Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Oct 1965, p. 7

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Wanted WANTED - Ride Io Toronto, Monday Io Friday, working 6mrs 8.15 10 4.30, Adelaisie - Spadina area. Caît 086662. c-228536 WANTED - Room and board near Williams Ave. sebool for Grade XIII stîdeni. Elizabeth Huev. Gtueph, 824-2582. c-22-8524 WANTiE-D TO -BUY-3-5 acre-s witb frontale on Hgbwuy 401 from ite Rd. to Highway 25, near cloverleaf. Bon 14, Cana- dian Champion. c-19-8248 WANTED-Live pouîtry, goose and dock feaibers, feather ticks. Higbest prices. We cait. Write . Zener, 776 Cotiege St., Toronto or phone coiteet LEnnon 50724, eneningi. Hlidoon 5-2030. c-35-ti Employment Wanted EMPLOYMENT WANTED - Willti hîb sit in my home. 878- 6769. c228493 EMFLOYMENT WANTED- Witt bab iltin mv osmn home. 8789835. c-22-8469 EMPLOYMENT WANTED- Wilt rare fur citdren in my owo home, smll baby preierred. 878- 6750. c-22-2-8511i EMPLOYMENT WANTED - Teen-sige boyl reqsires employ- vent aller srboot boucs and iveekensîs. $786618. c-21-2505 EMPLOYMENT- -WANTED- Young mother siib pre-sehooter siti olnd 1 or 2 citdren white motber srorks. 878-3460. c22-8539 EMPLOYMENT WANTED- Custom dressmaking, aterations, sits, wedding dresses, drapes, sip covers. 8786858 after 6 p.m. c198316 EMPLOYMENT WANTED - Maie. part-trne evenings, sseek- ends. Wareboosing, eteaning, anvibing. Phone 8783t67 ans- trne. c22-8530 Cars for Sale For Your Next Car... TRY BUCK HAMILTON AT BELL BROS. Services SERVICES - RIGOS TAXI, racill dispaiched. 878-9962. c-194-8286 OUICK SERVICE, ptasiering repairs, targe or smaîl. Ed. Mc- MlIen, diat Aton 53-1818. c-tf MILTON UPHOLSTERING- Re-opblstering, lip-coven, co. tom but furnitore. Free pick-up and deivery. TR 8-094, 358 Main st. c-37-380-tt SERVICES-Dry dlean ap to 8 ths. for $200 wile yoo waiî. Sbop or do vosîr ltsndrv ai Mit- ion Laundriimai, 191 Mill S., 878- 6811. c-208-8348 DONKEYS: Free tse in ex- change tr rare. Wilt ielissi'. Sonie ta sel Also inierestetIinlu boarding in lois ofissu or moitt. Bsîd Smaitb, R. R. 3, S îtouvule, pbonîe 64M-684. c-22-8537 Frize w-inning Ode Tymr Or chestra. Astliabte Ire oi charige fo anc engagemet t%-iwilh vtews st starting regtla r danses lus Miiiton area. Hall must hase %vel tiîîîed piano and 6e in -met- cai good repair. Write Asverti- ssr, t Clavbrîtoke Si. Tartînl 5, Ont., or phoîne 766-8993. c-2228516 BARN PAINTING HALTON BUILDING RÉAL ESTATU (Cstnued) Milton $2,500. Fu Down Payment 3 - tîedroorn brick hbungalowm, ait modern conven lences, South of Milton 9ronm home, on pttved rcad, 6 leuroorns, make 2 aparimenis, gond location, sehool btises patss doar tiii 6gb, public itîsi iaae "o l',. Vacatilant in o îîîh Oalu lie, ltom $560 per acre. SYDNEY K. LAMB REALTOR R, R. 4, Milton 878-3212 - 878-934322 JREALTOR ANDI I11NRUAN CE ,1t0 Main St., Mlton 87 