B6 TeCdia Champion, Wednaesday, Dec. 15th, 1965 I % ie t P ies t I'%ent (O I.iIl C .I.T. WaI n Vo IL Car 1ak chancesi, Milton Police Chiet parked cars be sure .you lock 16 Tno na an rese rs rIZ s to .~~uueiS 'jarVIie ~ vv~rl *U mOp Ray Andt'tss warned ttiis week. #hiem in the truok out Cd Sigh," Every year some Milton shoippers the Chiet stated. ______________________ For Fire Preventio.n Posters Joins Milton Avert Parcel Theft leae ristas parcels inokn founOrsta«Cr 0f he ilon ar lI- MDeyesgrde SoanPic ~Donilt be a frcstrated Chriltmas every year some parcels are stol- oi sosg.sheet. lThey're available h-M enNeilNrae 6l Susatrley ~5~ ni e vc hopper - lack your pacels i2 en.nwa h aainCapo partent eer ic Brt the trunk of your car - dont "If yoc have to leave parcols in office. schools were named this week by roil of Holy Rosary second; grade Oakville, Brosse asd Milton___________________________________________ Chief A. E. Clement. 7, Alexander Dorst and Mary menîners of t-be Canadias Girls [oy Rccary schcul students Seelen, bush of Holy Rcsary in Tr aining cosnbined for a jcoint took most of the prizes and the grade 8, Martin Bradshaw and cadieiigliting and caroi service fly Arn Coulsont join the croscd on the lBth and fire chier praised the school and tris Phillips, batodcf Hoîy Ro- Stcar is itdCurh i As the boliday neasos approa- take a trip lu Hornhy for "Hai- ils leachers for the inlerest they sary. ton on Stîndcîv evening. Of the ches, somne fattiers w ill be get- ton's largest tcrkey shoot". showed in tht annmal competil- 111 girls parlicipaling, 33 were U ting their young son their lirsi t ion. Fit-st and second prize win- IlL'on( Srvc tIhe Milton C.G.l.T. anld cliv- WE'RE RLL WRAPPED U gin for Christmuas. Tht Hatton The Stase ui Michigan had a ners wcre chcsen for grades 1 W hlitie GJiltS rvc eral others ocrec Explorer Girls ~r Sportsmen's Association wouid vers successici elk hunt in 1964, lu 8, and cash prizes have becsloi Milton atlending as a at his time Ilie to ask ail ta- the lirsi one ecer held in Ihal presented the Icco winters [rom For Su nday School 11ii-tip Th iniîer repres- IH G F U G S I N tiers [o make cire thai lhir tale Ther wre n[ 300~ pe- eic graîde. Meiîibcrs o St PaîsLtt' Uicîl Blorsî an oa>-il- î, G L R T MIT N P A M son s qalifed u hadrethý1 mis isuedandbelive l ornul A Speciii recognition" was Chai-eS Sondtv Schtt:l jiid1w A O E A IT N P A M gun before ti' vngt o se it. If thcre vcr 35,300 appiied toi ai ,îccrded ici gracie 5 firsi piie congrogalion SimiLis tor1 lict it in- so Fn e and t ",,is Laý,ins ai pou are going to give your son a piti, tîha aico haïr to send in wînner Colleen Smithi of HoicIcl Whii Gerii Sevie. Saan t Lotis SCair and pin for Cbrismas, ilvould tic a $25 depucil, for a slaggerisg 10' Rosary school. Joanne De Graaf Girîls prusenicd tis tiec iiiiii-cli lite nîdialîoî Ltîdc Sinlai Dace- a~~~~~~ ver] goddaorte a uiîf $882,500, of whicb ait titar of that sebool's grade 5 clacc had were for lthe eburei cil Malagan iceci a, candie ligitter. A choir1 mk take a safe-gun baniding course' Iv lîad 10 he reicuidc'd as tbe [tsIt been named an "honorable