THE TRUE STORY OF CHRISTMAS uneoided Satoîday for "gradm-othea Saeay Wright andI ber chiidrea Cindy Lewis, fitees Carns, M oureen Badley, Abert Kip and Gavid Heaney, os titey rend te tory of te Sotour's birti th ie Virgin Mary. Santa Claus. played by Josepht Cas- sidy. alto made un appearance cuing te day a-ad Coleen Tonelia. alto shows a inte piclure, performed ilb her baban as te Knîgitîn ai Columîbus and Cathotîs Woisens Lague enlealais- ed 35 Hulasn Manor residenis. HALTON MANOR The Canaclian Champion, Wedne day Dr-c.l5th, 1965 C7 Christmas Entertain monts Begin Art KempAI Ferri Named' .1 Areai Apple Committe. N$/ umnCuD Party, Santa, 'Carollers D ali ci d L*AK npsboaga 1/coin l.aIl ,tnt W orihHaitan fom f, -soladmost $117000 for By Mina Muriel Titonapson , Claus parsade indoo[aciMllon: , 1I he Manor. The girls werc Pct-l andi York Connues, electc I . )f5 vear. 0f uis announn., Resient sotn acirce l lit Sa iested (lite -elaeai lsp- in-rthe direction oftO wo lead- ise cotomitice anemicta as loi- auincit $8d000 was spent on aýppe auiditoriurm on Friduay night, Dc-! Iertimneinfihe loir intng rooms l rs, Miss Jackson and Miss Wheel- toms; Art Ke-mp, B ii tn - Promotion mi ah the remainder cember 3, leasing ilitecenotre spoace o1lflice Manuir andi presented every e'. Frankt Richardson, Mouni Haýpa; hing c-arried ovcr 10 dais years free forte piresennation ofatTavers [rlesideni sitila abag aI toril canciv. Tegrsmd oro h itny1rc.Naaao-hc.Lakc; budget. inîeresling- prograin aroond a at okdvr n ahsManur la order tu sio-g caroils and AI Ferri, Natrstl; Art Pegies lmitib nodlta e moke-believe camp lire by lottstriglat red suit and hatisrnte, Chris4mias sangs for thec resideals. Meadoweaie. Art Kemp %vasei, board nom has te power to take boys aged 1Iront ighl l10 ai01the itcard and slishet s. iis -i t ispsessvery sweîie dctrsan hng.tpadcutatlionagainst produces Fif th Boringlon Cttb aad Scot1flic Maor asvas sponsoiredi by fihe tnd their singiag mas bath eajoy- wiiil sere as represeatatise on b'at do nut report their sales and Pock. The boys ss'ere tarder the Mitton Chamber af Commerce, cd and apprecialed. U pon reach- the ,Ojtîsria Applte Produuers MDr- make paymena of their fees. Titis direct ion or theiir Akela, Mca. T. Ile Milton Fir-eiigh-ter-s and the'ing the Common Roam, at ahl c kting Bout d until Angttst 1966. y eoi cssthapo o White, anti her threc assistants, Mil-iouBt tnCh oai the RoalsiCan- conclusion oftiheir tour, lhey The meeting which sasi an ai,ttuttk. MsCotatMraI..e.ieIlîaaî 11LIait ilaitLegîsat setetttanked for etaming antd tendtancteaa i9grttaera taking ail Mr ..ieîîeita.iris Efflertaina itItyitsMts. E io itare. The itet-,liIl- itîc ir, (iiiltl Thl ite aintm iegali tiltla Ille Votali itttinty ti-', itactal lcis (iîlais ong sun,1%,tlo gL lol"lollad ýp 1 Grandt Hmrt1. Thea fleItoys ptre ite F.manuotelîatatist Chstîchin l We Mista Ytuatt orrCrs.II Mý oakqesin ead senled a progaam-fulltil aispeciat Milio arnomlathe Citoiet sîiîrh mas".aad itis wi-.t a hatl tefntino heporm o poems, sooýgs anti amalsitaf skiis, Mr. Catie-., il it inister, attStan- recipmicaied bs h esds r't he-ht eso.A iaclstve Most of these songs wete stang tIsas salu-eetuosa, eenther 5. Wilh setimen v mu maiggesters. A -amctMs. N. Hare, bv sshom btey bad skia. iih the ille 'Dont Tell A tacnt-lr.aineat, tasaing te argon I Lie, ia ashicit oae ti ite Ctttaoaasnimeaaas. these girls sang Spîstyecti te parat i -t tai tttsl tta lqaartette setectians, Aimigît- Cecsedhearas ltatghler. tIv(liti, Httss Great ThoutArt, and AI ite conclutsiottofaibtis