2 Tire Ctnadian Champian, Wndnesdlay, Jnn 121h, 1966 CAMPSILLVILLI Yog People sponsor Servic SeeRinaon Leprosy Mission By PAin Geurge Ingla Thearail cal a an.çwarad ha Mrs Wllam Johnsan, RR 6 payment of'eesandla erng mas Mi lon a lac a ned tua ataon accpIed by Va ei. Coltar and lea la I WdnesdivTriosca aitnd- Ellan Gadand dadatrad hy [ha rng niera Mr MrgaretMePha Iprea dent. The h rthdnv sang wsa Mis James -Robertson, Mm .Char ank or Mary £Ela, DeboanltIng les MaDougaîl anndic en, mis lsund Doreen Mahon. Kath Mc Vra Cairns, Me. Water Eggeýr Larendal[ha minutes and t6ey and 'Mrs. Brandan Crewnon. Aitst-ra adopted ns rend. enjayed ha social visit amang Mrs. Rager Mahon gavae the fn local nighhors. iancint repart and Cindy Couter Mes. Margaret MaPhail raceivecd eeeal he Sripture essrton an woeof hestladeath ai a ccuisisiiin Ephesians 4, verses -12 frou fi Hamiton, [ha laie Mes. Anna Neis English Translation. Mes Jenkins. saho scas hstiad la Actan Rua Parker g aveua tatk on [he ott Thursday f rom the Rumlay- Sriplura tessont and installed th Shoamakar Fanerai Home. -Mes. i1966 officars as faIt rs: place airlier aoîhar. nhowsattti-!prasiatent Cary Elin: n areara, able [a go. Brenda Crnmp: assistant sacra- Rer. L. G. Stairs and fmmliv oai t-%es, Patricia Van Siekle; reasar Brantford presentad a film and 1er. Mers. Rager Mahon, ceer coim gavea n alk on The Leprsy Mis-, mittce,. Cindy Costtar;pianit sion saork la India on Sunda Anne Mailon. es-ning mn St. Davids rashylar- Sertie Lunch fin Chureh Sanday sehoat rouam.i The meeting closed wih the This stas sponsored hy [ha Camp-, Lrds Frayer fltowed 6v tociai hailville and Nassagunnava Yaung hostass Katv McLaren, Mary Ell Peopta's Society and a good ut- and Cindy Coltar srvitg refresh- tendance visuaaized circtmstanc- mants. et la tadia. Fricnds ai Rer. J. Seheiel ara Holiday In Florida. pleased ta know his sigh[ opera- Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Millin:lot was a soccats in Toronto and famila aent asneek htî%eneaast waak. and lia s home and on Christmas and Nasa Yers titate the rond te racaver. ing Flrida. U.S.A. 1Re. J. Leaman ai Ehanacer Uin- THE IES? WOMAN COUNCILLOR la Nassagawcpo Township histi Gordont MePhail is enioving a [ced Church gave tha inaugurai ad- iook a seul ai Townshi p couaicil on Moaday, M9îs. MacArhur andC conducted tour la Hussaliý. Idrest at tha opaning meeting of are tire oaly aewcamers io couaicîl and ihey learaed on Monday ust The Janur meeting ai S. Day-! Ns-agasceya Towansip caonci Members tai ihrougir more [han ise and a hall hours ni dis aussisr ids Girls Group mat ai tha Sttn- when thaetata counicil and schooi Showa seaied are Depuiy-Reeve Hoey and Mrss MacArthuîr. Starc day schoal 0cgoom on Saturday hourd sacra staura la y 1the, William Mahon, Reeve Williamt Colter, coîtaniluor Russ Gordon aid morning atiM10a.m. ta ith [he presi- Toswnship clark Clit Melnttre I aigre. dent Anne Mahon la [ha chair, on Mondav util1ar..Recta Wtt- S6e opened sith praver for [he; hum Coltar Jr. pra-ided one the nana yar and foltowad 6v a hivamt, husiness sessionss6ch lok place!D and renda Coling followad mith uit ha Towtnship Ofilce ai Brook-,P a ni g A p tm ts H pae.vill. In ig A p it e t payer. Bring Heated Discussion N assagaw eya B riefs..' c jia lanî- lie, Isîîl b siiil ii on als p Daring ihir marathon fine and1 a Icîler ta îhank Ras. W. A. Leh- William MHvacs D a tR l an-hall houe inaugural meeting 1man ai Ehenacar Charch. "for hit garai meeting ai Na-sagasts . îcitieat' for [966 Monulay. Nassagaweva (lad taons, at our inagural meal- Cnancii on tMotdas analset flitc- îsîl Icielises sais.tslook coanirs: ng. stage for mare [han aun houe- andissi titis.flic 1415urd s nd.