Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Jan 1966, p. 8

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8 The Canadian Champion, Wednesday,, Jan. 19th, 1966 r- 1 Paul Armstrong New Chairmain Retarded Children's Authority Paul Armsrong of Georgetown or Milton hcads tise properly was named chairman of the Es- committee, and G. W. McKenzic queing Townnhip Rearded Chul- of Acion and Mis. L. Laws oro dren s Educationat Authorily ai Georgetown -the teacer and the grsups firsi annual meeting, transportation csimmittec. hefd ai Sunshine School fla Main business of the Januarv Hornby un Monday evening, Jan- meeting sas setting up a 1966 uar 10. budget and setting tuition fees. The group is formed by four Tise schoot now has 24 students, represenietives appoinled by Es- ilstas learned, inctuding sen quesifif Township Councif. and front Milton. six front George- two nanted hy the North Halis totin, fourr rom Alon, uni eech Asocia tion for flic MenIat Refromt Nassagttesa %Townsiihip anti ttac d î licth teiates ithiifl- Oakile.eanlone caclîfontEs refls sîlsoof t Hornby. 1qucsing Township, Erin adBur Jim Sproat of Miton was naim- 1inglon. Reports' idieu edth cd s cc-hairmant with Mýrs.trlin ivu transportation vehlicle prs Sîflirs of Milton seetsre eos- etcntly Iraset a total of 271mie oirer Mr Sprool chairs 1the fin- daily tu pick up and dtie h -n ommittee, R. A. Kanerso 1 students. Sine thi- ismsl, irsi column a o n ake rbuav klv ueoo your nsss librorian,'t1stantto ihiscolumnn hhh isnewpope thank boo ail for the many exten- generooxsv donates ICee of charge. sions oîral selcome 1 have rc-- There is a grailsing degre of ccsvs.din the test six weeks. Be-!,coopertion heisseen the sehoolsý NASSAGAWEYA SCHOOL BOARD members were installed trioc cause 1those onis' ieen svttE ou: and the librr. Il scos wonterioi.l ary 10 as they joined with the township cooncil for ineogor Iis tsngih of imie, t suggesi ihai 10' secepuisti cand igh school stu- fotae.1 e himnHoaeB 1eadOedscee t am tiff in the position of an tientslinearg.- numhersss'orking fotaetenwcara oaeByh n or ertr outsidc criiic or opinion siho has'qitis assav t thie-siork tables, behind are trustees Dr. C. L. Young, John McPboii and Claude1 heen gis'en the opporion iyoi' uring 1the recen i bolidlaYs. Es- thor Gibson, max absent when the photo mas tokeri. judging your library efforts ceeu-1 savs sterescritien and references fsiiiy and oijec tisei'. cbeckcd on everssohjeet from tbe 1 am happv 10 report thai n mv Feu of the Roman Empieo opinion, per capif , the îossn of' Foons Plastics and lrom Hvdi- Milton hbos one foli1e highest poster in Easter-n Europ o AI standard librars units t h ove sen cîîhoiisnin Suhorbia.icbeCnaaotie S.Tsntehr sbt he se J iihrary ishbrighieand modern, cen- ýare lietringbsaxvio use a mde it i# I io e trous' ilocaîed, the reading ireets.firrv ltu iheir ossîs vatac are dlean and comiortahie. and! and xiii as aduits confints s beaoîtifutivy presen ted and for theincrce'e thiir knoss ledgean' y sCharlesS co Most port.,5ii5' np f0 date . ,skiffs, sebeiber IIexgo ta univer- TH GE RAMEIN RuCcti, ilo.W jc A fine jo11 bas reslied from isus' or nos. ,A THlel G tendeRA RTIut. IItis usit Otits. \tiltiiii bclie somte vert liard tioek on the pari: Cuuld ihia new borruwer e if mtinff aitendti fie a% l si.pfe.sss-i lcriis i. 