CLASIFEDDEATHS (Coninued) FrSl FOR SALE <Continued) FOR SALE (ConInued> FOR SALE (Contlnuod) FOR SALE (C 1 Ingd) ____________MiltonDistric FOR SALE-Kelvinator refrige. O SL ADEIRfTISING MMgRA-îMitnDstit-rator. in working order. Quick FRSL - t cetcrie train; FOR SALE-You wilt ike huyv FOR SALE - Free Christmas Hiospital, os Tnesday, Decem- FO AESgSu I$5 7-26 .14o32 guirs ihe. 18" wheets; mas's ing yor huilding materials and lurkes 10 each ueo' fond ensto- RATES7, 1%5,Jaimes MeMnrriv, FO us 8825. e126-fFR SALE - 58of Ches. 2-dsle.or,. 87276. -31.dol carrnage; ol's crib. coal at Crawford's, Campbell- mer No moues dowlî, n.inter- RTSeLto(lhsbaiidofEmma Tor a uv8825.c1-463t FRSL 5 v -orFitone 67-6685. c314069 ville. Ouiek service. High quao- estoonu emo)erslip tees, orl n er-; deir laîher of Rohert Jam- FOR SALE - 12 pigs, 8 weeks standard, gond condition, ideat lity. FPhone Camphetîvilte UL 4- Fnod Sei-vice, 90 Eart St., Ham- 8IRTHS, DEATHS, MARRIAO- rsofn Miton, Gwro (Mers. Er- nId. 878-3570. C.31-4068 secnnd car. 878-4793. c-31-4034 FOR SALE - Aparîment sire 2232. c-36-t71-tl ilIon, 545-0778. c-30-3-3969 ES, ENGAGEMENTS - No nie Cross) of Camphellville, - hravy duty stose; 10.8 refrigera- charge. Murray and Colleen f Mrs. Sam FOR SALE-Girl's skates, sizms FOR SALE-Potatocs. Now is loir; sew gas dryer. Aittln very FOR SALE - Band saws, also FOR SAILE - Bref: choice, Ci Hokansos) of Miton, Rodney 3, 4 and 5. 878-6631. c-31-4049 the lime lu boy! Wr deliver. gond condition. 878-3282. c-31-4056 f or sharpesisg your hasd saws, yousg. dry fed, neyer os grass, li POR, SALE, FOR RENT ETC. - at home. and Rares (Mrs, FO SAE-Iusrdpiao,. 878-6497 by appoinîment. FRSL h circutar saws and carhide - hip- prnperly hung in couler, cnt and di *995miimprierg fo c5-29-Coss-ofMilon.owno Oa saws.sedpiCoatie 079-89982R9SLEorChiravetreswrapprd. Cll17898yourreaespecificalionsifiatins minmu chrg fr 1 Frd ros)ut ilon:alo$129 Phone 878-3115. c31-4074 Culs yor oand enjoy atrrshaiHtoC-OrtieSplsureroridsRaoab. words-5c per word thereafler. survivrd hv 10 grandehildreu. -"-- _ _--__ . iHlo oOeaieSple.qatr rsds esnbe FOR SALE-Fireplace wood. ai- lree. $1.50 at Roinhnow Ranch, t-688 adBue rn 3-63 Subsequenl insertions (no coy Restisg aothtie MKersie Fu- FOR SALE-J gond ssow tires, su wood for furnace and stove. mite nest ni Moial, phone 878- cb688 odBre.Es 3-2550 changes) - u75c minimum rai Honte, 114 Main St., Milton, 750 o 14. Cai aller 7, 878-9096. Phone 87-6415 aller 7 p.m. 6573. c-30-3-8989 FOR SALE-Freezer, $1.73 per chre o 1 ors 5 erwer ogea sric il c -1-07c-31-4-4103 - 1 oeek 10 eaeh new fond costumer. FOR SALE - Large gîossy ____________ldonTurda i pm I- FOR SALE- Christmas Irees, pus Ire - 50 îbs. steaks and prints ni Casadian Champion- 25c discount allowed for cash terment in Eveegreen cemeîery,0 FOR SALE-21 tigs. 8 weeks FOR SALE -Mclntosh, Nor-th- Fresiscual opruer. Free botînons roats. Earl Fond Service, 90 staff phottos, 5 s 7 sire St, 8 s 10 paymenl, Mlons, id. Carence Peacock 878-9810. cru Spy and Greesing apples. and eandy for chiidren with cach Eori Si., Hamilton, 545-0778. sire $1.25. Fins tas. Cash must a _______________c-3 1-4064 Howard Gnwtand 878-6456. purehase. Bert Joues Etectric,c30-96 copnore.Eqi ow2 COMONO EVENTS,* CARD 0F c-30-5-3994 Broute Si. c-31-2-4043 c3--98aiChmponOr.Esuce,1910Wain9 THANKS - $1 for fiet five Cards of Ta s esnc, size 4!/2C$87foreskat FOR SALE - Adigmachines, FOR SALE -Saddi abut, SDCR i.CMpion. Offc 91 ais-t ises, 10e for each additional________________ c-31,4030 lvprsriters, for sale or rentaI. autres etc. Evervihiug our uers fneM IM8 lstcpr Ms htk 0attoesh ATDT U n clans 86962, Harris Station- hulse ai OuvereSaddle Shop, 109 t3siite the hacksoaed harvesi FOR SALE-Westinghouse de- cc Is EOIA-I-lu 0Pheone 87 lunel porlahîrEDT BY ndcls c9-f467,L dishRd W r washrs.)rcrnrwr ar hik-lxepotbl ds sedr ue finnivese osifdmdsersdein.ese tIlay CtIBolig -69E87.87 e',c9tf67 - 6stireRd W (ter er S>.iothe, 125h0k-6 onhs Cis 550ue. sk s s mie ishowsryd tiies y re tc-3-483.FORSAL - 158 Pnia. 6Oahsille. 845-0581. c-30-5-3991 ihf tri seed lue 1966. For top yield- isg $150 or hrst offer. Rodac Ton- hg CLASIFED ISPAYREL iises. ALE Youg if seed corsnsiih gond standab- risl 620 eamrra silh flash and h EýSTATE ISAEA-$,0prcL llc s3-04stc.os 0R - ursycylindr, automatie. whitcwalts. FOR SALE-4.5 gai. d reis - op-ý huit-$12 c'cl nh.c3-04 lc Dv O AE - lue cng G878-4738in gond condition. $708 cash. 878- r s d ulheo sisl-ls-sc orWrick dealer. leus ollachmrnts, 510. Philishase- . bllcalesfo velig. 78478. n nlendcoi aeb2eeurh; iit iisterdsount are noinSpeedites riecric rozrr.$15. 1sîslh tu espres sy silierre c-31-40391 2009. c-31-4102 ar,.or, , r, , ecch ,,. -vode icunsac o nPhone 878-9335. c-31-4036r iOX NUMBER to Iis office - Ihaîistho 10 y reatives, irirsds SL mî îcr FOR SALE - Spv, Deicions, ; ii nIii ot seci ,oud firer 10 iteci. Top yield ai Massry lest ai 25c additionÈ. and nrighbors for the lovelv cards, FOR SL ml lcrc1tk wy 7-20 -147 rawsWrik23 gilfoesadvisits s'hile i hr ogn ik e.878-9500. Cortland and Gîeening apples. oeosî.0893 1.05ae a asik23 W5 diint usiocr n hc c-31-4061 Bring containers. Wm. A. Bos- O AE Ca- Irc n D. Laîsson 878-297. WaInt5ê il DEADLINES Miton Hospitl. Specialtîhanks ----___fied 878355. b3144057 FrcOR trsLnEw n - , vrc-30-3 ____J;___ ___ 10 Dr. MicKay and aiso nurses FOR SALE - 1960 Pontiac, ______________ eîtrlrssos sd sr________-____ Classiied Adverising ,and staff. 