Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Feb 1966, p. 16

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Chamion Weln~day Fpii. nrI 19t~iCurling Club 1 Milton TOPS Club's Group Therapy Program Ladies' Nes NrhTfaarCu b itie E ces Po nd s off Lo al adiston Cirling Cubhedan open Sees Vlides of Erigland in lie tnge of the cu inienUddfoi, naeeký i e ein cPc V Me y hoo fly Roy Downs diwq1qssethoiîir treiglît hilnet B lît loyers arc rewiardeci bv a dieting ttereire i ýhe "plgv' Piî ahtins.alej d Tiho iNorthî Trai,garCm u- hisivivnn.int 7 Toit mac ru'ke and tri- 1ît CIsim sithînil e1,u r' i eîig five cent per lo< tsint bolnus. amort I ile meekis meetitgirci of ae ti on urling, ht l 'utitM tîi aor I : el, Tuemein isd ih th miofs nier -lite r -mu à jJ0ic î laîigi i, ail'îr iiidi'vun. iEFalit nember gls an cîtcmrih avîpirtt s ak'tu evla iîî1rd-evvet'v. i-Iltrom t Ms ..O îtiit ion. Forii e ii rîlgi a ni, ladies? inid a nmia'a abolit iland micr on their dres or flte nexi each pal ik resj 1'i liviet. WttMs ieMCtagiiuc odni roltailod nm buMi . l. tai e show m c si Find ouesel raiding flite efrig- %vas iiiided itlit applicat ions, meei - a fartie -toi'those seho mg un cvi' oitille oiter, vciilil- chair, lire ibalance0n i le mec, 1attendance. ni lier vilil i I I glaîni, ai- erator more and mole uieseeove- SuintTOPS mas gîoing bY leapy ilium no loss or gain in ci phi, a I wise. i ciosistedi(i a question andi 'île e lce ing tîpencc with lIhe soml tken iniret lîbt ningo? and iiourids andi branches vmere top for ia oser, andti a hOue pig I The pal stsen i ittdsils,îJ., aw.mer Ci«periodt and rleiIN l or*lsitteilîg f oflic club Odie. The Ltneh mas seiveni yifliehu'it Weight getting 10 lie sucb aa ieing iottnded acrnss thile ttes, for buse whu gained weigh.l. arnae-îenueTP c- îrtt cînlite.iiesident, Mes. A. McCrackien pre- es andi a social lime enitiiet. Ircient voile citîites a n' it h tî'îrn in initrîn Crown "Quen" b er is lenîpîcî lu doive mt a ny1ctvifencî[nilosilthe busn e tin wî c le i t TeSi eiitnuiîiE ien ' tmg , tvileti a ChilitI)astui tid'ti iti Alîtî(Co t he flcTO S teAciit ci httt iiT P ltg'iicet etc. lî i nt ttimtiîei i i i ti Athe assst tn g e e ThoFîs-, runqtiti//s Gîtpldian ltiîtîîidstikestiit t aci ali IIit , 11 %,I 1 ai). îrerî teib îîsîrii î e iîtîst' t giîii1îî i cce of cake, oitt r' Aicti aîiiM i-,. An ctt'ii'ttîituti Mis i terrîttir-tii k iii 1i îii ici tîkiB 1îsenmbrsdujul ita. i TOna(kin ills bioteitai I icen Sanlineloi ît li 1lv ie 1liei h' uiercui ii tt- hu. 25ivluli' ltîtiei t te riiv (1 ,liLiuull ( I, n va' nouragers le i e e n tt t -e sien ite ti iunls i tiienette. u ng ti- o i. claîti orpal,îttt ie iîîtn-s gil i t mpe l Nît l hau tin Sî olfo ea rd- - ilo ,lr Li h k "Milîn wîînîee "oîî~ lite lit e-es tei n iîsiîr potîîls sns- Tîesoîit i eîl of lite OPS