Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Jan 1966, p. 15

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9'~.JQTTINGS IY JIM 01118 * IF YOUIE lookung for a namne that stîould bi remnembered meeting ut une ut the regular mu- and mould hi sutable for a park nicipal groups. yuu may have tu or sume other combiation that louk ahîad uftlime. Many meet- uuld hi helptul, drop me a note ings, usoalty hld in the tumu hall, or sund il lu the Miton Parks are nom spread aruund in prinate Board ut Management, Box 1,362 humes and offices white the run- Milton. novations are undirmay at the municipal building. Onty tha tutu e THE SALMY, spriîg - lika ct sc l it hac nîaaiieg inthe iseattir ut Tbursdan mvas quiet- ienioturiisqii.riers un MartiiiiSi. Itir.instriîe ie o a M1 s ie Scîsuol huairds, of course sit bis undaerlaitu on Fridiapin typicalîn contitng in their qoariers ai the unyridictabli Canadian lfashion. J. M. Dnyes Sîhoul and tOi Wtt- The ind-wipped hIs aI Kelsu hiaas Ave. High Sîhuol. sure fine for tohogganing thougb on Saturday and if osas thi first * THERES A NUMBER ut reaaly suitahie eather for a lut (ut park arias aruond tbe tumu tohoggans and skis lu gel their kisisun y such meaningles tles first svrkoot. Enirylime t go lu as Stock E or Stock S. ldeutly Kelsu I cume away tbankful ouîh Ibis shuold att receipa namas aid an are a is tocated su close tu this i-i hibcune ut the tasks outhetheficltiwn. Parks Sourd. In discussions ne- cently a lot oft pussihilities mri e EVERY IN D USTR Y bas mînlioned but Itm suri there are suite indiidoal recugiiaed as a goud man suggestions fluatiîg sumi sort ut a giant aid in thi aroaîd in the minds uft iIums nemipaper business Roy Thuomsoît that uud 'hi qoita appropriate. îitb his string ut nesîspapers in Ifi yoOu u'egt anidea ut suite Canada, LUnited States, Englaud Sapa" 4 45# BY BIL SMIL!Y This is the 'ime ut er sihan ivi get rid ut al tbi ondesirabtes n Iba vomutmnity. Sy undisir- abes, I miart peuplaesith mura munir iban 1. Ther liane our nurthem cummuniti lur Fltida, Mexico, fiba West Indias. te une ttellswOip, sic gel rid ut al]Ilehasottias, the cuti- ards, tbi sybarites, lu short, the ricb irbile trash. Il's as tvoch a part ut our bier- itagi as the Saturdar nigbt bath or sprint; cieaning. Aid I îink fils a guud tbing. When flici ast barber or briakiarer bas bragged about biing off tlutheBahumas,.osheni the last druggisf or doîtur bas inlurmed mi pumpuusly that "Wi'il prubahir take in Acapot- iii ibis yaar", 1IclaIa saisi ut relief. Titirts have let ibefreîing sihip aid theres uîly the hard cure, the sturdy pioneer types, the rugged indiidualisl. aid tba pour peuple, laff in the tamperati M Do IF YOD HAVENT tbîms ýn oui your 1965 calaîdar val, vou might iraitto lu angunîoilfuraosbila. Tba sne datas %%i] appir again in t97t aid 1902. aid il tberc's aire Scottisb ancasýtîsv n suo, thaîsN eue enluogb lu clora il assai fur ai hcast six years. The unis .prubteni, I1tfi. s in attiivîpting lu niakea amnentaltntue for Januarr i. 1971 lu dig ouitlitaI 1965 catrîdar sousi.' stured au-ar. Il sour mimurs' i,.anrtbing