Former -Mayor Joh-AmMaxted 96 A former maSor and caunoillor, John Maxted of 115 Thomas St. cebxBnted a happy 96 birthday on Tuesday of is week. SURt in dairly good beakhi, Mr. Mated doesntt get auside much in winter but he v«lues is vting franchise and sas out ta vote in bath the Federal and municipa l etcions recenilly. Ne special parties %vere betd la mark tise nosagenarians lirthday -fiis yer, burt several friends dropped in with best wisbcs os Tuesduay. Was Budlder A resident of Miton 70 yenrs, hc was a bricktnyer and iuilder for 60 of titose years and ejîbher bush or heped ta buiid over 100 homes and otiser buildines in Mil- tan. At the age of 80 he rrected bis ows bouse. Mr. Maxed was mayor in 1928 and served 13 ycars on caunicil. Hes becs a member of the Can. adian Order of Faresters 75 years, servefi on the Hydro Commission. was superisytendenit af Grace Ang- lican Oburch Sunday scisool for 30 years, andi served as sa churcli warden. JOHN MAXTED Provinceat approral ai Nassaga- vega TovrsiP's CenlenniaI pro- jectb bas becs receiveti. Tise ap- proval ssas announced tbis meek in a lelter tramt J. W. Spaoscr. Miister of Municipal Affairs taý Halons MPP. George A. Kerr. Tise lelter said tise programt was approred th ie Province of On-, lanao on Novemiser 30 ast l lb farsiartietifor approrat sy ls Cenlenniat Commission is Ot- tawa. Tise prajeat cansisstis e de velopmenl ai a municipal park aI Brookviltc aI an estimateti tant of $1,800. CosI aiftise projeci sailI be splil evestly among tise Town- ship, tise Province asdthie Fetier- aI Goernmenl. Tise second part of tise projeot, lise improremeca of municipal parks ai Campbsell- ville antiEtien Mitîls witl also cost $1,800. Tise townsbip witI pay $602 ai tise castiwhisith ie Province anti Ftierat Gversmenls mili ecti pay $599 aoflise cost. An Englishman asti a Scals- mas farcedt iemselves on a rail sfter lise uccue lier broke up. Tise Englishman crieti: Goati Lord, nalising vmorse lisas liss couolt have happenedtut us! Tht Scaisman replieti: Sure an' ver strong. latidie. Ovye know, I aI- most isougisl a round trip ticket. Last TO PLACE YOUR SEASON'S GREETINGS MESSAGE IN THE CHAMPION Contact the office now ta ar- range yeur greetine in the pro-Christmssissue Dasembar 22 Thse Canadien Champion, Wednesde Council Seeks By-Law Change To AIIow Unserviced Industries ac An application for a smalt in- On tise Or st landi separal or Councitiar Gerry Adidison said dustrtal land separatiun referr cd Mr. Bcst said it was impractical tise planners diint like lise ides la Miton Coone i l is wcck re- ta put on a plan of subdivision as ai separate lanemays entering sullcd in the tomn asking for an tl was only a li ve acre parcel, a Bronte St. from varions indus- immediate change i n n section ti of wich is flooded ee rs sprcad 50 or 100 feet apari, ofitis eonmng sy tam tiret cais spr n1 by a nearby creek and un- and bhey liead suggestcd a service toc municipal water and sewer suitable lor building anyway. roati an tise property witis just services heing available before Want lndusiry? one entrance ta Branle Si. Coun- any land is used toc industrial Tise lowns delay in attawing cillar Best saiti a service ruad puross.devetupraca aI tise properîy ssould use up anc-fil tis aftiselanti itîlias Gvis oa jvc acre maeifllook likc the tome was, asailaislc. p petytun Bionle Si. norus ut 'trvin u oit%, indîstrcl ivvcvv ýBath cosittsillors -dcriecl the lte CPR. tras.k-,ssnIasiseclComnscnint",hccsisai gecl. This landl is numcros delays in the