Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Jan 1966, p. 3

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On Northi and East Sides meI ài Dy.r The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Jan. i2th, 1966 - 3 SIill Finalizing Annexalion Boundaries A fRecreation, Parksa Boards F!nalization o annexatbon boun- In a ltter to Milton Counci the east boundary of H gbway 25 boundary cxtend north far ..u.ghdVeratdMitonLaunmat Miii r h se u lEq i m n ansfor Ue town wiii flot be Monday, solicitor D. A. McConacb- ratber tan the centre lie to to oclude tbe Citie ersean udor natrlgsprie ad ~ u c s a l E m achieved until surs'eyors estabiish je, O.C. noted -tbere was no dif- avoi confict in jurtsd ection. BA. garages but jog clown to ex-a udo aurigsIn n boundary line on the north and filuin defining the area west Iagged Line clude the bouse and batrn on tbe set it afire, causing minor damage. Ltghtting equîpment for minor Treea Diaeaaed barmony between the two groups. east, aithough the original pro- of .Higbway 25 forth of the Base The boundary norlb of tbe Base farm of Edwin Harrop. This is Tbe fire was quickiy extinguisb. bail bas been purchased joinlly The problem of elmn diseuse in It mas approved in principie as posai of the Ontario Municipal Line Road. tt was. bowever, pro- Line road, east of 25 creates more proposed 10 avoid assessment pro- cd when Mlton Fircfigbîers ar- hy tbe Milton Recrealion Commit- tbe trees in Victoria Park and outlined. Board wiii be followed. posed tbat Use lune be exteuded 10 difficulty. It ýis pmoposed tbd blems that mould deveiop if tbe rived and sbut off tbe gos supply tee and tbe Milton Parks Board of theunecessity of remnoval of sort bildpsettrog eiti sateid tb lames atsprety bean pianagement mit b installation of the trees mas outlined 6v E.B. buidig.ýad oeflaibes larenlîbe dot. anued for the spriug. Clements. He ooted discussin On he as, te Paz Shppng n oe f te arg clths dy-Tbe action ýfoitoweda joint wîlth Dept. o Agricutr Survey ail in February Cetehshuticue n h ers and spea t15ghanex meeting of tbe t-mo groops, called ficiats suggesîvd treatment ofre solicitor proposed that a distance baulis s bertote oube gas thue lestabttsh clear h tes cf resiton. ileswsuid bc impraetical. Sine 1 f et i 5I 0 tee( ie t u ild i ng r h a ie sibilitv in dealiug îs'ub park.S and some tes bave becîln fc Launch Cou nly-W ide TB Survey h Menicîers ared conibcrmst]avieheurt a t.flchleinment lias ptîrchsed from 1965 systein and ýi\as doubtlul il ay 0Mar iMitn l bce Plan arcbein lai fora H l- ofer ts ctizes fie oportnitylis.rsg agi- raedi the rosidls nd-dscus-. laum thenatlflleaki i ttetctchl lir.lto ds .iTflc t liboadsi ad inq ouip suvive Coss fo there-bratvg lsirniamid eedin y, and the Lbtediluedal afreDnamondhWedding tof-wdcmmssstbercuosisdctc- ot einapartoffttis iternpirt foofsvinivic-preidenî bav nes wcekoLatr Soda yallerons dbe 966 196 intalltionandtcsllotmivn cfnbd arcad iofcîecvAnniersayton