Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Dec 1965, p. 25

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3dt4tPaetm 9er#â JOTTINGS SY JIM DILLS m m m m a a m S e ONE 0F THE very pleasani 'liingu about Christmas ltis e es- ciangeof greetissg cords. Tise dailv quota ut mail iringssSvilh i acquaintances renewe~d onty ai ise Chrisimos season sourd ut f etendu made oser tise years but long since separaled frues aur carrent woriti, a cribisiet prom- ise la vsit during tise isolidays or perisapu jui oagay greetine. e GETTING A CHRISTMAS 4ree alsays ioldu a measure of ns- oltensent. 'm airaid fise day may camne wben hose arlifioial 'res may yeltoke oser tise place ut praminence accordd tise tren in myou homes. But hefore il dues Ins isappy theres o place suiere is possible lao go and cul yoor oron 'reettistoultishe furtive seor- cises oi ynors ago. Tisen tise oui- ing inctuded fiai ontv tocating a suitable irne bot finding an ogree- able farmer or hi jacking one oser o fence ils sonne agiltty and speed. e JUST BECAUSE itlu ishe Cisistmasseoson t sympatisize suils tise policeman urio mut do his isestIolugeltheisc"Santa Claus" sîhlo "celehrýatect" (?) ýtua soun., home taoiis ciidren; tise notifi- cation of tise nest aife iolloseing higisway accidents; a Chistismas dinner for hose 'of nu tised ad- dreus"; square away -fisc famity troublle 1I'tiat develops after ai drinking paely and proaily spenti part ai tise day aseay frons is osen am'ityta affard tise pro- tection ai Christmas tisai sue att camne -ta epeet f rom every police- e ITS A BUSY lime ai .%,ar in tiseisome and on tisc iigisway bui isopaifuttyil siouldeýt bc sueis a busy ime chtisa liere are noaimo- ments tait for safety. In lise home and on tise iighway take an etra moment lu ibc safe. Tise Christ- mus tree sot propcrty cared for con iecome a significani fire risk jui as 'lie driver itao mises ai- cobol and igasoimneauis azardous on 'tiseiigismay. Let% ail cani- isole our sisare buvard salety. e AT THIS POINT utrssritirsg tise arrivat of snow seemu a itte talte but ils possible aur world may be bathed in whitie for lise Christmas scason. Ris une ai ibose thiings tisai most i ii hope for le limiled fot-n. Tan mach eue dispiace maay 'ioiday plans but we rnally need a litttc ta set aise almosptsere. e BUT JUST BEFORE I1iit tise final keys on ibis meeks cutacon I suant 10 express a sincere good misis for a inenChristmas oift-l lowusip. pleasant canspany, a goad dinner. pinasani conversa- tion suis ifriends and famniîy anti an appreolaton of lise troc mecan- ing ai Iis annuat celebrattion. Mari-v Christmas f rom mnvsc-lf and ail lise aisers iere ai lise Champ- ion ta yau readers sebom wse seck ta serve 32 seceku ai 'Ciscyear. Are you aile out lose bleds s-lsu eues arooed te a ýperpeluai grumas ai tis time aifs'eue? Wisniier wu likc il or eut, tise celabration oi Chritmas 'bas ciaeged drasticai- ly in tiesetut eecra tiol ses. Maay peuple reset Iis and regret il. Tisey fuee tta com- mertiatism bas laken oser tise festine seaou, tisaitishe truc meaaeig af Chrismas isas becs smaihered te a uriri ai lectron- les and ginsmiciry. ai advertis- ing and nuise