Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Jan 1966, p. 6

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wlqwwïï4iýj - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .ý i CARDS OF THANKS (Coemî.> FOR SML (Co8nu) FOR SALE (CenInued) t o ouldlislîe lttattk ll ii FOR SALE-Water pomps; va FOR SALE-.Bargain. Goodyear trirtîds and srighhors lotr-heir ruun t pmp and milk transfer Ww. %virc grip rtd. snow tires, l ivev tads.and flocet and vis 01h1. John Ridgeway, Milton, 178- moonîrd on ncw Corvair rims, ittîl ritg nw sta> is Miton Dis- 6175. c36-2-4273 hotnced, rady lu boIt on. 878- tiitI 110.111 l. Speci. l,tvaks [oý -2 1 -647 he nrs-e-s and -.ttiolr ailthlis FOR SALE -Spy, Delicioos, 21 -647 kindnes, nd lu Omagh rsyb- Courttand and Greening apples. FOR SALE-C.L.F. egg washrr, cerias W.A.; Rer. Stanley Sni th Bring conainers. Wmn. A. Bous- snodel 300; egg candler and grad- for is viits, and thanks also tu field 878-6355. b-31-4-4057 er; clecîrir de-beaker; 12 501-lb. Dr. Hiltz anîd Dr. Lggett. - FOR SALE - Good food, good hgIngfcders; Johnson water c-36-4177 Marie Fcacock. service. Sunday hours from 12 cops. 878-6364. c364174 noon - 7 p.m. Dad's Rsturnt FOR SALE-Inventoey sale Ibis Campbiltville. c.36-4275-.tf ment. Up lu 20% discount un In M moram OR SLE La merchandise. Silver SadIle Shop, Lare-- :__ 109 Lakot.hr,-Rd. W.. near Ker CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES BIRTHS, DEATHS, MARRIAG- ES, ENGAGEMENTS - No charge. FOR SALE, FOR RENT ETC. - aISe minimum charge for 15 words-5c per word thereaffer. Subsequent insertions (na copy changes) - *75c minimum charge for 15 words. 5c per word thereafler, *MSc discount allowed for cash payment. COMING EVENTS, CARD 0F THANKS - $1 for first five lines, t0c for each additionat lise, N MEMORIAM-SI plus 10c per lise of verse. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY, R E A L ESTATE - 1.20 per col, ioch. qOX NUMBER ta Ibi office - 25c additianai, DEADLINES Clasified Advertising 12 Noon Tuesday Clamnfied Display & Real Estale 5 p.m. Monday Phone 87824 staff photos, 5 x 7 sizen 1, 8 s 10 sien $1.25. Plus tax. Cash must accompany order. Esqaire nom aI Champion Office, 191 Main St., Milon. c-4-4368-tf TIP-IN TIRE Sales Limited BASE LINE - MILTON Dominion-Royal Tires and Batteries FOR Service & Repairs TO e Front End Alignment *Brakes 9 Mutlcrs, e Tail Pipes Cali 1r appointmcîît 878-3131 ANYTIME 6 TheC anadian iChampon, Milttont Eccîgmec Cemtry ý Il (u Wednesday, Jas. 12, 1966 Compasy, AnnuatMeein. Mos- dav, Jonuors 17, 8 p.m.. in the 24 ________________________fite hall. Thiti meeting is open 10 the public. c-35-224 Born "Londtloli .nd-. Etidi t. ite suhieco ut the nest Roary Tra- HASTMAN-Mr. and Mrs,. Ro'o)ert criogue reature. Dont m ' iss Il K Hasîman (nec Baileyi cf Mii- Janoars 18 ,îî Mlton Distrjet IAI tas. Ont.. are ptcased îcou- High Sctool. Aduits S1.25 chld- nourice the 'oirthil their ren 75, i htis secason ticket. daoghter. sseight 7 ts- tc-35-242 e ses., aI Oakvitir - Trailgar Mît . ad DUtlt 5Horticultut- Hospital, January 8 a1l6 ,tSositts t-tng. MartinS treetri N SHi--h Sslîool, Mcsda,s Januars t17,1 INGL1S-,Mr. and Mes.. L,îrrs - ai 8.15 p.iîî Annuai meeting -andi glis ine Shirley- Stalibrassi olut 1tosut ut 1tsers. rogroot. 