"----.-" sThe Casadian Champos, Wednesday. Dec. 15th. 1965 Win Top, Posts in OakviIIe Upsts Allas Massas Retains Reeves Post Ward One Councillors Gains Seat on Cou ait SGEOFFREY DREW-BR UK Elerted ta Cooni North Oa-kville Trustees DENZtL LAWRENCE Returned to School Board Back for Two-Year Tares List 10 Commandments For Gun, Hunter Safety Th 0Cmmanti it. risn t1 ioî hi lticiii i tlsi bar ac ii;--,paît ar actp silc ici-e i-a a liaUcU gîta. Thisî i !li t(1 0) Sitidl ,altioi rîti il s. prinai-i .and, pilapi, tha miii D-ilitkittp. d'ciii a a-i rling the lt importa n t rata turalaituniluindi- loitt. IIIli-.te i in iut erai t toiais.ulam.itia.ndil itpait, [i- jd 12 B 1ralmur tai-gat b.hai, tii.Il sait drink %%aiit mlii blai-a i-an iqlcci- hetIsriigi- r ttuai ntii-avr hbci ci -tii h Tha ltintar shjdoitiri c aslic i antils Iliitlat a a î . a li A SCOTCH TREAT gaine)l h!ita liea1i rai. Nasat blItac îarvd homeîîîîîa e so tai ,ound., or itviciat ai -ijîl)aiiiip tau ieri iou tbe,-î lIt tile iîrsh. Joc k, ftet htîî i itatr. iaî ta- (3 )Never poîint la ;,oLat-ritP'citl'i ltiaifui,,, iltittan lhnyum i-a uca no t alit Ioii kl itîîî liait rcl-tt.r-ci atIlle ai- in, aru. Gansiai-a st oi ssand bhad lî. ît.llv îînliîgîpaid shiald sas-ai-tc pisîcd ai li ,fr aci iesîîcthevicsearauniloacicad. Tha aîtpîî iîilîir si.Ikuci (4) cam a gn su i lîîîIo îpiîi l ouaoid flipn tilia fiini. tBisale ini arîriusi f ltalc ta sbus ticîkettote. lmtr on io,[ie inuzztla avait ol ýI k tit lie î-coin, - i ip i haýtuntthiasortir ips. Sudcuas Ytîîisîtiitil iîshaelîtîlîci cd jari ýoiitiiincs tielasa tflitrij- tua iisr iiiiihli. Atm tittia tnul gar. Unlaîs lia huînier k nain tîtît\i ld hvliaiabcsfina." siliai-aflita nititila is pinicd. ha' orai îsîîîlîamas hca asrauit,, (5), Gans iluiait1isais bhain toddwiila lîîaî it i flfl ori\%lien ]tlot i se. Aionst .ioulie lc aatuIle(l- I[ tir 115 itaen cuiît Mienc\u ac Ciii checat iii saliogn halai-t- cnlariîîpcamîîp. Gtitis stîtild ha carried iina..s. ir ire hcîooliîîp hI) Mati- suretahrre] antd c ie)ait irc lar of obîsructionîs. Ili flicil uîîîi touîches [lia grositd or tîlitr objaci.tiss- a iîr heck lot obstructionîs. Rastia it andi prcadcIariis thua hablai-ali-' ii. Onu aitiiv ritititi nîitiait loi titi guti u aie usin tifie t tilli ît da iis ltn iha. bcind li. aci l hlde r Special offer aîîî.îi- i. his ,îîD atti i linch breaiks ota sîleîaîîîiî.iiîg îiîîî mtî pour pirtiain ot an asidean.îd îîîtî,îa d .ELECTROHOME (8) Nasiti- litîit a tatiar or: j uitp a dit h\inuit acicci patin. Plac ona afutl tîcasilda at PORTABLE TV theafirîtarlaiîiibiitg. Nc%,ci pull a aît Iitraagh a taîtia ai AT tiîr obstsructionî bs Iler îiî r H A Stai- ait ai t-a dsaiîîg tae hitt- C A E"S (9) Navera shoot ai flat or haad HM PPINE oehicais aorIt îir-î-c ai ut-r 181 Miii 5t. 8783221 No one cao controlt Ie diecion ia& se Funerul Pyre prsn mor fa ie haz d tiis .%aar thas sn the paît, ac- aardisg io P. G. MLaran, gan- ea-a maagr of the Nationtal Salrts Laagua ai Canada. Mass af the tracs witt hava bars cutlodas-slong hlora Christ- nias aiih ample opporianitv ta, Safety Hints for Christmas Ensure Bright, Safe Christmas "Yaai aecipe for a happy holi- 121 Keep il in a watar liýltr carefutty. The gafety featai-es day seasos shoald maclade a large container. huitt inta Iheen niay ha nallified measare of safety, says Glbhert 131 Neyer place the tree whrra by carelesi or insp-opea handling. Gihion, elecl-ical inspection sup. il uvila lck as rxit. 171 Whes the holiday is osver. eristesdeîît in Ontario Nydi-os Centrat Regias office. 