Brush, ore Puce 'Over-«time Victory Merchants Top Mounties Sîvmîed hy siapetît oallendîug 1tîcciuîutes latcu-Lis tliettînstid lstils 1v flite Maîtîtiies. in îtytoel.kigta e taue iit las cl tiiai l liid anid BLUEsLNE MANTER: Altiîgtî 50 mîinutes, ttc M iltoitlcîcttttîî Pal tegîce. tîtet c ias ptenty ot itard Ilttlîîg, J uniors t iuuaillNv bruike bouse tand LaIe Sart dite gante lvts ptohathty ftite dan- scounîlap witîtLi 4-2 oî'ettiuîc heflic neît, 20 tminuîtes late lu est ut' flc sersonitît aîî oly soeilî win against tile Patris Mo'ttttics sialtlttg hecatise ut hact îccaîîtîý ei. ualtics - l'ouur ta Paris . .- un Ftidaî*v niglît. iris a Cuod picaser loto star,! tachieaMe:Kersie uauîed Ci'aig Just avec 6000 laits [actcil tillitisit Ravcrafr ii in c lrti s Bîusislle tclirt stsia, JacI-Hoie CaigBrush anuuc uie u- goaîl %%asiisîttttl eaht godtttcListIlltcsecottdlstar andtBitllCur- came (tite irst M l iltn lîsc t i ittitîat hcsiucl i ticî li lti tc tc as, ttcItilil sîtr*- on fttc score 20 egoals ti i , st'tsîîtt ,tî t 't I ,ît't icit ti,-tt Sitilitl Di% Milho 1iatt li i li î c- î;e i'ii Il% lae l io Nteiitiiîis tt[o ti t,1 k i l't%\lit ii i iiîtî 11îîî'îl1lo estittt cîing Ailii.-itBiti,li \îl '11-l î'cîî't ii,' ct , l, ut iliablelo 1iii tiat . la iali1 tîîrrted 0ont Io b l leiis (IltIle ic cie cd ciicc Pechi etiniatiti.tîp' lic i'Ltillis ut lsîîs lallutt game. tîtes' tadIolusltitc miotir of i ii il0o -ii stlai i, lav its tt tl îccflic' lîîck liais.IllI act1ti, the ct-ossctî pltiîîisctli h Mout- Ietuan liit itis scat' anaucîtici'- iictlitisknack utigttcssing exact.l lie goalleîitcei-Johît Ricîi-. ltît ictits talt t iîîtt itcmanager Alaît s1, lhe riglîttitreîî inI dropî tuîlle madte 51 s i bc i 70 itîlîtît t' Pailt titi iti i ctIti iglît îîîl ta ce andtie Ite c i î b ec*ii lIetion coiliesttt'udlt InsilleIlierti ttiitirec cuit su' thec«t'oiî-gcialss'tt Nearly Pull Upsel i()ie ccciiing. fi til Mai stîio îi aini sIiuit. .. Mitlt Tenctitous tîit't'iicckitgli s'1) (ho il .î sesitcc icIo tut ti tiltiiinaitui itcc- i tip ist ih the ti i lstls'ii'pt oicttMottttiic-s and]toaiionttttanduBob lcu\%i, ,îiîîst ticteiîtoiiflic Parîis hctoic-ttot Ratciat ihraeilIrn it'etcicltcitatiiilttu atii an hiîî l e tthe ti tof thes-asîMil- Iohbootthltciîttlsarisctt tlt it ,tttw c tit itl s l fi, -acîtii [ntilk u iîletiMîtutîiciei iltici-i andc nul tttit ilie 8.42 mit t u the finatl stanz itci iîiMillitit ci on thecortieshcect. CituL t13 t îeth gocltirSfic slc c IlttIt Rc wihLcnSicl a "' Banta ms Cop 2 W ins apascithrMcnt ogers iîîîîî,î Hearns Top M arksman arpe Ics the Rigchan t' (ltiit goal catI. Miliatctton B,îîî,îîîs trncct tinies. tait- Young and Ricki Ah î1lk. îîîtc'tcî'cncc- pola tu iniOUItit ,ibclthetlt it\ cl ne-lcci sc Milclil titc' ttifolic i er Miton th ina ikt t icnttcutes c-oif i ceistti 'iltitoi t r ti riithe '818" n tî ,i cit 'cMaisN, ONcîl _ tact lion imc joli Miltoll Ira îîî îîîîToutitt in iiWoodhi cge .as thrcc assist:, Daîîc Otici hcd tiso .