-"'The Carnadian Chaffpion, WednieÈday, i. 12th, 1966 Fashion Show oôf Millinery For Summary Day at Manor Lasi November Ileadees tram Limeitouse and Ashgî'oves geaups seveealscommunatles in Haltan and a miliineey workshop hy te counis îîttended tht, Senioe Train- Notvai gecap. Tue fealors ai' the ing Schol -Hais foi- Yu, This afternonsu'iit'ne The Magie Hat ima day course wsa condoeied Sp Bas pi ssenied St Mes. Moligan. Mes. -Mitdeed Moligan, millinery Tea sili he sersed ai the co- specialist i ih thte hoani econ o- cusion ai lite peogram. mies transitcf te Onario De- Achievensent Day pa tur ai utAgicultutre. Folotsing iis session, te local Asu tiis sseek, an Satirday, leaders taught courses je their Jan.vt~i 15, ait Ahievement Day o'vncommnitis. Ti s en s heitîtiehsd lirth1e 4-H Home- da\. anîmile12 asTiiizti Wsd as uttiitt-'Clbi atît has stuc hase caioltc \1ali,s'etisaneoisin qil ktig\ili Wkcpatiittaiîtiig î vited tua tii id this i-ogr-a li inp rnt litlte aiternoan, sacit stîtici canmmences ai 1.30 p.. inclub tout uîî'eseîîit an eshiiit ce a ki ce detntoation. Titere wl H.itan Cenlenniati M.aî'r. sît6 aînped-netc Fashien Parade e'li bc a fslinpade iein wite Sonme iflise ighiigitts of te 1 cigil\i mlethskrse proran %%llbc fahin prad ýltta., ale ini this uni;. hi Caniptettsiile. Dohlin, Moue 1The Aslievcîînit s its iîîg tain Union aied Scotch Bock hleliinit Si. P.îl's United Cuti-ch, geîpsaIsi eshibils ieaiîîring a' Mil t. anti- ail îparents .and bart salon its Horeho anîiNce iîs ta'ecitttted ta atedlite geaaps. a siloîspe sindoss y ityîleîîîoon îpi'geam. LOWVILLE Mrs. G. Malmstrom President Unitéd Church Women for'66 By Ms. A. R. Caulier icrciitîing, Mes. Buiiîitc bv;t Tue Unitedi Chu-ch Women of lClisltin ctiiicntiip aed sca LttleUntjicciChitî t in te cion, Mis. t, E.McAthu ittma tse Sundaiv sSihotu1-011 iltinittiationcsMis,,Etîtîttil ilng, Mis. T. E. *Rmstatinj te chair Mes. H. W.îînîiîgtiî. Mes. G. Mc- Sitetitis ssistoctinj uth es hi" pCoi-nitck antd Me. N. Gene. ,serîicc itsMe. R. S. Hsate- A chortlil nittcest as picesenteld ingîce, iu lio tead te Sc'etploie lMtnia nîhei siilte Juioîtr Choirý pra, e ndi Mes. Buîîdge Gîte- andîiMes. .Miimstiîoii, tt lite n bt.ttii-.ii ea esioeiteis'55 ili pîectitiafl c t e ite ceig Mes. Riiii.ittti a p.îpceotiti ii iipitisa.itMis. A. K. Gtiilts! "Fiiolsitipu". titis. Raislîsum iu'iiioreci M r. atnd Mis. J. G.' an rts. G. Mziliiisti'otili ieiail ',itie. \%iîo pi esaitlcî hie il locali iti nijlcîl i utooit îiîeîi siîic's iilte Huit Landî Be Titis", ccomparltiedi itsMis.st tes itess iied thi, tis ws sr.. V. E. McArtt oit te pîtîno. tilt.,andîi-Mt s cie Catilari ua s sîelaoîîued b heutaai.iman., birtie it) tutu llrAllirai,1al- A short business imeeting loitoi1crspansing a e eh teks %%îtit ,îei dRas. A. . Gillit! Mrid \fMes. A.R. Calttir. instliled tse olliceis ltor'1966.i lcs ' ie\\,aol l ie15 t fuit loIlloît rs'itit eiti, tt sG il i.1lit a lc'eti iti uit itiiitiii,o sutiam;ounit Iiaiets -Mis. E-ictîel îIo ttll t'tt îCiturcliWo Gtdunoeeningounit and Mrs. ntuait ilieihoute ltMis. iitiica F. WV Hisisad t'd .