76 Johnstcs S.. Gueph. are Side, tcil liîîeeslta metuher-. tîil - pteased 10 announce the birth. be-.itcisît -36-4278 Special of their daoghterr. oeîght 7 tbs.,- 12 ozs., ai Gueph Grnerai Hîîs onl i pitlIos Jo fuors 9, 1966. 1' WestingF SHILLIE - Mr. and Mrs. Colis rol jaie0 Smiilie (nec Bras i oi 155 Ost- aria St.. Milton, are pleased tu anseuince- 16e birtb oi their FOR SALE-Signssut Ailkinds. v I- . Rate uit, 7-200.1501. r 12-463-ti No usv CALL 871-2367 4Hr. Service 36-Il KPAGE 0F FIRS'I SECTION stinghouse WHITE SALE! 1Clearance Prices 965 Models of ghouse TV, Stereo id Appliances Money Down St., Oakville. 845-0581. c-35-2-4261 FOR SALE - 23" Admirai con- sole TV. i n nesv condition. $50 or Il arcsl oller; 2 snow tircs 1and seets, 845-15, brand new, rea- sonabte. Art Higgins, 332 Oak St. c-36-4282 FOR SALE (CuonInuod HILP WANTID Coninued) MRP WANTEDCwtnued> FOR SALE-Oseber type cook HEL? WANTED -Experienced HELP WANTED - Ladies of stove, with length of pipes, in buokkccper 10 take fuît responsib- Milton. Avon Cosmeirs needs an good condition. Mrs. B. Lamb, 1681 ity ol a smtl bosiness. 154-2553. a ttractive, mature woman with Martis St., phone 8789266. c-36-4293 catr to lizandîr <tar wett known, r-36-418 guarantred prodcîs týis yor rom- HELP WANTED-B.îby sittrr 8 monity. Write Mrs. Graham, 2396 FOR SALE-I-t-Lise tayrrs will ar.- 5 pi.m.. ail srhoot age. Wilt St. FraneDiv, ulgt. prodcr eggsin iooosdanccercon- pirk op. Heslop Rd. area. 878-3192 .c-r3Dr 6e4Br 171os omicatly. GooLi earlY egg size, 10- after 5 p.m. c-36-4289r--47 gether with excellent sheli and in.- HEUP WANTED - Wanted im- terior qualityar an egg produr- HELP WANTEID - 'MIechanic, mecialcly, mas or woman 10 sop- crs deligitl. Hy.Line Layers have Cass A, l'or Chevrotetdaerpt consamers in Halton coonty these and mass more profil fac- shitt, good working conditions, witlt Rawteigh products. Cas cars tors availabte wcekly year 'round usoat benctits. Col] Rarl Redfern $50 weekty part lime, $100 and rom the Fislier Orcltards, Box 878-2393. c-36-4267 op fait lime. Write Rawleigh, 175, Borlinglon, Ont. c-36-4175 HL ATD-Mte DepI. A-284-920, 4005 Richelieo, St. hospitat. Foor littîr girls and fal- Hcnry, 'Monîrcal. c36-8860 Wanted ther need ouekeper ta tlake charge ut hoase. Live in. Phone 878-3163. c-36-4199 WANTED-Morrce, in goodURNTYRUIE conditiun. Phone 878-162. RETYEQID FOR SALE-You will like buy-- isg yoar building malerials and WANTED-Ride f rcm'Millon 10 cool at Crawfords, Campbell- ricisitS Oucens Fark, rtors trip ville, Ouick service. Figh qua- daily. 878-6692. c-36-4180 lily. Phase Campbellsille UL 4- WNTD-Re cTrno 2232. c-36-171-lf ATD-RdIo orn, ____________________- Ring ,înd Bay. Working hours 8.45 FORSAL-Ebrsu bae-bs-lu 445. Phcne 878-2475. c-3&-4272 ter, good as. neir. sth cor mithoat WANTED-Rocm and board cr It' h.p. motcc; Stewart Clipma--rmom nto in Milton. Contact Mr. ter cow clippers; Ford 2-plate Micha.el Benke ai CPM. station. lift dise, in good condition. c-36-4170 Broste 827-3489. c-36-4288 WNE asne- 0Tr FOR SALE - Pioncer Humelite 1mbo. Oise hoturs 9 - 5. Ycngr- t i a%;1usrd Relsinglon Eglintin di-trict preterred. 