9ôniJOTTINGS DY JIM DILLU * A PINANCIAL REPORT un the towno espenditures lu the end of October may nul have re- cived the attention it deserved whcn il mas distrihoînd ai the towns nomination meeting rec- ently. A long lisi of figures, sev- eral pages long,. tond always the mont iavilin0 reading. Because ur this, I ibuught I mighl men- ion somne cf tc igures that igise a lew in lts onu est ~hcete loc.al tas dollars go. * THERE ARE sume interesi- ing ig items thut are ubvious, ut course. Paymenns on principal and internat ut dehentoren iasued accoun t for 1160,577 for the fuît seaur When vu relate that lu ttal espendilures of nearly 1900000, il hecumes ubviuus that il represenin une uftIhe top single items. * EDUCATION IS alo-cashla- mcd 1or laiming a major por- tion out th udget and MitIons figures arc nu exception. Il's bru- ken into puhblc nehoul, cepumate sehoul and high seboul, but the total comes cul aI S302,104 toc uperatingeuosts and dehenturca un sebonîn. Il might'tie poinled out, howevnr, thal il duesu't ce- presenl Ihe 50 per cent Ihat ev- eryone conctodea. It's realty clu- ser lu one-third. * THE TOWN han been paying ils mac on aume uf the capital ssorks itlcîndertukes wilhouî bur- rowing, toc. Granîrd it iso't a lot, but thisseazt s budget cticaaec Ici M18,275 tu tic clne. To tc ccd ui Qtoher, unIs«'v57,595 had been osed, bol if's posihle thc pic- tare eould change helore the year end. * 1H THIS AREA, therea 9011te a tut of tutk about conservation. The îown benefita f rom places lkg Kelso and Ratîlennake Point as suel us other acivities onder- taken tic v tc Haltun Negion Con- servation Authurits'. The luwnas share ultheIb itI lue1965 is $9260. * A POPULAR place ut this tinme outhtecyear ta the Hilton urena. This uperulions' ineume ta cobaidized tic the toue lu the lue ut S7,000. Thia, ut courte, dîcsut inetode Ible estensive ru- modelling sahich %vas dcbentured. Sqat Mdu<S#«*ke n uBIL Muz Bus, Ibees cuting nsceeeudin the its tur c Es-ers suoten - rigid vs tension ut small tumu iv tamnits and I tear up tbe tliug it ccd caution lu th anciba- havea ig-ding. At tuast, lastoveckur baci at gsud excuse toc dingz. Oas- babthe b bri, boltec haillchose diape ecngcd c itb dciigbti bics- ed laogh lu sw skate. o-as ptcying tbe tlis Coltege mccsical. Engin tciict. ,s usus-i a tes- amîls-ssicg-dings. c curdîng ou plan. We gel s- from the cbap cvhu used1 the sketches foc the Tbmnt Nctct ieicc, i ctif.ad parts. Nesi ncornîng.k arm eteeka didnt goi îhec aicraya doni do1 s-ses. Haitian bouc ft cci up oune pascnger. fduni ast me ru gu Ibiat, and cuok lit. c %as gaid Cd ras-il ttsning ce cairfui-e.7 bouc trip tu techu s-stus bouc aed 22 miucies. Th( aimusi ihrcuminutes ci kepc s-unt cein is-b S i A NEADEN pas ses tai tint i.s a u cr-utidca dus-Christcaasligbtint tueced inxesv selI cuough tu gives-re m Iofihc aunuai glilier ut tîgitîs chat des-raie tlu cistrc lt hiCuic. Titis car, iestead ut tai'ointi -tccrv greetir vour froui purs-b or Il cs-urfteen trccosuthc s-r net icp suîîcthing s--nlirel The readcc pieked