îî il e Agreed ta ren natsmehrship e Agreed tir bavc road depuet- une halt l i c ionon appoa i.Jt- dni thlîk il Jî.l a titiolti.s in0the Ontario Good Roads Assoc-, matI ampsînceas pid -etara issu: ment, [o [ha TtsîsnshpIiîiis Mrig tria tîs %%,il l% iIe ses1 luion for 1966. stacks. s ti [ha mark seek [o Bord,.las-utilt isalin-s913 siîtî'il tIý e Renae-ed mamharship la thaend aot Weansdavs., cmiesugtonfn ill'Ciltll, -ll Onario Asociation tor Rural *Ahotzd t., A owngoft o emicdsserstiIess ltl e t -..lîl ad'ilsv,îtîle Mounicipaltiis. %175,000m ha e t a riiterhorroatnge tso [tapta snameHoandts tsecittsiil- sss11,'rlsi" tlts1ds1îl 0 Racined re179.000 atranthe'eei uta o r ausRcaHte uiicsn lPle tirîîîî \.l.-..îs.lill i- Canadian Mental Heath Associa- 1par cent to cas-e -cncira r Ms. Anne MacArthur, thîttisl ic ilesetlttktttî ii ion. The Mscular Distropha As- until taxes are reccated. Flanning Board memhershiîshatbc sîti l 1-111et ut tocialion and the Canudian Madie Heard Counciltor Mes. Anme incrcased fromtloue i, 1 ess I ii l elt as i ias/ Atari Foadation. for coasideru- McArthur reporettIm about ta hers stasip)rtised. Cossa. Mac oýIlle lann.tingta dtiiit su i as lion of gratIs fromt the Tosn- investigate the brasiiag damaga Aethur pointed oui iscie ae ite hecits litstttlîsît t- ship. Cosîciltors dcidcd ta re- hesng dotc ha quarries la the oting rogtosssintahae ,ssîts stls fiets l ic- s-si feanlt-gm making anov dacision Tsnship. The nasa councilior and suggustesl eaah regititi hîsîîistils istpl-iîtisîLte lc t - cnceaia th grnItontl auni sggasted cansiderahia damgaga ha eprssctad uon the Flannîing tîpaItI .î tti lsîtsseeîi ils. Iîsîtsg ai Associations raciving grant -has beca causad hn hiastiag and Board. Mamhrs of coac i. alisler B-1111sadsîîîc Erom ha coonty an enahaohtand. 1rported %slenaailtha complats1 a reltIdi scutss ion. agreas t in.la- Seeks Balance * Learned appronut had haen t hase heen tahulntad statI hane creuse the si/a of thaehboard irtt ecese (titlles si-ta IlltIsein. granled for grant talling SI.13t enoogh proaf ta eta hg.ase oma-lwhan it came tu a ppininigment-'sise iiýi[ twilsi/.'liIsaec-titis. from tha Faderai and Provincial, thiag donc ahout thi..bers here tas agreat siltc-re-ise but I ssiil t saisssîss1.1 i i Gonaramants us thair shura Ia- e tnstractcd tha clark ta tend af opinis.stuus iste su. saite sI I,madsn haa S asagmaasaltter of appraciation ta Drad New Memhers sîessh- ii hasîis ili) Cantennial rjeet. The grantMes .B. lD. Young for 1th aeir Aies Near. s flambas ofi lis trilioitfi,- e îaî su \boh h conerad impron!mantloba madeloit painting" which [han doaateid board la [965, bas silt tot carîs td oat liiMl.tttil sî.seti aI pnrks la Eden Milis and Camp- 1laothe tam Township Building. j lu serve and Stuart Ceasue al-sulista tiit1stl nI itis s blinille. raioosty granthad 1e Congralatad clark-ira asurer a- mamber la 1965, has neacmisse pttuIapet siua . liliseses heen approvadSar a park site ad-J. C. Macîntar far bis hard mork naurtosert'e. Ai temas sugzgvcts sult-t u, di-siti, i siI jacant ta the tam Mon iclpnllwhich rasotted la cutting dama lams had heen fî,rssaided Masit ttiiitdît ailit Building in Brookville. Ion tha tas arrears tithintha Newtuisaand Gordson Agnesa sese llstîîtt Ui 1 sî~îi~ * nstracted the clrk Ia sand' township. ,appointed su the huard loi[sc tltistitlt e. se-sîl t-aur terma. 