îiîoaît uti.;(iiibý t îiWdisii îieîî se:ietiiis r. s A. R. Cosîter; ilsMi,. t.tiai ii,îsî,îîî l - ltrc, Mis. Geii-a , Fouta; ,e i -lie ii iiiteî - eetiiitp titîcitir,. chuit- h lttiMii s. T CLRant i te2c iis liii ihaige io tae Meis. R.Fliiek and i\Il,.F, 0. Col- flita iý)ill~I ll ttts .iisttaiaii D\ a ln;sca ocuie. \il-. G. Mc ýN\ ei,' ilîîîî-at. Coîîn.îzck, Chiristianu ecuc.iiîîî, tinuita telegt,cs ppoitiitlli M,. George Coliiiu-,;istiopa.nî , aiittili aittimuiînc'iig ththeiic Mes. A. K. Gilliiiî; sutph, Mrs. H.îIîîîuPr-shsîeri.tU.CW . a RocCîîîl.l.liteî.tîîîc. tIti-.tiiltîi on Febitiii 10 iiec' iv i'. RssRobnson; slteuzietshiptnd N. Lnigon nd ii MsJ. M. Read MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL Ma ien'Auxilaryv e ne p da- nated a $250 bhydracailatar" lu lite phyiîpîtleîapp depaîtnet of thte bospitai, anîd pitysitierapîs Mis. M.Hut, acletteiStia- toi Dalton McQuati and W.A. resîdeni Mis. J.rouway aie shass eree wib the mîahine. Itl itas isd hlied "liai pa lis op ta aver 140 degîees, and ibese aie used ta looseti up mtuscle spaseus anîd o-bîlash injurites. Mis.Hutiti ieports Ilite hyduocallatai bas becit ried rie ehreeily sut-e is aîîîua i and bas been filîugia specta Iiîeed daîîîasq laits aîîd OUi patients. Itcti i " a ti îIlsi v Lilsus t L t% Ilie 1 and1c55 I ltii c ,c Pollock end Campbell Mantifcireseof H-,H GRADE MEMORIALS MEMORIAL ENORAVING 62 Water St., North GALT Telephone 621-7580 HOME ECONOMICS STUDENTS O7 OFF 'N' Ail NIER) Si I', .irs Jtasi PresenîYoiir Stidetit Idtn tifilaion tard ai MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE 200 Main Si. ÉqORNDY Pktures ofEDEKI ydHtiIKkI Show» t. Unted ChwTh Woine fly Mr&. J McCarron pieled in the project "Warking The eveing uniE of Hornby Un- Wih Wooi" ted Churcit Women met ai lite Mr. and Mrs. Roy Break speit home oi Mes. Les King with 13 te weekend visiting in Burks mnembers prescrnt. Falls. Tue presidient, Mes. J. Snow op- Gieetings und good wishes ta ened the meeting wiih -the theme Tom Bioomburg, January 14 and song -ioiiuwed bv yer. The min- Ken Ella, January 15, eelebeating uies oi the previaus mee ting were birthdays. read bi' Mrs. John Walace and Edward Robert son and Doug Mrs. Craig gave tuec leasrers re- Lestie were Ofrsi prize wi neers in part. Mis. G. Hossien and Mrs. the Mens Open Bonspiet itetd je Wallae repîîî lsion the arrange- Miton last secei. They receivedi toit s l1-iflicii'ointlotis rhoa aeitioi situe ioolie hianket \ear Pln, ýe1Vdisiiýed or i- a tili uiiiieii bat- ends. cuissuan tegarding icys bougiti aitte nets Haiton-Peet regionai jait a recent demanstratian ot prajeci wil -ce tocated iente place. Mrs. Seos a nnouneed tai Horny ara ofinorth Oakviiie. te gcnerat meeting would bu Congratulations taRKe Elia and hiii ot Januar * yI1. The devot- Sons, recipients of a liietime pro- ioa.l %c'as e incii'ge oii tMrs.. Wal- ducilion certiticate issued to Rock ]lieu.Eii.