upt fi oui a siticll toc n lctc United Scaies. salicete il-, %'as esen more sturnuiug aust about cs-eybodp suiue ting. The nialtenais ceedcd ai inh ttrlu sxincssp about fice 20 pouund stan, Fatality Scene * CONTROLLINO the duga in toms ta ander the direction ut thn Oakville Homane Society and thep're paid 12090 fur Ibis wuck doring 1965. * OPERATING Ibe aewnrs wiit cusl about $29579, and collecting tc gaînuge sUIt cusi 121,240. Nul- srll, eqipmenl maintenansc as %cclias choc ,is-iccctet cin ths iues.cscs lus-min alcul8 chu streets and watks scili total 172.705, but ibis am- ount is rnduced by provincial granta, an are sebout goals and sume uther items. * THE FINE protection hitleo- mes ouI ut Sf3.723 and police pro- tection its $47675. Street ligbcts are esîimcted lu coat tbe tome $14,500. * A COUPLE of ottier items that add op in the to-ns budget urc the publie ibrars- ut $12.330, counîsv rates ai $51,599, and tbe reereucion cummitîeceut 19.950. * AND THATS abece tbe Inu- ney gues. A CORONERS JURY inctiriug irti lb. deautt ut a Branmpton wuccan ai the Buse Line-Seunnti Lise ctersection ut Hornby orfct Ilombar il1, bas urged a beoll f50 leent mentouthIb inter- section tic rewuued. Thc pb4to shows the corner, ieobîcg west coward thme rent of the rondi aioeg chu lave Lien. Mca Chromait, s passanger in ber bhuesdsar, mus kîlied wbenntbe c-ar icrued scuucbotftheBmasenan sd un nusrbound touk buib teir s-ar. Junte Pushed 1hrough. like a Bouavenîture acnd mv ite as-gm elan pou. eut taiking. Escileiy. %,itti tbe s-inf, my Cbeeked in aI chehubtul. The cbudget, edn aN vdn a ec wnids, girlisc-gurnt in cc ldirections. I l--ac titcg l.cs. L-ctrgtrc tried a coibination ut cuffîe, hck.sit ncorniug papers, and blair ut the dug. ai hich sstgct ater FIl cci ctic. Tccc il i-iroti nd, ce stronglv- ut ssing-ding. Biied ,-act butcecbaii sc accîsui scg- ra aicg- c ceg-ding. ing, daucing cstbcut dcsgc .ciug unsn-eyed Itaucis - Tottur bac k o hocet irs nae'd Becore Id'cae negun to oisb h ('ioua-esus ou tic ist-itriduc- te licte 1Ins-crs- um the amits araslion par.y ssbrc.h lasitcd ucil s-man hiere; old nas-man gager lu taik dui tead in to kids; Kim, fuît ut idea abouot Trs u onccsins-e Kcîcc 14 acta tbiugs nse badur clime or muuep cit t icst ees.ciounc)itbat ioc; Hugli, brigbit-eped, busbs- itfs bedticne. nrul clilce-house. chti Smi- laitcd. and bruke. iuîk-sýiuging lime. Succcîttic sen t 1ac- tihuig zuslep lencicdluc cor plans Lues-b. Fur tout. 112.50. Had speuchr. Make up tucisiaps lu write prumised Kim she could boy uats-bing latc mos-ic. Oîduc tua ce Stoug- a guitar c itb thg moues shed al cound. At 40 cents ai tua batg. eccnued pis-ting urgan aI chureti. Wcnt t u itsic store. Went cct tciai lit c u'd j lallit trouagh ball bouc ut 70 acdule,- baugccg-crasbieg. sceecincg. bothl ai- cents piasing 70 musical in- borcing. and d[iunI suestdui otf, as sîcuments, imuiîanncuusty. iaugbing. singing, sbuuting. n sncb le., pick- Viit to ucce ur tbuse sild ce- Fccc -ttic cii . te lc cd sai- acnun cicstoresto pis-icup aBub