Cars f& iS'ale For Your Next Ca.. BUCKHAMILTON AT BELL BROS. 878-6388 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES BIRTHS, DEATBS, MARRIAG ES, ENGAGEMENTS - No charge. FOR SALE, FOR RENT ETC. - *95c minimum charge ton 15 mords-Se per word thereaflet. Subnequent insertions (no cotu: changes) - *75c minimum charge for 15 mords, Sc er word thereafttr. 525c discount alomed for cash payment. COMING EVENTS, CARD Oh TIIANKS - $1 for fiet fine lises, 10e for each additional lise. 1N MEMORIAM-$l plus 10c per lise of verse, CLASSIFIED DISPLAY, R BAIL ESTATE - $120 per col, inch. BOX NUMBER to Iis office - 25c additienal. DEADLINES Cîatnified Advertising 12 Noos Tuesday Classiied Dinpîay & Real Estate 5 p.Mosday Phione 878-2341 6 The Canaduon Champion, Wed., December 15, 1965 Born CHIANNING-Mr. and Mns. Ton' Channing (nec Jottyl of RaR. i, MottaI, are pleased te an- ncee birth ut thein son. sceigbî 7 tbs.. 't oz., ah Millt District Hospital on December Il, 1965. DE GRAAF - Mr. and Mns. John Du Graat (sec Draper) ut Ra. 6, Milton, arc pteased la an- sconce the birtb of Iheir daogh ter, Sheni Margaret. meighî 8 îbs., 7 oas., at Milton District Mospital on Decemben 9, 1965. A littîs sister for Peter John. GRA-Mr. and Mm, Enrich Gra (ses Angeta Restivo) ut Miltor are pteased 10 announce tht birth out 16cm dougbîer, Ther- ena, meigbî 7 Ihs., Il oas., aI Mtilton District Hospital un Dc- cember 13, 1965. NADALIN - Mn. anîd Mn-.. Heu.1 ry Nadatin ut RaR. 3, Milttun, are pteased loa aeouance the birtb uftIheir sou. weighh 7 Ibs.. ah Miton District Hospi- tl on Toesday. Decemben 14, 1965, A brother for Susan, Heu- ry Jr, and John. STOKES-Mr. and Mns. Thomtas Stokes,(nesc Martin) et R.R. , Acton, arc pteased 10 auuoucs- the birth of their sou, Gary James, meight 7 ths., 8 ucî., a! Milton Ditridt Hospital on De- cemrber Il, 1965. A brother for Wayne. THOMAS - Carl and Lia (nec Hattam) ut 5415 Clive Cnes., Borlingîsu, pruudty announce the birth of a son, Kevis Sdutt, os Satorday, December Il1, 1965, aI 16e Joseph Brout Ho-.- pitl, Buringtun, WILMOT - M. aîîd Mn-. Gary Witmoî (sec Joanue Wood) ut 333 Kiugstsigh Court, arc pleos- ed to aunoune-the birth of their daoghter. Leiasue i- Issu, meight 7 lbs., 6'/t Oi.s., ah Milton Distridt Hospital un Fni- day, December 10, 1965. A sis- tcr for Dlt, Died BUSH-At Joseph Brant Memor- lai Hospital, on Sahrday, Dec- ember 11, 1965, in ber 82nd yeor. Bertha Beaînice Cartwright, si- dose of the laIe Robent Bush; dean mother of Mnrs. L. Moare (Irenel ut Oakvittc and Allas ut R..1. Miton; sister af Frank ot Miton. Funeral service mas fnonîte MacNab and Son Chapet on Wcd- nsday, December 15, mitb inter- ment ini Evcrgres- e dmetery. 