1 't Tise Cnceeixn rChampin, Wae.ix.e, S, .29,O 19 .-zn 1 "Ls'ilienoxis-lescm ifie best of threesuries 19-12. Tise Odtierssîil hc itted againsi a vonhinaîlonoxrfMidget and Junior Stars axnf the Oilsbuns' s lier-up mi]fs-siiru suc h tissees grals as fis-ses-Couassî. Suies Campbtell, HîsysPowsell, R-tsri King. Cecciag, tas-k King. Rets Coulsue. ithnBridgeine.Sîssns Bridgs-tsan. Os-nuis --Puer.Rît, Puonell, MeiOc.tîsise JhnR-.-t(ii ismod. Gurdun lias ils. RisseCili iing. Gosdia Sinclair, JohnsuGsi- Goutansi. Cari Ca-trieglt, tl Rsî- Coulson and Fsic Gîssicon. Anvtter iighii lIh iitia ,tnss alfair -le uibe si Sîjisisi sndeul s- Wveexhsiibitiosn gBa.ti îsasci--s: 360 Keglers Open Season once anceuk ai Min Boia tis tlis season. Peuprîcuer Stan Chi, bain reports lB Icagues isîs-iese urganized andi tc has isspes (if ining op ai i-ast tînt, mure. Bowlngy.the hfnvoritenslaict pasl-liue tf flans Milîsîxiasse slsrlcd aboust ltheti eks ccii and mii]lssiunlil taie spriny ten additionelutote adais icîgues thii yrar, Mr. Chisisuin lias ieen as tempting souurganieeau ilidreus, teague fsor Sasardos murniegs bat aI iast l00B) ie es are eeed- ed and so5cr ttc insivales, "t havent had 100 mach eseoose." League bowling sit taise up 1h-- sast molori Is of ime ai lh iseegis tane Milton Boîsisan. Hocevur, usure ns-Ilbu sîsme lrelmuesun Wednrsday ansi Sstuestav ec- niegs for intcrest ies issu Expect 500 WiII Play Mi Steelers Topple Legionnaires Capture Fastball League Titie Villagers Win Intermediate "C", Champuonship Capture Tenth O.B.A. Titie in Thirteen Years Campisclîville wson, tieir fourth stole second. Cairns' single and doubles by Kingand Dredge. Cairns bit a doule and tis ua sup. Intermediate "C"Ciampionsisip dsiOne in une rue and Don Campiseivilte kepi up tise singles os ise bu nas on ine LaIe je tise gamne, Campbll- and tisir teth Ontario Inter- Juyces long sacrifice fly drove every other ineing paterneas imes. Ken Moore tsomered and ville suistituted iberaity aE mediale tille le 13 veors as ttsev In onoîber to moke tl 5-t for tbey romplted Ibeir scortng singîrd, AI Wingrove docsbted isecir misole rosi er sasu action overwisetned Thornion bs- a 14-I Campiselîville. witis four more talles tentise ses- and singîrd. lmer DredBe and vv ististe exception of Harry score se Canxdheltsille on Suse Sireiches Lcad entis. Tise rues were prodcd Sta King doussisîr and Bill El- Hamrilton, wiso bad pitcised the skssv Tise ssealser st.tsvtslst stid Tise hit sou Campbettvitîe iss'a salk. a sacrifice and con- liss assd t-Lrrs 7sltesons sissgfled. lssenioss day. Ray Grisotd roc s-ast. buit Il l -csbaits-1-vsssit isir lesstI lu- B t ss sunsevtisr esingles isv Moore, Win- Foulnoicte s: nMttssts's iist lti tnsterssstand ci rued o resi htassthe\ ptssstsseslsmit i5 ssssed lise limes outa al sn oBs vsue, Hessîesson ond Cair-ns. isssiss nisses ttcsoui o t itis,, i.Lsscss MePîsail look uns bits inctsissy sa homse sus, ssdHciersusss single, o bit btter, Layscock. Patterson, Wssdtr, irssihotesusssc or silite seas,,,i butaitsiliisd for lise neteraCmp-, Buin dscosubics. suotiser long sacifiice fly isy and Sconîlon ravis singîrd for ssas tus 5Stlis in senior boit betîille staggger. Harry Zuter- Roberts Goea Dtanoce o second tine in tise ganme, josl four bits for Campisetînille as Stos, Henuterson - At Wingroe eigbtis, Art Brooke popped out Jack Roberts wnmIatt tise vias nissed o humer, Eliotts single isesons on 'hase finée times. Earl and EarI Cirns le Ibis select Sr King and George Chester for tise Champions, olltownsg on".