a CERTAINLY the rugional jait issue qualifies for the ttlle nf musi cont noversiat issue lu bit tbe county council table in severat decades. Il's uifficoli 10 sort ouf the opinions on hu mater since tbey tend to bu bigbf y coloruti. Tiruru -banc een more umoional outbursis in the counto coonif chablrs un ibis thon artting ini Ittcrtrtr lu 1hecs a tencites rro larbell àjr rturlrsourIs brtlc lbut bhats haruly lair cubher. Acirîn anrd Nasuogameya ruprusuntolivus arc spur., witb one oppusing aird une sopporting a regionat jail sitb Hamilton anti Wentvortb. e DONT FORGET Salordurv, Drcumber 4. Thats the duv Santa arrives in -Miton via bueticoptur. is' a neso twist tht sscarolirte iis orrivali n o par-adecfur mny Yeaus. Tire Firumen ,rnd Lutirti nh buhave spunso retiis arrivai for ycîirs soru about tir abandon rbir ceffrtrs Iis suar scîei tire Cbarîber ut Commerce c amne Sa~4 a*< SAZUO 0 BY BILL SMILEY Tirrs a suar in progruns rigiri nousw I th ut ilprouce- more crs- uatties Iran tire tino gre-at ssorld uars. Il maires tire cornent cutuf usar lok like a Sunday Suhuot picnie. Ifi s huei ougbt in tire hume, in tire scIioots, andtinter v trets, i eserf country iuthti nsut cf Tfhesuar V'int tulkillg ,rfrruî s tire svrar eisoee-ti s ooilr nd uge. Tire clas iee no dectar- ation ut sar, nu single incid- enitsuhicir bas prusoket i irstil- tics, 3uil the ighting iras bu- gon, und is dring ru ire utloeg, ct-utl, destructive urnc belote il enids, ut surulire nu otrer te roman ruace brs suen, Tire trrgrc Il irrg s ta l titiursitilont.baiuti on it irrg et rser tri rive, a eunrptee trek ouundersturndurrg sutir a sistfot desýite for tl, on butir sides. Ih s nu initernatiornal or itr- tracial t\tl. btouCivilvr suiiclit tttkes tlt uobiy t riglirier- tio-g tn tre iront fineus at-eeulthtie ebildir n unrd tire eidersl. Thrnk goiness toi-tIrai. Nu. Tire op- posiog flor-ces arctire soung i uu1., rrirnbutri15 ru 25, on onu ide, urnd tire nu - longecr - *Doa WHILE LOOKING tirrouglira Enes-utopeulia, 1tonrd tie futtou- iginteresîlof tact: itomeuuis Ctrîhs realo durte tackt1 utRouiait dasMe lNas tire Costrri i li ladirus f0 ricer rut groups anui is- cuslie Loti n naturaflyf srouos lopies of tire dos. Oithtie otirer band, Menis Clairs su-uir o ira-s-corigiuoteu i Sitkc- spare s dan, cueninu unitavet ii diiscuioro. Alut su udr apperr s I prove- thrt ivomen nol unis raitrnurru, irut herse- aisir ien t.uiking liiger -abouut lb cern- fuies OESPI1L it1E FAC 1ii lr ireurs, freatis cornte inn ussortedt uc, ut gereraiioes thein itis diii non. To enredv itis uisetpancv,a dtawstring iras neIdie tire bandi as standuard eqoipmurri n mole titiireroy. Adiasteuf tritire eiruetrencc- (Aitir e c-rret s treoi, ifssns liedut uirairu-Esn. Finîally Iaticus began matiiuig youtirtuni dultifon t 35 tu 55 onrte utirer, Whta, soit rît.