ae &utabaûapo MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12th. 1966 Eigitteen Page.-Ten Cents. Acton Reeve Bert Hinton Adtos Reeve H. H. Hintos was named Warden of Halton« County aI the inaugural meeting of Halton County Council Tuesday.1 His election came on thte second ballot when a ie vote with Georgetown Reeve William Hanter mas broken by Oakville Reeve Herb Merry who cast the deciding vote, as reeve of the countys largest municipality. n the first ballot Reeve W. Coulter of Nassagameya squar- ed off witit Reeves Hinton and Hanter. That note gave Reeve Hinton six notes, Reeve Coulter three and Reeve Hanter fine. The second ballot mas betmeen Reene Hinton and Reene Hanter. Final Ballot n the final ballot those supporting Renne Hinton mere Deputy Reeve Parker, Renne Gallagher, Renne Ledmith, Rene Merry, Deputy Renne Day, Deputy Renne Hoey and Renne Hinton. Titose supportisg Reene Hanter mere Deputy Renne Rogers, Deputy Renne Hanter, Depaty Renne Yoang, Depaty Renne Menefy, Reene G. Lesie, Deputy Renne W. leslie and Renne Coulter. Refers le Turn Sysî.m Addressing the coancil prior to voting, Renne Hinlon noted t mas t t years since Acton had filied the Wardens position. Ho saggested te t arn system, informally ased in the counly, should sot be te only basis for selection. The person mast alto be adeqoate. Renne Hinton reiemed his four terms as renne and assured memibers lie had stood for the things lie beliened in and mould devote fimself ta coanty mork. Renne Hanter reviewed his four years as deputy renne and ndicated if elected, he moald denote himself almost ful ime to the mork. Renne Coulter saggested titat mhile he did sot agren mitit tihe tare system lie mas standing tb indicate Nassagamena mas Wunt A uditoru Sit in 1966 Plana to prostide a new gener- al purpose room for the Martin Si. senior public school, atready given tentative approvai by the Depariment of Edacation and Milton Cooncil, wiil forge ahead ln 1966, members of Milton Pub- lic School Board agreed Mon- day. The buard's finance ebairman Don Sîloson wilt requent town cooncil tu provide the $60M00Inl debentured fonds ihis year, at next week'u couascit meeting. Laut year councillors asked lhe board tu sheive the projec u- tii 1966, and the amoont waa placed In the town'a ftve-year capital budget wiicb recetved .M.B. approval. Seal Sales Up A total ai j ust aver $330110 has antecut tutre and 1966 mould be ose of the mont chai.,16 hrsmsSulslscm John Bradley Chairs SchooI Sourd se H1rdirda ra'da f xasinnsatPraa taign ofte Halton County Tub- Clarke, Braile y, Lewin Efecteil g Oaîh of Office Adminislered Ztipho an i ecreaseaof aboat $3,000 aner i MlJhn Brdlv selr-trrseanth Mîta DstrctHiit Judge Alan Sprague administered te oath of office to REEVI H. H. "BERT" HINTON.of Adtos mas samed Wardes of the Coasty of Hallos for 1966 at fice total ut titis Lime last year, an M m Jn)it ralHa tRs is S ne it ltor ad.1LnDictgdkmmesadsoebifyrprssigrt aiilbadt the inaugural meeting of