86 The Canadien Champion, Wednesday, Dec. 22nd, 1965 Esquesing Voters Agai Second Time Within Thi Tomorrow (Thursday), Esque eund t fieby clma sing ratepayers w il mark balttin for the second tîme within ûhee e s h u bard trustees weeks. This ime they wif t vote isere also refurned 'by acclama- to eleet one sehoof board trîs- tjiiî when a thlird named, jncum- tee fromn a siate of four candid- bent Mis. Robert Armstrong, ates named at a second nomna- decljned tu rîîn for office. tion meeting Thursday ot tasi An cciton N'as field f0 vote l'or wveek. thtee oi tour- candidates for, Seeking une seat sîn scfîoot coîîiti. Elected icete i ncum- board are Dr. C. A. Thaîtpsotî, [le,,t G~ eu (tt 11(1tewtfttctiii Juliani Rend, James Ilfseone atnd Andy Stuil. Att foir- mes qutli- fted ait the concfusion of mmmcmio mination meeting svich abou 0H ld à r ship municipal building. U t f f Other Poste FiIIed 1r t fO f During the firsi nomiain 1-rgarsoendffc lusf meeting fheld lu naintecaddtslaebe andfoth wk for the positions, ut reeve, dep- atdt11-tesuekttatiis. e uly.reeve, council uand schiiot ivîtl i a\l:a ciaîîee tui js he' board, reeve George Leslie ati-tCht istnîas aid Nets Year's tioti-ý depuly-reeve Wilrid Lesite su etc1dat eau ST. LAWRENCE FRUIT and GROCERY STORE CHECK LAST WEEK'S AD FOR SPECIALS - STILL EFFECTIVE GRADE 'A' LARGE EGGS 3 doz. $1 COCODANUITS - - - - 19c- each in at Poils HolyRôsary Parush rdi nion Limited reeWeeks Reaches Quarter Million Dollars Objective ers Arhur Hti and F. C. (Pal) Ls h Falevo. nomen Wlir Ln- thn une year ugo the ut- ger ut Co-Operaturs Insurance As-' happenings and iniforim prospec- days of the Hoiy Rosary Credit f eriai weWtbeing, and suggesiedi hamtrsn mas umdefeaid ater Li- icers ot Hoiy Rosant' Parish Cre- surance AssociaItion; plus their fine menibers uft he advaniages ut Union and he mas lhanked bylthe Crdit Union mas "a splendid themuicpait fr 7 easri dit Union Lad. sel ihemuselves a ises and huard .members. the Credil Union movennent. Bob Clarke. Congratulatiions on instrument in obîaining a bellier f-e uncpaii fr17~uar. big objective and bega nwurking FPresictent Andrese K. Meeceban Asia inaugocaited in 1965 mcme behâuf of their organizalions were maleriai standard ot living." EalaSoke ontueir new goal-5250ý0f0 in as-cilatreu bed -îe and inroduced tbe Christmas savings acco-unis a"so espressed by Mr. Wolsey and Ai the Tfiursday nominationso sýyihenof1eth rnc. r.ýLMae. lasi week, cleck K. C. Lindsay selsb 'b 1ndc 965. the guesîs. He psinied oeil the flice family groopo lite insrac Mc aec.upypaie h f OPPOSITION was ebairm1an and each candidate Dis November 30, a fulli uonlb Hit' yRosart'.U. bad ihtIhruCUAad tealn fr-fiers and aIl veo helped keep ISeaside toup: I bave made up gave a brief spendb oeîling bis i'n- befître the deadtine.Ibe oflicersseat s clef, antI lisonty hdafull a charter figbi lu England and itte Credil Union opera-iing, point- Ymy md nul lu marry uniIi tentionis 10 quaiits for sebool breaihed a big sigîsoft relief and fitnte Manager Treasurer. Jutes con tinental Europe for nexi yeur. ngothiwaaprmex plcrears ailwoi yo- hotîd. tsatîpitv aluinnaicedfltisecuitalhausiFi*vicus, t ur une Set t luit Ille Stp ung moui bisa uvasaprmlu esampLine r "l n e vross av-eusm p beenircacheut .,isetsieuîf t!