ika msini, sou is-nt haabla lu remam- ber sviba r vua bad for lunch yes- tardar . li aluna rucalltm lu fig out a data lisi rouna b]ad idfian asav in adrissaýLr dravrtfur the pasi sux yaars. Sp)eaking l calcitîlars-, I eiv id a' nuvel oie ai Il isNtis ic b niaI truintutîr dear t iteufi li Davi,.iiitof Detr'oîi. lail's ai) ini- suiatica niarit aîd a tas- itr tar in the Otiarioiii eaitîtanîd Antiqua Presirvers Assuialitti, aid bas uni ut thea mur Steatni lra ituai sitb wohm Isa eiiurcyd building up a iriendsbi punir tOc last tuae ycairs. Eaî 's a gentinîe 'tut" mieti il contas lu antiques. A lurtîtar rasi- Illec rest ut us, the bisi ut tts, cin gel divi lu tbe rnul <tory ut inier living. sitboot stomb- Jing uver a lui ut sissics subu are bitter ouit dusuithete gaf- tinp saîd in their navals. A, suite utte uid t-u- bitte 'nîeed, igbting it ouItsîiîb ha lemants. t1iam inclined tu scoîn hem. As a buinanita 'tan, t cao unis pits' ibeti. Tlîiîk ut ws'î.t t ber 'e tissit'ngt Wbati s titere in the sit atîd scso sou tb l uuoaithat tronc b ut tocs breaking off, bhat crack ut bursitis in Ibe situlderis bei yos Ibruwth Ie irsi curling store, that snap ut' bighbohunes on tae ski ihl? Lis tata a luuk ai a toupie uftilise bol t eiaihar bhuondi. Look ai Ibis bird le Flurida. Gels ouI ut bed aid Ibere's that saie old, crumho, momtumuos sus uiaîing dumi. juitlike al tbe tb- er duvs. Same uid routine. The inevitabte orange joie on the ln- eitable patio; the ineeituble tnip lu the beach svitb tbe leeitiahie ubscenelp fat sultlies tvimg ait ai'- cund. Or tha incîltabla sweatiîîg and a husl ut other countries ilts the butl. Reading a recnl huuk, Ruy Thomson ut Phdc, unir the guidter holiday seuson is a real eyi-upaner. Witbuut uny iemspu- pur experiance hi stanted n Titi- reins lu hoitd ohat is recugniacil as une outhIe morîds larges( pub- lihffiîg upirattuns. i have nu de- sire lu emulate hlm butîiilîlîs aîiake nîîieîesîîng i e ad iong oi- busoe s\0tu kîtuo lîîîîîur kiios pîîblîsbing. e ITS AMAZING hum cotifurt- ablete bv inake youumbite tbey take your luud aI une ut thuse Red Cross Stuud Donur Chueis. Aid il's rcleshing tbu lu se su înuny tari out for the rigular htuud-littiig. It att adds up lu Ibe maintenanceuof luud supplies in the cuent ut emargenclîs as vl as iortbarîng rîscarcb. A lit[or beginmers though: Go belonc sup- par. Wiib joie, and sut drinks biture aid cufe, raisin hread or cuukies attlre, il's jusi nu place tor anyunc wtb a toit stuc tîtacti. u t tutnt goui it ct-l'se it5tilI U, Mit*." Prvince Stys.. u t iomhet nîtoote agao viils. Aitîl tut-','s i-tipalî ini .'i crs ji geuîng toy ai1030. Ha bia'î paîd t %caru,\icone txval, bul b h u ied$1,500 it-iiii leb.îîk lu îmilike Ile trip. He ata .1isîguser fiunt buose sus ounc, 40 rami Mesu- c.utdiiik,aid atwisîed back troc iNig bu lampa. tIsis ite, ni i l t e wl taet, touts lite an t ialîîîeîît Sel- sen. hbecaui,, she'badl Micai tunîpiaint. comnunîls tosin as dtire iair, tuer siliciflites ciîî- cd tha hurdcr. She %siues, hae sîîîî s Tuer ltter ouI inttIlle îîoggs beau. Aid anuiber but- îibie day ini Acapulco bas bagu. lis îlot lite (bt.