Halton Coanty Coancîl is Milton Taesday aflersoon. He defeated fic association annoanced titis Sepacaîs Scitual Board was elesi. and Wlliam Dutgnrn sssrs named gonerement and assurisg his co-oiperairos. I 50w mîsir yoa mag. Nassagameya Renne William Coalter asd Georgetomn Renne William F. Hanter sn a îhree.may sveek. ted Manday evenief as itoard as tite itord's represen latines on sas mity, patience, misdomi, coartesy and good iadgmest is ai race for the coastys top seat. Sitome cosgratulatîng te new Wardes are ea.Wardes Renee Praeeeds Iront flite Christmas citairma far 196. Mr. Badlen, lte 'Milan Paitlc Liitrry Baard of yoa delibertions',6e cosclded. Heb anrry i Dakoîle, lBf , asd Jidge Ala B. Spraue. rigt, mIro dmhnîstred liteoath of Seuls bcnll itc foed or cndaclin r-cleced ta te bord for a twa. Ite election on Titarsdua tIreofimass TB loasitg survey in yeur termniite election on Titur- taetitree sctoal itoard scatsr bar a ie Acceptîsg the office ai Wardes, Renne Hinton said he rmal-I fie Hialton County iteginnieg in Fnb- sdas'. replaces Angelo Taeelti as Irvovear- term, anIs aitaut 30 per lidte great honor tl masto s erne te coaety lente office of i ar, cslimated ta cosn 10 cents citairman. sent aifte ligilsle leclor', lare Warden. i mîli do everyrhig possible ta coniduc h afisof p ipa. cd oui ta vole. R. W. Clarke tapite coanty le a loir, joli and progression may." Res'. Faîber J. J. Murpitv tas paît teitallotieg ilte lise-wtt Undertake Heavy ResponsibilityH . P Jo n n h s C a rn itoards inaugural meeting laor,a,, second %titit58 votes and Joe r .Dsa drse ebrepesn i laueAf s lA e 1966 and R. W. Clarke was relurn- Lessnssas tiird sitit56 votes. aItrie qaalîîy aI service ite ond being redered siite muni- cd as ecccelacv - Ieasarer. A. N. Jim Laengedtvk %itit 42 votes ane1d palitîns and te coanty. He warsedi members of teiteavy r-O it n P b i c o l B a d F rieàkà lAndivI Kilîv tas offieially ap- Gars Rass ithilt39 voes scece spossibilîî itytey itad ondertaken and called for te kîed ao f In - H. P. "tohieis" Jonsitele. sisx Merbers ipprovest mavief shieallerncon recets, andî ut lire Four Brampton and Meadow- pintecd as te itoards epresen- te antuccessful candidates. ence John5 Kennedy enerted mt its zest, imagination and istegrity. %car seleran oiilte Milton Pt'aile Ooardt tabuineess ollice, sotrervit- nasse ireak lisunte osir. Teaig ilgsle meerweî.e ccested and Sc lBoaid. %vas anas nigit gPrincipal E. W. Ftier and inte isi[lbI e li tula10.40 i.m.straîged iin coneeclion scitt a rash rmae iii lite borrd lac tteiiagrapits.'iMis. E. Mar(ie iront 11050 a.m. la 12 noue. and 1 t03.30 aI bicik-ins ai service stations in 16.Rontarir.,i i-tutee tfcrir'licteir prescitî location lente Den- p.m. drils Mondis ta Fridat it flre district early Thacsday morn- Piý ie as, %as eleslect nise-i 4 siol luse'sffcalies initite'toure. Airearirdcitniistt,is it,îig ofli,tss-eckt First Lady touncuuuor *aoes ->atn ilsniattersctl oi-lan ad break-ins dand found sigfls tha~t