saricil A MatansintacetIlie Hiltip. Tiies at-tgtsaî asingt- Song iof Chr-isjýtoutegiassattsc ioa-s teae tuassCaratis t-tatesio Tit"fic gistt-aal tts-cst laite M. iîae1.II inging tis-. eit tasMr-S. caîroil Gî,v M. Iliais andtit sasMikîî. - T A . Y U ad cluilcîlthe Citits aeaaîttisait M. Cotesitaunît inspirataiosnatt -a fic taTssets'ciavs oatChristmtaas.tts sermontîins-erses 1-0 (ilChtap- The Cuits elosedîltiti siagin avit Icri, 15ai1the Fit-si Coriîthî.aas. Ma "Santa sChaits is Caaang tîaToasstn- sîtes stake lisi titbistatata J2s, antd tt1tiis atinte ai-i stliviatscbltlaita \ienaitieiai ettst aIt S anstuslit .aitigit ed sui ta tdlie thave tel tit i hat To the voters of Nassagaweya and tabiat taiskîts eIcrfi c llict a vebo tute( o aoam.Thte tparaaas patsîstîttMr.tllait pet-îsons i ietci iitedtIo Gicusak %vlk%ýIh odealio. 'lccves- Township for your tremendous 1The etetingsatttettiitiate sae-. li]il, ta taPtittttesatttstttat vtmg ctlatcicitaastCakes andI etasal igs-itts-tii tata)tuttl ie tas iieal t 1 AL WATERS les proiccit~t a bits si s i thoriiîs itsin a tiltttt Ititflf44IvEsueppP4 gt-tPatapdateach resientittas pro-s- lîiîlîfl G" aa ti uiitstl,t \Bob Hussard ai Bob Hassard sentteti salîia he.atttiiits ttdeai.aîii Iode: tasattattaîtilMe- - - Sales Limited la pleas- cittcakescosatp litîsliai %t0ititttitt l eituanounce the appoinîment Tiis taa-ty a-stsa-vct-a tle ait, Ctii tiin taltsi5-alit %Crs fMr. I Waters as Sales Repre- ant i tittg introductit tin I lG5D- llite litait aroilai tas in cetitaFrou-daItt l tiChiilitas par-ttsttîtolitttst Iilae M aa A -- alie.Mr. Waters la meil tacs ithte Mantaa ison tata011MtnavngDeiias- at G m S n e acvfl rlun te Miltaonare a - 1 Santas Visit taitrt, \\ienat25 girls h ta la tean ciie an commonitv aifairs. OnaSatatda ttteartaotataeentl ..G.T. rpalttat5PlaiUi ber 4, aller the aonalSaît i estChitîtiit i Alsist-a--iaoî \iýAdvertis;eeuenti A CHRISTMAS NATIVITY SCENE mas preseated 5aisaday ai Hoiy 1osary scitool audiorau M by studenls aifte scitool. s te Kegitsatsîo C IUlîca and Caisotas Woamenns League eeaerîaîned about 35 residenssoniHulasn Cesieesîai Maso-. Mai-y and Joseph waere pla1ed by Inez Kelly and Gerry Scioutes; te sitepiterds by Jamtes Haîkan. Antaoay Pedasla and loch Langndyk. the titree kasgs by Micitael Rgo, MicaeTonuarvey asJ Macitoe'Caroll; aed te asqels by Marianne Kaszychi. Deetse McCans. Anc Marte Saiord, Patta Caumanskans îd Fasses Scliasazza ESFNPTP-R LABOR SEMINAR Ts, OLaiiltc and i-tat ii Lalîî Pastor Substitutes C(natattî littîsiaiu]ck, For Guest Speaker Ebenizes ur ttai hah anssaca s ara erite asaaotiensîcil ha pt efi e ai - La-ra t, atastlîana sîl te roasdts .Setv.. H. tskisiso!iaLb tertt;j i ds iteu tac thle tpisit tii- amy tissiitities blithle aur Re'a W. A. Leemans ac an ntr etingsermoin boing Iiaaccmstis tas the huait oI Jtisuo. Aller Mses iies.lastidtei-tllai reniai isroelteaouat tuscra-. uter ea iotiePraamised Laod, tit louked lat\tai sasi auil %ai lbsonme rilîation. Tte t util spou i, tiîem trouait Johiuo. "As iua sith Mss,sut1aaitIhtaaa\tlîsuaai. Bcesarang aof aigitisatcouage. The citir rendeccî thelitniliam Ms WaN eut Thne G0tLord. Mr. J. F. Kitches. hce saitsan og The Lordl s Ms i t ,îstMa\Slîo lion. M. Leema bas preporedai mot intercsing botai about Eh enuzer aoassîs 1915. Thte eacniîîysca e a-s tan- I ýiesi W itte pouar toi- [Thc doait lte ciamhtedchtiul ELECTRICITY IS OUR BUSINESS Dont te a Tinkerer wiih Eiectricity. Cati an expert for *HEATING *WIRING *NEW CIRCUITS *ADDITIONAL OUTLETS * OIJDOOR LIGHTS For o Free Estimate Cai FEATHERSTONE ELECTRIC TR 86378 Il laas .ittcnticit hadelegoit,, trom attilaltI dloaai a liisa,t GaLa ilIt-aiti Milltta. da ,,eîaîa 22.