Wanted -____________ WANI1ED -Siolgunts: Winchees .RBGIS ter model 12; pum gos 12 or 20 page, Brunie 837-2676 "afler 8 PRIVATE SALE P.m. c-39-2-4348 WANTLI)-Hay anetstw, top SATUIWAY, FEBRUARY 12dh piees jasd. u4pply LestWatson., I - 3 Pm., lor 13 TuIlamore Rouet, Brsnptnn. MR. DON POWERS 451-48W. c-3844373,I Earlesmere Fanai WANTED - Ride tu Toronto, 1 i le esl t fGeoretoclwn, on King and Bay. Working boums Highmay 7. anywbere trun 8.15 or ".5, fin- 24" elecîie elone; Gladimon; ish 4.15 or 4.45. Phone 878-2475. tepiecc kilehen sel; 9 x 15 gres c-40-4432 ree, vilb pad; 2piece maple touncg; endettabes;c',mepte beenk, WANTED-Live poultcy, gosebeis ce ili nutcbi up cittecrs: uie- anti doct e athers, icatîcer ticks. , crectlichair'lee ; 93 eictece Highcsl nces, We cuit, Write I.' chairs; ieul stanuprc ingOt rtadio; Zener, 776 Cutiege St., Toronto elccitain; hockey game; a or phone colleel LEstoox 50724, number ut intececing bouesehuld eveninis HUdson 5-20-10. c-35-tf neteciats, These articles are sers ccli kepetnd in immacelate cou- dition. Wantd toRent ALFRED R. SPENCE, W aned o R ntAucttioneer - Evaleettor. S5ANTED TORENT - Urgenls needed, bouse or apamîment, 'hy Mach . (Oý.P. .oflice, Adeetîs unît. 878-9928. C-404440 b-33 7-06. Dead Stock Walnut Ranch Ltd. Employrrent Vianted Cippicci andt Disableet Cows andi Honses EMPLDYMENT WANTED - 1 Custom drecvmaking, gtera- ions, suite, wedding dresses, drupes, slip covece, 878-858. c-25-3-8734, 24 lloter Service Lic. Nis, 133-R, 2088C-62 Waterdown MU 9-1044 ES9PLOYMENT WANTED - _ _______ Buokleecping service. atalale a reasuntahie rtes. 'MoîhlIgle PACONI ments if decimcd, Write nu Cham-1 pion Box 38. c -40 I04 ead tc e oa E'MPLDYMENT WANTED -1 Kindîs tare avoutable for 2 or Y LIMITED eldelv ladies or macriet cuuple, in pringle home, good home-cook- cd meals, 'Reasonahie rates. Tete- Highvst Cash pices tor dead or phone -5i9-53-0028. e4O-3-5930 disableet coses andt horves, Licence No, HGC 349C65 226RP65 Lost Phone ZEnith 9-7950 LDST - Paim mens lsses,I bromn trames, viciiîv Thontas St. ta Higb Scbuol. 878-516. Real Estate c-404433 FOR SALEI Services 2 Sorêy'Frameè House QUICK SERVICE, plastering repairs, large or smalt, EtC Mc-! Mullen, dial Acton 853-1818. c-tf Alistate Auto Insurance Lose-rates torames Pavment plans voabe Nes, soung diesmvgcl fuit co-' veape ilmmediatels-. Avk abouti A tstte s, Specitl R tvk P lcn * HOLLIE THORNTON Phone 8782124 ans ime. c4-3 Cars for Sale For Your Next Car ... TRY BUCK HAMILTON AT BELL BROS. 878-6380 Legal NOTICE 1, ITALO GARTON, R.R, 3, Miton, iii nul Oc reepon- ible toc asy debte incurreet by my mile, Miranda, isn y rame afttenIis date, Jasuary 26, 1966, weithout my writlen signatuore. c-38-3 ITALO GAETON. Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS In thse Esisie of ALAN BASIL SMITH, Labourer, retimd, de- ceased. Al pervons baning laims ap- ainsi the Eviale of the abose mntisucet, laie ot the Tomn of Milon, in tkv Coonly ut Huton, vehu diet ai the saiet Towen oh Mii- ton on <kv th day ut Septenher, 1965, arec equire t luftue prool met ame oitk the undensigneet os orc betore tht ôtb day ut Marcb, 1966. Aftcr tbat date, the Public Trostee will preeceetut distrihote tke Estate, ýhaving regard osty lu the clame ut mhich kv Ihen shuil hune had notice, DATED ai Torono Iis 28h day ot Japuary. 