%>sk, abtnuu i betuucen, tuoni 25 lu 35? Tirev (1011,1 esen Erors-ftire-nsauris onr. Bus%, prourcieg avnd roistef kitis, thev uare biivsfuluiunasuare îirr ilies .arcpiodting ririuroice- mnluitfticre înylire-y triur t Tire suurr u us insusiîrbie. Fuir 5,000 rein s, tire iors mn- ziged fir) rep flirc minou-sonder rhum ircnirs. Tirnougirarcorn- hinution out gulu, onmz pre-svore ,nrd sirerennibers tinfant monrtit uas iigbt, tire eiders Lepi te suunt i echeck. lli % L lINilieci the li tftri urf Tirur ,ssuued ilterri tirai otuer tieur mode btter puittciants. pi ucirer-s anduf genenaîr Tirer keciiftire- outng ioie motipi rg its tuedir tiretir ehenci-ut tlicreinnaces of ns bote0cr usvanru%as inprogressr tirhe time. Whirii tire otti boy>s staved home andf louiretiatter flire store, thire s-ufusutitret-uileandrui u ire voong stuve op. Ttiey ug- THE GOOD OLD DAYS =u GLANCING BACK TO 20 YEARS AGO 9 CANADIANS, whether they like il or flot, have elected repre- sentatives ltu operate a tederal government. Thre service vote bas been compteted, the date for the ncw session bas becs set and the decks shoutd bucteared for the conduct ot Canadian business. Lke most papers ss'c rgeti esers- une IL) lote arel 1110Y ijut ilen curr.ideantcuîrr u theissue-.. But for ademocratic foromnou operate in a representative rvay. that s flot unougb. As individuots ssifb opinions vou baneco respon- sibitity tu communicate o or lbougbts tu yor represenrative. Dntbc besitant tu writc ru Dr. Hartris or George K err svben somnet-ine uf concern devetops. Ise utten tbougbt it somu of tbe Ititers tu diturs were tetters ru provincial or tederal representa- trous, thev cootti bu more efec- tive. It iaires more thon voting te be a participant in tire gc'usc nment ut your country or province. îWN(S) IN THIS CORNER WITH ROY DOWNS lirais lu utet stanidat trdîrosor e- nuvi.s. Athoocir if rusdiseurtirr- Lieuf tiretring,.for sunreuoriittuutNit r caunrrli leu- ut jut Io snrurs-uiit hlie boîss. Ult lnts îsess trughi t tu ie rovi] mut uiutc un eseuf irant's trt. THOUGHT YOU'D BE intluiet- cdi un seiruf sorie tini te lai phccrions fiat creep lttluins- rpaer s eh u rlhuilet is.etc. "Dureru tire nemsýpapur shrt- aganonibr olut irhs have el tîrstîruriduntlf tsvueu.' "Pianintorsae i %il cnureuf naiogans tIegs." 'l'i.%saternuorniclterwsililie itelrus n tie Nol-Iri tict Sout enîdso ut Ile chiure . Chriture-i roitl tc hîptisud ti uth iienuds.', "Titis muns heueigE.ster, Ms. Aur son it nu l errr ruv-nr ,iîd tri a ,u ggluittire altuni -- 'Foir Sure- Eegfish ir unîtetut ruer. Fatis znîît ltuVr y Inutut0o S 'i icw b utde' ras 201 le ct %%idut riotinirttress lu Irotreis." "Satinrutas- ,rii unrirIltleuflu-r ,nuinr-vui i pollisoit.-ucintol ri iii Ie citet ra uus' 'Vwilu tire urgarnisitti'r111tr (lods Pasttuu 'tie rediche gt-rrmeftuuiguui cons." tAIS fi-t- DUi'PARTMiN i. ]o (unrRuturi. uvrruurriguuia tut l Milton ltruei reatumBrutne aund lei-v loveshbus nesu homeu ru Catnadua, frutfels a futtle sirbeu hi Ifru saiuf lacesan lsdlou tlis sufrenruvur ir efplauy O0Luit- ada".