-.... bah over ai second je tise nids h rue off four its. He suaI d - siîhi John Nicholson in rigbty nne and sîrucis outsi elebThri o.nd Peter Andrews caîcbing. ton nsed WarIlte and Shanon Campiselînille played errortes tit te mîssînutd n su-l boit witis Stu King coming up ltosin' 15 hilss, le lse susi ils cigist ossists and une put tsio and tilt a boier.- . ont. Elmer Dredge palledl lie Tise first innisse set the rit-iHldinggem outhtie dan as be tecr for thle guriPe. Roshertsc%%nt for isîso tise bute lu bis srukttr h îslie side and the i1,1 ightIso u ls-osssout Sisannon in DredLecled ssoff i Cmplie fouctît. ville iss ilsiking outs, hbt KnCon piscllte mont niiw pick Moore lied ilot tisa- urs hl "tp lisir sesienscwisisHomilton tisrownelu isisandsi-dove alo li- tise citisnY ciampionsisip. lris'e hlo itine rvtuer lise r . - 11'd aieî_&.7. Th is e ine cmedusenis e fieldîone Whisgrove thto dou teis locd, H-tnstrsonsas safe <su 'Oin: R H El error. Wixgrone stuleterlb hor IB BBB01000 BB0014 È Hendrson stle sconst an., 'vl --l302 B50 4Bs 14 I5 B Coteý. nsoisabled in issîlisrinisc h)ent,:Wtrdle. Shasnenn 10 ine Campeielille a 3-0Ia. B(i1) an uk C.tmpiscliilite: Wiîis une ovtiiie 5esecon.Rdo isisndJoce. Andicns 19)1 Robertis ncoiied Jtltxsissn on à U fousr straigisi pilcises Titis Om ghEns eoo to be tise unis- ialis cf te sere!mdq EnsS sn insurd bs Compislinille pitl- ers nd lrne outto c th!5,ws t, Acte,, L.. nnls-rvin sctared bison Tls asss xl,, O Inter-Csuntn teague son loaclesthlie basand on:I .1%ck inigonead stonseorest sixan ixiielsiout i.lsn he iei orgn- Wi %'oune stslestonsanerrit rsa is conIGA inte thirsi andi t-enctcr-.ttx Losi Wsslnesslas nigiin Qos- singied hisino itis-siand tthons -- t--ltit"O qtlitlisattttul tt lis-6ts tiin ndtoatish ircc ancs1 - 5-s tuc tad th e i eissit-I-set-cii le-le. Fi-idaiNsiglitl i Au Itt LowviIIe Oldtimers I l tsnsst hand osn Sotsrdas en- Pay Saturday Night s,-, .Illtie sisi, fi O sitise setl es riv Loîss lie Mînor Suiîtli Assoc. CAMPBELLVIIAE tORCHANTS captured tise Ontario Intermediate C"- tille on Sunday afiernoon ile ae"oe itl isld ils annual Oldtsmers ish a 14-t nictory over Thoreton. Tise ictory gave tise Vllagers thicr lOtis OB.A. tifle in Sid\alron i co, Nsgisî un Ssîiîdtn ai L tssii he > os 3 years. Sisome letise front rom are timer redge. Jack Roberts, manager xxn An- --i, , .sa7-3 n,,. vimn Park. Luvyitle Girl-s' tii sl drews, John Nicisolson aed Ken Moore. In tise second rein are Don Joyce, AI Wngrocn Oseorge îltstsgls asdsî c iste Aviosn clsub siart oit Ociities tir tise niyl ChuesHrry Zulerons. Harry Hamilton and Art Brooks In tise bock rocs are Ray Criuld, Sion thtestelit -iIselliinlîsîsyis itsn ns Its o gome agiesi Tani- lesa Hexelrson, furi Cairns, Bill flluit. Larry McPisail and Stu Kng.î -[ho t lil' 6.45 for lise groucuianpion,-tip -ii, - Beriasson, miso lossed the opening game niclory ianlise besi of five eornes, mas nicked for one safeiy in tise second insing and two more in the fourtis, as ha posted the verdict and siruck-out seven, over the ïeven icoing dstance. Grenke Retieves Msrra vWhiller ss ons tise mound for the lu-ers-and wsa retieved bv Murra v Crente in tise ourths naing. Whister was cisarged wiîh lise loss. B. Coradeiis bases emply home ruen i he tisird inning aed his single pos-.