C4 The Canadian Champion, Wedayi Jan. 12th, 1 966 $30 Aids MD. Fund efALTONuN Fire Chief Reports Omagh Church Pupils 1:jl =lg troh Zf B3ring Humorous Play and restaurants ln early Deccam- Dy Miss Murle Thompaon SriPtures, te story of the sitep- ber collctad $3015 for the Can- An interesttng and appealtng ltt.iterdsfront Chaper 2 of St. Luke daMA.udFrCheA.E tic -play was presented on the and the &tory of the Wise Men Cleittent reports tiis week. stage of tbe Manor on Wednesday frorntCiapter 2 of St. Mattbaw. The total is down $3 front last nigitl, December 29, by fine boys MrCuederiethfaro year. Chief Clament said the ire and girls who are members of the te shepherds witen they wisrcour eti p oamenaprcalnhes he cu-o SudySchool of Omagit Presby tbld by the angels about tt rhoeail tmrhnswogv terian Citurcit. Titey had been of jesus. In spite of titeir fear, boxes, and expressed appreciation trained by Mrs. M. Cragg 10obo-se, bosever, they steot to Bethltebem to ail those -wbo gavetbeir nickies class te majority of thent betong- to ind im. Mr. Cotes also de- 1 sîjd cdmes to aid tite wortlty ed. .cribed thete s-il oft[lite Wse Me"ctt Tite tille oi tbe ptay seas 'Tise and tetr oliering of gis lo Hint. ________ Hat and Dress Siop' and lbhe Mr. Cote connected Ibese events -Tw ofMln aebis stg rprisdpce hswt u w ie oa n 'kind of sitop. Tbere 'were fumner- ed te questions: "Didcee. ike te were ilste mail lasI seek. ous bats on stands, on tables, and sitepherds, go lu find Jesus at -Scitouls, store itours. bowling dresses on a dress rack. Thte act- Christmas ime?" and "Have we. and curling leagues are ait back ing depicted te seling technique Uike te Wse Mes, oeknowsledged to sormal ailter te Chitîmas of te owner of te shop played Hlm tlobe te rer of our lives. holiday scitedules. by Barbara Ireland and tieur- citasing babils of ber customters played by te other cblîdren in te Musical Numbers J NU R Several solos preceded and fo- o eNAR losved -te presentalion of te pIay. Gary Lawrence ptayed te 12-1 3«14-1 5 "Carol of te Drums" on te piano1 and Nancy Peacock sang "Once in ae 0,% 0 i Royal David's City". Brenda Law 0. i rence played "Joy 10 lite World" and Terry Douglas ptayed "Stont: ber Song' as piano solos. Mrs. Cragg sang a solo "OuI on te' 4 of carots witit Mrs. C. 'Marsital as accompanisi. Nancy Peacock 'Ci7A I - closed te progrant by extendin guod wisites for te New Year t aIL. Tite W.A. of te citurcit supplied mnacaroons and coukies, whic wec served with tea and cofe as a deicious lunch. Tiis oas te second annual play wit obic t liese boys and ghl have enleelained te residents and_______________________ te residents sili look iorssard t a tiird play nesî year. ROYAL I E C R M Citapel SrieODFASHIONED C CR A A very appropriate sermon and several suitable itymos tor t. first Sunday in te New Year fomd tse rie ilte Catapitheo- A IF G LL N de f e h rvieaile par fIeniorF G L L N Ssnday aflernoon. January 2. Titi service was condocted by Re. ' e. 1 0 C. Coes, pastor of EmmanuRe. $.0 Bapisi Citurcit in Milon and Mr N. Hre as te o rga ni sl.0 à Mr. Cles read tisva passages of 'O l Skating Rink' Recidy to Go'i By Mm. William Wason Mrs. Eider. Clara 'MacFalane, Mrs. George Robemtson. Darwin Peer, Bob Weir and Wiliam Bol- lard ceeeprizee xi oers aI te Good Neighbior Eucitre Club Mon- day esesing, Januamy 3, wben ise tables of progrecsive ecithre wcre ptayed. Members of te Kilitride Home and Sehoot Association cas look foru-ard lu lite Jasuary 18 meet- ing wcien a panel discussion wilt beclite focal point of te even ing. wilt Ra munît Long as moder.