196. PUBLIC TRUSTEE, 145 Qecen St, West, Toronto, Adminitrator, c-40 ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR FAITH SUNDAY. 8 rotins mci bath, 36 Chartes St. Cash sale t equiredto lucoe es lte. Ho ese cast be seen bv ap- pomnment. PHONE 878-9517 Latoirdi Peh. 2 966. C33 181 Eglinton Ave.E. Toronto, Ont. RIAL IStATE (Contlnu@M 1 ~ P-ecu0ive c'areoea for Womem,1TOe Cenadiern C+emon, Wedneday. Feh.90h , A1966 by Frances Maule - ilptlodie tend praclical iunformation for car- ASH lA~ AIIIL L er tneinded young w-omnen. J. A. Willoughby~- by lrwln Sambled and Gardon Loa L disIjre Sons ~~Ashmead - The authors dese.ribe de nue & osLtd. :1,tE4 mll as iscusthehufuiL e 1 I n Two-Car Accident Realtrs Hw Tu Plan And Bt[Bd YaUr A lireclitidei e ui .e) r' dllef gFod R g- Statstis, ayon? TeeviionHarod Rbin Ne icipe, Freplace, by the edlors ut Sunsel destcoyeel the tam on a larin ontci et*, andAfLItari tytil, %ici -aiteh. 6 er'Conlinuons Service bamnade incoads on the avtiiahle meîlîods and menus Io aid lu- MagazIne - A recel Do-lt-Yeeei-oct-itee Wtekerv Iiiie, o eece te tellvervî'ceedss areies l'oc seve,- 66 earli me for recuel.onat reading. No- teret lu thc dullesitend mont ce- wtth nany clever nem ideas, ltrock Harris, Wednevcites <touril- l veters. IHaroldl Tyîcll ceas apr- 25 Acres & body, argues m-lb Ibis tact, bol nlric-tcd dieîs, SPORTS AND RECREATION ing. Eleen heted of caille aned aePeinicci as ireaseerer, and Mcc. lelevicionfiai so otened up nese Diabetes As A Way of file, by The Golden Peuple, by Paul large quttntily ut bas aned graein1 George Buekbotder as envelope Stone House avenues of inlerevi l'or everyo ne. Dr, T. S. Danowuld - Explains Galco - Top E-sportsrilcr eere love in the i re.'1 erlrv $3,00 8ror mcirizd This, ples the moderntnee bookstvhie nature ut diahetes tend etreGaitico akev a fond reminiscent Mcv. Clareence Be ielgeeoaeîanet' Slden of Trip 9500oîe iemiuelrntiveeIlieat.cilav ee e be int1)'5 i eli i otecîenea etnd ihe backeeereft[i elu ndtee i imoriet dMis. i Jeebee Bid-uieieee.eevot aTnd. Pateoi eeniiu et armte in, îaecbcd toii 2caei'gteî- t1, gietlees eeeog seeciii lies-, teIeeiettnd eei-,. Pieececes. lieeeîîlascececîeeneSeel'u eeee o tieeoule (i l uectiteflrriv Frieta' tige, liane baein ,ncv a « euev. Book stles inithe US. havce'Diabelle Menus, Mealu and Ree- Grand Pris and Mtor Raeing, tng. Mcv. Jien Bridigman reteern- nighi. Feosing the busines S loutn, voit vervs uitahie -oc ber- increcaveeIo an al im, igh ut Ipes, by Betty M. West - Covers edted by Michael Frevvin - Dis' eut home toiltowing emergenes meeing, KcerKionders, a native ricv or fruit teces,would make 360000000shusing a iceae e e scutcymts tend lis I cuvion- , ines, anedpictueevet itireatinciet lt the hovpiul, et tiHoiland, vbomed sldes taken anii0lhrs arperce Ma rctsvteLieofccami csin l titi ~ ~ ~ ivn deiOfre am A 1a0-u pe- cne cach ser since cedv som n l pcepted ireeltetop drivers. M .Citrence Bidgemten and' on bis vii ce Hollanetlads(onrt- ing hume wsith large liin 960.peetecf oc diaheici LIBRAYHUS IMcv. Hcevecced arc