-stIhe six-bit attack forflt isessneer-,. Jia Perusselo, Blackie Garlon aad Lou ilerlasson also singted for tise winncrs aed Rouer John- son lripled. Sts Hannal ha t lt-o ssatks andlasýiuy>iclssa per!ct nigbit af Ih slplate lr he t und iBs sc Msillas imlcLcd Tise Le-isneires mode si.. errors in tIse contes ssisile tisc Steeler-, didn't make a single C, IJNDEFEATED IN THE PLAYOFFS, tise Ontario Seel Plant Steeiers sinepi siseir bent ocflice fixai serses with tise Legioxeaires on Tisursdlay nigisi, 10 capture ise Miton Fastbail Leogue Cham- pionsip. Tise Steelers miso fieisbed le tise nid3le of tise packs darsxg tise regular season, came 10 lieienletise piayoifs and copped tise semi-finals and tise linais withoct a Ios Shownein tise front rom are AI Brodie, Biaclue Gaeton, John Hipburn. Carl Hansen, Bill Bruns axd Stox Prive. In tise bacb rom ere Bob Scisuit, Harold Watson, Roger Johnson, Merl Currie, fou Bertasson. Vaxo Corradetti, Curly Kietstuber. Danny Bertassux and Mske Mchisal. Missixg itise lime of the pisoto iner Mamvie See, Mike Deulil, Bil Serafvni and JWm Peruscella. GinSNah v'A "Leugue CroWn Tri-County Schedule Starts i n November EeuieWrsBhrdSe si Mor" is BtasBuii aisioctic x lsa n Eomnitirs wmutogoinbie taking nounerd tisai ait tise Trs Couels- TriCoaCs-mio okes te.sn rom cs-- atx ssssuId plan b9tv etsngon. unAs sniltnrua udrhumt. te u iesm M erchants Hope to Start Pradtices E g ud n E tu Inn S mctio g n S aond tan eMs- lîon khome lieps on hsnie Ahs laciak i he ailt ippu adte tr a ndicated tisaitions-e ag.sAs t aictinin~lite Oubiesl il tamý1 omMilton, Autuon. Braînp Around October 1il iin Streetsville A hone Burilegloe. Ferg us-re ts rcuusl u, Tebid nt Oplnueso Bitt i.îe, fsfsn n tnesecontdiviion tise MîtlltitrfrmMixtîr;a .Mite KsIlleîuisskMinansI KRazi Mk antonne. Guelpis. uelph xspelererOaakisile i n nB P-etie , s i.,eissl ssss. itsA esese cI: Iesitxestseh enOrangevîlle and Pr-ess cti he _______lie is is ia-illusiori sîp %illas43 uîle TIse 1tir Illse innerss s hile Mart * vvincg for Tri-Cosînî uchampione- 1l'Iiil Oct-tiser ssoiad give lise'Ibe piavoifs and esrieil lie pI.sd nsd e snessîlsutpariinfcc.o g% [eGalt fle eladBlvCaresa 1hp. -Be slire t, attend tiscfisc isall cci sf ili in-x orS tise Mitonn iuisl looadaner luthe leogar e ttms eýlansifli sut 'es-,. %sit xrs s finatlse iiciu n tis ed B ,sIhiilordsî t es u rt h r e sa- s I vshipul te sasn oe buenm i adSlt Meiht Mxi tîssiven Cilu nrsrly finals. ihik hr oros d or lis- isSnii l hi s 1tis.s rsstltisNeil Brssuar-utclsieg.s-udpuaî-gtadrs-s adscc ns c.tast4 hive st--k5 s ale intosisapue Sncb 1964é5 stars os I aise- Pnr,,ls i i f ivhe luuisty - v avrl Ftelding Stars ____________________________ tel ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V sieisn-iWtthi ii imntî isFrank Mirciiri. ,ssmnle,. Dieon sxssta s, iIh Ile 1t.-"'t 1110tI Ii is,- i ti Bce Siasnon, Von McPhail. Psîsî terrer aeild ic' l ste lvar,imre- n zi sn e tet ti I ll ts untit i-te c K555 e v c-n Smit nd i g S ihC L . . S- L., lit e cluierîire lis i pr îd tsc huis n - sSit t ic si Cînd s te ttEli,,lu iRkks RI,îleis , tti s isîî . , îl Cai ni Si) a Ile C th C ecte fi bc ric in lit-%%,i) ld tessci-et tisemni lRieldi llnesîadsirsV hfor lisez tar fCrthe e,--xistskintubehinc tise scelein ixCoringy tsI se,, t'itss e ii ti jn1sinfîsît Io-. xcîs st.d Mari%, Bradsssîs- EDWARD G. IRVING