Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Feb 1966, p. 11

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Prov nceOX IS 00/o G antThe Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Feb. 2nd, 1966 B3 #ib Nc1CMPovneOKs Ow rn 1966 Dkectors ore Noad CMFor Hilton Falls Damsite For Durington Citizens' ïFonn t# < 1< 4 ALLEN Proica oennn appocain on a former road aloin ed the $557250 grant which repre- The Upper Burt ngton Citizens sent the Forum at a Camp Sîdra- alfo 10p-cetgatoth ,a continuation of fic Appie- sents 100 per cent of the cost ot ForuZm eieeted nine direetors for b ene rezoning hearing. proose $57,20 Hllo F I 1 s y L n ue Jun h ut No. 5 (Camp- acqurng the land and buiding 196a their annuai meecing in Postal Survey -ceiec lst\vckbvbeivll)Sdcoad on southi hen dam. The Aobhorv vitrI Farvie wSboton Januarv24* The basketbali eason iu lowly cd 16he boxing club and seven 1 ganes and i dance li ls'i'ard. Hlton Region Conservation Au- Nassagava, flot tar troin 'te pay lost 25 'per cent ut t1he grant Th y are, J. MeDougai. T. I-osier, Ohrpoet stttdn16 10acos sIbr iegoîp i Cd itil e Jili ' ag Kelso Consration Area. ovra13 year peri. M. Gunby, Mrs. B. MeGir E'1 were eotaihre b eea cmng Ioacoea hr r rushv ei pn. Il ga n1r The lito-si H.in Miibrok G liv tpostai authorities int the con- only two games lefI in the regular greatyi-rceis'ed by the boys and iors il ainst John F. Ros ot Ft it Aand lt iaPLI. sîttttfhcrusîîldsor iioe atr 6 sbee nvivD.00oreWtiroi.grihtad a HnndltinJt.ali ouesinBur season. There are sotme gaines tbe reterce .E. tcachor Mr* Claie- Rdgrave liadt bîmisAIolier ciîîg ai plnstc At-il of 1965 li titan the Kelso Dam, ot land, 450 ut Whichb s the uoriner ricks tnin n heuvyodce tentativeiy set vilb Acton aller mont. ictd da i'as 6he bit fotr 22 aite 5 erg .Kr William Maholar tarin contaînîng bv the Bel] Teleithone Co. 10 sec the sea-on. O Wednesday ut taxi 'Men icutebers piavedi te boys, pinlts 'lietecatît coitecleil longi andi 60t l iigt Ilit tnoiîd .li itrîttedth e Authority, ibol ibe, the historie and scenic Hilton Also ai ibis meeting, severai wiether iberc wos a publie desire eek tbe girls tasted deical as the antd Ici] Io at15 b score t Ii, vilas ' iou 335ILO arts.îd iîîlîi bli Hot Johnî St otonct. Minisier ut Faits, site oft L once-thrivin'g Ititn items ot business virl dississed: v heh Milton sobssribers lu have Juniorsifastbiîeicscorte of 3211in boles noi1 haskctttall. Miî Score isDeceiving 1,310iîti' s'il il %%ttî \l l,-ii 1l-t iîî)it atlime'toftî ii gandîRe 1 ,I tili Thedamisîîifloo a~ ai ngtb. A icnived constitutiox 1lolleeru Caiiîg priiicges toBut- Ploie~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~' Ilieîcîis5ss s'st tî't l s5ttt.îtd 1:i iR-i, 1,iîuît îtssîitikttaî tîîtii I'u '".(t ilciî 1 t1 '\îîîîî's'u(,IlItit[' tI alP 'l.ls'iîle ,911l" ttttt.vî's'tistîleti'î it itorni Huat, vAtîHllîitî tid îî t itrh , i t l't, \f i ti \ st t [, .'t lîttl tii' iti vall uv 2,000 tsic, tit p l", Pll t cilttaî Il Ille î i i t l loi ' t andi Moira Kea.,tî riîe. Iîtlite btuîstair. 'Ct.tss ilis s.,tttet11i'tiestii' 1 acilocl as, Li "netiti itoseu ll 1 scîtil Lgait i t Ileiet stiieelttg t ail ut ttîîîs r vi i ommun- Senior guaine the top sorerws Mititi li andsies ti 111plseloncllors Bu1et soit" of solisi imestone. tor fii] appiovai. 