ouda. Jouati lt îs1aieireug iîd fora Hal lîti i s tattdis-s ht.leportunttbscpikii.ssng rapdlv,196d6tht.24 196eTbey re paoing i, lion survcy beginning in Febru- ai figbt against tuhercutosis.' heen named for speciai duties: Put lnt Order fiedpr1n -cie is oe vt ebdre.trees mere lu 6ecvtaincd for it- at-y, 1966. Res'. M. Estabt-ooks bas Uae Patch Test istricts, A. H. Gregg; public t-c- Wben te boundaries haseveenrttrens cati wben a chiid feu ftaon a BaU Park Next clusion in thbe budget.-hold un open bouse on Saturday, been appoiuîed general ebairman Mr. Brearîe adcidlta h.ctl ations, H. G. Scaite; training H. surveYed 16ev witi bc incorporai,. chair and began lu choke. Hotu. Hembers of Parks Board ru- Membes considerted 1he adean- January 22 frum 2 lu 4 p.m. and of tbe survnv commiitce. aliveit- nese HIaf'methoîl of C. Hardsick; lahor, G. G. Heym; c d in tbe necessarv Onario Mun- eero rrvi iib o ntoin- ru 7 lu 9 s a th tagm GuIs are graîefuiprkslyclne The Haton Counîv Tîthercuto. paîch testing siti be used. "Te pofsions, Ret-. G. D. Watt: ai- icipat Board oarder vieuv Drive hume a dutor was sniyrvwepogesa16igcoanigsmutheaksdcid tratnpIletîîr ndth r s an C iîary )and iil site betîveen that artc nom simpiy desiguuîcd as s-t 1eOtai Deaîet fcii eas f ciseednrseslson; medicat adlvisor, Dr. Archie t6e importance cf planning pro- citation equipment mas mat ll otnfecd- r.I sepet ogh.ctadadhssiti Healîb, sil bc conductiig a lu- if Heuf testing, an absotutety F. Bull. tection futlbof the proposeci ______e__ cd developîncut of park at-eusin- Joint polic t.-satemeni dcfining Cannitg of Monterai were recen t bercutin îcsîing anti-ruy sur*ey îîinîessmeîbod of aîiministering A ihurough îIot-to-door cr. tid n ~Esqeig setec iudih u- a mjrkuu baldindteai, Dr. il s cupeek vii- ogb.Soîuds iser dMes. Ret of Hatun Coutivl including s- 16e test.' sats ihrougbouuiHailon islivbing township bas no Planning Boat-et -Tomn office records show 1051st i btalat-ciimay begin iluf16e Bottrdcaatti tlite Reccation Com- Brusb Se. tavs of ait indutrial emploveesi. The iuhc-tcuin test us ill titi- pianneciandtih1e chait-man bas and no appt-uval is requieed ter one bitlband i14 deathu werelIspriiîg ci 1966. Develupmnîssould milice usas reviemedt u maiutain Congratultions t John Robert H. A. Brearlet president oif the cale il any pet-sun has et-et- bec"t catted for co-opet-ation ft-om culi- land sepaeaîîions. The solicitot-t-ccot-ded suit-bmn Mition's houndar- peocced as the land fl]i operatuns Assc tionis "Thutubercu- 1 n direct contactîsi-i l buercul o- zens. "Youuat-econ ftonted suil b recutumended tbailMilton applv, ies dutiug 1965 (The birtlbfigure lttogt-css., Fîlo a W udtc a'urie, lois piclure in Ontario connut l6e sis. illciintt showv active dis- a unique and simuiaîing oppor. inthe furmt-naiorder. lue a terni ducs nul ittlude ihute bor t-a At a meeing oi 1he Put-s Buard -fo i ttsI YO5News Yeat-'stesolu- Counst.l in16e Nem Yeae's bosors taken fou igbtiv. Il lu a constan t case, but alitpetsous sehoshow tOfity lu hring 16e flime coser 'pruhibiting land sepurations ssiîb- Hilton District Hsia s i f sv eek membet-stcvieo-ed ci lionslia ve sou bt-vkt.