THE ANNUAL CHRISTMAS TEAS are being held again iis geai ai Halton Couuty tMuseum lu the Kelso Conservation Aiea, daily truai 2 to 5.30 p.m. util Dec. 23. At a board reception last week, the hords bookkeeper Jan Denison anti Museum secretary Mrs. rIo Brittain serueut re- trestumenis 10 usitoîs Mis. Blanche Field, Mis. J. A. Mine and Mis. John Etlot. Vol. 06.NAM, 33 Uht ëauabi'au ïkampîou MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22ncd. 1965 Third Section. 1 __ K Civ us, Lord, a bitasun Our daily trea aand a spo'utter; G ve us health, aur keep ta make, An'a bit ta spare for others' ae AdGive us, too, a bit of sang Ada tale and a book ta help us along. Give us, Lord, a chance ta be Our oodly best, brave wise and f ree, Our goodly best for aurseif, andi athers, Til ail men learn ta live as brathers." An Olci English Prayer MAY YîOUR CHRISTMAS BE JOYFUL AND THE NEW YEAR PROSPEROUS LUCKY DOLLAR MARKET C A M PB EL L VILLE ADMIRING A VELOCIPEDE lihati old-fashiound talk foi "bicycle") ai the Haltou Maseum ut elso aie Nassaqjaweya's Museum Board member John Milue, Bsquusiug coucsillor George Cur- e, Aclue Ceeue H. H. Hîion aund Esquesîng board ievîber BenCase. They wmm arioug about 80 oltîcials aud guestis who gathnrnd thein othe lu Pai ds autieul Chtristmas iecepiiou Wed- nesday ot last meuh, ta enuoy teoaud a buftet lunch in the îoîtîc sîuiîg ot the Museum. THE FESTIVE FAMILY TREAT FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON Sprjokie il wliii. niîcg.. serve let pariy glaises, Iinily uand (riennîli ili elitoy tiiis dîicin.în iairy dilIîk. Order a few quartsnonw for holiday enierialiling ORDER FROM YOUR ROUTE SALESMAN OR CALL 878-9971 MILTON DAI R Y 16 MARTIN ST. AN ANTIQUE DOLI COLLECTION, a Christmnas tien decaîated ustth hotu tiioe oluarnents in the style of the pioneers, andi other remntders of Hltou s paît mure teatared Weduesduy wheu Haltou Museum Board held its Christmas reception. Board secretaîg uns Andrews, weaitug au old-tashioued qelts soit, andlci l its îlvBiilarie slowni lagthe tie mtih the dolis. NALTON COUNTY MUSEUM BOARD slaged ilis aîttal CristiîsileiePiioti loirtîod iciibers, coatty cooncillors. Haltoît Regîcu Cotnservation Autlîoîîtg tîetîtersio ttet guests lu thce îîîîumîî Weduesday aftciioott and eveuîug oI lait wcok. Gueits saîivcd s-a antd itocri u'vtillus - ita piotciretaitiosphere, sorîouunddby antîitque îe îtîîîders oftftic. soiîîuy s ast, Mrv. P. W. Cooltu s showit poouinta toi H.R.C A. îtaitutati RiltlShîimood atîri Mîîvcîîîî od chotiitati tester Whiting, mhîln Museutm Cutator H. J. Newmîanî tooks ont aitigîti. N<1VI-1. IDI:A Nuit-lit ho,î1 andtut usiton ou i itiic iiiiiitiig suth pus. t iii11attitktg %sets ut. liuuis Sttttt aiputýhe- ,i\ ui.tttliutiii gitu coi- ois tuiike ituliçpt esets ibat î, i l ut t t Itle s iti uit the kit. tlhin. Wliett Mie î-îîuteivisdry, Lb ccijr in litaige easy-tu- ca elits ilt acitttlsilttg col- 01 'lhuranî ttitult gl sili lulluie ic suitttyexpert tualal ic1, ltcihbotv uund ftcni t 1rîî wîsh o 't MLCRY sHIIIStiM Vt anîd HAPPY NEW YEAR lm BT RAINEY EFFECTIVE MONDAY, JAN. 3 the new location of thîe MILTON MUNICIPAL OFFICES WILL BE 14 MARTIN ST. farmerly occupied by Milton Pharmacy) HALTON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL CARE PLAN PAYS l it Ai S., ii il pralilis lmdvidî.aInr IEmployer (..