9 The Canadian Champion, Wednesdayi Jin. 12th. 1966 i Qakile Education Douglas Wood Vice-Chairman The chairman of the Oakvlle Standing conmmttees and mens- Board Of Education for 1964-65, bers apponted include, finance, Kenneth Horwood. was unani- chairman Bruce Harrison, Aies mousiy clected ta the pont -[or an- Philips. Lberty Pisise asnd Den- othcr Isso yar termniîlten board zit Lawrence. Education, chair- members attended the board's in- mas Mrs. Dorothy Irvine, John augurai meeting recent*tv. Sopkina, 'Bruce Harrison, James The vice-hairman of the board Blacketock and J. H. Price. Pro- for the pasi îwo years , Douglas perty, eharman Denzil Lawrence, Wood, a Ward Ose representalive, Mrs. Dorothy Irvine, Alex Philips, was acctaimed to thai post agais. J. -H. Price and James Btakelock. Bruce Harrison lias returnied as Adi-tissa vcational tîr aininIlg, a utieoltit ho ie cOaksa KIIet Separite Sehool uard and.l orit- cinîe:cai DnKoglas er Reeve Aies Plillipsssas re-a HrWood snic-cLawrnceDougla pointed as Halton Counys nom~- WoDni arne .H ince for the board. Prier, Liberty Pease and Aes Phil- A nesi committe, 'Staff-Buard lips. Representing employers on Relations Committee" was formed the committee are Mrs. W. E. Mat- siih Douglas Wood as citairman,, theres, J. A. Duncan and Robert A. John Sopkina as ice-chairman Mas on; empiovees' representa- and Mrs. Dorothy Irvine, Bru ce ives ire Arnold Biuehfu-d, Jack Harrison and James Blakelock. Cornwcalt and G. T. Roberts. Board clairmanil.Kennett H or- Ate\ Phlilips mas re-appoinled wood is a member ex-ofici Ji tt uih parks and recreatton eomn- commiteces. mission. Two Newest Councillors Welcomed at Inaugurcal liso nesi iounicillors. C. F. (Pat) 1 Membrs Iarned a subdîvîder Pailerson and Thomas Hill off - planning a 19-acre housing area is ai began ifiir dlues as Esques-: seeking to hase the towcnship se- ing Toscnshi peouniciltors Monday gotiai escith the loisn of George- of lait week. ai a bncie inaugural tonvr for sesser services. The meeting ai the Toswnship office. "Briarbill" subdivision is tu be a1 Cierk K. C. Liedsa * v s-ore filenm 91-acre developmest on the form- mbt olfice. alose witb returning er Cromar farna near Georgetown. Reese George Leslie. Depois,-Reese Members agreedto i especi sert- Wilfred Lesie and Councillor Cor- i or citizens - housing prjecis in rie. nearbv Ertîs and Orangevitte be- The desotional perioci and ded- fore riîîeting %i lbthe Georgetowsn ication vias conducled bs Canon! Kiîsîsen, %%siben ptans for s J. E. Maswcl ot Hornh 'v and Geor-gelosi n projc iscill be discus- Sîesîariiosîn Anglican Churches. scîl. The tosen osrns tuec land but' Fotlosîing a dinner, coancllors i s situaîeci inside tbe toswnship. returned la the haIll. rolled oP Ibhomas Hill sas appointed fi) tbei rsce, and began the tais-- te Hallinafad Communiti- Hall sips business lac 1966. Hoart. ClilI Wrigglessiorib, W. Council eard a requesi lac per. Cai nes and George Csrrie ta the mission lu recl a saier agitiging'Hornbv Parks Bord. Wilfredl[les- station on Fis-e Sideroad beisseen lie to the Credît Conservation As- the Ibird Li ne and Fourlb Lise. tiiority and George Curie to tbe to measuressater floîss in thec Haton Rcgion Conservation Aa- area.torîts. "Tiny's Night" Pays Tribute To Sergeant C. G. Wilkinson i1 svas lînss Nîgbl sinMit- flaOîipoens.Id nced a lutio tons Union Hall Friday esenisg anis siord.s ioexpress inv hap- sîben abouit 100 iclo\s police of- piîîess - ficers and allier riends beld a, faresîcli et-togeher in boor olOBITUARY Sgt. C. G. Tins- Wilkinson, head