- "lfl a titisiaurfa euiuaifi tolugel pre-ople inging O Cuunurdr us il tires vrneurrt il. %assGlynt. tfrt it futoittuIi! RftAtf StfN inr Aistiani.rha ri1ches urus tries ireî:usîuu YouîGo, Tire Fisicr Youn (Got. 1 uiWEVE GOT THE! KAISER$ GOAT"' says tire sipti on tire goar betti by tire boy attire tcf f uthrie picfore. Local pirotographur Sirmnemeseappcd fhinsscene for a postcdrd, duriep a parade sonnetime aroundeti ir let Morit War, Miss Hildd Taylor of Victoria Harboor mro foasedth ie pontcarti, says the boy wib tire 900f n George Keimas anti sbe tiinirs tire gentleman sitfisg je tire car ix Jobe Litt le. Tire Ciampion iras neyerai otirur pbotos of this sarve paradeu. Cao aeyoneutel ui Owmetsanti wty i if oInit? atong. Hopufutly, theu vnritts year wiit bu as soccusstut as in prcviuus fuars. 0 I'M ALWAYS bappy ru sec anuther round of indusiriai nego- iations successfuîtyeon-iuded. Completiurrofutfaiku at the P. L. Robertson plans is veicome ncws trc, in t ti ranu s hrrvc eri uctcra ity gouf. Noon :eus sîrikus andtftise ,biitv ut ciotuces anti emptoyer 10 conu ru an arîicabteulemetuirnt is a sign ofmutual undersiandine. 0 SEEMS TO ME caris Duceni- trc is haping up us a bus lime. 01 course- the unlir nontb is ru- gtrufeuf as a busv une, but quitu turtoc venuticeuforganizeeutiv it *vdrups oit eorsiderabtv close lu Christmaus. Prubahîn 051 as %v-lti. f0.it contusiun is cocu goitre tu set in. it stoutti bavea ttl mur tme cl s'ccrriy rallier irait sucE- irrg. Thelrc rcteieutemprurrt- r rîtahelr rlirrrCuurrrgc. Tires ridtr i srtotr cuers- trie of tdariti r lh thue rîolut su. lui olftrirat ibcy ealifd ur-cl ih t heo don*'.k ii-oii tlire blnerAlexanr te icrat andu VWilliam PiFrîthIesuonger, and Napuicuit. But trust utliciîr deiNcul uig. Andt rossa u orelai,r.Drut, srorand t arcrcrpirrg the bit- to-iec. Yotung peuiple iritE exc1 vi t 1 irouogit su-ier-r i1 is. v, tia otif pcrsurr: liii rrsc SUIovr 40 ir i-i uibvopîrrrsd I nsttirtg fiaii, tilt - t tlttng or i.rt- ci i. Ftireil u itut srisrotf irisi- irrg ru.,setis horsttttg irrth inatl directioan,. Tlinks to nietir- cal Attvances, thev nonsout-nuim- hur as. Tiroîrirs lueconumtc pi ospeits-, lîev troc butte-r ibaî ricevcir drut. lîanks tuflcou a at n ,rd contritriiisitrur ici ý ICottinord u n Page C2) Sme Fucts to Remembher Opi nions oi VietNoni are a tiînre a doicer A large bodysuof capable, reforîret opinion lu agurnsf Uniteti Stares urrooluerrent An equaily large brody oh capable. unfornînt opinion is for tl. Orie tirg lor cerftaiin. Lessurru utflit-pte wor unrcioo5Ii a tira thtfie orif rîntiote Iu oggresnron is resîstance. Tire more streeglir tire free moriti con monter le tris renistancu. tire better. We feornet prior to 1939 rhat ap- peuserrînoluarnu tic troufies; il fireeij fi- portes tirern. SOwfîoterer irîrulokes tire Urîrteti Stores rrîay hbctirouglrr c frave trade by getirg irnotuetinruVînt Ndî, ftire fuot s trut sire ru lucre, ard ius tinte fa stol) mirat iapperreti in Europe, tire ramover cf crie nation aitr dolier hy flie Cc tutti s. Tine are people miro tiîk iradi Min siroutilibcavoicti utai ll rosts.Mat strorutt certirry ire doodeti Mienilut rupossible ru sertie irotitisul rrclenun orrbty, ant i i oui violationr cfIrle ruinhs cf natrons andeicr intiirrdouis rî trein. Yul a "peace ut arîj prise- phiiosopry liras dlreatijiborrie ifs fruits. UniîtediOrales tiipiotrcy rMruyisentir ru lîch finesse. But utus turne Io atirtit tirat tlire Urnitedi