î a.îîuîîd bite. Ms dtupive-r ivates niai 630 aid I calt a eheerguud mut ine. fh mur sonind a bit mure lite istimph bot il's miii enat. My lites part iii situs tConbînued on Papi C2) )WN(S) IN THIS CORNER WITH ROY POWNS frit ni Ontai no eusnjîîing al hi anienttes ut living bla le-ida, Euri bas latin sith but btu Yant- ce-and a va-il collection of eartv antiantique-. andniaci-ibersel oneimttyeltihe i-- tarîtu piutueci, des eiop il is %ivuidirtuilandîf u liai-luviar n oiLabur Dur msîtt- aid hie oads up tise car ivitb as tians an tiques as iltsvuIlll df, and cuinis up lu Milton vi spiof a etbiping lu organice aid operute tha sucait eunions. ani's big intanasu in steatli aid antiques usiflieaborne otîsîteitactîli isu oattends al the unthiy busi- mass and sacial meetings ut tha ilob, dspitI lIe driving fistance aid the act chabas bu star uvrt- mihtiniiamolirual lit.u n ie homt Dt ro ii'mi it nte midile l Élie iigihittit' tliai-il tua ttil tîetîo tui-t lu Ille sileiuuar, lowi*ce eîiîmîu uttt ulaine s si itactguuuufndu cn imaginecIbus bouaýicss tateniar crnsveutr bas rîîîmciing lu (lu ii itamtiques. Vouora riglîl. tIiis saur li-saut tut til 90tt l etîfar, toîmpliba muih ticursuti tludsuon, Wii Ste.aer. luipmmu,- bile, Ooîrl.undaid sosb cýct t uîttîstu ati simuniai lis i--iuîuîi-t us thi Maiutututu, huai us. Huit, Aîmmeican Under-slig, P r e litie r muiid Stisens Donnea. Th iti l-ures ara beautitul utîd certainîr iite itpi iîtuiîug c,leudîr tir ai iii- tiquclurerltu &firbule. îlot ta 1 ii9 i,0 lu l]îî' ()(,tut? 11.-l i ue liai-tuiuiig i., ici abutilaittoutui liced at jnalt tititti iti i-'u f i isi y.igc' ut Iti-' cali-îucam'- i si-c-it.lici-1910i fate-. aisuappîr mu te .utiu966l The irsItiIfImtuuur, tutti, sut-. Saiuiday IlbaInaut , issas i, Sualit .tutlme Ille os tuu i selc u sic i llori ititu t iti dias tus ;i alrI l.u hi li-,..unu.îuigia utl sut halesieitue-.lc usihitep coi-uu uli up ra itu s'c-.r. lt-e sortite itrastait ui- ini fomaitnuhutut cmteîui.îu5Ittndtji Oc ulu dtes, sut sii.mieuttc' ' perîmit mute luotgutiii lui i ]It uîiy t gi t ose. Sut urss biseue, mîule abotî ai. itudai s. Il PEEKINO INTO MILTON'S PAST -1 A LARGE CROWD mas gaîherod aI the CNR riimay statlisou Branle SI. une day in 1915, and Jack McLaugOlin who louid the prini lu The Champion says lOng mono wailing for the 76t0 Ballaion te coite marching Ibnoogo lutin. Ho emembers somuonol if the gents iclured standing lu tOn toregmsund. BotO the buidings ubîtin haviesimcu houriru- placnd or changeaieceond. tl appeurs Ibm prumince bus iffictîsety put a struîgbt octet un Mîltton for Imu gears. A division uf tbm Ontario Municipal Boord lu alium fibm towu 214 astis and mtbboid tny rulîng unthi bol aireutil aller the Plunteti report bus bien rive-nid AND STUDItO, niions frustroîing dago ahasf. Lts ltou t uthIbmlaud giosît. TOecrain fsqussing is desîgnotmd indlustriotl. Iis fur- thesi frotthIbm ewuge tretmîni plant oîîd witt repues an supensins huit semer liii tu ofuer utiy seri-e.