MERCURY Fi'OR 1966 again moves torward as a premiom car ia the medium-price field wiih tasînfut xiying chanîgex, new angines and important additions to the option lit. t, lnd4rd ia al Mercuryx ix a vaw 390-cubic-încb 265 hurxepowar angine. AIxo nese for 1966 lu an optional 428-cuhic-inch 345 hurxapowar englua. The nae Mercurys go on sale ln dealer ahowrooms October 1. Hamilton Hand'cuffs Thornton v Merchants Wîn Series Openert Campbeltville 10k fl nThorn- he aîalh.M ton la t1S first gaie f he 0.8A. Meanwhite Hamilton fbad been b Intermediate 'C" finals in Bar-rie having lttle trouble witb theA j on Salurday afternoon and icbe Thoinion attack. A hit baller wsm hiod Harry Hamiton'%hîîifiant i e uîîtv base ratiner in the fîrsi j oiestnit piteing won 4-.. 1lhree inîîng.An error, a stolen ; Thse deending champions inade; base and a pascd bail altowod a S thse trip wiih atiîy une pitcbeî a, rian Io ihird ini the fourth and t Jack Roberts was unabte tu gel 1 lîca Tborotoîi's ibird base run- off work, btHcî -amiton rose tua1 ler, Bob Brolev, who singled in c the occasion us bhesirue k ont f leixli %a uiJ 01steating second.hi aine, bit une baller, and tclicLiitO îilenmore man goi on la the C isse asinglie walk. 0191,01 ibvsieoil an vrror bt i Goes Distance b' i' llrt ) Done i,,l ', a Iv llri, Onelv li Ll wetail [lie li ,l,îi' bi svii B O iri f LA1C htî. He \îîalke, ione .and Slaîî leidei,oxiiiancd Eari Cairns %truck ou(i îiîîe. roi hactIwlso singles for Camp- Camiihetiviile actiali l >v%ýII j1i ti bell i le as Kun Muore, Biti Eltiol gamne la ihe isililining , ivln xi l1 ).iicl Haii%,Hamiltonîilt onie each. un1e oui Moore singicci andi il. Tie g.nie ivas plaved i n one lu secondcion Wiig roues. sinîgle-.:I îîîcr andiicitfv minutes in brixk Cairns' single scoreci Moc,îr %aiî iclier in theivicde open field rnngrwarned annesalion cuxix an Wigrole iii iliiisl iona 18_Moe_________________ e theestima te. A ictîcre hbc scoresiîuniaîîasseill 18 More Feetaxvouîd tng ac ie ai $6000 S liedheen approved by couicili Score ln Pit Approve W ideningof Ml St. en ibe Beil Si, sewor mas wudf Camphlxilile leiti 1une oi ie' l4 Miii Si, wi-itie %xiîdeaed 1ifréetai 53,000 ta provîde for the re- over thse estimate., seconad, 101onliii theIihie iis, ýiiIli and paved xilb max able ccîîbx i-qaired excavation and rehuitding. Councit agreed, bowener, 10 the siswa i nis-dr in thie i îlii anditC siaiied la ani irea lin thic'nîîî l This ilas nul înctcîded initheb hd- Miii Si. widening prujeci wiih téihen aeI iei h iiii sîde 1rom Ihe dcivus- of ihoîsn igel, hc exptained. coàinul 10 exceed $3.500, hait ut wbea lur-osi niseciiii e siiigles li Lomher, caxi au Miltoni Weldiiîg, Meinhers iarîîed ta cons idera- which ivoul be pull bv lb- De- Wingîove, Cciî ix, H eîîsi -1 adiN - EIIlo oi iiilscVil Il i o lle ion, Mition Coonicittîrs afreci Monil- ilinioithebu sdget as the eierk. jparîmeni (Yf Higbwayx. Ioi nia ke il 40iîiiiii i l i cleii- Etilmalei coi ofii liei pro- - as-,, v - -- iegienesi iliiii .ifiii andîc idk jedt is $3500. Camixtetl 1v iin i inili hii lim -Cemeal ciirling