8-6292 antI 878-6992 FPRICED TO SElL' - S3,000 slowno, masden 3brtlrititnu gatats. centratis tiii.,iel pa Ciltis living, luit btsemeni tutu iccreitian ronni, tîtîilt '))ii aasl mavrk-boy. camîaieirl1v in- ibhesi.F'A titi bruina,.manv C,li Art eastick. SPLIT1-rVFL IIOMF'-t.tts.i aitMesiisinokDi.,pa sians living noaansl luticiit,l --------------- --iff nt ta SUCePsqful applicaniq for rhe Canadian Champilon, Wedne-iday, Octoher 6, 1965 7 initiiation ai the neot meeting. j The Ladics' Attxlllarty ha11 bren 1 enougi Iol joie in the Decoration MONTH'S ACCIDENTS I ai j ~~~grantcd the tise of otir [acilties; Day parade last Sondav. prN amgeexiaeda Lfoaru e tr a third nighi in the %week in lrne ywvan tMlo,>Jmy rpet aaeetmida SN otes which Io carry out Iheir extend- you arc welcomc lo ral on lis $28870 resulted [rom 43 acci- Jjed sports program, Le. danis and again. dents invesligated by Milton O. slitifflchoard. SPS P.P. doring September. The by C als SotSICCESSPUL SOCIAL The In 1ira Danls Leagîte accidents resulted in 17 injuries by ha rls CoTt ILFUD 1 Thte Couples' Club heid ihe gels ailta a start on Wednes- anti tuas ted the vears injurv W.V. CNTNNIL FNO first of ibeir taeekly social even-1day, Ortober 6, al 8.30 p.m., in total1 Io45. Property damage Some new ilerat ire bascoame As; mentioned in las( weeks ig thes t 6ihird iloor on Satur- the rttîbraom. Anvone inîeresied1 catiseti hy a total ol 406 acri- h rtoglla the branch regaîdingl noies, Bev Ninon, our Ceaienniai day night and il was remark- in te game aînd tishino ta plav tdentsitowit's $214,255. There have War Veterans' Altowanceo and Fond rlîairmnn, is atreadv aIi a.bly weil altended by a verv is welrotne to attentd. Contact heme ight [atatities. is in the hands ai'otîr Service work wiib is ftînd raisin!. fIlS]'ivetv niamber ai* roupies. The.John Kennedy. Ofirer, Churtie Anderson. When firsi venlnre is adance taler aecordionist did a first ciass jobl i bave tîad the opporion iv ta go this month in the Legion Hall.,of' enteriaining and there wasnt BUILDING PERMITS Concrete, Cinder, SIug and Silo river this. i witt 6e able Io give The best encouîragement [or Bey a dîtît moment ait night. Buîildling permnits saliard ai S20,- vtîo r letails. i1ttndersiand in his big job wiitil be ta have The nx monthîs dance v, 41.11 were isîtteti in Nasigasurva D diit these entitîermeni s rancern a futll atendanre i ibis. The this sanie groîip iii 6eheIn on ýTotwnshipi dariig the minii ofi Ot? titIs Caî.iia ltteravs but tîtte s Frýiclas. Outiober 29 (Il OtOsoboi 23 atdil ts hitrI tttSepiemlioi. 