Mr= - - - - - - - - - - - 6 he Canadian Champion, Wedinesday, Febr 90%-4966 -n -A EarlyBo" Birdsarrvc i January 28t un h il lc SsinSe ars 4 Wà wet fl L a d ie s 'r r o i n i a Ccohi g h s i n g l e ,e t i g H i l d a h e - o a d f i e c o r a e 8 6Pa r k -s o f m i k inson 235; R C uler Th ladradiesin high he Caadan Dultriplere f Mr P aJoan atl Oher goodwlhhi wfean singlesel i te o\rJoants an ua Watersn Peero 23, Ed rlyBerman; 227, Kay Gray o vil n cid Uie huc uda coo otond-rm aury3 nac uh eety.Rs ewt f ULIG EM 22,Ln vao 28is1,o- Franknd,5 o Me-y4ro it c.A . rlih o. on fte tr ilnw c Y rO tai a eelce s B idigi itn hsya o Kerr 28;6,p i 7 l r 0 B x l ,2Fo ih ld a E sFredU ie C u ch p e id n.R.HiS otz o oc - of o28lw5.r a nl n Otiehe godtipgles, HEd CrPdr- Lde'hg ige on D- ii .Tebsns etn Jrplanl Waters. wonore .Colsn n J R an7 n efor 18; Hilda th Sm erTrphprsvt Hardy, 2 ,,oras8; Ede Crydermanii,,2 forr 4., rdRl> 8.e 2)l ' k2,,G id n1 4 il'l1tevl Ateýa ndat1ia c n 'rvi n r. N rn O L ae od ires Specia.5.ii i l\ 4. 1.20 Re28 aodMotn" kl 28 il* lgh1 1 ec le. Lntncodce h orhpN U R S Fa 02 oebruay 53 en 0hrg1 Ii on Ti akGul Rig, 5for13:LocenMarh. to 5le,4u r 6.O31; o Ii inaK.Greyhounds,, enGrv25,i er n eog C 5n;Sew 'clsooatornid by M s Harov, fo 8;Ede rv 31;a, W hpet s r y l0; Boxiuersvv ila ad .R.Dae;2orW Fvw r bruaryle n Mr 40 UN FO for 4.> Fe~or 9; B rus.0lrv 27. i,5La ie high single, Jr-oan De-tr 61 Iid m sc'ciiiituM %.D %vl S i rai CaeceBide a o im e- 0 H E Februarv (,ý.4 Fe bruary 2inge, . ipl e, Phii lCoulo78t2. li7;ý68 ý C lig ar vdii n ru nadsuso ncn i a cieto rdv Ladis' hgh ing]. c Audev a d ies ',high tsigle, F.Pin ela-acher2good sin Rge, 3Lid- K 68;l, m l ad s fe d muip f. la s M IT N D AR E T dean 260: lad)ileslohi2;hLtriplaviCPink Marlsmuneev2-1ut.ioMe oric a d2poBerthon Mason 682. Cill~Oter good snge. m na 92 a c 6, 5Gordon7. 1,-260. Billma ut ihseee rissad T RE L D Tesd l25 .Eui:Mrp y24 c . 26, R g 24 .Haod o lor 5 oia liicN l1;%l, iiiii o h i iti a d go r v o h Othet good singleOsherigood tripl, V D ona ler~ 248.lo Bill-P. .i ipi te hu c a d om u - ouur . Il24 a nore t aHarry 240,ins G lwel 00 M inSHebern 87 -9 6 MarrKiberry 592. A. i sdl o l i mb I.V ndn ers53 3, od n .23,i lB.237 Gla M Keric \N n -ý oi Ern h u l21, 1.Aon2for 71 Ha nah. , al 22, De l 22 ,Sag 25 Arn ld to 1; K \- hieds 0 oi.V7 f o 7; Eli7's7. Mo.65;ll ee's, oMe Hood 203 (3-2-3 ) il. !7~~5. f or 63. O6(theres A. ii goodtripgles, Lina K. 562, L ts B h Milton Rate ayersHoynRollr S7,H ary "ue 2(. uni lson3.Be h 27 51,Melo- Februar\ 1 53 Feruarvol 318.11,) 53 7 0. elir516. hirleyD. 505 Lzili,'iig sng e, aronGov- \o 5l i' ; hiePine. J. chie B(ill(1D. 11696 , c691 eSt 66 . J ckl in,258 la ie' hgh ripeMaron fo ; heI iigh tile , M oPh 1e566 1 ar 2 5.124) uila W lo Cheser 6 8: m n's igh ingl.' 4;: e n'shit in le , F.5 Pedulla; Mei e n54 5 lor 3- 7 1; SFtu, 2A R lor 71;T I G P T ad Brian Jacksn 302 mens Ili 303;\ti mn's, highfu ripl Te F. P eulla Ja c i, or 70; Re , fo 68;Bila alar trile Fan Pdula 29 2813. 