ina,nýeHlssucoke. Seat-I at itt ail Os ian crecord and thelts-st Nuit- ier. Severi a.m., sbe cakes mu. ing Stones (mure urgun monci). iii phantîs-. Bgioo s tIec I stuod oulside and maîebed thbc trcisk. Outscde our dour arecci isd Ioa- bods go in. Wisbed t1asere a c runcen. Sccncs Ibets- oas a The u ouci dand bad nu tamily. hJai. n nucscroocci. - cicccthu cok sue cicunks cer-. Ira tic stccp. turc %va, Sscranisbas-nziklutu lt. All 1tbt Il iancis tra guitar. Fin op las-us. Susec-iltiit-.c. K iii cant istc Ste. Rush ha scab to bue roses our lConccnos--ciun Page C5) DowN(s) IN THIS CORNER WITIl ROY DOWNS o fr oct- fg - il'-, e saric cotorful sca and s itucdiccu ic ligts gs troti lie targe 1avr, mbv py dciteî- te ca ic sauss- did the aca ire h gtass iper bag, t la suempiceucnugh. About ee-cy igbit Icct aiong flic sideacalti or prupents uinein tfmni ut pour honte, plas-euestfflcbags. as-llit flice top fldcd duc-n ses-eraltlim- es. luside buat, place te glass. and inside tbe glass goca bbc lighted sandle. Weigbt il al dowan cil slignce stores arouuedtbbcout- ,ieofflite glacs insidc flite bagi and woubus-e a tisaulaul oucdor candcie ssicsh esen a sirnn0 iîcd cuni tulons- uut - Iihunks lu the piroies cinciffic glass and fibe bag. Get Ileecilc ucrsasuc Ille casit iii icieut cocs. Il pour lo s 60 te cu ide, pouIl unis- cccd abuturses-gît ci tgse r u cîake un itriguing Christmas dispias-. And pou cun add a lgw mus-e un cour pus-gb sc aiong file cdgc ofiflite sidcait leading up tuth lusse. fl«leac cccr o sasseci utcflice cda ale, "Pl iet ccfit ts-citestth mosl beaulitul pice' c c wih cucat outhbbc omess ituils-Ilvlit. -trlcous.cectls ut docllars s-uti bu agient auinualia-un ceccinis- liglits. lite resu lis i--ina td e-s u- (Hltbtbsceing a wmb i cea c ch tbe puper thags looks cet slo - iecstise, lie a' TH tiiSAMt WNITEIONm bas uibei- gocca icle. trcc semcic clabs iuutiing ton a pcoies-t. I naine losu, te se i-sice club gainicd te eunthcer ul tbe bouse ciintescii 1 ini irot outlitetornte, is- paîint- hng a cescanL2e taso leur huit-on Illecuh sotin swhite gaicî, l, icc siensilieg chu nunribs-on ut tp in bluet pahîr. "You keosat-bca p-otli-n ili la tic incl r ac umbs-cic ichu duc k: s-ors-catis- need aLi labili. LThis %sa-,lice scia',tsadigibs shic oni thic su-b ,it s-rhititu lie ii les. Il PEEKING. INTO MILTON'S PAST I THE 164ih SATTALION piuynd s large part lu tbe wsm snd Ibm Huton noldinma mmcm c-mil kuomo, Tbis photo, ioannd by C. K. McDoogsii ut Broute St., shows ibememamrs-ing fom Orange- villn lu Hilton. Santu Claua arrvemd in domniomo Hilton tuai wmmk. For counîls peurs ibis tisa beau a tradi- lion und ove wbîcb bas uttmscfmd considar- utile internat and eutbunîaam. Tbe wbuie uperaticuebud a question imurki ocam if man tiossu bu bacc sponaured ithe unnuat parude ced arena show for macy peurs restcznd the desliing nurmber ut purude purficipants tmadeuit impossible focu rry on. tiruicinuand Legionnuiras bud proeided chu cîanpowur for the projeef mitti local besiemsea, inîdustries and s-tubs cnfarcng fioas. The rosi ut ttc fluais and fba probiemn ut obtuciug thec vessaury equipMent wc!