'lits tcri vî ue i, Cati ikatti titneitIli Inii. litee ltir the dance. iSepteineîtdanc. Tiis' l-taîkins' etittige ii S3,500 ad ,tîîîî iii t .gs c(Cnre.BIcs GENERAL MEETING orhestra will playlor this. aîi $2,900. LTD. Ai the monthîs gçnerat nseet-i A WELCOME VISITORNE476 ng aI*the biancti on Mondas Conîramele immy Green t'rom1 -Dîîî'î Itîrget the open bouse ai NE4 76 REAL STAT! (Coninuai) asi, Iwo neit memlbers mere in-' the Weland brancb bas been vis- Milton Fire HaIt and Sattirdav EVENINGS _____- ______-- itiaietl. Thev lir Ted Fosieri iting lriends in Miton for the evening niofIis sseek. The <open CL AK L aini Bah Feu. Fottr new applira-. past week and dropped il ' ee batîseIis parti of the Milton 1lite C L A KH L ti tir' e mebersbip were acosustn a lcw occasions. Hc rî e artens lite prevenltin teck MILTON TR 8-6365 A. E. LePAG E cepl'nect"und iii 'noti!ces bave gone that 6e was tînabte ta çiay long, J5tivitis. REALTORS LIMITED Members of the Toronto, Ontario Ot ~ ~ * .* and Oakvitte- Trafalgar Reat Esiate Boards 51 Year' Continuons Service $ IV O ( 01 4 r a1 o Oakville $ »0D W fl Iv~q flh a man needs~ aia tiv10ant I 15acte A upo rt! Campbellville ACA DAupot 71 ACR17S. ttOlJSli di BARN- I A f $26.800 .îsking prier, excettent ici ms, the idesul place lac ll bandmmlan, 45 acres tindtr url-i tivaititii. balance lîîîsh antipa,s Tom Bradley 878-9543 For RentMAINTENANCE ttunit ' ib"aurgge ______________ FOR RENT-Rit and bnt oard. Wr have manv [titIssatileid irise $14,100.Muaibis pît. Legal gentiemn i leiri.Ct 88-S cîsiamers in ibm liii an area. Foîr ment $102 PF . & T. 6098. c22-8512 free estimates cattC YBIK fNA l FOR RENT - Atractive [our- W. W.(Bill EDIE i tiaies luctse ta puialt iN oiet Crdos nishrd roîm, inn iemshome. 878 .R 2 siclw pralc tittshotus, 3 besrrittai, Noiet rdos 2053. u-228527 R .2, ugesîa ai ge lit liug ravîti ansd ktclteti.' 877-6179 Itil iviîleîl î,îemroî. fetîtit bIn1te estate of the laite CYRIL FOR RENT-3-bedroom hoaise, e--194 ed loli qui, k 'ale. Si .Oîî fll E ILLIOTT, deceaoed. spli-tesel. garage. Rereces rt- P ice. At~ ~ qired. 878-2769. c-22-8480 1IU crut ,'hv' rî,îaims FOR RENT - 3 [mrnished itOpOF RD- .M Dot -,,,, aigintto thett emitofiCvrii tlt ro s, ooking failities. Phane Real EFe n8h tu, îîpu,,si 3,M ONi)% htiti, iuîe iiithe Ttttnsltip .1 tlter ýn om omito 1_ 5 878-2492. c-22-8470 1ut. îîmeîîiîtîoktNt .imsin tibm litniv iii ___________Iltîtti %t1oîtil-cil('11 ori ibatt FOR RENT-Eiectric bot aIn cheit ant i tinig trom.n i ' iîtle tit,1îda\m l iune, A.Di.t1tus, btîssmcni. Asking 114,700. cnltetfledi o Ieaters with free service. Phone, arsarlae tii.liet'h i tiieittsuî Milton Hydro, TR 8-2345. C-- 1 Frsfo ae 1itNSt'RANuCE-We repiceset ail flic e iit'.ctt ,l se ic FOR RENT-t-hedronim apari- miles' ' - sittiwrkabte, 1t½ unes iof inticanre - ie, tito id'tiateuo' n troriirte e271 men, alcny drpe. Mltn ietram Tara. 14 mites samth- iabilits. marine, zircî.