4 T e 2itior oi49 6; A usPin, 4 lor- 6; C e Mareson62 On5l 3;H i The r good singls - Men:SC.lor 64;. .are.5!SrE 7 May instn.095A Wnd oli 2. SH. Vanden-2-; February 2 7 o YoLing Peo le liad Miltonlleast week tol joincithe Mi.l.1 reto Miltonisoonowith hishwifeland top" oneichiud. The pt:20;iSuntulibumsit5anorfe8;BKool Kats, 2 fo 18; Four insl5sfo ing il un7;hKingo nPinsi2i ir b4. Ladies' hign singlelAudrev Ma son 258;u adie highateripleiAudne Maoai;.e ' ig ige REPAIRS ARE EASY WHEN YOU USE OUR T O OL RENTAL, JUST A FEW OF THOSE AVAILABLE: " SKILSAWS " HOUSE JACKS " FLOOR SANDERS 0 VIBER SANDERS 0 ELECTRIC DRILLS th PIPE TOOLS 0 SUMP PUMPS 40 CUP COFFEE MAKERS FOR- PARTIES,_ GROUPS SUNDAY DINNER SPECIAL CHICKEN WITH VEGETABLE SOUP CHEF SALAD FRENCH DRESSING $12 ROAST BEE' WITH HORSE RADiàH MA1ýHED POTATOES OR FRENCH ERIES G-REEN ýBEANS blý'AWBPERRY SORLAKE 181 Main AIR CONDITIONED Milton WE EK EN D SPECIAL Save s1,175!|15ave si,106!|1 Save s1,000!1 Save s1,175!1 NEW CAR WARRANTY Good on Ali Cars 200AN ST. 878-9261 1 -ife i, sacred, since God mnade man in his own image. IlfLa wan- Lton killer doe, not repent when, th e sentence of dealh is uponi him, lhe cer-tainly will not wýith 50ver of pisonji ahead of huim. Gerard stated thakt there are 59 abolitionists, 49 retentionistýt od 60 undecided in Par-liamient.> France and Spain are the only countries eat of01 the iron C rI-- Iýain %which still retain capil punishl ment aind thact onily ona limnited scale. The exception tot he i,- use el, Ccapital punishmnent should be traoalec onduct during wr n th 8hcentuIrý.I, er e wer 240 cisincIluding -thelt. adul- ter\ and hrs.puiislzhble hv dleath. Capital puishmilent is m1i arch- aic customl. 0f2,500 capitail nmur- derý annuaizlly inflhe United Stat- es, there are only Abutt30 exe- Olthers takinig part in Ithe sen %ice were Wý%iniired DunbarII.t, Car- of Freemazn, Lloy)d Lucas and Rob Bi\ Ih. The Youing People also, formied the choir. Left District An enjo ale eveýning was spetl recemly ai Ebenezer on Ilhe oc- casion of a party and presentall- ion lor Sher-ilff nd Mrs. AndFrank and their son Reid, %who- mlovedtl o Milton ninSeptemberl. Lile - long residents ofNsag wec\aithev are mouchtissed. A sng )n v sls yMr,. Hav- wýard and Johni Kitching, and ringiiýs by Wynnec Dunibar add- WE'VE CUT PRICES ON ALL THESE CARS RIGHT DOWN TO THE GROUND 1!! 1965 FORD CUSTOM 4 Door. Raven Black, Red Initerior. V-8 Automatic. Radio. License E66829. Original Price $3,485. 1965 FORD GALAXIE 500 2 Door Hardtop. Prairic Bronze, Tan Interior. V-8 Automnatic. Power Brakes, Power Steetring. Radio. Serial No. 785690. Original Price $3,970. 1965 FORD CUSTOM 500 2 Door. Dynasty Greeni, Tu)rqukoisc Interior. White Top. V 8 Automatic, Radio. Licenise E64186. Original Price $3,581. 1965 FORD GALAXIE 500 4 Door Hardtop. Caspiani Bu ,Blue Initerior. V-8 A,,utm tc. Power Brakes an d Steering Radio. Licensbe E68 195. Original Price $3,970. ON THIS 1966 FORD 10 PASSENUR STATION WAGON! 309 V-8 Automnatic. Power Stee ring, Power Brakes. Radio. Silver Blue, Biuc In- terior. Serial No. 106661. Original Price $4,460. ON THIS 1966 FORD CUSTOM 500 4 DOOR SEDAN 300 V-8 Automlatic. Power Brakes. Radio. Raven Black With Red Interior. Serial No. 105374. Regular Price $3,680. Now s3,071y BUY NOW .. . No Payments Until April 1965 FORD GALAXIE 500 A Door Har)dtop. Honecy Goldi, Gold Intierior. V-8 Auilomi c.')I, Power Brakes, Power Sicering, Radio. Serial No. 75647/7. Original Price $4,089. A DOZEN 878-2369 182 MAIN ST. MILTON Get-Up-And-Gô 65--and -,66- Ford Demonstrators (dm di CURITY DIAPERS e FIRST QUALITY Now s2,795 Now s2,475 w.245N s,9 Sav sl104 Sve l,03!Save s776! Save s609! MUSTANG 2-000R HARDTOP V-8 Automatlic. Radio. prnheYellow, Tan in1- lerior. License EL67978. Original Price $3,978. $ 3.77 vNow s2,,985| Now s2,9751 o s,8 MOTORS LJ CO. LTD'