and vulgarily and pure grecd. I dont agren. Admniteud, Chistismas is nu lang- er a simple observance aifte 'blts ai Christ, te a comptex anti neurolie oye. il bas become comn- ptes and neurotie. Physieatty. Cise isoliday is e*iaustieg, and inueci- aliy il 'lu crlppling. But itu a litie tua glus. and ccrlainly naine. lu suggest tisaI lise spirit ai Christmas isas becs 'tout. Certaintsv, Satnta Claus atîd Ru- dolpis arc pague igures. Certaitn- ly somne outhtie Chisismas sangs are naoseating. Cerlaints. monT Ciristians are utter gluttues ut tht uscaon. Certuinîn muesvoi tise decorattons aîsd cards aed tilts arc inlise poorest tasle. But liese are oely tîtateriai tltiegs, tise aster trappingu ut tise great festival. Beneatis tises pautis robes,.te bhus ai Chsristmsas -tise grand oid car- uts, flite sisiple, enthratting tuey - are os sruef os ever. Anti tlisegreut iearî ai Christmas - flisetrut] desit e for peace anti gantisili - beats as ssaîttsy os Broo-ntes anti Cubu go carotling lau homes for lise aged. Service clubs anti ciurcis groupu and sua- ssn's organzatians hustite arounti 'tits boues oi ciseer tuertise sick andthie poor. Ff emeanad legion- noires repaie tuys anti mrap gis for ueder-privilcged ciildeen. Alîsosi esei-'onee. boss ecr *emporai-y il may be, begies ta glose mus o genuine desire ta gise, la love, tu be une ai a great isumon feitosuship. No dont ati me tise truc spirit ai Chistasa s cisaippear-ing. Cotse. nomv, ail you Scroo.ges. Admit il. You ejoy giving as Çhristmas. even thougis you grons- tile a bit, anti eestisoags yu hase ta do mitisaut tiingu yoor- unit. Until test Jonc. Anti une ufthtie great tiings about Christmas, lis eilChrist- mas. is r'tisihie gishat rei-l iv count dont bave Ca be mwrap- peti, anti dont rosi a cent. Whal finer git can -n gise our citdren tison Ciscteoeing aifCisc lonety cao-us, the ieliing ai tise t'hriiiing stury? Anti suiai grealer guIftcon tisey gise us -tisn tise tank ai woadei- anti detigisiin -tisir cycu f Titeiof al tise otiser incom- parable girls fui- miicli ao charge accîunt or credit cart isl involneti: An invitatilonîtluAunt Marlisa ta spenti Chriistmsas Day sous 'cOu. esen tisougi s ses 86, ceai as a stun. bebahs ike aI Hottentot, anti alsay carie a crock ta ber porse. Asuai-tiisetite refoi-yue tas- bond os Chistsmas nsornîng. asdtihie beari-felsmatemnent that %,ou aissas HAVE lketi Chrisimas tes Icnîtng ail a 45- tiagrena tngle. A store sstile fr or st uit ie tit Chistsmas moreing, andthie Ici- sent ramai-k tisai ses neye rloai- cd tontie, evnceougie i sereserist- hies a aeiitploiliussrni-lelite Cri- tncait Wai-. A simple annuonceniesi ifront viait- sife on Chrirtmas mare- ieg,le tise tuenetictis 'eai- ut youoemart-lge, suben your kitis arci-e e iigi scshool or cotiege Cousmisot. dear. We're goieg tu hase a baby.' A sincre. syttîptteti phiotne calt la uai- niglibor on Chtrist- mas morntng, oshen Yoo discoser- tisai is met-lame dlspio', cia- ioi-ieg Santa Clous andthie Sese Do-aris bas blaon dusse le tise nigbt. leleruperseti, ai course. sitil a iew jolis' "Ho! Ho! hu" in ties pilit tiescasue. Thes are tise gits tisai gise meai jus. suhtisr voure givief