Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Jan 1966, p. 16

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e2- ht- rmadttut Chempten, Wptfne--day, Jan. M2h, 1966 #i9/h Çeckfo #ilfàtiq à t.4 by CAM ALLEN Thîe fit-ist-ek in t e wut-a "tt-ar ts i -r s-lIttc' tlt t-itr.lteem ir aIie t- ot l-- saw a liai ai new ai -t-at- s t - csttitî Jnitar t. et-iloi.u:ittts eit u - tcrgiit îtoe- hioken inl urliî -tsbut sont-t-LasI Weîlncsdsîv cîeîîîg testik mot-retc- ittastce n Patents', ttetht utlite Ket f luit" 5el liai îe.îter ttihucksvpi'.i NtightLit ( lte Higli S 10to an Wect -ciitet iiItin, PItt- .tctýý1 111 )M, Cl icit lits ht-ketltili funite. nl BOSTON AND OMAON PRISBYTRIAN CHURCHS Minister Rev. Sanley E. Smith, BA. 878-3582 SIJNDAY, JANUARY l6th, 1966 BOSTON 10.00 a.in.-Worçhîp Service, 11.15 a.m.Sunday Sehool. OMAGH 10.15 am.-Sunday School. 11.30 am.-Warship Service. UMMANUIL BAPTIST CHURCH Commercial Street, Milton Minister: Pastor Claytao Cles Phone 8784473 THE LORDS DAY SUNDAY, JANUARY lth, 1966 9.45 a.m.-Sunday School for al ailes. 11.00 arn. and 7.00 pm. Services for Worship andI Evangelism. Thte -ev. E. Batton and the Cen- trai Baptist Seminary Ladies' Trio silî participate in the morning service. 5.30lp m-Young Peoples qFel.ý losnship. Speaker, Delectise George Moore, director ol* Burlington Police Youîli -De- pour sîtenîtane t the lieltstdac of 1tht- nesvar-ot-lt- ridut.v BaskeIhaîl Seanon SIarîs lTreliuskchutl st-ht-Jutetoi- Mil-t toIligli t-t-msguit otitoa siroit-- te lîteatsstîit-ereul ilsiet tasses GLACE ANGLICAN CHURCH visoadtu -agi ussi Milton, Ontario tilt-bon>s' divisions. Redtort h season staried on Wedues- Rt-v. T. M. Dastan, BA., BDO., D.D. uat-auJdIthe Junior Bons' Team Asactate- srapped o 7638 Jecistan ta John Rev. Canon F. H. Maman, MA., r. Ross. Top scorers fot- Mitont B.D su-ie John Waod and Pal Rt- B..grtave. T-ht- Sentor Bas-s dropped atîîp.stdeîi verîdiclta otht- higger SUNDAY. JANIIARY 16ith, 1966 atnd mot-e espertenceî John F. Epiphsînv Il Roîss squad. 830 :.m.-Hatt- Cammuînion. Pt dut- night il uGtelphi the hovss 9.30 a.m-Mîît-ning Pt-ast-r anî leaml~s ct--t-chanîles tht-lt secotînî 9.30 a.m.-Suiîîîay Sehool. leats ot the seasîtu -Btshap Mue- dat-neil Juiors iîîppîtd Miton 1045 i.ni-Senittr Suinuay Sehual 5t-36 lut ourît-luts had a lot ofl andi Biblte Clss. tîn t iiîck arîîand tht- basket. The 11.00t a.m.-Hutlv CommutnionîansISt-nit-s hou tht-lt- sutgs ditpeu Ser-mon. shai pît- a-. lien sîîffeJ o a77-22 110 p.m-E -meilWcek of olass an Tîte ceih moeîs .a l v_ ic t -hch ihelit-sn îtom cIclî-ht-s aiMi-tt..i.....t.s..t-. "A11teamns. Coach P. Attînen te- Tîtîtesîas - tantt5ttt13, Octave o a ICtts.lIte11 tut0-s t-.stlla ui t-lt, ther Epîpîtaus- lIlît-Cîîî-clt-.îugame at-J came unît- s 'zl aitinlîtîs. lIta.m. suîn- tuinoteIt-tsie ptavss. Gorîd Itltcm Nand tJit Lcgatc mi llIt10 PARISH OF poiiîts clî ste-ete top scîlî-.is Thîî Iîutsît- Girls lirsiglît on % St. Gerng'a Chusch, LwvilIe 1tht- ontv viciars ofthle vtsint - 1 St. John*Ii Chus-ch, NaesagWaw.y son as tht-s Jumet-JoJhnî F. Rîîss lIhe Anglican Churcb of Canada),lît- thetit tn 16-6. Ou Fridam Retor: tht- pIs hosled Bishap M.isdiii-1 Rev. R. P. E. Jelfares neit auJdt-lt lie sting 1,1 dot-tai Camphettnilte*, Ontario lastht- St-utaots %%oe- lted 377 Telephone No. 854-2577 -267.th- tîtr.mrediiîJ Lasmitte - Na ssagasmesa SINSDAY. JANUARY 166h, 1966 -Resilents oft asciu-t-t-e-tit(- E-piplisins Il cît tht-t- are ual Ioîpark cal, o parîment.St. John's Chus-ch, Nassagaw.ya lîsmpe r scîrkmea attemptiat- uts 630 pin.-Sang Service. 9.30 am-Muî aiag Pt-at-trauJdt-hum iiit.aamcstîî,ss -( (Nursery facilities at-e available I St-uta - Chîtîch Schîîîîl --lite D tilts î.tt-t.îv Boaîrd daring ail Sunday meetings.)! St. Gansgeas Chus-ch, LewvlII.ht-tu a get scqîtatet (cl teps Wednesday. 8 p.m. - rayer and il.00 a m-HaIt-Cîtunînon t-ndul lictit ems clîel ilt-at-tait.Mrs. Bil tuv ex: -ocis Sermon. Chnrch St-huaI. M. Att umîu tîs.-i tht- Collins Hîîtet Bible sodv. T--si: Esdut-.,tht-tLit.emi--k. Mr,. Att îsîî;tmt- chapters 15 auJ 16. Milteta-tshîti.îrin nil laiteta Thut-day. 7 pm.. - Junior met-t- CHURCI4 0F CHRIST -Det-ctuhtr.1 tngpithoys andftt-ls 911). Omagh -1t', hardt tt ivdted AUl are welcame sud cordialty No. 5 Sideroad and 4th Lins- - ititt19661. invted teattîend tbese meetings. Trafalgar SUNDAY, JANUARY llish. 1966 THE UNIT-ED CHURCN 0F CANADA Minister, 1ev. A. K. Grifftht, R.R. 2, Milton. Lowville - Zimmet-man Pastoral Charge Camte close la God and He mill came close ta youe. SUNDAY, JANUARY 1lhh.1966 Lewvlla Unted Chus-di Guelph Line Organitî Mrs. J. Duvet-. 10.00 a.m.-Sandav Sehool. 11.30 ain.-Divine Worship. Zimmes-man United Chus-ch Appleby Line Organisi. Mns. J. G. CorneIl. 10.00 .m-Divine Worship. 11.00 a.m.-Sandoy School. A Warm Weîcome ta Ent-tyone MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N., 878-2022 Christians gathet-et in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Math. 18: 20) LORDS DAY. JANUARY 16, 1966 10.30 a.m.-Breaking of BreadI. 12.15 p.m.-Sanday Sehool, 7.00 pm.-Gospel Service. Weduesdsv. 8 p.m.-Prayer mes- ing sud Bible reading. AIl at-e heartily welcome to these services Even sa mast tht- Son of mat he ii ted ap Ibat wbosoet-t -tli Lievell io-n m huldotd alperishi bat have stn-al fife. John 3: 15. K(NOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCN Minister Rev. J. K. L. MuGown, BBA. T-R 8-M66 T-R 8-2652 "0 came, let us warship and hum down; leti askneelht-fut-i tht- Lut-Jaur Maber." Mouday ta Friday, 8.00 p.m. - Week ut- Frayer meetings, SUNT)AY, JANUAOY l6îh. 1966 9.45 a.m.-Sr. Chat-ch School. Set-mou. 9A5 am-Young Peoples Btble Class. 9A3 am.-Tle Thinkers'. 10.453.m-Jr. Chat-ch School. 11.00 a.m._uMorning Worship. "Sacrifice." Sacrameul af the Lords Suppet-. 11» am.-Nursery. 8.00 pin-Joint Week aIf rayet service lu Grace Augltcaî Church. -1000 a.m-Btbte School CIasses for0 am.MortngWorh for.ila.Mrges hp U I ES & P 8.00 p.m.