Im ontni ilSAnU i\"Irl, tit, - lt lie Fie i Bit-elTî-\vvoPele wi nervcee: adics nai 'ilni tai stantrid et'r ibis. h iva si i t ex l i e ricile pto a nd tureil nTe ttiris . Mi lihe ou A A inttrlis, iisi a tin i tti 't'l lieek(Ilt-m tutUIlite I - Miv. -Mo ia 1al ittge rne i. A ut otsi1 vas g îil ieplît ii ttti~ lîîasgetiî tgli'eno' gtloehe îlso 'hu ar ieohndro rtunly e tir initsss baiis ccilt ivttLktinitiett l bd t eantrev.o V. Bri es; eninFred sel mbrduCestilal iettghrv uistouait t.î'si e Cttî u iun undivaiiiiîedusll li iitent-rituTOPil i is- iltvîot ot)te ail re cîuhs. Aong he distritir 8so he' a ii th enoinîtiand of'usii theu ulttiit $5il I cut lv. s iige o teigt i.Simi.Ms .Ctm ti La xOP rgnilthtisut enites ut lte cht cu ple tre TO S grnpsi Oîna. i'a one ornîe h e btî S i ce ugir l es e e n -t ih i u in 5tt is iîg O 8 u, e. ih lut md N/e Wt l c'itWos deuT.s,,i, hini î, sîtin e lain i otng lies Trt, oiWa erd of, Ire nTOnS leo-ofeti.eAntir Mirs M ne llg10 l e îtr re. îciiictîurd T re- NiotRetedsPriztuil Gied Meeriti onU O. er hisel ieTO S rodtetoneih fluu i ctaitia ningibt tleorisila St r e oe. PrTrhie h ltrdc.l ectert O S-1tci iijt.ts tii tVte n ln îb tea, ttMitos fia - g etam ou cal clu is ir-is a -itîne FIeighu T evu cci iilntîti tnt eîmn heetrepee u le, t titio i cIi/titnins 14 vv k i t ran ' utkfileitinp lie i s.înontMmery, M .>A F r porpsie antI in g ,;oiv es hîî l ed* éagemeu anL i eule lui hae a tuht man biersi ut 400. hion tiv grtt111 i ner.aiTOPSi ttdisc iil th iti ii T r e % ili1,i leve, i sîctî nîl i'siî d rsîîntund. o e Ch mbrli c p ui sibroî u heai.ii-a stdti ni lic cu-uttur îîî'îtsoneesenckîuu'- iv 21f clubs lu Ontrjo. proscrattoi t Mev. Carrîîea'ghCorPonîtîki h iii e the bes Pî'ehopsC hi'IL-1 resuL 1)[11ssi1uniclb vsi sc ' l i stîîîîi î liila teti ilet Ptîerptve ls- 1 and is lfiliatd withthe intrna- Iii, il rankIý vvilliut leur Thticubs. 'mcg theditutictint-spline îctary svtît S ip c'zi arievi riic'wiuLto l-tzîs ,,nî l 11c-c.'nîts. esuralT PSittrtiu aî'îîîiza t îtetwti n cr ýt'iuutr[ib enlu tîcotmpote.acT OrSChrLIist nsptri, ndKthetîltn tii cui me utti îuîi les OPS til5tand/cstiuiî'ît tri8-7.tittututi unîtîîiîîBie tuttiandsiMr.ne, 4 f uoîrit ttilc sîtriie bue le ilis gi titisi' u t tateii ti oitus on, eei'Wl veo n Btirlin natiiina îîesun e - Ci o r.M n, LzF ale oiiLneer-N(IJe c )c er n Club tthe ier Mise KT iSCpro-idui tîttc' adt iiii het p unseecîîune titi' tînt- B l L ort eni ieltl - tu utt,, tt î îth, r O S li n N/l 11d e tii at/tu/ettrinetirs huh Ottîs fh'ti'r . Ptic iti' naupl i tgn u p sttherary, itttu s il/ti ttflcti ut rîaps s tuttcir a1%, 215cluin nt ario,îtes thuutt'o tiinCar îtw ilh. t litti-. uil i e I . A îîîîîSiî . tt ittititn t IN/il Aie Busnes isugit p't.bt'ii iîîîuîîî'îî t îtt cutti îuîîu ttt f'itti'ttc ili t tut tuc'ii a'u' a nino ,'c'-H nic