or reccevieg. i sou tavetise truc upilit fChitmeas. Nsîss soait a minute. Due't reus aii ta tise stores sitis yourscvifn'.s mink ulule or your kitis luys. Jui n case .... DowN(s) IN THIS CORNER WITH ROY DOWNS on iaizig ficetutalcust ohalifle leitserc eenas ooguanfic ITS ALMOST ClîîiistUîîas. otier packages tiot have becit uiceis ncs'cr lisuttîci-e int Aia'iu'.Aistots - buLui't itablise bouse anti suit- badiy as or Chîristmtas 1finie. uile. dashtîîg ali in ftle Su liic-i-sc u ide c 05111 îuse ta utti ai Asi blite sIoen ries. 'I len ens cteukitig ua i pl'y f ta <uti ut sand a ltn ioi tsec-duo-s sy onss-vc-itigquestionis ai goo ics lor al th "clii3zlly c0lleJaiuav . j lig cash î'ugistel' ds usit tht cs exectudl~. ~cAsthe Oilietii'ii. Ty ai-c 'g[ram tiretiecet anti suc Asi tise avei-age lattet'. Chtrist tuas s pranlicoltu liieandtilic itou doncuerv itileleoui- iloie ot ait i ail its git htiuug. lies lann Stnta's espeste toia nae beneatis lise re andiil seemu ta tee Chlitimvtîs 'i isfeser gel tte" Ask l i uîeiaitls. Tueur tii- PEEKING INTO MILTQN'S PAST THE 164th SATTALION'S olficers are shown hem n sisal taken during the eariy part of the century. Anc 24 ollîceru ta the group, thase known inciode Geojge Bliy Gallagher, Stewart Robertson, Mr. WlkinsonF ran and Steve Regan. Know.any more? Bilt Cross ofMilton the photo. haustion caustrd iy cuienCteci storc AsI lliiiiiiiisiei'. lecs aîtîc.îîi huetieneti ioîesillui .n cîitleus r'oundi ai Suîîdoy Scisoot concerts anti fsgcatis anticandtliligt sst' vices, ta sas vnottting oaitise gilît teas anti auiiary vain meetings ted sisiing sisal-les, anti nous tesh usonticin saisen eu tutndtiutai sit douve andti hini oui bis Christ- lias scriions 10 ise lcl tcti dlita an Soîtti o ninig. Asi kaisybutis. litirytlIelîtij Chî-ritmas lu attîtosi 'ieîe. Regard- eus aifsotetiser ait prnparaiîîus are miade,A aitnrds îddtîc usctiii- niaileti. joui oui itybatiy ....uant ratal itiots. -1 1c1tes l] cil%t:s]IV cii.i-suImi.î s its iisci ec. Ils î tCeuiug flit cotets tauîrtîîoiteiyonruorîct uniîîîîiie c ayr. fil i iffinoli lu : 4 descrîbe a.uiotaiî, biat il luut miturofai us'aisistai-i, ot boppuies anti trieetistip. - Lets cati h 'tise Chistreas dpir-t -andi 'Spe.tisat i s uiareti by att 1 a na men, everymiscre. long tise 'AndtitA athflc icoters ai Siltt, Iaomis)inleThsis Coetter, nîay 'lite in Cross Cbriuîmas Spiei presade yoor m toaned homte anti bringu you lte isappiest Etitior-inisin -- t;. A. [tilts NessELîiltie - Euin E.Duwss Ptisllslceers Wntiîusda.vatai191 Main Si.. Milton. Oni. Metîiser oi tise C.W.N.A.. lie Ontorio-Qaeben Disioln C.W.N.A. anti Caîtiaîsi Comutttnîily Neusupapers Repre- seuiailrs Sthbst.i-iiiitis payable le adi- uatit., $4.11 intaCantada; $7.00 le al noua- lies alter usaitCanada. 4« .aia~ M.itt,g Fîdtorr--taàntes A. [titis Aulonitisitig Mattage-- lHsdePalier Adiulisutîr uis accepiet tititise nondition iiii tir centtor .a upogeopisicat cri-ar tii pourtitn ol tise .