a, onucedModa i te 'in M a re uing Tite atIle jgcue t t lirî iss tair iitu 'lie ilrceeîr restgulin 1 A t N a sa a w y a s 9 6 n u g r i M. D tersasndlRes. Dr. T. itusites îsie 5rio%%.a 878-235. ,The nets' Iosti, iiîssîeu [lire Ail -i5c in lelite Mitton, Atn A t N a sa a w y 's 19 6 n a g ra Ci' tit as p"'oi.'terFoardiîî an et.i flic ss as persoîrr itis lkingeafin ite 20 isiles cdaîls Gero ire , Naod laesdsceap- Tise urst lads souesilior ie Nits- aI Ebenecier Unitedi Cirrsir terd asilitait lri.tfic i)fle Gurapins testitieiliiilitsIe sîsîsrspIfi adl thichwspeett eiaucrir' i iýupronlpo aigre Bossrhlac2106minutesîs. siialldutr arslFrnitlstns aet ndei he maetoît. ap sagasveya Towshiip hitors, Mcs. the tradilil ia iuigarisieir Lisse. iis.tSi182,000 is 1965 a ird liser members ofIlIre Board. aitilnohrbsnstebad: Te iepeetyi utd Anse MacArtur nsas oneeof ise przisters. Urges Cu-perallun ,iliat il isituld iptisiitiy iscease rlre aols elt cct- Change Hours esttrbsnslt or: bv.i rsnîiu atd stoe lain lie îrl eubreeIe fianlcealw-in trrthe A e seitaulsuutit te * Mcs n. D.riai. Quanlties af sil- memtes of counsiitsita iook ftire le is lirstsIaddri-s ttoficress Reese Cîîulicir stitipaird titit elt ueduigtenx va'brcetinfratoycrtr, Acange i c lhusa ie 0Atiisinted M F .Titomp-vra1ssa t i nkigrttt n oalt of affice focrte 1966 tenicm encil, Reeve Cauller sseleaîcd tcli sai isgtssiul li e sailesi10ii tut lic e il. issetelsset- aeAe aîeMr.M .Kr-MariiS.sno eto as ap- soit Ioste Milton Public Liitcarv y aI te inaugurai meeting u own-oisr.Ms. MacsArthtur tand DepuIs -Reese lisiithie Plîsnkett Reptr(Re. imentsi i n 105,ssr iccieses s ribait- gian. D Sti;ssMr%.MS.iil Douglaprird n it enieorscsalon mtBuadfr x1te ir ius. ilvsirsg tr m a chricestations tip coans il rie Musnla>. Mry ta courts il. Retrce setsi gieti .il Neesîs St oi- Hlite o.înitsleitis." Craiebonsissî n d D îrs rssip.ri Jntereit. eli s Mr Bote rderided anoe hbearasce' isitîsatiathe srice staMiolns Mct. MaAs ntsc celaftic forisCia tird terre, Mc. Cîsîsi.,sandPelt (î,îîîîi .iiI ndlpeti Oaths far Trusiens An steresird spessasar illteeiclisset tiersiiig rsess ram ianidschtololritiitals'oarganiztiosis, Palise Deparnesi assisled in coisncillor.s Rots Gardlon and Wii-1lier indiciateiI. I anîsipaîr a greatt soîssîil ittiald l irai site, r . but-0iteiici ttu etciagra %lCilrdRius1at-0i AIritisliac ita ltt cs f$16fr lcver onciguptesupcs huam Matasnsen s ccliii Depu- mass probicuas thitis'trc,.eî andtopiesesît ssnsessis lte reputt.oiteliesaitieli.igriis.sCsir iss 5t i rsiis.clsîî.ts.s..tsttlst l$16frlt ec aeîe plt apcs Is-Reese William Hors asti ce ahi, ýothe rampietisîn otila gîrîl I -gd Ili c si-tfipcriaii bciic isecteitig and i . %il%%,s s- Ile tujiterisir princsipal ioi Arrsaste eanLgR-i., mCere p H bp h i îii te.l othutiof-Tiitnittîripechtils, wItiisisiioiti Look te at foffeaf nis-e bompletosau ficTlnip',scholArilBoii n lep lýjc IloiieBlIr.,JsinuMc. aetirtgltrtstirW. lMsNeslttsi- I rd bi ToNvnshp C b kJ CCent. 