Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Oct 1965, p. 14

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86 The Canadien Champion, Wediesday, Oct. 2Oib, 1965 THEi ARMY.NAVY CORONATION CLUB dart ieam f rom Toronto was grand'champion team ai Saurday's aul-day dan ftourniameul spocsored by brandi 136 oi the Legion, Milton, and receîned a iropby, cash and lamps froîn Carling's for fInir efforts. A tofai of 29 four-mac leams and 59 doubles leams euftered the compeliflous. AI Bidgnwafnr wbo presend the irophies is sliown ai leff, wiih co-eliairman Fred Johinsan 0f righl. Corouation members willi the iropliy are John- B ny Wallon, Jerry Lynchi, Ted Kyle and Tom McMinn. c Coronation Club is Top Winner o Legion Sponsors Dart Tournament Three fluors ofithie Royai (ais. Pins csaîi ,îas nîcnî icrs. Tie con.î1iscreJohn Sleccîs aîîd Frank adian Legion building onChiaiessolationsprîuesccîî s 10thic Acisin'Roinis niBrantfordi Arlilli s St. were filled sill dan piaycrs Lcgioîî. eoisisting of HeccLaitî ,1sdH. N soîcaisK. css ail day Salorday, as Brandi 136 len, Bill Niculais, Staîî Colltnio Osawa wcrccnoaui Legionnaires sponsored Iliir and Gil Malsoim. dlobesîsinîsers. tbird annul ali-Onlarlo open dan Higli scoirc ni 1he das \iasi-, Theb, LcyoiiLadiesAuiliî s ouornabno. coîsicîl lis'J. Bicisr Nith i 162 crscdnîcai.s lu flice phayers. Cochairmen Bob Kianli uand Jirv1Liicli iiiCoruinatioisclails ________ Fred Johuson repnrîed 59 icanîs cd aî second priuc ioi thc day. il of doubles and 29 lour-man îcams tbheiigli linlîli scoren ni 124. INTERVIEW enlered the ioornamcini. Escu. Mi. Ls sd iisckcîi up lts lii ciý Mis incus lcngaging ncsn maidi: the ladies pariicipalcd as mioci,,55 ,îrsiisli hedublhis conspeti- And nuis, Miss, wby did yoa and more si-men are linin thic ion. sîlsesilice,îîsslJubnny Wl eai-cv osr last mislress? game.There were iso misesi ion ui Cîîronatiuns sîok lic doull IM.lid: Ssîrc y yvuudidni csiscci leafls entered in the clenis, ansi cs clai,îîpiuîîsbip, Rssnners-sî1î nic 10 iakc lie wiib me? one doubles enîrs., Sains ansi Wii-, ma Unsworili ueni riglil luthic semi'final con test lelnrc bin Team cbamnpionîs scre Jli i iir .U Wallon, Jerry Lynchi, Ted K\ VWantU a GOOD Job? and Tom MoMinsu olflie Arnsy-1 Navy Coronalion Club, Torontoi,! Mn waci sîcu for ininrnsuîug work polisliicg and boffîcg and nbey sein ropliies, cashi ansi smoli brasparis. lnnopnrienced persons sac mearc Ibis pro- :amps. Carings rcpiesenitivc fîlable trade ai company nopeuse. Most modemn well-lighied, AI Bridgessaicr ut Burlin1glnn ai- wnl-nentilaind building, big pannd parking arna. Ecelent ieuded 10 prescnri thc pelles ansi pay and frînge linnefits. Apply in person or wrin f0 Mr. Pein lropbies donaicd blisheliirm. Tbe ronner-up tcam scas E-' Joncs, Laing Iunlusties Lid., ROnnoruli Dr. ai 401 Higliway, Imperial Clib[rom Beiitiini P.Of. Bon 160, Eobicoke, (neni bo Carling Bremuries nar wiib Bill Holloinss as.En 'Mac- MaiSon Airporli. Donald, Dose Bennett andi Mari,, Four Milton Groups to Celebrate International Credit Union Day Tomnrrow, Tborsday Oclober turned back lu members througli To mark tbe 1965 International 21, is International Credit Union dividend paymenls. Credil Ocn- Credit Union Day, Prime Minisier Day and the tluor cre dit unions in ions bave a variely ci srvicsLeste Miltosn arc empbasizing ibeir many operale almosi like a Leie B. Pearson bas issued a iberne, uopporuity, securily and bank, wibi cbequieg accounis an- special message congralolating scrvicec or alV as the wideiy- ailiabie, ibememmbcrs lu Canada ccicbrated day rolis around. ~JThe scl-beip credil union mone- mnent, ibrougli Credil Union Day, msarks credil union progress ie mnre (ban 7f nations lu a celelira- lisn uiing millions of pcopicj ilirisoholictheicess nrid. Mi1Ilis Josur ce i i1oI r lioin Rusarv Par,î i P. L. Rois cisois, Ontario Stcel Prudus aînsiflic Mcicr M.