îlî lue il iii l)îiîeî , 9119, Pau n Court Aparimenis 878-3395. WetoOwnSud l la an ru oeae.Wt(,i-cla,'l hi liialr c-22-8476 sof, hightv. productive. excellent Budget Flin,' voit ian pasckage uichit date- ibm esair îî iii bc ______________________ cTait nbrick batise,i utodern it -stiîr flie , tautot tndîfl he Pc ie îîtîibl, lias ritg 1ugatîl titis FOR RENT -Accommodation cbey. 3-pince bath. tuectînd hirtl- ttttiUtlýinoneito nîîntîtm -p,_is ithee ltim, iii îmiih flcE tie sîsailabte in taveis home for ma- mood tluiir,, fliiibasemeni. til nus-ni. (ill tsil's dv lot 1ilut u iir', hall ititni-o otce ue. relineu ltads or caupte. 878-i nurnacî 2 %vears ahI. gouist hnk i iom,îttin.DATEO -uti('ctrgetuo. Oui0- 9151. c22-2-85t7 bau ve 36 ' s 75', steet rof ei ý , t i, ts271l i t tý , t Selictiic hous and drive shed, 3 pres_ 878-6292 t A. v. FOR RENT -Nîceiy fîrntsbed, sure ptumps, schaitibusîat gale. rîîam, stase ta Denses school, Tases $27 11 eath forcis cr-22 Bt.ANCtiiE ' lttIOTT tîtî or female teacher. Phone 878- sale. Fuhl prise St4,000. Seeral- IARt11.-0T 2792. c-22-8521 larms ta chîttse fîiom For tir- 1-xLt' ,,hvtei O Icit , FOR RENT-2-bcdravim atart-ie ftiattnsOtt J. A. W iIIou gnDy lit liiiSi u Otnutn. ment, usarprusate entranci e2, a uptsiairs. 2mites ram Mil- HARVEY McCURDY & ScsL-21-3_________ toaabe nais. Phoe aftcr& So sLd 7 pm. 878-9178. c21-28442 Phoînc Tara code .519934-2567Reto ___________-WILFREO [cI tir& O LD.Auction Sales S11 N G E R Reaior C2-2j6.1 Years Cîotinttots Service SEWING MACHIN1E c2Red Brick Ranch Style Aleen Jersey SALES - SERVICE %15,500, vers convenîcntto bic ht ipra Ch.risie&Wvoods ranc siue home wuth .urpîîît RENTA IS bha'. 3 heslrîîms, lage î,uuîuîv Dîttîrd 6v REAL ESTATE BROKERS kitcluen, L imiigining mrtni Mr. & Mes. AIlEmtnienson PHONE TR 8-6861 189 Main St. - Milton modecrn bathrnuit tnsl itm. ChesteN,, Ont. SI3,00 fll rice 3 bedoom ptetcis inishcd basement, ice. Miton Fabric Center $1.0 ~ipie er Ir v anlscztped c orner liiit iii FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1965 brick bungaloaw, kitchen, lis- gardern, btnsls tus sI-innitis O At I.30 i u., tt the Servces and RepaIes on in oir, m.4-piece colorcd bath, rea. Ci naCuîo 7 ail makes of .ewlog machins. fl basemeot, immesîlate tos 690.uc 9233 AnnraîownSalsAre8 c--1 sessioin. 68 r93.Gogtw ae rn ________________________$14900 fuit prise, 3- bed coum T I or I itgetmmtOnat. brick btuogaiumm. kitchen, din' îreed & rencea uie Onî i taio'ii 7 Dead Stock ing and living ruom, iislîcd S20,000,. hrhumingls prisuîe. itis milevit t ii oflits. Nu. 4ýi1.,tit rerainraîm. imucuukîe 3 - hedroouin m lîtînîr Tratlgariottcutu( Exit 40 S17,ana futl i 'e, 3 - buiroone lia ssii nucl i ti, lier, il shauld fiottiIlîts. No. 4011 W alnut Ranch Ltd. hutme, livittyt nui wit ai Crtppled and Disabled Cows and Homses 24 Hour Service Lic. Nos. 133-RP, 208-C-62 Waterdown MU 9-1044 12.0 PACONI Dead Stock Removal LIMITRO Higbest Cash Pices for dead or dlsabîed cows and bonnes. Licence No. HGC 349C65 226RP65 Phone ZEnith 9-7950 c-SH mmf I -lt $15.500 full prise, 