INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT of the Ys Mens Club of the Y M C A for 1963-64, G. W. McKenzje of Acton mas guet speaker on Thorsduy evening when public school grade eight stadents re- ceived proficency awards, presented by the John Miltn Chapter ai the 1.0.DE. Mrs. Rose Case, Regent Mrs. W. C. owney, Edacation Commttea churman Mrs. D.E. Martin and Mrs. E. W. Foster are shown chaîîrvg weîh Wr. MKenan s ha shows soie ai the trnkets ha coi- ecied douring a unket through six Euopeon Countrins lot yeor. ATTRACTIVE MODELS Croi Puateon, Darlane MotIve Cerai Lloyd and Dceaies telan ottaîe d- elled sainfteaîhea nemest foull asheons ai the Joana Mllar Clapier oitif the 1 UE , spansaîed Luncheon, Fachion Show and Bridge Party on S ïturdeay aternoan n the Mllaîts Avenue htgh scirool. Fasheons mena supplied by the Flora S happa. The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, October 6, 1965 C3 Sr. Citizens Enjoy Violinist Plan Bus Trip to Haliburton AKorean vioinist entertained IClubs f Otarjo nference held members of the Miton Senior ýr.cnttI a he. Gueph Univer- Citizens Club ut thcir meeting in siîy resident Bradley Ihankcd Knox Presbyterian Church Hall lhem lor a comprehensive report on Wednesday even ing, Scpt. 15. and T. J. McDonougb tbanked Mr. Young Lec, a student f romt Saoul, McGuwn and Mr. Lae for taking wbo wisbes ta take tbeotogicat part in tbe meeting. train ing for mission mark, attend- A long discussion was betd on cd tbe mecting and platird svth rpsea- bus trip ta see faîl erat numbars, accompanied by tc rooe catars in Nortbern Ontario, and Mars. J. Mowat an tha piano. T Hutchinson sbowed some A put tuck suppar preccaadad the st"Idas an wbicb F. Harbatte com- meeting. Presidant Tom Bradlev manset presrded andI (rx.e \e'sasid hv Rev. J. K. L. McGaeean, rninisice A dote, Saplumber 30 ceas oi Knoax Citait , sha attcnded aitreed opes and F. Harbottle svus %vitb tis %svite and lamity, andi instructcd toabharter a bus for Mr. Lea. Att 76 members in as- tba trip ta Hatiburton, Dorsal, tendanceaan jayad the dinner. Barria and district, including a A new mamber was wetcamad lunch stop aI Haimar Lodge as roIl cati, and Mr. and Mrs. F. wbeae caveraI ufthIe club menm- Harbaitte gave a detaited accaun t bars bad spent an enjoyabte week of the United Senior Citizans in July. Nancy Mahon Heads "SafPoo Lassies" 4-H Club PROFICIENCY AWARDS ta the top grade eight siodents ut the Milton Public school lstI geur, On Satuaday, Ociobea 2, the were presented on Tfursday eveming by Mrs. D. E. Martin oi the John Milton Chapter of the liast meeting oftheb Scotch Block I.O.DE. The presentations mare mode doring on evening-long program at the J. M. Denyes Laies 4-H bammaking club, sehoal. Showe seated are Sandra Dolby, home ecanamies ai Broca St., Les lie Woîkins tops je Working witb Wooi, was field ie Mrs. Emrns dcls ai Broca St., Mrs. Martin, the Eduauion Committee chirman oi the John Milton Ligney Hall witb 14 membeas pie. Chapter, Nancy Henry the top home ecanamies student ai the J. M. Denyes school, atnd sent. Tbe eicetion ot allieersr-- Manda Guay the top student ut J.M. Denyes sehani. Standing in the back ram are Pool Thnmp. sutted as