If flot opeeystsidwh X' &~r***d~! ANT f rosh mut yen boy f rom LOBLAWSN SPECIAL! IMPORTED - ROAST. CHOPS. STEW LAMB'A BASKET SPECIAL! IMPORTED - SHORT SHANK LAMB LEGS WHOLE or HALF LB. 29< LB. 65c SPECIAL! VAC PAC Ls.6 a P ICKLE DWTTAGE ROLLS ....LB......... UJL. SPECIAL! SEE COUPON FOR EXTRA STAMPS SPECIAL! UUDDIG SLICED SH@SYS SM@KID BEEF and 9 FrannnFRwamePKo5cw REBIEF ... S)pfONFOI R SPECIALI JAV X B né 64 FL. OZ. c PLASTIC .J IV X Ble ch BOTTLE4 SPECIALI ÂLL VÂRIETIES - DELUXE or EARLY AMERICAN Duncan Hines CAKE MIXES 2KGS.SSC0 SPECIALI KELL@GG'S CORN FLAKES ...2zKGS.59c SPECIALI BICUITS Hostess Oat.n CRUNC HIES PKG. 33c SPECIAL! LIQUID 4FL Z 1 SPECIAL' MIX OR MATCH - AYLMER FANCY PLASTIC S c IIIEIM CORN or CHOICE SUNLIGHT DETERGENT .. BOTTLI ESadCROS*E 10 FIL. OZ.y9 SPECIAL! CUDNEY CHOICE RED SPECIAL' SIX VARIETIES-UNICO Z15 FL. OZ. - RASPDERRIES-...... TINS 6#5 MACAROI or SPAGHETTI PKG.33c SPECIAL! AYLMER CREAM 0F SPECIAL' FROZEN -VALLEY FARMS 3 10FL.O Z .OZS MUSHDOOM1 SOIJP....3 OZ 49c runch Fuicd POTATOES 9,pGS SPECIAL! LOBLAWS KITCHEN PRIDE SPECIAL' LOILAWS KITCHEN PRIDE APPLE PIE..................... EACH-39c DRU DARD PIE .......I...... ACH 451 PREMIUM QUALITY FROM FLORIDA'S INDIAN RIVER DISTRICT! RUDY RED GRAPEFRUIT ...........5 ARE EXCELLENT FOR JUICE! HONEY-SWEET! VALENCIA ORANGES S...........LB......... BAG 49( 49( CARDIN PRESN FROM TEXAS! YOaUNG & TENDER' BIRIN 0F THE SEASON! ONTARIO GROWN' Ne 1 GRADE! GREENTOP CAhROTS I B8UNCNEsI29 c BOT HOUSE IHUDARD ....POUNO 19c PRICES EFFECTIVE JAN. 12, 13, 14, 15. WINS PONTIAC Mrs. W. Bodford Toronto PLUS 200 GALLONS 0F WHITE ROSE GASOLINE The Canadiani Champion, Wedneîday, Jan. 12th, 1966 83 Two Brothers, Sister Ail Wed 50 Years James Wetherelts Celebrate January 5ý Tsca brothers and a sisSer seho Iheir annicerxary ecents taxi meek. relatives in Halilfas, letters [nom mere ail married dtring 1916 are The ladies of St. Georges caler- M.?. Dr. Harry C. Hartey and M. havîng a busy limte Ibis year - ed for the Wdnesday ecening P.P. George A. Kerr, and a framed alteaciing each otlsers 50th wed- family dinner, mhenaiattbot two certificale [rom Lloyd Berryman, ding anniversary celebrations. ni the foar ehitdren, six grand- Mayor of Borlington. A mItter was The i irsi of the famity [o mark ehitdren and Ibren gruat-grand- atso rceiced [rom Prime Mnis- the golden anaicersary mitesione chitdrea were ahle [o attend. Son- ter Lester B. Pearson. Mayor Ber- %vere! Mr, and Mrs. James Weîher- ia-tam George Hardsand of Kit- ryman and arna cooneillor Wit- etc oi Ki-ibride, whose 501h aani- bride mas ýmaster ofleemontes iami Greena mure among the geesis cersary date full on Wednesday and the grandchiidren and great- aiiending the opea boose. of taxi week, Janoary 5. They cele- grandchildren presenied [bhep- Lice [n KIIbride brated il mitli a lamîty dinner for pr ceauple i. sh a corsag aid 'tlhe Waiheeails have liied iii 19 geerlr aSi. Gerga's Ch arcs lîuonieara ofii ait Kithuida [or ail ai iheir Hall o chueWdesdayurveaivg, Brldesmaid Attends 1iîîarî iad flt. ir. Wutihurelt scas and an open house in iheir home An apehboese ai ihaîr home! lrrî in Carlisle and Airs. Weiher- on Sunday aiternoon