84754 . Texaco Station in Mottai. 2000 Relis Springficld tires in WANTED - I white kilten. 12 Noon Tuesday Etaec-31-4066 Liiti,îsTsiss. c-31-4046 CHTAS TES octtk, adisiees. i tt5 prices. lia, ER OD HN hos 7-39 -144 Classified Disptay & ReaEt ___________balance__1_ seheel Ssaiosced 5 pm.Moda tssshlI î,tîkai m iieds FOR SALE-1951 Ford hall ton Scotch ise - Spruce - Batsam .8.ehoeoIeisiruts WANTED TO BUY-AiI kinds n Miltonan îd district sshn sisiled pick-up. Phone 878-6476 aller 6.30. S1.50 - $2.00 ca,rsd.trlucks. MilIiSTrate LAYING utsid(as s law. Appty ni87 2 41 m and sent tiîsr,, cardad c-31-467 Large displa irers extra. R,îdi,îlîr Service, 191 Miii St.. Thnrouglhrrd Fred Sopply, Phone87 -2 41guits, ,tsîîo titose niho cared tueoioOî,ity-Large setection t 8782711. c-51.7083-t) AppIý Coscord, Ont., 889-3546. ______________________mtriîmits, Speci.îi thanks lu Rev. FOR SALE-23 etecterasgelTop___ c-9-6396 TheCaadan hapin i,Mr. L. Gî,îhans and nursing Frigidaire, gond condition. 878-1 JMSOCNO KEN ELLA WNE OBY-Cp f 6 Th aainCapo staffi tt Miton District Hospitlt. 4480. c-314055 1285 Luser Base Lise, 2sd rooci ChrîstmU Coy o Wednesdoay, Dec. 8, 1965 c-31-4086 Augeto Cheskey. -FOR SALE-59 Mercury 3-ton I sorth ui Dosd,îs Hss, I mite; Chitas Trees Hornby, Ont. - Halions Pages nf the and _____________________dump. $400; '60 VoIksýwagen, $150. lat nil 701tLise criiatga,tRd.).' FOR SALE t-31 Actons Eart Davs. ontact- 1878-2200. c-3-45 Phone 878-6114 o 2133. c-31-4033i Born In Memoriam 1 FOR SALE - 6-werk-otd pnps, Duritn 8 a-11tt. - 10 P-111. d,iis [suries Record Bar CHRISTMAS TREES WANTED-Live __poulry, gnose -_______.. parti Bn-der--Scotrh Collir. Phone c-29 4crý,Icthr ics JOHNSON - Mr. and Mr,. Jitîs MAtES-Inlinto tentoîsiof a, 7887.c-31 -472 $1______- $2 -$3- $4 agsd doceau WC ather icks1. Johnson (nec Voisin) ut 297 'le,r tailler ,îsd graudlatîter.ý FOR SALE-Holstein cals-es to, Tfii . 14 Mîi til trlie t $-U Zenet - 776 Cutiege St., Toronto Elmwood Cern.. Milton, are %%INo t,sed ,ssiDeceuther 18., a. GordonîsDonaidsont, 1402 Ap-. AINT IRE!tgc 3139 eeclet ie o o tor ph ose cullirclLEunux 5-724., pieased 10 annunce the SriS 1961.tteecetieitLires sua huughAT esrîsisgs HUdson 5-2030. c-35-ti1 oI their dangitter.ares Helen, 16 ibFit. -146 ,iloitise Ftiree islt ye.iareC weight 8 ib., 5 ozs., ai Miton Hîsiirîtittilsj,s ciri idai, FOR SALE-1956 Ford.,utn goodIliei- , g tid at- District Hospitlios December As in tiehtuti'le iassed ans%"%'cotnditon. Catesiii e g'l -4987 NOs./VY FINE ARTS & t, 1965. A uitile siter for Mich- Aî,î emsscrJonce. atuer 6 p.. -31-4059 CAT HPCULIHBa.HeIp Wanted art and Liîîd,î ete anîd Dianîe.