878. chais soir; 1t îî-d Letz grinder; 6507 ail1er 6 plît. c-36-4266 neîrand îsed -ncs blossers; 1itont WANTED - Ride Io- Torontot, end loter-. and manor-preaid- Bloor - Istînglon., arrtving app. es. C.îll A. Kerr Equipîsent. 853- 8 t 8.15, lr.îving about 5 p.m., 959, sotîr lcal 1Coekslutt-OlityerMotttav Io Friday -8784793. dealer. b29-1682 c-36-4194 WANTED-Livc poultry. goose FOR SALE Car, truîck and antd dock feathers. feather lick-.. tractor tire-.. ness and uscd. over l-ighest priers. We catI. Write . 2,000 Kelly Springfield lire-. in Zener, 776 College St., Toronto stock, al dees, lom price-.; flot-. or phone coltect LEnnox 50724. fised, $1.00; vheets balanced. evesing-. HUdson 5-2030. c35-tf $1.00. We have batterie-. for Mo-.t cars and truck-.. Miton Tire and WANTED Ride 10 ,and fromt Radiator Service, 191 Milt St.,Hamiton, crosiend, Westinghouse 878-2711. c-St 7083-tI1 on Wrntmsth St. or o-s sear as ________i possible, Ilors 8 ar.. t 4.38 p. ýWlling tc pov what eve r desired. FINE ARTS & C.ill 87-9227 aler 6 p.m. c-35-2-4156 CRAFTS SHOP Base Uîne Rd. 'W. of Hssy. 25 Miton Hetp Wanted e MENS WOOL WORK ____ _______ SOCKS. 50c pair ,IEo ANI.1tattî .d * CRAMCS 1 dis pert- %ek. 87-9375. c-364193 *OIL PAINTINGSi *WOOLI.ENS & WORSTEDS tIFIF WANID-Hiirstt, - - . ,.,,,,,,ticei. ilto Pt.,,.,87801 *COTTONS c61 -36-4183 ME S & IS ' 111:1-Piattre I n Wt N -ira to Dn....e -iii, id BY Milton Girls' Pipe Bond oit Tucsd.iy evrnings. Plrase Contact Bertha Powell - 878-9540 c-36-2 CLASS A MECHANIC Requitcd for Chevrolet dealter- hiîp. Goîtd sotkîng conditions. Usua inl itts CALL EARL REDFERN 878-2393 c-36 TH E The National Employment Office, Oakslr 6 RI;OUIRES IMMEDIATELY 3rîi Ctass Stalionar -v Engineer lur Milton area: I-a Ciass Machin- it required lor Milton Arca; sîîong t,îds, Grade Il, as book- keeper-ts-pist; rspericnced truck Itiiver ,tnd tîrtci digger; ycusg ttts-en ssili hGrade 12 or 13 educa- c3 i Ii; l o tr fentale routemen, chulus licence, oge 21-50. Apph-tco MSR. G. CUMMING or IL. F.JOIINSON sos. William I-slon, seighinei t - 0".- Mt b & -.,,-- b 1 I -AA - N 1-- - - t ica , g i,,- tbs.. 15 ozs.. ai Milot D-teitFOR SALE-,00 uh .1oatSWEATERS t1ita% Pert scek, traitittîtatNational Mospitlios J,întî.îîs10, 1966. FîtititsVI .51904 Dabsîlie. s-35-4241 ott u. lt ot it tidd titI 786162. c364280 m lo m n O fc FOR SSL-Lidss tîttîe suti H S Clu-ted Tue-.day IIELF WANTED-C.ipabic sic- 130 George Street _______________________ste 1,lbal engttt. back, 5.t878- - HOME APPLIANCES itaioiti tî.its andîîdoetonhîsel 2224. c-36-4181 181 Miii Stý 878-3221 878-6862 lîglît iîouseî%oîk. 878-3166. 845-3891 Card.s of Thanks .Os -syle c-~ 36 s-35-tl c-36-4198 c3 M y sîscere tb.înks t, rietîd-.. 2473. -36-42861 peighhnrs, Casadias Legios and FOR SALE - lit epiace ccd, HatIon Chapter for their tbuugb 1,1 îsîtîcîl f or trndecdoc fulsess, kisdns-.. and asitanseas741 nase-3a-sd1o while in hospitai.l8861.s34 c-36-472 ta ,Slat s FOR SALE - lav and sîaI hbooglît and bold. Stuart McFad- DECORATINCI SEWING MACHINES I wish 10 Ihask îssiv rîetds. ýden 87-2639. c-314035-tl Evenisg Star Rebekah Lodge. lad- FOR SALE-' matture Hoistet tl INTERIOR tes of Knox reshyterias ehoreb, sss u i iee .n 5J ~ ffi l~i;~~5yJohîn Rishiidoit 874884 1 DECORATI NGS IN G ER in hospitlt. SERVICES SWN AHN c-36-4283 Rehessa Ciidge.