fottowes, prasidient Nancy son the top industrial arts student at Bruce St, Brenda Phelpu who hod the second highest Mahan, vice - prasidant Marsba marks ut the J. M. Denges schaal, Ingrid Falk enha had the top marks in Mr. Beli's clast desn crtr LnaHm Brice St, schooi, Karen McEachern enho tied mth the second highest marks in Mr. Bel's cdots, dAter a short cailea break the Ruth Kernghan who had the secand highest marks in Mrs. Emms' class ond Jon De Bie mho mambers discassadt membar pomt- mas the tap ndustrial arts siodent ut Bruce St. Joanne Cancan mho ted far the second higbest pblts, ss-oian materiats und the average in Mr Beli's class mas absent at the ime ai the photo. deetunsîration tor uchiavamaent dlay. The club girls saut bava the rpprtonits iof muking a moat Over 100 Attend .O.D.E. Part>y ir,NUpRSEr Enjoy Luncheon, Fashions, Bridgeý' 1,.,.FlmaSI-k "i iic nira Mis tiurare a vrl oný 0U IOM S'i Hatldi lcle% M 3'ILitD ii .il,01 sen. Anderson, Hile.n Marsh Baror il ili, iA%tice i iali li.Ile. t i-, 1i s Andecees Mis.Frankt McMa, 'r MILTON DEPARTMENT lîîrt ieig CI*\ t 1-'lMue anid Mis. W. C. Rasrnav.Th Nîtc it.i ii ldietS ,tt endiiel t i 20 d.rit rtijese ae isais .ertrcpices lui cadi table crere STORE LTD. tire Lit(id p tii n ept1l11.)l Cd i h if îicriti îdici iotiai itadebn r E. B. Cletienti 20 Main SI. Mlton TR-9261, I\e urine\Mil "lette Ili.l l e i itc ed ic ies\' in' hiMi,.' nid Mi, rece l.ordy. 1(1D.F and t a\il I 4, ic%% ie i.e 1 l vil le ie e I , 'île tîc i titre a' sin , titirirlied ire tihe 1 letl.ia .reeliti sîeeitIsIi Merelel-,t (innl %, i ler iieticinýuclc d itir Pectt ijl. M itsee, ,iti Ptttcsit i l1,jjj Int i el nie l,.Mi Siithiîtr i tiarlerie 5%,ti l ti,ici treiNnte arrpleli WlsuiteandiMis. LW. 'Ai Ilie ilitittnbe lii l e sande tes Fnitv RBus Trin) To Haiburton )lesttct i.iteed ute tî sticl les 41 ttctilctstitliw Mtitetteti [1,jc.rttse.ellîIctite 1 titi biii e t ti t itSi.tttee l lilu Bobit s i iiiiil ll.ltre t i c ilc tee llitltl,Ll tee e1lti n v ii iiv i ) s ý n 1 lhntti ttîtt -111, tit ,lIrit ltti d )tit i c ti iti etc itýi1 f îl llc itti ell si i]- e ,T l Ili t flc Ii î e h lieili.,Ittl , te ttl wi te lit, I1 il11, lltl 11tt t t, tttt Itt lite ,11 ,- ,tei ti %t\ f lic te lliti leti etIre i Stt etde-tel t 1tt etti e li , P r k is-,t iteil, I .t i enter 111tte1iIreik et il Ilteer - , lîtrîiteti lie I lI -le. ,jtee lijî et te ter l , 1rît\t ait .111,111 -.lg ite. Ii , i erBL te elle a riteil tety tee ir ltI-CI l\ e i îl k teei.tai ne 1etete ire ic e11,1:1 r îitîl flilce etieer Iel\. ons te il tl lic k il l leti rI -t,iierg litandiilc, FOR ALL OCCASIONS ENGAGEMENTS WIDDINGS SI4OWERS GRADUATIONS ANNIVURSARIES CHOOSE APPROPRIATE GIFTS 0F DISTINCTION Guifs That Are Sure To Be appreciated Choose Confidently At 184ltlrtiiihM arrtin llrtrttrrS tlt. lhlIIE MORE THAN 100 LADIES 1hotteMitoî tnti tr-e ieeeîdoual for thic tasheori Shlow, Lerîcleoanaid Briga Poîîy ai rire Mllironîs Avenue hgh scholaco n Sotuidaur I'sliicsfrfalira day ware dieloyeniiy lacer pratty eaadekis rd Mrs. Flan' Sioski prourded lien rteaeetary. Shomer followîrîg talics ara Mrs. Siatiki, Dolras Mali eteeore mita eeodeliad sot a aif lic fshions and Mrs. Bans Drnan, ronnener