ctli hovpitat. mer. He also choseetseerai lid- rou, inie oo, lrg m et- vse huet some long aseaiteci SELF HtEU AND MONDAY - 12.00 to 5.30 ccle. e f bis trip lu Western Canada, et nizcd kitchen, 2 balhroums, 3 1 ne books arrive1 rom the pub- DO-tT-YOURSELF TUESDAY - 12.00 Iu 5.30 and Mc dMv.AiePaern MnvSednsmsdthr hdom ,ne ur1esace and oîh- lichrhiscecek: The Art of Plain Talk, by Rudoît '6.30 10 900 and -M. andetMcv, Ruy Crippv we'e.1 classes on Mondas anet Tueseue plvschol us a Sae, PICTION AND BIOGRAPHy Fleuch - Dr. lcvch, l'or veters te WEDNESDAY - Ctosed al day, g uestv ai the sccdding) on Sau etcis somevebhools wccc eloscd, andt miles from Milton, $10000 D.1 lolel, by Arthur H4alley - Av convotant lu ehe Americuen Press, THRDY-1.0te53 nd dcv ut eheir cousin Jos Chtîppetisho ue er nbet e P. Owner witt carry* balance on I suat, Ha-itey produceste. cci-IPr«eidents of the Unitet Seutes 6.30 to 9.00. !anti Bilan Doeyle, ai West Hamit- tbcoueh the snow-tlockcd tîoadc, lrtmeicitipe. mng sors, ibis ime set aginetthbe and top educttors, on hom ol FRIDAY - 12.00 tee 5.30 tend ilon Anglicten Cburch. The reccp-ý Sunday Guests ticsi 'backgreounedlof e big betet. The srtIe -asy reaethIe English. A 6.30 10 9.00. ,<ien waav etet tebeCotting Hotel Vivit ors on Sondav ssi-ýh the ý eeiv Nec Orletans , the lime, vcerimportan'tt book and a met- SATURDAY - 930 tu 12.00 and ai Duncas. Mc. and Mcv. Hareold -M~ecitbs mccc Mc. anet Mrs, 96 acres scenic 1964, thecactien, te lis-elas' pimpse corne addeitioen tuouer lbraters t.00 tee5.30. Pate en -B"c'Paîterson tand ILvneeReicheritenedgirls ut Milton, loto the inner nachiners andt sec- . U.UUU1U HaMU U UU M U UU V ltrold Sanderven atetended teMr. tend Mcý, Bob Bacon ond Mc. pri u l't.,ofmuederne htetlfite,. dance feelosing the receptieun. ivet Mcv. Don Rivers ce Dakvitie. IKennedy, by Theodor C SacnI ~ L A m P R Home From Houptla Mc. aned Mcv. Arthur Brillais uf su,0.hilit pnrm ce",s'.o a- tliograpter eeS0(ensont n i A <LEY ..1 F I L ' .I4 Mrs.Jams Van Sck cha e-1 S~i.ron e wt Bunsickctjhte 10 eiet u401 Hms. siîbtien P eoevlleel Hospsciitl ichece hii'ecw,vaeAlcxandter and lamlit. 1,200' teage on 25 Hv Ny.iet, ont aiursas es <s paient lave eseek. Mc. tend Mrs. Gordon Hill, Due- ntceg etec spps, iccte eccesses Ofthc-<titn hc-scierkect av DR. HARRY 4ARLUY, MP. lîntendecitfoc Lave Weekl ici tnd Bonnie oiiMilton, visileet pise.- tenkleteenpl, 40 em'eveith cn ilpersooct iv tur cie- Tire Tbrone Speech debate vttett-v'hutuelet huoa estîsmeeting of Stturdus' ucith the Pclcttcmius, cleareet, 55 acr'es of'bush Must en sew. Av estecteeiotuevoe%'I,s LmtQet u -St. Lekes Anglican ChucrebPal- Shere c Blkelock ut FieSide- be suldIoucloseeviate Oie,, Thuse who loue, by Irving Stonetalenon n te ireerne Siecechtil- The qutestion pet oct ini ite Par-m1ermo, cas betet in the Ptresb Hall coud anetShirley Hall, Bell Schoul Weccumet, ' _-A biogctepbucal eoet cl Abigail sIl i a te voues buineeg takec onlitanuiet bcevbeen lueuceed les agree- eun Moneev nepht, ian. 24, vieb Line, secc-gouetsaiaCHUM and John Adamns. A loeisorv t oc uicnt ce amenuetvpluo tirent - iet cous tep to une Reve. E. Milis as chairman. Mes. theatre parts ut LowesDosenlown