mten- and ils work among the Indiatîs. liicîtictdR.I.LGa befre csg tt os.Wemac310 aplians îccîve pimîs.lion" wîsser in a county -wîde Mrs. Wilma Tyrer bold the sitr titi îi Si. Pati's -,ii flie bene-L UK add that last year alose. tbe de- i nposter coniesi cponsored hy Eau- ci Weît the Chimes Rantg <liîng 'z te-crie îiiii parîment bas figures lu prove AitillîLigil tcesaieaiic on Fire Pievenlion Bureau, and tc eivccnîce i it îttî-lîct 51T tolîi E that gun tiandling coursces base cîpi,îîîi gaine in Souihern Ont- Chier Clemeni caid Collees s Po' Dîlis. Roll Feiîtheî clone cad,î i eut down the fatal accident raîte aria, il is hecoming increacinglv fer was su close in the compelil- Scripiure. Aile'cstld ie,î îstsc'rced iMEN This is net a bad record ix thrc [urne logeiher, 'neccluse of or- ticen asvarded lier. Seiiiiii ca nsDE O H E shot yarc hn dvelgmni hieî ncveît Naa Il lnnrs the choir utîder [lic diirecto ol, an ,td [lie coniglegaiioi joiîîed in a PRESENTATION *Y CURRIER AND IVES shr cer.bndvlpetwihnwe- Nm l inr Mrs. H. Maceu. 1 -woi sing.SX-31b$48 Lak f55WinItain îtî-gulis ail cf socîlherni Halion and Hee0r tcsinrc ll Cologne and Afier Sheve Set ........ $3.75 Lcofso inHloCor-protihils flic huniing cf garne ________are___the____________________________ OLD TIME ty bas ham"rett'ý bîînting [hic Thetec cm a ahurdnc of irni cand second plice winneî s ASSORTEDri $hav and SPICEav St$35 year. Wtt cceekcndc pics long, land ganse soutti of No. urUP H igh- fr hgad:21. 32 wtt gracc to tramp througti is ccav. cchere il cs not permissible Grade 1, Giedre Ccpaiiis anîd: MINIATURES feShvLoinRllnDodrt$27 sot a very inviling ciJV 10 spend te bhunt any more. More and Oriana Seremin, holh cf Holy Ro- * '-l.-$95Afler Shave Lotion, Spray Deodorant $2.25 a Saturday morning. Cotionlails more choies cire coming 10 pour cary; grade 2, Mary' Anne Brad-! To the Voiers of Mviton: 1-1b. -on1.95 007 JAMES BOND are abundant this year and as ccriier ahout large devetopers tic- lev cand Locîisa Crisci, bo-h ci N us Maonbonsr, Cologne and Afler Shave . . $4.00 sourn an we gel a rait of snosc, lsn 5 Hscy. shooîisg pheacanîs Hoiv Rocary; grade 3, Sandrîu ets aos it shoutd be good hunting in Hal- [rom the hack of haif ton Johnson and Ernilv Pierce, holth ie us it LSST YBUYRLY to. Remember, no ferrets Ibis [rocks. This bas becs broughl to ut J. M. Denvs-c scbool; grade 4. 1 arn pleased with the resuits of last week's YES, THEPLSSlBV RUY DE, year again. Some cf the lads the attention cf the police, sho ne lirsl prize, Gcrry Zanalla iii elcin andLET CITATION AeNaDd IA oferACSEEORO from the club bave bail verv iii hln saiv il is up 10 thc Cancer- Hols R occîr second. lcinadathu ef td,1o e MSECTO good partridge honting ibis seir. c-,tion Office, %iho in tum .cay il Grade 5, Colleen Smciith oi Huis n n s op t-i flie police heiocv 5. A Rosirv cînd Kaien Wright cr J. sincere thanks ta ail those who exercised Tht lads iront the club and magniticent job or passing tbe P scrroonding district arc geliing iuîck. %ce caîi il. their franchise . . and especially to those in sonne trap and largel practice Felioîcs, %cci e tcll gel contie ci responcible