ticIt u ti s t ît eîi îileir e k-, ilse lbtnttnnrt.ieinitstriti seîuun in5anv S tt ei mît l, thg i e lO uPS al s'. iuc(il tîriong olc . -iguî utum tCh reii lcl . ih tuiîl îtîlî i lt lt itti 1 ,i v i'il/i"lt " o ' ex roup [loier lpy" hi - m I cetipittt a i îtitils t cir 00utun aî s île m tre , ahe thMliiin I c rs im e eîcctte toulc1 tutidttriniTOPS.tutt iii t i .Muc'ttaie oioe TPs. it nnpnt'*gui TOtubiuti tutt ni iueiuîg o ci tî teakrmreue c hot ri-n inbts. utipu 4ink cv'.t u tititv aig iiiie, ii,%w i'o T iien it acd ercîtu u. Otiiui5i i pu t l e m ehles CutgLoes rlenadi l u iviteT p o 12Ne bes lt CuH moi rc le ,r wig ndhol or ile nnîrol pav d- eu. poiicu on ît be iît îtalcuir,'vOn(t,!îîc'îîîveui nit i irein tcttlic11 mccii ou--l oiv lctlr, ve, Jn gra . e s, Esainh iher S Moueru Mt i ti t k t cnideen'c utTOPS tî ni oninu. iill\ " niu nvIiei p- il o lo 3 kII-ý siaulie. wb tonidcd ue pro Bega mîli 14 lt uitil, ieres ttrut t pt/ aiagram lu 940 , -e ehp no i Tue N/titiii ituti T S til riet i nlitîc,îî "le Statest aufille r itrere- v A uxîlrl 11 iarties fi, teit),1E 878-62921,., Sprai. cta i i gu vup heas fidnriot lut Ieatce nui e i Te ovent s utile cov i g ame goo iwfoief icersdd l o r t h e o h e s e " . m e b r o u t a t ti e d i t l I f u s u i co i n t n t u io l " S e T O P S " i r e î î t î oî u11 1 ,M kW C M E S Seehe poe toih e it alr gtet irien l n i-t i îîrl;Teeiur te ma tcdnai. h tutt r-t it ili 1501110 Mai. buo inr e O li te Im en M ai-V S 8- 9791Use hancdupt lutelIlns fnîns eh ten sniteu ut ncre 14 iembt'. i gii (A ut ont miir etcrd -e milh îuteur'sied rîtitiru kdrllc N/rt n csc it ttu tcuiani ioîncl- le cin t ioeunp.su ni omi- us00 îtsunsutr m e u TheMlO m\ t steu.1 inuit WE SPECIALZE UN SECIAL; e OP ber L o nan ro lio 1h i mcci-' tir e lltt iend t iliz si hthlc emerlthuni er nenîabe t oui' s in1immunt-iriiipiae 1%eh lin sha efilcu set urt c i ind Uci Tuti nd tue cit tîr neuîtresitîpandeetiem ianI the convetniPS Xchu te, p i sîten i Nrc or il tC K S F R S E I L' 503 nihacm eca imrci-ohr %oill4aipuut î meve ni New t utîttîtirplti lsminear istt/ i rte-us vi/c- Nil a FOLt T R N A OCCAIN te iilc rdetcnrlpo i tin \h'itte iunI titi/rt N/t Pentu trni eengnî iîu n int utsut 'tu/ 'tnt /ht N/tL mna e i ieWec SgraMs hr d Spice t. Ml- 1utic itnudit utut/n nme cl tiitderetTOSttiiutc.itt uituBrna -Aniveoa.e I OhBO m M Tauk evChon lrc d led h e r or-t h' ît ut tt-u tt ii n î uî n umi te14p, at Ic ipi aunlite tari/ omii Ntttt imo o ny S e i l E e t ~ ur p . O T gaie n 1948, avetuh n vl -Tlies, til Pch\,,lomdhNvnilorbiaaentAdîmpl g(Ilt'0 Spna BrhapCks O heSnhlFy'4~m... ihinug ou .A .i ddale,. a utc u-tru es COtunaimnt t ro N/ leluimi nu nt- ttIsr ît/t u Pî 'nut Ni îî878u-t6u292mîi pornts epetts unoed a.'eeln atieteled i ctit'tîa te;(-itoi uto\inctrkt-tt itludea"i OS h itt i Illet. t-ittîtoii Ilie Uo oh hete pia ntiF SNrin lt rel urio/lsd. Otiee l subel'or men. a nt i nince tt-tu cî Uacns-oghu e re hold c ign er-0-po ,nd t N . ie o rl us N/N/ ausi an malesp ret ii uni lint 00 conti n liaClte e teruuuup t' .