-ti md away partcicpution ctiii aponaors calied un uthur groupa for idmaand assistance bc nacre continuation. The pieu for belp mas ns-utuiaasticsliy rus-uîeud. Tbe tom n rouer il huard the annuai ecusi mas tu bu sbulumd and ecyressud cs- cure us dîd a fuw uticur grocys, Fnally chu Btai Cuir ciiittee uf thu Chaccîer ut Con- rierceudurtoukth ie arrangements for San- tas arîcai, ehîeîuaheg buhepîjradue and cak- igthecarrieaiitmore iuprsaîue tyusng a bliîcoptur. Ucîtrtunaiety cli bue arraîîguîîenets outhiis iitîi ai tuipi by chuerceucîttun mure eut cis ýnciuutb as tbey cigthaveu hunePlie traîilctî-pcsb ut an uîrnstraîied sruwd neurly buwiud ucur puor Sauta wbuc bu began cia fasti ut dstrîbuting 2,500 baya ut candies ai- muai aingle bundndiy. Prcluaiiiy tbu s-lîlîiî ee iltilued uCEuuyb at suenîySanta but a euceber ut pur- esiammmeut us mait0 îpresaed. Seerai nuprassacd rsunrn abotich ildrenna safty, eot uniy because uftheb presufthie crowd but ass because ufthib prucincîty ut the buay Main Street duspîte bue effurts outhib toms coustable. Hîndaîglicii ssu nias-b casiertbacc furescyt ibct une teuds Io bu uueriy crîtîcal ufrer un eceut ssuiutiinîu Certaînly tbose responaibie toc tbe arrîcael ut Saeta miii bu asaara of acîy sbortcucîîîgs outhibm irai attumpi us ibusu mtio meeubsuruers. Tbu grena ufthIb crowd ut ibe arnea un pruuîoua occasions bad siso ge~.wempar-mayccg. The coîcuitteufthbu Chaiber doms de- serue ciedît tlcscgb toc atie9 tbe intîative inmubng arrangeucets ai ail. Me bud ai- maya teir the tome preiousiy bad the ideai solutiun to hanta Parades mitb ce iudnpend- er scîî,îîitiuu. lu ee niarity mniuc ipailtîna et bneiirms- orespacîiciiy cf tebubusîneasmen cube lest hauncr i tien mîhtbhuit sic day -sncb ceu slîepbccd a parade sus-cesfuily un a us,-ny sts-l.iyý CCcîtaîlp asdothur year botter arraciyu- mnswmucld te icecssa cy te baudie thce dis- licîbuicu ut caicdy aîîd crted ceîîtti. Buti t mold Imn ues-ouc.îgigif au mndupunduit s-ofoiitee ut ucgaîîîeatîoîî s-ulc latue ce chu proeusi asorîig sultîsicit cepumer mîtieci uupustîng busnressirnîIo leaun tîteir storus ut a hîssy timce. Curtaîcly wc muld iagîne the Ortaîl Ce cecilte ut buicChauchber mauld mîllîîîgly Cs-O petaie. VotingyNot the Finl Act.. Milcocis 1965 eus-îocc saccîtcacyccs ucer - lic miciîs umadu op, ibm uoteasast -ancd a neumucîicîcpal gocurrect bas hue n cit cd. ButItbupoliic-l pros-mss dues volted culi thbu ccîucicg ut a ballet. On buhe ci tracy. buicîchysis-al as-t o u cini ucaaiy ocly tbu bey iiing. Mu fiave s-bosscc cmenci ,cd mucîin lu guide or emns duscîîcy ion flicnenucci m yuursandueOil s uom our mspocsibility as cîtîceeis Ilu aebu sru fiatia bse peoplu bcem chi me muent fiuci le do. Thicsruspucaiiîciy saui bc u tcicd by cedîcîduat actioni, mbc-i ruquiru a cs-bcitizen bte oiiow the pnrforuî- anccu utis coucli, s-booulboard and bydre, 1,îcccî rtî1m IcucciIccu, ly litrciUr tcucsoîîi scclus-t,wmicthurtfibuy aîîuibi as-icucîs ut not. This citai pari et che u aiiîsi