- ,tic-tdv îiannonct.d t-ceentiy. -Ht. Fat-- baille t l kephe incidence rate a reacîlon seul bc s-aveî and sîben îubet-cuîosis wiii ceîsc loýu t the appt-uval uf the Milton building s iîta i Oas 1efrst l ashrsece fs niehlig fDle ovi o ftelt onFr under cunteul.- Cut-tentiy, appt-os- peuple 40 veut-s of uge und ovet-'b6ea public beaitl4 ptoblem. 6he Planning Board. pending t16efinai and blrihs tmust bc' registered uts-eus on 16e uriuus touvu park in Geot-getowvnbave been soid t0utc wandHt-rs. Fu-to of Wood- imaîelv fis-e Peuple Pet-r uc uit.--esnt i lut.- dvised thal t16ey 100 said. csinof 16e Board.tbat tomu's offcel. pioperlics. anoiber lit-m. stock".lot-met- Jiiionians. Onlat-luOs souaturia, 70 pet-cLuni shoulî bas-e acitesi-t -ravý. Ili feiino cf whom -ttc lu ait adtvant.td si t.e ibis agt. group tait filt. igbcst uft ubert.ulosîs. Il lis vthîoîglt ratt. of tbt.r long and t.chsî ah- te efforts o! tht. public ihat sît. noîmali tIs s iocatcd. Our JanuaryCO T N E t.an bupc lu k t.p tbest. figures! ante ChaîrmanO T N E clown, and Hilton lu peepured lu Work uf flitc surveyctommitt Appoiritment Night at Counicil DAYSR As 10 Committees, Boards Named 1 Â THURS. - FRI. - SAT. il usas appuîtmcnî nîgiti ai G. Ktanlzec. ppuinilcit SA EUvT 0 Miton Couc.l Hundas us merm- tuunt.il t lc ilt.Hlonîteîinnîil:SV T 50 bersna mcd rcpîcscnitaîîucs and Contnitîcc memberes lu 10municipal cunt- * Furmitg flitelocal Coutrt ni uittees aud boat-ds.: Revisiou at-e Recce dîîîiîmani The foiiosing appinîmenîs Counicilturs Joltttson, Cons.il ITMaE UEnOd L T M RO E U AT C sucre made: Barsith Mus-or S. G. Chtld,. THESE IT M E U D TO V A L T M S F M R G L R S OC * Reeve Auslau Leduitb and Appinimenîs un tht-et.cil Councilior A. C ouseus as count.il gîoups had nul hecn art-akc d 0 R G N L' L O D R A L E U E rcprcseuta ires [o the Rectealtion anti Mayur Chilcis indicîtbcseO RI I A Commitîce. ivoui c efinalized nucti ssck. L -O S G E TL E U E * Tom Cumeila lu flie Miltoni Puc rat ou-cil.-a uLaundry Owner i P R I C E 'VSALE START-S THURSDAY 9 A. M. 0 Huovard Gtlsssold andt Rub- l et-t Brush su cxre-appoinîcît lu Praises rPolice the Hilton Atena Buard, Rue Hait-- rlep-iig1eHhu ALLDE'E OECAGSO EU rison sias appoinîrd lut-ep1 Alcete riigteMloPo0 LLAISNOECNG RRFU Ray Murph.,încd cotise il repre- lice t-n- ircopeattu ass si W P EA E . L SALES FINAL - NO PHONE ORDERS Sentaîlses samed sere DeputMis-toe nd eflciescny ng vastcd1 C. Juhnson. . th1e police commit-tee chat-m.in C.D R S E *Aes Couke suas re-appinled Johnson. thlouirprsnaie un 6e eascIte -rm ilth oin aa- 0ALL LADIES' Ladies' HOSE Rheg. 9c 5cpr. 3 Pairs $1.50 Halton Couuîy Huteum Board. iudeesnld1e utcu 6 ia-Cln *Dr. C. A. Murtil uts -a . s iderable contactistlt-h 1e local 36B"lrvîng-Posions pointed 16e tîtîvurepresenlative f oece fuitosing ibefts un their M PRINvSiCRCOATS R 9 ,preise. "I ou opnionv o P 1 NT S Lades' A$29TS$19.97 on the HaltosRergion Conserva-,permies. S ouegn.