îkers ai Canad"i-ý an Meler. J. Frijicrs, manager of (lie IloisRosaiyPrs CUsi ti i5 lck usai 1,000 Milionians for,,arc members ni 1he ciedil union muncmcni-ilioui 900 ofIium,, isembers ni 1he tour local C.Us, -andi the ollier 100 nsembers nicr- nuu.pJ clii sfumons nin ol-ol-locsplans' suds1 as Fînrd, Anserican Molurs, IWestinghuse, ansi oiscrs. Tiscre ace34 cîlil uonîsIli Halion Cony, ii l1.000 mni- besad lst oialiiîîsp$6,700, - ilP.. 000. -si '0, Totalîi ,ssofiiMiiini's fol. DOUBLES WUNNBRS ai the Legion-sponsored dant fourcament icrei iowan is nier bail aismil- on Safurday mcme Jolicny Wallon and Tom McMinc of flic lionul Coronaîlon Army-Nany Club, Toironto. Cariing's presnîed tlic AluolIirce andrîsi lrc-qoarteci iropby and Legiocuaires orgacized the foomnameur. Fred John- isillionî Canadiins ar e mmlirs soc and Bob Kraclz wmcm co-cliairmen of the enni. lotillse contriiv's cîcclil oniuns., 1livre ,îrc 4,700 eredil sunionsuor. Lize.inisnala, maiiiriiv ni MAYORALTY CANDIDATE îîîuîicîîial lîis [luO s pies- ibem iinOnirin. Tbcir psipoiaeiis Councillur Liosd Beri smin iof elîîis i illisce cliiiaiuil ilIl leiexcpiains-d lic etact a credil iorliîîpinn aisuonuccidl i,s isehsBîti-lingi saiscoîîîîcîi. Mcisir Moi_ anioin is .issus prnii urganiu.i e sentilui cbaiicisgc Bur-linglon filions, nucl andioper,îicd blitsl u1.-isr DîccîsMoilîluti.e l ii il lha i, wt ici i îî su 5 lier ni pu niieîrssîp, andslany profitîs aic iralin chair ini ( lie Declcebe c %isu bc iuning loriflice mss.i AT REED-mREDFERN ....0.a. NEWCARE A whole new series of eegani cew mudels - thie osi lanisi Chevonel bas ever baili. Tlieres Ihe Caprice Custnm Coupe, Caprice Cusom Sedan and thl canons new Caprice Cuslamn Wagon. Traip elegaul in eoery delail, lliey inoiseland deugnaul> your ciese5l inspertion. J ET-SMOOTHE I M P Nu Cheyoen au ever had a ride î likre hi m mntilid, i 4ci n oun cani speciy a Turbo-Jet "396" enugiue ai 32h.iplip yroith, muitminci? oi reserne power iJust oeeonisix cmîmies anailubie uor Ina 4Z25 ip Itn - Jci "427' 98). Bai reallp, iheres nclponue wap le fsndccii ailli ai s grei abouatt6e '66 Chereiwih ils beaulial new Body by Fsher. Rîdo su one. -- LASEE THESE AND OTHER FINE CHEVROLET PRODUCTS bIpupalaport coue.. AT REED-m RED FERNLTD. L. W. EMMS ELECTRIC Coniractinq end Servicing Phone Milton TR 8.9731 CREDIT UNION DAY THURSDAY, OCT. 21 _ INTERNATIONAL -~ CREDIT UNION * ar Owesnd Oerote. Tby' CREDI~tevaem ership brsipi *are Non-Prof it *Puy Higher than Average Dividends on Savings *Provide Low Cost Loans *Offer Loan Protection Insurance *and Your Lif e Savings are Automactically Insured THREE AND THREE-QUARTER MILLION CANADIANS ARE CREDIT UNION MEMBERS. WHY DON'T YOU INQUIRE TODAY ABOUT HOW A CREDIT UNION CAN SERVE YOU? Ili5. nicssdiJc spoiisorcd by fihc CrCdi Uniîons sCi viiig Mîltoîdli id District Cîf zeils: HOLY ROSARY PARISH, MILTON CREDIT UNION LTD. METER MAKERS CREDIT UNION LTD. CANADIAN METER CO. LOCAL 1067 U.A.W. CREDIT UNION ONTARIO STEEL P. L. ROBERTSON EMPLOYEES CREDIT UNION LTD. - PROCLAMATION - CRIEDIT UNION DAY! WHEREAS, the eredit union movei'nnî s nom in ils second ,eniuiy oniserice, and WHEREAS, 1t1iceidîlunion membeis îhioughoui thcessurid 1ii lcccbiai Internatiounal Credit Unioun Day on Thuirsdav, Ociober 21, 1965, and WHEREAS, crei ciuniojis providc ,in invaluabin iens swherc- lis people usas posu[ iheir sas ings, and assist ihem- selves tu fiiil] ir ncils loi cric iai a lois cost, and WHLAS, crcsiiî union, hase pissicciun leclive ,and sra iieotlii conuibinig usurs uniair credil iractices anid ciscourac.in, ihrift, andi WHEREAS ihse cscdii unioii ns n niy plumule the cconumnic sccuriisnif iheir memlicrs, boltai su siiengilien de- ilicic, cncouragec indiiual rcspuusibiliiv and ;u1iLc prieice n oflru iischrfliod aindi Ius bcucfit our nrîsirec clmmunils', and WHEREAS, the Tîsîsn ni Milton>51nous ba s r cediii unions sshuîsc cumbinoci mcmbcrship toiais 1,000, repre- scniing a igniiic.inî prosportion of tic citizcus of Miltonu I DO IIEREBY PROCLAIM Tulîîai.i, Ocioincr 21, 1965, a CREDIT UNION DAY tui lc îilscm s ii n Mîitnsand urge sur pcople 10 gic liiîinp recogitioîn ati ls iinilmeute rany hcnciiîs lirîssghit tuilieni ihrnîîgh crcciii unions. AND ON THIS OCCASION, i csicîîd oluiheieadcrss ansi mcm- beris iof thecrcciîituions ni Milinîs, my grectings, conngratuîlatins and si nccrc vs i-licor continued ssiccss iciîîîg icir cs \VCI S. G. CHILDS, Mayor, Town of Milton. 878-2393 i 1 ONTARIO ST. S. MILTON

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