îî Mtittn cîîîneîe l),tirft sBol) I kiticit ,i's standlcîs lo tie the coin! atdutIcndilitedt6-1 \intoiTtWoodbrhidgeadaRicvMthlDonCulma ouîîesî ni o iîicrtiittc. U i icltiti itîci Ehiîle. Tet adRa oelhllneaci 1 Weird Goal ttiiaccotintit lur ouro h At 5.32 o ofilcî, î a-siiîictpunti, gaiulicc Il, ii B cilsh tout a pas, lotît Bill Ciii PeVice, Bittiatti. xl dgLt cA Goal a Perio t-ie anci iretI a sflot ltIic,.utitenil eIani, i tai c- srcn- iigiliali ,cte it,,iciTue Miltoni,î Lit tti rnaimei pack tooLut-ioltdicîîîîcc '[h litl oie iIuc hîti inls for forufs the iciecu, deliecicîl tui in ii uti 'intini i0ie uiet.i,:t iîIijjttt,- ilNtton Tiihîlgar Poidcs corodý uf the net. siruck La Pari, itetîlic 'oti citatipiotiîhip i Ioul. tcarî a gual a ieriidajji t îîîtlîîpI îing calt. Briitiuaq ci c c i i i 1 tei rpeling cctic aciit't tortton Moiaiii ]ni ttith the o i lits 20ii fi lic WI) itoitc lii îtît c li iciintt i stojt XcKcnic-. Sn t iMou- sea .ton anti B il ot îî~ît'î at tt i -ic titiio\%! iiictt hit t caid Riniot,- ht\%t-s iti 4' Aithotigh Iile %%as oft-i-:iis il 'iîc' oitîîî Diii auttb eit ît asot.Hoetlîîî flttiaîietsJttc Hiie gii , NI eîtal 9aItirintgtIleda%, ht Bi'ct Murateichigitidsti clean i nîîrancc-îî,îît'îcstti îllott'tc's itthecltiit'poitti oion 'i i I,-" tiiu t eo ' iI iit i ti iho' ti!nal eîîîîtiod tIt' tle scoret'2-:. ' t lii,1 , i tt'h Ihv \,ti. i lt lîtîîîîii. Ilc-s )i Actîn fti STANDINGS tîati uti ici etidieceii go.ialt2011.tih p ii. loittght iWeclitiv C 71'W LT IPis. ttiitnt_ýIt, i,tal tMoiîti da~ lîtandtlhcn picis the tîi gainec Georgetowcn 20 I 4 t 1 i tîtî hu ii, Itti,ttIl L fil,, itlt ifithe, Te11Iiiit chdtlecicîttîsi Nco Hamhtitc 119 U 4 O0 ittot.DisJ, hle'-. XIatttthtl1t( ,îeitttii litattyiii Miltion 19 13 2 30 tttt\eFerti,tn htite cch. Iltttt. n Ilý:hI Hanot-er 19 il 6 2 24 Rt îIt'- \t7e jtititin,ti ______ Simonle 1910 8 121 Xaritît,ti\toiiic.ttiandit,,i Oranget-ille 19 i 10 O0Id8tiîtchîî,iî tlitI aisis. Ailtttttit ceuln ro Elmîra 211 8 12 t 17 Hear,îîii cored ci ti he ii-sce uigPo lm Brantford 20 8 12 0 6 lcd ic icî c1aiiS ksîsii Cause Stormiest Meet Paris 2 3 0 11,' the cille.1t Dundas 20 6 12 2 14 Spark PIug [rit ileîcates Iront 10,ccitircs5 Preston 18 i Il 2 12 tîc ttin t ý ,îcîî Illte iitutt i e bt o îtardl fondtt and ([nIiici.t Hespeter 20 3 161 7 jiak iittciit the secontgIti c S tiîlaIttinon ,iit ýoen i t tri Mli titoluirs Ii o tu i Il ~ - !, t Ltiii! p " ýcrý,u M idgets uut- lass Preston 6- "\"c'[hl18Vie\Ne e LLfei Atît 'îal %tiialctitt ds Paul Iitchen Rifles