xxi]he iiisil'- n i\lh, seîeîiiii andl lyi Irv l- led aitbe cornerait Gaîi',iiLinare iofl InspectorsIlîainilliia xliicli 'o"11,1 und Milt Si. willti mal eh ciii b ftic-iis sinlge ,andci i ing intatled cîong ihe baanîce ' i the area, alloii enlraices ta Swindl ers Hit M ilton Area esistiag properliex. WRONG COACII The ioien-nxvneci -ghaf Beciare ut pbonv balliiaxnpec- xeelit ihere a man posing as Ina Mîion M îîîîi -- ,îl A for tbe ruad exiends 1 t. iliih - lui-, Miltoni Police Warned ib"seabnk Inspectol-" calix an elIder- sucaio Leiecilicliil of the présent - iravetiectrionilai ie-aaasifsicic aelv perion lu ailsise ibem xomeoae ibis sear, thebanY.ciissviiic u of the road. Menîhers agrceaitheI b-ik eoin flic dlestxrict aroucid ia ibeir hank is laking money- iiiieciider- hela e,i i l IIxeic entire îvidlb îîouîtcibhapavecîIo laiiliui. 1f«rom ibeïr accouai. Aller geing coîcb IT r' .T11îî biiili facîltate parking aîong thie siieeci-t. lesi sceine, perpteraied ta as mach information as ibev eaushîsAI TMr. Tîiînciixeii 11w i lîs.îe iilîa apasi o hutIeacoai bx-aîletam lueMTii n i hidili,î Nix Angle Parkiîg t ia Ohnth bout peo ut ey axi ie ilon, t Ma na nd Bo l iil)I îî k Considrabile ixcsisÀ-îîîneook!hank asn xvilcttaîx iroone ilo. Mnareot in vl t ii place on wsvlecr tbe tlili ii ci ' b- - adsuit b h% i- i --i-b tChampion Mi - - -ol .,il stisld ci e axest, viii[lie n vi 1foi:0 1IeId ill bc allie dc ilch Ille torirectvlis iixîd a,îs , provision aIifluire sd-x ilk, ilThe Heniliui legels lirsii,, the merils o u .t l, iecalhiîg .îs Sarris, luitdue 10 limitatoni 1 Never Corne Eaek TeCapo citI l( q opposesi lu perlianenl cvi iiîe, 011 stî.cu iiinhi s isue,- seveciat The moae, of course, ix ussiat- DRIVER INJURED ofth bemerils ut asphaîl cii-bing gîiclaies oul ail fair zactivitlex lv iurned oxer tb the inspesiior" A Miltonî îioh, 19 icui Id Iii la cemeal curbiag. The passîil ac andore iofthelilsis of peize or is accomplice, ofien a "pouice %id W. ofîîîxîîî 1859Hi-, ils of angle gairking,.il flice oac i îîîîîeîs liai- ehcil ielbeii un-ý i -offieer' n lapin la tîex. Ansiofn, S ii l i.xiledin 11Mii- l usas iidened, viax icieciou ciii c tîif iii lies' cks issue, euirs, the-. neer reisîrnxivilbthi'i1t *fia". ceaioni.i andis lc'li, il ivax pointed outi lb-ecars îîouil Aiviiîî- tie-ari lc e ed nier molles. ','llegs 'iitao\iig aî une c,îi lx i pruirode oserthie presenri rasel- ar i lxof ci lnes la the field "Il i% possible a fraiiclof tissi ent on 10 sidciîiii hlieîIi-I, ted portion ni the rîîad. ciap ensilage cura, Angux, Ayr- ianature bas bcen compleei linbe 1thie Nivîli Line îli Sii -.biiih Coucnitlir C. Meîîelx c,îîîiîînevi hhe. Dual Pîîîpîîe Sboi-îorns, r Milton arca, ansI the onxcspc-i enîing. The ,îcscL'it1i l' ineroers laulreix linLinci-s bec-iMarket Slec-rs, Goals, Short-, iag viclîm b as ahi %et re alizecil,":riiaclt cîîllîîleîlîilîiih !, ture laking lin ihix cnbnîigeleci bîîîîîs, He,îî i Hunýes, Ciidrens 1 sii MilttuaPolice Chici Ray An- pole andci a Lo ie, -i project. Woîks sîîgeîînleetci 1iiîkcanHereordcciimpelitioins. reýss,"ilsou basve