5 Hilton, DEATHS (Cntind) McGIBBON-At Milton District jiospitat, on Wednesday, Dec- ember 8, 1965, iu her 83rd year, Clara Enumett, beloved mife of Arehie H. McGibbon and dear mother of Emmett of R.R. 3, Miton and Mrs. Tom M. Mars'h (Helen) of Milon. Fuserai service mas lrom the MacNab and Son Chape) on Frn- da ' , Decemnber 10, svith inter- ment iu Evergreen cemetery, Mil- ton. Cards of TIianks I ssould lOke lu lhank relatives, I riends and neighbors for cords, fruit, sisits and inqoiries during my slay jn Milton District Nus- pitl. c-32-4121 Smilles Corrna. lu the recent lssuofour loved une, Lt.unard Abert Morley, me o ish lu express our sncere thanks lu neighbors and friends fur their mony acts of kindness,1 cards, ((oral Iributes and dona- tions lu the Onario Heart Fond. Special lhanks 10 Archdeacon Kirk, Dr. Dustan and. Grace Chatsh Senior Wumen's Ausil- iars'. Phvllis Morley, Jessie Mrley and Gerîrude Peacock. c-32-4081i I ssish tu expres-. my sincere lhanks and appreciatios lu al nty friends for thte cards, visils1 and tilts I received mhile t1seas in Oakville huspital. Special lhanks lu Dr. MeCutcheon, the staff of Mlotn Deparîment Store. Hallon Co-Operative Sup- lies and Omagh Preshylerian W. A. for Iheir heauliful flowers, and lu evervone for Iheir kittdness lu me since I relorned home. c-32-41 15 Evelys Galhrailt. In Memoriam t BUCK-Itu niemnu-v of mv bus L. bond, William (Bittiel. uthe 1- passed asvay December 15, 1961. 1- Gud sons 1he noad mas gettiug 8 ougb. 't And the buIs aecliard t tuciutb. -Sa He ctosed voor mearycyctitîs And mhispsred "Peace bc Ibine." Edna. c-32-«03 An ai eebce y mt cGILDEA-In sad and toving me- -. mary ut our deor daughtcr. Bet- Ivt Gildea (sec Fairlield), calcd sute 1816 December. 1963. May thse sind ai Heaven blaut 10Ou thessseeî and tresured spot. -Whene tIse one %su lave lies sleep- ing. 7 And iill neser bc forgat. - Alîcans emembened b, Mo- 16cr. Fueher, sister and bruther, Btuaa.Nat-Ilserut Iretand. c-32-4086 IN(,LIS - tut laviuug tinesutîtso a dca-r mtohen and graudma- 16cer. Mary Inglis. utha pasced îuuu.y December 15. 1956. Her siiîîng îs.ay and ptcucanî Arc a pîcasute tu recaît. Sire lad o kîndly murd ton cach. Ansd died bcîoscd b6v att. AlOsremembercd hs ter fautiîv. c-324095 McDOUGALL-Iîu Iovîîîg utîcuons ut a uear sutter. ulîtipasss-d a%%sts Deccînhen 16, 1963. Dean Motlîsn. sou anc nul languI. (en, Tlîaugh aot eau-tb youua-ce eu usure. St n metis sa vit at-e ssllItus, As sutu almavss utene beltii-c. Sadîs misseýd 6v daug-litet s Et- la May, Dorus, Myrthe and Bei- iy. s-32-4088 NEWELL-tîIciutvig nîcuîuary of o dean hushand and father, Ro- bs-ni Nemelt, utho passed amoy Oeceenber 19, 1963. Pece[uity sleepinsg, resting ai tsst, Ilis sscary tiaI-. and trouble-. are past, lu silensce hie sutlered, in paluettee lie hure, 'tilt Gad catted hint hotnte lu suf- fer no more, Ëecrncutembcred by site Gtad- ys and fomity. c-32-4087 Coming Events Eclre at Bovue, t-iday, DOrs enîhen 17, aI 8.30pin. Admission 50c. Caduc. pravide. Cash rpriaes. c-32-41i05 MoDOUGALL - At Couksvtle Ottnse oh Hilshurgh Commun- Hospital, on Sunday, Deceuther ity Centre, Sîtît day, December 12, 1885, John Stanley McDou- 18. Sîtanes utchestra. Admission aISof utM. and Mrb. John 75c. c-32-4084 obrMcoougatt, formerly eof bnro ebe hrh Mlles, and brother of Susanne, hGoiofBteCur, Catherine and Stephen; grand- Dromquin, arc holding 4 CandIs- son t M. ad Mr. Jhn c- ight Carot Service in the cborch Douignîl of Miton. SOnttday, December 19, 8 p-ru. Rmstlng aI the Skinner and Mid- larweco . c?2W dlebruok FuseraI Home, Clark- News Vars