141 Tai-s ohf the ights itibnypua taka dams the ti-ca as quirkty as Decarative lightisg eqaipenent ga out o- r asa the roin. possihle and store att the ligliSs aîed holb isside and outîlde the (5) N anar use atratria ighti as la a dry place. Ouldoar lighting hameribautd ha in gaod candit- matai Christmas irai and kaap sali ihoatd alsa ha put away. Wlr- las, ha salas, and hauseholders mUdtaIlinacls away tram lighsting ing drnrriarates quirkty frian ibantd essair ibat etatriral ir- sali, sommai- ssnand heat. acusis thir borna cas carry the 161 tnsîtructions providad by A eamcramnan sassa salaiy oxralacisafli. the siasuacarai-s ofl ighting ratas wilîtassai- at sIatt poar Dsairictligting sesli th-i its quipînn s ibiad ha tattamad Chrisimasas witi ha hrigbt. adiras, cacakadci-orbritfinsu-t latitîn, hcakas lamp soakats or damagad plagi. Il laies btaw whas ights air addad ta a ir colt, check fiait lai- dalecsin tha igtisg sais. Wateh Funes Il troubla pr-suis, seli should ha arrangad os tais lîeavity laadad circhits. Na va- undar asy ciraum stances, ivrisiMi. Gibsos,re>' place a btows fusa with as o highar caparity. Nemai- ue isdot ligtisg sats ulsida. .Make soi-a ightisg st ts nd ci tactrical .îpplîascas haarthebana- cas Sansdards. Associationsusat aI apprava , a lar-ge'C' asclasîsg tba lttai-s 'SA'. Tiis meaus theîv hare pasîrd the rigid approval tes l tha CSA sahich hava hies estahtisbad l'oi- yaaaprotaction Otter Suggestions For Christmnastaoc asd iliîttnlt ilais. Mi-. Gihs ali-i lb fo- The hait siav ta lîatp iniai a j1lDont put up ficta raa lu ihat a Chiitai i-ca itoni otrs uissiora il insa cool place. nia a larning tai-ch is ta gîva i misiara. But thati s anis ana esi taiptaiaiy nar- Yute Color Quiz Hold Hasards Ciitla ii sli 1cli Ait n.turai tracs a-lit barsbut SCisti iitai ini s ui y ai tlic ioloining sîrps i sîlît tu w its u t. Hm *qlaks r hol flc ire azrd u amin-'uitii tha iankisîti ota luti tu lia lacar taa mni-iitha s tatarnsi rnkasensesa IliSla î tc btî.-taiium (1)augitais. but neltshoppars ip in v, tti hiittia. branchas,: .tnip i C il Nardiai ihai drap 0ai adiii us- 12) To atîtharkit aitîsitappinj 21)CUnill ia.ttdî i t ilui, ________ v msticl h kcap tha tria autdourssi tutu 31 «Theartkingp oîilîîîk stigi ing in isar or %no%%,. lie -,tut i-sas bat wsia (3) Balai-a stting ftia ta a op -1în.kî-aLI indoorýittîîsoil thae lîîîîk , i4) Ting -l i cse Iat ait.î niha ta i s liing ina %elu,%et ittittîliag coi. i an5ngle (5)AtiaiChr istmas, s ail ha ii (4 lc ha tracii a ittli id li1 tha hoiiam. Kaap the Ira sh ct î ii-ait .il l.i uindervalt-iiuilg thi- ati-a '(S) a3i. iN î-lI tiefi rcisntha hotîsa :ýUId îi (itZ) tsi (5) Licatiaftic trasî lii ________il_______ ipossibletroui ail saurces ai haai. 1(61 Raînusa haei i-caas soual- tai- Christmnas rs possihla. CS.A. Approval siataitalhibacbiWiîas tiimmisg the traa. mak e provîd bs the CanadianStn iards Association. Inspaci thens foi-ir-ad and brrî%%iresh a r 1IPT UIC i-ina thIlimMr. McLare eon rni-nUs Kaap Illeligis înpiug-i gdor lainait alftiliananar ad- Tica hoiigh,,papai. rihbhon- man iliir cnihiia Uaîatecoat- ions should ha hapt astav tram lia opeHatinelimt ai iacdiand litapilaci. Finaits. navat placeaa truc iiil ihali îaîîittiaaitîei- ation ear a tairwi o aeit. Kaap escapatciîanai-.iaar in iha evntthat lita pi acautians tlait. Gainiaxai spaciasaio l itiniý aaomsarc adihi 'ou u aihars nmav ha Uaaýdtî poisananrs. Uniass avzkno%îîriit uta Illt a -al ,pc talni t aka iik, hv eat ucg atîs soil[ iinI lit With B.A. Frost Cop Anti-Freeze for Dependlable Protection DAVE'S B.A. SERVICE Open 7 amn. ta 10 p.m. Sondai- 9 arn. ta 10 pi. Ontarlo St. at No. 10 Sideroat MILTON 87846741 