1ualsteo eeit i ouot Jill Sargentss'itb ise antd Elsie lîniendesi tui, lasi tek)i Ilic Russ boys, bt inI cou51 nultt Coucilor 'Bged Tbe treasorers annual replet, iîy alairs, vîitb a speciai tbanks Yagt miii tv~0The bail tas siactes lit troll! Tli tlhs' basket, l'lils fiit[~ soel a elThe Atbority ducs nti titan lu sieiadliiut23. t1 Brock 'Harets tor bis many raveg 'i ~ i t~ rit NIM. ta deeo 1" arita Lts a u rercto ep'ed y b edenii 2 3 Ti vecars lut service on tbe Conserva- Trvlt ereon Iv begun lu st-aken up tu teir l'e ii ai kstnmsttîi e Loit t'.ggiîîî To T p r N tt a e parksite lihe the Keivo or ,Ratle- m pas n 't th p tsi ion Atoiyadiehp a On Fido ib stueot utMiitu Hgititat'reti IasnO-S lie JR. Oite Miton O . Me G. E. Foute. vîben sbe suim-epessud or itis continuance in O r vteboys iravetiesi tu sponsibilti' antd te 'Rsiitis" in ii t 1t fin i Mecesr tili Il'. Jhnît' lap1.1e orinu l) ltac lle ttts' s itil Li's s in tts'ir of il.Cotî- sitake Foint parfis, but retain il 1 ain e eeai poei unde r-1ib s sps Georgetonwtvilofcsur-1the ticbtiucaitbc glati tttienstart- Hanstien tîîîs flicbasketi fi-i sis Ntssag.ttts' ui.î k iîttiiIiL îue'îîsil'îî Rîîssti,soîî Ii."I thiik oraiel statut'iiiet'ons'.vei i d uscîmîn 1995 . t S50baser ing vvitb t\ 0 victories. lis thes' >sut il. Te Sillsent Ciitts testp iî1tî11. I lle tlt iI.tiii iti II t. eit îî 'I t' .li dlls prîîss'iîîîs " k tîttîsî i \Nateeanti tviidliie. 'rbeI-iittn aiesi i 1965 or ei- g a tee n A ire uia neid a pianttedaicisot' datecatter the a fuli o teit il,'btil silat FL 11 (ftlm gatii une. tit 11 iiitttslihtttse t.î'tio tetiti lo' titil le"ttt ahit1iiidttî ians-n!ss'u Als itîts iuia inenud 1 gamnes. The Juniors tttd ibeir lghateigatia"cu""tiiîeuiei ie , il teittt.lt dt tiiett[ tiesittttlctlIs'itgta plains ofth utlhoril. s'Ildttspsiscroe 6 peusisiG byitin ad Mis.Rî- but the Scîiors tel flirotîgit. Tlie' gnt Nas di stis.seîi a tei ascI L i, 't istl.i l iti s el Itk\itXtl st iîst it"ît [t .( tat. t1iuii S a tîtîsi dii seus t R C";.sti 1 -u mh B r ou d 6e eb neida î M e. G.uso a istîani d Mes. Juniors Nvon bs' une point 35-34. tubr p.ets. Mike Ns-ici ItilLe îutt. (;"Ili Iiklîsl utsi Milittits RIteI 1,s ilitît1.tlt et ie'ti 'ttitsati Xi, sit'. "toi KEEP IT LOW tes i romn 1551 vaîs lu une; alsu. V. MsAeiiur ai the piano, tolots' FPt Redgrave stas fltc big gon loe uit beail ufth1e "R tltetils" andisi Lrstîi, iie bit lite. cd -t i tiil tai lit ntiigtîi.t s i l li]îiitiili--,ttt.lcr lJut't di-ivet'heii"high"svay. Nea uilp sirtaine iitoovttai' d b l.aiun anumpsoialeibtir. MiIton s tie coiiected 19 points pott îîrstarsi îtheri. a ;I Coin- itt %Iahei Bias reteitir oIl es'pec- cI by lune6 a1d1111, bout'dt" \'i "M. gWfl and led the teotît to li, second, plaints. and L.uII Mîils eac siiiisstti il titiiglit (io*I l. îî'tî" tS 't l Talc- i it i Il on tsit ne [ ise tuts %intf. 1On Ws-iesda tuLi.stitc'ktfic [% teinttt3tiiit% i[ictitt tlorle litci tcidc lcrad5 iue nlieis' meeting1_________________ Johnt Hantven biti frtt'nc. Jin t "Raidicals" fiedti uitc an itu slt Potits. .