î Zenia Star, cf te jersey herd. Mis. L. King enisrtaiiied siti The nartit Trafalgar Communits pic tues taiokn ast sommettrtchiie Eochre Cut fiteld a card partv on titn, a oldain iiiltand. The Satiarîiav stn iîg, Januarv 8 te iieceiiig clascîlis it praser. A the North Traaligar' Cammanity le lisîius tlunitch i siraseices Centire. aind ice cream ansi cookiesssas 'Prizles ssretwoaîtttheiiiiiats- tarvesi haMis. G. Hossdeîî and ing: ladies. Mrs. F. Workman, Mrs. Wallace, assi s led hby the itos. Teri y Jackson (plasmag as lady) less.anti Mrs. R. Feathet stone; mens, Tue Ilsithe Etc piiihany scas R. Featierstoit, Otta Marcitment t-cet ca .11S Peters Romaîn anti Tomîmy Sictiand. Catittlic Chiic h. Nîîtlh Liîne, le Lunch was served hy Mrs. J. ilsrds-Januajt 6, ai 6.001 pin. Hamitton, hostess forrflic evening, Wlit Rer. (alter Motrîîitva.,ceic- assisted ity the ladies. f ii lnt We wist Ed Foster a qtiick re- Th ais ofilarnbv sUntedîîlcoses rom itis coninement to Churiî Il asewciig ioteing titi ed si IIipneemonia. ',l'itiirssa.v aliîsrnon. lîntarv 6,it. Friaîtds are pieasecti o sec Jim the hittie ioiMis Hitltian. Ait Treer hoatnd h.îck to scark \%oie cngîged iiin aking ittocks tller lus lengts sMay le Bramp- 1ii- fin- assiîtPlte qoiit. toit Hospitali. Ai liiesi-itis-ni D.Nto ii itae4-H Bss ttt'ts tes ici- aîhappy iirtit- Hoiîîemakiîîg Cubhssu%%ilhbcteid dis fi) Mrs. Jack M,rihment. Jaîn- ini, Satuidat. J,îait' tI iUii Si. oui-c 13, and AbertlMarc nient Ctîls(hri sien liiicaiion Builci-Jalitsiirt' i5. îîîg. tiiliîiitA îîîîeîa i ofskits1 Mr. andiMrs. Spencer Wilsonîtof .îiîîî.sihiis tlithogivesîiin tse NiiesaiandtMr. und iMes. Hi-titi al1rno 11 nd I tae, is iiî ikio etil Bramtpon aitiiied - injd, il,- cîîiaIIinii et"ai a 'Ilt('iiiteltaietctMr.S. C. ,\%theii,. t k iid litI ssi.îcoi SI at Essex. FOR FAST RELIEF From Worry OVER THOSE CHRISTMAS BILLS 90 Fast, Quick, Easy to Repay Loans Cail us tor friendIy and confidential assistance ATLANTIC el FINANCE CORPORATION LIMITEO 208 Main St. Milton 878-28555 ---------- --------------- MR. AND MRS. WALTER EVES were married November 13, 1965 in St.' Andrews Presbyteria n Chaurch, Streetsvilie. Theg are residing ai Sireeisvilie. Milton and District Ministerial Association JOINT WEEK 0F PRAYER SERVICE IN GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH SUNDAY, JANUARY l6th, 1966 AT 8 P.M. (NOTE THE HOUR) Theme: Christian Unity of The Spirit THEME MESSAGE 5V REV. M. C. CHRISTENSEN 0F HIGI4WAY