r-ai Trick î tîor--M P titI Kîtchcn riled îiîîcc oLIlýaiXIc % eu I,*the\îscc'm I to (ultti r IDule and Mhar SoucdsT ooHoîýtotu cîîîîictîcîcî gaine -the\ plincclthetiiaiuiîifthe and Graham Hein dunîed the aictei% ltitintg itttcl-' tio ptîbiiiiii estiteilt Ii ut tiine once as theic couict place tiI iti' ittirte tmrit ofitbc hoiaitegc'tutce i,' inie ar Milton Rolars' Xidcg tîii-ciassî t.,orlclI)citit itor, îtla. the tutticîn ninitics andtllic pîtit cd Preston in MltoiniîonitMonda\ ttitîttiin, iait.îai,-i a t, 'toni uttIlltiltetarmatiiticii tuii etening. tiicttit atîi tîîîi ua 21stîit le,,s (,uc'liii andttMîtitn cie iciiiiiit, The 6-2 tctorv booitutd îc Mc-ttari 1 inuîîîcte, 'illait ic iinil[ienao. Cans %peritîrmeri toL i hun tour lii' îîtnzt. is, _jii u Icuî usceuugiî-o-- points ofl tri! place Bramtnti iitOgoalli tiPîaul Kitchetu titi andulthet20ih of Jaînta su Il n Tri-Counîs Midget pla: .Miltoin tutti tîCî'CriLItttctureltheitc'ud loii u orine icaits ilpl\ lh n w o nsau re.oud tîl ciitiuin, iti ii, final i i te, Kiclic'i n ct otir utu ineîcs c'îch %oc'c'tinIl i thre ies and one ilts it 12 ut-tti hii titîtîl aiN Iiil ju %. - ttcr i, complote tht- c cîii î' icague gtmes andlmanaacuRitni,'ttitt yandîci I cuit IIoutstiuand iti lune 'ith pa (tttitm intilocuidta gal c.ab itcti. li'Assaciatiotnha, hc'u'tit- ini sh tue cut i ii a (il allanî t ilitd Iicti l asifc tin ch n fereilandtKetitHtgcciitiia Liis iiuiibc picpaievdtticittei KinsDnt W l, tii tt ti titi iiucLis an itt2l ipt the,3MI .ptaWusiotis iii t ii Èsi ,,i T od (c l fîttuc Ricki Cula ti tri0 Atd til t ii I IO i 'l e%"- ouson.Jatiitt s20 has hecct sel is the, Trevor Hitustin, in his irsi deaitue tutr reculai scaiin 'lui- For the second game in a nue game ofi the seasin, had a utial 'Cîînnv plut. Milton Kinsmen Pue Wou coach anti an assis!. Milton goaltender Hert Robiinsoîn of G.tcetttin-o Bob Collen juggled his line-up and Phiiiip B rush carnc-d Insi s!. r lias natuted tolrt-place 'ituitti Me- camne ap with a sinning combina-uilyonititun inuitIhe Presitn Ieau l icMltont a u creLt _v Ille i on as the locats hreued t0ut 7-1 coachci. Associa utin vicîorv over Preson on Mondas evening. Formard and defence shifts Ihat Im # lied the Kinsmen tot1ofh.the hColle,,3 doîdrui on Salurdavi'again paud 1Alerai act itýisi(tai chit!ai off as converted huaciaral Philiup Ic, '8-8" [îUllllaiiicii a i] ttood Collen ired tîco goals tu pace -thhc'bridgaitutuSa tuîîî oii uauauu. altact, Richard Marrcay, Dave KnîctPeWeccciBt ui Heipel, Hugh Marshall, lHaroildilun matie seuci i tcv shhIsin M erry and Rager Rosîley cadi I anefforttlu gdî his teautu going clicted for singles. Hugh Marsh- a" andtit paid tilt. 