Seek Maintenance Supervision Council W ithdraws Separation Protest 1 - Accidents The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Feb. 2nd, 1966 3 For ownPublc, ighSchols urig January Accept, Ca Il Tenders FThee own Pýtm rulicge efrHigh shool Site is LitenoO e A a t e t g inpropenîy damage estîmatecldu i P a s Y a the clock maintenance supervis- Posibilities ol repairs t l $ 980i Siewere invcsiigated hyt '"' "'""" " ion of schools in Milton was dis- ai and mechanical equîpmenpr-Mlo Police during ihoir irst members of the Milton District able equipment iocre, o-t ihdaal post nt a poiinDoham Holdings pland meeigo o lWd- ddnresut-t in anypersonul in- Equitme hagsan iur Lmp ruk ad the inonchas High Schot Buard, andi rum the ioned as -th truslces cu iedaOniSi.lndsparto rn- GI arc ocntutinu i wenafra eolt urcPolice Gdgb pk debate emerged a proposai lu lo uof lobs a nmaintenance tllaGIcd ho the Milion Comrmitiece ut nty the une h0 suite unit. and u stdaa ul ccnîc- Drnsiepolwe iea tetiocaein th r Mund mee st r. cieanwgab ak studv the posibiitv ot a main- coulci du. Adjusintent, il il %vas assured unlv %touutd suboîli icliers lu this -t- cd. cidents restted n property dam- ut Mitoun Councit ois members 1 eDeetdrom a resouution of tenance cresv o loiok aller ait Trustec* jolie Noble sugeoed une aprioii t buose suutd bc lcci. The site uftihe propused 60 age scimatcd ai $245. ecpted tenders, issued mure.caistlipron k a brandeiam ttoo-n chouos. untmthoilba mechanicai hack- bouiontihe site ai the îprescnit G. McLaughtîn, representing sutallparlment is un Ontariu St.Fur tenders and ptancd for the tge.poc erpek rmit dae Trustees noiedi bai other than g un ilit bc able lu bondie Lime. Duîham Holdings and Thrcc Keys nurih oft the pi-scriti aporiment ycaroaheod. ornsîraesupaler o eis osai cartakrsNvh %vrkirrteguior att the choot, iii towno andt Ititi %1%,oas reviowed ibat Dottiam assored membero -tbe lcter %ouud buildings. Blusterv Weathier ntain fohruisaat heuretkcroisbu tor inutee W. Gaciex otiggestetlflitc Board Hitiotsoîb IThec cuoncit: able. oournon ooeiio.ibetee soul o aJitmein viio 5f ctfotTroK-,D-Accident Taily 0Accepethefnirocd- ppoeioliigpie uecd (If tecbot ii ie or] or i the ottii iti hotu ioitîl rlnctii l O 11o Il 9191 îi. -î t o i C lnilI v(ilorM Sl h es oiiter utoiiM nit Olîp,500 d g a n n g pur esv iliiiîi lii.tiî ii iietti-ti .iilitli i iti ci, h,-itI iedIo I1Io pbeilville iroblerrs 1 ii tc ot ilJîîtîît I lLt$2,394,29.t tLto tty ui, g tiotîdsoapa itlterittlt l clitilti ta i ou iouil. Iit'hut toit oit ttttciigfeb ltheitlttIliaii it tigci i teo loi oftotoir iecetiecit. itîltointhie b n tcessat 'punîp. lii ou lttitttl ititi i iti n Befor ocîTcowsOinNshipHittolu- Aptîtuvecitht poîchase outa' * Aitttd lu purchase a psmp sobocqoentvapeldtheC oio-.O f35p 2490 lui-ocmriMilton ;d,,frthet rosrlt 701and oalve set estimotcd ai o total Planning Consultant Explains iiltet*s Sit lot îdcltton. Ptiblcnis cunccrnin fic vsili. m tl oioik ottir cvry paritu- op.p. etored