Dridge, wmiiticonnectathétsaUnited Laies and Canada, ramesaNi- agaea Faits lnth iis typisai inter anes. The Amricn Faits la et lot aCtnd then Horansisun Faits ta se rigise. Spray tram tihe altai rassas on rock@ and trens neasetise sateracs. The -iver tc giat la fsrmed by sce rantise apper river ptaeging anetihe atis and Jam. ming bntemthe catarants. Link with PoeI ... (Contasesed fi-on Page il rost $704000 ta aiNvya reports; met the Hamilton- ta si-ve Haitan Weniworth officiais Nov. 29 and Reevc CoulIe teai-ned Halton waa heing oasted tee woald attet frant negatiations, bat left with the -Minialer Il the impression the "back dpoi- for i-e be Halte waa till open for Nattas if il negoîiating witl decided ta join the ai-cap heore - a site i chosen.RSEC Haitan àubeqaently met with RIPC Nee] cauncillai-s wha favared a If yaa 5111 h tma-caanty jail but Peel delegates i-rnember thest cannaI gise a definile answer an- that fil the ch tillt hair causaitmeeels laie- in dont gise a ch Daarmhar. An ai:ttmpita have ahild iaa yaui Peel jis with the aiher threa ai- îtdarstand muniaipatitias alsa failldai t he satvrd, ai- roaf Dapai-imasi ai Ratîrm Institu- no rbtfit tioinshuiîsailtheaidai. Tha De.-iniant, ha sai-at pariiîîasctaimad the popallin adoas ai- -malt gromth in 10 yeaaiî Iad ha tan h sa mttwad.b gi-ae at cacaarnrtd tdd a ai-ltstc 200 unit jait was the maximuam priataees and sîza. The Deparîment ati ara- aU transiportatian raits wautd hi prahbitive lai- Part Causty. Set Ont Shares SAVE As estimate af jait rassic- tatad ait the meating ihawed tht. THIS proiance a vutd pay lhall tha îait and tha iharing municipalîirs mauld iptit the athar haf. Hal- DATE tanîî hai-ofa Ialttas-Pari jail asiiraird ta mii t$1550000 is-tiad ha $398426 aor 5t.37 per cent a oithe cat. Il mas Id ni-k j tuito ta2.60 par ca pila. Pii.tî ihai-a îoutd ba $377174ai- 40.63 pur cestt haird an $2.65 pui- rapt- ý ta. Purchase at land, services and maintenance wîîutd haasti-a. Eartier. Hattasi sharratf the. -itmitta-Was tînîîrih jail waî es- tirnatad ai $276000. Tthe province astimatas il ivoutd THUI \~ ~ JANUi nm FOR Ti RED AT THELE .~'7~9~ Imi ohuitd a new laul nCounty only. wuaid bis commit- spt to meel with tis week and in- tIs interested in Ih Peel. TDANGERS save toyî ta boy. e tipi: boy toys hild; for example, semistry selttuaa sng la appreciatc, 1the dangers in- fasd chiid rnay go the top is for an thearc iani sharp Iparts thai îoald Maka every loy a sn based an appra- value. IRSDAY ýARY 6th THE NEXT CROSS DDONOR .IN-IC LEGION HALL, MLTON ilý -~ .~'h LADIES' QUILTED DISTINCTIVE DUTESS ET S I (Dines ratp iîghî meigit Ï0 marnt 1b0by CORO 7ý 41WaîhbhinKodel Qaîlt k ning sy She aos aho 0 Lau Lok of Lui-py ,.. e w îm ery and Co rDur . pulaj ii- ttIs prîces . 0 Colr Glpik lo, > tanor poil budget. WhiteChoose nom firn I Assai-lad syles a gîfted air-ra O S-tas Stual, Mediueiti Large y BatflyZ e 4 $1095 to $1695 1 Use Our S Convenient S Layaway Plan Feol Free to Use Our Customer Entrance From the Parking Lot at the Rear of Store GIRLS' AND BOYS' MATCHING- COTTON FLANNELE S-T-R-E-T-C-HPYA S OTARD0 SNUG. WARM AND WASHABLE 0HIRT SETS-s6x9 8 1 09AND c Aa AND ýizcýý 1 6x 1 GIFTAPC.L 0Wc see Mlto Fa Christmas Bonanza Tickets Fm.iy Fash iofs 0 Open Every Niht Serve Your Guests with THE FESTIVE FAMILY TREAT FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON I SpriInkie l ii neuing . -. .ici-ve In party giases. Faenily and rieuîds wmlii njoy tilla delilloties ary drink. Ordler a few qituarts eow for hioliday entertalnlng ORDER FROM YOUR ROUTE SALESMAN OR CALL 878-9971 THE MILTON DAIRY 16 MARTIN ST. CIC