'lite iciampeth ail, Dace Heipel and 'Richard Mar- s.quaaî tout ul)te ice furte' rap each notched a pair ai asssisjtis' lime ait Saluîay altlrnitan and Fraser MacRav and Jim Rue cm l ý,j in-30% ieto are i ,Ivtcm-utihtthe9Osi shufflesLieu OnhHa dMen i lRihr Murray uaîci Hcugli Maushatico 1ncctiug ouitpasses tui Phîilu1îjj i htAen andciDate, iilc'i. Miltih ausasn cî)Iophete clan i 1nti) oftlic game ftîtanitsiorii fi ih t uai-ah i ttti tut i six shîals out titi, i u ta-t Oi itsrei gleeleri,' inulo-t r heu c,onandautf inl gainfIe - -Manager Ken Young mas pîcas- afIl lie Iluit tcs Plan Early Start ed sith the teum's periuurrmaaîcc L.hîusahcpaaacuîltta éjstuung,îandh and rtpirted, mire startingu ocanict psu liiau60%vicuitnhic At Mohawk Raceway iran out our pruiStens on lîch< hrt guaineo l le dthut ii pat', for theiceau test oleiigt oftence and on dehetîce and ut- i hé lte hiîîauuîpain e iguitsitir larnes- t'acttty n Ontario lis- shold-bein gouîd shaupc orthe Boltonî, hec Kitten iuîpacsscclotîl'are heing iuaunuicuîu'îî liv of- pi volts -u iuith a94 ut-it. lciat.s ofthe tOnatait ocît Cluib. Jîîggles Liîe-Up 'Te chuh i, ciintdering suai ing a . . Mataiet cîîYtiuiug repot sule 1960 harneistuu asccîsuuu ai Toap ieupe'tt ualfite casuin luit Green%%oimtRaco-cut'iiiF:i'na Tople ýticiici 55t5 uéatheOcjuîg n Ft-Irtiarvý,26.Aller- lite 49 night At Tournamient -ming i heli tii,' aiiv tcoachl- ii liTontte pouueucslîd Mîltn i-artelcrJuneîicstra usa mue1th ack litu a uience helivilie fti- ut 36 nilt nec! st- etied ta Woodbrtdgc on he oct p%"a'si anti art pJtadspechly uic McCarihi tutioitiAprit 25. end for he 818 oîrnamen! o-as plat eau nnuttenure suit. De- Thie tall imetIfliteMohiawk liais bal win ise il didult do lhem ta lenceunan Philiip C _.ien -uitai heen tentalite ivbsetl'huit 36 nights,j much goad. Second period goal un' regutihu lon taiia tanal Jitît lartiaig oui ctohci 24. their 'irst garntemas the hesi h1e mv Ruaerson m-us hî'î1,îgliîup Io Harvesîcrsiiiatdw ung a hylin a i ili i sîng sîu)oî andl Ru- BDGETS GAiN 11E suttered 5-I and 3-0 dehe»als. e lO \%iiscu ii sîîîuîuI roin de- Milton Midgels maînauged a ie In the apeuing game Eimvale hfonce ttté, i su rd as tha-coac hin to starli aI the îoî-naîmen n i was the winner and zi second pcr- 1 cotnPietely recampe-t the uine-up. Wooubridge on the meetend. lu josi goal by Richard Clement was Miltonu îdured alui ils gîtalsisn teir irs! game the lîcaîseuurrneui the ouIy blmignit spot far Milton. Othfiual peritîcilih Phitlip Ciii- a 1-I1îteadhîuck wiîh Woîîdliriîlke. In te scon gae Botonwon uenscîrung on passes truum JuteIrnheir second contestthIlioc 3-0.I McCathy andiJim Marshall, Ro- cd la Ballon 3-I. îîî~.a~ ~ c. H-APPY SHARP-SHOOTERS Jor, Hure and Ciaig Bitit e(açh ialied Iwice on Friday night and lcooîted theu quoial ils tri 7 ifolte season. Ttcle