for the e ns, sponsored bhp ha JiiirMellba Clapcr il thaIODE. loin St. Pau's li t teeu l Ii titît "t S li est, , ore iiii itttt \ c .iii ties ti. tll il l tele' îl e l ste i.: l i f lele. lette lcîii etr . iti i il te t i, . iii t o'e i eri Mr~ lette ilc l c lîct.Miîrti r i ele. ite lui. i, l bc aotîMe APMMILTO;II DELICATESSEN 248 Mare - Mlon 878-2081 FINEST FOODS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD le Sealtest Cec ream Rudoîph's Cakes a Pasîries L LUNCH BAR OP N Arr )ors rottftre(abo siut btorn aii faels? NWlit ith trveryburly and iis trratier telliisg yau hisaeceorîutticali, cotîvenietît, squiet oand autontatie iis lilrtiettitt yslettt ix, y-at tiut feel likac iiyitîg soutis for tue Nceitrs. Bti if yoit hrave tu saey andîlfaee t erir, Iirtrl cr-ister (like mtont of u) better scad tisea col, liard fuses. Wood and cool arc Proboly tisa nîost economieal f uels fa buY-lrt thry'rc olso the lasat cfficient. Anti sonner or lofer ytrull gel tird cf laving oNicr a siriy furnece-tiseet sciat ? Yau con chasse Irateucen ns lirîeid fuel or so-cellcil 'llttneless" lîealisîg. Oir tîtureti gas. Al cf turen cdaim ta hc tlie fict. lsa xlould yorr briie-ve? Intifail installation ravits are lighcr for lirjuiti fuel eeîuilittiet tlitea for gai. A gtrx unitlitas faît-esr naving îîetla ttc-rns lests matteanctte athtl ireeore Ioula longesr. Ini orner fotr iltiee' lseetittg ta cunspefe ins operatisig, il rriirrsextra-tliiri tsulatiots tirraugis- out theiraiotc. If your hiome lîad cxl r-thicie insulo- fion, no matter ithollind of biiing ttystcm you usu, yau'd naturally rut fuel costa. Witb extra inbuletion or nornmal insusisîion, a guet beatistg sys- tem means forcera fuel custfs bY far. You neyer hsave ta erder natural gas-ita always tlîcrc. A gond, nid- fatulioneelCaîcadian -unowstorm r an't stol)5 natural gos franc heating yotsr honme. Starnia rats stop trucks. Thry a also ktîock out power liîes-and c'ery oftett do. UnIesu you hava your oect gettrator ar elfl heatitsg cao give yau the raid sisaulder, just wlîen yau tîcel a et erîsi lnuse. Lats face it- ssotir is aus dretctdable as natural gas. With moadcrn gos basting tisera are no hot antd cold rlayers of stale air. iJust and dirt particles cao ha ffitcred from the air and lsurnislily ontrollad. Wotidnt you ratiser hava a heating r-arîthat tank care of thexa viial funetiotîs? Wlîcn yoit gel riglîtclown ta if, miotderni autasnsatic gos bcaiing has the eige in juxt about evcry drpartmncnt- But if you're stlli not catîcitîced, may- ba tilsaiis i lîcip; if you itîstail a gos conîversion borner in your rxintiîîg for- titiet tottr or evets matou aa brand-tscw N\'hat's more, w'u epread eut tisa ceaof!tise insiallaiion ina easy montlly poymcnti-o-vr 5 ycars if isard bc. Ussicux you krsow sorneone n hou e hop youc ccood for frc, you 'sont get a baller deai titan tis-anywltcrc! Why tnt moka c estitch ta natescal ga3 isestîg rtgbt nom. UNITED GAS LIMITED lia baps fanac-CirenaWt bgienfu lcmeu The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about home heating. TRAINING PANTI ES SIZES 2 - 4 - 6 4PAIRS$ 200 MAIN ST. 878.9261 SHOF IN AIR CONDITIONIED COMFORT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -