.A ws ce &MII (Cenmuwsd)IPL m-A (Oqduem 1In A ef TE(c t' I 1Hiol, School Boardi For Sale 1964 Chev V-8 Auto. Back-up lg ts, seat bolts, wa- 6bers. Must le sold. Owner must drive company car. Cuit on sveek- end. 878-3287 C-20 For Vour Next Car... MRY BUCK HAMILTON AT BELL BROS, TR &W480 c-1it FOR SALE 1958 PONTIAC, standard shit, License No. 652357. 1962 CARAVELLA, 4-speed trans- mission, hardlop and conver- tible. License No. K807659. t N.S.U. MOTORCYCLE. License No. K 49. GREEN'S MOTORS Campbellville 854-2221 c-20 Legal NOTICE In thse mater of lthe fankrupley or Charles Alan Parlon, opera- lbsg snder thse nase and style of Tri-County AtlIetc Supply, lns the Toswa of UIton, hanttse Cowty of Halbis, hln the Pro- vince of Ontario. Notice is bercby given that Chartes Alun Fanoni made an as- sigemees on the 1th day of September, 1965, andt that the firsi meeting o[ creditars wiii be betd on the 29th dau o[ Sept' ember. 1965, ut 10.30 arn., ai the Court House. le the Cty ut Hamilton, in the Province of Ontario. Oated ut Hamilton Iis 201h day of Seplemner, 1965. EVAN OWEN, C.A., Truster, 191 James S. Sauth, Hamilton, Ont. c-20 Tenders Wanted TENDER FOR QIL Hilton Public Sciot Board catis [or tenders for [arnace fuel, [or ose je lie J. M. eves pubolic sciot and the W. . ick public school, Tenders must specifs- firm bld prices and close ai 6 p.m., Octo- ber 2, 195. Lomesl or any tend er not ncc- essarilînaccepted. Srnd l: Bas 280 Mitone, Ontario, E. W. FOSTER, Secretarv c20 MILTON SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD TENDER Seuted tender'.. properin mari- ed, addressed ta Robert W. Clarke, Secreiary - T reasarer, Milton Seprate Sciot Board, Bon 1075, Hilton, Ont., iiilie receivrd ap lu 5.00 octoci p.m., Wednee'day, September 29, 1965. for the sappt.ving oi No. 2 Fur- nace Fuel Oilto vHaty Rosary School, Matie St., Mitoan. Firm bids only considered. Lamest or any tendecm nat necessuriiy ac- cepted. R. W. CLARKE, Secretary - Treasarer. c-20 Real Estate H. KEITH LTD. REALTOR FOR SALE 1IN MILTON - 2-brut- oom bungalow, living room, kilchen. finished ec. oom. double garage anut niceIy land- scaped. An excellent boy [or retirement, Close ta, down- lame, For appietment cutI MRS. STELLA PARTON 878-9932 or 6705 I I South of Milton 3-bedroom ranch style brick bun- galow, on over !4 acre, good size kitchen wilh but-in aven, large living ronm siih lire- place, dining ront, fitird broadloom, 4 - piece tle lath sitît sanily, large basement mit fiteplace, cit turnace, wa- ter cnder pressure, garage, High, Public and Separale School buses. Asktng S6,000 dosvn. One morigage. SYDNEY K.ý LAMB REALTOR R. R. 4, Milton 878-321 2 - 878-9343 c 20 Christie&Woods REAL ESTATE BROKERS 189 Main St. - Milton $10.900 fuit price, 2 - bedroomn stucco home and garage, living room silli fireptace, kitchen siti uining ut cu. tuttibase- ment, Split Level 3 - hedraom brick ssth curporu. l arge living rmom, kilchen sîth mahagany cupoaurds undt dining area, faIt basement miii storage area and recretian raam. Askieg $15.500. $13.200 fuit price, 3 - bedroom brick bangalow,. living room. kitchen iii steel cabinets, serti cared for home, Country Home $23.500ftlItprice. ne mhille brick, ranch style home, living rvom mith nturut stone ire- place. kitchen miti birch cup- boards, bujît-in stvve andt [dig.. 3 liedrooms, bathroam viiihut-m vanits. flithb-se- ment, oit turnace. 2 -car gar- age. Terms. $14.000 faIt price, S5- ledroom trame hume, kitchen, dining and living muum, 'naîh. futt b.semeet, Ili acues. Terms. Farm 92 acres, close ta Hornby. 2 spring'ted stre.