-Preochtug of the Gospel D RE Larry PotI.Micisier 241 Kingscoaci Ct-es. Milton, 878-3555. OPTOMETRISTS HIGHWAY GOSPEL CNURCH ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, QD. A local asembît- of 184 Main Si., Milton T-HE PENTIECOSTAL Pliant- 878-9972 Rt-s. 878 9678 ASSEMBLIES OFt CANADA T-esdup Aflernuons Pasior: Rt-v. M. Christensen That-sdat- Enenings Lords Day Prtday Morniugs SUNDAY, JANUARY tlth, 1966 9.45 um.-Sandoy School FUNERAL DIRECTORS Clases for ail. 11.00 a.m-Morning Wrship. McKERSIf FUNERAL HOME 7.00 p.m.-Evngetisîic Service. Comptete Air Condititontng Weduesday, 8 p.m.-Bthle SloJy Sincre Coorteous Service z auJ Frayer Meeting. T-R 8-4452 Priday. 8 p.m-Youg Peoples Nuglît or Day service. A Chat-ch You Can MarAeTINER Va Yut-Home ___________________ A Warm Weccme ta Et-trt-une FRANK PETCH 16 ST. PAULIS CHURCH Aoctonet-r auJ Evaalur Of 30 Chapet Sîreet E.. Georgetown THE UNITRO CHURCH Telcphoue 877-2864 0F CANADA __________ t- Moto Si. ai Jamcs SI. ARCIIITECT Florait-J litht- antan aifte Pt-es- htlt-rion. Mtthodisî auJ Congre- DONALD E. SKINNER gational Chat-dit-nl Canada. BAt-eh. - MR.A.1.C. n Minister 17A MiII Street, Soitie 2, Act-on Rev. J. Lot-ne Graham Orgauli sud Choit- Leader T-tltpliant- 853-2740 Mrs. Harold Mage. 2 or - 20 a, iSiavehank Rd.. Part Crs-dit tThrsay.Jnuary 13, 1966 - 274-3428 Wuuk af Ployer servtcerin tht- Ft-ttmslitp Roai, St. Pattî's Offtce I-bars by Appoinîment Unted Chut-ch._______________ SIINDAY, JANIIARY 16h, 1%6 INSURANCE d11.00 amai-Miurning Wurship. CO-OFERATORS INSURANCE Garni speoker, Mr. Mort-ut W. e Ptsher tf Buringlon, a lt-ad- ASSOCIATION tng tot-man aifHutlon Frrshv- Au - Huait Protection - Accident trv. Sermoun subjt-ct, "Lit-. auJ Siskness - Pamtty Liahttiîy - tn n t D!t. Put-m Liabtîtît- &00 P.m-Ectimeuical Week of Yoîîr Milton Agent PraYr servicerin Grace Angli.- MIlS. THEA KURZ can Chtîrclin whtch tht-I R. R. No. 1, Milton chut-dits ai Milton wti short-. Phonet 878-6390 THE CHURCH SCHOOL 930 a.a.-AII boys auJ girls, 9 CHIROPRACTORS years sud over. 10.50 a.m.-Not-set-y Depart-meut. Douctut- of Chtropractit- regisierea nurse in charge. A. P. KENT, D.C. 11.00 .m-Al boys sud girls. 48 237 ings Court Ctestcnt t- peurs incluisivei, iii meet i Cornet- Martin Si. the chat-chan proceed t Monday, Ws-Jnesday, Thursday tht-lt- eparîmenîs aI tht- se- 1I .i. tt.19 pi.. und hymu. Tuesdat- auJ FriJay St. Pauls Chut-ch egds t10 yat 9 0..10 6 .in. ýnthe liospitality of ils worohip Salut-day Il s.m. io 3 p.m. and fe-llawsbip. Phone 878-2031 Haton Centennial Manor Auxiiary Mrs. Allwood Speaker A I T-h , Library Expansion Presents Mnnua. Report Review ing '65 Te Univcrsiîv Women's Club of were excellenttorges,:ttd praised Milton andl district held ils in- local sehootlîbrarians. Thle regitut- metluftha1eHual- 1he residents Nvcre sotd, undtflice1 %as hetd in Octoher. Theu Manot-1 augaral meeting for 