prupased nil ve af Adjustmcnt lor permis- dormant and mere the people optiating of the zoniof sy-taw sion ta separele a 100 foot wide that are making il dormant. It and mcntionecl a report fromttise parcel for sale lu a smatl indus- makes une monder if you realty planner mas due Sept. 30 and bas try. The Milton Planning Boardti vant induslry or soI." nul becs rceiveti yel. objectes ta lise mos-e as bati plan-- - ning, and called for enuoveral .plan of subsiisions" fcr thcWHospilDance lise acre praperty ielare any lots " V arc vo Id aif, vu the entîr, arcs col cpropcrly cevelopeti. Nurses' Skit Entert'ains 245 Rejeet Application On isestrngls a 16 pln- About 245 mcmbers ai Milton VerraIt, Mrs. A. Rarder, Mrs. D. siers' objectiuns andtI hc worsling District... lvpiý.41. staffl, l4pital Chesinul, Mrs. E. Meikle. Mrs. ft Section 21:2 of lise toms eoe- Assiliar-v members, tfieir ,ý1ves-Mar Bell',-- Mrs. Trene Wallace, isg isy-lamwishici s saies municipal anti hushantis anti friends al. Mrs. D. Brynkus and Miss Donna services must Ie silist fivtlesded as mb dyble OiristmasMcagl. -StafPhontiste Commitece ut Adiussment ditsner and dance ai thtie Galaxie Balllroomt Dance THE ANNUAL CHRISTMAS RUSH ai Milton Post Office begas on Manday but Posîmaster Walter turseti clown tise application. Club in Oakville Saturtav even- iOliser entertairment mas pro- Wben tise mater wav referredl isg. Evertishe poor eafher vited isv Alec and Marj Robin- Bell anti is staff were watt prepared for il. Ntsc additional ielpers were hired ta assist during to council this mveek, couscillor cditnt deter a recurti attendante son, American ballrom dancing lise busy Chistismas season bringing tise total sîze of tise staff ta 17, iscciin part-lime anti Brian Best chargecl Ibis clause of stishe annual Ciristmas baIl. champions, misa did a 20 minute casual helpers. Alîhougistise rush was slower getting sînrledth iis year thas usoal, members of tise ,ustisig islaît v wultl resîrici esalo ieV.roustine, and isy Santa Claus wiso lise staff mere eslremely busy an Monday wissn they sold 30000 listes cent scamps anti pro- idsra ketîmn 1 -rleiolujas isffettihes cessed 27,000 letters. Roy Core anti Posîmasler Walter Bell -are shows heme witis several of the acre aiea la hc annexedti l Mit- 1esing scis lise eslerlainmenl. fea- Every-ne enjuyed a roast beel wnany bagu of parcels anti lellers wisicis were se-it ouI os Mosday. las January 1, assnone oif the in turing eighl bospital nurses'wha disser before lise dancing, and dtsi-rial land in lise anses alias %vore~ grecs operating raDIn Mrs. Mary Bell, Mrs. Jennie Ad- arai la ,ie.gon operform asi nildasan r.Mr zadwere nulls ' d sparaîosH-1On his suggestion, conseil ap-Greerrusteves". They sang lise! mais missers wiscn tise 22 door sa.d he 5rmntc tise * Hpraî'ed a alitSctlin I îsr w- pîpular Christmas carot lunes,! primes mere drams for. Ladies ai- vaid tise Cofmtirwaseededonai]leavt 250' md.t era tScin 1. ssiîi the wortiv adapted isto a tending mere presenteti mitiscor- Pr ts ...m ite e iîn lel fronlage la complv sil sicie il apffties lu isclustrial lantis onîs. taeof n s.pter utlies. Pa sgesand lise mes ceceivetici- Alloviing Apartmnent Separation i inee irnîeiîs. ... In a rare more, Millas Cosîncil -seck a 10fot tfromlageteisichilsCouncîtîtir Ciares Mencts %sas,' lors agreed Mastiay la appeal alish minimum requtî t for an adamant lise bics prolesî ltuliseC Commit-tee of Atjusis-ent deets- -aparîmeni isuilding, îeuring il a Commicie ci Adjusimesi. Se- %IA ion allasving