îpma tîtîî a I ll icu i,Ép ld Mercer -tue S and Gary Navleeý duts- anti doieti ontl psîîîisiîment to Aler. te gittIIes Ilite (itils Aiiltîsitii slrock in tuer155. slidtents ttltu dil isi \lo %car fle ctels siCItsbliu t dantce atnd il \Vs'iî1ît1 iisi niHo\>RIVFR TIIH" Tite Seniors sadIy missesi their chool colues. îîîs, a gi cal iseî N ue tît the aisl Ilie t.1n n ln i) %i can ot bt big gun Gord Hodiey. sîho scas Tteee \\Lis aise, L slelltn0 ut tîtetts ICI alier Ilie gates~ andisi sîîîî l lit ne MýtAli X i)\ \,I diot DRESSES ii for fitc gante. 16ev loti 6v' the Me. ansi Miss "Bloc andt Wb'itý". [Lev tasketl ilit g\rit loi, uto aritDR S E et-ivel specat otît Limong the Bloe anti White ands Gatts kiti'p iI Ii lîîsks' l"'îî.î î1tL alite dic cl menîbers ut the tein. ais nu une or M. Bloe anduli lutie. Altetlit î Iîc th, t--ltlis'te THE~ eA~ ~ ~ sco mre uth s82 iti points nvGae1' R bbin ii suak dist\s Ms Itn on t Ilte ttcantupit tl îet THI FK P C A real leant efort on the Seniort' tiot the students tespiotc itt Ils Tî dte-l le il itiake, stîî gîte F TEL7 paît. pasked Iltc suils [îr tc i _îk' îîtt a t Trevue Hoovton, the sports tr hait guitts ut Frittas ectiig. tîthet sîtete s'ltî'îsand itîti Q gauicer in Milton High. luias stait- Thes-ttecte slcied titi \ts lî.t ut tiistsîîl'îîes tl. SN WCLEARANCEa Propose Many improvemrents tt.i tti'ii aliii mS NSAL *ri hiju -lichin thS HO VE LS S To Roads in Nassagaweya Twp. t.1 V.i R i- Ii - 1 ie , iiils lit -'ct OR Improsements tu a nitlibsi ut Tht. s sti t l i1t CCysss lits' 11,lit. 1 tut i c sttîî sil,-; ii -p tp ut lotînal "ToîttîLîts Agtsse lot tse Týiiliii itoîmis 6c S-300 lliiîîîîîîîlî 11,~ An iltutti p * 5 t... S Y E R 'S th uitsuru uundiit5 ttILI pur aus e.î iut llit ttLiti ani Mlii ,u itit. P U S H E R and townvships, tîsîs pîupoisst Tht. rit ll îîî' thestt uit tuii l'ct \\. -I s-titi- 228 Main St. Milton 878-2067 amd approîssi sîtîsî tse toîsti luansdttii ts hmi Ilite gLttie -i Ihle tce itieliî iO L 8 cominttmîe lisse nîd ili , t estî.îlaîni is'5.t loi uolit Lilit t..kc 5l.i oil Ile' Catt.'J port ut 1966 i) ousacuei r the utittel setîe ttt B' 'ke-all 'Seeu 1 Tosmnshîp Coîineil. noteli ii [lie 40t 1 h \..l i \tihCaisi 1s c , iteue, ua îtîl tlit\il]aetu il I1, Tl, e,11l M cKIM HA RDW A RE th6e proposa u'ecoîa u tîpîc us "I -ii- i' t- te , IS EASY TO nie t-u Plobr3n stin u a Caitl)' i5 l li, il buî r' i t elIi lIle o 260 Main St. "I Serves Vou Ri1961 878-9222 the vvil endof Keiso Cunseîtiuaitititttieiit k___________________ linae.Rideparimeni foie PARK HERE mtan Grant McMilisan tutti etuotîsî spoetul o th rou i 1966H NO DIFFICULTIES - NO PROBLEMS ou tisil tit M S6,000. e XîsS A E Y U sais ilt 5u1 planuxctu Cionttintue AND PLENTY Scboot ansi Fublis Ssbuol buses. OF_____ FREE___________________ He saisil t been neglestut StlenI flite past bescasec nîhees roasis New SyeBarber S.op neueds impeos ements mure . g e l_____________1___ 'I th in k il l is M r , A n n L o okti ti i i s a l n i n tumutv ibee cai tuti, otîstuclot Fore f One s i VALENTINE'S PARTY tîro tt el "' 1, S ite lien îs'îîîîîî u(l kesi... conseesetitis pic. Site saggesteci DySOFT MUSIC - LOVELY ATMOSPHERE sei lt rtJ retou heil cCaîl Us Today CALL US FOR INFORMATION NNUîîesitîbg tei, iteihiit'g, iEAHnID CVIT CARAVAN RESTAURANT cd, "Ilî\u i-ruic Haltoît Regicîs