1966 -il the Mrs neMcrhrwas tîtro. inCneial Munor Ausiltary residenls t-catizet- a gaad soim. Af- staif ciambined îilh -tht- Asi lioty Ihomeut m. .1 . M ndoced as a nrsv club member. Thbe va- preceded -liv a pot Ilc]un- Iet-vn ea Ca vas set-ved andI there to make this a net-v culot-titIandl Thit-sdan ct-cing. Januaiîv 6.Mfilines ex ln 0P-tu ilb Shi-on on lantats- 5. MrstaS. Allen st-osa dt-usv on tisl'lovv pint ipleovuntt vetting. Tîterewmeea MAîoi.ltne itnllrrai tht-home of Mrs. P. B. Atîmen, opeed itemeeinglivsselcmin tis. ot-c it mli i it.l it -siîttdel ss t . l lfr e ie ltos - - st-lien Mt-s.(G. Il. H. Fairclougli ailne ite meti- nd vwladîe-Pom edil-n lt btat-ser citîtn-sat]nte tc ian, poleo i hniesln i lvs-lit speak on innestments ail die menbers ad had111, iol frm Ill ba7.ar %vee iat-att-silndplacei dn-liltrplce-ies brai OntanOntaro, nn II I > ttvfiraser stid ivntînt-on. S611 23. A Il)[ fi i aiiilItots i m velt chtlair s. l'vct-v in lu cos, il %vs is.t ii t-tstnf atdt -ltun ___________________ T-ttc aiai epotsst-et-e t-cd iiltboitlli-,anitl i c-ce iii t ten-iItitlite-ecvieinîla tîi a.n-l 51 I-î-;-ss-tt Sidi-t '.1-ii l'.LU lP Illebz t-rfrsnulît. . [lt- llaiv t îsiîis-.îu.a au i s s-nsi i.ii - k il a .1 tii ts itIci ati A ]ct tiiiii .itt J i I h. s- it-it- li is~-t l lsîîî ttil lth o s-s il i j( i il- a :,fanirr stîttu! a hit-tîdt parts . 1eapiable lIcîcîcsîttil) J'Mescilsmtîs sîcit t. ait Ast-iiarnmm ers. -quantiflies i i ei tic iIILr 1 As ail flitehastiness st-s ftnisht- ei. A Icî. 111.Chilîls ond Hall aielr Dcmerie uila- i-on and aiîing %hc iv e In eehrteAl met sioted fontesaeaei lie C hat ts wst- ci tatoitclur tlt- l e ecrs- nsetk tram lie begit- 1 ini%îrapped Christmas'ts- g u ta hili tramli h tesd th tia fof aiter-.. Mis. LoekteIc ig(ISpe brilth mide "'teC r i e fr ihv andad thlcinPoiin sMrs. S. - til Mon, est-ePt lfoi- Chitsmas halit- Psitt. -ugetRdft-Dl A.eAlen: fil-s t s-ct-presiilent. Mis. Clay,; tîtl13t-eme c. Tht-se classcs*-. iina a ' h , eulhîîJastc ibrarians ta ut-ut C. Hill;. setoitns-it-s tsiletI.Mis. lii-p Ir cIls liiinake artictes Tlî ii Iî Il anIrttt-avinwiîh Ihis hri-expanston, and un i"IMalerl iprogesos lisgol ,but S. Childs; secreîas.Mrq. M.' Cii-ul.It stlt. Tiri ote -stents made Farîn svas htlit aitDecemîter 16 in tltt- importance ai training t-tîil- the mare Important spiritual pro. lion; t reastîter. Mrs. R. Randalit I252 atlistlii- t ai flIt ic t-sar. lie aiIternaun. T-le entertoiri ment I-tn ai t-le -atlit-st age Io lOve gi htl n engetdb Mts. Allen ilîoîîked Mt-s. Loi itshc- Siteiallirai sst-t-te îttavldc nias tkeu cati. ail i)vsMt.s Faîlîn Itoks unitreading, and lohkvîpan gen soîi fltb ngs-rd y auJme bes stlîîtoîk tîtet îtt-tttg fitesomîtme-r ii înlilii Wilson, auJ stas ctt-en l at. -htltt ra s a soutrce Cut intat- l . Name Convenera Ile ientts iliiSpec-t:îCii-e. 1Sant.t Clati s lias pt-est-uttill a tutuolaidîîltht-minlutll pases Ilobtîn ct-itis lisiders lft- 1966 - Tht- Att-ntttsrt- ellit-t-J is til le ltaid stui gilîs tatht-rt-suIt-uts, afitht-ltint-s. For information, Strite or tlle- at-e Mesdames Alleut. Chiltus, l. 1]v jitît-hit-tîtiIN aî-î nd sîtas(- Mt-s.l Havst-arst atndlMrs. Wilson ,ieRî dhet Ileit at-s-aIpo s.fil Gale Bîtrlaud, 161 ansI ~ ~ ~ ~ fi Ilut tmîe-hpetseit - t il- tht- IV.W. 1. Dit-k scîtool ant Ilu tlt- Ct%, it Btvd,Dalivitte, Ontarie. . C itt-iîtitn filds a l Port Wittii. 