196.5 Planninsg Bardtiiitiitit , iitit l-ts[tei(l- i chairman Grant Caphell ssas se tdontti ssîîeîîsisd u iisii (j is. OMAGN In~~~1 ptointedisor als tesransi. îîilîss0 sîiîî.I-e _________and Bill Lravarie Oas appit tsloisaidsplaningttc- stîsîs itis arroniit l a une!-tar termi.Mc/tlitti:-lliitlse ssii atc M em ber of Parliaim erit Cunicllor McAthr epse- s Ititli it let11m ltii a Mît a-i Q uizzed by Students cdfratdssatshcandassih It1i;t di ip, colin,~ By tien. Cecl Ptternon !29from 8.30) P.. ta 12. Mussc! S tit Iis oi i. itisil Mr. and Mes. Carence Schneid- m'ilI ha supptied by ia place band Four Mishaps Miure Delegales e af Etmsaoud mre onema ight 1Rex and [ha Echocs. laormamIy guasis sith chir sitar Mes. Lillie, The haute band Iihle.Pa-IAtsîcaac tes sîes s pp îsandsîs isaol t-isal Campbell, FourIh Line. enta are assure-d thal 16e part y jn ou îsr causîng $1591 1 i i lesasîîclssisihttiis Stanley Baaty of London, ut-: milI ha mail suparnisadiha [ha5siantagelo thal shece iti titis test înded the forgerai service for tha. Borna commitieand if 16e pnrîy-det Sîusi ttaiif MiatltirAcsîIîisliIts laI Ms. obelBigarandineris successfui m-lit ha repeaaed la damage, madea up talic, latidi bi titi Boarsdi lstne cts ,-, mas n guesi mith his brothler Me.,Faraary. The matiec wil ha tops figures fr the seek îLit îsîsI tîiies luIlitaIlr111u(Raitiu(li)n and Mes. Cliford Beaty afMilot. for teanage dance peasure. Politce Dcpumtment. si-nttttsAstlsrits Ifor e i TheDrmqia ecenionau cagors nnd laid ri anst wiIi isanscacient hapr, ai:ll R ec t Lissîller. clîs tlsrt chre convanaed by Mesdames guli- psha na talviarn a kba iEmestmCacara f25 ltihaMu. tlitatantattt. i t stlsad laud [ce ndrmvas s enmai teu-dad iptan. no igla Oavit. s Caý I-iad ol25iat,î,has - trleue-nes. aL Yîîîîortg l, ans honsr oe ndTurds ay. Jauny 6ai Ma- iii aIarthis home foliosing sorgen, Miltonstaîs makina a lait soisnlIlsletiaC.ssîîîstliî kileoIn CnursdCaIra Lacy 6pri c- asand a stay ta Western Hospital, frism Monigamerv Lae unuitsMillI11-1u1111% C(atise sfirumitice hr Cury'sCenre.Lucy pizewasToronto. We sish hlm vmil. - St. Ha r cuai nnssue srisca hsrlal11- iisiitisuit1iA Mîlîs'lol, mon hy Mr. Pter Nilsan, and W r lae oha htM.Ro -ae,11Ml icIij AiiFr raBad .R e- for high scores in auchre sinners aa re pta Sathear indhat m. Rot cs Fan.1100 dmiieSt sili itigoIlta itt,.i itisitti Boar mare Ms. Groem. Mes. J. Mileran Ms. lmSh rinadimt d eig$10 aga0 tittiase ild Rtisal M-Ittti li A celoisi Dan Kirk and M. Scord. Sand ara building a nese home on the Ctutear ncar.d$9 tanpa siiRta(u iitti ie iit micescouiennndcoîea areTown Litr nad iii ha moving t 6 aae a.ui p siii 9sss wisravad o luch.anthr orta in ne hortîy. Ia [ha puni yenr Ihey _____________________________ srevd fr luch.Anoher art ishava residad la Burlinglon. ptannaed for Fbruam. -up eIhdyt on Me.GaleStouti Of Oriltia. friands, Eric Gaoding. 