bhe weounan bhind the - cette n seo leveihle the Otepeitin. The beecr on Mondave, 30 minutes on Rosvs Cosctn seas tppoineed as Theatre, reccivingte i sncak pre- Towvn & Country tec-utmettIevesecndtp esteent euoi cueiteuet t coitirse, scrived eeetlieclas anuti 411 ninîeev.nVetrs% Cteck. Geotrge Petico veeesfuthie nees meeie 'Mtede In th UitedSae.tese voues îiib the nmain assisecsetas, Tbcecdseea tnd Pvi- scas appui'nted ts Recors Wter- Pti%"v. Mornes Avk bo sec ocr tumn anti coin chomes, fe une creages j ciedtng lots. Moe Wanted oomes ltc cnthuveastec1 s, .Thec% .cec betelookuxg sl oie, are iinking ot setl Cuit vour Wiloeghbbe 340 Main S. E, Po- eurve-me anet Satistactu BRIAN BEST Realtor and lnsurance 310 Main S., Miltoen 878-6292 878-655 "OPE-'-i TO OPPIUR- - fete, eue in Miton,fliciteep nîin l railuu.es', rue ,ckiîýlsi'. t accu' lot,.large- i houwtise ltscit nici 2 2n cccii kshep îant lce builing 67' s 31, 2 toa seeig îuilins 150' x Avlngp tictee S38,000. Terne, .elbte.Cati Gtadtýs litent A HOME IN THE "THIS IS IT' - 4-beirecenm COUNTRY tireplctebutining ront FOUR NEW MYSTERIES ,ncecueiug leom bte Soc cilCe cd-t inie-s' A Penny For The Guy (Crime oPu sntbe u oese u tnd Club) by Jan Raffmanc Bluge'Oîîpositieeu chut cciaîî'î v oie Roam and The Accomplice ilTw c111ite Tbrone Speeelu' Thesbed bookg - une cener), hy Frances t<cec inteuccevv livcite ii r inee weil known Simenoen; Girl on the clu Ille Guei-i ment, ben de- Run, iCrinis Club), by Hilary teiteelanti ucceiet- lIeltf Waughc The Whip Hanet, by Vie- Thee ateîeovîîb:cutoltleIlioucse u bus- tor Canning. Cocinioeulil us qeieieeet lbec and uhofette jl 'al lset îtInei lclue liug, MCls HOME 26il1 Parliaieuceueîl Cuceeu CIcat MClsDecorating Book, by lie ealcce dioilleu eltelm- the edturs of MeCallo Magazine ce ii ee.e.,uu te, ceneeib-euevulceeellecelvteanse' ici <bleai - oe o* te a""ici,, %i telusi,taieu i nd.eieg pt'ae.'tcat book, IIIecoeecetecet Ilisttnui27h P'atiite t it is 980 Fluwer arrangement hy F. F. îcîîjl .e sil îo, Ilue-caucvteu' Rokwell-jCoettains 92 cotor plaeusîtse. e l ueithe anld. c-40 l eaned 190 pbeeuigiptes,eendudia-tuî elu peee.tee A ltic ttete- Modern Batheaums, by Joueph pelitiecat enuut e ila,ecti cv cii- on F,Schram -A telilles pleca- lt eibae.toucuble',bei lio oiall e c-leeieeii ecesla1s ccc iîe',tc bs et. Li t-eueeudvg a oittie nltîîoî Consider Estlloises Helplug Your ChBld Succeed ln motonîictelîl Ill e Elemenlary Sehool, by Dr. M. C. H c-cscnuit Thiý s site48eecr c-- jamesen -Actea, uceincise anti iaiteon-ens- teepic, undi us inette TeUce Diet Cook Boek, by tee teicc,-e acee ciceeue cIil.teo'c 92 i ,dvunct-, huvese, andiiiîe at n-1 ilcieii Keueicee ci e i, toci REAL. ESTATE (Continued) 'ci.I aIca,ît eeuse o c i)I. ci i (ln c-l e i Liit Ile sitcitfiettu'titi' l«o T A. E. LePA4GE maie-ietcitc cvtlbbît cpe.n RATR MTD ibi eh atlieueilies 'a% hou long x 14'. R A R Ï IE , i l] itetet- uit i ieeu ci t , vi'Memhcbrs of the Toonto, Ontarto ieieils ttcou-lit inci ite leIloce e. anet Oaksilte - Traalgar Real ic' o leic-O'i luer - Etate Boards I lii cteliu ccivuieeli sitb, ;.l Ycece' Cc)lilcîîlîîî e lîv Sccicc ge ,ucitte e utc, ce ý' lie <eitutct chilei: ccc Ili,\ ula, ee t, Nii. Tn