1lit- t-e- lt asJces Mtsdames A. Wilson. W. îlot-stat livSpti.' ' att îîîîlî ai- . . --rimot haIt i 1ltit-ri l.it- pOiil itud J. Bro itirîge. hts n ',,, t lii.t t t[f-i, - cl ite.- Il h frF' P e'd n s-cIer. Mt-s. J. Bt-ittnridgr: - -. i l is ilt li eti tu îltc uu l.sali hlî taiurmet uconttseut-t-Ms SLt.cktcitteuti-sii lii i llotattcAgt-s is.itiiel iiitsdiIlleinnt it'%%-t ,nt-ktstas-c-s i etni iil i li i i loi heA vd " liii l" a l Mr.Hiti itvn ad a at1 rgn'alosi ir i l C irt: P E R S O N A L IZ E D îtatl~Hl la-ntimpaglt-atr IalutPet ri 1 ttv Coitî sponîsoîr t lhi. tca Ut-s, J..IHopkinîs antI Mi .parit-es. Tht- Auitii. a w Brasîurtdge oalIo ta ht -tuas thle tsuIt-uts aeide la ie-hments tut- tht- nextmeettnti.i] r tht- ilttc- l oei-a vIhs ,'Sugar ad SpiceTV OU D -t iciise, -lisMis, 'i '11' rite Aîîiti.îîspitrced oe V & S U s tut«tli font îttPage cl s til) i-i s lto i i %i ng ANNUAL REPORT 1965 lite oiiil tiv-fit-lc I ttit irointg board-and lei i o FOR (t-îttc.ttttctlildaitev ua rt.ieesi--laihi:tatot-rkeln Ititlle O10TOWERS - The Boit Known, Very Little or ahc l liicîttilt- ili1t "lui -tl t s tit-ik a sl s-l- 1 111 AI itIsi t eii uxlavwudNo Service Required. Ms-s h. Alleui. Teti --gtis.sti-ineet 'lise e t-t-st I llets--. like It h-aritk iis itiuspatietlfi,[ ilîle-. 0itîlIts-- and-lopeirlelit In i lti îîît-îssîîoîîcu ritheîîcnîssuts e DE MOUNTS- Next Best Thing fo a Tower "I,, tihcouu. AItflic-ltst-ttîtîatg-îttt l,- iitliesliiiiiig,.tli i--sm ttlittt- cii the Msanor. iclt st cktis. %%I, paitit-I lo Iii îî,-îîîttsliTu ilItelsuit.and flite mans 0 Super Deluxe COLOR Antennas ký v a ils-t- tltc -flsî 5CItl i i ndietnsdsot lattit kc-teutttat Mat- 90 o dpliv rie îîtrrs::î:ît. el.Oui tri-IltitihuIndvtîlc and uttaalae îts. i thi ici mt- QUALITY MERCHANDISE \fis. A. ikilo-.iittsst-.it II , ittt lis,. t-t it , tiitklitt i sri t s OItS i tt as-ut i i teIt Maîtît cls>u asiltetlite tlii tI t lliet%%tileta, oI suit lsk olIlle ttc--iatss.itet tiii, liIl g -- For Free Estimâtes Cail Collect su(,h." Ilittisepou tbin lite ioullt.Wtrow udoh941 ihe- Wttî lit Dis <ilPt-art-t- s ii iiIiiiiit! tI, ilstsets dam ___________-_Murdoch__9_4113 ii il-sî.1-îIs i -e'.ite te h Litt- YoutI Raceive OId Fashioned Friendly Service -t.stin ll h . i i i iil u Ile - I A lc i i cisltiii ý, oiIiii --tIoaii ii i'iiki'.id itîiMisWiktn Ii si ltitit Ii sss t.îk Aprît t. %., fr i it t Ifli ii -.tAuchs.tttiît tuii ar vtufl. Loi u t ili iri. Th heeîi dei.irThere is testa 12et. nulSl**t, lire ht Ikle A PE FECT .itittst.