- c-31-4062 _____________________________ ________________ o lei nlisjtgssmcry îegh SLE USED SNOW TIRES Baîse Liste Rit) W. ofIl%%\. 25 2tmile, N. Miltont No. 25.h BLASLEY -insîIlg ,mV og ti sld. Stuaîrt c.î-- îbîî-31-3ý HELP WANTED - Hnusekeep- ofaîanotheî. iîetth, -andru8823. c3-85I OIINRSer- - cunsp,îsin ur luederiy lady. srniuhi l ehvou _ 87-269. -3143 And OMIIO RYAL ewNr sipmettotsWOUL - livinîg iuMilton. Phone 878-9289. Engagements passed asai- Decembar à 1t96I.ý FOR SALE-unem aii1 SPRWNE-RIS LNSsoît2id FOR SALE --44 _________________ :A clos ol rememhr.îîcc. iIcstLI clîppers, urisc sewnsfeuenord. - Al O Ie CMFTNS&tADt; l-rHL WNT-aswtd Mr ad r. laeceCain,01uepci. edaidwilnceS5. 8764800. c-31-4052 i Bargain Prices S W EA E R S Crs iarees lii crc frhre n oko R.R. 3 Mitonu, \vshouSluasnunsec tîgeFOR SALE-5-tisg basnoitrsiIeicalit ils tt I fi-tests Ciii I -tisRepis Bos 30, The Casa.; the engagement ni their osiy Aî,oî sîîî 0dhvln ,s eît ioetcin.50 rSs NIINS WIOL WI3RK SOCdFN ii.îsChamspion. c-31-4042 dagtr eter Jean lu Me.bSnd.-childrenu atul gi,îdchilcl- ottes. 878-6814. c-31-4065 24 Houe Service e SOAI.tSOcst SPRUCE & BALSAM HELP WANTED-Haîr gstylisi.ý Victor Arhur Auger, sou o)fMs. t:-1-0 Retaîi - Wtsntesaie S Ct1 I.3RAcrsMICSinc mnium c- Auger and the laie Hart-y Auger. c-34.1 - FOR SALE-Ai lis e, asel, ri DminîiunRosai Tires 0 OIL FAINItNf;S Fecli 10 Il.a3lle o ar< s hrge oinimum.! The maretage %onu tLake plac uiDULStil-Cit irstr estsiltudio tope. Cie,îy Freiay. December 31, 1965,.intth1e Mes. Sot h C. Douglsîg.s oiPhonse 67-2774. c-31-2.404v Phosîr Anstinîr > IVi 5 iii -l p tii bit 3 r evenitf.pasti -tiszai Decemnber2. 1964. L87s8)-3ttst31vSTA PICE 07 94r7,ltieIr Sistîs. c1-071 Ttoghl 0eh,î itr 1 rr FOR SALE-1959 Naîsh Metto- 878-31161E46ATD-ougms Though î oiti iar, ii uit gritef poli ta,s eelleut condition. Ret Base Line, Mitons878-6862 8786146i tsid sshotu tr.Ducic, stoîî.tb s ir l. 676-302. c-31-4040, c-2111l31 c c31-2 ,itsoin.,pt1u e ucs Died î-31iti-tt058ATE BURNE-At Joseph Brout Mrm- partoci, 10?cputs ohileli orial Hosptal, os Wednesdi,v tn1 -susîîccsiîgp ' December i. 1965, DorîtlitsJ - L i lis ssii siit-evdsiois. Woîîi Alio rosd -îeniC.Ri-314029 coneider retiseti pesoîs. RepIsý ASetonBiiette ad cat wil let-J RVSie si ugicsî t C. îîssgiN esîsîxricîsce an , iit oiaIi-v aI ettîrrce O.n<Ms. L. mi ir aRt sut li itici ilrvofa DECORATINO PRINTING GENERAL CONTRACTORS BEAUTY SALON peccld lu IBox 120, Miton, Oui. ert) and Barrv FI. o Miltos