(reditl î, lh.. f 562.Mr.e alinaSt op uglit uit n sUltat igcati heeftie hs andet- p Nes : ie t c e 1l u utgli oneqoarter tiltliontdliairs! uuenli tis itndtonsfttc nelttit thu e fttttitI-ugt retsstidtgcu-pîtitiadtad Neai-Useit50 ttt Tusihaeflic altainmenuîof banqtict assois -touif ai $262.000. and congratulations frum Uhe Ont- ssork. Fathet Morphy saidt!fice nult tu tini ans* vdttttcuity in ario League and in a brief speech. cburcb usas nul only concerned meeting yuîur opposite. There g s Changes ibis goals'pèeial guesis. direelot s Fraises Board reninmedIhe importance of demo- witb tbe spiritual meti-heing ot arcelts0f s u okncee aed iheir mvises attendeel a coe e Hreviomed hum the group crýalie co-operulion us demon- ils parishioners, but aiso the mu- igirls domn here ibis season. i e Il u s bralion di nner ai the Caravan lorturtît ersîpraîed Sunda tuv.ter- slraied by credit unions. H m ie H u s Rest1aut-ant un Tuesday even iug of utuons troto tlie library rouum ci phazied the imporanceuof fuc- ssss ss-< a ns aasisa f Mlton Towvn Hall wvîl bu. clos- last seek. flie scluuol. but toutu e w accons- ther esternuil expansion of the u.ed on FridaY, Ducu.mbur 4, Christ- dtoonfi hrhpoetinnvmntuastls eel 'mas Day. Sundat", Deuembu.r 26 Many Ouests citiniits btusprpr nîtven.luaisls dv- andl Mcndav. December 27. Mon- Tîsere uvre 34 ici atienifauce, n 19163 ,iiiif s able teoîopenî Wedt cped and pooreru.ounitriu.southebu - iciteui offices uitl aise be closed ctuding the Rev Falhu.rJ.J.M Moi c a n p Sicat uteno s îuro ain lu pru.vu.nl fou- ¶~ '0 Ci Ihui.God oFrdt.December 31. Salaa' b.prs ret oîî alM cutaipsdiIts ur îs o ann igcfu Ws%- onFrdmgeerlmaagr f li ntlsersu of Manager-Treas- hlcd un the peuplu.s ut thu.svorId. i Januai i 1and Sunda.JaiiuarY 2 . en ert mninage tatesti*ti>i-et telieui iligentl ctiis tu- ',Keep misiving ahu. id bs imptu. Usual office bussiiou unuuc ncCei nonLaic Lee.Itaidui -tu iante uimillion taîget. ueetiuîg mure andbottu.r su.rvîu. 'utn Mondav, Junuact'. 3 Harkie. fosînîfler ,,aed iisi presi "lilIuitei ficu-esovurnmbsh hagd Th ak ntw ilb pnýEd Seatv-Jonec, retsreseeta tise (i ici s uandiie eeuciuit . îu flic lu'R usary officiaisru.mind-î > ~ e tomurroîs tTbursav toh10ie Ontario C. U. League nitus fs'1-alai ebe nioiet siiarc siii- -î,itetiii usit lhl a - î~hua u.m. tilt 3 ti..and trous 4.30 uotil district; Fred Wolsey. rapt eseeta cittiaiUiiiritgIf tiis seat'. tu îiu.cinîit m tirion asnuitacsa i wa staSges tee orac b pus. On Fridav. Decemnber 24 lise oftUAMt'ýt nuac ýs'ldi u n,ýs nApeito vsepesdb the Banks \%ultibe open from 10 Sociciv for tee ra. GosfHat'rtishai es anif îeîîîsîs iiiofi26.0(). -Jues Langedyk.CR SST IO a..until 3 pm. ontv. The Banks direciur ut public- relationlîts de- licCiefît Uvnion .ts al, îutîcsf Revtews Formation 1BILL C O S SERVICES A N t i ci .cld ail dayun 05pactmu.-iloutthe Onia i iiLcagiic. 111tiioti liii ieilS i.maainie i 'dir. fHarkine, ifouder andl-B RD S 8825 Moed.iv. Deccîîuter 27. ThursdatuxaamiFred Mssscc, uisý'tu iu.l eia (i.ittîo ikct'îî iiici-s tîsiedfucilii-si iresidvet. resiu. -d the earty R.R. 1, MILTON B RDCS 8825 Deuembue 30 ibev isili be upee n humn1 ta.iii. i oi 3p.m. and from 4.30 pIM iii titil 6 p.m. Frida. De- s a ciiuiia<'n s ass cemtîu.