î$29,vou lion Autboriî v, police fut-ce desers-es cummendat- Reg. A 0 Chatles Wilson scas nu mcd lin"c wyd the toms t-tptescn lative un the Refusa GlUI75 Milton Fit-c Atru Board. The setler noted 16ev bad at- L____________________ 0 S. W. Gule S. Fav. A. j. temnpird l t-t-crot-iue t-andiai Nichcls, R. Rantill.J. H. Leclsîýiîh 1remuncraîlon ft-e efcforts o!f M* , h' RNIVVC REG. TO $.9 3.00RE.0$39 $2 0 an . L. Hudic-s ticie namci the the men or lu make a donatione s M ns$69u,. RG.TO 39 Hilton Indlusîrial Coi i itîee, la favorite chanits, allo wFtvhlre ' n ik -Lt. Biue iîh Couocillor Johnson iîppoinî- seere declurd. cg. and Rud LDE"FRFBI O T cd us 16e Cîîuncil enesenîaîiîe. Council membet-s epesdW E REA *Couniciltors G. Keantz, C. Fan 1ibeir pirasure ai t-ccingsc and P. But-i sîce numee concil tibutesuand aterdien ov BOYS, MENS WINTER $ 0 7c Fi egh-Rg 6.5 -$99 represen lallees lu the Miltolftc1ehetr 10 the poliULLOVERS AND TOP0COATS Ful¾ Length - Reg. $9.95 - --$49.97 Planning Bout-cl.ment. asked the cdut knw ULVRAN 0 N. S. Pearce !nd Cooncilor 1iedge t6e lciter. CARDIGANSTO AS3/Le th-Rg $5.5 -4.9 4-bx Reg fo$39.95 Reg. $498 $2.77$2 97GRSSUKGILSLY NO Ie ~g. $6.9$4.97 MEN'S DRESSGIL'SKYIR' UY CHANGE 0F HOURS BOYS' LINED PULLOVERS REDUCED up to 50% PULLO VERS CARDIGANS C IP A N6T S Rg$1.5ALL R,46x -Reg. $5.98 $3.97 46x-Reg. $398 $2.77 W e tE dM a a k tR... $35IB $2.97 $9.97 LALLI BLUSER S 8-14 - Reg. $698 $*7 8-14 - Reg. $5.98 $3 7 W e tE dM a a k tBOYS' LONG SLEEVED LADIES' BL U E SPORT SHIRTS MENS DRESS ALLSLI NWE SERVE THE EAST END TOO'!) 818LADICARDIGANSMS Reg. $298CARDILADIS'S CLSDAL A M N A SBOYS' LINED and CORDUROY Reg, $1495 ALL GILS R E S E S - $997 L D YMO D YS 1GIRLS',5GIRS'DRSSESAT 8-18 ALL Szs81 OPEN WEDNESDAY ALL DAY Reg. $4.98 $3.77 Mas's GIRLS' B L O USE S Reg. o$1.5 l3 BOYS' SUS Sport Jackets AIL, H A W A TUES. -WED AND SAT...... 9 A.M.-6 P.M. CO0A T SGIL' H A W GIRLS' DRESS COATS Reg. $24.97 ALL ILF mea THURS. AND FR1 - -- ---- 9 A.M 9 PM. Reg. $14.98 $9.97 $1547 GIL' LIEDJIV~iSîzns 4-6x 6 ONLY BOYS' Rg o$79 SPORT JACKETS Men's PHONE 8786028 4-bn Suburban Coats RED U CTîo N Reg. $8.98 $.7 Rvq. $24.95 E U T 0 N BOYS' KNITTED ~ 7 7T GIRLS' 3-PIECE GRSWNE ~ - JESEY ESCOAT SETS JAKES .'.~ ' ~&'Sas8-18 0 YOUNG MENS TEE-JAY L A KT i c.$9 u WooI Plaid avnd îîod PILED HIGH WITH VALUES C7 t4 -xeg-u7-14- liai7 S N11111lKids' Pile Linad 4-6x so$o94697 SKI JACKETS Toppers - $777 EVERY ITEM WAY BELOW COST Reg. te $1995Rn 0$45 9 7 Reg. $.9 Reg. $11.98 OEERYFRBSSLCTN Be Sure to Serle 3-6x -Bow~n $697CMEALYFRETSLCTN TENDER JUICY FLAVOR CRISP_________ ids' 2-pt, Nylon Men's Work Sox Kentucky FriedIP NI Fîil izeis2-xat & egingOvs 3 Pair - $2.29 M I LTO N~ DEPR MN 878-60PA T EN CHICKEN i ad 4-6u$39xo CHICKEN SY THE PECE AVAILABI And W.'IIHv u.$89 sDesSa

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