ptiegs sruopie hevMlo ýaroreditwintntns for tise losersfo bu--s prciue strtîîrsîllcslB tThce ifsîxsksten lserCil,, Rsn,,lsksGisets -ise Scostt Wliliaon Ccrosseci fo .1i thie pssîtien pute i he sign an ni s Oust.d wilif,)ng ;test '.Con t, setitIti uie in il(tise lth ix,,,,,,sficplatencilli tise third Cardin-il 0Roiq 0Evsruh xysstl rissi.tcis RniohScfisz iuut xlsis fia ,ý-nd 1 t îithîfi Itîcei.nisf1.,ti) s t, , 1 Carinl Ist tieista i - SRIl.n * avstrug las'îtsutt s,-iesi îrurastshc Mîitnssîtpsfuestid uaenil Ro.,rn Midet c-l s, iitsl,si -3 îisiCli:itscotr-jCsiisisVie 0 ui rnîr - Aluminum Siding e.1Itla l' t 'oiafur, ttc ltas 0OBA. tillu tii, vn e nced ' it e st Dssgap b le .issu ti, iit ,~ ietit tt un ttsRcs is tr-i b-r tsu sm ER Ot4 U CAT s-utsl relîutasît lu accepi. s trd.V htn Pntns or ) e sith ftiseHail. tnRed W seifg R1l,î, t p tisrvss ~sasts, ialls-eaere aitcgimeehsCr.ty okfl id B rîîe ii ts s e ae Eitini9-fesin I tieOEA -Ml -it re n-sp ric inta p rfî isîsTIs, je s siste1-1,sflise IIIs:istk-. mas sssiac tii xiii. Tht tesîns p nr W o k fAl Kid i oi i te a tise armna, the - -r t t, ns-titeeis0 B.A.,, tl-e-irtifs- siese ns-rn s-n nîssiciseut.eI \tnsschati sbsiitbercedîohoîd1 crd ee iîs aelu îa nfutuîssye lssn,,ss tts i,,,nits ,,-irisi HOE8 62 i...flels ek l l lise 5fi)lîsîssftisec ass e scalve Free istimaies - Al Mors Guarantecd ,1 (i herp -eao p:actîcesOA d-ls -.ts e f rst fe , %oS nlseed s 5is feeSi[Ille fitîtis ini l atsndussn isr frthe effort tht-e __________________________ 'LtIlt- hvn w hv r- T eB nai a iirc h iç e gri u t h o irIý i, itiitascd ul u fi le eat". bc ti ssîiht,!un am in setihe si xof ises-e srsî - .ser, NiI si-s- tit i s i ti so nît t,,li ils,- bssin I llt-ssiin-i id s-ifs Aulsîn ansi Sirceîsnvitte. but cdronpeci ith('secondsîlfine 1i-1 il is esocis tIc t ssex s iîssis nstiet-,ise <itnt, its t ll C rd Clubh masnayer Alsîn Psrton r- before loilnzS.sîîrîtan Tise Mil-Ssrvard uili crn aocss Gstt-i aýis le- te , L o B nn The lis soisae farmniti s -otsid this meek. suri it er on fsic Fou PFair un Satuirit-is srceutesinitreBonux tee ssii,, ,iixss-pl uis-a ,s itsl MiL - Ot buhe ii Sîreclsuitte as soion as Milton ta scisedîie tise ftsi Sina l eItle pipi-s tor tcshe Rli- Mid- nossihie suui 15ev son Iberes a ut tise serics le Georgessisse. req in.in s Ie o le t s tend citps- -isîssu thati fer ili bLe iredy Penetang tooh lise cad tI htis i e lu pesîîlle i snl ue h- rsssnd te tti of Oviober. marne iitisfine runs le tise ird iies Frantk Msreiuri.ls psS V Fîeety etfProspecte inning, added tinoin tise el-ht and ihis- Pete Stummn iselli ais,, lu -enes-mio sisusîd mitistise onIn roc came le tise fourlis. iuth. tseruhis isast n-ar nill ise bauh Danny E vans sneged tinice anc? Generailv nerikiinL, isre or ansîhler tes and le addition, Ken Fanon. Mise MiGraIs ssnd svcmîsfi>-sclie tsoutf coidsii- su-n-eai h otI p rsspe ts iti el M artic O N eilli ccis si gei t once écrs I o rhsîsse lsstn t tti e -i si s teiefi screack tise lier-up. Tise, or ibm lsers. 