'iii i alic of tomie dedicaled citizensecisher yen? A tvplicaf exampste of %%shv 1, i nets, appsficanisili-ieiiisbisut olickss.ii,,5tlol on or vers cose. 10 1he librars fiarians find t1iittrjob resardsng xhîp %ti.s acepteit antid sexes UCHIRE- board. Hoscever, ibis progress occrred the other Saiurdav'Tbe lncu, inember is Comratie R t% Lites t cuit, tuisast itild fi coofld ufl bav een nsade vilboot morning. A lther 'ns oughi his 121 M. Horisosi anti%%tsa%.Wcsisit'8f.Dueicii16. flapisi (xiii 7 P.ER. the support of an enlighieneîi sear oid daughierinmb fliscihraes 5Ilise Bronclis". 7, B sîsîsîs's 8, Caiiaiii 'l il,- . Toswn Cooncif doring 11e pesi es to horrossaohook ahbout HFoss 10 CENTENNIAL FUND BANTAMS COP TWO WINS veers. And since the citiens of Rde A H tii'e". The dauglsfs-r tilos Miton edccl the Councif ssbo sap-'threguiir horrotter andth1e la. hic isllsiiis Ieks'ssfriostslin, Liticier iteie a cItIcdiiig ti le In thieLibrars' Bord, the cit- iiseiitas nist.Thehbooktva, quick- rntnh't issu of thc "L g0Isiis"% sP,,.pie ut.s II lftt ck's (ftýIiii i zens xbouid rigbifuifs'feef s'en'ls ond ihroogh the sotiexss s nt i spartio ol' oit îhervt in ih\pioniii .,tgaIiiitn,tîu l it prudofthirlr1c.lm nots' sei in modiern ibrailes.Centenniai Punît Chait'nn.ED. sosîr Legiiin - sîîsîsîsicd Bntaittx cod o eiar anin ha ninadth ath'aprvigNr Simns,Bt ssii 23, Nues iiBis. bsd tssibstis.e- Si Wiiit if There arc mnstnr111e cmnson- -ndI11e bibi eprovingfv re is sho sere disappointed %%-len a mrkcd finst b- batl nu de.sa" TeL CnierOntessî iii ibe "511,%,- oudrisissend s7-5 gteaming nets mufi-tbousand dol- the toitn bad sucb s nices fsrass TeLsisn etcisiiflbI ii ie Wtiirt.esi lar fibrars wasn't but inxiead ol and ihai il wst 10ad i, dsdn'tprole ci is uneulhe ihcoîti Pso- %%in sites F'tiosie. the present nuariers. And librar- fike reading. Aller ialing nu the! ristise issi-stard xlep-sic hv ians as a group are uxuatis t11ei mon, I ond oui ibai ie îeid the. aken, and 11e camp.sign noit un- firsi 10 endorse sncb plans. We' sports page of the. ne%%stpaps.r e rsastti nd [lisie ficis mas lobe consolation fromt 111e rs'nigbi and tIboli. dsdn'ti ki. irenglhband ufit.N of psrfsose - fart ibai the scelle s changing su eading fiction book,.He i. îo rhseansedekiiiîii, tîcofion, prticufriv in 11e latsfiction accoue ix for fsxs to 1i inIo 1sf eussifirpdsi 1eaiso ihrc-kovii i osnfiltrharl ssion 1 Fe R oir,stiadii e18 issu seoix - ibailibraies builti 100of 11e numiser of books i.i togu- es otiriif1theiajiittof Le- years ago myvtseibc oisoett-in'cd and thtthe trend is %% îî4n in ies leu] reeart.e iiipia ~ the nexi ivease stti--ig in sesthes ci hiti tct u A* T. M OR This is nu, rffection on 111e We shoîdim son ieî h s- otard aliving, tss-kiigiscinit" plannrs of todav's nets' ibruries,! clent "self hefp' books esaifabeie totri-r toi te iiiiai liaii INSURANCE bt simpis a focst that everv iav' and bhe mais' ltithsil book on seeh ia so-allinanciai îîîîtî ibis CAMPBELLVILLE greter and gre ter demandis are 'Hastlu Finish The Basemeîsf"lin o ifuiuct a i heing madeoupontheconivcrsiiies and o book an 'Proclicaf Bus' onter lutéii aivatc Ilie pîiniiiiiisc 854-227 1 and communits fibraries. Both nets Ps%ýctsafogt%" shichill and îlots. iîsdeed th iti lfle.ic' institutionsoaresxtensions o 1the must for ean nei n a hutines isîn iii isehateiitiiicil lIpii pubicfisand secondons schoot sss- organization from o loreman cm- sent ebrIbsciîct i lem. . plating une other persan - 1 the hîgb the rhsr." and ic In addition lu Iis question, cisirman of 1the board empîosing tarted flic Legiasiunssii in Miltionis a cumrnienits gezograpb- fbonsonds, hince i l es a stud ivts'rds itesiioci. clis foeaîcd in 1the paîh of indes- unisvers'caegors' utfadership. i iait osih iî -iv ic l, triai expansion lrom boîh Toron- mas' hi ihat theoce of moststurtiIhýln greanerd Hniltn so an 11e expccîd she onu imedîaivbo vcrsihGîshessi 'i'l n aitn uie tf eei u11 cvbrrose ssos. et oppesi tl urieile-, nn in esers' aria uit fisesorîmonits"bibw is scategor\'. And il tiis in cti rp ii sllerg i services, prtîcelarIs 11e libres'. vcasýtu fad, evers dit Englii. leifff ti g uel. el %i service. Il is insresief laufiole ttciealto lob hi elesi book '[Tison soit]isgsl. a netris ecccpted phenomnon ru- avoulable irons ans puhfisher Tuniandjiil.itiii,il\cio gardin, a ri.tianhip hi 555cmn in- .about mink farîniing fori.