- Nu otîndmas granited air tbe sasi sisuofthbe bîgbmup tdmouif iituttg lyfigure ini plais flusflite tais semer Thiti atflin Piacu c loctsd uit bas mtoc- bien added oa Ibm toms. The parking lot, uf course, bod aimagi bien in tows. Nons uf tbe industries or indusîriot tond sernîf by tOi ltiwn, lu Ibm eost oLtbe Plaza, Oas hein itîctudefi. i libe tond gsanîled luabltiwn there i co ruprouisitoit fus ongresîdenliat prupîrly. Ap rtîueit construction is uîrsuatty frozîn. nr flie iitttii lite deîîîoîîd fusaccutiituido- titit îceeds ý lici suI)îpy, oufdîîîny uf tiioce muto coutd tube a dusîtihîtle vontri- butîcîtIo conrutiy le ie hein0 deprîvefi an oppoîtunîty uofninviung bers. Wîlh o cloute popultitonî bits caiibe tttis lîops of cr îîîîî sial grumvli, yul Ibis i sriputidlp oni ufthbe de- iatle itits for supans ion bscausn ufth tb ibgb sai ut asseis-. o ti bt s appîtîf. Hcm lonîg ts bit, ituation tîhety lu cuit- tior> Titi tîctusci s bhuit Tbn Plunteti si-portt s due ritiAigusi 1966. Ifif is on titien w 'Ilhicptessuîîly susprîsced Ailes ils sub- nîîssîoîî, bomeuir, Ibers c bci hi lnîe for "study by flieciprovincial goucnnnîînt ond pîî,uiuututp y lic tbe uunîsîpîltîînc ffestoct. Wîtb cutis disigseeients, debate, 51,1111119 arid destartii cslîîatcof Ia ypusfotoheb tody is o1îtinit Titi wlOus tii'.ihuit ittiitusy 'coul dlow th ier"uisoi about .30 nîîîuîîbciciauc Tomnorro w. -1tcOý,l ilefletiu of.,iuudicitiumtc n lC- iiii otafitiehi cil (ijoufittetictioi i untîui n su mîtci as ibin i leii toiutne-r, tii awttitofutwtîcliî, iii., cISunwttI: Ho mas goîng oalie ait that a o tîtît mouid lci Toîiorruti No one sboutd lin kîndir or brouir litanitei. Tuîînsrrom. A lrîîîîd tho mas lsoulld oand ossîsy, fis trieti, mbo'd hi gîod of a i lt -îad wtîo nendsd il, buo; un hlm Os mouid colt aid c ito hi ouuid do. Tnîîrsuw. tochit noriinlie ,cactd up flitsciii. il actsd in goud fluth. Ilî îaspasd a detaîtsd case for aîîîîsuaîîuîî; bîcauseofu its faîtb il spint $25,000, to unsure corîplttmeso; il sngagsd rsspsctîd and autbosîtuîîmm expîrts; tl întîatsd a second application hecouse tbe C.M.h.- alter an voilier bsanîng, sîemmd Iu suggîsihli sîtioter aria ut tond mas nul enuugb. il opplîed Ibm second tinte lus a lîsgsî ariaics epîessnîatîuss acspîsd tbi isard ut a rîspni-ted rîpresntatîue uf tbe Depaitituit of MuniiialAféiis that oa sug- gm-ýteii nnionat reuîîw isouif nul ffrit fice application;. il caugbt cdiscussiotis wîîb usîgît. tîcîrg iuîtîaiItoslu ort ouI soutons uti aduaici - il aited in goud faîtb. The DhrrirtîtmîfIutMuicipol Affaîrs sive dcîdsd ftiti Plutîtett study îîgblionsav soîtîs beosîvg ouithebltin's houndanîes. Dîd tbsy admtit ait issus and apologîze lu tbm toms, usorhms uîcopesalion in Oiy moy? Nu. TOi pîlîliotîs submellî luthe Ihiltn. oi Cousîir nosCoutrîti, suhir i n efecti s tOn prouitîCdciabiohnet, îust aîoducsd tbm an- sisîs ibat Milton stîoutd waitt.Subîîîîssîoîî ut a i-ouity (oumtîs t sisitutioti, uttanît:oisty op- îtiuund, pt-icictontheiireni-unitOn assurance of Ds. Coniti ttg lit lhi Plutîteit seuîsw wouud tut affect Ibe Mîltoît application. But ut cour-e, il bas. Nssdtess lu 50v, Mlton reprises tattaîs and Milton citizen s boue oct a good fuît ut cutîtîfrucei by nt iveu lied itl' ie itciuîitîiuai et ttlic Delasîtr iirt Cite sotîdrîs scou ý1y bot hei unîtîî .