cro(esus sait lic us sîmplu or as cialrorate us one mîshus The deqceeet ofcaicuîcceti a rruiuuacct cucat tuaeliy s-auct% s s1icat1cmire ipeupiles-lu bLmc ieicnallyiy cîceud. cIlreccics pour lumu ancd po cc intetrusi cr01 ic ea contîcîoîccy cc. Pour coucuceta rîceuuI ccci lic rusirîsinO toesrîtîscsîc. A mord etpriý fori lot ameîly astioni, a stancd pou support s-atitprocîdu minccci urublu ens-our- agemcnct to thoan mbo sas-titisc pursonai finie inc fici attaîrs ut pour iumn. The Cadr#eien Charmpiont I'ahlilhed hy It, e h is I iii ttig aud I It ti tg to.I id. tuttiocc -lirhcut -tG.A. his Ns-ms 1idliii- Eus t-. liccacs iilibliiheil s-cis W.(ccsdas ai 141 Main tSI., Mclccccc, OIelMenllcîi- rît fie .W.N.A., cu Iulccutc Diiion .W.N.A. and taccadian Locccîunits vNean-spagums Reps-c- .scciaiss tutac-ptbcspasatie in ad- saccs-, 14.0m Cccacclaa:%70/01iciaitsOui- li*ces uticrr litait Canada. Nf.cc.igitg li icici ai11cca A. huIS AI'i cîîcsilicica i INde Farker A-i ccc tiacci psons-lii cci ccc liii chialin [l- eie el a l e pog a iienîcîe dccc ai lion oetIchu adauntiis aaceOc- accyci h cicrluecîccîrcîccalient, tugeiber ccctli i sccbia.clcoîc toc. signature, cil iil ciei tic ic gd toi. bidllIle balac- ut Ileicadret i-istur cc-ii tec pacd for aI Ile applic-blecrtl, Ic cIle eeu ii a1ie-pgrapbIiý.d s r ail sunliicsîeg oods un sersires a i a wmnng ic-, r. pccd a ccu-s rcens mac lot te auOl. Ails-ci tcsceig i lcls laitrctrife oseiand ias-bc saicidi-asen aai acy lim.' Authnriaed as Second Clasa Mail hy the Post Office Deparîment, Ottua =r- THE GOQD OLD DAYS= GLANCING BACK TO 20 YEARS AGO 'Taekan, lb.the t. of the Cati. was also nomlnsted but decided adieu Cbupion, Dee. 6, 1943. nol to run. A goodly crnwd of representat- Thc second nomination meet- iven oftihe county asnemhled At ing on Monday for municipal nf- the Milton Inn on Tuenday es-en- ticcs in Milton proved more soc- ing on the occasion ut the Mar- ceasicri and nofficient candidates den's Dinner, which Warden C. werecuominated and have qusît- H. Heslop tendered the galber- fied for the vartoos positions. ing. J. E. Whitelock was chair- Nominations for council, witb mac for the evening. Maoîer2oe l-u scats lu he iitled, werc R. Fl. Nova ut Milton gave a number Pilcrn, manager; Clarcncc id- ut seec(ilons on the piano accor- dcli, coutras-tor; Chartes Latin- dioceci Mi. Alexander Forresi clon, agent; Victor Nurris, mach- ut Hamilton rcndered a nomber inist; N. A. Sinclair, mitter Jas. ut vocal setections. Watdie, secrntary and Harold The December meeting of Gm- Whcwetl, tcacher. Four have qua- agh Womenns Inutitute wau beld lifird for two positions and on ut Ibe home of Mrs. George oi- Mondas-, ibere will be an electon hy, ai whicb tîme Mini Evs Chis- toc the fottowing - Victor Nor- hulm mas guent speaker. Miss ris, N. A. Sinclair, James Waldîe Chisholma nsubjeet mes "Home and arol Wheell. Economies" and she spoke of and HroldWhewil. work accumptished hy diflerent Trustees for schothuoard were branches and atmo gave splendid actlaimed b uofilce and tbey are hints and