îhi, r- stl iniil ocalne dusiriaf expansion and the comn- tireand abook "tnerior Decor- oI greit ott ise ttiRu .alCndz munius fibrors'. Blon onn indus- aing Made Easy' for hissilc. Hi ecgioi"osf"i" it rs cansiders a communits osea saas i(surristd lusec Itasi ~ tt %u -\!Iis fiil i ii s , :ý E T RVE possible site foreaoins plant.,01ev Iisd 11e l0h51 hoosk on FIs Fisbing u;rt"t i coslTE T ~ I E I obviusfs considcr 11e ceonomie îîbicbhi had jusi hooghf lur M, lestsohiilitsiî eshî justbouht ur 11, COUPLES CU focors rig.irding the location ut and 1the ftesi book about Scuhits ,Oitn tsttis ce aý a thebnlîtu lsmarbcets. ils pîsentiai Diîing il hich lbe cansidereti for 1 sta tparscicod;Icii( ic-here il stndtîn puiser, %salt,-ring Iorei srn fitebookkashunt F,ie %c and se\sagi.. Tiiet ilen isit bbc Fishiig t ibl susse aiid Isrrosi i Ioiil. i,Iia I i.liii. it 5 "ii lu t in spifeiiIllie situ and gel ficeiirti'ts . be Cssîpigh e t anu d 1.faitsn îii ce' 9ý anilei 'heiher bhc commenits is 1Wi.'sisstd like tu belsip%,ou iri fîCopre.ctnil B iri D iît',( psageiiess, r n. Aittis rine, 11e booksou tient or t le hoak lt.sit Buc irignialis, co- one of the iiisi chek points is bhs.'ion dont esen kIt' sou iant. Il eIlaktoilho %oat cammseils fihers. tien, unfikewt ibase ni f111il, wtsi con sarrois' icnded anti masde il sucs sassi- if am libt le Tss'sîsssPubli-c ets. NeiiSaftiedays iiiittg te, tns obier service in thi commen lfo fie eTrn to trihle î1 ii! bc n sopcîrastinagaili. ils, troles' conhiskimpcîe îrLirt o r avsctî 's'ice "11osf it Saitii ;iitJstsaci29 speni îiepenîting oi th11e ishcs f fr about If cents. Coin. Bt,'Nixoniit s i lottlusii as \vlu bide the1etfue progrssieI - I is onrpanfislesasdtleef- iunisalFio tisld Daceo nfil ,-"lie spirit, or fack of il, in ibis anti, lin mor'e tiss marei.'iteresi tisiin fli pscisi i iliailsoit A ncw service tlu mure peuple - filtrai-ev 13by efing sonutabout cur- nn sup posi \itots li. d Nsssv tiai bbc tossî lias 11e nets'!rus f "hesi sellers", lopical books SICK BOARD and isopoteil Itcilifies lue fihary o intresi andcialtookus utfiter- At iniîî.'iewilii'np%%L. sitlisteav scrrrsceiuiis.ht'iisiîtilitiiiitore stFuebc oingereodis. tilt-c isîcîtsesonfic sicuk litu ciizecs situl liisaîte ettout Wc'ft ilook lorsiard lu befuiîg Tiîi.-saie Bibil Gtîibgie, Sîsîîs tiea isOtu i. subhtesieurcpayiisg for anti sour, usi ask, fud, 4 w c( sîlas îfscy mtssespc.'b 1gel oui iosepbinc Johnstan, Lihrariaîî. brook: W. fG. Ritîdefi, Hamil'oni; of i.î modlern lirtiry. One %aici lanary. Ycl Polai bnlp, is fr ibie reguliîr horrassers îîteriors and eppoiti to tei l ibsir rie.nds about sonme of thi neis books iihs Ieniat- f sutire mithout sddittg cil from the fihrsr v. Anoiher tand\ Aberdeen Angus bsipingt ot pereorre î'i.rss'mportanft is vo i nccsng featrnndu ineetis for tour f11 rrvsta0 lfoitotctuilu "~.i UT LITYhoficti shoîco ini Do U T 1 1 T Yfor bost rosulits is L. W. EMMS Grand Chamipion Steer Alive ELECRICGrand Chamuon Str Carcaes All beef breeds eompetng B 1 1 _>inSABERIDEEN ANGUS1 sflice for 1966 Monday, Jasu- cral ceremonîies. Showsn i py Mes. B. Fletcher. Standing Inglîs. 