Orales ban borne tire bordes of kenp- igtire mort truc snce 1945. Ifliras speet bilioes tf0 rtf Iocase fticccuriicproblettru oh rî:oy ntionîs. trerg,jrrj rtîrar: - usýi tmi,l y (ratîitut fru o sliîîrrue ut ireeuti rouerrîîgirt. But ilfiirey fou ct Ccni,,unrurîr, thie: riies oi gairvnq freedo::, ol il[miilic setltui a dffîuusnd jeu ru. Il i.i-, iut] i rrnii,ie r..vr.i.i micirlieusuopenr lire [Jilti tndIoes, durit curi sîaity ils presîierr. Il willtrot do ta be un crisai. But ail crilîciurîr uhouolt fe terîpereti iry rhiîrknomietige A ifle rrafurg oirrhoue miro carfryule reutprîiibiluty ttirht Ire butter ui n 15.1t51 tisiiitf5 irirt lirslirimmrsola- lions. Lerîlnrsi -ru, lu h, t~- tts iio sfortutwîudrurrîid rI tt etglIt Thtîrodues not îiearu oi5, s treîi.jllt lu tipht, rut ut does trintiiîng 1power aiinn uirrj iutrtutle beriefit ut inianriit. rrurs ouirtrîiînriri u I i r- 'ruit ia fdru ifir rire neiru Itj runew, Io Ihr ittititefc ofars tA tr,,ir: riras u oirdir tsirs 1et siice i1945 tari tetsf liai lu qrei rtuweearrd weoitlir vbruieerr uses iliilliiflicre and uorirusor ud sruiceoh tesitoiisiI.iiIit incir iritîbie lruîrnr fnrrscoen ercrsr. otîettrtes flire lasarut heurrts andrjpuîicî dentîcrrstro tors upounsl U.S. pîîcy s erît ru IoIc hlirtîtluoresc lacis. -litc fiti loil r t uu ihe Caèuzedia» Chempiîft Published hy te uis Prliiinsg anîd IPublisli Co. Lici Ei:triii--Cijt - EG. A. his Nu ros ticitîr - Rnis E. Ifnr-rs Piutitistreit sero 5uirienfreciivnaaf iiiMain Sti. ilirtti.Ort. Murnîbroftftire t iN.A., tlire frtrtrO eb Dininot C.Vi.N.A.andt Carrari CrnininoîttnNenu-papers Repue- suittfîn u. Siutrsirip rînnurs payable in ai saiines,$40titi neCanadda ; 9V.0teindl count fries otirer fhae Canda, iuEtrrtrgfiîurnr lunesA. hIs .hrttiltsiîur uI.ri.ru-u bue 'tEur Ai -itrî e s r. . i l ic n iiifîtnn lm ili i nu-ciiui if i l rinraptlin c efritl uhtp ii n ir ine ruh îetîsnî sare fr- e rpicti h%,s t roire en.tmnrs eurt, fritr un~~~~~~~~o fiusrhr iiuntrfigr)atttaff , nil ritci beshrrdloifuît biMtire taiterr rut ttic adrertrserient ni%111 hu parifor ai rire applicahir rare. Iii thnesuit ritia tnpttuiaptrruýat cirr At rertirfn gos orrvunstes ai a sirreg pnieu. gous 0ors .snrv aneut ire siriti. At\isrt istui- ns, tuner uts- arri tien r suit anti mîay b ire sidrasvn i ilany turne." Aufborized as Second Class Mail by the Post Office Departmcnt, Ottawa Teken front the files of lte Can-1 adieu Champion, Nov. 22, 1945. 1 Tbe bandi stand in Victoria Park, which bas givun many years ot service, bas been tomn down and the tomber cleared away. As a baud stand, it badnt been ased for 'band concerts for a number of ycars and bad got- tun in al ditapidateti condition. It sý hopec ut biniflbu not t100 dis- tant futucre, Milton millbave a bandi andi a new stand. The annuat meeting of the Mitton Lawn Bowling Club was betti on Monday nigbt in the council chambers. Tire election ut officers for 1946 was as fol- toms: pouf presideni, Frank Mc- Niven; president, Robert Berry; secreiary - treasurer, W. T. Bar- nord; chairman ut the groonti conîmitte, Jack Ford; and chair- nian ut the games