i, ce FOR SALE - 9roomeet 2-tores meu ih -bcc ,aKi,t neok. den, bath- MILTO N frame bouse. situameet on te beau-,room, t' A cci betting,.tprageý ticcl tempe corner loh 106, x ucndi cecikvtcp 36' x 24',hut 121' RPAL PAMIi.Y 1IeP 202,in village, 4 mites cavi ol x 127', beautilul centrailjca- 1$13,900 full iiu cc ou i cet te', -Miton, on bard sueluceet road, J iun is Milton. Open tu ofler tee, 3-beehmouttii tk btemguteesu bas large, cpaciouv living at $17900. Excellent îerns av. uitub mcceauieeu oruet, %ssUe1hi oom, dineng roon anet kitchen, attable. teuccul lot for chitde ci, cotise 5 gooet si/et bereonsanet TE .M. nient tuescheolsandlshoepping. bathb, ait on second tour, alun- VROK itoTHE milesM inu sors nd den 1 -stre brn, "2mies MILTON inun bsomv nt .snsu. rom Milton PO., cunsisting oh Scbot buscs by the dour. Heat- - ,conebinatitan living tnd ettn-' CENTRAL LOCATION in s outy 3259 per vear anet mng roon sitb liepîtece, bettu- Real Oppeet humus i 5g itut vecoh the ecarnnnîî $12,5W ur hesu ie mn mllet, 5- taxes $139. Owners anneous tuic auge kitchen anet breakiast ar-[ m'*()('Intbungalow,. tone fot s1.Oentuote. e2 beetoonvsandtha thcouon jlarge liiving rt-mn eitb lite- Forn appoinîiment cuit on nais tlour, 2 bedroo Pla eitc, sepattee. eniet Pceueee, tisndllon, F/R o1h heaing, tutti Osement, oit bccming, toiutlbacenent, garage . Aking Itarge 62' x 140'lie. STELLA PARTON price $19,900. Calit Bob Cros. ÀAI C'i 878-6705 or 9932 J Mevemin tomorrow. Nhy wait C40 for vpring? "Douitnow.' 4-bed- eoom le-torev home, on rdwv S, paious son lugliving ruom, dining Christie W oods ri, large kitchen, fui] bave- REAL ESTATE BROKERS tient, oit ired hot water <ieut- 189 Main St. - Milton ing svstein, heautiflt andscap- edetdoubte teot 100' n t32'. Asking $17,500 fult price, 3 - bedroom prive $18,500. Cati Brian Best. spli-tevet, large living roîem with broadiounca rport, paved1 t'eISTOREY BRICK HOME - drive and patio, On uarger lhan average-lot,' S]3,900 full prive, 3 - hbeviciem "ose, to I,),twn.iicnHome vcon- spli-le el, lare liing 1-0 M, i ii gAîcîcit i/et kitchvn, sep- vptt ccilare lvin rtîîm vte living and dining riims, ample storage. Cati Be Il 4 lied riciniv and hath,full hae- Btacktock. j ment, oit ired heating, single $13.500 fli prive, 3- bedroum1 car garage. Asking prive $15,900. brick hengalow, L-hapedtcin- Cati Art Peacich. ing and living ruîem, fulhase- ment. Terms. We Invite You ta Enjoy COUNTRY HOME The Benefits of the %20,.00 flli prive, attractive brick! Halcomatic' Budget Plan horme iîb 5<0ne 1irepluce, wat-' P v foii suer ire, Autotmoilie &1 to-seallbroadtoeem, dining tiea,, ite nivîanPceawi th one itchen with beit i n oven and! 'Mee T)hirpaient. ceenner unit, ample cupboartl Mnt space, flitbavement mith lire- C,îl t i v fortes lr trher details place. Termv.li FARMS 878 - 6292 29 acre tarm, on paved road, coir- c-40 ner propcrty, large hiuse, large bank humn. Price $45,000. 