odav.and instalation of a n-oantenna LI'i $1500 fur installation aith Soliliti-foi Dootti o l( o C mbel île nciudîng 'i a-ac n ta r lnet A toilut 57 accidents îcsuttcd lîhcaite buesi the receptiot rad sewage irealment plant. Changes in To-wn Zoning By-Law itoar 1Z arig %oil TMnt ie po, oslinstallaion of il the lTrusti rc aistfi tpopîlthS0ad1 e lanal icnuies.lut s mv ute o hl. ivtdsug mpith Ht tOI r ewie sfsant Illie Plunkeli[ lie pi-osri oay the village is'IrtImet i om Ajuoimetintgut Million Coton uctlaored Hc ilIiSttiiattdIn, pr o itîlle o iAlii andci"(lu,-,, con-i Report i ,lte Regloîtat Neets goret ted. 1 e9 Cailedticters for a thret ctînstrccLion. The coolosas $3873. cil and Planning Board uit Thuîs- posais liuoti tcc ît utiee - iiil- t-i-.1 Townn odcedi atn upn tifi lai fsowa 1[I cbadcasi nco.uc- îlerssueiIedetepa clos heard pr-opO.fosi 1 er oIs N itothîn thcetootocottilieoutl 'l "' ilî ~OlttA alctodîîPeel CîoIuîîiesi oeredisons- ic-iîcvalMr. Gottitraw statedlrcU I ioitb i tive toit cliassis. Tht ouzed tht saine and importance mentisIote ot tois cout ingos -ho is ropoese\ioti îiti andt l, d i uPuitîlsotîf Mitdai%, Jan.24,.\%,hen Vît- ohen tht Counu plowts tht ruads L O L t tîtreetoîlecitîcle siti bc fur a 1ut îdding ibis pump lu tht spi INIrt litplaîioitgCIStit-itieliai l tsito'. Mur.Litlettîtîttia - tge Trtistet George Gottstrtiites lIC, oti-v thce tttctaiks and vrkge rUcker catelînuis-. ont Derc itvI, ute. otetthe ticetIo lu oîtt oitOri , sctNîî,esagaeCouîniti. lnitinecs esel inetheiti tp Pico-cticoNttQtît______________ M. Ltte tutti thetmeetinog tht ifiil Plaî tlotltic ItîIIotd I lleh uc Spct fin6 un bi ait ut tht Vii- lie said ibut ciîtî,tiis litemioi tii-îc kc to itlhi S9t000 oîi \, suicloor ltati ooggeieti ilcîo tîo t ited urling btoit lisn ri cllng (i c\ oning hitîs t-atoibr thlon An up-to-chle floo ile titi f ft. t stî aboutlte pulpesott iev tirailnltîe te de a sittîitotu o ltcsl ok na Bd. Chairman extenis-e .ii ndiiietIo esinpl-'1 atetg te Siseen tu ol fi f O1iNWs ojiettioiiuhwet oelct ob vititthte equipmnent inc it'%\ e potOt oil lIs Howard Griswold Atu .Jono D iv admiiolotatiot hantlitteetri te! ouogit int tht ConsetionAir-t toisitterabt ru oc k tmliii t-ls--oslie bas. Mi. Gottlîîtoo-iîîqîîiî-ed Cotoîitti R B Betitouiat Hsur riw l cundOPTOMETRIST finai hx ltîoo- hrtoIli1 *vtile, ttoid i oi tilt- i utithevi litige. Ht saili i e 00t00it the Townishoip itiglîlhase suit- u eo clto ut it fai aritii Hu Ocoarmanrutwîldot Mot urcna T s New Officiai Plan - The plinelteeci stlggcotetiiciiti i ditit iiîtsiion ttto ttî ii iticr thc impression te Tovioîtablie couipinîeîîîtuat couidci 1 thtet- andttut liitation o r-isgto- Ettoî of I Mitoa m eng a ftrn tiens~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~I uttttrhteuie ocl îîît.hi tll bi*cil[IICts..C Ru Illes-ohipie odtoillresoclo temVin-ge. hedtheViltlag eutuHeutb oisilîcl\vttitîis BbBuh5 osrea ie il - oi ii o ltitetut i iti tl and ftfict t hOu FviThrday Morning î%oi ra l ozng