îîî.i\ 5 anS. C h m eilBn 7-71Ueti opnt e s football e-tou ve i tet op a il -,thcihl eentinM .Kng d vhmn ttu mu Fit tia mn 'ýT OP-m t iert sti,,,texttittiug tit/ dabel-o2thechtotbuth a t AmtiiiituecnlitiTOPiith itttihu r hritmmbruirraitets nmmrîrcîl, pieNuilent Mi i Cit ie sît isienListec 14,ndcd thou meml beesV,0TOPS1 l e tuberil'cge tuo e g iti i S i, tcai mr N/u . CAKISiumR t-m/n. AnU ubaîv svhs vue tatîhit re supcnvts/m iolatoct e en,%nu- 'lsut)ntlnngs uith i loanr i H.eltOnN/ntAtSIONSt porter isrehes ou ut bcd i b If, u-Ca Lcong s n tiolne uti.% licn mi mn \f'ii et M.ct'c,5 lt l.u laehv teWlcm V hi neai an d ieu..lund i uhrte- urýic 94 mumututit ____ TOPSad_________________________________-___________i ab1 03 u li îtun h url imem iini,-iltt ni ngse r i îte avp iiiriidiîselTo itiý\o Iv .M L O ,O T luThe ored. thil onee.fiî, .css ee;_2 ut ss. t Taseesl hie aul a lenuii tateuch i cl ici Ld Nxt dsein Chni lielBitdclCkebfotuttillFr lceguti teand i ar lisBtai, 1nU l el in t reu l.he t iti inrli n teMd. lerbl hc o il h, la earentsî un e p are teusons. Fi ctmeLie tshe c ciuttitMune-b u rai ___ok________it.\ ;_hld il____a ilol Ii ton deionfe ieui s t-on E .ir sui. i ti r e ui t s [uit Itut eta ln t iac hefh l bd innher tlime, ad co tndvotc srU isevts unîtMi.mC.e- tielon epdii-tl(rtto ufl 98ctci Ii rnh, att TVoor a s b thymn hle ait , r igo 10 comhidetorderlI rlic.uteu gli i inrncîmutîanthc'e i iictn aileoi d Sub tonîro u ln. Ai l einu'en A 10cnjli uneTPS in titis d ooi li orno ti il l i poadn I, s gel l nedacupte1o htr mmc tiltleitsncthi pnuuunîts TOPSw' Nothi frulier buiivtei.lbcpitittitutti trgaluc %Iup, and nit mosi pu Uts t. hO cciii iied ut t indcup he ne- aig i tci LIl Ul d An praclice iii orrli lre-iîcs erv lie sLAame tutuitelis n emtu "f %ou rcln't1ii1A i'wvoi c-ilu u p LuI', K. hoti. portertcae ,ut'an.st lar i e aller,ý L-a unhos ae' oin, soe o hir Inýn oc,( non wiîh shopping. îcrubbing, repairing, nagging. Il sou sIeep n the afienoon. vnu te sqark,. suarng, insomniacai, au night. Il von worli mueplies, soit rut asteep la the midie mur Ulunen. balieutput auo half cheiri-il Nitbody goes to heU anv cor lier thon ilici ever id, Ansid Whal me wmmd op wothis a pe-' dantry of red - eycd teachers, i frayed ai the edges. iocing a: gaggt olyaio ing teenager,' somne of mhom svcrceo ti5 am,. t catch mlie' shooutlius, erer' morning au 745. HOME ECONOMICS STUDENTS 10 %OFF LYU ON A Juat Present Your StudenltIdentification Card ai MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE 200 Main St. Ltcly dram prIeurwè, Fronk' Peacoci' Mrs. !NU'6Vd lesv, Mry, Jum