I05 vi ic -30-4015 Moîsîral. ,osîs ecrînhr ,964whoNTEIOR sU d yRAY OtAN Vogue Beauty Salon ItELS WANTED-Ladics. usets, Fuserai service as hid onWc tllile ursiw e siscît o kcANWCIFR argu po Frda i is eRrset-issai lrnt - DECORATING pRINTINGBUILDING ANE OIFRE .iî. oodnpîs mniuîsiiy oid-A - - Tis siteiili lit ciii ssîti i Sîîî'a rrftsITf< -Desigsrd JusI For Yu 200 îi,îiv lcsite.Fîui]or part 1 Home. lteruses f in EerîcsTie c-1ou ire sîîîîtîeîîldite îîok SERICES ~~Cali The Champion for- ait yoîîr CONTRACTORS LTD. - and - iuis. Nourcapitl i îeeded. Nu es -1 Cemetery, Milton. ,ier. Litiîrtimt eems avaiable. printiig nerds. Wr wilt hc happy * Home îm premmuls CMLT EUT EVC eieisDeptss.irs. W3, 0'ý5rite Roo- DAVES A Hailos eîrsa T Ps ~Il tlleItc jtînt oFr in- sorse cossu talions, ral lu odesign and pruityouu busines * Renoations Caîl 878-2461 tegs ei.L2412 40 iie HuIS-Ataita o nM n. eem- d1* Pri,îrth"lcM. CampSel, or personal statiouery, catatog- iuSi. Icse.Mourai. HostpietassronlsMiîdaîi iDu tîtîiet-' rspseshnbll t. * AlteraIions 192 Main Street c-31-8856 ber 6, 1965. Rachel Davies, 57 rAÂeÀDns iEI iitc *o iAdditionsposers hadb9-s tc King Si. West, wite ut the laie stand, CAMPBEULL 'lt Adtos -9t William Dovirs; drar mother Wlsv ,ose ilitigoshave lu Se. * Top Qoatly* Commercial or Indusltal FEMALE HELP oI David nf Coidwater, Miehi- Ilit Hiiistiti, God hîs p itatd 0F MILTON gan Eurt o Grth. c-anBevî,îd otileposter ii ssce. 678-1s12l R.R. t, Mitonî Efficient Service UL 4-2263 TV end RADIO SERVICE W NE of Hamilton; Satiy (Me.s. Allait Abs OOs eieiesred 5v fer 11 *Raoat rcscMt Pattersons) of Milton, Jack sin atnily. c-314000 M_____________n INAN EXPERIENCED Eingaàn d', -Ma bel f- Mes. -H.-_H. Crippsi of Oakviltr, Norma (Mes. John Whytei ot Vicforiz,, B.C.; and sistereo Esas Math- ias nf Mount Hopr and Joseph A. Mathias ni Hamtiltont;it her StS year. Resing ai the homne f her daughter, 5051 Town Lise West, Oakvilîe. The fuseral iluIbr eid at St. LoIr's Anglican Chureh. Patermo, on Wednrsdoy, Deent- ber 8th, at 2.30 put. Istermeut t St. Lukes cemelery, alermo, LAUGHTON-At MîloonusSoi urday, December 3, 1965, in his t4th year, Leonard Bruce, bc- luved son of Witert and Irrite Laughton nf 3fR. 4, Milon. FurraI service was frum Sle MacNaS and Son Chapel ou Tu- esday, Dermiser 7.oith inio- ment in Evergrec-n cemetery, Mi- ton. _________________ IPAINTING AND DECORATINO Coming Events lialliî Sporismeu's Ansiuai Tnrey Shootî, trop andI target. S.ttidaî. Deenere 1, .00 pis tînlil îi.