Bev Buffet Sopper son. Fuerut service itI be bstd and Donce. Friday, December 31, in St. Peters Anglican church, Pateruto Cummoniîy Hall. Danc- Eindate, on Wednssday, Deceut- ing 9.30 put. - ?? Larny Greiser ber 15, at 1.30 put. Interment in and bis orchestra. $6 per couple. thse churcis ceactcîy. c-32-24118 COMING RWUNTS (CuInll IlOUSM I Coatnu.d) FOR SAMI (Con8InuedFOR SALE (Cenflnmd) The Grade XII Ways and FOR SALE-Canarien, igb sing- FOR SALE-1958 Chev. 2-door, FOR SALE - Fresb ktttsd tor- Means Committen, Miton District ers and rotters. This year's birds. standard, goud condition, ideat keyn and geese, oves ready. High Sohoot, are sponsoring a 87".757. c-32-4112 second car. 8784793. c-32-4122 Phone Cameron Wilson, 878-9879, bakle and -rommage sale on lin- ------ntro t N c3-41 day, December 17 and Saturday, FOR SALE - Mens imported FOR SALE - Punies. Wil't keep Onai t N -241 'December 18. aI Bailes Store, skis, potes, boots ias 8-Il. $28. tilt Christmas. Phuone 8530448 af- FOR SALE-Punies. t team nIaI. Main St., Miton. c-32-4111 878-2739. c-32-4830ter 6 and meekends. b-32-4119 lions, dopple gray; set show ha.I - FO SAE-15-6For, -n good -FO--SALE-uta -- No---' -nes;I1mare with colt; 1t mare.I AnutaImeeingandhauuel FORSAE-156 ord ingoo FO SAE-otes.No'S 2 vc.îrs ttld.Phone 878-4711. Annul metin an banuetcondition. Campbetlvitle 8549897 the titretiluhtty! Wc de5nier. of tlaiton Federation o) Agrieut- afler 6 pus. c-31-4059 8786497 hy appuinîmeut. c-32-4077 turc ai Lowvitle Uinited Church, - c-29-6-8943 FOR SALE- Christmas- Irees Thursday, December 16, aI 12 FOR SALE - Hay and slram, Fresh cal pine. Free battoons ansd socs. Tickets $158 each. Busn- booght and sotd. Stuart McFad- FOR SALE-Fireplace wood, ai- cnylo hlrnwt ahpr ess meeting fottowing 6655cr. den 878«2639. c-3t-4035tf su ooud for furnace and stove. chandyoeritdronc mir each ur- Guent speaker os rural and or- Phone 878-6415 afler 7 p.m. St. -242 han desetopmrenî. Everyone met- FOR SALE-2 pore bred Hol- c-3144103 ---242 come. c324108 stein coms, mitking since 0dm FOAL_-Chitms__es her. 8784884. c-32-41 16 FOR SALE -Mctntosh, North- Fu OuR SaLE d- Chrisîa tres. ______________________ ru Spy and Greening apples. trCl vour omu ainoy Ranfresh FOR SALE - 8 fi. snooker Homard Gomlaud 878-6456. itree. 5 o.56 aI a hoRnch, 1 F or Sale table, 4 cues, rack, coortter etc. c-30-5-3994 653"c'.388 _______________ -FOR SALE -' ton pick-uP, O AESochP hit FOR SALE - Siamese kittens, 1949 Mercury, runniug condition, FOý ReSALE-cotchilFionCst-n FOR SALE-Baby budgies. 878- champion stock. Phone after 6 $100. License nu. 38615. 878-9107.* mas tfres. Fre bt alloo puran 2255. c-32-4114 p.. 854-2460. c-32-4109 c-32-40196 eadc rcideumt ahpr - --chase. Bert Joues Etecîrie, FOR SALE-1956 Buick. Phone FOR SALE-Artisî's easel, Pr- FOR SALE - Addisg machines, Broute St. c-31-2-4043 878-9662. c-32-4106 tessionat studio type. Cheap. typeutriters. for sale or rentaI.-FRSL $20197or FO-- E-i-- u t knu Phose 878-2774. c-31-2-4045 Phone 878-6962, Harris Station.