14 on Jan. TO COMMEMORATE visitad mith ýhem daughtar. Mr. 15; Kaîhieca Alexander, 14 oa Jan and Mrs. Arnod MeKea and ium- 1-.1 - Charles Oravez, 13 on Jan. 14; ORL A ily and other raatinas tant weak. Speheos Fefhaay. 10 on Jan. 12; O O RELIGION A Dr. Harry Hnrtey. M.P., iitad Karen Marshal il on Jnn. 15;1 Percy W. Mrry Sehoat an Friduy. Brenda Viian. 9 an Jan. 15; El- The Baha'i's of Halton County Present Janary 7. Heanasmarad mnny leen Marshall, 9 an ian. 13; An- G r a d e s e v e n an d e ig h t . T h e s tu - 1B a il, o n a n . 1 0 ; F a u l S vequ s i n k d b y p i s o ftho y K uS o a . 5 o " F O U RE I I N dents greanta anjoyad is talk on Ion Jan. 9; Enla Snosa 6 on Jan 15 t6e sorkings of gavera ment ai and George Mated. Januara il. Wa ara sorry ta muara that Mes.y Leslie Pocock broka 6cr anklein la ruckload of Sait a fal racentia. She mas la haspit- ni bol is convaiascing t home D m g db lz nase. A trasport Ioadad sith boxes Master Tommy Snosc. yaattg ai domesîle sait stffemad minar son ai M.anad Mes. Eart Stnw t aamage but the majorila ai 1he n patienti n Burîsagton Hospital ioad racined ithar lima or nia- tram complicaions aller hang tire damage fltrring a ire an mompa. Wr hope the ltuile fallon Highway 401 cauri Tuestamara- is toua impronad. iag. Mes. Faercy Marry la compua The transport mas omned ha nith Me. and Mes. Kenneth Mc- Tomlilasn Cartage and was ra- Dougail and Miss Margaret aent vlling irom Windsor la Toranto, Christmas and -holidays iIh thir whcn a lire braka aut aI t6e roe childeen M. and Mes. imt Mc- of t6e truck teant ha F1116Lina, Daugail and family ni Sudbury. Oakvilte. 'Miltan Fiee Depariment Ia an efforIta cga n actdnce mas callad ouI and speal avec Ima program n tarted for local yatnng- hoautt ha scene. stars, -1e Baync Rcreation Cam- ire Chini A. E Clamnent aid l mitice headed ha preideal Wil- ppearad a tire had caugbi ire. fred Laurence Mlville Dalby and and t6e fiamea raached a tarpau- George Maxîed are planning a in canetiag the load, Ihan invad- dance party ai Byna on iananty cd [ha iand ai sali. an hour-long film of the major faiths with historien Arnold Toynbee and James Beveridge as commentator. PRODUCID BY THE NATIONAL FILM BOARD OF CANADA tira Futur ai oae people un a mysicryIo aniher, an uaknowa road ta a destinaton ail mca teeck. ioasined hg tirefilm, tire sranganesai airer religions lestent, muiahnehlp oi tire commaniaiors you tee more clear- y mirere ihese fout-religions (Hinduism. Buddhism, Islam, Chrsiinilgi differ and wmireatirey agrea. TO BE SHOWN Wed., Jan. 19, 1966 - 8.30 p.m. DAD'S*RESTAURANT Guelph Line - Campbellville Tt Nassagaweya Council a af Grants 10 Per Cent Raises as Incrases in pay of about 10 per ort received a raIse to $2 perar cent were granted tu Mot m- hour while truck drivers ware ce ployees of the Township of Nas- raîsad ta $1.90 per hour and labor- Pz sagaweaa nen Township cour-esan. orciv 17 prhu.M cil reviewed [he salarias of ils cm- 1arws a tarca Io 0par hmeandr. ployecalsinu ra meeting 0f a hall for avertime oiver [heior 1966 on Monday. Allhough ill iay4 orwe.Sekn mamhars agraad thal annual in a r ov45 heo er aek. parnt- eases ara a gaad lhing, thera etepocs cuiilrMs sas a gancral concarn about [heA mnte Mlachrsa oili J or Mr siza ni the raises. ,An MaAhrsid dnt [nk I'd like ta ha out 10 mid- Deputya'Rcave William Hoey sog- night and aflerfor much ass [han t otqeto h ed$3 an