Milton Catcil t ils regular 0 Learned a catraotar had meeting on Manlay: sot heen tcaed who %vas silling [u instati a semer nase on the e Reirrd ta tho Plunitt9G ison Rd. W. utis o tltc groueti Board a request tram Ben Ct scii [ast. The oosssittee 'eus ta cons ao change his proprt tsMri netits itw'stigaias. St. irum resjtit t cmmt c ,l osttig. Tis oe ri i>pt[t, ton 0 w ,et['e urth [tcCNR tt,ît.t. tt,îJ lse ue e'teo e Appt'arc th[e pettohesc ot e [otcrgurot an toss [[i[se. Theo truitic cauniter t $124.50. I otttteit s hasing deomotstt'at'otts i oquipntent [rior t a ltusng 0 Agreedti a onsider a l.tte:tte packe itseitllpu'ets.o May or eartv June date to is le! official opening or [he toesn hait. e Adeopted et ie teder (ul Boit seseage ptant additiotn andti ho! Bos. Ltî[. att93.70396 pluts stosý Kelso seater supptv station. Monti- xtus ,it,, et uts tlttttp 'se ders soggesteci ta the t'esponsidte ctas s sendcabh. and tliseentier! eammnittee [hoetent shout[ttale' uf Reel Rocfeilrtt u. lor ,t tise. the fornti otaopen hotse su o i' ha,stanttd h tu,[iettseit ciizens coutietsec tiie proleets. ftl-tttlett pet srape taLI,cr ut . . . . . $5.2(,2.27 ttteltîciipsattes it,s l'snow searing et[orts oim ing receipt of a lettus - rots, V. M. Morgan c'prcssing tis cptt'eei;-' ion "for tho ssoneui-frii ohtiesv hase donc." e Approse' th te pttt'he a additsg macehine Pt tes Hatr'is Stt' ioner% lac St19-60,.for use bdv the Wrks Superintendent. 0 Le, t [tec incîtt t he itieiece' ,rv isplts lsci h eti ta onMait sSt. ,tned te balacssee tetil de e'te'e ee t itist ,t se'ol. 0*Natned G.C.,ts, and.,îe Rîîs FPest-non ttise Coetts %Ptstt inî Astition otn tereeom- îsîene[. iots t l tie the ittn Pttn- 1tniBtoartd. Mrs. Mary Deforest 91 Mrs. Mars' Deluosi ai 32[ Pute St., Miltas.ceedttd liter 91.,t ir[hdav on Mondacts Fedt nars . sith a'gtdeciscLt thehomîte toi liser daughtar Mrs. JackttMeDotu' gali, 80 BruteeSt. t itdts clin- sec s'as esjosed ds' adout25 rtoi atives and iriends. F Mcs. Deloresi hts tîto dsugitt' ers, Mcc. McDotsJ.tii and Etiset Baiien. tto sonsCam andetGeorge, pius 22 pcsnciettildeeiandse[29 t'ugttne iei"t.SlIte t, stl iit good heuitis. Plan W.A. Annual To Spend $10,0O on Hospital ?tt.mderssi t fise Mtlon Ds-tîtelic didtcunîiat ok ltuteIc triet Hosptali omen s Ausitat- the. e.tnstýon ,et', utderse., are hus.thts s %el plantning tur ancissutpttspmrnhers to',uispt thir cnnuai mee ting - prssh.îh'lii', ea 'und'rcttsttg ploîeces.I ev[oms itsputant .tenual iniielacin.tMîssîme Batli ets tise groop's histor -taud hbciedheîsg picnncd i osthe linac tasight iWednesdcasî)int[ho Chris,-tttiiittiett t,ett h tc t. ias Eduetaion Centeoi St. Patis lUnited Chureh. PeHatnJl Nc ensaiicer', ettIi ho cho,.sn e lH ltn'i suai reporttse %lit e peeson tedand [de arehittefor [ho hspiiTaîsIlks Beginni ng expansion progameeithebcpies- H,lti, and Peeocgi otîttil est ta esplin tihoeînaî k aI duitd- ue'oitiifif(]îtioi inp the additioni. "iseetiot,îeeii Ptesden M,.J. orma tld isl " il i ing,î,î p \It n The Champion ptlan', iîthlicne Hîlliii UsiJetn Il.Il[i i itie buidin anditct,eîtiicd ls',il Pcc \lh'tieiî t.t J,î,l.îtîi eculyment the AxciltietittsPortî(lîeit DliitîeRccv, Ji i ta 'puIcehatse ttil hsb ' ontî es'pla i s t PI,ît'U C îî ,î tttCuL ,1t e 1111 th, meeting. Theutot lic Aux-' titit'e'iitl lieMiiiît,ei tIRe' st ar', harcict,about[ 10000 tn- itorîtuî ie,titatisn',. AIIîti <as us' eiuding S4,000 lacrsutittîsng [he mari. sots gitssop. 