îîk. Gordtontee la i-si, Hîtrîs S. c-3t14038 Tise C-ttipSrlioiii Y oilh il g Scopie arc hodinsg aî ruchrerpar- s - Tîrsýdav. Drcermuer 14. ,îuthic Masouîîc Itol, CampSelviiir, 8 o'citouk sSii p. Lnch and prizes. Atiniios 50c. c-31-4070 ' lite Junior ChIor anîcthei Yîîsîîîg Peuples Society osîl hîtit i Caidiileigt Seivice lii St. Da,- o ii Pesytcrsan Ciirch, Campi~- ieivlie, Stîsday. DecesîsSet 12, il 730 li..Eveynseweiîî. c31-4 101 GIL VANSOELEN PAINTING Conitractor Indubtrial - ResidentiaL Interior - Exteriur CatI 110W for tre Estimates 878-6137 Or Wrile Box 1347, Mitton c 27-l CONTRACTOR CA IL EDWARD G. IRVING MORLEY-On Suuday, Decruther Oshu/i t i C. 50th Atîttîers- ROOFING EAVESTROUGHING 5, 1965, ai Toronto Wesernrîav i(Gutelphs ise) Sersices, Son- Ai.IMINUM SIDINO Hospitl, Leosiard Abiet Mor div. ensSrer 12, Il e. oîaid 7 Re-rinig nuer Specialty ley, 205 Metealfe Si., Guelph Py ii Turery Supper, Torsday, Car-perisir Wnrk of Ail Kisds beloed hboan ofPhylis Pr' ectîthber 14, sîrnd tram 5S'30in bet;oed hsond o Pyls. Fore8 Adtls $1 50. Ciildreruundr 12, Phone 878-6020 Milton Morley and the laie George 7cAilyoewecme Wo-51 rk Guaranaterd Morley; and brother ut Me.l Esreoluut our fticsesconîd t1m A]Wrk aane c-31-tt Carence Feacack (Gertrude) oi Milon Ni'g1 t Scisîtl classes o Milton. oilSe Sedi't heS Wiliams Asr. ADVERTISE VOUR BUSINESS Restusg at Mctye-Wilkie Fî HgsSeho intin Decrmhrr 14 SERVICE IN THIS HANDY nirai Home, I WitkieSt.,Gnetph1 lu tnt 7.30 pti. t 8.00 pue., or hy DIRECTORY Interment Evergnreen Ceelery,mail ho the ser-etary. Mes, R.1 EVERY WEEK 0F THE YEAR Milton, au Wednesday, December ing, 100 Martin St., Miton, tel, AT A SMALL CHARGE 81. 6 783551. c-t02-89991 FER INSERTION THE CANADIAN CHAMPION 191 Main St. Milton ORNAMENTAL IRON MILTON Ornamental Iron AWNINGS & IRON RAILINGS BILL KELL Y TR 8-9827 c-44-tf 1I ELECTRICAL SERVICE McPHAIL ELECTRIC e INDUSTRMA e COMMERCIAL eDOMESTIC 0 ELECTRIC HEATING Complete Eîectric 66 Chartes St. TR 8-9513 Home Milton Grtf A. C. CANNON TV AND APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE & SON * liiips TV & Tape Recrdetu * R.C.A, Siecm, TV, Appliances GENIoRAL CONTRACTORS * Sparton TV and Sîero Custm Hmes Repirs 222 MAIN ST. TR 8-4445 Costut omes Repirsc-tf Alîcralions Mudemn Cupboad Plans and Feue estimate. WELL DRILLINO Ycaes of epeine TR 8-4424 WELL DRILLING J. B. RUTTAN R.R. 2, Milton, Ont. 1M RH&SN Phone Burtîngton NEisun 4-6025 BUILDING & ____ ____ CONSTRUCTION LTD. REREATN ADDITIONS KN CUSTOM HOMSKN RENOVATIONSRERG ATN REPAIRS ERG ATO Fi-ceEstiates INDUSTRIAL, COMMERCIAL FriteEuliateuand DOMESTIC TA 6-11 19 SALES & SERVICE TA 6-2859 Res. Reliabie and Efficient CAMPBELLVILLE Streetsville 854-2228 WAITRESSES 111ci,isr itti i *y in pet-sunIo Tiîcrsa Stein CARA VAN RESTAURANT IN TIIE MILTON PLAZA CQUNTY 0F HALTON REQUIRES A County Assessor Applisr,îiuuss ili Sm r-crised h\i ili undc111isigtcd lot [lm ieios .Spusic.iiii s 1151 il ire a i sîsciies iie lnI itît e ii Municipalt As- >eîssr ol Onîtari ad c ap abliolpeufuîîîiîsg t imlitiand ni- lice-tit tirs pet.iîsiîsg 10 .