\aate th, Lhiii, tofsa ie CHISTMAS LIGiITiIrI rt-ai thingsassladd i he spiait iii Clirî attiac îh.a taîlaît cd lits. Buaila-a Isintrtsssc Ite laa il ti,,Ihaiist itî oapti t ait \rit. a it h i g " I !or tatl.attas itatrttpoo ltbnec- lt,ttt,isingotlo i Ille %eni o Thank you for re-electing me ta the NASSAGAWEYA COUNCIL 1IWILA WORI< FOR COMMON SENSE ADMINISTRATION -WM. MAHON At >azel's.. 1O0/o OFF * ALL CHRISTMAS CARDS By Norcross, LoveIy Selection of Choice CHRISTMAS WRAPPED S BOXED .HOCOLATES Supplie er CosmeticsCOFFES BA OPEN EVERY EVENING AND ALL DAY SUNDAY 0 COFFEE BAR 19 Toys " Games " Novelty Gifts " Smokers Supplies " Cosmetics " Film ATr Hazels jw Variety Store MRS. HAZEL BRUSH 192 MAIN ST., MILTON I wish ta thank the Electors of thne Town of Milton for their support in electing me as School Trustee and ta wish them a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. -ALEX S. COOKE ALEX COOKE OUR CHRISTMAS PACK IS LOADED WITH GOOD USED CARS - CHOOSE NOW 1965 CHEVROLET IMPALA CONVERTIBLE V-8, automolie. pomer sleerasg. powet braises. radio,.whale mails, mitent dais.Maoalter entros. Usder new cor quorasten. Lcense E64738. 1965 CHEVROLET IMPALA SUPER SPORT 2-door Hardtop V-8, auloatitt, power sleerasg, power biaises, radia, white mails. miteel dîsîs. Mon5aliter entras. Yeiiow mith tlack basket seuls. Lcesse E64309. 1965 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE SEDAN V-8, autonîalac, radio, whalewal lres. Back ismtitred itterîna Stîli onder sem cor marroay. Lcense E64687. 1965 CHEVROLET IMPALA TWO DOOR HARDTOP V-8, aulomotîs. power sieerasg. pomer tramies, radio. mite mails. miteel ds S. emonssrator. Usder sem cor waraosy.iicesse E68161.- 1965 CHEVROLET BEL AIRE SEDAN Autoraoli. rodio, while wlis, mieel dascsm asittrs - emonssrolor. 51,11 usdair nem car marraasay. Lcesse E67846. 1965 AUSTIN 1100 FOUR DOOR SEDAN Radio,,wasdshaeid wasters. Veay Sm aitleaqe. Lcesse 466296. 1964 CHEVROLET IMPALA CONVERTIBLE V-8, aslosîalîc, radoanwmhite wmous, power steerisg, poswer braises. Mosy alter ealras. Localiy amned. Licesse 334-178. 1 Rb 1964 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE V-8, aulomatis, radio, mwhite matis, pswer steerieg, pswer brahes. Many otiter entios. Lcesse 159791.- 1964 LAURENTIAN SEDAN V-8, Auomoaottc, radio, bhite mouls. wasiters. Excel lest condition. License 358121. 1964 CHEVELLE SEDAN Astoatit, radio, mite mouls, masit- ers. Ver y cean car. License 553-871. 1963 PONTIAC SEDAN Auaomatil, radio, white a, wasit- er. Original condation. Lcense 425917. 1963 PONTIAC FOUR DOOR STATION WAGON Autoati, mwhite mails, mashers. One omner nehacle. Lcense X1021. 1962 RAMBLER SEDAN White waIls, misdshîeld oashers. Very taw asaleoge. Lcense E74117. 1961 PONTIAC SEDAN Aulomai, radio, while matis, miteel dascs. A gaod fomiy cor. License E57968. 1961 CHEVROLET SEDAN Aulosmoti, whie mails, masiters. One a nen car. License 75353E. TRUCKS 1962 CHEV. TWO TON VAN TRUCK 4,000 Miles on new molor. Excelent condiltasn. 1959 FARGO THREE TON 4 fotas poraond raiksV-8 motor, hiait speed Iraesmission,920 tires. V59116. SHOP NOW AT REED REDFERN L TD . Your Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Deler ONTARIt ST. S. MILTON . 878-2393 For That "PERSONAL"" Gift A WESTINGHOUSE HAIR - DRYER SEVIERAL MAODFLS TO CHOOSE FROM Priced From $14.88 Free Layaway Plan Available a# C HA S ES HOME APPLIANCES lai MILL ST. 878.3221 We Give Christmas Bonanza Tickets -------------------------------- --- ----------