îîpaît.atîty utftii lIaiîttrul Cîtttro Mu- ii-t-at Boarf. MciVA.îl,t0tk - c if 'iio ru lir iîîtîttîgnîîtly, Prsnt irajticyeas catîttal bîf- gît, iouii-idesplaîtîtef uuiti Bit buis? Alltt hi uîsîvg pi-butfite icti sam aie tîîtd i y ftitiprouitîci attdiMs. Plutîklti IlfMîtoît ntectots tui f flcutty iii gnit muitiopir ý o sut on Ibni r roumitiutfuiture, il t..iy wrtt tr u thlficifrstrationî ut ptouin. cuid tuttrteuieauf lisotn pionses s lau uuuîîî)omrîitimituo îîîuîîî-îaliîtylite Mltan lu cci-ieu sili. iii i witcîrL,..oîtui aAild tlitugitil o lite ah. liv t' utîitltmîtili iliglit. iloio,. Iuc.r.tcufo u l.oonîubrwc, uv uiv.ly i uuuî lu 'toi o tu', uap. "Mct ii nua iwîl hi lu gîIo uî c liýir,," ici-t i-v."foatiot rot". Titi greitisi ut wuitut'.. titi'. tuait muttif tîîuî eue. Tuîîîoîo. Titi mottf moulu tidt nowtîladtif oe vr sntuToîtînusut. But thi tact s s edîed, oand hi tadsd frotî uîîw; aid ait bai h i liii mbîît bis tîtetitîte, wac ilrouiglit, as a îîîoîîntaîît utf illitîtji-liedc îîttîîtfnfIrlu du. Tuîîîuîîowv. iltoi inii el -Il. A.lts buscs âtous- ImRo1E. Ttsn Ituît-.mnl reur MetImieslar Ai 191 Mainu (u.u tilti. Mnmehîmuoltihe DM,5.., Ire iu imrn Huisummn r1C.W NA. aid tauaf mati Cumi mmiiinîlpNesspapîrs îRepre- sruîlai,mius tub, triton-. sariabte n i d SIuucr $419ltutCantatii;-$1911 mmm al i-oua- liic-.noheri hum Canada. Nliummmî- lui utti Im N'us .5. Imis Aituti 5hliit ---ii Iuîl' ttri Ait mît i ts i , ..1 îiîuî mul' i , m il' jj tut lic - rit-uit rut tpimpîseuîptîîi- lor luit ruîuimm s-lIlirafinmciiis spar i-c . ti upuice b r ir rnto mitl, ngeembr uth mil t nst b tnî.,nttsgn.îmunr, msl mîtvi he ch-irai 4ft. bhum Pichr hantr u1tihe adi erniîînt t it hicpaîdfoInnai the apltablenrte. 11 h ir cnuit ut1 a impngr.tphiu a i nnie id îrî-uagond-. ir 'eru-ire-.ail a siring gruce, gon)dsnor srsicer mas sot br suif. Afuel-nusi usimîsuu'atvan ohm luIoseil and nîay habc iîbdnacuuaI aîy time.i Wintry Scene GLANCINO BACK1 Taken frnm lie files uf The C.n- indian Champion, Jetiuary 13, 1916. FîsîîstrStesward vumpluins lbt'l i iba at'eniigs many peuple crîowd ilothie pust ottice miib- oui bauing businessliherie, tîb. s liîciing tbuse wowsish lu upen buses. Tbe cuits, which mire swhie ara nom disclurid. Tbip loktîcar t-hatlour, as il people hast put tbe suies outhieir liii aigainsi themn. Oic vanda] bas in. scribed lits initiais wtb -puaciton ail thi siaits. Ait opportoîitîrv iii shuriiy ha gîren iuanverv citizen ufthIe tusun lt dît bis bit in the prescit sirog- gie for treaduit. A club is lu ha lormed hban mithin the nuit fsu steaks tlubcha îaed Ibe Hundrcd Club, Ibi ubject being lu make i easy for Ibusise hu cuniot fight tu beipthi min suho aun ighting. Eacb incitier suil agria lu par 50 cents a muonth sîbila the mur lasî.s. Tba îuuîay Ibas raisad wmut ha TO 50 VEARS AGO torned unir lu the Milton Snanch ut the Red Cross Society. Hilton pruhihitionisîs met ut Sorlingtoun ast Friday. ItI as decided lu huld tbe pefitions for the sohmissiun ut the Scott Ait sîbich