suggestions in regard CItarltes Kerr, Bruce MacHati and lu goud management in home R. T. Wilson. Mrs. M. E. Guwland fle. GLANCING BACK Taken fenes lb. files of the Can- adien Champion, Dan. 9, 19i5. Tbe cooncil met un Tuesday cering., the mayor in the chair. A bs-casa to authorize assena ment scich tbc Hs'dro-Electric Commis- sincea radial railway lhruugb Milion and lu procide toc thc Issue ci'ciebeclomes lu the am- cI 1of 65.000 lu bu beld tic the Commission as securitins, suid by- tam to tic submiîted lu vote aI tbe municipat elections te Jano- uc-s,o-us introdoced and reud a lic sI and second limes. A vers- cujusable prugrum toc [ibe Epworlh League naas carried cut Mondas- nigbt. The colt cati c as answcred by verses irom chui Psaims and sbuwed a mena- bersbi p cery encoaraging toc tbe time singe open ing. The teague quartette rendnrnd a selection ccd Miss Haret Mctyre recitcd thc "Newas Boss Onatti.'Not- Notable wumcn uf Ibe Bible nserg inîercstingly described tic Misses M. Hitchin, H. Little, F. Harrison, Mica Hume and A. Lit- TO 50 VEARS AGO rie. "Tbe GiftI, a favorite solo ailithIblague, mas nong hy C. H-. Earl. On Monday, Oakviln celnbrated the upnning ufthIe ses-en mile section from Clarksun lu Oak- ville of the Turonto and Hamil- ton cemnent coud. Businessmen from tbe îmu cities, frum Oak- cille and uther points, wecm gis-en a trip uver Ibe ruad. InvtIbm e-o ing, tbe new lighling nysîem on Coîborne St. wan icaugurated. Tbe puwer is sopplind by the Do- minion Poc-er Transmission Co. The ligbts, wbieb arn Ihe tient uf the kind in Ontario, are 10e- alrd 50 lcc apurt and roc Ibm tuti lcngtlb ufthIe business sec- tion. Miscbics-ious boys bas-e ten breaking windows in tbe build- ings lu the lair grounds and Ihe direetors ufthIe Agricltoral Suc- ietybus-e guItiusy. Thep witl puy a reasard ut $10 for intormation teading tu the conviction ut any- une damugiug buildings or other pmupertc or lrespussing un the grounds. GLANCING BACK TO 100 YEARS AGO Takes fronst teflic eçofte Cana- din Champion, Dam. 7, îl63. We are indebIed ru P. B. licei- icccman Esq. ut'itlis Ionnfoc sgrc tene piece ut veniaun. Mr. Z. lias tecn huinîing back cn Egme- mcountas-eme he sapa the aeow tics ses-crut teches dcepapnd thc ouacd ut aIeigh bti itainquite s-omuno, %%ile berec, e tas-eas suet had onlp a 1cmw flakes. Acung ibte maup htessings whsiti te genins ut mac tas in- sÉtuicd foc the aitcsiaiion ut' dis- cacas is thai ut Lite Assurancs- and usoce-an sbould nuglectiti for ils benetitsaraie nire putlieu- ar\di diccd ru Ibose truost dual ici iii - oas-sines andebildmen. Oic Mondasv lasi, tbe congit or ciibtheroc-n hall aitte usual cir. ail cîrncillors being pres- ciii. Mr. Ms-Gotin. the res-s-, pre- sîdedin fliceahbsence ut flictuas'- os-chu samtein ai Il put., bas-- ecg becu abss-nti s-cnt toc-e. The cîcc ia csicts-ss theic eicil sdc LETS PLAI Dy DW PIaecrs ulisci .