1%s[)Fi, t iulisin ire ny-sts tsis-thants llished the regalar AihougisthIoiîs exsed Miltîses îsiilub- a sî .fic,I lu esîs i lil hupes for an OEBA. ille, th-r n] ulit nus sssis nshi b- IlslesnNn tis You n<tr~ Countvprlavf suries viti Duon- Msnaxee Port ite sIIu psr-tr-î Yo n s e s ds eodgine oilftis sries nxreil inite ai1l'tneeiw.e Mules' PAID vON sif eise fai Sue is-îss i a n sd Jîvenite piast isne p.m.un atuday.nui an tr ontwit ti.i 9 6 85 inor Hockey pn' nS trts il e e at îiluIsM!IADANII FIN Just over 3t0 Miton and ose famity. area youngters are expecied o1 Cluing date for regtration ptay ln Milton Minor Hockey wili he October 16 sud Miner Association action iis wter Hockey Asocatien eretary and on Friday, regsration .Bill Rowney urges chiidren be formet wtt! ho handed oui for regisiered as soon ase possible. the firet dîne. Youngstcrs wtsh- The signed registration fora Ina tu play hockey are requeni- plus the tee are iu he mette, cd to pick up registration te Bux 1,195, Miltion, wotîbthh formet ai Kanervas Esso Ser- nane oethie sendier signed on vice on Main St. Regsiraiton the hack of thse envetope. formentilhe disibuied ai Ait players who itd t- tees! choots. ptay hockey ibis sinter, wh<. Regisiration fees agato ibis1 ther At-Star or bonne teagna. year soilho 51 per chlid for ment register and thse tewest Miton reidenie, te a mcxi- age for regtering la six ycaes mum et twe ctsttdren. For the otd. tiird, feurih, titis or ttxib Att bouse teague gamen neill chitd ln c tamily, ihere sotît ho played ilshineanon on Scies- * beca tee et onty $1. Se, If ihere dayn and Wedncndayn, white th. iwo hoye te the tamiy Ai-Scr home gamt have soho are gotng te ptay hockey, been laed tor Monday cignts the tee sit! h. $10. If ihere tariing ai 6 pm. ccd ending arceiinree childeen, tise tee wi11 ai Il p. ho $11. Former Mnor Hockey A9. * For oss-of-ioson residenis, ciaitn prenîdeni Bob Kainerva th t.. wtt! ho 17 per chttd te hasn ci namcd Mitions Tr. s maximum of IWO chidrn ony Hockey Assoctiton re Once aa, the $1ite. sitI ho preneniatits', rcp!acing Aan * cgaifer 1h.ilird, tourlie, Faron, eh. o a unabte it tisad ixti child Lin any laies the positilonl"ta ear. )n Dr ry be le. na ed he I)n t. ie. le, mt Irs îli lie , 1 Its ng go- va .t.i. re. ýan to WE HAVE SPECIAL PARTY IYJ ARRANGEMENTS Why coi plan te serve tender, luicy Flavor Crisp Kentucky Fried Chicken ai pour next auchre, dacec, commucity gather. ing or house. party. Chickecn spplied in any quantity. For Complet. Deuails Calil Un. Speelal heure are belng plcnned for the solder monthe lin serve you chtcken snacks, hoxco, tanotly huchets or barrelo. PHONE 878-6028 FOR SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS OR YOUR TAKI-OUT ORDER. Murray Hood Drive-In go» Un.Bd. Wcat of 2à Mieu Phene 8784028 MWnInnsuuN TRUST CERTIFICATES 0 issued in amounts from $100 upwards fIor 3, 4 or 5 yearn * are the above indicated interest, payable half-yearly by cheque. *authorized investment for al Canadian lesurance Companies and trust Banide. STERLI NG TRU STS7 CORPORAIOJ 372 Boy lt, 35 Dunlop Si., 73 Mississego I, Toroto brrie GrAille Demonstrators 6 TO CHOOSE FROM AT YOURPRICE! Milton Motor Sales LTD. VOUR PONTIAC - BUICK - ACAPIAN - VAUXIIALL CADILILAC - G.MC. DIAtIR THE HOME OF GOODWILL USED CARS AND TRUCKS 388 mnS. MUIton 878-2355 16M Lou Blerasson iossod a ni-fty ihree-tilter aed Bano Coradet- i supptied lise power wilb a home run and a single as the Ontaio Simeel ant Siociers wlîspped the Legionnaires 6-2 to gaie tihe Milton Fasîbati L esatgue championsbip, on Thursday eveniet je Paterms. Tise stick lielding Sîceles s, usdcteatcstin six gainesin tise playollfs, scored oece in tise firsi inning, iwive j is te hird and tisree lianes in the fourtis as iisey swamped tise defcnding champion Legionnaires.