teMilton100Kin-,urtioir tht 'Conts oîk ouior thetjoîîite. ici nith toî lotgtB iao t dBruc,i erv e r sai- Fia o nn etle G ,tiOtil ltt ttotii tîhuuiinadtooiumaintncanticett lic C tital udgetti tit it lt ctiitttittina ad crc citrar PH N CO Jlent oit ireiti lt uon wsosan-setrite iln. Fickc- urtoith 20 uihcotîîd1cr oNes emerya- tHar o Ratepayer Joaifiehotul settlttItOttutittttiltadiliflctttitli 0 ui ar t. o, emu a Hr so HN G897 tIlil, %itsiiti elttti liteCitant- Plan Sidewalks ()a nrl-o tootot l ltpt otieitumed te the gronp and 184 MAIN ST.,MILTON i t ii tCk lite otncui Ilie ovitlage t[itstes Otttttittlý,p i i t utui, ,let mct reprcsentatiies Depuy OtIe ut n R sin to i, aIhIIDnel Ite ecutis Mcoîîioflc îsespocsseî i;at-e; pReeve C. Meti and Councittor No lnqluiy in esigation titi; xt~ i on-its Osr M uitr iici Il te lirts,. ittitiPurpose Room til, inltanceIllie hse Joithnonconopltid the cern- Iii îlot estultit tifs e0Rtitextht-Vii- George Jackson, Quten S., îoid Rctsut M tnets tckneooictitt e otit t i> tont lite it -[ige. île w otutiteulil IlitleiToon-, iiitfiutc lttiMtit O sictiit o tttt ittt ith ptil otit mo tp , Al UI cr on)loi u* inembi to ilton CtuncitbiMon- hi F it . lii i n s'bipliittlied t o tit ite paot ci liOttttiti tttttol ot do.heoasouited o ieuio Centenniat Query I it1iiO it-i tb o lie ii i iuttihttitci Potnti ououhoîntMoitinhitial 111 hai Otcuiied le the reignation Iqirit i nt lot ti tittrlsonu iit t tl a, i.Ro ,ý iltitandithCi l nI )e1 1C ola lt htutIIItS60.000iit t -l l I iii ti e u i itic t fi ot î s u nil th luse y tlic tons cerk - manager. t f stttt fito tt u oothe btituit t utiotiipl.iiiiii tit, u l nttf tttblirdgetttis okn tu e'c Ht said lhe had hee asked, toutdeidtîl o staotge pplianus_________ cttNtîitiiftîici îsîoî itt1ttt tithe1 1 îo uttti Oi tit ttuiit ti c ls lit u ttar-a ihouhiltîhe cterk- mana.ger \vas î. He li-id ic tati iboiai cotti bt fliittii iti lt io Itit i ttle oiiitittt, iliit\ ior liIl2l l itik on l lo-Iezrn . îtsigningsvountaniio.ooho theti-tic itheic tialoto ie li oitt ttitltcicttstt ltt t iaitIniolit c ciîunioýcillll 1b rs ulliuttl toututultitiifl i toand eotuttingilt .Ni enteoit ttii os asto bc teun hati aoitetit.epli t iiet tsîeciedibostiti-c u I N rptOii; IfOitO luell totoex-u'jet1,taesi. c îîîuoîileIletbctoi NititoughtPutîl i theibetgettuattcd. monihs' salons, eutl. A ligurie ut 010.000 Whccît KWel uns'y b\ iMtutuieote o lt o bîto oîtîoîi stto îLtIl t1utigaodleu uitti iniilo ic--otttterehhdet.ud Depuir Reeve Mentis said tht îiîeîtiîoîeui. 'F loc Village 1tîtîtet itouotoutiShittuuu i d a nd Moil NtotîtC tuti E P RT C clerC - nmanager had reogned ec- ottS SiG f iiluli tcpliicld EXPERTou îoîîCOittt Dtt itie ttctis e Aprit 22. We did nuiot te o u %otfuro,toeencdoncun flic ho intsalld a tii othe o i i i 'Fic.i islu i îlo utI llead iti ocitW NT R S RV CN fit tu cotinuetnoti Aprit 22, sou proultucnd titurttuttiLius clttit lit,[ct f îlt- t1 IIII Ltre andtti tii hItýItttItI, iu" nîti 1111. -'ld oî toi in WNTE li-tIN Ilti