îms. Askieg $55.000. For Rent te Milton, bars suituble tfor horses or stoa.ge. $65 mvet. Cati 878-2095 878-6057 c-20 A. E. LePAGE RIAITORS LIMII Members of the Toronto, Ontario and Oukjile - Trafalgar Real Estale Bourds 51 Years' Coninuous Service Oakville 10 ACRE LOTS Gine Fast $6.000. very easy îerms for ihese seuy reasan2'nlv priced lts, 500' roniage. lu t mites abose N. 5 Higiwaas on 4h LUne tut Oaivilte, ihaice agricuttura t land. Milton HOUSE FOR RENT $125 per manth, immacalatly turisieci 5-raam brick bunga- tam, vs Given Rvud, attacied garage. 140 s 250 nicein landt- scapcd lt. Cati Tam Bradley 878-9543. Moffat FARM HOUSE FOR RENT $100 per moti. 6 - caom home, mvdemized thoughoot, iih eirctric slave andt frig., oit healiig, school bus passe'. gale, eai nice place ta jivc Avaituile Oct, t. Wanted Urgently Hlouse and farm listings. We have aunamber oI good, rmv hiable clients desirousaof pur- chasing homes and farms en Hilton accu. Cuit TOM BRADLEY 878-9543 $33.000 siing price for Iis 98 acre, geneca u pouse [arming tand, [on; je on a paved mad, with schoutl bus aI the door, close ta 401, modersized tO- raamt soid brick house, ex celent set ot outbuildings anc mter sappty and pond, Open ta ot[ec. $3.500 fuit price fur tevet t0 a cres o an1ud mith easy îemms. CatI MRS. DUDNIK 854-2553 C-20 1: Peope Buy the Champion luS rrad the Barsains 1 House Wanted t would 1ke 10 locale, in Mil- Ion area, for the purpose of es- tablishing under V.L.A., 4 - led- boom house preferred or 3-heci- room wiih finiahed recreelion room. TERMS: CASH. Write os, phone Mr. Donald Parier, Erleaît, Ont., or phone 87-3221 bctween 9 and 6. c20-2 rREALTOR AND 310 Main St.. Milton 878-6292 "HURRY HURRY HURRY" WE HAVE 2 HOMES FOR RENT 3-bedroum ider ti«vpc bungalosv, centraits* viocted is Milton, 4415 montbty, avaitabie tI Oct., 1965, i or 2 year tease. Counyboume, 4 miles sorîh of Milton, spacios living and dining rovm, ireptace, turnze kitches, 4 bedroams, F/A oil beating, l ýbatbrooms, owsm- Ming puai priviieges. $150 monty. Immediate posses- SPECULATION PROPERTY- 4 acre commercial site, 1 mite trom Mittun post office, 470' road ifronmage. $8.000 cash. $2.000 DOWN - Immediate pas- session, 3-bdroom soliid brick buingalow, combination living and dining room, fltl base- ment. Asking price $15,200. Open tu otter. $13,000 FULL PRICE - Modern 3-bedroom bungalosw, in the- novni end ut Miton, 5% NH.A. morîgage, monîhiy pasmenis S8336 P. . & T. MILTON HEIGHTS - Close lv Keiso Conservation Area. large 3oecroom clay brick btiioga- lvii, 150>s 1W0lt. Tises $210. Escellent condition. $5.000 dvmn. 5ACRE PARCEL-Locaîcci sîîcîi ofi Mition, 30' x0' 2-sýtiiiev buîildling, modern 2hedroîîm ap. ariment, room ifor extra bed- ravms, large svrksbap anti oficesvon main Itoor. $7.08W dloisn. For Ail Your Real Estate And Insurance Requirements Cait 878-6292 c.20 J. A.Willoughby &Sons Ltd. Realtors 65 ca v' Cont i nuovasSersvice Country Home 1112,600, beavtîtvîtv treec 2", acres wiîh otîter type 6 - rion- stse houîse andt garage, o good counirvs road, sehoot bus ai gale, 3 mites tram Milton. Cati J. A. Ettîvît878-9233 sor 6980. Ranch Style $14200, 3-edroîîm brick banna- tus sith L living - din;:ng room. kitchen and bathroîîM, veynaon atrac tise lot, F/A it heating. storms anc scces Cati Anna Cairns 078- 6980 or 9233. Farms & Acreages Chai ce variels of tarms, 25 no 201 e acres. sîitabte for beet, dairy or horse tarming, also large or smatt parcets of vacant land ri and lots. Cati J. A. Ettiati 878- 9233. Look! Look! We have cash bayer tfor oeat buingaow, close 10 downiosvt Miton, aisîî bvver tookjng for 4-bedraam home je Miltan siciniiy. There are others, toc, 7, tolks and me are geiiing soit olt. Now is the ime ta j'.t illi pour Wiloughsby reprc. d sentati es. t AINNA CAIRNS 878-6980 MO0 Main St. B. J. A. ELLIOTT 878-9233 19 Court St. N. c-20 USE CHAMPION CLASSIFIED ADS - FOR SELLING Ne ing0 Scho ing, Mc red Mc TA' -Er Fa ri ken; Pini Fa r Smi ler Purt bs Mo F0R ( N. Ha, Approve Maintenance Contraci For School, Grounds at $19,OOO: le building delait oecupied lfor the maintenance or the Technical Scbool, Toronto, on M îajority of the regalar meel- complete selsool und the groonds the havis the siadeni had atgrea- er of the Milton Disrict High ai a total ut $19.600 anooatly. Bu- dy achieved a secondaryV scbool t iool Board on Tucsday even- sic dues and responsibiliîies graduation diplomna. I ,Seplember 14. arc 10 be detailed in un agree- Two deleguves mere avîhorizcd i lembers approvcdl a contrpct ment ta bc druwn lin the occre- to attend a seminar being plan- c lm mas constdered, bul defer- lury in conjuncton wiîb the ned by the Ontario Schoat Trus- pendling a sîcîcy of charges principal and property commit- tees' and Raiepayers' Associa- tee. tino, on satars scbectîîlcs. nego<ý The scbool nase contains 16 ihalions .îatid vaid -icachet-rc-1 cti.ro-,a ibrarv.lor sci- talions. Auction Sales ence lalis, th rcee commercial Cul Jr. Equipment _____________________rooms, Imo home economics Put-dbase ai' $332 of football roamns, îhree indusîrial arts eqîipmenî mus upproved tao shops. îwo gymnasia, a cafeteria, complele the eqoipmcnl [or the a . saffroomandkitcen. senior tram. Plans Io eqaip a 0O Shorthorns Revl.w Rentais junior leam bad been ccii mhen A review of the renIaI sche flite lest booki budget bad cxceed- Seîîing on date for the sebool tuililtes le. e t is amodînt. cloding the new double gymnas. Principal R. C* HunIer re- ýonday, Sept. 27, 1965 ium and the cafeteria diningt porîcîl a number of appeats on made in area çchools. RentaI of' grade 13 papers bad becs Ireateci 7.00 p.m. the single auditorium tast peur favarably, and many stodenis had bren $25, but rtew rairs hud liaI been gi yen standings in suli- 43Head, Ail Femtalea nol neen esîublished since com- jcîis as a resaIt of the appeats. 1 letion of the double gvmnas- Accounts ltaiiing $9,364.*60' si ANNUAL ONTARIO INVt. tom. syec appraveit for pan-ment. TIONAL SHORTHORN SALE Secreîury E. Milîson reporled A tender ai $075 tram Rajsbiim nîries trom: Hendervale applications lor the rentalioa' the Garuden Stone Produits mas ap-ý m, Milton; M F Farmn, Mili' audiorium for politicai meel- pruvi.d lor lundscaping ibeý n;Master Feeds Furm, Thorn.-ings that mould require mm- shaîutlg rouînds. 1Meres Brook Farm, Milon; diale anso-es, and members ap- lar Farms, Keene; Lorne J. povvcd a rentaI of $50 for these nmtIndian River; Sandîos even Is pendîng establishment ai About 30 to Enroil ms. Gavdwoct: William G. a raIe scheduîlc, lbt, Delhi. Mm Key System In St. John Course cebrs spent considerabte 3$ Headi Inludîng 2 Buill tinte rcviewing the paiicn ot dis- The tfirsi aid to the inttureut tributing school iessand decid- course- being spvssîîrect is tic Si. LAIN CREST DISPERSAL - ing whetber ciassroom doors Johnî Ambulanice Corps begins ic -rd ut Frank M. Calle Co. Ltd., sbould bc luckcd ut niglit. fil va-s ight (Wedîîesdav t aiutih Unjîtud ti Hope, Ont. (formerly owned noled when vandats brukeie m Steetworke s' Hall, ine Si., be- Shaw Bras., Peterbarouîgb). the school, mnosl of the damage ginning ai 8 pie. and insîructor hud been la lockcd ctassroom oas Mileriof Miltonî reporîter] - coors. Members decided doors bhal about 30 itdicalcul a iluing- shavld continu, 1. be tocied. ness tu akl.îcthe course. 65Heefrd btearnthcads confirnsed The Si. John briuade inMilton INCLUDINO DIJLLS L. M. Darb.v; l-istorY, P. Atîman; charter. and tI is sthe ijusi prit-l Phvsicul Educaîlon, A . Clare- decl of lie neis griiip, Firmerl ,1 Setting sn mont; Muîhemaîics, J. Sullivan; Mittauians see vit l the Aiton Science, W. Robinson; French, ciVjiae.n Dnday, October 4, 1965 miss L. Walsh; Commercial,' The ciuir-, conijnues easb ev Mrs. M. Pows-s: IndsîIrjiai Arts. neclas for sesen sseeks. 