îîups * I)clors' Caits Paid Front niay £Droit ai anc limne of the 1111.0 Visit velu. Il Couchî[ieois R1IvlSl.ID RATEÎS li A acsbciiis' s ci.uicà Monihly -$5.75 Single li X-ravssMontiblu -1150 Couple * Mi Mat,. lcua NMuntblu -11 Family Payable Quarlçriy or Yearly II O rinI' MEDCAL SE1RVIES 143 Main Siree Boxs 474. Milton - Dial 878-9712 i'lvasc widsetiu-i. ina ilt. tNo obligationt. Naine .......... Adturessu.................... il Museum Bd. Christmas Reception HeId in OId m Fashioned Setting A rnariung liecrstiklcsinluflic criievsi--iltiiigelse esiiaili Matiriti J.Newinuan Cialii, Lestii hîtitiîltlîîll SSil5 shi ipescntcd Christmas Soelis-place Cutte1 gtoîedtque as rntseurn boar d mtb ers "elilet ed Ilie guesiv and iljitta îMuseumn Board liait itau, valut lie. gis tiDLGitîl Aexander, fooGth and decorateutfite te;a ta1ls. Aountv cooncitiors. osevondtci t Hauin Warden Herb Meri y lad huped the museunt sould bel generation ofi Aexanders to live Ctiistas ee u. one usauh1 i ttcasan tafuou akul trmer chai rtuauut ble lu negotiate uititthe Steam rinthe1tarm , nd to bis cousin Bi dcorated siih paperir i -s itu geîl unjyd earnnutiti M es ki 1"- ciu st. Mr. Me rrv re E ra organization for a joint vsexn: trwohe ih-io sirung poporuanicibaud-made Museum Board Christimai, recep- i-heu vdI iiii'heelbarn toksui-wheu turc ai -he Ketso site. but the nJtil Tborsday. ece. 23, Cisc paper ~ ~ ~ i felc101 n h otd-fasi oueut sur- (--it ttiucittitrs Jack Mitne. tuttks sure not compteted ye. He Museum bas been open daity freen Ptîe Cthristmas truce uta urii- routuditu-gs of hundt-eds ot mus-'At cite Set vite ant Witt Bird caine estendeut appreciaton tu att . or 2 o,' 5.30 iii se rve Christmnas tean tottttrdcd bu ti-tureits gît-tu, heier cucihits. Luc i itas 't tu iii csuis biiir cituperatiîn. tiivi sito s. cd ci ierebu i. ichtas- ii- uests etjoyeut the terlesi set- iug or a tueum site. ctuding antiqu dolis, a dott lied. fini, as t-hey took unme ouitItoni Whait u a couchaitlxiha es stitiller, ike aInti cîudle ait close lie hostIe-hostie ut ýthe vote sea- tuirucd itutuiu pal ace of istu iv o 10 cars oid. Vnsoit relus aud tefleci on the! and amuseuitoutart," hui csat i Sund like a piotncert Citistinas ioncer utus in Haituuu. cu. Litokiigtc, lfu'lsttuebe almosptterc? Il %Vas. suggested il the Museum Bard Amîdot Antiques In RuleBriksa tuc rireunlv The scene sas Haltoit Counts During -the Litecritott1u sueta i- u,ýt e% utus-ars as il bas in tbe Museum a large converied barn ihe uigiaries spoke ut the yetr -ptsi lotnt or 1ite, "We uîtt have, oitihe ýDoit Aeander homesiead -nous drawving Itua cs and prais- nto ft tt ihe hesi, but THEnievit ai Keiso Conservation Area. Wed- cd the Museum Biord for tisvletaseom n Orie ,riHe suigst uevday ut at ieek. Wite the suorh to date un tashiouing a mu- eutflite board uîemhers were the ut tueffli guestv. the rL-irestu- scut for the cîoutu lu the rutit. mosi cntbusiastic ttc bad ever en-i ninsand the chaier sas mod-i hait overtookeut Gien Eden Lake. counîcreut s