îst cieicat i îlescite I l pics1,cratis-e dlescse ii apssive detense. An active lieuse is une ii natich I îtcde- ueaders cncylu sel upthem,-tricks qickis wceca soun apassire de- loisc jcicpl.Yie slis-and lui dca crsl-ta t.hilss-ctraci. Th h ests-lue, iidsciding chiet alelense lu use, is in th iddieg. Il duelii-i erscanda cuclidecci ci tics cîcicaci -gui as-iis-c. But i cite iciscccitts oin ccu l 'tfthltc thiIcicunic.îei - plus- tltPassive.- ticicgai te Ecit Onîlicate ]icli)l.ai isveck %sail s-r Psri- .ci-c, 1 t cac isuiisd Iose ak sioino trai p counas-tneben oc it--aeclai-uc abîci cîaîte Iire 'Fllîrcct ircclit nîccai gîtIci Ilecs-.isc e aels. Declarer liaI ccci ni cîc.îku cigici tricks. DJealier Soauth. Ngilicr batts--n-il- îceî abte. Nos-lit S -A J lit l -A 9 8 4 2 I)-.l C-K 9 vl 3 Wmnt EFant 9 94 S-Q $5 2 il K e59 1i1--J 10 7 3 Il. fut I t- A Q5 4 s-. 38 42 C--O South S- K 7 nl t)1--K 111if7J t A 1 07.5 -llias iditliig. %Lta sl u our b ours enudcas-oing lu pas., thc minutes outhIbmformer mreeting. In ibis, lbep ut tent sceendnd, ailler bosing the com- pasa in regard rute Markt Hioosc. Thc point in dinpute c-as as lu the cule ut censore un the councittuns wouhad lmît the concit without a quorum. Il the numtinm ut coul otl c-aIls tic anivcrcilerion ut prospenity, Wellingtona 5 oic the blet road lic aeatîtand aplendun. Wn bas-n signa in Fergua, Mount Forent, Postincb and oter parts and enc Erin ia full ut eseilemeut un flic sanie sobieci. Ih is caid lier businesuren tics-c lmnady acisc bd s-c$1.000 and ibut ie%îsvin resinels angs tilt being iciacte. The Leidles- ut Mondas son- tains ai lisI raten inom the Tu- luooicruapuîcdecs-otthe New Yuc k Hecald, sbosaing the nom- ber ut Feniains in the dittement rovnsin Canada. Hilton ta aaid ro bas-e 100. ( BRIDGE Coate Sosuth Wesit Nort East Il1) Pds 1 H Pas 1fN L. Pas 2 C Pasa 20D Pasa 2 N.T1. AOlPass M.e ,pacicces- ias sitiing Itle West îsîîsiorî s-dîcîd tdlu atie a-rt op- enicrg ead. Enen i lci u -ra d ser up a club trick, bie artcd ru ent lu cshabiL Su West decidcd un a lis-ct:dulense and ted ite spade cce- tp utfîccllriug cad. Oc- dlatr iased rbe spade tIn--tc cac claseat atueci -and sout sîcin ns-itheicking. lince clubs utteced ftic- uosi hope, duslices- luoa scuui(]cdplaeed tcass ic sItcccîccîc s- Eistiruen %vninig. basI j asti-e cou--O a spade %cuit in daînînîs- - clîcen nwtiddirnîenas leudiccg the js-îck, but EF.isc acii sit-lceas-e an ,ea nticiitIcssice. NNis-al d clac-s r cciaf doir sacsidclubs. Tire saispîit iic inclbstli duclar- e- shotics-i ics. All e could wi vsl rcee ucactus. 1lss -ubs andudeocreiick in cadi mcd aioit. Notice srhat trappecis il West -ici s-lectiveir cerrae. Il lie leads alicha atclarcr shulaliaf. -nu, tronublenîatiiîg fot*ucs- lii h clka. lins cciiiput quite a,îtriaini cr Vatfo ics .catns. fesclrccsiicld liavene icclruils-cîiiccg cglt Iiicks radinc nv ýrle tir îleslaicet-s i,ale gaiccîs no1 mruni p. Latsrs-sk's ca-c cîcrs sacr-, tirai, Jacck Visites accud nuiSa sit -cccîsi, Mrs. E.Ouin-tac act aidMrs, E. Jeilasîcn;luis-O, MisO. Loigans an arî i -crSicl-ir-. QUOTE 0F THE WEEK "Povnîty s crio diaprure - tbot i s difficuli o tiik Ot accythctîg ecin iiiis frivor. -Arlonyrnous -------------- 1 d