54 'Thé f nscfisgF £hee~pksft, Wàdiwsds~ Dec. UîIt~ 14é5 à GREY CUP PRIZE for the inning amlioni team mas raised liy Lary Gardhoasn of t t. 5, Milton. The nîner mas reerve champion Shorihorn in the Quens Gineas content ai the topai Wintee Fair. The animal max parchased bp the topai Wînîer Fie and amarded ta the Homil- ton lige Cals when îhep mon the Grey Cap. The ligeCois aactioned the animal off ta the iàhet biddoer and the proceeds ent îoward the ieam adoping an oephan child, ORAND CHAMPION BULL at the Contrai Onitario Enhibition and innerve grand champion bail at the Championship Show aI Inin for J. H. Wiltmott and Son ni Milaon, Jirngo of Prospect, the junior herd sire a Wilmo farrn ix owned jointlp mth Prospect Faims ot London, Ont. He is a paternai brother to the reserve grand champion hall ni the topai Wntee Fate and the junior champion boit at the Chicago International, .4 uMd s eiskrge of rlst, Smith, was eue ea tlqe e jpI mas racpes ruttde aje .4Vable les or lumtywo aaY ponaxplanned by Mes. Webb maiy ho aay SI e ial C hri tm a M ee ing a.drMZ. Çr,,ginAgft etcihnge peurs rold waîer on eveythlstg. Spec al C r tas e ngwaeojqyed eptehe social Brown wa telling him thatth HeId by* Auxiliary, Institutée January meeting wili! bc held t Ot vci fly Mie George Ingla Mrs John Wh et han presidcd William Webba loIci xre~ h January 12 at the home of Mrs. "Yes.' snecred Smith, 'thaîns The Christmas meeting of the andt openied w 1h a poem "The Chritîmas. prograrn the former Stewart Cramp. Plegse note fle ail verv well, hbut how do you Guide and Browniex Ladies Aux- Messageo Christmas. After the givixg tIse history of Christmas. change of home. manage teo (md the snaw when ilary was hetd at the home af ingng gof the tnstitule Ode and Mrs. Lloyd Crawford favored Mr. and Mms. Lloyd Crawford its the hieight ai sommer?" Mms. Stewart Cramp on Tuesday epeatixg the Mary Stewart Col- wilh a piano solo and ledl in carol were dinner guests wiîh Mr. aed! evexing. Tlhe president, Mrs. teei, the rail caiti was answered sînging. Mes. William French on Sunday Stanley Ilenderson opened the iWitii donations of tim nt d jet' MtWh odcr hit- ai Brampton. meeting, foiiowed hy the reading lts or soup for the shol-in han- mas card conlexi and winners Nassagaweya volers wIl go te of the minutes hv thes es0. wee Mrs. Leonard Andrews, Mes the polis on Sturday, December who is secreiary. Mrs. Ourner Van Sickte gave the Roger Maien, Mms. Lloyd Early, Il- Do enecnse your franchiseto Mi.. Oner Van Sickie present- secretar -lrassirers report and Mrs. Bryan Essery and Mrs. note. cd a ivei ta ihe ausiliars'. The;ca ctrsa nies w i-Sianies Henderson. lieiioiirepoicilon the suc îlleejutlt%i,-srive ur - Mrs.1 M . Oiiiii rai a picm (ox ccst rîgîessine 'îchî'eparti\ 1u 1 'pi ' uaon ii bornetcoo't. iMinutei e Ia hn. L .E M nti hotte sal ie li tnhe Mtisin. nuit oind hoiih , and îesoiiîiioius Ci îa tp 5W IAi ic Hall recentiy. hy Miss Katharine McPhedraîi. pi gisAn invitation mas receined loata- Mrs. Campblcl Agnw innie LET I Mrs. Hendersox presenled giten h uohn coo nu the W.!. Io caler aI heir farm Iofynrlearsch Mr%.now isîrii meeting and membership Iea on sale and the hranch mode $90 Mrno, h s. n reirixg Dem ne i . cer scrving lunch. Mrs. Agnew commissioner, alseto eiigDcriir6a thetschoul.mli anti Mes. A. T. Moore were the Brossi leader Ms.Mae Dennis, ,Sumrnar 'v Day lor the m wlin nes f h prclpas.ntrectlne n apprecialion ai Ihel r servi'ces,: eny course wii hb January 12'inroftepc) as1ý devotion and svork, on hehait ii: and tor- lic 4-H groops Janoary Ms .Wh ed"hisra ua .vcn the auxiliarv.' 15, each ta he held in Milon. Inspiration".