îîîtt n i t-a -iiîîhmadeii ui- S ttie #E DIG Hair Style --: The skidduing,. sitlieirngag sîînsî- N . i i ls iý 12 frit, -et liii Ititi- Il. Titi- kit-ti I t itip a d ittt m i1v ol ii'. le; q', .tk- t-it -tiittslttlit-. itt DENTAL Ad d%ýl"Iii luis iuu-.-iîit it11.1, tut DR. W. C. P. WRIGHT I.,t-I lt't-.îîtîî tes ctic i,,ii Dentisi -su lIe t.it i mi i ll sîîila.ndl. Jîsi 17 Matlb t.. tIlle su ut- r ut-t c ti-u Plie-878-2491 -ht-il i ,im t uI,1t-I ln stu Far Appaînîment 'suIit-tu ttitasuti -etIit ACCOUNTING EARL G. BLACK B. Comm.. R lA.. C.A, CIu.î t-rt-J A citnuan i M unitcipal Atîtittar 163 Main Sureet Box 460 Milton, Dut. TRtaupte 86542 LEGAL Tels-phosse 878-3312t P. Datid Thumpson 219 Matn SI., Miltoan 8782841 Barrusters auJ Soicitars T. A. Iluîtuhtvsu. liutt-) HUTCHINSON & THOMPSON SHARPE and NICHOLS W. S. SIIARPIO A. J. NICHDI.S Bart-tstt-rs, Solicitors andI Netaries Public 207 Mary St., Milton T-tltpliant-T-R823 HAROLD C. FUNK Brrisier. Solicituîr, Stauty Public 219 Main Sureet PUBLIC LIBRARY HOURS Mouîlay-12 naun lu 530 pi.. Tuu-dcy-......12 lu 5.30, 6.30 ta 9 Wednesday- --..............CloseJ Tharsday 12 lu 530,6630 la S Friday-.. 12 ta 5.30, 6.30 ta 91 Salut-day .......9.30 la 12, 1 10 5 TRAVELLERSt GUIDE CANADIAN PACIFIC RLAILWAY Standard Time Going East: Train 338, leav e Miton 10.39 a.m., arrive Toronlo 11.20 am. datît-. Gng Westt T-rain 337, lt-ave Toat-ato 600t-m.. at-rive Mitoln 6.37 pin. Jait-. 878-4471 NU R S ES! WAITRESSES I We Carry a Complet. Lina of 0 UNIFORMS " SHOES " HOSE MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE LTD. 200 M;kla SI. Mlýtîta 878-9261 SHOPPING CENTRE MILTON 0 Loblaws 0 Plaza Motors 9 Smoke & Gift Sliop 0 Fabian Furniture 10 Laundre-Eze ID Pollock Shoes " De'ath's Hair Stylists " The Lari-Ann Shoppe " Saveways Tots t Teens *II Stopp's Cleaners& Tailors 0 New Style arber Shop ID Caravan Restaurant Wlmy walt fer .prl.g7 dei9 kt im.Iv T-ha ntiscoies lobe odvonloga oI inlar. Sbtttnd mnnore noie readiIp onoilolsle iu lb. wtnlrina-îadp Iado yoaî tapait-s aud ranoontians mheu yoowamuI Ilian. Molaîtols oresin genarous suppîy îoo anid yoor renounlion budget wti oflan go Isîtherint wiuîhr, lhonks 10olIf-senson discountsanid anlandad popmniîpIons. Vos t-on bot-rom np t0 $4000 ih 5p ta ton penms la ieao, nI 10w tlerest rotes, milli o gouarnaul. spoîtored NHA Hon. Inprouamnul ton lion yoai boik, Il yo'aste .owuar oI n snniî business, thon go ony lobeadanloge oI speciol SnoiI Busines bouns avouaoble nI your boik. Aid Inniis t-ns quolilp loi 5p ta $15000 mui Iatn yenrs la riay %wiîh n Foîm boprovemantL ocns. Sa you Seat 6iaia ns- n aihale loI of neiy good t-assois nip yoo shoald houe Ihot mark don. nroand yoss- hon. or plot-a oI business durtug the minIer, Do it nowl Everybody beniefits when winter work is increased D16D For odutie anid assistancctail yosr Natonal Employmnt Office. )ROFESSIONAL CTORY [JEWELLERS

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