a 500 foot land sep- 500 foot sepsealian svas granicd sauve tise counicît nIs inlendeclC araian an Ontario St. for Tisree lise irm vould issisi oas iutd- tise ltrm lu gait 10lt e C !W Keys Developmmrnî for an spart- isg a second apselsienoun lise lage. Hc sugeseved il ise building 9 ment building,.jsite. did sot lit tise 1800foutlois Ce The firm appeareti befare cous- Need 230 Feel uligcudiea - t ci lireeîecks aga ta, ask permis-1 Clerk R. B Rmnoltis reporled C~ nias ta isuilti a hi-suite, ire 'lore , ise slleîssed the' Comsiîîee of Oit ter counici tirs ared h, C, applarmineni building os Onario: Adjusîmeisi meeting la aller lise Ccstimitluee utAdjutn sis C Ad St, sarIs of lise Meqle OIes Apart- îî,see s proIe-utlatiste 500 foot fane agaiîîsl the councs t IsfA ments. Cooncil insisiedth ie firm frontage appication, bultlise Con-' ad decitied lu tauttel pote C WVAl WICIÇÇ AA 1PAIÇFIIMM . TV mi 1I *0*Efl..0 IL ivili.maL. Give RCA Victor New Vita TeIevIsiou %am CHOOSE NOW AT .~ Durnan TV ~,,u~ndpiquces ciicublry prorides estra riasilityv dîsturlion 2 7 9 Trade C slitscoptit cdlisand ni îîiîiigli, gresier depetîdaii- ilsv. Citrcuit bad e uc ialccsi lot' lite IiC Fit sel l, I-li set aitloinaliicai- ly remeisisers lc fise yaa ise isest pic-tre % i iîecci' ,osichiange CI lluiîî.îiitesl siansiel itîcliator sîî stinisier ecliy I CONVENIENT BUDGET TERMS. MAY DE ARRANGED TO FIT YOUR BUDGET _______________ LAYAWAY NOW For Christmas 2292.MMI E. MILTON 878-4445 ___________ ug=wu ggu__ Adorn her af Christmas wîf h the nicesf new blou ses fhaf ever wenl under a f ree, See our fashion wîse array. We WuiI GladIy Gift Wrap BeU a mWT!ISare here!1 BSure to Get a Warm Reception at Christmas 1 GOLDEN CROWN SWEATERS BULKIES CLASSICS CARDIGANS PULLOVERS AND SEF OUR Italien Imported WooI Knit Buikies In Milton Plaza * You will always be ~ rught when you Sie a Lori Anne Gift Certificato x eho'ppeï,' Phone 878-9512 lay, De. 15th, 1965 ---3 The 'motion ta drap heseric requirements on ndstriai land cas appraved unanlmously. It nUl go before the Ontario Muni- cipal Board for approval. Thse Geist application was stilI flot approved. Nobody Cen Afford to Miss on These Deals 1 1965 AMBASSADOR Fally equipped, Ges. Clements tiemonstralor, was $4,100. Lic. E65361 Now $2,995 BRAND NEWI ONLY 1 LEFT 1965 CLASSIC Deluse 770, Fulty Equipped Was $3,450 $2,595 1963 CLASSIC 4-dr. Sedan, Wav $1,595. Lic. 543536 Now $1,195 1962 CLASSIC 4-dr., Aulomalic, Was $1,395. Now $995 1961 AMERICAN 2-door, Automnatie, Lic. £838022 Was $895. Now $795 1961 AMERICAN 2-doot Radio, Lie, 442390. Was $759. Now $695 1961 SUNBEAM 4-dout Sedlan. Lic. K876s96. Was $595 Now $295 1960 CLASSIC Soit. Wagon, Lic. 9986X Was $795 Now $695 1959 BUICK ELECTRA 4-duor Hardiop, Putly Poveered Lic. E66792, Mss $1.005. $895 1959 CHRYSLER 4-duor Iirsllup, Lic. 226432 Mas $995 Now $695 1958 FORD Stsl Wagons, a vrceas swagon Lie X2f73, Mas $795 Now $695 1958 FORD 2-dca, sets îtî.iis townsci Liu.LE67502, Was $795 Now $495 1958 OLDS 4-st c Sedati. ftiv equippeti. Lic. 226433, Wss, $795, Now $595 1959 CHEV IMPALA 4-sloi Hrdiop, Lic. 91443J Wa.îS5895. Now $795 1957 PONTIAC 4-door Sedlans, .stimalic, raîdio, Lic. 499807. Mis $495. Now $395 1957 STUDEBAKER 2dot, Big Motr Lis. 721216, Was $499ý Naw $399 1957 OLDS 4-dosir Sedant, auloinulic. radia. I Oit er, Lic. 661760, W.îs $695, Now $495 $99 SPECIALS 55 RAMBLER '54 SUICK 54 DESOTO '5 CHElV 57 PONTIAC '56 PLYMOUTH Clements-Ward MOTORS Limited j OUR RAMBLER DEALER e Brante St. Neir thse Hospial 878-3441 il