isIiv Merchani inîmards along mith 7'oger iltdfong goaiieîdeî I-rant Maîsluînîî -tid duhureiti an Bill Cotie weîn seleoied f0 the houth- ert Division Ail-Star teani, The MerchanK il ie it iacmt ionoîîarw tiqhlht hursday) in Branford aiidîaiiîake onthesaine Cie n an8,0 gannMiln arna on Fiday night Five Merchants Tabbed as Ail-Stars Select 20 Players to, Play for South t i%'a X1iitii Md c l as-ta-'--- Ftitualtt1, t' il. -utoa nd aig ir i 1,vl lit- iii- i m ,Ti \'cinesdi i ttl i se - ,îî r'îîîi aw, iii lita;,It us iii ait tl u t1d 21) t uimaut 2(, -t i i .i n oii t iti,- Sui 'illîcî u tacli l Suai su " " a i,ý ' , \ %%ClI (-i sîu iltil Vin ceaîii , iîî, i tmi [lie i,.luXlîîî itait ., te \lie c CItutti 11.111 t il lt t tut Niîîutttp lutl ti v il l milh [lii- îlîîulîliticuld ,'îîî ut1 liii f iiii ai ' att i i t it lu11 R, tîi uti f t V iuit ii d ut tutu ulRitit i de, iii, u'1,i XI Xslai te,. uîtuuaîuu taai ten i lelu 1 s l u i a i lîîîio i o i l. Itiglit anîd StoIuItu t'iu -r.tii l itn, Jouhnîî itPaî'is; île li,ýeu titsn tt ttitic iati c n e en BliCiirie ai Mtiluit, lii tt't A,îîuîtîîîii , u it t t tîa, ltt,--mie,. It . liic e-t t'~I i u1. 'l -Ille vI titim -0I lleii,- IX i 'u t l 'l iiIti l Ill, \ tr'-T p iI.:liiil andlsjac l i l ii11 ,,fi lii 11 ,11 'u i- I l atit nlui t. Hiiil ttua uti u'îc'îsî I-n l tutu lîttu uu 1u.a u T i , ii Pt'- o iliiiilo i andL fiL,t tIi, i t uie1,ilctai ta tiit h i utii lt t' Mîî'- If,, tliti 'uita ttt'tiu ,tai tOc ait kkiiilthe ita tt îituuîî. PMita 1 a d tli i ti 'ua X.1jilýiI P uututitu ai itîtlt ît %cIlv i aNiirlu 't ti tti lti O t' ii ii l'aI l I 01Il \ lv;l i ii Ilet i tii i u i i l i i 'ttia tti tlilDi% ti aiu t' tliait.riloti Illuîîuiuîli'l, fi t iti ý%1i iilau, t ,i l Xui î' 0 1it tiis il, Ic P ilt. Ii atir i Ilat ttf tti. i i 'u t , i l',iailiii ittu iat i i ii, lii ust i ii a1it loi, ilt itCilt it' 21 t tt tt-a ua ttiai, iiltt Tii Illeau tii XIîiî- Malelsa c,- utlieî Dt ii uaiti- ltit ai , ~.~î~îu u iiu1u MILTON 1'.lk \ Ll iii ti i t Iti e -tu 'j hei b-i uI . Ilitaact P. 1)1ntllýnHil ARENA til ltti tie ic iitttir ut WEDNESDAY, AN. 2 onttutu l iI lile u ro lS aig -2 p t gn 0 et MET THE "MERCHANTS" AT MARG'S RENATO BERTOLI, defciice- mani, Age 19. Bornilnlalp. Piayed itaI h minor hockey lu Milton. In 64-63 seangon lie play- ed wiils lie Miltont Merehanîs, Renalo is emulovesi by BillIs Aut Bod iMitn Sponsn ed by.. MARG'S RESTAURANT WHERE EVERYBODY 001115 5309 pa -Meor Hockey THURSDAY, JAN. 13 4>30 7 30 - uiaute Sktlag 8-1 lOts i- Pîu AîuuHockey 8 p "'.a cautti o tomy 9 a ii Wilîuoll u,>Hilie FRIDAY, JAN. 14 8.0 - Juior Hoiuy Miltont Mercluitt. ut Btrantfordu SATURDAY, JAN. 15 6.301 iutiii. -Mittur Hockey 2- PulitcSkalinq - 2',cit 8i i0 tutu -Pubiue katlng- 50cert is SUNOAY, JAN.16 3 p.m. --Junior Hocety tittit unvs Miltont Merciatîns 8-9 p ii.