îdsei-isiiig space oc- cipti bu itee u'î'îîîeoîîsitemî. lugether tutirsithal attttae.etoi- signalai-e, %il orrt is, cisrtedti lii. bai lise balance ui tht aduantîsemnnlui-tiISe paidti tiea tue ,applicablec iaie. "Inte seîni t a à pgrapical cri-ar ad unriiing gonds ni- services rah e reng pitee. gooîis ur siruines mon eut 5e tutti. Atiteriinius sterein ouiofier otunit lanti inay bc uitistrawe ai any ime.' Aoiisorized as Second Clai Mail by Lhc Put Officc Department, Ottawa =THE GOOD OLD DAYS GLANCING BACK TO 20 YEARS AGO Takuin froan the files of thie Can- adian Champion, Dec. 20, 1945. At tise cauncil meeting on Mon- day evening. Counecitor Rush ie- quired if councilimou wiiiing ta seil a bsuilding ut tise tennis court toa tisi rganizalion. The tennis cluib proposed turaief tise court and building over ta the Boardt ot Trude during tihe min- ter monîhs for tistr use as a skating rink lur ehitdren. If a lr for tise tennis ctub ta send a represerrtative ta tise rengul meeting on Januory 4 eiti the. praposat. Mitonevoters ment ta the potio an Munday ta elect twoeaouneii- tors wisen four qualified for tise iwsscats miicis mere flot filied ai tise firsi nomination. Victor Norris beaded tise polis mitis 237 andi Harold Whewell polieti 217, ta take second place. Milton arena went oui utl tise woot business and back la its ot. iginal use for whicti il was in. iended ibis week. Firut kateg of the seasue was an Monday nigisi, and Tunsday eight tihe tiret hockey practîce mas -ielti. It looks as if Milton arema woald ring again tbis yeart thie cisees of hockey fans. Tise Milton Brancisaf tise Canudian Legion i s sponsori'ng tise Intermediate aod Junior entries in OHA. An tcy o-lnd and 010w covereti ground in Gage Park. Brampauon, didn't chut tihe entisusiases of isandredu gaihernd ta ment tise LornenSeuls misen tisey came hanse Monday. Tise regimeet. misicis boasis of isaving unrved in every country tise war ioucised, tîrsi weet averseas ln Januaey. 1940. Coi. Louis Kenne lis been admieitralting ofulcer since Visa ourisreak aofVise war. Major Stew- art Beatty was te charge of tise group tisai arriveti on Monday. GLANCING BACK TO 50 YEARS AGO The Spirit of Christaus . Everymisere tise chistdren are iaugising, leeble cry by a isuadred million mare and eyns sparkliiag mus excitemeni or closed ta malttply tise ansmer by ina ta geltishe decibel sleep dreaming of tise bouniies tisey know of mont antisai other morîti. How matis do will corne ta ail good chistdren ...tise cbild- me bear ta ibis tillie iesulated morîti aI Ours? ren of our litile moriti. And heariageea lainily, do me need? Andth ie teenager, autgrown ot Santa How allen do me looisai our cbildren Clous and ail tisai jazz, secretiy monders il asleep te ibeir bedu andi fait ta une ibraugis bis misguided parents wiii read andti Ol5y thym a lonely manger mush a bed of boy. bis tacet craving for a scooter, perisapu. or We look aitishe calareti ligisis on our Christ- skis, or sports cor, or eveaiag gama, 0f mas tren and loti ta see, ibraugistisem, tise ciseque ta well-rounded numberu . . . glartous galoof af stars misici ssione intahie Tise sopisisticateti adulis assume tise cas- Heaenas an tisatinter's aigitsias long ago. iamary doa't-botber-about-me posture . . ' Wbo amasg us con deay tise tog ai tise but eut lot beneati tise surface hope tisai iseari me felentmiea me spot a