af tbe 26-mas Miltas O.P.P. de- tacbmeni for aimosi sis Years. Fe eikC hp Sgt. Wilkinson bas becs irans-, V - Dsrc ferred to bead the Jt-man O-k. Knwfl inf itrc vuile O.PP. detacbment and ilil Freclerick Cril Sipp. seho take oser is sew dues ibire farmed loi scieraI sears einbe iis u-ecekend. CpI. Jack Parkin- Hornbv area, died suddenly an sas and Consstables Dose Hardv. Wednesdas-. Dec. 29 ai is borne, arry Kecale and Bill Bennettl13JOTlbot Si., Esses. He sias 81 of Milon O.P:P. arraeged tbe sîag %cars ot age. Pary, andthe corporal presenteil a evalietci îniining a ¶1110 ors in Bah,îtîEngiand. Mr. blt as l akeji ai 1he esîeem i le Sipp cier la tCanada 60 cr siib Tir.s's i ieîs beid im. ago aand îsarlcd in tbe Unted Nul Par Away States aid at ibe Cajiadian Cake- Vie re tt srrvta sc bni cad in fic ship-boiidiîîg business cave 1he Millan, detactîment. bol for a ime. Later lie became a livs soi gui ing oar,' Cp. Parkie- cantractar and bîjli aparlîlients son said. Sgt. Wilkineson accec ped en Troutoa nd Windsor. Ille gilt and lhanked the commit- His tarien ib e l-ornbsý arca i tee ie chargeofaicîlesur-prise par- rcasepratcd is- lloriibs Green- tv. He tiaeked fellaîs sîorkcrs in bouses. He maved la Essexsin file detclct .îiofice,.flice court, 1939 and rtîred serai sears ago ofliciats and the No. J District train Ford of Canada. Hssas a senior alice:rs inctaîinf Superis- member aI S. Pauls Anglican tendent . R. Robbic. Inspecte r cîlarc. i Essex, Rager s and Sgi. Major Wilson, lie is su rvrîcd bs is suIe, Ilte for fliteca-apcralian and asis- rmer Etten t Neit tDaiil and once tlies hase ises im oser tisa sisters, Lcitb aîîd Litian in thb e sc,rEngiand. He cancluded %i ih une ai is Fanera t sersice sas fied on Fni- das, Dec. 31 ai Si. Paut's Anglican cburch. Essex. 1he Rev. Watier -Suîstîinc School students Barrnes andthie Rev. Caînun J. H. from Hretîs tegîn scbs Mon- Wbeatcu oticiaicd. uriat mas in day kan al esosuta MiltonCu tnemutrs Ana hs bek ST. LAWRENCE FRUIT and GROCIRY STORE No. 1 Ontario Cooking ONIONS, 10-lb. Bag 39c Crisp Green CELERY, 19. Size .... .. 19C Stalk Sweet California GRAPES 2-lb. for 29c FIRM CRISP RADISHES 3 pk. for 25c CANDY GUMS &CREAM Special29CIlb. DELMONTE CATSUP 6 Bottles for $1.00 EASY ON SPRAY STARCH - Save 1 Oc..49C each $1.49 Box SOLO MARGARINE - Colored. 3-lb. for 89c MAPLE LEAF WIENERS 2.1b. for 89c LEAN BUTT PORK CHOPS............... 65c lb. LEAN PORK SPARE RIBLETS-......3-b. for 98c REST VOSPHONE DEuvRy R STIV 'S 75-"43 ~9Westinghous COAST 30" AUTOMATIC RANGE 1 Ma- WHITE - SALE ONLY 19766 PRICE WITH TRADE 23" "qiINSTANT-ON" TELEVISION CONSOLE WHITE SALE From OnIy II. 66 WITH PRICE TRADE AUTOMATIC WASHER and DRYER Modet LII- 725 Laundromat 247.66 ModcltDII- 25 Dryer 147.66 WHITE THE PAIR ONLY SALE SPECIAL 387-66 WT RD I It~____________________________________________________________ TO COAST ONCE-A-YEAR NATIONAL E VENT! AT "Frost-Fr.ee" 2-DOOR CHASE'S REFRIGERATOR Home Appliances MILL ST. MILTON THESE ARE ALL Regular'65 Models THEY HAVE NOT BEEN MADE UP ESPECIALLY FOR THIS SALE NO MONEY uOWN NO p A y M&E N 1S UNTIL MARCH RELAX DISHWASHER DRYER T DOES SAVE WORK - - 0f course, but more important il will do yoar w dishes far better than you tan Modcl Sl'l-2B1 WHITE SALE PRICE 176 LIMITED QUANTITY FREEZER NO DEFROSTING EVER IN REFRIGERATOR OR FREEZER WHITE 66WITH SALE UNLT 1.66 TRADE 19" PORTABLE TV SALE From Only II6 SEE THESE AND OTHER SPECIAL VALUES THIS WEEK AT 181 MILL ST. MILTON CONVENIENT PARKING OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. KING SIZE TIDE - Save 25c