711e 11111 o-nober, Ar- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SS scmne ofthIeir oid glass oiltisem. Display Antique Glass Miss Chisbolm, li sees a a dssp!ay of glass for everyonc 10 admire. g The Qneen and Women's Insti- At Institute M eeting bute Grace -ere song to cloue the Tise January meeting of lise strictes" was very weli tisougist meeting. l'o climax a vecy Wortis- Scotch Block Women's Institute out as presented by Miss Ena o-hile atternoon lise lunch com- mas in the home of 'Miss Eva Cis- Cishotm. Tise guett of 16e aller- mttee served sandwiches and tea. isolm, The president. Mrs, R,. Cor- floon was Mrs. J. L. Graham of rfe, o-ain lise chair, T-be minutes Milton. Mrs, Graham gave a tel b There are seneral good five mucre read and the treasurers re- on glass and for added ifteresi cent igars, isut they cost more, port was given. Numerous tisank von notet mere read from tisose o-ho mere remem'bered aI bhe Chrixtmasseason. E versune xsos remindi.d of the lnua isi bbc heMaosr on Jin- tas'27 ai12 f555 Therce tii-esu 1e 550far-mtan- agement meeting heid in Ligny Hall on Fehruary 7 and 14. These are heing put on hy ithe Depari- ment of Agicuflure and the tub- ecc is bbc nco -'pension pion. T'xenfs-live dolltars ma-s voted 10 IlIse Cancer Societs. The reporsf of Fsmiiy Nigher teere vers good, Carda Enjuyed Enebre wsxpleYed olfou-id 11 a ioonlifuli utcisopper top- pficd bs ithe ladies. As fbfs partv o-stîlu btave heen in December, change bbc lot. 1ecbbre n's gilîs weec imtIkepi Ifor lbem and prcein led bhai nigbî. Tbe xinn at etîchre 'si-c rMs. S. Murrsîs, J. Irv'ing, Me. anti Mrx. H. Davies, The dour prise inuter mas Mrx. J. Hopkin. The rfru ail wsanssered isy bringing s-unr oldesi piere of jem- chers' and gising ils isiors. Tiss suef tn.sered and hrougbiOhLtA fsrth solie sery inicrcsiing arti- N TO A ries. N TO A The'stottli - "A biekit-trd EVENTI gitîtîe mtsy encourage luro-trd o£dgeo NO M'ONEY DOWN- LOW BUDGET TERMS TO SUIT Fre , Open Parking CH A S E S T PM HOME APPLIANCES 181 MILL ST. TEL. 878-3221 POLARA 440 THIS WEEK.. Rose se IIîIiiigb if Ilitote sîtesial uouclucst 440 dons cosi big. Distinctive us tisseis odci a mhole folt0 Io0t5urdrit e fol I th 1e price. Polaro 440 alto i usousfce. Thete 440's, liko ail Dodgî eb coîce of oulgines and uransos ssii )odqe's hisuory. loch coîubîooîîon is tower wih cconionp. fvnry engise ELL SMARTIN ST. 145 lip. DosJgc siantu ixfIo the tigluty 440 s. ui. Mesisum Performansce V8 bas becs caiibralnd, clocknd oasd chcckcd ouu for pour driving satisf action. The1eai mlstoothins are Dodge'x hrec transsisions for '66. Yeu cas select standard 3-speed syscro- uscsb or optiosal 3-speed Torquef file Autoussalic. For "four-ais- the f loor" skndoddle Dodg's sfio 4-speed syncroms s soolbs thn o-ay. For fu details os these greol power teanîs ond o standard or optional eqoipsînu sen Self Scos. Ld. BROS. MILTON LTD. 878-6380 SALE 20 to 500o off 0 DRESSES * COATS *SUITS *SPORTSWEAR AND ACCESSORIES H AN E S HARVEY WOODS Seamiess Stockings BRIEFS Ssii Pucev 1ftir. 4pi.R g. site 415 cii l isîsýýcîf sýiice . 135 540 Psiuc rire Regultue piki.c 1 5 11 si,îsîsî 1235 5.001 Fair 3 ptairs RiglisPiiPsce 1,-Sf 210 saistieci 1.45 SiM flastie Leg 1.00 2.29 Regibat ptire i.7,5 Cuffed Leg 1.00 229 (,Utls s l i p.cific. ssIi 10,c5 [(Il tihsu.. ifsd mitt tiee Sileis8Cftu luf. SALE ON HANES NYLONS- HARVEY WOODS BRIEFS ENDS SATURDAY, JANUARY 22 'he 9Iwz hoppe 200 MAIN ST. MILTON lise-ladie-- -e--- - -- -- -- -- - -s 1

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