2,50ifortrssi- Scelli titi tct;îlle 'itc \%tIll in-,a solarium, and S3,500 forsd-legin'iiiistsittnitiittce'ssterît dittoaai ptsstiitthrpe cuisp' [slet"-, e1t nutlîplan tura ai[ment. tîîtîtiîonîs uit wte'e'itttlplit icte Mr,. Caîttst epsortlt, m eitîtî c l tte lan tic , i i (i l, l moîtcherese il ho bceeiedd[a iîattdle aa k>%i-',kslt. WILLIAM J. ORCHARD ai Borlington mas eiected Worshipful Iman Fryer, pont Cousty Master. Standing in the back row are Master of the Hulas Caunty LOI, ut the annual meeting inI Ralph Barlow, auditor; William Milligan, nomiser 257; James the [00.OF. Hall in Milton on Satorday. Shown seated in the McCao, ftnancial secretary; Ernest Grafi, Junior Depuly-County front ram are Clifiord Ebbs, recording secretary; Fergos Quee, 1Master, Earl Brown, irst lcolorer, Percy Hall, treasurer; James Deputy Master, W. J. Orchard, Morshipiol Master; David Wor-A. Stieson, tyler; H. Schroeder, marshali; Keith Ireland, irst den ai Ltstowei, Jr. Deputy Grand Master; Rev. M. J. Aiken, deputy-lecturer; Fraecis Graham, second depoty-iesturer. Chaplain; J. B. Monta, Grand Chaplain of Ontario West; Nor- Milton Girls Recail Trip 350Skiers Snowbound at New York Chalet Tittesttcttp 'Miltottt [,diessscîc iltnsun,t %%ho e[i Osliped httt nut-s t cis te k cttld. nt%%sshoutd it ski chaleî[t rtar Cattadattgotin Ne\s Yotrk Stato titour dats tecenttv. "lwsqttte Latrip.,t tLiott tse'ii noter itttlet," sttnttnettu Miss Disttn of Ma.itnSt. Mito,tns stte ex[tlttnet [stas ,tte'i e 'ntiski t p h t ttsurtes en't tltntstiLi, 'ihe pots. itli lettip ,tw il llz ,st Lt e i, H ttîte t , ngt1 i fa lirs t o d Miitsst tliîsttde. isesue inie, 4 .tritp'ttgi, sThn skte iul ipinsttt i il hnou anîd Si Ctuitns Oskcie, Frte Ptlant. Thes ehactoredci fn adtr.ssetietiFridaNsJ. iîs2f IoL moîdertttectalet Lit Bsts, lMîîtnt. ai ei tise %vsli.te ttf Nttsle ý\.Y., espeectinispgosdptfttitse,,on the Home Twa DaysLite Thse htizzardîc i olttee'i i itll hoties t"" il tt .01 hte'a.11). et l oi t cW2l belotte tie\cs Imcîk t, Osîtlte'. 1 ho girts, e7it etti eeltctt t hep.sîsttsît[to\%hsttsreliipit.ant n, %cer eutîîtomit ttte,svSîînds tilîte .îit% p ,it,.tî oi. l lesuit ee'tirt .'ieaditI. i cilleiii, lîttîti m etii ic110itîle Stî le tîsit %,elt do, A and Il e'dtliLk\.p 1- O i Ile c ae iii itil flc r- I'ree LaIs %itle ',t i s tlrl iii. e'tsetgnc cot n etdtiutiotinspscre' Laie Tuescitvts ti)itu thse \ete priieste Ttttirtte tclt htdttt pe oute icttel ivitivrru d.tss attc[ ite'ttse'.tstlcees itacie'stointithitflic ac,Lt -candon1 ZM ,itthicalt75tensts eaei-ti s vua as espced nighl.'[hoedttsi h.îtcl tns tntne.v. Tiosc'scho wero pttîsd thIlruotigtti ntnutt.sinst 1 oe tie1tte tedr'ifits .tndl nade i[tuo Canadtiigts, The Forci groupatsleidoss.StitOt'Othev'îtorcone aaissstssd il, Ile hou se ,Iiteitas itttssp ul-th iere %tss ntt huile o of g tii sitie the cha,tita.nd tl"'"s a ,iti[h rtîcth ttt Bui'i.,to. Itoseve or ts.ttttsr antd mnres'ootnitt tthe huspotui trough [tttm Buaaittst [la nrte biliditng. "Mostccts.. thosYsetttt oneue stotn ltputit tte isstsa.iteandtssced it caeh 1ots tîttnos huite'ts', tîiet thoIisetets .tstst siitp eise' 0.iii 9nt. ,tndsiiist tu, , aiti. \NutC[ te utît dn't evots 1, tO,K,l iii' t 4 