ragged, siiver- tisey'tl be sbowered by ail maner of gis. iag litte figure mus bhis or ber nase presseti Not. miad you, because of aey avarice, but tigistly on tise breaibîfrosted intadw of a because it latters and ai leasi mameatartty store? Tise bitte lug ai tiseiseari yaa lent imbues a sease of importance,.u is e irue Spiriti afChistsmas iryiag ta farce n ibis itte marîiof ours tise gay ligis us mof tata a busy, madern warld oace on tise streets are reflectiig clear evidence mare. of tise season. There is a hsappy, bastling spirit af gaod lellawsip-ithie air and sîrang- Tise Spirit ai giviegl Naitishe giuing of ers are surprtsed ta liad a cheery umite n.at eriat thiagu tisait out so matis, but tise daesa't toutaytising. fat briagu worm dlvi- giag ai love, of contera tomard tise shariag dendu. aifiappiaess is aller ail tise mout preciaus Tise well-loved Christmas tarots are heard gitme ta heston and tise oaaemisicisots agata mush tieir Yuietidle mnessage anti evea sa0 utile and briags u scis oaderlul dividieadu. tise pre-occupted basin eus iea of ibis litte Tise sisorîng of love and isappines s wortd oi ours are surpr ised Iota iad îiem- otisers is a rare prinîtege me sisould be proud selues isumnîîag those mell-kaome isymes. tIom w s ours. And ai misai beiter urne Tisera are tiese meils of Christmastact - aifaut tacait me start malieg use ai ibis pria- tise gloriaus araia of tise Christmas pudding, ilege tisaiidi Christas misea thaugisis tara tise delîgisilul steat of fruit-cake, sisortbread ta tise Heaveas anti me are assured tisatint and cookies, tise saow-lresi sumell af piniise eyes of Cati. ail mea are equal? seadies and tisa Christmas irec. Resalue nttlusiire your isuppînesu ail But soîttamisare tantisai otiser morîti a ycar round miithoiisnrs, sacuta in tise kaow- chil i s cryiag. Samemisere outuide lise world tede ntisaiBob Craicii, bis mile and Tiaf of abondante ibere is no tînsel mrapptaig, no Tins mii live agate, as once store arauad crauieg keyoed a trust of bread ta staf tisa tise orld eciso ihose moaderlul mords - hangar for aust one mare day. Aaîplily ibis Marry Christmsas. one Solitury lite... ' Hem uis a tan misa mas born anonb- scura village, tisa cititi a apeasal martaut. Ha grem up ta a carpeaier sbap ueiutHa mas thiîriy anti tisea foetiree fears He mas an iinaranti preaciser. Ha neyer mraie a boaok. He neuer setti an office. He nuar ornaed a boite. He naver baC a flaîuy. He neyer matîtinoattlege H e never putriistfoot iasiti a lbi3gtiy. Haeitavar ravetted 20f0rmilas troutu lise plate misere He mas bore. Ha lever titi one af tise thinsiatisiusualif atcompany greainas He a stino credantitatubut Himul. H ad sati oiing ta do ils ibis mariti eacapi tisa naisetiPower ai His divinaearatîhoati. "Whtte st a youag mtantt tie uaof paputar opinion toracti againsi Hiet. His Iriendu ran amaf. One of tisent deaieti Hit. Ha mas turasti over ta His encnits. Ha ment ilrougli tisa uocisary ai a trial. He mas îîait- cd te a cross betmeeîî mu ihieucu. Hus ns- aculoîtutrs gatibtet loi-flite anîf pince of praparif He a sa n artsrthismsle Se mou dying -anrd liti as Hus toal. Whaa He mas deati, Ha mas toait tamis antilaid