-r31 il îes sili hbcgee troni 10aii.uilit3jp.m.di Count BuidingTO The Hattut Couais Aefmieistrui- lioe Building wil]t bectused tiuinOUR9 1 itouit un Fridaui l 9 ans. o luessias, Decu.mliuer 28. tNiîfIat-' b led fsctituni 12 nuoue utsDe-. COMMUNITY cee'o 31 unitt 9 ait. uitMont- Nliti ostfoi tce tui6bc pen ut 6 p.s.unceFcudav. Decenîber' 24 andîî uvit opeti aganfeu1wîoitWITH BEST WISHES buiessusn MunîfasDecember 27 Iitu iiasuisias open toc busines FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON tîpnt. vue Newu Yea,-u sEsc e and ti 11bc open again toi busi- AND A VERY HAPPYr NEW Y EIIK Bl local uu. dainies report mut'! The Milton Brick Ca. Ltd.A 'c', b iiie uufsJ. T. BLUME, Pre.. andîî Mondiia\s0 uth ulb idav seek- end i tu ei o milk deisers \ ix'?acina a>Si caca>c»s Cliiituas Day or Nete Yeai s - Des-issoa-ie ee'nnu'- a .ganen HOLY ROSARY PARISI4 CREDIT UNION LTD. ci u-- I-ii ljuesis lid e dauuseer ai the CdacocîsRestaurant feesdiy ýct' uuuu oftlast wde1, -Io elci'iriî. e leCredit UsuoWus teai in uses- ieg ts ftest big eiesiouue orPui' e;e resolui oi esm'uissets. The Creiec sUnion bt 5the nem plateau on '-ov. 30 and effuituis theur mu ces and ocuieriulu-.s-'tî ted the occasion mu11 a due- ver. Sisceselookingq sersflsi uirier proqr i r rti" ruic's'eu Clt Uniouo rutuin gijeere iumanagier John Halluimaueluc,ue,us r ui ip:dlr, i.trici C 1 eA ,u-ruuîiutu.stu-u-CUIiA Mutualtnssr- auuu.efrcpressuuiucfred Wo,u.y, jid fl(eIy Roisiy l.u'lîlrudl lUnsionu îîsudent iAîdy Meectsau. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE MEMBERS AND FRIENDS OF HOLY ROSARY PARISH CRIEDIT UNION LTD. ON REACHING "1/4 MILLION DOLLARS IN ASSETS" BENEFITS Your Credit Union Memnbership Brings You " Shares - 41/ per cent dividend. * One-year Term Deposits 51/2% - (with interest quarterly) " Three-year term deposits 6?/o * Share savings and loans are lfe insured * Group or family life insurance available *Low cost loans *Christmas saving club . . . and many more! Holy Rosary Parisli Credit Union Ltd. Culminated Eigkt Years of Progress on Nov. 30 When it Reached a Milestone -- 1 /4 Million Dollars in Assets. Interested in More Information? CALL 878-3631 HoIy Rosary Parish Credit Union Ltd. fiuseîidie s -h liii ci f i tlic utlui about Ne%%, Yvas iotoast i limiiidfu.thi. %%ho lii puureef. sii %ii us saut. Tise riglis Iol 111A.ikc .1 uuu.u alut siiie faliii.iig 'Ii uil ici iîîîpNuîîieausi et-, mii.e i.ualiieicspotivcPer-s li îoîîluîîîk îîî. c lnstoiiacfi Ilici of a s moiteu.- .t Clad voices sing out . .. and glad wishes ring out as wn extend aur sincere greef- Jngs for a very n-erry Christmas to ail. VANO & PAUL BEAUTY SALON FASHION BEAUTY LOUNGE ER:NKNGURUSI g IN MILTONg DURING HOLIDAY SEASON m ALL CANADIAN BANKS g HAVE ANNOUNCEO THAT THEY MI WILL SATuRDAY, DECEMBER 25th M BE MaNDAY, DECEMBER 27th m SATURDAY, JANUARY It CLOSED) MONDAY, JANIJARY 3rdg PLEASE NOTE- That on the abeve Holiday Weekends Banksg 0 I CLOSE AT3 . O FRIDAYSg FRTECONVENIENCE OF CUSTOMERS ORTE Batnks wiIIh bc OPEN PROM 4.30 PM. TO 6 P.M.g ut ilc o IHURSDAYS, Deceisber 23rd aisulDetemsbet 101hg THIECHARTERED BANKSN MLN, Supreme Christmas Fruit Cake 4 Ibs. $1.89 LOIN PORK CHOPS PLUMP TURKEYS 79c lb. 39c and 45c lb.. Maple Leaf Decorated HAMS Ready ta Serve - 98c IL FREE ~ T V l' HN DELIvERyRY TVO' 87860,43 NASSAGAWEYA RESIDENTS: Many thanks for your solid support in electing me as Reeve for a third term. I wiII work hardler than ever to uphold sound goverfment for aur township. I wiIl continue to maintain policies for the benefit of the whole township and flot the pe- cuniary interest of individuals. May you aldit ftoy te Ciisfi thttdSedsoi)taddhave a Prosperous New Year. -- BILL COULTER Reinhart's Beverages 24 Tins $1.95 m . - - 1- -.. I..ý,-.àmokL ý - - a& mrm.. & 1. -ààý ý - .-A - --.- .. . --