Cou-I '" uis--S iiOtetXutge sct't chon Atloi'tt it te t tui ise PHONE 878-2501 PHONE 878-3231 Mes. MascArthur suggsstesi Iet vras matrc cesi fur iiposcnicttet LOTS 0F CLEARANC E ui uther rotsnship uatis atîsi su' cd the Fie-t Line. LOVELY GIFTS on Se Styles of Ladies' and Chiîdrenis Reeve tsiiiattt Culet aiîd, "sicno iosFasan el te- tut sio a, mnus thruuglioaut te FOR YOUR VALENTINESnwBosFIsanHes onthpa tes car 'Ilt erîtai u ne AT THE $2.99 - $3.99 psrticuiae rea." Lori-Anne Siioppe rin v S-E Flve-Year PlatiMlo lz 8-952P LO K S I lJepasi-Rces'e Wîliauîu Hues nttiMle laa8891 Miltons Family Shoe Centre cd 'flitc ieprutsenteit, t'a lita _______________________ liect ifluti buise one sets nuis%. When Reee Couite 'ou ggcsi i TOTS TO TEENS the 1luemulalitîn ut am ite-tcr: NEW MANAGEMENT plan lue ioîîking aller the etiasi.L.AR NC Ilite Deputs Rcecie stalcul. 1 tlîîîîk C LE R N C10-lb. LOAD WASHERS ihît's i excellenti isicî." I O Ai Co sSi ZERO SOFT WATER Cmuîîiiî ui. Mac.Ar tu' agriseuiOnA Trtteîoals Si :i tCUP SOAP FOR LARGER LOAD A6 e iet on tels e tîu e iu ilo sel PLA ZAPL Z L UN R toulsi basb 0111 iem ansi let at- SAM FUCILLE. AUTHORIZED AZ other car pas." DEALER _______________________ jLOBLAWS Se u * PRESIDENTS SPECIALI Large Assortment of I UZVALENTINE (CARDSAN IT 1Wil lcJ(ll r lo ctplsttit.ulei * awn for i sMILTON PLAZA j G ant Pkg. 9 5 c SMOKE AND GIFT SHOP jWe Dare to Compare FINER DRY CLEANING I OUR FINE SELECTION IF YOU LIKE YOUR CLOTHES DON? * OUR FACTORY-TO-YOU PRICLS'inu OL tintIi lcilu" I FABIAN FURNITURE ~ TOPP CLEANERS AND TAILORS g Factory Furnilure Direct to You Fait flepeuteichie Service DIAL 878-2091 Flînî 879-2972 for Free Ptek-uîp ilet arcllai l u i ai its-- - ' . . -- H N mîmîmmîsd cî ýtlu l uuusîps easugBus Knight and Art Melanson Thank Alilof You for the te upkeep 0utoluilnes. privilege of serving you - and assure you that the new Bruce Frame Named owner -- Mr. Samn Fucille - wiiI maintain the samne high To Grower's Assoc. degree of quality that Knight's Dry Cleaners have given Bruse Irame ot Muimuon tics in the past. naincd tîirsi visupreident ut the Ilurlingion Frîuit ansi Veetabieý (roîveus' Assuiltion citteit an-,O0OUALITY CLEANERS 0 SHIRT LAUNDERERS nuai meeting recn tiy. Peter SAM FUCILLE SAYS. . . 0 INSURED STORAGE - îuîîs-îaîou Veul on our Linuiics- s piesiulett, William Be lutr c secondîlv ise -peesimini. - ouîtt uuu'uuu e.- viih R. L. IBanks tecrce> ytrc-' Our Policy Romains The Sane . . . To* EXPERT RUG g DRAPERY CLEANING burer. AM uc ':REPAI RS & ALTERATIONS Newdreciors are Chrîs F'îîih. Give Y0u The Bcst rosbible Service. *PC-PADDLVR ergill, Art Kemp, C. W. iuthnsîuii, C-PADDLV Dlon Johnsonu -John -Myer Wil- Mi iclclasreinteDvCaigtooc, liam Fisher, Haroldi emu. Wil- 1.Iîil laHUUclii b 6 lesigtiine'I but isilt& cdily CiV liam Macdonaldi, William Aimas, 30 years. le as mih laiigley's LUIs., milt iimi Russell Viekers, Donc Davidson,I and HIamiltonu from 13 i 91aml os e î 300 MAIN E - MILTON 878-yyà4 Bob Banks Ken Scheer, Wiiaiîm! Te r latr îsiîi itCual liII)FS "DRIVE-IN' Trenwtith, Robert Terry, GeorgeTeDyCeteslslu oCadaI' SFAYO K. Tigeheloar, Murray Lakingi auîti lîauî1y Cutuuly.i une,

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