ý -OSALE-58 RetLiatlt. oud; Lîîscienî îcrms avoulable. SAE -SRVC 1 ilin itiiîtighi1iaiS1.5001tirFor in - home consultations, ral AE EVC 1 slsh ta Ilasth1e Cas.iaithIsttî1iet. Pliose attet-4, 8783113.1 Mr. Campbell.REN TA L Legios Branch 136, Ladies' Aux-. e"-36-4268' E T L iliary, aiso Evenisg Star Rehrkah F1 AEtlîs.3- hdu CAMPBELL'S Lodge 79 and PasI Noble Grand hORk hi-E ie udoi PHONE 878-661 Club of Rebckah Lcdge. relative is it i n i.iMiltn,$1 3"50 0F MILTON friends and neiglîhurs toc Ibet r Ayp. 99.4811 tkitîîi. Phlîe 79-175, c-362-4274 871 6121 R.R. 1, Mltîon -te kindness shown o 10elt imini h it c-S1tf Milton Fabric Cente recent illness. FOR SALE - Addtsg machises, Service-. and Repaîrs on c-36-4195 ELiteStOeî. tvpessiter-.. tr sale or reniaI. ait isakes ci ewing machines Pbîînc 8786962, Hari us Statitîn - PAINTING AND DECORATINO c-J2-ti We ssîsh In îbask oui hicidss c'V. c9-ti-66 and relatives for card.gtts etc., FO SALE - 1961 Votikl 'gel],' GIL VANSCELEN received on 16e occa-siolu oi«Lis.72154 D; 59 Bîîîsk titduîiItp, Golden Weddisg Anive rsart ai 303 F.Tes su Station ini Mii-' IT G ORNAMENTAL MRON especiaîty tbasking ait those ai,8'- b3-49 AITN Halton Centenniai Masîîr ,îd lai. 30421 ___________________ Auxiiary for making Iis assis- Cnrco deif~ occasion.Industrial - Residential IL O IM.and Ars. M. î.î rats-. LAST MILTOrNEteia s-364291 Itrir- xer W snsh to etend our apr Cal 055 for Free Estimales Ornamental Iron ciatios for 16e many oct-. et kitîd DAYS 878-6137 ness and expres-.ions.of sympa Or Write AWNINGS & IRON RAILINGS tby and condelences ex îcsded h%, 0OF OURo Box 1347. Milto BILL KELLY TR 89827 aur relative-. and rîeîîds durîîîgl c27-tl - ,,,een breve e . necCAl1E c44il tbanks to Rcv. M. Ch rteti>j of Highway Gospel Pnteso.tîst.î Cbrchfris ronsoiitg woed. Lloyd. Jeannette and Alistet Granîmas, c-36-4276 1 would ike to express. mv sin- cere thanks ta S. Puls U.C.W., Canadias Legios Foppy Fund, Re- bekah Lodge, Lowvitie ti.C.W.. Mr. and-Mn-. Club. -Miton Jusniît Hockey Cutb, Senior Ciens. ai- so fhe many fiends and rela tives iro sent mn letters. carubu, flowers, fruit and gifîs sthiir hospitalized. Speciat thasks lu Rev. J. L. Graham ton visits, lii Dr. Aikenhead and the nurse-. and staff for their cane durng my stay in Hilton DistritNos- pitlt. c-36-4185 Bena Gîctte, 3 >sus MIlt 12 MAI Z)ALt CONTRACTOR ic ()i i hg.îîîs it ini %wo1ý an colon'.CALL up oîî ESS LENfIHS EDWARD G. IRVING for ~ 2 98 ROOFING EAVESTROUGHING $2P9 ALUMINUM SIDING Rercofisg sur Specilty Carpentry Work of AIt Kisds SINGER Phone 878-6020 Milton Free Estimates Sales & Service Al Work Guaranteed Rontlh ___________________c-JI.tt ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS SERVICE IN THIS HANDY on Fabric Centre DIRECTORY %TIN ST. 8786 EVERY WEEK OF THE YEAIL c-36 AT A SMALL CHARGE FER INSERTION ELECTRICAL SERVICE McPHAIL ELECTRIC e INDIJSTRIAL *COMMERCIAL e DOMESTIC e ELECTRIC HEATING Complete Electric Home 66 Charles S. Milon TR 8-9513 1 GENERAL CONTRACTONS- 1 EEAUTY SALON RAY OLAN BUILDING CONTRACTORS LTD. " Home Imprasemenîs " Resovatiens * Aliralions * Additions " Commercial or Industnial UL 4-2263 cett 1I 'WM. ARCH & SONS BUILDING& CONSTRUCTION LTD. ADDITIONS CUSTOM HOMES RENOVATIONS REPAIRS Ft-c Ibstimates TA 6-1119 TA 6-2859 Res. Streetsville 0-12-0f PRINTINO QUALITY PRINTING Colt Thec Champion for att your prisling needs. We wilI 6e bappy ta desîgn and print your business or persona, stgtionery, catalog- ues, posters, handbills etc. *Top QualtIy * Efficient Service * Reasonable Pnices THE CANADIAN CHAMPION 191 main St. buMlles Vogue Beauty Salon A NEW COIFFURE Designed JuI For Yu . and - COMPLETE BEAUTY SERVICE Caîl 878-2461 192 Main Street c-49-f TV and RADIO SERVICE DURNAN TV AND APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE " Philipu TV & Tape Recorders " R.C.A. Slereo, TV, Apptiances " Spartes TV andl Sterea 222 MAIN ST. TR g-4445 c-tf WELL DRILLINO WELL DRILLING J. B. RUlTAN R.R. 2, Milton, Ont. Phone Bunlinglan NElso 4-6025 0-tf REFRIGERATION KING REFRIGERATION INDUSTRIAL. COMMERCIAL and DOMESTIC SALES & SERVICE Retiabte and Efficient CAMPBELLV1LLE 854-2228 For Rent FOR RENT - Clean, comtort- asIle rocm for gentleman. 878-6647 afler 5 p.m. c-364190 FOR RENT - Farnished bcd- rctom, centrally lucated, no cook- ng. 878-2056. e-36-4192 FOR RENT - Room and board, lads preterred, sear Campbell- ville. 854-2489. c-36-4287 FOR RENT-Electrie bot water hcatcrs witb free service, Phone Milton Nydro 878-2345. c-tf FOR RENT-Room and board, persono tb teady office hours prclerred. Phone 871-6729. C_36-4284 FOR 'REliT- Setf-conlaised 2- bedroom attartment with aIl con- sentence-.. Tesaco Station in MoI- faI. b-36-4292 FOR REliT - 2 ruoms and 3- piece bath, upstair-., rombination go. ýtove tu heat and cook. 878- 9722. c-36-4182 FOR RIENT Farmn landi suit- able for grain crcp-., Campbell- tille arca. Phoune Camphcttville 854-2696. c-36-4173 FOR RENT-3 large un furnish- ed rocm-.. he.tt and hot wa er stîpplird. saitable for couple or o lbh a -.ntll cîtilLi. 87-6826. c-36-4189 CARS -FOR SALE - 1958 Pont- lac, Lic. 5f4-l12, autontatlc 6, whitewaln, good condition. $625. 878-2009. c-36-40 CARS FO>R SALE - 1956 Chev- rolIt 2-door hardtop. 6 standard. good body, excellent engine. $275. Lic. 505-606. 878-6484. c-36-4197 CARS FOR SALE-1957 Chevro- let YÏ ton, good condition, tic. C-93463; mechanical transplant. er, nearly new; 250 gai. oit tank; crase boom for trock mountisg. 18 f t. 878-9831. c-36-4285 CARS FOR SALE-Mcîropoliî- as Nash, ieai lady's secosd car. escellent condition, no rost, new lires, nrw sattery, fully winter- ized, radio. $285. Lic. 559-577. 878- 3424. c-36-4191 Employment Wanted H. KEITH LTD. EMPLOYMENT WANTED -1 Witi gise d,îy cane lu t or 2 child- tes sntîts on tonte. 871-2522. c-36-4187 EMFLOYMENT WANTED - Wiit hbsSu itsm,îll chil i n my toise. 5 d.îss a sseek. 871-2494. c-36-48279 EMPLOYMENT WANTED - Custom drcssmakisg, alitera- tions, suite, sceddisg dresses, drapcs, slip curers. 871-6858. c-25-3-8734 EMPLOYMENT WANTED - Younsg ma-rris-d %oman seeks full or part liste cttplosstrsl, bank- itte esperiese and sorte sriting. 878-2522. c-36-4186 EMFLOYMENT WANTED- Esprriesccd and reliabir service stalion attesdanît reqoires port. liste job inlthe Milton orea, also esperieed is Ford parts and car soirs. 