aad eveaing, Sandlay saw many triunds, relativ- alt mas lrem Beverley Townsbip mbea over 150 altended. us and neighberx drap in ta wish saeih ai Pretton. Thny mare mar- Three Timnes 50 them many more years ot happy ried ai hier home in 1916, ihen Mrs. Wtherelî is [bu [armer marriage. Poaring tua tbroegh maved [o lice ai is iarm on Me- Agnes Kerr and bier brother Wil- the ddy mure Airs. Harriel Watts Nimev Rondnar Kitbride. Mir. liant Reid Krrand bis wile ioi of' Gait, Mr. Weihretts sisier-in- Wcihereltî armed for eighi years Brantford xiii mark [bu samie [scAi rs. Katby Wthnreiî et and svarked et sucerai other oce.- annicersary Pebraary 17, mhite a Preutton, and a bridusmaid tram pelions here bis retirement tmo second brother HamitîoaKerr [bu 1916 mudding Mrs. Hamilton years ega. Ther are ýbath active iv and is mifu ofviltuoeare laoking Kerr ai Milton. t[bu Gaed Neighbor ucherutb iarward ta thecir golden anaicer- The daeghturs and grandehiid- in [bu village. sacy on Octobur 25. rua assisted in surving and prupa- Their iamiiy inelueu one sait And la top iait ,aiif, Mrs. Hem- ring the rutrushmeats. Grand-' Jim ai Beningion, and thrcu ilion Kere's sister Mrs. Jim Belon chitdruv pruseaiud Mr. and Mrs. daaghiers, Mrs. William Aiisea and bier boshaad silcetubralu Wthurelttmitb rases, mhitu' ibeir (E iten) aiKitbride, Mcx. Hibbeel hait e cenîory ai marciage [iis son and ibre dasghters i'vent la- Meeder lMiekeyt ai Whilby, and ycras well - September 23. gether ta prusent a paie amp Mrs. George Hardsad [Irune t ai The Wethurits, Oirsita go Floscers, cerds and husi mvishes Kilhride. There are aise six throagb tbu cuiebration tiis year sceru reiced tram suceret grendt.hiidrun and ibre great- wure icud bot cury xatisfied aller flriandx ineioding a îuiugram [ rom1 grandehitdrea. MARRIEO 50 YIARS an Wednsday ai lest weuk, Jareary 5, Mr. ard Mcx, James Muihernît ai Kilbîîde enîa-îrd the cenîlebation which ivladuri a laraily dîrver ihai day andi an open hoase in their haire on Seaday. Thny have lived nci or meac Kilbirdu mmmc thuir riarriage, A Year's News in Review... iCanitineed Prom Page 1B21 ,pi-îasîiiillî phiLi,.îînîiil xi\,,, astoiiti oijall iduestries Io- scaicr thrlîag iasag.andd [hcann.ivvîe atfichapiasaii al-tn. ,i i \lîivo iRd. ai [ha \%aiei- ceotmiiitetias askud [ tu i i, Iot ibu siitadtip i ra-ta io Milion Piaza. A seek uar. Coie ap wsîlitaîuîcoîmendatîi. iIiI I Iiiiace Paitels. 1lier.Irae etîtiîci i iiîred damna sur- Tliti samnsseek, biatLiii lse of , Titi loci] oîisi roiiltae Uit-i ita t.viiîtil sias attable ta garden heses eaîîsed a big Clip ted and Angicaanfailihr piosida serv~icus f[ir apartient iic [hat aer pressure. filtir liai'oralvilens .aIlthe pro- hbuildingr in Milton NxIihh oott Ttu ait natal llTradu l'air oe lo-titratoir cthititîton i i' maIucil Voua et rus enue [rom as- thu Cisaîsîbar ai Conmmecessas CîtaiaI iitt-tsi\. scett. i.ancul[ed lur [965, aîtd pasîpoed tiîsi toitsac i triaed [tirle 1 ihatuuiil -lit Iogis e op aplaît tiii est Spring. nir aithlltlitC hutciait ailite Mair-ii [titthae I[liesacat tiMiton Hiateir Wamett's t istiltielit, i.hisite. A irtîr a.ix \iran isailiaient par- oteîhes, seeivg[orthtir nne Ka xi xiviiai i.