gmniing led the puclu parade nitb Le i tîs, il4 271i it Ilii! îi ais.îîîîIl[ th ueen uce-ttie onu t îîîbî Il 10 t 0 20 il bal trik fer the Stai..u..... Ha-tri ont rr t 5d U..A ~ The Canadien Champion, Wednecay. rab. 16th, 1966 's rep SuertDSe .1 Fergus win lied the series aitosto the rlght ta go on lne h. A P~#p, 75g aa~*g game each and fnrced t-be tIrd pIn y dams. A "$Des " S and deciding ganse - ta be play- Fergus scor#d ttit no la Jins Cale's unassinted mackec ed tamnuransnight (Thursday) ut lIse second pertad 4o -g*Wt th ~ey ln tIse (bird period wan tIse 7.30 in Pergas.Mnnday nighi Win. Pnly bcight spot ln a rather dis. The Hat-vesiers are -hôping ta testenlag on 'Monday as thene.oame faits frnm Milton seul make -Social Items are wi#6Wftd for Milton Hareester Juveniles drap the jattauf tat Fergus for the The ChampinaaO4ltd Ien ped a 3-t decisin o aFerpu.Teganse. the semeur,-miii alto bave 1 tonal enta. Cai821. The most complete Farm-Tailored Fertilizer program available With expanded warehouae facilities, ments. Take advantsge of titis «- C-I-L Fertilizer Dealers are now pet t dvioe. Find out how Sup«e geared to give you even bet- r_ lwFriizr n -- ter service. An experienced improved service can ed you team of tecbnical adviaors ITILIZER< to higher yields and moeeas- h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ufl Ofl hadt epyuwt \fvc dprofits. Sec your C-I-I. your mndividual fat-m require- 1- - 1na~ Fertilizer Dealer todey! CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITIED 9f SUPER FLOW FERTIUIZERS SCHUYLER BROS. LIMITID 459 MAIN STRET E. MILTON 878-2349