are beiîg circulatid lu Mal- ion unfil the Ontario Governiment bas deul tub Ibhat ut the Cure- minteî tutOie Hundrcd utToron- Io lor provincial prohibition. FirsIt meeting ut county coun- cil for 1916 miilhicbetd un Tues- fiai. Thîre is nu change in the mîmhar.sbip. Messrs A. S. Forster and L. E. Fleck, Reines respective- r. utf Oakviliî aid Georgetowun are said lu ha candidates for the Mai-- duns seul. The suurk un the building ufthUe nesi registry office bus hein cure- pleted aid the Office Specialty Co. is noie equtppiîg il ilS fil- upg requistes and other equip. ment. AfletiIis bas bien dune the regisîrar mu douhi miii movte GLANCING BACK TO 100 YEARS AGO Taken (m te files ut TitiCai- adtata Champion, Jemîery 11, 1866. 'llie atnoail itaiiitti utÉlt tlîî'îiî)v DistricbttI Dal i itîga- L.oipe n-a-.fheld ai Mitîcît un Tues- fias. 'Tlctutiusringarcfichaouli-- ers, sceeted for the cornent peur. Master Issai Huntan; Depoîr-Mas- tir John Climîenîs; T niasunen E. Hulmer; seinitany W. A. Agur; Chiapiain Juseph Wallace; O. C. JutnCook. Mr.- lia1-ir bas ttee ire-tucated as a sehuol Irustea lur the nortb îsuud .Mr. Ceoben lias latin tha pt.îce tutMur. Lyun srhuretired in hai hastisward atîdiMn. Guorgi Smthliaus i-tten lecte inutflita 'otuss'.îî'd lui a cru lest oillitÉlite reliintuîsîee Mn. Johnsun Hatr- isuit. AitlItaclose outftisepoils tIti LITS PLA& By BiI trfidige s a piar %%iiitiou isata tlte îPpummaînts discaîd tonds iliaI y id absit. The simpleot -.9 tee a-rvsi, hîre one uppoît- cuil pitrds toouits and pou ian tiice hn tutt urie as one outflic (lit' tutflite itîeaîuisilcs utf a sîuee cpt.îî s litI ou ituot lusu ilflite litexesetflici Oiesilit aM 1TCzller. An esaîmpta ut Ibis 1Nlieut queezeaplan curnid utI %at aIlite Actun Sridge ttitis. Thils ws-.lite Iatîf. Dealer - Soutbh Northt S -A7 Il A 1, West Rast 0 (,T5 3 S -04 2 il K luhT1 9 11-7 5 H-Tf8 D-AK 76J3 C-7 42 C--eJ10J Soulbh Si RT 110 9 11-0 8 B3 2 1)-Q 4 2 C-K 9 'I lit hidiîtîmg: Situt West Nordh: EasI Pai aFsc IC Faso I Paýss 2C Pasu 2 NI' Fa--. NT AU Fasib Y-iti asirider ut Suitîhu. inia imupnsi ut uone heurt. Wilb bmili ls-ii tr sutms, Southî dues suit %ai tiis a lmjor suitliti. if lue buts spîdLes Illit md round tmît Nuit ti ia.s u icttr î.rts, Nurtht tit is iilis' ableelu idutIlîcîmi ut tii-m)leel. Il Sotîtîih ifs hearb tli i us muîmti .mand Nîorîh l.s tmiiliti Nothîlicaîmn bitu 011 l Itanc'ie tiret. Souîtts imie licart but hadd an rote osa s toilosus, Smith 29, tirisoiui7: Me arr intrmîed thut a muet- inp suas hif uon Satunduy eîniîg ai iloIhovilu n tbe Couuty ut Mal- ion ut suiib a large numben et iniluentiat Cunsurvutines mine pri- sn oei ute imb cusideratiui the slips neieioury for holdintg a Coi- .sivautivi meeting duning the prit sent munlh, 'l'ie Miltoît Muntly CaIlle Pair cuise on Tbansday ast but umiig lu avnunttp -f cmuses if pruned tb hi rtber a lalure. The day mas vervi-uliaid sturmv n ad rany oii lite taninrsut a distance iautd nul hrîeg in Iheir catte un mc- courtlut tbc stippery state et the rujado, Y BRIDGE iiceetlieffînt n Ws.West li.d ilite laid agant te bcIbee nu truîmp