* DRIV E IN~ Mes. Peggv Watson infornird us The cherry pie aînd rl hake-offi The finance wiii be the Christ- MtTR093 a ~ ~ ~ ~ wl biîlcgudmhoshv c l ed ai the Maech mcci- mas cheer commiîîee. A host of PFor Conveniont973 aheen l n te Gokides.A ng. Ilincas decideri tuoserve axe'tahie dispiaYs'sveeeviewed and Take-Onvnt n mai iers are iuvîed la the Guide thing lair lunch ai ailtIhe rego-ý Chiimas Partyv ecenther 15 uit,îTheetca Bin d avss.m T k -u the Masanic Hall. Th tari i triact- 1Mrs. Ariene Couier gave the oîînied ta $27475 initi itit Ireasirer's reporti andtialiereti Mis. Steuari Craimp and lMes.' evc meeting. CHICKEN SNACK A Christmas gane and Christ'ý 2 Piiccsaof Chicken mat, carats ere enjoyed hy ail, S eom e 2 French F ries 7 c lossed 'ny a social haIt houeS a o ,Dee br1 BOXES ichen lancy sandwiches, reish plate and Chrstmas dessert was 1 3Pice.s tif Ciicken besi y Ihe hose"s, Fre.nch Fre Ct Itemsa of Intereat Si iii BitteLd $1.25 Me. Frank John on of Milton i sl SrieBîttIl 0e and Me. and MeqsH reJei1i'. m. - White iftSrvc AML BC C5505 and **m W FAtILYaBUCKET tait Sindam ii l rniford Under the direction of the Sanday School Staff, 14 Pieces nf Chic- and Mers. Stanley Price and tantE- EC ICI Special Christmas Stoep, "Why the Chimes Rang" Ben, 5Hunter $ .8 Nie antd Mes. Mîîra, Man: (Serv es o t 7) titi Janîce mitvedinia theit S OUR BUSINESS ~~I adsHtBARRELS ;îeî brick home on the Guelph Dont ho a Tlnlierer wlath I7.30 p.m1s- .A L.IsIe ig t 1 i Fccîs ar Liete aih ai the Cru%%lord Lîîm- lcr. t.Ci uep o hce brCa.otret. Cîlansaat oijhc% 7tun0) $4.95 Mi .ind Mes. Abert i Sesart *HIATINO and vesper Service Sre ali 1 . R.R. 3, Campheltville, Me. and: * WIRINO CHICKEN BY THE PIECE %fi-s. Johnt Rober'tson and aih.l NEW CIRCUITS Under the leadership of St. Pool's Canadian Girls in Training. in Any Quontity ai Sî.ann:cI, Mi. and Mis. Daid~ ADDITIONAI, OUTL8TS 150 C .. t. and fuplorers fîom Oahuille wiiil ein aiinndoncn I Ask for Detais McPlt;iii ai Netw Tai ania antI Miýss OUTDOOOR LIONTS 1 olwn h vnn evc teewl . POE8862 Elsie Jigi ai Min isere ditînci olwn h vnn evceteewl e PO E8862 ue t Mi i.and Mis. lor- ' Fnr o Freee Estimate Catiaa.l Roblertsonî and ainiiv .and Mis i a period of Christmas Carol Singing lad by the i MURRAY flU'tJ \ianM,.Wle iei,1 FEATHERSTONE C.G.I.T. DRIV E - IN :11W ;tid.ii s. ,iertMi.-liinà LCT * Witiellianisid a',îîîd ELEC1TR -378ALL ARE WELCOME Base Lise Rd. West of Preshs teiiaii Yoing Peuples joii______________ Highway 25 ndtu (jit KîtîtsPieshstcri'in Cliticli titiSiiiil.uîeveniing ta the' t-en andîî 1 %ienîs cîî.peî sevice. Mr. Frank Oittiatn %vas hast.ý V'estu the Chrisim.îs meeting of 1 the Cîmpheliie Wîîme's Inxii- taie an Weînesdav evening sohen Your Christmas l3sh s ~~' Hi t .Paradeorec j DREW4ROOK ~ ~ From Bell Bros. lrlrmD> OAKVILLE DECLARE DIVIDEND A quarterly stock dividend, one, threc percent second preferred 20 cen par dyqre for each commun share, wsf declare-d hy P. L. Rn- bertnon Manoiactoring Ca. Ltd. Iis ,veek. The shareholders ai, record DWc, 17 iii eceive te paynnglnt Dec. 30 The second pre- ferred sbires ssiti he reeemed Dec, *3 1. -Osiy 14 shopping days elt on- til Christmsas. ILcustI CoU l...' .. TO PLACE YOUR SEASON'S GREETINGS MESSAGE IN I CHAMPION comacàt the efflc.n.w t. ce. ageyeur gm.tteg ln uste pehd lu» sw Igebr22j Do You Know Ourtohsm TO OFFER IN AIL DEPARIMENTS - TOYS - SPORTING GOODS - HARDWARE - APPLIANCES - RADIOS - KITCHENWARE rrHEON OUR 2nd FLOOR -1 M ý! TOYS --GAMES -DOLLS IrHEYWANT Big Selection If You Chaos. Now If You Haven't Visited Us Yet - Corne in Now -- You'II Be Delighted WitIi Our Large Assortment and 'Our Deep Cut Prices 0 Fr. Candy Canes for the Kiddies If Accompanied by an Aduit A CHRISTMAS BONANZA STORE ~toe&t HARD AR Athorzed Dealer Don Merrtt, Owner 878-6011 0 LAY.AWAY 0 BUDGET PLANS MILTON tttig~'. 'N - a loi moret car fiti tut mt-iiet ilîsge s ii î alonîg 121- itinc t heits. 'iisetra engih h.îs taitt, it.îte, coiotu, looîks, Clîtîtse frmn 15 matins in tou ttt sits. Moniaco, Folata 880, Pitiato 440, Potara. Choose Dodige. tittili lie' ldut sîîîii. WARRANTY 5 year or 50,000 mile peower train warranty cevers ful parts asd labeur, Major parts cevered fer defacta in material or werkmasship include en- ins block, head, aHiniternai enginseparts, sorque convert- or, drive shaft, universal joints asd rear axle, dfferential and rear wheel bearings, Ne greater protection for yosr car dollar, BELL 405 MARTIN ST. Swinging Coi onetî h o dg.. is idea, a young îd.i loriried people mwrPick sont- hods LL Coronit h is i woe on a trim il7îici heehilbae: Se.dans, Hai'dtops, Wagon.,orConeltls Valiant Nobody batsValial for value .., style. comot, roessloeas. ecooomy. 10w initial cost make Vaillant the Value Leader for e MAKE YOUR DEPENDABLE CHOICE AT BROS. MILTON LT De 878-6380 movà wklb. la IvAlva wlu, w và LI th. vý vA. vAý a ý MWOO 11 1 11