- O AE-$20 97Fr FOerySin fal id. c-9-tf-4667 Fairtone, ,ttomaiic, radio, uem Ray Goay, 878-2150. c.12-4863-tf FOR SALE - 1958 Edsel, stan- tires and muflfier, dlean. Inquirei FOR SALE - 15 pigs, 8 wees dard transmuission, 2-door hard- FOR SALE - Reg. and grade ai Grecns Garage, opposite Mo- otd. Phone 878-2258. c-32-4093 top. $75. 878-3115. c-32-4099 Amnericas Shetland potes. Phone hou k Racemay. c-32-4078 ikller 6 put., Czimphettvitle 854. FOR SALE Saddtcs, boots, FOR SALE-Pair of bonk beds, FOR.c-2407 SALE tc Ee complete ilh maîtresses. 878- FOR. s2SALE oue---tc.Eveylhing (or your 9531 c-3-411 FO SAL - Sý, Dl' torse ai Silver Saddle Shop, 109 FOR ALE17 Sartn T. n Cortad ad G eenitgapleus, Lakeshore Rd. W. (near Kerr St.), ORd morking order. $2.,878-FOR Bring containers. Wmn. A. Bous.- v' e 8508. c-8559 god orig rdr.$0.87-fteld 878-6355. h-31-44057 -FORS-ALE - F-reeChri-stus 2044. c-32-4094 BEDDING tut key lu. cadi neut food costo-s FOR SALE - 6-week-old pups, IN TRUCK LOAD LOTS FOR SALE nier. Nu monev dosvn, no inter- part Border-Scotch Cottie.Phe Phone 87-66 est, nu memsership fees. Eort 878.4870. c-31-4072 32one 878-636 Food Service, 90 Bort St.. Haut- 32-2 Choice es.d ilion, 545-0778. c-30-3-3969 Christmas Trees FOR SAIl GEESE FOR SALE - Large glossy '...lrîsmas reesWM. OOTH plintluistiCanadian Champion FOR SAE WM.BOOTH talltphotos. 5Su 7 size it, 8St 10 aI hita re 5409 Higlimav 25 sze $1.25. Plus tas. Cash must Ilui Record Bar Fresh Cul Phone 878-631 9 ,tct.ttpansv order. Enquire nom SCOTCH FINE c-32 ,îl Champion Ollice, 191 Main $1 - $2 - $3 - $4 SPRUCE & BALSAM i hita ic St. Milton.ttc-4-43681tf 14 aris trciUp o10 8fi. TtsCi ius te t 14Mri tetFiee Dciveîy Git C eai iing FOR SAII.L-Yoti ns-II ike boy- c-3t-3 1Mute t'.,itilce Cîtoose ing vour hîildiug maleriats and STAN PICE saI aI Cttmlord's, Campbell- - WORL 800K ille. Ooick service. Higli qua- AT TP-IN TIRE 878-6146 c.3.. lhan an,toler Encvclopedia., lits. Phose C.tmpbelvitel1L 4- N 0W ! FINE ARTS & hs P sHONE t63"25n ! CHRISTMAS TREES CRAFTS SHOP - Buringtun CoIsiMto l lect ', a USED SNOW TIRES Base Lise Rd. W. of Hmy. 25 $10 detoilt assures Christtia 1,0u And new DOMINION ROYAL e New shiptnent ut' WOOL- --l-e tFREL DELIVERY SUPER WINTER - RIDES CENS from $2 yd. CH ITePKYOR RE NW Att saces aI e COTTONS C RSMAS TREES ýePC ORTE O B,0MENS & LADIES' Scotch Putie - Spiuce - Balsaaii WL WILL DELI VER LATER B(gain Prices SWEATERS $1.50 - S2.00 l Idealý Christmas gis CLarge dis plan' lices, exta. e WELL TRIMMED TREES 0 MENS WOOL WORK 't'op Qualils - Large Sleellun 24 Hoor Service SOCKS, 50 pair Relait - Whotesalc e CERAMICS JAMES O'CONNOR Chudleigl, Bros. Dominion Royal Tires e OIL PAIOsTINGS 128.5 Lusser IBase itte. 2nd r'î,îî Phone Anytime Open I puti.- 9 puti. St.0 96îîîh tDtii is.kuil Cluscîl Toesday eisl ut Jili Line l'al,,lgt* Rd . .3 mi. N. Milton on No. 25 878-3131 Phone 878-6114 ý8 mi. S. Acton on No. 251 Base Lins, Miton 878-6862 Opeti 8 atîti. - 10 pat. d.iils.b,22 c-21 I31-il.c29 4,h3- INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICES Cutuscient teruts avaitabte, t-ar it - hume consultations, caît Mn. Campbell. CAMPBELL'S 0F MILTON 8786021 S..t, Milton c-31-t SEIGMACHINES SI1N GE R SEWING MACHINE SALES - SERVICE R ENTAL PHONE 878-6861 