Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Dec 1965, p. 29

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IT'S ALWAYS GOOD WEATH'ER inhen hockey men gel la- 906 PATTERSON o) Brampton, immedinle pas) presideni o) geiber. Jîi Murray, presideni o) the Milton Minor Hockey the Tri-Coanip Hockey Association mus umrded the TiCoonly Association; Broce Hood, honorary referee-in-chief of the Tri. Honor Amnrd ai the Associaions preidenî's dinnen on Friday Cooniy Hockey Associaion; Arl Snurr, firsi presidleni of the Dec. 3 in Milton, The omard ix presenied annontly t0 a pev- Association and Doc Harkley, prexîdient o) the Acion Minor son woo orks bard for the Association. Shown wiih Mn. Hockey Associaion, ure shown greeiing eacb other ni the Palierson, centre, are Fred Hummond o) Oakville, a former annoat Tri-Counîy Presîdenîxs dinnino Miton on Fiday, presiderit of the Association and Bob Kanerva, Mitions Tri- Dec. 3. Countyrenpresenlalive. OMAGH Rocks, Fossils IO0D.E. Subject Fred Listers are 25 Years \W ed M tecriplu h on l Ms o tchbEnsi TA. H ilthnon. The Regnt Drngihe serving o a delight-il H n r d a Su p i e P r yMrs.W. CRowexcomtcd the lt] uc loirý%eeal u H ono ed t Su p rie P rty busnessmi-lin, tînaliuing the examine more closeix' and miode) By Mrs. Cecili Patterson 1 Thev represented Ballon Coontv present. Diana Dobev condocted prll)ecs aisolled bv Ill-, Chapler onei i îihdjxer n (lntended for as) %veek) ý or -he 4-H- Homemnaking clob.,. the business. lt mas carritcd that in 1965. There %vere approxîrnOe. dsplav. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrx.! Happy brthdav t tiendx. ud% the etob tîold a Christmas parts t' 30 fleriespc rit._______ Fred Lister, nom of Patermio, on Pewtrexx, 12 on Dec. 4.; r-v ndninItes \ere dra*iwn for an e hx- usî pvkerMrstMash celebrating their 25th wedding an. Lawirence, 11 on Dec. 13: Adreanai change o) gifîxt. Furher plans ar'c"11 Fîati o) (Xunipt)littce eni,,lît- -Roadsocî'tîptcrIii u niversarv* on Nov. 27 Neighibors.; Pozzeben. 8 on Duc. 9; Gai) Gow c, he made for criterlalniment and ened [lie tadicý on flc xoht-ct ,t da\t itglit and Sondav a, a btank-1 friendi and the famitx arranged a tland. on Dec. 8; Brian Ruxk. 13 lodn. rock, and losits. Mrx. Piaj li dx et of)ce tornied aller I Iec/iifý surprise parcîs 1Ioitonor them n on nDec. 8; and Jamres Sherit. xov Boit cati. "Tell how tu0 i-cInca' tecdtti cinating collection o) i a00 tiiccaxion. The happy coopte tof Atclerxhot. 12 on Dec. 7. une kîîîd of stain front a garmen lct c n iipeot, -N Il a fcldrlan reeeived manv beautifltgifîx and iA ltto-.cîî vcîe.îtd l(lcotîtîjoîtoîunîicîs%\elt]:însucred. A txîxxdi îajco aaa rat.îoic Ici ltsae riO Il ýIrîn 1 1 lie lias loc'.ted hio ie n ciii taL i ii o v iý fictc' t.litîstîîî goodxoîishe tor manv more vears. Hi îî4011 gon eat.o01 tl-itand lotex ît'ce î n tro. ihth a f%\:i vtiic. Euchre was eniox'ed and aLitettc- da v eeniîîg caused tlratlt cc tltîcloî furpro lecti ltri ious lunch mas serredi. hccked op and hetd xomne ime. moîthx _____________________________ The December eochre sponsor- The aîccdent occîîred LittIhe rftttt Mrs. K. Kiernan driniae ed hcftic Di-oîîqoin Recveaî 1111 Line itîci axi. Thce lirxt car' suai,' putfin, on ai i)pr. Eac n Com m itîce îîas 90)10îocces',lîî cd doîxîituo obxser'e înolher lcar x glîcîl 'asaînptco m0'i; on Thoridas erening. Deember ;n apparent troublle andct%%,as hil mclndil îtci on doigiviil ATTEN TIO N FA RM ERS 2, hetd in MCriY's Centre. ront hack. Dite voong man, Li meneing. A saînple of 1hix molt The rommilîce ivax pleased atipasngc'r în