îgiîivi heking rtiasrae zs Iaitaiibela Co. iliiiiei-, metig fr Iiei arnu- Kef(, ommr ie- rieita haltssii zoing br- i mîeetinîg iniCavîphellilte. ide- gan ti iill,, ie tis dac l iiered (lie iaek ut statndards bue- tId,. tutu a it castiii.ii,000û \i- tNIr \%il,.. iii [aie been par- ii fic cuiity's ar Iltng ioi ,onc \eeeiid Theciio ,t orire as a tettualies) sehoibeardsr. andenadersuit a a,itbiiîti-îlit iii-[tils Cývasa resala utu t a[itg for equai kit- îîsaîîî trpelitet autîto AtiNý\ittt-iiîe ht-gai Multait iii, aitdil equial tîtîp tuteîîes r ftti oitnt Ilie rîî,î1lî tus ii .îiîg i)isîticti Hositial sîen I[ t aCttiy iltrttiitati [e pex-tti, tii ts ut- s~is.isi ot biet i[tas. spontsored and torgai- Mats lai \Vias iîîîîîîeît Mil[-iiiltit Ilt iîgli i titCastrit ilteîîtatsAisas iis -1[uihtaldtt uitflite umaseteut ettîts et cttii "'ct[ ittasa. Ut Ioi ii rk arititgtnursex GuilGîtidte gîîîî1cocFicilia p i .ta-uo 5 .1,,îand'V.A. tut-tnt [tai. Bati ilCitoittrcuttaiage resitt-tti îîîîîîîirîîtua a 'îî îîîk liaîtaiiitn [lie S40,000tl iii Mitnlacr[7rer,Cee -tDrrab i s HatdIW iei CîrîtîtirCet'itt îrli iii - J aeittit [eieiadIlie sit [es i i it'ii iiijt part%, iii Irli, ottet. pt'i.sentiiig, A it/t' oniii t îîîî.îîîîî lot,,- ThCliii aiNi on- titi tei tioltuts ,tt aln ýil lset et gol clutehs ine conitstutiotuin Mil ton, toi-tihe a ii iS. rsîtitîr publhc lieu tfilt hilsfttireteistitre lime. illDivlt 1 , star appres tet bs itîtio î-saeeîid Ile estitttaieiit Watt-r.antd fletîts' et il, criveut I[lia0M'B. pricetandutu haeschoulebhard haed iii -Miltion Jane 6 through t is\%ITht- Ciitbtiic-illeit- lx» iids Io la n fest se [u spie itnainIotIe iu -tceitlis - dtelap uts ratttidi ilaitn a pop.tt li- pioped aspandlitre. ad Katrsva[l. Ienvie *tiuti i lia suitir. Lt-tsitîglî.sis kilt, - - îîîîîrîîîttpuatti S a il dtop[iontitti-tront Nfilliii. hit ili - aiLe , a Ile .îîîîîî l Onttario mal, 9 tuiîtîsIta25 ittiii-. î1 I..v r \ îîîý:l s o t-k Ilie o lt tiit îtt -taie in i tîon l'air I)î-i,roitn [taflic 8001lt litlt i11toil lt aititi r tCiiimitais.t Il i ti tispsu li.I llestî 'î liia I ttt o li ltl iti l tit li i ihui t 'flii t. t1iitiisttiiii 1 î[î î[iii tatiil I iivg. $15.990 [o t e an bot tLllccl l' nta Rt * atin ope l $1909iliiChamin s ttu xl'ie ii le la i îîsîiîîssltti-g li ti titi I adir Il prtlriit, tuu [a îrtîlelS0500fi-ir. NiîtitIiitl-lti-ii.it N uttIc. su Rit. t îîîîîîiPark, [ete iietiiaitbîti. - î,îîîi.îl. x.i itttti-t hiiiiConeservaltioanPîit- Aiestîpmahneart tatii la1saoa iii Et-irastîtaîi. lîe ] i tttalle«ii aS1 a0titt i l $.40ne\% gtttt ii t I llei tri nhipia \tidatteitt oiti. ittii-ir ii atit Iroî ii- Keri Jetîat.MiiS.,aais 1[t iiouai n iI l tia stîrs ei [tti 5 aule tiaislr aeP, d Mutai Paoiki Atcatil s. TII u ili ontiti1 il ,attPis . t ý111 I TIj t t-tlichd di S99 i . itîterisi ilxac Io iiiiigta a a b aiaie e tirail A [Shii i iiti t ttll liait dt e I lteit lltaxiir tli,îlolro nc l wtver aiand sala. ucivl it- itnse itiutii i illgar xi tilt n,11)i Sa[tiolas eJ.teplu et- 1, ede rota I ll-editiboit c i titr ati d ii 'flllt pi-x i-e-in i îe oîteî i ncs lloti brn ile [tSouc is etiouAitiii[ a i iva lnulu aavserse- m ai iiked ,Nexi Mee lic