Milton Fabric Center _______________________ Servi ces and Repair*s on PAITIN AN DIORAINOatt inakes o)ofsisg utacîtines PAINTING____AND______________c-32-it GIL VANSOELEN PAINTING Contractor Industriel - Residentiat Interior - Exterior CatI nom ton FreEstimâtes 878-6137 On Write Box 1347, Milton CONTRACTOR CALL EDWARD G. IRVING for ROOFING EAVESTROUGHING ALUMINUM SIDING Re-roofing our Specialty Carpeuîry Work ut Att Kinds Phone 878-6020 Milton Free Esîjutates Ail Work Goaranteed c-31-tf ADVERTiSE YDUR BUSINESS SERVICE IN THIS HANDY DIRECTORY EVERY WEEIC 0F THE YEAR AT A SMALL CHARGE PER INSERTION ORNAMENTAL ION MILTON Ornamental Iran AWNINGS & IRON IhAILINGS BILL KELLY TR 8-9827 RECTRICAL SERVICE McPHAIL ELECTRIC 0 INDUSTRIAL e COMMERCIAL 0 DOMESTIC 0 ELECTRIC HEATING Complote Eectric1 66 Charles SL. TR 8-9513 Home Miton c-tf GENEEAL CONTRACTORS RAY OLAN BUILDING iCONTRACTORS LTD. * Hume Imprsîvcmeuîs * Renuvatiots * Ateraîlons *Additions *Commercial or Industniat UL 4-2263 c-441f A. C. CANNON & SON GENERAL CONTRACTORS Customt t-omes Repairs Allcrations Modemn Cupboards Plans and Fres esimates. Ycars ut superiesce. TR 8-4424 C-tf SEAUTY SALON Vogue Beauty Salon A. NEW COIFFURE Desigucd Just For You - and - COMPLETE BEAUTY SERVICE Call 878-2461 192 Main Street c-tp-If TV and RADIO SERVICE DURNAN TV AND APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE " Phillps TV & Tape Recurders " R.C.A. Sterso. TV, Appliances * Sparton TV and Sterso 222 MAIN ST. TR 6.4445 WELL DRILLINO Dead Stock FORSA"LE (comenI. FOR SALE - Band sawu, also for sharpssing yoor band samn, circular namu and carbide - hp- ped samo. CatI 878-9825 or Isave aI Halton Co-Operative Supplies. c-26-48783 FOR SALE-Freezer, $1.73 er week iii each nem food costoîner, plus Irc - 50 lb,. steaks and rasîs. Kart Fond Service, 90 Earl St., Hamilton, 545-0778. FOR SALE-Artist bas jouI fis- ished beautiful oit painting of Ce- don Springs 20" n 36". This paint- ing Is a treosore of locat inter est. Auyoue interested, colt ai 175 Forest Road, Gaît or lelephone 623-0503. c-32-40182 FOR SALE - Car, truck and traclor lires, nsm and ussd, over 2,000 Kelly Springfield tires in stock, att sizes, tom prîces; flots fiued, $1.00; mheels batancsd, $1.00. We have batteries for mont cars and trucks. Milton Tirs and Radiator Service, 191 Mill St., 878-2711. c-51-7083-tf SEEO CORN Despite the backmard barvest meather, cors gromers are think- in8 of seed for 1966. For top yietd- ing seed cors mith gond standab- ilily, see yoor Warwick dealer. Early order discounts are nom in elleel. Top yictd aI Massey lest area mas Warwick 263. O. Lasosu 878-297. c-3-3 FIRE SALE TIRES SNOW AND HIGHWAY TIRES Some OnIy Smoke Damaged Up to 50% off ~-t.lf j Employment Wanted EMPLOYMENT WANTED - Custom drsssmaking, attera- lions, suite, medding dresses, drapes, sltp covers. 