5 alProe nd al,, B fbi tiitBoad li n lueIgimethoil ii i piteitilis issOt suri ngqiili- Mals ve.Rev.W .A. Lcc mn ficsrvce m i t 1t ih it .9 M. Couiiad IlePil Sho Btitlciî l iiitliisi fliit itesti %N ere msrieitaimeeîIo Boardl Commiltecs testisisi lotsctil te i theetnaug- Afic te itis igii ccio - sýis l slsi îi tii.joý tis-,irttît isec . les COLlUil met i i 12 nstîsînî s i îîsîsu o d si rus: lirelscli l ld ilviid iri l i- tti tAt 1.30 îrsl uli isn. Kc i taniii, t -cs5k 1-Iir'i i li tsll 'et i an îrîk. Siiii,n stpplise, ands Il- 1)11IIti litittiisCt lIl Ôittr(iistitnktandiCatke. Ntiriedin chrge f i.~~ i )liîeits liii f 9 isi(titof It lit, lou r chotitoslîi iu, Martin St., ::ýjclld d Ile t il iss e i tire'ke: Bsiice' Si . 5,,,,,ksîî.îîî yn tirs. ssitol, Stts'it.r HALTON'S WINTER SPORTS WONOERLAND n lie Ksiso Conservation Arna acsudils lirsI big meekend of tire year on Satumday and Sunday, and snom levers f roui muny centres in Soaut- ems Ontario Iiocked taite area. A heavy seamfail on Friday campieteiy bianknied te amna and enubled estasiasîs ta ski and toboggan ta titeir linarîs' content. Eight-year-oid Michael Grismoid and t t-year-old Margaret Stase are shows getting set 10 take off on titeir skis and glide dlomsnte faky siopes. Vmi ittscîsîl sseeiilsroit eDiiiîge. Th is Oti su bss130,.21) caiMîlii t stîsincilis and ols- sties andIlle 1964 s-.'icIiei71,4001.ý s st \\rie ililed .aitiuiii a Reic\siiy iîeitItig cs 1isi. ie 'aîîîî ble' inl ue iilis o19.51 cduetl es littttetiîIti s veitino sis-leIl ttist îrsshali lTe r-Itea lrettttIiisttN. U - sîslit atil iii stIssdcil f80,000tii ii . vpI îtýtt im1esg .sîtriietir sat *0 l.igsGei . DIli-ti 1 "fie tIseIttesiItti'lisalocatinsor) ii sitessstoior]sIletir sssliiii sisi iiSt. as o.î ssttitttetotio atitt eîssî ties tisit Ille tise ci pîttys tl Iiirs nît îes rîtli relle sir i i st itI ltie o it [Ulit. sii. A l'ires. sittil csiasbeiston 0AgîesdIot ititils Ile sssprii' [lewo id1l titi.' itit lee.tisIlir, tiislest s commniation uirs- acc tiatue30. leur litîsecrlteltto llisean a l el ire tsilie pagram. Ilie -i seîatst uck \%s i apet- Dti-ini Ilite MttsdaYrs' atieg ieg aStisfactot- ils.ilt sîuîslit'ne ice- iliciiisîr':îunîl. Deinîss.Rece Citasrles *AliplIttedIe iglitsssg ol thrs Mtics i nis s'lutsIllie $400 ntitt 'sîstîlsîs k;ltiiig 1siisk l in srgs ra-Il ie% s-r gitisgisaitses vic eei letyls Cortisi tt t ie liglîts iîed titti gis I i\as ltirs clsi.sse oilh a tir pis osit at10.3(.111 . ts ic sa(J. 0sg o. a Appoi-uelIe pti-s.cs ri a etssisssbiauieslt bitriicattecl hv1: 'd's Wcelstigrtgsc$1.290: Milton Gets 214 Acres conIlie preserl ttiîcirtr PPut. rion it a lo tt'.ttl tisait Crs. Lîi. Iiiý $3.549. Merrîbers us g- P u k t ris. dsstp iiiis IoFi.bnikirv 1IllI ties, is iitriie Is suite Milîrsîrs t)o\isser s ,ssIieivciesl. ot-sa$20 au lng ststititga tsrcuuaiaei iîîe (Lv lci I ssu s'oi 'ry l- tsi sil qfer -- .55 leisitit i ii. 1. 