un a isarrometi grava ibroug thlie puty ai a fient. "Niritalnt mi eentuies bave cinte anJ gytîr, anrd ioday Ha s fttc cartrapueca offtica ItuIIttaitrace antiflin leadar oaicusacaousîs ai pragresu. tI aut i mtîtu irtit ank mtî aîti ofta il flica unuincs tl a tvfr tuariteti, aîtd ait tisa avuas ilitiver mere bisti, antiall tise parliamntat at aver soi, anti althie kiagu tisai aver reugneet put logetiser have not aI- lacindtiha Ife of mon upon ibis earti s a pomcriutly as liatoutisiOaa Soltiary Lita." Taken f ront the files of the. Can- adian Champion, Dec. 23, 1915. Accordieg ta arders fromn mil- ita icadquarlcrs, autisority hou heen granled tisai 50 per cenetoI eacls Canadian nnpedtioeary force un ilbe grantnd Chistsmas cave t ramlise nigst ai tise 23rd int.Io tahie niglisi ai lie 271h, and 50 per cent tram tise nighsi ar lie 0tis tu tise niUist ai January 3rti. TItis witi gise four days lu nacis offticer and mon ai bis home. The prisiiege oilbe restricted ta, sueli conducled and descrving About 2 p.m. an Sondas, a lire broke ont in J. C. Beils fluor and feed store, in tise row ai mooden buildings on Main St., opposite tise Bank of Hamilton. Before tlie b 'rigade reacisnd tise spot and turned on fisc mater, lise buildieg, wii eiseendeti a long way toth ierenar. was in a blaze. T. D. Homes garage on lise seult and bis maving pinture tise- oter. tise Princesu, an tlise ou, were soon on fire and le urpile ai attllisat coatd ibe done, tise fim- es wonked into, E. F. Eart's tn sisop. Attltisese mare desltroyed. Tise cause aiflise ire lu unknoset. Losi Thuruday evening, Duncan Campbsell, marden aoflise eaunty ai Hation, isaving practicatly compleled lits teere faoffice, en- lertainet ert tise Holel McGib- bon, bis feltoso memberu aifCisc caunly coancit and ofiser friendu. Towartis tise enti of lie evenng, tise warden, ain bahaif of lise couecil, prcscnled William Pon- ton mush a leotiser snotnd easy cisair for hiiseif and o rocker la match fui- Mrs. Ponton, ta mark lise curapltiun ai 50 years ai service as conty clnrk. Tise suarden expressed tise sincere tsaeks o ailtthie councit. GLANCING BACK TO 100 VEARS AGO Taken froa tise filet ofthlIe Caît- atilan Champion, Dec. 21, 1863. Thte Couels Couecil met te December 12 pursuuottIotad ouorement. Tise miuotes% aith aîsi meeting suere rcatiaendcotn- tiret. Me. Hoot iinoveti. second- etib 'ivMe. Clan, tisailise suai-ten s, bei-de5 instructet Iotaprocure 50 coi-du ai woad for tie se oa tise court boome andtihie jail. Tise Fenians are comlng ta gri-lainle retanti. Laby, tise pois- lieaiflise Fenian rnspaper, TisehI-is Peuple, bau beneun- tencedti lu21 nearu' imprisonment. Maure. tise pie maker, gels 10 seules anti anuiber namet OLea- t'y gets 20 vears. Tisere are nom 20,I00Britishs regolaru le Irelanti. Wc a'te happy lu annoone bhat W. D. Lvon Esquire hou bee igain cleciti M aar aiMilton, sithoul opposition. Aceuî'dîng ta tise annouece- ment, a meeting ai tise sisare- hldtiru of 'Milton Peiroînurn Ca. usas consenet inl the tome bail on Montiay ' nsning oh atout mek tuorlite purpose ut ciecling dii-- ecelui-santifotoi-atier business. Tise fulitieg gentlemen mere ap- poinitedtirustees: Messrs. MeRle- tiseyu W. 