878-6858. c25-3-8734 Help Wanted HELP WANTED - Mate hetp mauted. Appty Milton Uphoîster- isg, 358 Main St c-32-4123 HELP WANTED-Mas waslsd lu rus chopper and ual coller. D. H. Lindsay 853-2850, Acton. c-32-5928 HELP WANTED - Ladies. If You have 15 hoors fres each week and have tbe use ut a car, you cou eoru 540 per meek takisg or- ders and delivery sn Milton. Write Bus 31, Canadias Cisampion. C.32-4088 HELP WANTED RELIABLE MARRIED MAN EXPERIENCED DRIVER Tu murk 6 nighîs a week. $88. Milton area resident preferrsd. Also part-lime driver. COOKSVILLE 277-9820 7.30 - 8.30 p.m. c-32 Here's Your Key to a Big Income - Mail Today THE W. T. RAWLEIGH CO. LTD., Depi. L-284-HY, 4005 Richelieu, Muntreal, P.Q. Gentlemen: f aut intsrssted te the mortd famous Rawtsigh lise on a ( ) part-lime basis; f luIltime hasi; f )Please ssnd me FREE Cook Book and cata- logue sviîh fuît details. N ,îm e .........._ > A ddress ....................... 1 c-32 NO MION E ORDERS PLEASE 1 Milton Tire Service 191 MillIst. Milton c-32 Wanted WANTED TO 002V - 2ud etasv, t.Ctll tlîrlitigluu NE 4-6987. c-32-4092 WANTED-Ri(e (rom Paterusio at No. 5 Hics-V. to 41h Lire, lu ar- l(se 4 p.tî. Britîe. 827-1944. c-32-4104 WANTED TO BUY-AII kinds 'ilntlcd liasandt strass. Appis Tlîoî-oîîglîbiest t-ced Soppl-. Concurd, Ont., 889-3546. c-29-6-3963 WANTED- 2 or 3 bcd ruons Ilueo prnet lu rent it Mlttont or aidjaentt areat. near Se- P*it c o r slu' oung couple wl 2 childieti. Plione 878-2355. .sk tor Fetc. c-32-4107 WANTED-Livc pouttry goose ind dîtck feaths-rs, feattien tieks. tigliesItprices. Wecalt. Wrlle I. Zener-, 776 Coitîege St., Toronto ur pîtone sollent LEunox 5-724, c-iigs IIUsîson 5-2030. c-35-tt TI Cc Ilc m pa wi A, ai! Hi Ze Ul' CVI WELL DRILLING J. B. RUTTAN R.R. 2, Milton, Ont. WM. ARCH & SONS1 Phone Burlinglon NElson 4-6025 BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION LTD. ADDITIONS CUSTOM HOMES RENOVATIONS REFAIRS lires Estimâtes TA 6-1119 TA 6-2859 Res. Streetsville REFRIGERATION KING REFRIGERATION INOIISTBIAL, COMMERCIAL and DOMESTIC SALES & SERVICE Reliable and Efficient CAMPBELLVILLE 854-2228 -2t Walnut Ranch Ltd. Ctîîptced atnd Divabtcd Cos atndli4orses 24 Itour Sers-ice Lic. Nos. 133-RF, 208-C-b2 Waterdown MU 9-1044 c-12-tf PACONI Dead Stock Remnoval LIMITED Hlghesî Cash pnices l'or dead or disabted coms and horses. Licence No. HGC 349C65 226RP65 Phone ZEnih 9-7950 The Public Schooî Board of the Township Schooî Area of Nassagaweya Requires PART-TOME TEACHER FOR PRINCIPAL-S RELIEF Tu te,îsli Girode 8, 4 haîf days ps-r nseek. Atpîs. stalluf qualifications, ex. pet-tence. ape and raute ut fast ittupector la mrs. Beatrice Fletchser, Secretarv, ESR. 1, Campbetlvittc, Pîtoîte 854-2464. Princiiîats ýHite, 519-822-6293, Guelpht. b-32 Township of Esquesing A S S ISTAN T A S SE SSO0R Applications scitt bc receîved lOr tie puvitiotn ut Assistant As- sssr untit December 20, 1965. Aptplications hud bc in omît htdcritisg and sboutd include !ifeèrces, ý'recZord utemptoy- m-tn., a-e and mnial status and eseiueif any in municipal ssork.' Edocationat stoîdard required - Grade 12. S.ttarv roîtîmenurate milh qualilieatiotv, Address applications% lu: K. C. LINDSAY, Cterk, Esquesing Towvnship, R. R. 1, Georgetomn, Ont. a-24 b-25 For Rent FOR RENT-S.uîeâ Clous souit. 878-2307. .c-32-2-4117 FOR RENT-Etcctnic bot mater hcatters ssith frec service, Phone Milton Hydro 878-2345. c-tf USE CHAMPION CLASSIFIED ADS - FOR SELLING M-9 . 1 -, l' tý . 1 -