1..tts teltsi ,, Mi-' Dl i t'tt tee. Bsti ui lt ticte t tttietstce tint sle' ttItds i pptts d ei227 es' thtts fic[te ' s , a d o ai tnichestoti ttoh ',ttttes' [titisgh flotutset fitel lýcj Il dri ,ttsad titiîtt ta\%is ti 'oei ' , scj est of eî,tsd 'ttu\ tdst the'ssstiitth' int i[,hetiflite" M's-e nvose ro itscIe t,î slots. tIle%'z.s iseý%wos halfi No Rom - Blankets 1944 so Mo.tttthttc a ltttnt'tt'sstistci* îtt,,tg titetit)ieste, teîî, e 3 Fltssiie'tiossps ie.tin, not I Itsk skstscîst , 1 t01 tsss"lte ics h of tctt tsbut ttakets tot'll eittmosd"Ptist gitt Illrs". l Ba ls \%tat, i ýtiI le gr. p t it' t, ta '5e ,tii tîte' Ivi Ol thol %%oo ro re'l titni pit r h Not hepis e'titttiet hi tit,' t,, T o o Lutcki site hattttîs"e ý, hgillin, o ER ONS WHO wd and lie ski'l \,«'s - flc 11le a,1Lnli1ý DOGS TO RO 1t.'si-l h-d - lc[t - l A. T. MOORE INSURANCE CAMPBELL VILLE 854-2271 0 NO EXCUSES V~ 0 THE DOG CATCHER MILTON THIS WEEK AN WILL BE F V' Ri CF ofts.t't [l a ise niontaisss ai- tel-t'e [ito\totn saîpeti and ftio son1 cmetou[- MisDittssdoesctthd1 Ilte Sceletsaý se"t ite sassec. ipiutttcsosfaithe o akîcs." Noute [i.ttits oter andtseits'rc oble o glisahoo t tIseol ctn' the tseekettd teus htdtflit oanis retinptttltteci.tion hand ssvss %vi f o liile slect o e n tise' ,aýconte' tr'ip ptteisecin [t And t it i isI s ttti tant tt ' kiiiiV îccTte h ie explttits ttt the 40 î, %li ntthie' Fottd tus [tut tlle ski eCttb tsin tîtpcs t [tili l ii itapposs.agn net *'%ar, "Neost litte'\ee ipltanningt ta le ttttt,î'oa as ttt it î'ek"Miss Osson thitosoishieai' le cudd ice Owners ALLOW THEIR DAM WILL BE Y FINED WILL BE ACCEPTED tWILL BE WORKING IN ID ANY DOG AT LARGE PICKED UP. PY ORDER, AY ANDRESS, -HIEF 0F POLICE enough hot water to \ float a battleship CASCADE 40 gves you ail the hot water you'rc iver likely to need at ONE LOW FLAT RATE. Use 40, 80, or 100 gallons a day andf yîur watcî heating bill will ncyco go up. Atik about CSCADE 40. Cafl allimatMIlton Hydro Commission ..........' LLi The Canadtan Champion, Wednesday, Feb. 9th, 1966 __ 3 Objeàcts te Court st. Aprtm on»t CeuncN Suys Lund Use is Okuy Objecttons teconstruction of seeit(eiiahble heause oailts muliple dwelite5 hausteg an a pr ntyteipt the ratlway station Caut't St. site mute ruisecd tu Mil- and tndust tutl tralfit, and iack af ton ouncl Muday y Thmasparkiug on the site. tue Conei Monay h Thaas tuncjl tulod they believed il Bradley, but Cauncil rcoulved tho e aintihe dccl jeteresi af [he land use wus acce ptahle. l0,0e t> prseeed with the appli- The site proposed fur adUpfcxleX ei oi-[ortho proposed use, and on Court St. i sittîmoidiate 'ittggecthe odjection mas flot Iv south ai [ho CPR tt', ntc h e <t e Utc [o unded. The lot complied cast sideol'the trecit Mt. Bttd- itith t he oo5itigrequiremeets, it STHIS SUNDAYI for your shopping POPULAR REVERSIBLE AII-Weather Coats BY NICCOLINI PETITE SIZES 5 -15 $1495 MISSES SIZES l 10 -18 $16.... Thtis versatile coatt s L couiu ll nso in a cassi style. Fanous 'Celanese Pop O-Ln'on doth sides thats sater-repeileet YYet gel double warrnith and weight durinsgthe tool ramty doys of Sprinq Navy- lo-bonc, brovve tobIeige, scagéissto-booo. ALSO AVAILABLE IN 'à SIZES - 181/ - 241/2 VISIT OUR DRESS DEPARTMENT 0 SPRING DRESSES î(~ ARRIVING DAI. CHOOSE YQUR TODAY $09 200 MAIN 5T -------- ----------------- F