person. Teaci teitî in rcadiness for nest Salordas excellent doick sboaling ai Long the value ci god relationts isilt who supported me. afternoon's lurkcv shoot al Gordi Foint Provcincial Paîrk. wherc sou tbe laînd occner, wtic boidc tbe Lee's (ilîbi, vponctîcd tic the cire citaîged zî 54 blind rc [or- kev 10 ibeir hunling. As Our Miii Halton Sportsmen. This eent is w ic lcO iîîîî ii . isic'r of Laînd, and Foresi s sa,îc F - gelting larger es civ year as 1 ' A sîtîcîli anilni cf effort tic Good LUCk la the E[ecied Mertîbers fi more and more people cire jour- Agtîta, \%sce jîpioccth e lîeîri cacit spurisiccn scosici pîtîide neying coii ta Hurnhs lo haîve ol the liîîiîtng cwason in Hallon. svarîhcclile îiiiendc ot ietec Miltoni Coîjncîl, BY ELIZABETH ARDEN an ailernoon ut spcrt and iriend- le(i, s î sportsmen sel an ex- bîînling and heiler relations lot GIFT BOXED BLUE GRASS .. ... $1 .25 ly cempetilion. Yu dcxit base fi) amîple tor Ncss Ccînadians and lthe future." SA N UTN ODRST- shoot te win a torlies - juci pal soiîn, ittwe sco are goiîîg out SOA AN aUTN O RSE .. .. $5.25 pour name on a circle in une ol or_ the tirci tirne. Teaci tiens Aîîd noc%*, l'uni sîîcî scliiel andl N TALC AND SOAP SETS ... .. .... .. ..... $2.50 the "lupk shot" îurkcs tai-gels tit litevsctouid gi out cf their ail the members or tic Haltoît N MEECHAN -B ADE and you map tic che- sinner. Se- xoav to sîek permiscioni 10 tiiti Spai icmeîî's Association, a Mer.BYYR-E vees turlicys scent lu seven happy ot flie i.rmer's land. Many l,îi- rc Christmnas cînd Good Huiing NAND AND BODY LOTION $1.00 -$1.75 people Ibi s wac- ladt vear al Hotrn mers ili ic ticîi bîîni on poti- aîîd Fisliing in 1966. COLOGNE AND SOAP SETa by and corne of thc'ccinnerc n-cd i ni ,îi pros ding ltes knîîs $1.7 ver tired_;. shol ail aiternouit. Su %%ito the liîînter cs and [liai tic is ______________________________________________IN A VARIETY 0F FRAGRANCES .......$4.25 WmlUUtqe<t<l<b seeetnateeteetie "Bob ussar V Meteo %"BBbitishsard Hars& Thck Manen.EcMltn 87-21 - JBo Metrds rer at BEFOCornet te To The Residents of Milton: I arn deeply grateful to Al those who worked on rny behalf and those who elected me mayor cf the Town of Milton for 1966-67. I wiIl continue to work idi the in- terest of Milton to the best of rny ability. It is rny desire that Milton and A its residents wiII enjoy cap- able adrinistration and progress during the next two years. May I wish yoU, one and ail, a joyOUs Christmas and a Happy New Year. EH «ed Chjld4 SYes, Wo Have Film, Flash Bulbs, - Cigarettes by the Carton and Soft Drir DROP IN AND WRAP UP YOUR CHRISTMAS SMOI ~ - IN FINE STYLE AT I MILTOI N PHARMACY MAIN ST. MILTON dazzle her with an electrical gift! Must i gft c tan make' a woman smilc fBut to make ber eyes glow; wîth ihanks, to make ber remember the gift and the giver for years to corne, make it an electricssl gift. Moderni electrical applianices make a woman's work easier Bfld ber life more pleasant. They help ber do more tbings, enjoy more things. So dazzle her-with an electrical gift! c YOUR MILTON HYDRO COMMISSION MAIN ST. MILTON LIVE R>2TTER FECTRICALLV q -Un 1