'D. Unon, Johsn Dewar, John White M.P.P., Johne Nation, Robert 'Mathesan, S. Ceeter, R. L. Whnle anti James McGuffin. Tisese direlors sonre authoriet ta pelilion for incorporation as soun ousncsuary conditions ai-e complieti mil. A large number ai sharaisolders suecprnsen t anti contsitirabte ini-nul mwas displayeti. Tise sar- ns laken nom amroui tu 5o1,650. A meeting lu colteti for Fiiday as- eneig nexi aitishe usuat place anti houor. LETrS PLAY BRIDGE--I By BigI Coata Tît gise tise pponents o trick inasuit.soulte Vuntliane a Iigis crid inth l e suit, gues against the grain ut moul beidige plavers. Hoss- eser. thiis lu aielise nasinst seav Iotam.kc a contraci. Yuîs gise titi a t-iciksobile yoo hase cîttol ai tise tond. Tise pl'ay lu caliet aI 'dueking' play. A gtîuutesatepte ai titis oceut'- nidl ast tonds aI a tioplictut bîritige gaine le Toronto. Ms tuile anti I iaicttindth ie Itanti aitdi ieclarer senttdame ta de- tiît, ti ecause aifsebat sue titi blais attesault vtIlideebtene Hue arc etise Ilaîîts. Dialci - West. Northt - Stotthl ii îeiabte. Not S-K J 6 H1-A K 10 7 J D-4 C-A K 8 West Eaat S- 14 2 S-10 7 H-5 4 1--09 6 O-KQJI10J32 0-fi5 C5 C-QJ 10963J2 Southt S-A 98 53 li-J 8 2 11-A 9 7 C-T 4 Ilie isdilief West Nortis Rant Southi il>) tibia Fos 4S fos 4 NI' os 5 H r,îss 6s AitFos 'l',kîng atisage ai thenuîîltîer- aisilit '.,îîy site opettedth ie bit- dingiiui th iîen tilaitiotitis, ist Nui Ii - Souttit ssce iaituisbcîle- îîied andti iev reacheti an excel- lent %aian ispades. West ted ber singleîtn club, oiîpn-g 'for o quici i-ail la order ta set tise contrant. Tise leoti, Itosceser. gave tieciarer a goati chsane lu aie bis stan. Tise niius as us-ouit idummy anti a ,sîaîti led tatlise ac. A secondt spaîde Iiad usas natie antd a soc- nessiai mensse biaen is daîneun. Tîte spate in g remasvet Wesl's laîsitî'romp. Deciai-ci- piaveti 'tie lcaraî ce, utsin lisoe lsere usas a single- to utt îecîtai-tit etisuneasiere, luit ti 'lis ., snlt te case. At tis pitdenlatîni-%uent aulrîv. ttî aidestetaI.ke lise linon tfin- esscwitiîtlss'ulti hase gîsen Mnail 1the Iriekus, be led o dia- tîtu etitate ac andttriedth ie liort itasse. Thsis tout ta Easl's qîteen. .îndtiEasi qainkis led a dia- iîpîtu t aaIt e cuonttby t sýtr îis. Hast' stiattiddeularer 'lane pro- neetiet? Aller lakiîîg tise linont ann. ticlarer shottitisiîtplv liave led a tous' ctanrom dtinns. Eaîst cnît 1111 is tseaei qicen but n0 ncaîtnat defaaihe lsarn.Dec- ami- con stît a diantoîs ti clr i-it is ac and discard tus'u dia- trteîtîs an dtiiîny*s long Ilinos. iîî ail. danlarer laies fisc ,,rades. loir- tuOns. otie tituisoat andîti on clubs ter a total ai 12 triks. i ast ssck'su ssînters su-re. t-ut. Bill HtamiltonviiandtiHanru Fi-ast; ,secondi, Cant Sinclair anti Bob ftieisîî;tt: itîlît.Lau Berlabssn aîîini-Ms. K. Coates. s«9«a' ad< SO& 00 BY BILL SMILEY Th'e Ciadiffn Champkèift Publl8bed by the Dillu Prhnitng and Pabllahlng Co. Ltd. QUOTE 0F THE WEEK " God Bleus us every one," saîd Tiny Tim, the Iast of ail. -Charles Dickens Fromi "A Christmas Carat" J leir as V'rc and ICI-- ex-

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