- Couples Club St st iuî MONDAY, JAN. 17 6 10 puaIi.-triCutniy Hockey TU.ESDAY, JAN. 18 .30-7,730 Figure Skting 8-10pini Pro-Anî Hockey 8 p.ii. McCulcheon ns MeConseil 9 p.m. - BîusO us Tomner 0F FINDING THE R RE 4 'iTe Canaclian Chmmpilin, WierfnpetdAy, Jan. 12th, .19'6 10 Points for Don Heorns Bantamis Notch 10»0 Win Don Herns puon aoneman Monday g h e tid twe sh(y at Milton Arena on Mondayi he is eid nei hesc night and scored neveu goals and und and louirtimtes in the ihird assisled lhree limnes as he ptîlled and in addition hadl Iwa assisîs in ailt aneciotIhe most prodigious 1the second period and one in the scoring efforts in recent hockey third perino ltoîp off his per- memare. lurinante. The sleek Milton Legion 'Banlain Milton had little brouble against forwardl notched ilc total o1 10 the steak Preston contlingent and points and look over the ceadeti-1 contt-olled the gante throoghool. ship in the Tri-Couinty Bantamo di- 'Ricky Mitchell, Gary Young and vson as hepaced his teani to i Don Chîîchmach gîî single goals 0-0 ithile walsh ovet Preston. AI- illîîocl îîcc usas istetl îhîîîtglîhe, alita l higco -titi, ,1 ici znutý auîaziug wiek ilslhe nctîcci17 goals antd threecasis in thrue gantes. DOPIW Tîte Tt DRl o i Novic allar rods Nvc sqttacl travelled ta Woodhridge for ttc.8-18" Tcrtnent onth *x-LecT Star iicvek'etd amrd reîurncd wjlhool 1îcitt.Ili tIheir first game the lo- To Ref Game i cd sîccre edged hy Botton 3-2 and Carl Brewer, "th1e rock'em in thci r second gamte they receie- soek'em" former Toronto Maille .col a 9-3 drutloing at the haînds of Leaf deflence star, wilI be at the Wooitridge. short end of the referees whist le when th1e N.H.L. Oldîl- mers visil Miltnon enPrlday Inighl, ianuary 28. Brewer, who retlred thîs year afier a contract dispute wilh Maple Leaf officiais, wilI 11e ma- king ose of his rare appearan- ces on th1e Ice as a refereern it whal promises 10 11e une nof1the sports highlighls of th1e year in Milton. This seull le 11e tlsrd year lus a rose Ihal 1the N.H.L. Oldlmers have vliied th1e îown and each year, th1e game lias been a oeil- out. As weli as showig amac- ing finesse, th1e former big league greats spîce ihefr per- formnanceas wlth humor. The ad- dition of th1e once bigf league basi man, Breseer, 10 1the game's cast ohould add eninymeni 10 tis year's spectacle. Hockey fans wiii remember thal Brewer seas th1e cause of role addition In the N.H.L. a few years ago, The hefty bise- uine performer used 10 use ho- ckey gloses wilhoul any palms -ail 1the easier 10 grah you wth - bol officiaIs caught on and made Il illegal 10ouse gloves selîhout palms.