47 acres, caphoard bnngalom, ail lovnences, bank harn, gar- age. Prece 3900 WTO.N ij Cal' 878-2095 878-6057 C40 BUILDING LOT $4,200 skisg pice, 132' n 250'1 tosen outer, loctuteti aneng r mcc homes. TOM 87 luti, Not Council's Fauli Teen Dance Stopped MilminCecumecil bail umcimng mec cLii siili steippittg mcci (lanice, ii titi. Agîlcu humai HallineueMittoe,ý Masear S. G. Liîtes a,umect Cen-! cWloa G. Kmamuie cue cg Munctas 'v coieici etti ing. Coutte. tImr Kramih/ cetom'hc-iei îteet 'heen appretui.leeut -Os eue/eu secmndetimtp su- leslie cIscn mutichus- cuntinucedthticdance, Tieceteavoeromurted the Agriccet- hum-ai Suceet oweuettue ibuilding anet bad disconeinucet ceniing it l'eue teen-tege dances. Healing tendi dlamage wo-e-cted tes rcaeons for the action Thelus-n ehl,,uilhý u'ne ucavheecemm, sas nid sceihabte j ion the cnes, the neasur said. aund memuvtimms pcectucled tlse vw CAîL Ucehticaotite Councehhuer Kicuette to ssonder- Iduiaboutethluestalismetm oa' BRADLEY YM-YWCA. li,msnoedethtuuim acumeOciti/ee cIli telicqitst luit 78-9543 ae Y bueitlcingchic i s ceeut suite cAO stulieeul bithe huesem. SPECIAL - 1 WEEK ONLY BIRD FEEDERS From 95c BIRD SEED MIXTURE 1oc McKIM HARDWARE 260 MAIN ST. 878-9222 iisiv i, tue uie utithi. e s vtutu ss e îuos<lue mmosi - the iabintec are asKing quesiones, tend anvecer tlîcm om cake lei iolic anvecd lacer.TItis iv the.-uic irse andi p.emm svevioeeand of- tun rùi eeteet esianges. Titeecc iielcalei o cci 1Iuý (ut Cen[netucslicestlis tsi-c[ t1u mec g ciels ic ul îand i, c-eu. tuting eut lhis cicvdili:iictîjett jnost t1iin1Iý nd ute c -lanud us seing cmiipart ialin iibi eulctpnienetuett AMccii becsutithe Mo uue. QUICK CLEARANCE USED CAR BARGAINS I These Prices are Cut ta thîe Bon. - 1NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSEDI 1965 AMBASSADOR 990 413D i ci uis ilivEuiputtet Lie.ts7111107 Was 34,400 Now $2,995 1965 AMBASSADOR 880 4 (le. vdlm, uis e% quitepedt lic - Ete93lt Was $4,200 Now $2,695 1965 CLASSIC 4 Oci. Sedtan. PuetisEqeippeut tic.1-6029 Waa 13,350 Now $2,395 1963 FORD SUNLINER Coeselubie. 390mnutor, autel t'ttlraio.Rexcepiiomecelis puemel bues Lic. H16892. Was $1,693 Now $1,495 1963 FORD CUSTOM 2 et ceue, flnai rdo cieume. Lie.. F116894 Wa-e $1,595 Now $1,395 1961 RAMBLER 2 Dictr, cueuiecradio.. Lic 1-E83822 Was $893 Now $695 1960 PONTIAC Parisienne 4 dote aieeitonescepueee -8 a ccii alec - tusese Oe'.kes. lice ce teerilig,1o.e Lic. 1346 Was $1,493 Now $1,295 1960 PEUJGEOT 4 dom-eecsedatnm, ,agoouuccen ca.Lic. E8t341. Was 3693 Now $495 1960 BUICK ELECTRA 4 ciot ueetueiart lt oee lic. f66792 Wau $995 Now $795 1959 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2 cieore litulip. slandardm' aieLi. H16893. Wus $995 Now $795 1959 DESOTO 4ol uhuuu hîîdtop, 1tulle pos- cucul Lic. 90457. Was $795 Now $495 1959 VOLKSWAOEN Radito anenucuras. Lie E70297. $495 1950 MERCURY 4 ch. sedlan, sttandardl Irans. t cmuio. Lic. 226434 Waa $695 Now $495 1958 RAMBLER 4 ccor sedtan, radio, stand- ardchieanv Lic51097. OnIy $295 1958 OLDSMOBILE 4 doleîedn, .lth quuili- eut, tic. 226433. Was $795 Now $595 SELL]EE * LMNS-WR MOTORS LIMITED RAMBLIER Bronte St. - Near the Hospital 878-3441 ELSLEY'S m PHARMACY e 0 PRESCRIPTIONSe K. H. ELSLEY, B.S., PhM. 24 HOUR PRESCRIPTION SERVICE 878-4492 - After Hours 8786961 FREE D E UIERY - REVLON COSMETICS 2 TO CHOOSE FROM 1962 Rambler Cîassic - Station Wagons Automatic Radio, etc. i Wite tic. X1 347 i Bluc ic' X-1348 Your Choice $11295 Y- i A