eiittc-lt tiofi'saittitO %cas IIpai iitutu lotittel %ouui tclitits cil, lotuti oiitittett ule\[,\t he milie oo îîtotîîî i iii _1964 ohiilicîi î ohard .gîeed l ____________________tl__Lt xet eay yu a in ic-u oufnotce," i sotd. Deptto Ree hC Neic1 it-is I i ilitititt n l i hse .. eloelelIl oi u t11 atitnhdii.tetti__Let____experts______________________car_ Mr.iJackson laid 6e boed ,etectt pogîsuîuîoîp'uuhc ofcitîîîîîtîîîtîîtîîîsoîîîtol itIo lle 11, , tub il M uittt i ScitoutîNOW counicit had ttc-n lttu gise io favo- tînttht Ceiiiial rCofitmitc ' 11-- -- - -- - -- - - ---uephtneei Cst(<lîîng L'p ~Cl rcrem o rahtc- rettueuce, aîd Depui a is e i b sl i ietougttttt. t i 't 10ilidetitîttuttid tiCort s)uu Bo ardtitu i libel- iit\ i rco ei oa tuuoC uic.uSite lorhuitî Plunkeit Report "CIl Cuttestiittolc itulictui ut îlot i"Iitoi tîtîlît c\Pýtfilfi teu( titiin iicvl iDA V E'S tli Nu S \N ul i tI ingio- ou t Nt. lItIIsiii buuîtl lt ild ing co10 lis i .iIho rmlet t hi ,u Halton, Milton, Oakville, Acton' !ts tlilitoît hecil rat dt nict 4.t ou ll lotittli illtiI lte iuîttgcosiott ieoieleFO A EVC C'iiiil iua iittli itie lia T11C.1 i tto oi lit fo ma ion Iwlttt I ot îti lo toll cslittt ii S t LIol i W in Fire Preventidyn Contest i,, c ii îtîîîtîîî0 li ie li t1i i L O'c O f toutou r i ti011 siilutIt iii tiu it.Ptiittbi l itliei out0il icsituiatntdtiPA K E DUOntario Si. ai No. 10 Slderoad Tht Haitun Counts ire Pre ni 2500 Io 5,0 ppulotuo. u--t l ts ttuit tiuts t7 t tent inthtoe tuti Ret o Ilt e r,î-lu tOith,,duihoolo ti Ioui bt heOslI A R îýntion Burea andi'hrce oftht otor o ncr iront the ititttitý1o le ,aliteeil % t (Ite \tiliduI lic repo er I t11% LI id s1e Li luiiti cous 111,1cîoneed 8 8- 72OSR HOE O t 7tutoI 10 p.m. rilis- deparunenis in H0uien oas tht Dakoutte plant toit the cililltttotu.tti it8s78ti9723t t gotrRVoICEsitoOpeinilt7ua.mi. 1 pt Cuonts ocrt nîmcd sonucro n Ford biuor Co., otoch îoiaced i-Ni oi*Ot het ie\O t itilo ttiu t hebstpsibeii hfauen-Nih eol cvtis udzI9am I 0xm the- 1965 ire pe--enti un cutost tooîhin thîîinduuoîltiîoîîuoîî ontoi tui iit t .îlu utit ___a_____________________ s1oorcl h l te N oleutFOut oIt e itinli hoth C ,îîlu otil bt u t iaiit i s oui oui Protection A soucia ion. OriLtiiutu ic UnitedciSiaies. etoti Firebiarhl M. S. Huit ait-oui utttutitîetteil uullId ý7iii Saîd Iclitetint nuunccd iodasst îîbuîf ubllittecl bu\ tei- ie a~~c. t t ii en 10 Tiîc t-latue BIrCI , tu. CIIi i s ttt i' t Iîî potutReîGtII'Iflý() l iuruticti ho lilitgittis toumte t Thc c titi 9301 Coituiliutattî230 ilt 10 lliitttu. itht t Acton, Bui-iingtoun. Cctgttiniedcîl te, oitipittttstoltitîli t lit hi bittl Miton oeil OLtlfiil oe bhilgoti peIOtIl,, i i, utti Oc uhliii t itit ltýP) cIl ItItut i ',-iuOtt esOOuiotutO iilectiospc-cialtriott- Htit 111FilttcPicietiliuoBilit itili and nititun ilt aneOL1tthdlIingogec ti 1- c uphîoîîf îîciîîîiîîi144 Pagt, tut Ilv ii ii i oîîîîîb s punsse td ctumpign ho.tht jLitttg- pttuipic-s cIipit.ii ttO h tl%, i t iiiii î%îîî t c-. Retitis