the secîînd car îoasxbe in the record booîk. ~i i.tm o m oet~ u the response. Tiette table s ere, ctttu hohdthehelnt Ah elmeinlccîislr7 in pay and olhiers joined ater in rlivotîgli the xindshîeld. An tt- oemontrîakiga ahound bol- lns ad diew v rm so -he evening for the drawing of* bîîancc rcîhed ima o hospitaI.toit 1hole and comptele the lesýosoox s a d rv w y frm so prizex. Euehre winners tceîe Mrx. Pasxing oirsex rendered hlm uir on making a wîlten skirt. hs wne 1 J. Mudit), Mrs. J. Hamilton, Andv aid andt posiihltaî'ect bu flte. Hornov Southtî tîîttpecent a!ti ine Lawn, Alred Bail. Hornbs Soutth 4H Cuohfheldxkit ai AO.eîcement D.% Net, Len Buckier drew the innine iheir sixtît melint' intihe work Lite [or Dtd Oki.Att rembeîs Cali us for4 your needs in SNOW FENCE and. Pl card and prize e enî lii Mn.r, ii nDc4ot lmmeit)rept. STEEL PENCE POSTS. We Have Good Supples Rtedge. on Hand. Tckets have been sotd for ihc w -âm drawx and lhesewevire ntlec d"A L PCIL Mns. C. Mav, itho hai-dîînatc'"A LS I tIno the vm Tce nmberva We con aliow pou $1000 Iradein aliowance on pour aid set ainhtdJimn oeg. nc of livestock clippers (moae or condition doos not matter), on Stev Tre1'TickeSithe 4purchase of a new set of Sunbeam MSewart Clippers. na transstlor radio. antd ticket No."H R E E " 532 on a teen age doit and wur- roewîht vRslnChritmas cake, îhorrhreid S U N D A W@ invite pou te drop in at our store and look over our coffe te re xcvi ed for retr,- for ors pin stock of ascddies, bridies, halters, blankets, brushes, etc. yourshopin Thcp wilt make excellent Christmas Gifts. Ment Yonr Candidates Nute N convenience 'TRY A BAG 0F MASTER MORSE FEED" most succeislut on Dec. 2Li Fnrcy W. Merrx' Schoot, \vt i' good atlgndance of ratceptu EL S LEY and candidates. Ken ites otfPal ermo teai charman tîîr te v P A M ni0g. PHRMCYW. stock a fulilfine 4f D e tîh n F u e r c e ic hra ie t i e 1i cighh irîhdaî oun Dec. 4 aoc:i- letiev setao ien îîrae88 42M A TRlE D aterlainedsehot trendi e Ha illerRaile, E aie Liser, Kaen 87-4492 After Hours 878-6961 A T R F E Johnson, Heaihýer MeKee, Eilen 212 Matn Si. - Mlt . . . . . . 'Marxhall, Date Cordingir, Betix itnFE ATRFO EUY HTCUT Jean Mareh.ment, Etten Goodung and Canhy Fuler. Games inereý wiII b. open rrom ploved and a happy lime had ht ail. A fine irîhdavt-sopper a!1 . . 5 . . served. 0Mr.îmmk5m. MASTER FEEDS Bitdygetnst r.Jmfor drugs, prescriptions,(SEA TO N Brown, inho cetebraled a htrthdavan udis(SE ATO N on Dec. 5. Her parents and olher adsnre.S Da 7-52-Gogtw friendi gathered for a lamiti dîn-0 Da87352-Gogtw 0 ner at hnr home. We are happyta 1 repot ri hat Mns. Ear) Galbraith is convaes'- ing ai her home o loailg a st10 in Oakvittc Hospital. Sincre sympathv ix enîended; la the parents, broiters, andý,) Innr o)'the tale David Rîuîtot 11111 TOWN 0F MILTON MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS in their sadlloss. Teagnýdv siruck again on Stor- day, Dec. 4 inhen Leonard Lctogh Ion. 13-year-otd sio o) Mr. ad in Mrx. F. W. Ltîoghton o) the Fi Lin tnas slruck hv a car and ki-1 led. Hearîfei iympathy is extend cd Io the parents and olher mcm bers of the famity in Iheir greal Congratulatlions t0 Miss Beneý ley Hloey of Hornby Sîoth 4-H te Homemaking Club and Mrs. GrantBnnia of Hoiiihy Nirth Cob on obeing ehosen for award, by fie Kingxxnay Kiawaîîis Cub. The girlx mere iuegtio)fte club __ ai a banquet aIithe otd Mili in Toronlo on Mîînday. Dec. 6. 'Fb,. received i osas iheir prizes m ArhrA o hnsonRIST BRIN DST ORDN KANT Tu.uda Affernoon TONY COIJSENSBRN ESGODNKAT Thursday Ev.ning Friday Morning WE WISH TO SINCERELY THANK YOU, THE ELECTiORS FOR YOUR FIiNE TR 8-9972 SUPPORT. 