Saluta, Mm rtlby Sîiîn andnUMes.Blffter Ii4y. The oldevi lady preseat wau Mes, Bertha Peacocli and the e0W- est geniteman, Robert Inglîn. Tbe couple mtueried lie lorigenf wao Mel- ansI Mi, .Ward and the cule ietth ie larggst fataily wMcrielndMes. Virus, Tiose oil uniir ui hiudavs nearese uo Ille (tl e sîre Mr-S. Irene Saon- cuo'. and Culiri May. Tbe maoy Imiie s tienestenaicd by mereh- antis inthlmctal tomai. The eveutirro conîtutdcd miîb t tutti l seti tri ili te ladies la Chi tit Nem Son Cîîîîurnîîtuîîîtîîî tutMe, onU Mi, W.1Harris mua lie a'ctivali i i tient sonai Oalivilte -Trafalgar Menitti u l HspitaltnWeduevt titi, Jitmnuutm 19. A brother for ianna tait u4etulhctr. 1 Beliet Chutrel ond Sunday 1Setînunu iem-e choscd on Snday l u Io'catliee conditins. This 1toini Sutodai', ev E. Linrlead mîtl lic pti'cching bis faremult set iii- beture imming oser bis utiii u nîts aut Toronto churcli, ýreciple for folks lewly moved ta MILTON rue phare cal[(orcoupon hetuw), htessth bhaskeof niftls and naro aboutah i cyti aingena. ipialityandi ouit have agen. and duigbtfi vvelcuma Just ow yu'îe lent Wagor husiesu cai un ut 1l yu u cuuIU nlui a ivvv manlu ut ivi tut iliai4I with this kind of beauty. .. PontiactParisienne SpotCoupe o .then you don't have far to go! It's as near as your Pontiac dealer's! FOR HER.. FOR HUM ... RINGS WATCH COSTUME JEWELLERY CUFF LINKS PENDANTS POCKET BOOK WRISTWATCHLIGHTER WRIST ATCI4RING FINE CHINA ELECTRIC SHAVER Poîutiac's licatitiy ruits a ltiotf l'h cas. Youî n eaIcl tutu juis( ury tmîkig ca(il. [fui t iriuid îovisb tir fitd suist utti Punîtic's ii cîmîti ti f'per orniuaîce cati dut liore uu, pîtut uculiyhlwIcietu ive flite cor. Before you doicrlicius tluni imite thiug: Onîce youtre puttird amay lu tu i te cuti hiiici mets Ponrtiac, Ibe îrepcuu d 10 suile. Yout're peitiîeul losîcrd escilcumîrmî. Acceici - aliott s quick . . r et-y quicli. lreesnay crtîising is smnoolb and quiet. Autd ontuhe rottghcsl loisîlesu roads you can itd, yout'l lie vumepu isddmutua ca cr ru it sut I uxuuiottv a bigcar riue carliicsut agile. Befor e v- fîîrgcî tire precclisie tut'Pontiac Iti'tes rermuember tut cocu une o ti'ls 54 hîctîdsumîne urtutdetu is a i t't-ujeed fcîuîity ccir pricesi juisu rughul'ourrthe îrert'ortrratce.Isre vs it a budgeututo keep. Sotundtuiike cocînsider Ponttiac lte Irerfecu cor for pou'! lOe dlo. Visilyouur Ptaco deiid aid dis liNyHis meislisedhbeI v Tl d n.Pontiac '66 AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER IN MILTON: MILTON MOTOR SALES LIMITED MILTON, ONTARIO li____ e surstul nai "f.eaicpe*'.'-The Fugtive-tand "The ld Saian Hiau aea ahoatîg un tolevtaton, Chesk tsalucol lot frlineaand theral._____ p-hhi. ............. -m A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE fnir»i.nnen

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