Ceunto tutý ti itu lt uc, ii iî:c-î,uoot îîîîî Ili, ~î. I bu- NMl. sited l upcizi reogenitou. -o O- . t i Dofîte ui Opamntouil MEVS CLUB u Ill l\I %x r, in i l oi c-iiP ttiti Robert Soil 0 t hlll\- I ,îci - i tutti tii ltî rlitîtaît t m u i wt ltncp lte oit 25000 to - î.oîîîîo i lte bMen, C il(1111 tll)O iitut10 et Cuoî0t 100000 popuaio.tht brigadse c -Nutoti colt f toi LI , til uta a 000 oitt t id pouce tii zdi et Ontarro, plus, i otieteisblot it Ailo iii', humeiclitOiStc Ni moentionîiloiliouCunacia-oo ic sec- Wttat i ut ccr,-,,it , OutiOi i Ot 511 lt ien outheOlo eutesi. iliienco aoîd tu-ttonc t udlîtîtlseNititisc-t; Brantfiord \00000 irol and t ccc dtid ci oftitit.i.titi,. -flict ei lie plent- li iis cioso titi giecti t u s iti IL ei l,it a Honorable Mentions ploit eu. ec 00 utOpthtet- ui Milien îlot Areo Brigiuc- e i ioi c- and ileoucu , plit In LI cc-lvcd zn thontoblemention ou th itu. flitc couticiotliii ituilinitititiieio 5000 te 10000 popotttien, oued Si 'l o tît i Iolit-'hjic Actoît Frt BrigaîcIti %uoi bote in Aitoki: itu utccul Ru nFi uuicoîucomenionu]or coîenîîritles Rent. ST. LAWRENCE~ FRUIT and GROCERY STORE1 SWEET SUNKIST ORANE CAN. FANCY MACINTC! FIRM CRISP RADISHES FIRM RED TOMATOES DEL MONTE CATSUP canadilailuy CREAM STYLE COR N LUSHUS JELLY DESSERT Catada Puckers SNOWFLAKE SHORTENI TENDER PLUMP CHICKE LEAN SPARE RIBLETS LEAN PEAMEAL BACK1 MAPLE LEAF BOLOGNII tluuti lo GES 39C Doz.~ SH APPLES 69c Bskt 2 Pkgs. 15C 23c lb. 6 Bouties for $1l 6 for $1.! r~ 6 pk. 59c ING 29c IL :EN 43c IL 39c IbL BACON 89c IL N3 IL for $1. Guaranteed I nvestment Certif icates 51/% for 1 & 2 Years AMOUNTS $100 - $100,OQO LEGAL FOR TRUST FUNDS LiLuIIC luo ui)Vu Cc HALTON & PEEL TRUST tA t r h ~heo.~~O .ftecyi~. o 'c ho ~ s & SAVINGS COMPANY YTour local rst Company" 25? MAIN SiRhCT, MILION LOIONF SKUCE, MANAGIOR 878-2834 WOMEN'S CONTINUES 1~ 4 GROUPS High Boots Medium High Regular Boots Flat Heels Stack Heels Cocktail Boots MEN'S CURLING BOOTS REG. TO $1295 $9.97 ODDS-'N' .ENDS 0F WOMEN'S AND GIRLS' *FLATS *PUMPS 1/2 PRICE LADIES' CURLING BOOTS REG. TO $1.95 $9.97 MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE ujiloîs ilooto.. Meut. louis 10 Sf1 5 Sf1 irudapo iii 6.30 200 MAIN ST. 878-9261 HALTON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL CARE PLAN PAYS " Ali Suigicat Operotiîos lit idoIlao. t'ir lmoi'ce (.r.iiit * Dutettîre 'Cais Pasid fronto ita y cîrutt a( aîîy Unie o! ihe Fir... Visit year. " Coninen ts RIVISIhI)RATEtS " Anaesihetss Servtces Nîintllp 5.75 Single " X-raNsn onlhy $1150 Coopte " Atso Major Medical NMonttitt - $13.25 Famity Payable Quarterty or Yearly ll'oLlON C(i>-P MIlDICohI SERVICES 143 Main Street Bus 474, Mittois - Diat 878-9712 Saut- - AttieîN oitîto - Regular ta $7.98 $5.47 Regular ta $10.95 $697 Regular ta $1295 $8397 Regular ta $14.95 --$997 DuvayRESTI VOS PH4ONE. $78 6043 ----------- -------------------------- -------- 1 1 1 200 MAIN ST. 878-9261 1 utiiw Flotjiý. Mon. - Iliui5 V-00 - à-OU; Friddys lil 6.30