îIphîs- us ii stshiut Salît-v tipelîdaîsîupoîs quili-i ;niiîissd mspmreic. t-srsustriîsgm bssuîmits. Replyinusomis taîînoritiîg oit/on Sier DenisiSen15, 1965, t 5 plis,. G. BROWN, Clerk - Admîiîiste.tor, Contly of Halbis, Administation Btdg., BaseC Ur, Miton, Otît. Cars for Sale For Your Next Car... TRY BUCK HAMILTON AT BELL BROS. 878-6380 EmpIoyment Wanted EMPLOYMENT WANTED - ustom dressmaking, altera- uns, suite, wedding dresses, rapes, slip cuversi. 878-6858. c-25-3-8734 For Rent FOR RENT-3-room basement partment, self-contained. 878- 920. c-31-4076 FOR RENT-Furnished room. uit gentlemen. Coukiug aluw- d. 878-769. c-31-4063 FOR RENT-Eteclric hue water hcaters with f rec service. Phone Milton Hydra 878-2345. c-tf FOR RENT - Comfurtuble noom, suit gentleman, downtown area. Phone 878-9987. c-28-877 FOR-iRENT - HFouse in Hurn- iv, close ta 401, $95, avaitable an. t. 878-9115 aller 4. c-31-ff47 FOR RENT -2-hedroom apart- sent, 'nalcons and drapes. Milton Court Aparîments, 878-3395. c-30-4014 FOR RENT-5-ruom aparîment, hird flur, prisate entrance. Phone 854-9976, Campbellvitte. c-3t-4044 FOR RENT - Seii-contained 2-bedr(om a parîmen t, in a coust- rv home. Texaco Station in Mol- at. b-29-3972 Wanted to Rent Wanted to Rent OFFP.. Ollirer, marrird, 2 chitd- res. requites 2 or 3 bedrooni tome ne apariment in Milton by ianuaey 28, 1966. 878-3616 c-31 Dead Stock Walnut Ranch Ltd. Ceippird aîsd Oisabled Cows and Horses 24 Hue Service Lic. Noo. 133-RF, 208-C-62 hVaterdowrs MU 9-1044 c-12-tf PACONI Dead Stock Remnoval LIMITED Higlîrsi Cash prices tue dead or disabled rosos and hoess. Li cence Nu. HGC 349C65 226RP65 Phone ZEnith 9-7950 Services 0111CR SERVICE. piahtcrittg rirs n, atg or smatil. d. Mc- Mutien. uii.îActoît 853-1818. c-tf WELL DRILLING - icensed nîseî,îitnî. Frec rotimami. Coul JIaitr O'Rourke, Actns, 853-1469. b-22-3-1470 MILTON UPHOLSTERINO - Re-ttphltsriig, slip-covers. con- loin Stit fîtenitître. Fe pick-up andî dtriiery. 878-9094, 358 Main St. c-37-3188tf Fast Reliable TV & RADIO SERVICE CALL C. LIUT 878-3208 112 Mill St. Milton Free Storage On 50 voîbutînîme clotîlss. Futty iissîîrcd ini cold storage vaults. Feer pick-up. Pay onlîy te dry ctmatiug noheu tales out. CAL 878-9941 for focîher information Knight's Dry Cleaners 3W0 Main E. Milice C-J» - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i VT -1. 1 - - -- - - 1 c>tf 1