Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Jan 1966, p. 12

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kThse CanAdtan'Champion, Wnnescay, Jan. 1 2th, 1966 Gallery of Canadian History THE DISCOVERY 0F CANADA JACQUJES CARTIER, AT PERCE ROCK, GASPE, OULF 0F ST. LAWRENCE-JULY, 1534 ln 1534, a Frenchs expediiion of Si.Lawrrensce. tie p ds ei d fici..Buv of Chaleurs, planied .a Caiili uinder Jacques Cartier, a seam.in ihraiigh lise Straits oaI Bel eIitsleI cias ai Gieand reiîîî ied I iii 1 of St. Mato sent oui iss Francis t, sailed dossothea\%.'ieti a 0'iaiFiance. tn 1;35-6 he ini.dean.tiiale t\i King uf France, enîered the Gîit lNowslatil.ind, enieier iic nî og.aîdsîldu i iLi r-ente Riei a, l.îr ia s hatis ,naît os in tie CitaiofMunireal . Is 1541 i,- eî Learn from pTV made a iliîd rasage. a) Weekly Show Teaches Math Milton Public Sehoal stîdenîs iiiiii ci tChanine l H,(1C tn tise Grade 7 and 8 classies are H iilian. jk LI N EL learning about lise.nits maliscîn , lit i ltiir iilparet, i Grad tcsîin away sareiauplease - hes 7 ad titiicntlaisiîîc ipe-.C 0MP A NY, L are getting tiseir lesson, lrîîm tl is -ing principal oii MiltonPubi tetevision set. Schlîis Et-W.V tser poinî ou BgnigMna onnofparents hase aIt eatls Iii\in tdeep INDUSTRIAL COMMI BeginingMonan mrain aIinierestin athe nets preentai,îîa this week, senior popils aiiending ai maihemaitîs, and canimendeti i UBST tise Martin St. Seniar Public lise pragrams Ia ans pairent, issu Schoot began taning in ta TVfor .are ,able Io limd ime Ioi tune in. tise irot in an 18-îeek series ai MAI onNwMtsmle o rd n5dlgl s eretseducationat television iroadcasîs -Donald G. tais son, Esqtîes. 7. Tise 18 isaif-iour programs are Districti High Scisoal Büaîrt, ha, tnorning, beginning ai 10 ar..on Iilî,îîboaard, Cisannel 6, CBLT, Toronto, and -Mr,. Patricia B. lt il IbcS tise saine program s is eing ce- cintuiing RuslCraIi.tr ,î of peated a week liter ieginning Musc ut Toraniîtssxmjnaîîîîns next Monday, Janutry 17, ai 9.30 in Mltonan iiJ intit 29. Tho Directors of youraaIa Victorian Order of Nurses ie g I I ou ( OAKVILLE BPANCH& invite you to the the O-OP TWELFTH ANNUAL MEETING JANUARY 19, 1966 Lusk Hall, St. John's Unted Church OAKVILLE, ONTARIO I i8.30 p.rni Refresismanîs Will ba servndi er ai Perie Rock" is ilie ir-' concopiailofiian ceeit liai dcI inj% hase occîirred. hb.- Ctc lî peni part ol ilie', ad t liioflJul, 1534. .siihîîr- eRock si, a,.iiipral. aipcaied iii 1534, ni ,it mil pr iii11. ERCIAL CONTRACTING TTIONi MOTOR REPAIRS 24 HOUR INTÉNANCE tERVICI LOUIS ennAuIN i.iLYON y8-2206 CO-OP Farm Gasoline burns out gum deposits - preventa overich mnixtures. Wiîh ordinar, regular gasalines, the sow operating speeds anti trcqient iding air traclar cagines cattse excessive gain tîposils inthie caiisîrciîîr. Not wiîli CO-OP Farm Gasoline. Tîtats iseaîîse CO-OP> Farna Canotinc was devlaped cspccially ta meet farno dniving conditions. A apeciat canisîretar detergent climinates guni de- pasits, keepi lte ibrattie cîcat aîd prevenis thas. costty too-cich mixîtures. A buit-i cuti inlîiitar praieccs vital engine parts... reducea downliîîîe ta a niiiniiui. You get smoother ai-round performance plus e big saving in your fuel bil with CO-OP FARM GASOLINE. CO-OPP DIESEL FUEL Anothat CO-DP fant davlapad ta A Y mat tha Ontaia A T N O O fermenraanda. A fM I O fli-bodtnd tanuelI idoat for caid SUP PLIES 'meatisar tarte. Pour pint YF Voor Co-Dp G isalsnc Saicsnicn lamai thon moet.aire diesel lac/a. George Brownridge, Mlton Bill Donaidaon, Georgetown l* FwA t'- uL7d.F*UIIrÂT rww DRUMOUIN Mrs. T. Alderson is President As Two Women's Unit's Join Bp Mra. A. Balil sto; Christian cttnisiîp, tMr. Tise tanttary meeting ufthtie T. A. Lestie; stewardhps c.W Betise] U.C.W. iras ield Wedttes. Harris;B misionary educatton, daY alternoan attise home aof Mrq. Ms. G. Brownrldge. A. Bail sîtît 22 ladies aitending. t'a-aaent Reporta Mts. A. Bail, uniti canrener, con. Tise annoal financiat report wai tie I lise meetinig sehicis apeneut read by Mrs, R. Featiserston. Tise1 wil-l flie singing ai tise isynn, supply repoîrt mas read by Mn. ' Savioîtr Lise A Silepiserci Lead Ttack.1 us. Mrs. Oislrry introdttced tise book1 Tise minutes oaihelisetsimeeting itere reati bs lie Secîeiarv Mrs. Seîeî.