î- lor and panlit'. A. Bell. Mrs. George Nesel, Mrs. J. Conssay and C. Sien. The oldoor skating risk ic ready and waiting for old mas winler 10 peovide the necessary, wscater for ice. Mark Annlvcrnary M. and Mm. Jantes Wetitcrelt of 2075 Kloide St. celebrated teir gîdes seddisg annivemsary as Susdav, Jansamv 9 o-tht an open hanse ai their tome. A lamiiv di sser was held aI St. Georges Anglican Citurcit, Low-; ville os Januamy 5, te date un whicb tevxcere married is Freel-, tas in 196 ai te home ufthlie brides parents. iThe cosuple Iave for ibildi es. Mm. William Atisas (IlIesel, Mrs,. Hit Mader lMickevl. Jamecs Wu- Iheet Jr. and Mis. Giorge Hai d- ,sand (Resel, six gandciildren, and lîrecegrcal grindchldren. Fire Guts Homle In Nassaga-we,.ya, A cou- home, sxliii oîdcm con- struction on te Foorlt Lise josi sonlt of 20 Sideroad Nassaga- weya, oas buened 10 te ground. and a ncarby home recived same srnoke and walem damage aI nous Wednesday of at week. Ciief A. E. Clement of te Mil- Ion Brigade seici a nsuered te sali, said asener John Rogerstld i he cas soldering sorte cais on a decp Irveze in te ce bhosse, whien te irebiroke ont. Athougit te home is in te rural aea eus. ered ity Adtos Fire Deparîmesi. Mr. Rogers apparentty ashed a telepitone operatar lu catilte lire deparîment and site tocaicd te Milton brigade. Fiefigitîcrs satd Mr. Rogers, a bacitelnr, oas living in a smal btouse nec laite large one whicit burned. Ose corner of te stal- er building caugitl fire bol lhey» managed 10 keep te flanes tront spreading Irougitte resl of te building. Firefigiiers had no officiai as tonale of te danage. -,-Believe il or nol, but some farmers wer out plowing lîelds on Tbursday, January 6 - before th il anowstôÔrm. Your chiue ofut iese popular Royal tee eream tiavours, wiile tey ladt. 07 FLAVOIJRS But:Iiersotll Ri1pts Hilack Cherry Cituisi îe -ipstse Qi .îîîge- Pi seapîs t Ncipolitai Liiltee B.îîî.îîî,sSpslit Clsernî', iîitt. lo,,.ittc Mintl Cl icas'ltc Mali tîtua FREEZER. SHERBET PAK PINTS 4 HALF GALLONS 1 Reg. $436 Nosiîî,tter %st itou cal. or hh,îtstd %otu cials m a i sci lf! lThes ivsiliv CRua l Shiiet ,n hav Rusais îccci PAk , I-c c rc' t ý o ,l t, i l1 galîtit îc . 1 sa%- l7ý pis .t. .îLvo î', î,i t,îltlc ings t 87c. Chi'î (ii ai- wtîte t lItCV dt.t atîIV, hu« %ie îh11cy I'.. i ,oi0 - Liste, Prtappie, _______________________R.icpbem, .Cliaiitgiec. ROYAL ICE MILK VANILLA ONLY 3 PINT CONTAINER 49c Reg. 65c ONTARIO No. 1 COOKING ONIONS lb FLORIDA WHITE 63 LUJUMBO ~ GRAPEFRUIT'% A SURE WINNER 5 F59~ FOR DINNER SPECIALLY SELECTED - VALUE CHECK'D BEEF - "GENUINE BRANDED" - WELL TRIMMED - TENDER STEA TENDER - JUICY49 FRESH SLICED BEEF LIVER - IL.9 COMPARE AT 39c! - MAPLE LEAF CHEESE SLICES COMPARE AT 2 FOR 37c! - EVAPORATED MILI< CARNATION COMPARE AT 85c! - 60's - Save 26c! ORANGE LYON-S TABG 9 PEKOE __ ___ ___ __ ___ __5 9_ COMPARE AT 89c! CROWN BRAND(ORSYU 5-lb. Tin -O N - Y U COMPARE AT 39c! - Imported from England CADBURY'S _ OOLTE BISCUITS _3 R1 COMPARE AT 2 FOR 69c! ALLEN'S0 c 48-oz.R TINS FR~UIT DRINKS_3189 COMPARE AT 59c! DOOIE COMPARE AT 590! - EXTRA LARGE SIZE *SIRLOIN c *T-BONE *ROUND lbo *WING 8-oz. PKGS. 31c TALL TINS Regular 99c BAYER ASPIRIN 100 BOTTLE 2 lot29cLZ91 75 c Available at Ail Stores Displaying the. TOMATrOES 2 99