contrait and rhoe the utîmer major - spades. Hi mas ne- iotanit lu leud imb Southi tîcèarîs. Tue iead stas trou in Suuth's liînd aed tbe king ut clubs w-as cas. bd. A club fiuesse bdlust l aut. lEastI"eitifiid the tummiCb" v cashiîîg to-o diamuîd tricts. Noir South bus a squeeze titi--e rest ot tbu ricks. East astted ositb a spade and fuittur laned off the goufclubs. Uniotuuatetp, East did nul kiow ilime salue ut bis heuart seneih, for lie discut fef il onithIe clubs. The li-lio a birte at uîsb hafi bieu îîi.msuitu as as toltoîns; Il --10 C- S-O06 Itîttîtataniat Il-K J O- .5-K i t) O C- The dîaînund iras lsd ftram doînrer and Soutlhmoni.West cuotd nul pioteet buth soîto. Ho tris squeîîsd inithe majons. He iiiý ifdseand eitîhi a spude ai- a tint.bittai i kîm t hut de- caunr hîf tha spades, hie Ibnes airasthe i hrt joct. Suoth's ipade kingp aid dunîrens heurt ace tuf rsxtlou tIheast Ibrue ts.. Litive im-lutirs mies: finI, BI ait tHamîiltonîandîst itak Hans- iliîon; lied toan sconid. lieu ge Sol- n aanf act Cout.s, miî Dote Wi- suit andf Mite Lîrussu, :THE GOOD OLD DAYSE GLANCING BACK TO 20 YEARS AGO Taken fromf the files of The Cati. Milton. J. E. Whiteluck of Mt n adben Champion, Iantaary 10. 1946. i0 secrelary Ireasurer and local d- The mild ineather put a crimp reelors include J. H. Willsott.l in 'tic hockey schedule this week. Frank Hall, W. E. Sreckon, A. Ser- No ice ws avoaiable for tbe Moi- vice, Manseil Nellis and W. Swack- day nighl gamne when Oraîgenilte humer. mas due here. The tîtermediate The W.M.S. ut Knox Church OHA. curlain ment up ini Milton held Iheir opening meeting <or ureauTbursday nigbt mhen the 1946 ai the manse un Tuesday Milton tcam tangled wilh Ihe El- aflernoon. President for the nem ora Rocks andcame outuonlbae rear isMr,. R.AdamsMrs. G. cIor ndo a 4-2 scurealater 60 lDawson is, lirst vice-president, liues ut roggad action. Flop- Mi--. C. Marslî i. second vice- et-s on the Milton leati incloded prasident and 'Mrs. W. t. 'Dick 15 McDsffi n goal; Srosh and'Dem- corrisponding secretary. Mis. J. horst on defînce and Coi, Sorer Riddetl is secrelary. and Timbers on the furward lie. The enecutive meeting ot the McMunn, Cernais, Kennedy, Scls- W.M.S. uf St. Pauls Churîh mas iazi, Sasso and Stincu mere aller- hîld at the home of Mns. R. M. nales. Clements on Janoary 4. Honorai-y The annuit meeting ut the Hat- presidenîs for the îoming year are Ion Crup trepronumînt Associa- *Mrs. J. J Wilson, Mis. F. J. Will- tion iras betd -in the Court House, moîl, Mrs. McClenahan and Mis. Milton, on Jaioarv 5. Wîl unir J. S. Stevenson. Mrs. R. M. Cie- 100 sienin attendunce for the ex- minIs s president, 'Mrs. F. Mc- cellent program whiîb had hein Nivnn s first vici-president and pronided-. Th,preitil' or the 'Mrs. Marcellos -is second vice- ycar 1946 sill hi A. T. Woodliy ut president. The Cania» eiChampion Puhl-.lietl hy Ile DIlli laiiig andliiii tt g Ck.1.1d Autbonaed as Second CdasMail b h Uic FosI ltci Depaîitînt. Ottawa QUOTE 0F THE WEEK Fdimeiiî no plant thit gromoý on morfal soi. -Milton i

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