- ELECTRICITY IS OUR BUSINESS Donl t 1e a Tinkerer silh Etectricity. Cail an expert for *HEATINO *WIRING *NEW CIRCUITS *ADDîTIONAL OUTLETS * UTDOOR LIONTS For a Free Esîlmale Cal FEATHERSTONE ELECTRIC TR 8-6378 MN BE SU RE...,., RIGHT CAR IN THE SELECTION AT c :ED.REDFERN LTD. 1963 MERCURY SEDAN V-8 molar, white mails, ithuel duocs, washers. Ove owner car. Lic. 569130. 1963 PONTIAC SEDAN Aatomaic, radio, mOlleeitalis, wash- ers. Original condition. Licnnse 425917. 1963 PONTIAC FOUR DOOR STATION WAGON Aaîomaîic, mhlle mails, washers. Ove owner vehicie. License X1021. 1962 MERCURY SEDAN Auoniafic, radio, wOule mails. Sold and seîuîced by ReedReierun inon nnw Lac. E63333. 1962 VALIANT SIGNET TWO DOOR HARDTOP Automnatit, radio, mOite malin, matit- ers, wheel dises, buchet seats. Verp dlean car. Lic. E67430. 1961 CHEVROLET SEDAN Aolomalic, mhite mails, mashers. Ove omner car. License 75353E. 1960 CHEVROLET IMPALA Tmo door haidtop, V-8, auaomaîic transmission, power steering, radio, tmo tnemhule mails, -heel duscs, License 237244. TRUCKS- 1964 FORD PICKUPS TWO TO CHOOSE FROM Deloxe cab, V-8 molor, Imo tone, de- luxe chrome. Lic. C93638 and C93637. 1964 CHEVROLET 1/2 Ton Pick Up Long bon, Otlpeside, Veru Clean. tic. C98904. 1960 CHEV. 11/ TON STAKE WitO telescope Ooist. SEE A TOP SELECTION 0F RECONDITIONED USED CARS AT REED REDFERN L TD . Your Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Dealer ONTARIO ST. S. MILTON 870-2393 WEDNIESDAY, JAN,19 I24 pm. Adalt a ,d Pre-PI IShoo pblic stalng -251 cet n 1 et 1965 CHEVROLET IMPALA CONVERTIBLE V O. automatec pomer steering, power trates, radio, wOile mails, itheel Many oîher entras. Under new ctar goaranie License E64738, 1965 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX Auiotvtaie, power sleering, power mundois, power aernai, radio, mono oliter nuIras. Stilhl ander nem car mon- ravie. Lic. E67689. 1965 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE SEDAN V-8, automatie, radio, mhltemal ltires. Biack cith red interior. Stili ander neni car marîauly. License E64687. 1965 CHEVROLET IMPALA TWO DOOR HARDTOP V-Otaolomaiic, pomer sleering, power bitakes, radio, mOie mails, mheeh dises. Deîconslralor. Under nem car uwtrranty. License E68161. 1965 CHEVROLET SEL AIRE SEDAN Aattomalie radio, hite mails, mheel dises. mashers. Demonstralor. 5h11 under ni car marranly. License E67846. 1964 LAURENTIAN SEDAN V-8, Auluniatie, radio, while mails, m-hers. Eocellent condition. License 358121. 1964 CHEVROLET IMPALA CONVERTIBLE V-8, auorniatue, radio, witie mails, powerr teerîng, passer braten. Manp other voltas. tocoilyowoned. Licetîse 334-178. 1964 CHEVELLE SEDAN Auooîalue, radio, mhihe mails, math- ers. Very dlean car. Lcense 553-871. ------------- --------------------------- --------------------------- duv,