184 MAIN ST. MILTON KIUIIRIDI The Canar) an Champirîn, Wednoday, flen. i Sh, 1965 P Many Christmas EventS At HoIy Rosary Planned in Community Party for Manor Residents T'he LdiesAuxi- t'y he MrHowar sema ployed for Pis Ki rde GirlGieCm- uienb o lisa(the A. S. Abolît 35 rcxî,lcnlx o)f ' ton jment and refrethments "rocred PrymetTusa viii De.NicosnadSonplat in Bîîr- Cc erîciioal Monoi soi-rnireaiecttu, 1 I-b te C.W.'L. 2 a- the borne o llte Presî,tenî itioîn unt) lie veired finve alrq1,' l niaIîCht'ristmnas onliîîg on ligltliglil of the e eriteairmerni: Mrs. SianuPrive, Guielph ilI.ic. ago. Mrx. lHoward max ii cn an in lb[ho Wkniute griilIjw aoChrisimax siory'donc by 20 A C'ltirisiiias paît ntnaî ptaiiied ieujiher ofthCie iiiited f'ttich cylili Kii î,î s f 'oiitiîiti cîît and' triiof the sctiool, andfrice for fleceîîîbn.r 22 torc[lie fluicex Women li u RiaCittiueWî. llln inirting of Colleen Tonell. and îîoîheî'x. aiso a dciiiniiiet Mi'anti Mrs.Ron Parîentî ]lavec i, oyRoayCu>bli k-A irls' choir sang a melcote for $10 %vas sent ou ihe Buii'ington sol,) ibeir home on Panton Stree t uni's Leaic. Tiie nmort sponsor-, lIte ixiori, and 12 boys gave a Chrianîs Botecfor licun i i Mr. and Mns. Williaîm Nmith of cci a 90-iliiiiite tus tour tibvougli gî'ooîî recitation. Mrs. W. C. P. Pasorietolieonin Port Holpeand hune tumbused paîris o) Hcîtton Cotîni *.vcand aller' jWright, Mrm. Joan OConnor and Chîristmacs tee n lace. in ilibride Ilite Homard propenîny on ibvide stan fihle guesis assetobteot ai Mvs. L. Gurolaek seere conveners Coîttîntnîx' lciti on Dcc. 17 ocre Street, obeve then cre nuis ro- . Huit'Rosat-Y scbîîîl fîor entertain- iftr te C.W.L. ýa iî'%%licnit hec'ec'tii'c'mcm- siding. tl- t1I c'Ili, ittimtc andc tiîci Bueirre Vîirc A--1 [NîîîcîI. hiî -1 ii titgWii t i i tI . G et Cash or lier 1îiCîvsna îcî au i i heSocialt etîchie par.îî li ma>,tdo so. pî'oviîting itbeîe i tome ut Mv. mnd Mvx. Jc iit i For Christm as idî'niicationouneach une. on Tuesday enening, Decebr7 The filmn, Watt Dixnev's "CastaI- White gifî Sunday inaso)srv mavss" mas eîîjoyedl ci Carlixle cl Dec. 12 ai Elîbrici Un NOtW ! Coîîîni Ii n Satîrtav ai- Cloo'rch. The Sundan sdheiýid I ci ol ccetilier Il. sponisiiredi'cliogulgùso ' lxv fle Carlisle Ufiîcci Ctîîîî'c'I ue sentitlu the Fret) VicrMis. CallUs For Friendip arnd Confidentiai Assistance clb. ioîîn nToroînto.é Seil omeSiuîtlnitint)leacîters iKil.gftp Mr. aind) Mrs.itii Hotward liid e public ichoot ,'ic bsvIi' ATLANTICFIA C Il ane sîttt dlir rp 'itvvon Kit' )taring for Iheir Christmspo trie Sîrcî.îteteflo e t îhd e- I giam tt'ich toit) ohe bed on De-' CORPORATION LIMITEO iefor the pcîst 211cs.andicember 21 in Ilt ettîtiot aîîdîuî 08Mi t. Mle 8821 t'îîîîîoglîî a neut homeini12m08__ Main___St.___ Milton______ 78-285____ 'Guelph._________________________________ ____ AIJSTAN LEDWITII For the Support of Electors and Workers I Want to Extend A SINCERE THANKS My elecion as reeve of the Town of Mllt is net onlp an honor but a grat responsibilly. il wili be mp objective te adlequateiy represent the Town aI Countp Ceuncil as weil as fufllling my resporosibiliil on the local council. -- AU-STAN LEDWITIH ý.'.McKim's Have Hundreds k f GI1FTS FOR, EVERY MEMBER 0F THE FAMILY * USEFUL *PRACTICAL *LARGE OR SMALL ITEMS FOR THE HOME WE GIVE WE WILL GLADLY CHRISTMAS BONANZAI LAYAWAY COUPONS! UNTIL REQUIRED WE WILL LAYAWAY MOUR GIFT 'TILL CHRISTMUS ~McKIMHARDWAREi 280 MAIN ST. "il Serves Yoo Rigbi' MILTON 'i

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