îl tlitiil. sîiirlssieree reati.als a nesiYear'smessage isolin Hailiii Presisyleriai. . New Ofilcera gi Wilhtislie lwaanuts comtîining into ans arganizain a nuw eec- "t itive iras elected lorthtie coming ye sr is resutted as folaows aa President, .Mrs. T. Aiderson; SUN DAY PINI ui vice-presideni, Mrs. A. Bail; second vice -piesitieni, Mrs. T. A. CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP Leslie; serretart, Mrs. J. Picisel CHEF SALAD FRENCi Jr.: assistant serreiar.r, Mrs. E.ý Balil; ireasurcr, Mrs. RaipisFealis- ROAST YOUNG TURKI jerstun pianisi, Mes. G. Brasavn- MASHED POTATl irisige; supplies and seving' Mrs. 17t. Tsscisanti Mrs. R. Main; sried.1 GREEN BE slîip. ýMrs. C. Ford, Miss G. Frais- STEAMED PLUI ersîsîn, anti Mrs. L. uekier. M,îîse coîsîmiite. Mrs. L. Cisani- FOR RESERVATIONS iselis and Miss G,. tealisersion: i epr-eseliiatiises ta Board ai Sies-' W. Aie Open Evary Del .îîîs, Mis. T. Aidersîîn and Mrs. A. Balil; cr,îîle rail, Mrs. U. Ader-ORE suin; social commiee, Mrs.L 1 It E Lister, Mrs. L, Bsckier, Mrs.H. iekel. Mss. R. Fuiler, Mrs. t. 181 Main AIR COI Chliblerl.îiiiandlMssGtaiir Best for Flavor and Health, Too Far thirst-quencising goadns . . for at i el iîgits... dlrink mikt PARK FARM DAIRY YOU'L SAVE A BUNDLE ON ANY USED CAR IN STOCK THESE ARE JUST A FEW 0F OUR MANY BARGAINS. CHECK WH US BEFORE y0U BuyI 1962 1960 -..VOLKSWAGEN PONTIACDlu, 2-door, black, radio, Lic. 85347J 1961 CORVAIR 700 4.dr. Sedan, 6 cyI. autoamatic. White with red interiar. Lic. 587073. 2-door, brown with matching interior. 6-cyi. autoamatic. Lic. 21 842H 4doSea,1962 PONTIACI 4doSeasilver blue with matching interior, 6-cyl. antomatic. Lic. E65252.j 1962 FORD STATION WAGON Steering. Lic. 50415X. WE DON'T DICKER £ MOTORS FI l C.LD 1963 GALAXIE 500 XL 2.door Hardtop, Rayon Black, Red Interior, Bucket Seals, 390 V-8 Autonnatic, FulIy Powered, Radio. Lic. E60597. 1963 FORD GALAXIE 4-door Sedan, Silver Grey end White. Red Interlor. 6 cyI. Automatic, Radio, Lic. E52186. 1963 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 4-demir Sedan, Dark Brown, Machine interior, 6 cyl. Antomatic. Lie. 276009. 1964 DODGE 4-dloor Sedan, Biue and White wlth Macehine Interior, 6-cpi. Automatlc. Lic. 324336. mee WE DEAL 0880 CA"S AMP TURMO NER SPECIAL CH DRESSING $1.25 <EY, CRANBERRY SAUCE JOES OR FRENCH FRIES 'ANS ,M PUDDING IPHONE 878-9061. 4y Thîoughout the Ver 'TA URANT MDITIONID Milton 409 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-2369 - - -------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'Jesusi Christ and thse Cistltan -Rlecord- on liqt year's sea. LiEe" c"ich wilt be studied by ther, compilcd at Georgetowen, tise group this year. show January 14, 1965, was the The meeting 'mas ctosed and coldest day on record, 'is a lunch 'mas served by Mrs. T. A. chitty 16 degres betow zero show- Leslie assisted by thse hostess. ing on the thermometer. Heat re- Tise neat meeting 'milI Se an eve- cord was set August 6 at 90 de. ning meeting on Wednesday, Pet. grees. February tad thse high ruary 2 at tise honne of Mrs L. snowiall and October thse most Lister. rainfail. Tise firsi Drumquin Guide and ______________ Brownie Motisers group is plan- ning a cachre and hake saie as ts ByeCmtnity centre i Thursday, Junuary 20. Tisere witt Im ise refresisments andi gaod (tsor prizes. Cai 878-9723 - For Home Delivery by J D Ký-Ily f.. Lif, 409 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-2369

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