'llir le tt i.t i u e i i il e Agrecîl r> sailteicîders lac a trîsirsilores luli uii "ri udaruss sterd poliseroirîsec. Tite type iar trrslai \,tsk. sandilMv. Plats- eeiice i-eeottietded svasîtd itea keil bas r--I uscî l sgise airaarr- lu tiritîsar -carseitli te sandles trier, .iscociig tsaIllois M.P.P. teteaseil ifrosnt te car dooi bui- lscreA. Ke-. Mi-. KE-cc o sie usd asiriseteces sepacating Tl'ire Champiniaî"Mi-. Ploskct diii Ilite i rosIsand tack scat. Thte chitneiraI clie caulîilke a ilesisioti expitaiscilil ldbclhacasier foc aI Iiis lime. He fIl ittaipais- lianiniegdrîlks sand lrasoprtisg sibiy sire ssjusssîens t o ilMons prîtoscru. Tite depurîmeelt now ltoweboanstacies cauld basic trme lia.s a 1961 Paontiacandîl s 1964 elleel asniis slasties andI Ibis, a[- HALTON'S ATTRACTIVE TRIO of Ruthr Masos, Joy Hagmord and Wîiît su on sopped f irst place itonors ut bte Ontario Janior Fumnier Music Festival in Toronto on lthe meeknnd. Tire thren yang ladies mon lthe tonors in tiretria section in competition mt trios f rom York, Peel, Hastings, PertIt, Canleton and Waterloo Coaniies. Titeir selections mere "Joshaa Figit te Rabileof Jericho'. and "Desert Song". Mes. George Nemeli. Director of Mutie miti thre Halton Junior Farnrers laorltse pasi 16 years, ilelti. is sironi mtîs RuIlh, dy and Wiima. Fol- 1iowîng blir nsciory ltse brio sang on Satarday sogning ai a concert iii the Crystai Balirooni af lthe Royal Yark Hoisi. s, But ýannot Solve Annexation -Yet Ici jILi', untrîssIitis i, stsî sirs hýbisîrlrelksills'andlEsqt ise.lirg. lt ie %il rieira kig iis ic iîrslsHtttii%'s Isle f59119.gratitesititi tlitis'[tise îmunicialîrisetîsîrins 1l l i 214 .55555 efflisîlte i utia tit. G(isiisg Mii tiis s iiiuvt iait1, 161. oint îiliîirslît utlereîriîîîtn- tÙ isse rssrs- take a îtliiî'îs'îî t' iriiiils disirssrusrriiiMr. Plan- ir rsitîit-o ui esss Ilinii iowolkîtI rttiies trlissclîr trile ililiese' is tr sstI le is tttttttilîl I slî-ti t i Ile W 'adalti Iite srie ssa5- or coi. lv isollier.» Aîrrsrsved ,it tise trrtirer delav, tkrprîl fla, 'm tiscsrsîî i isîcîltis eptcrri3Miss lis rssresunI îrobiîî ta isrrîot MunsiciplîriAltairs, Mt«. alllxaio pobeii asPleur. Ioîscontr ari Pîîîskî'lîassî ut daggrnsg arr toi ca'teindîîtscil gstsitg lte 2,600 Sacres asst l li-issis rt-eu-c iopefIII, laie stItl inrisIile ensdl esli' b Iis le 1965, svircss tirs Ontrrîio Mulitiii- titi palr Boasdil bit-Si est lent sa learc- s -I sf onothlte st tapplicatlion Is Lelter Io Best armet tonte 2,600,ascetsiof neigîr Csssrciilssr BriSîs Besi, stitt ieiintr Ilte tllisler aI Muni- s-iti tiiîîs litIsarglira fllt ssiio iiflite 2.6011 cie sppii- caiont rs icitricd i tYa iler rrîrrMs..'rcrIitlMr. Plunkctl ltgir-i.-0ira srîîirrrrilrit aI titis tiste. Ms.e-rn a,,ssaed lte ît-tiran isor-des- liraliz- irg Irle asssrsstioî of lIre 214 ru tes seosîid te rcssed titrougit iltieiii latily. Cissiir , iisîts bile, it sîil m-iltt u it e tiounasii.t f'llîes af tlire 214 sscre Sntetlb area, and lu. plannintg îasubonissionbtcte .M.B. osslniig the actîul ioon- ctaris tinIle nvs aI autre. Vol. 106.-No. 36. z e Z 4 i i