878-6359. c-36-4277 Services OUICR SERVICE, plasîtiso repoirs. lar-ge or small. Ed. Mc- Muiletî, LiaI Actas 853-818. c-tf MILTON UPHOLSTERING- Re-îtphult.lring, slip-revers, eus- test btîilt Itîrsitore. Fi-ce pick-up andî deliiery. 878-9094, 358 Mais St. c-37-3180-tf MARG'S t-AIRDRESSING- A Roîbert Fiance Scitoot of Hait- îlressitîg. N. York tr.,ince. Es- pcet icedin ail itoirdret-isg. Phone 853-2312. E a rt1 y's Apts., Compbellsiile. c-35-2-4236 SERVICES-Gclting inarried? Write for lt-es- iiustroîcd cala- logute of sseîding and bridai IitoNer dccoruliins. table cuver., centi-epieee., place crds etc. Juan iladiord. 161C.îtisa Drive, lit.rbstruugiî Ot. c-Jb-2-1269 Alîstate Auto Insurance Low rtcs 1cr ail ages. Payîîtetiplanîs arîil,îbie. HOLLIE THORNTON -t'iotte878-2124 .îîyliiî. c-J-tl TREE TRIMMING Trc lrintstttg, cottîîtg atîd re- nîos,îl. Foie fitne construction;t sîrcl, yard and lot tighting er- ecticît and retîtoval. Phase Milton 878-6351 Aller 6 p.m. c-36 REALTORS 181 Eglistan Ave. E. Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE - This is truiy a tom- ils home in 1he country, 6 hcdrooms, large living ruom. îiinig ruenm and kitchen. 3- picce bath, on a large cerner lot l06's 202, seor general store. Cîttld bc made ino p- .îrtments. 14 FOR SALE - $17,500, just on the cîlge oi tus-. s. Iis cule bonga- Ioss has tnsy extra-. vhich in- clude broaioem. fisished rer. roots, large kitchen 13 x 12, brecesi oy and double garage, situoted un a beastifut lot. For appistment colt MRS. STELLA PARTON 878-6705 or 9932 c-36 A. E. LePAGE REALTORS LIMITEO Members of the Tarants, Ontario and Oakvilte - Trafalgar Real Estale Boards MILTON REAL FAMILY HOME $13,900 loti prier. 5 - roomn brick bungalows, J bedruoms. recrea- lion room, sseit lenced for the childrees coîtvenient ta schoots and shopping. Carnies for $98.15 t.F.T. Inspection 6y appoint- ment csiy. OAK VILLE 10 ACRE LOT Titis hmetilul .-ceîic I0acre lt oîn 416 Lise, lPi miles above Duîtdas Hsvy.. oserlookisg 16 Mile Cîeek. 500' rcîttge, sut- sey included. MILTON BUILDING LOT 132' s 258 ettoise buildinîg lot, on Givet, Roaî, laon waer, sur- vey supplied. For lurîher porticutars on these properties, CALL TOM BRADLEY 878-9543 WARBEY - In lcving itemory r cýi adc.,ttlttbstand grandtather, l Jame-. Thomas, who deparîrd a tiis lite January 15, 1945, and adear mother, grandmna and grcat gr,îndmother, Edith Alice sstto lo-usJasuary 13, 1961. Thcre i-. a link deatît connut se- ver. Lote a nd t enhrncc lasI for- c-36-4270 The Fantil-.. Coming Events Dance aI Busse Centre, sport- sord 6v the Hall Board, Salor- d.îv, Jan. 15. Good music. Admis- sion 75c. c-354259 Mitont Girls' ipe Bond Dscer. Fidasv. Januars 21. Canadian Le- gicît. Dncing 9 - t1.am. Jefi Ber- ry ochtestra. Admission S. c-36-3-4178 v - -~---- - ICars for Sale For Your Next Car.. TRY BUCK HAMILTON AT BELL BROS. 878-6380 Dead Stock Walnut Ranch Ltd. Crippled and Disabted Cows and Horses 24 Hour Service Lic. Nos. 133-RF, 208-C-62 Waterdown MU 9-1044 c-t 2-tf PACONI Dead Stock Removal LIMITED Highest Cash prices for dead or disabted cows and bornes. Licence No. HGC 349C65 226RP65 Phone ZEnith 9-7950 Real Estate 4

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