3 - bedroorn spii-levcl brick home, kitchen, living uîuuî, ioisheui recrea tuton cîuîm. COUNTRY HOMES $23,500 futll price, uei white brck, ranch style home, living ronu aith naturat siane ire- plane, birbhen ilh nainrat nuphoaruls, boilliln slove and fIri g., 3 edroorni, bathroorn %vithbbolît-in vaity, fult buse- ment, uil furnucc, 2cr garage. Terms. S14000 fuIt price, 5 - hcdroom frame home, itchen, dining room and living room, bath, flth aserneni, liàacres, FARMS 122 acre, 4 -edroom hoose, large ank humn, 2 ponds. Priced aI $37000. CalI 878-2095 878-6057 ac-22 bc scerti ii bc appiu nled uîunuîletcmuilî b roadlluîîunaîd tli appliinces ivrlîuviuîg fici ciii,, ipleinslv inished btase- nietv, srpuiri and gaîrage, leaiililiu iîîndscsal. tic up' ionne t cl Atnat f'tu its 878-6980 ior923 Farms, Acreages, Lots Chiure 'uecf, mlicV ns burse farnîs, large and smalt as, eag- es, ctuttiv titis snd homes. Cull J. A. Ellitit 878-923tic 6980. Looking Fur listings n iuumn anortu- irs pruperties. sou sit lintl prompt snd couriîs service ihuasugb viutr Wilîtghhs re- pi esentttives. ANNA CAIRNS 878-6980 340 Main St.E. J. A. ELLIOTT 878-9233 19 Court St. N. Accreliied -Cciiiesl - Vcciuoa u FiPegouuicir v Qtuar.ai eul 80 HEAD SELLING Wlîev helue indaîutuioun %tal hiutililt fic ibis lîerutles hatl ,lepi ili- litoul siotui. N\i Ile ItimItandarsdnsl mai,, î,incd and mbite non la-silica- lioun litsiectit(lotite, les cuniaiu severuul lugb ratiiug indiv:itats. This , satnvexue-ioiiuv i ttt tuiier-d henml and nu) betier tub (il ttiikintg litsbeensltti inu tas Misr. Etininersoo. Lunch available. ('redit arrangements ctuo le matIe 6v sonfaciing 48 huitrs luiort ibte sale. Tiis sot-tî uppurisîinit lu buitswintec niik siib aoi-li- Catalogues on equesi. LTD. Sale Managers Blou 67, Georgetnown, Ont. Tel.: Atusi 416-877-4101. ý2 a-14 c-22 aTailored1 S13 separc for prope protectior support. from rate piecel er comfort, on and i Finn nyaonglepna'l loonhend fent igond in Jnckey bîiel,. Slepi ta cisp, cninn Je Jtuy hini. Whai n tgrninntentofit and feel therii . . the pînpnî sapport .. th no- chofe 1eg apeiinhs...- the sli. cnvbed nalion In bi... lbe smnaih. heceint,nin-nea. inq otbhnd. Sines 30 ta 44. $1.25 Jockey Power.Knite T.shlt's nreckani ih mr an, aniopivctîr t. Th- ma', .atytcn,.tin,.d S.n.- Sites n5 , , L. $it. MILTON BANKOMONTRAL 'DEPARTMENT STORE BA KO O T EL200 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-9261 dit .9ilitatioit. ?>replijer, ,966 Scuc -ssadion p0nltioc - on \e\oc 0IEVIIIIW BOND AT CANADA%' FIRSTBA NK BUY YOUl/S FOR CASH OR BY INSTALMENTS - DOWN PA YMENT OF 6%-$2.50 FOR A $50 BOND; $500 FOR A $100 BOND, ETC. -BALA NCE IN EASYINSTALMENTS OVER A YEAR. BUY YOURS A TANY BRANCH 0F THE B 0F M. 'W OANIr ..-eueadac5me va" -------------- -------- -------------- 1 1

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