committue, Fred Robinson. A turtbur sate of approximafe- GLANCING BACK1 Taken from the files of the Can- adien Champion, Nov. 25, 1915. Mu. Gaho, Chief Engineer ot tbe H%-ctro Elecîrie Commission, anti Mr. Hanningan, secretary at Guelph, uxplained tia ameeting bce us sirday tbe malter of the pioposed Hydro - Radial dcec- r. railssav lrom Turonto tu Londuon via Port Crudit, Milton rouf Guetpb. A deputation from fiaisilte nombering about 20 itsked Ifiai trlis ie shoulti nul loininr n unlil ruaching Oak- ville, witb a station there. Mr. Gaby saidth tis moulti not bu tuas- hibl as il woold necenrilate a gradelofut wo per cent, insîcati ut une lper cent a mite. Reevu Little ut Milton moveti, sucondeti bv Reeve Porter ot Trafalgar, ibal lire commission bu tuqusiedt lu sbmit plans and us tîmaies tu ficremonicipalilies concecineufso tbat. tbe matler cati bu suîhmittud 10 a vote. This was "t-ie nanimousty. Wurirmen sent by Waiker Bin GLANCING BACK D Taken (rom te files of the Can- adien Champion. Nov. 23, 1865. Tîte Fenians,tos inisgoictud ereatitres, ire ifaiti lorcing Iirurrsu vus lapon tbe notice of fici %relutbliv tirir blooti - lbirsty spieebhes and ibeir wild designs. As long as tbcy conftnud thero- seIves lu nîcre idle vaporings and reînained on tbe soif of the Un- iitdStates, no one paid beedti l Iiîcrî. But wbeîî lbey attempteti I pi(t itcrtrarturous designs tu- tir esecottun and sougbt 10 over- Iti-ors Britisb sopremacy in Ire- ladii,'vses'cu oddenty sqoetcb- r(it 'o flic suivofutle British Tlic ltrst riettigence as lu the lelas iiîdicatcs ltait fire Un- tlestStries frirertimunt suitI jea- to,slv goard ber ncotratity anti Iato nvnet ut arry cotise- qururrcsurît bu attoweulandtiu pie coeur raiuds, it s rumorcd. Tl'ire il rîine match un the 5ib Litre. Esqutusing, onthe tarin ut ly 75 lS-cwt. army trucks han been announceti for tbe M.D. No. 2 Army Compoundi, Fleet and Bay Sis., Toronto, on Nonember 30, commenctng aI 10 arn. The ceil- ing pnie is annoonced at $330. Final reluens in lthe Niutb Victory Loan received tbts week show tbat t-lotton alttined 210 per cent ot its ubjective and r riscut a rral ruf $4,944,450. Tbere wre 8,037 apîplicationrs in the cunty. Many f rom Carophelivilte ai- tendeti the annioersary services beld .f Moontsberg Methodint Cborcb tast Sonday in aid ofthtIe adjoining cemetery. Rev. C. L. Poole of MottaI preacired thre morning service with Mm. Wil- liam Reveit anti Chartes Bryant rendering speciat music. At the evunieg service, Rev. John Mac- Neilf of Campbeltoftle was the guesl speaker wit the Campbell- ville quartette supplytng Chu spa- cial music. TO 50 VEARS AGO anuf Store Finturus Co. of Burltn bave buen busy night and day ibis wuck potting in tbe new fit- lings ut the new post office. The woutisorkirs vcry bantisome, quarter-coi uak in thre front part. The tock boxes and drawurs are if the lalest and busC models. Everylbing mut be complete by bue end outiisweek andi the of- lice willtt ibe re rady for occu- pation. Pusimaster Stewart and bis cierirs iitibic taking over thre building fromtthéecuntraclors. Knox Cburcb Goild gave ano- bler sptendid program lu Cthu large nombur presunt last Mon- daos evening. The matn part of the prugrom was a deiratu on Cburcb Uniun, ns-ich was oery enjupabie. Fuor cburch union. E. Sycur and C. H. Stuart took Chu ptatlurm and oppused mure Miss Laora Scott and A. MacNab. The subict was oveil duhaltid in Chu timiied lime aithIe disposaI nf the speakers. The deciston was in favur of cîrorcb union. 