GOSPEL CHURCN Informai sulent prayer period of Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication LED BY Rev. S. E. Smith, Boston and Omagli Presbyterian and Canon J. E. Maxwell, St. Stephen's, Hornby ancd St. John's, Stewarttown, Anglican "Men ought always ta pray, and flot ta faint.' "LTAGE PHILCO NOW AND SAVE MONEY TOO" *SEE PHILCO AT RICHARDSON'S THIS WEEK AUTOMATUC Ref rugerators This eacri toadosrr efiîeîioî i-, cru tittlaicd iut ianoiy oseli-o. il. îlot o-itil ,epiritc dace for lite spacos 84-lit. freeer wîîh to-o ie i-tille u ai-d ait ice coite rac-k. Sirage ofifoosd w-iiîî ouet eirjI i mde possible by Phlca's 38 trcione oitelttos coldi air curit diîoning. Set the tettperate cocholainîd icîgntifi This terigerator riakes is ownîtadîusiîîeîîi oa aica uth - date flite season.Gilci icatuies icIode - ietiie ltu nl beating doot ioges -Magnetîr dooî gisiit el r-ec daîîp b ai- sîsi 10 doot Lii oui ittikeejîci -.-itîtet tut fiished te sea foatt greeti and vwiîii. A Lifetime of Quality is Yours with this Convenient and Attractive Refrigerator PHILCO f esenis the Indusiry's geeedesi acFtevementi n sýcienific refigerdflon " the right place " the right temperature " right humidity for every food you store! (tueLr flic epets, Pîtlca Scîeîîiîsis have ta îsîs ieiiiig aianeeied o-iti'aiored ettpetature anîd Honîîdiip for ibe .iuîîîîîe of dîlfereni food. Philcao-as terst o-ilt a fulwîdib Zero Zonte i teecreTiic- irtsi iîiIpautiaatir l'ins tysiettil eiîgeîaioî Tlie Fiîsi Daîîp Fýit Pot i-î ic ueFîrsi Au -Caditiinnd rrtse îot ad Coîîpaîiîîeîsi 38' o-ilt R,I,îtred (attirai Ail hits adrîs i Itetie Reit îeriiitoifoi 1966 - l.isjittTîtloteri Caici PHILCO 18.2 cun ft. CHEST FREEZER with 10 Year Warranty ON SEALED UNIT SAVE $30. ON THIS Phikco CHEST FREEZER Cosiotît îaiioîed siling- no bulgs-nacrvns - lîke a cootîter top kitrisen cabinet. The cabinet is fînîsbnd ini higitest iisahty acrylîr enanîi baitnd ovni- a corrosion insistant prie coat bondnriznd ta steel. Evrything is enginnered for per- fection. Phlco dures ta provide an eninnded tren year food spai lage warraîîiy bncaose of the nany meatures soch as - Lifetiîîte Vittyl plastic lid seul- Safiy liîgitt gons oui if current iîterîapted- Sain, coonter balanced lid provides a position seul - These and tîîany otiter featores insore safe, teliable, long lasing satisfaction wiiiî ihis freezer. Inierior finisitnd o-it dramatie tooches of sea foam gi-nt. To-o lifi oui strage baskets. The compressai- of thn Philca is poweed bt a a4 iîaîsepower dotai îîssorîîsg adeqoate freezîng capacîty ander ail ctîcoitstanlcs. 10 Vear Marantyp $259. FOR ONLY $ 2 BUDGET *SALES R CH RD ON S YOUR AVAILABLE AD IIC TO SERVICE RADIO 6L TV DEALER SUI IO 201 MAIN E. MILTON 878-6949 S PH1LCO CUSTOM TAILORED PRICED FROM s 8 9 FE TRD -_i... . . .. . . .. . .