hour. and I don't think i[or incercases bat t wondar if mca [hase men should hava ta cither." are iving enouh ofa raiseand1 il we arecpoing abot ltin the Assistant clu k Mr.V. Coclt.an ,righl wa. 1tltink we'redoin thi rcetsd a S275as adTowsn- entiein o huphazardin - Ihara shitsClark J. C. Macînt arre ccîv- nedslahamoe tua ha at d an inceasaai $400 pu anad nestbcmr td hnjs iinl10pepiching figuras out of a hat. dtoul$0 cpryar for cur ai Reva William Coaltar espiain- lowanca, hringing hi s car atiow- cd that ai prescrnt [ha Tawn!,hip anrca figure for the year ta $500. alldn't have a salarv scale hut [ha hasic salarias and inraeae usualîn hasad on a slightiv lower RylCnda ein figure thai that used ai the colin- RylCnda ein ty levai. IAller discussing tha problem ai DOMINION COMMAND fý great langth tl was underslaod thaI ticreasas in tha ganeral area oi 10 par cen t wauld ha granled the possihiliiv ai setiing ap a - A seule for salarias and fur increas,- LEGION HALI e s saauld hacsons idered euriy in the nae vear. on eD Township coud daparîment cmn- SATURDAY, JANLJ try, Mrs. Anne MacArthur, pioyaessvere put ils h reaclass- Depuly-Reeve William Hoey as, grader operatars, truck drin- COMMENCINO t how long meetings con be. et-, and lahisrers. Grader oparal- in ai tire inaugural meeting. D NIGT H iding lsehind are couaiciîlot- Conceîe, Cindur, Slat Md 30SiloG O H d Township clark J. C. Mac- B O K ADMISSION - $3.00 PER COI. Porcv McCilli\.ara and Maison; cati [55 ard Ssci a apoîiatd poîaîd J. COOKE (Concrets IIocks) eapaî-s. J. E. Parsoans and ArthurLD _______ isrriNh acte appointed iinestock' NE476 MILTON ispestors, SiaiiiiasN î,rrsl sNE476 selitoil ýI aitidanein- EVENIMOS s)eciii anIàIClfiirs-..James Ro- TUS-R.ST artsiin. Esciiea tredge and Char-i CALL JACK HALL TNJS-I.A. -s, t osh\ %%ie ialiied latiteasiesa- MILTON 878-6363 "Cheyenne Autu JAMES STEWART - "I REPAIRS ARE EASY WHEN YOU USE OUR TOOL RENTAL We have many tools and oquipment for tihe handy man - here are just a few - cali us for what you need 0 SILAW . ,0 FOCR ANER s as daridad go reviesa cently- ppointad Mac Andarson's saiary 1eur ha completLd nia months as sessar. Again this yaar Il mas graad that tha rceve. dapuiy- ave and councilors would ra- ine $15 par meeting. Rond de- rimant supariniandent Granyt eMillan *was alto granted an ceea-o of ahot10[Oper cent. Branch 136, Milton CENTENNIAL FUND 4CE ,MILTON IARY. 29, 1966 AT 9.00 P.M. EDEBONNAIRES WPLE - REFRESHMENTS >:An 878-3272 JAN. 13-14-15 imnl" - incolor .CARROLL BAKER MAKE YOUR CHOICE FOR '66 ' the Virunt New *STYLING . . . CRISPu SHARP, SHAPELY *COMFORT . . . BIG ON SAIUNS *PERFORMANCE -- TAKE YOUR PICK 0F FOUR PROVEN POWER UNITS *RIDE . . SMOOTH AND EASY - TORSION-AIRE 0 WARRANTY ---THE FINEST IN CANADA MAKE YOUR DEPENDABLE CH-OICE AT BELýL 405 MARTIN ST. BROS. MILTON CARTOON - "TEEMAN DUCKETH" Matines Saturday et 2 p.m. MON.-TUES.-WED. JAN. 1 7-18-19 ""The CoIIector"" - in color TERENCE STAMP- SAMANTHA EGGAR CARTOON - "DESTINATION MAGOO" THURS..FRI.-SAT. JAN. 20-21-22 "Tickle Me" - in color EMVS PRESLEY "ÉWONDERFUL AFRICA" CARTOON - "RANCIO RANSOM" SHOW TIMES MONDAY THROUGH THIJRSDAY - On. Complets Program Each Evning et 8 p.m. FRIDAY and SATURDAY et 7 and 9 p.m. SATURDAY MATINEE - 2 P.M. * *Valiant LTD. 878-6380 ----------------------------------------------------------------