ans kauîî- OIitliiianiieii)i he . in Iýý Bruce McKerr pinîed ouitxîoîk - tcg of a transaction ut ibis na -,staiiage li the pole andi i 1i. on repairing a ahlbraken s--c-, -Champion ciassiieds xsnrk cr laeaiIepoieseTisr e rqirc illil, v lion ut Ontario Si, ias eslinialeci. qucikt. Thei're inexpens ive , lbu parimneai immediatelv-, be urges.Io-lo use a col i i iiibi 150-Year-OId Gown The Cana Used for Baptism moiber. Mary Lyno Eden,, daugbter orf 9 Mgurtat Mtr. and Mrs, DiBilais.0fHom- abufft' i by, was baplîsecl in Si. Siephenis bffet I Anîglican Cbureb on Sunday even- aond Mrs. in. %Sept. 26 by the Rev. Canon Ne ,Mansveit, Godpam-nts mare 1iI, Har e nfildred Craig, Mirs Florenscep Shaw andl un oncle,. Douglas New- andl be i ton of Milton. -the famil The baby wore a hand-embroid- bappy wc crecl chrixienine gown toaneil bv Maîhiex her Qxoamoiher mrs* Mitdred and Mr-;- Craig. The gowa is ove- 150 yearx Grace Ba ild andi was givea lu Mrs. Craig- iv ber mîîiher, wbo tii-exla Seulý- The a Lid.Ilhast heen isoruliv Mrs. 1sise otf 0 i aig's geifelgelga adian Champion, Wednesday, Sept. 29, 1965 5 ag the ceremony, about ýfroraNfilton. l-ornby, andl Oakvitle allendail dipner bel ai lise homte >aby's gr4indparenis Mr. Harry Newton, Hornby. ewton Jr, tbe baby's one lioned (rom California 'as the only member of iy unable ta, attend the xasion, Paul andl Sandra catemd for the dinner, Mlcred Craig and Mrs. ailey ponreil lea, new sidewatk lin the mest itaria Si. udv x i Seek 6,wats A y-iaw seelgong granis for an- ticipaied axpenditures on roa4s, in excess of t-be original budget, ws approved ioMqday by Milton Councit. The by-taw out-. line4 anticipateid expeoditoreatf $18,0100 for snose cearing, #sphali paicbinj on Ontaito St., ditcli clearing and $6500 for the acqui- sition of properie to widen Main Si. beiweea Ontario and Bruce, The Deparimreni ut Highwovx pays 501 per cent of approveil ex- pendiiores. '-(hiiipîîimi c,îxis1 i -i e aiîi tdgruuîds. U * M t enie licider Jue Tirmmoas ind e1iAigpm o he av Hmiu',1 000001 01 2 ,lwki OUT THEY GO nia MARKIXOWNMI-RACLES 0 ON DELICATESSEN D 'N E S r'Mtt Bl1t'Soes-4 SE EODS 'N INDS k248 Man -Milon 878-2081 FOR BARGAINS IN V Stationery - Office Supplies, FINEST Home Needs, etc., etc, FOODS SAVE FROM ALL OVER.50/Of THEO b off leADMR Sealtest Ice CreamANMOE Rudolph's Cakes & Pastries kA '0N AR HARR1IS 6,ýDRP IBNSTATIONERY & OFFICE SUPPLIES MAIN ST. MILTON - 878-6962 *MERCURY *METEOR p *COMET FOR '66 FR11 >Y, OCT. lse In Our Special Registration Tent At The North End of The Milton Plaza --NEXT TO THE GIVEN ROAD -- BOB HASSARD MERCURY SALES LTD. 0 Register at our Special Tent or et our Office for Opportunity 1 to Win a Philco TV or Clock Radio Your Mercury - Meteor - Cornet and Mercury Truck Franchised Dealer Main Street East, Milton North End of Milton PIa:a YOUR CHANCE TO WIN --- V( A PHILCO LUXURY PORTABLE TV i~ PHILCO CLOCK RADIIO ln Solid Walnut Cabinet NO OBLIGATION Just drop in ta our temporary quarters at the Milton Plaza and register... That's ail. Corne Friday - or Later y PHONE 878-2815 rMFRCU3RY E -7 am