0O 100 YEARS AGO Tthomas Patiensun came off mitIr tîru trrtlosciig goining prizes: tient elrss for men, T. Allen, E. Kelly, A. Stores%; second ciass for men. J. Cunninghbam, R. Orr. R. Arm- sirung; busondur 18, M. Doogait, John Kentour, J. Arm- strong, A. Jarvts. Wear your olti coat a week longer and your bat a month. Otti hais fuel busi. so do old bonis. but flie latter havtng a sole ahove pave-atients, sometimes Wear 0uf and cruatu a necessity foroi-anum pair andtifi you do nultgeuithum. vour feet gel damp rndf sou catch a colti anti bence flic iiecess-iiv ut using somutbing tun cure il. Trv Brsan's Pulmoniu Waters. unis 25 cents a box. Sold bv Wiiimoîl and Watson, A meeting of Ibosu dusi cous of orgaiing a Lilurary Assoc- ialion in Miltoun neufbu heldti ta rîrorrurs everrirîs utthe Readiing Ruoni. Aiso rumembur that tbe Reading Runi is opus until 9 p.r. ,clt rocuk - day uvening. LETS PLAY BRIDGE IBy DWCoati 1 %ul d tclu itus.ouiaî nantît frit oce-utueu durnîg a rubbr ltutufge- natchr ulas eeb. Tisiranul erntrjns tu-o irteresliug points un te ny. o t hebucords, DealrtcîEast, Nortît-Souifinuit- neti able. Northt N-096h5O3 il--0h 13-A 9 7 C-K 3 2 West Lent K S-A 8 1i1 S4 I-K lit 9 7 2 D--tirOir2 -OJ3 C-I f08 4 C-9 65 Soutit 8-J 10i742 Il -A 31 Et-K 5 4 C--A O 7 If ruetidulîtg Eaut Sount West Northt l'iss 1S Pas 3 S t',s 4 S AiPas- Wiest lfuath ie mtri tdiamontis and uf uîîttîîs sas %pread. Wliaf dis- ttttrtittutt.North-Suutfî bavs- poinitrs urrurtgtr feugaule but ftru lirtrus hase enac ythycie saute siifpe. If itrr tati bati utrmre- mur adon esnv itanti or uir fiiris ss bctu ha rap up. Wir tirupresuni trants il toE- ul liE tutoff rse-us ton sure. Vl iu gftgtisstu tu-s- andtget trut unia iruti-tri iriser. IflVWest bas th ife uitbletoir kinrg 0ut r-urfp,lire efibcire tnrpete lpas tose. Milridt*s-isulire siouiin't glay tire king truie bing spot bof bc might. Theu tir.si uiamondtr tickr sas swon in Soutirs bond. Declar-ur fmi a srntfl spaufe. West conte up with tlirc king burt aiso il siasn't a îfuubtettr. Orne elhance gorte. Wust luati arrutrer dianttio ssircb suas wson rît uirrntts. If Ie ace crf spaties adficuking nof feari sare te tire saute ranc intan-be sorrrutfrng can be dolitr. Dlarisr ptrtuines ýlits teatinrg ui tîsnrrîprt taEe tli-verounnds ut ttfbs. Nnw rvturrnîs at-c ied anti catis isu-irth[ieuace. Atteur ab- iig tlc irsu aifnttquesiuun East inise ruad itta ris or fisc- tcclilt cia tuIt andsi>uiti. Witibut tresrtating iast lcati a fifear, bu t utefar-ur litti tiade up fis mniu. Theu hum t tire suas pla *vuti rinuîrSounirs tbaurdianti Ille- grue efrntfoitiftrtinv. Punhaurs Southirsas truck Es lu firruftie canifs plaucti rosi sur, but lie vs i rrickuEs-tri iirrufttat dure- ris ani lire id tire sallie stapr. fIltire canfs base ft ire a cer- ftaino-n rîtrder tr rnrake tire cotat, tfireti smtitu ctirai tuuy ite uis serfon srntdiiiiri ,andi play accotdàiegtv. Lurs isuEs u tirsîcre-f rst, Biii Bai-buurantstJouE Coat, ;sec- oindutGlontriaCrtrandsiE unie Duins, soir; tirîu, Bitlluamiltont anu Lou Beirtassunu. Y'm~JQTTINGS 8BY JI1M D1L L S THE OLD MILL POND in Milfon looks ratier bleak bers,. oow thai il ban been drained awaritig tire cien-ouf tirai sbould tube placc ihrougb tire wintrr rronlirs. But s000 a frenir blanket of snow niroulti covrutire ugly pond trotonr anti transform il into a scene ni ttnauty againe By f967, tire Centennial Contînt int iropes, lIre pood mîlI ho a sbowplase n tibute of Miton's pioneers. Fai Siotes.. Inferestisn irgb ti Mlforî's civcaffairs dousri ' irîrfou lrrgl rIii fer ialiiaretpruriti- aitirougirtire crowd aitirhe nominatron ment- ciai nînctiorîs iruodueuf of people are invoir- ing drdnt represn! more Iran a oery nmall ed e ir e urrous porto orguercaîrons and thon percenrugn of f boue eliibie to parfîcipare. tire percenroge ut volets casting fballots osa- Candidates, rirougir. are enoughinl nuer- alf nuseeds by foatire nurrîber miro rote ie ber ta airent tb rire degren of more interent muircipal niectiovu ibhis i5 regretrable. Mon- Iran unuat. If nray bu recaltedt tirflasf pear icipali gauerorrrerit r. coser Io tire people aît positiorn mere fil led by acclamation with thon asy ounie> brr cf goereroent aod de- tire euception of onen scirool board seat. TiraI serres four ceepestinrterest. sot tire case tuis yur. TFire Ciir:, rer ut (oririr e isporiýrsurrr Mayor Chirids, the lowrîs iafdon for frire dauras righr fis far. mut iMoritiay. Ifis' liant ergirr feurs, faces a challenger murh a finre for ieeqriry soncliclles' speeches.Tire Couecittor G. Addison nfeppieg op affer imo Chanîber lias piorînent, irsead, a cinisîer arnd years ce couecil Tire reeven chirrrs beieg iîfrîtarrîl atiiospireraio whîsh lîal canîdidates cuetested tac, with formrer renne Jrm Bell wii hare arr opportuoity lu rient as niaru rerrerg te challenge duputy renne A. Led- Mltonians au cure lu artendt. Tfie Charrber mur . s also inferestet inleprorldrng sornîn ionor Mont ormer positions are being contentedti 1 thase miro are ut tuant wîllrng Io nek asti tirens no fretter sige cf igrent tran a municipal office. good tff lection. All contestants cen look Ili nIo be hopedti li i trr, lcrtg mîti forwarti to a rwo year îerm anti citizens tfen mut ant inîorrenr of tire cantirtates miro siroulti eye thirs fo. This yeur n tire font seuir positions, will stînrutate tire otirer ulig- chance oe bure somefirg 10 nay about miroievoctets ru niake a chaise anti participate tenu four affirr u ntltireenti cf 1967. r ir e elecrîinutfa mrunicrpal gorernnet In mrunicrpal etectrons irterent ufterr wlrerr lecion tioy ruls udrourrcf Gecerrîber 6. jl PEEKING INTO MILTON'S PAST QUOTE 0F THE WEEK If is fetter. of course, Io kniow usnless thing5 thon f0Ioknlowinoftting. -benesa ------------- -------------- - ------------ ---------------------