1.00 p. . Hopiings; Hsme Ecsnomics cdi by an esaîtuin.tiasn ngh*: tic Mrs. M. Thompson; Guidance. E. cighth seei. andcti, open ta e COMPLUTE DISPERSAL Litt. aîîd si-men 15 sears aid and ov-c. AENIE C RAI GS HERE- A ]citer [romn the Milton Pub- )RDS, owned bv Mrs. Mu - t. ie School Board lhanked the I. Dovsc, Burlingîvon nt. Higi Scboal Board [or the: rans- fer uf turniture remaining je the Martin St. sciavi. - A reqacsl for a change le the schoal bits routes as thev affect Abase sales ri the Harnhs area sias noîcut. and ii sas enplaincd same changes HAYS SALES ARENA had ben made ta rrturn stu- Oaivilc, Ontario dents t0 their homes cariicr. The- resident noired studeets had ta- o. 5 Highwav, 3 miles isorth ieIwo houri attcr school ta get of Oucen Eizabeth Was I ta Hornbv. For atalgue4%vrie- lx Tatilon Far atatgitsssrte: The hourd rc[uscd la pas lui lys Farms International tion tees [r a sgudent tui taie Limted a course in Burlîngtan thal us Limited piesentis hing olterd ileMMltoan. te Managers Truste: John Noble. recentlvý Bos 490 Oakville, Ontaria. appinted lu the huard b th c c_20 îî e, atiended is, tir-I m c t- ________ - -ing. He saccecdsD. AG.Mac- CLEARING Fachen. whu resigned mwhen he tel tome. AUCTIN SA E __ The board decined to pa u i- ~ IN ESUIOI(-N HF SALEwus-tesfora tden.r 0f 73 Headi Reg. and Grade Hol. stein CaIlle, Datry Equtpment, Hay, Straw etc. Th i îersiged bus receiscut in ucins [rom GORD. DOWEN & SONs Tii seI bv auction aI is% farm, lot 31, cas. . Estiuesing Tmp, stuated an lie First Line, I irsi tarmnarth o[ Na. 7 Highway, I mite mest uot Aclon, an SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 Cîîmmencing t 1.30 p.m. sharp, lie taitoming; 50 HOLSTEIN COWS & BRED HEIFERS-Tie herd consists ut 15 registered cows and 35 grade tivisein cous. There are lb cams tresi since Juter . There are 8 casîs due in October, 7 cows and heilurs dse in November, 19 cosin M lowu. Breeding dates gi yen an suie day. YOUNG CATTLE-10 Holsten hiters, ready ta breed; 6 year- ing heifers; 10 ong beifer cuises. This is a gvad frmers berd, ulitraised bv omner. ait vaccinuted, in a Brucettosis [cii arca. The njority of lie cows are nbred romt Cottege Jac. Tic cams are ait bred 10 hlls [rom tise Central Ontario CaIlle Breed' ing Association, [romn such butis as Bromedale Achelles Roeland. Romandute Tenal Refiection Ouke. Caille setine sharp ut 2 octock. OAIRY EQUIPHENT - Jcm 27-cas bahk coater wiîh vacuum tank. lie new; Oc Lavai Sterling 2-onit milkils machine wiIh large ieavy duly pump und piping [tir 3I Coms: 25 miii Cans; Woods etectrie chopper etc. HAY & STRAW - 10 tons oI ciaice bated hay; 12 tues of ouI TERMS: Cash with dlemi on day of sale. Not reserve as the farmn is sotd. Tic new owner laies posses- sion Octaber t, 1965. Ail articles must be moved before that date. Omner not responsible in case tof accident on sale day. Hetd under cover in case o[ bud eather, WM. A. GIBSON, Auctioneer, Phone Gaelph TA 4-1478. Harold Ronce & Fred Buptie, clrrks. c-20 a-12-2 AUCTION SALIS Contlnusd> ALREGIS AUCTION SALE Thursday Evenlng. etmlr3 7 p.M.. t er3 GLEN AUCTIONS, Gles Wlliams 0f houscbold furishings; unI- iques; gasswarc and china le- viadine aprîmeel sizecuoss-top Frigidaire retrigeralor: 4 etec- tricstovs; oil space healie: aId washing machine; range lia,: 3 outfets; dieing roum table ancd dhairs; good aid sidebourd: 3- piece aînul bedroom sile; vs- ils dresser; cofece table; c orner table; odd lumps; saedwich ma- ker; 2 Oucbec heaters; baby butg- gy; ptaypce and crib; crîcis; iedraom dishes: muntltcîvci: uesu occasional chairs; rvciing chaitrs; kilcien table: gvttd Sicnger sesing machina; suilcases; pop-dtp taasler; sten iron; pul-a-dan* v aitiet; siep lad- dem; anci nuans* vther articles tait namerous tu mention. Ossner or aucianeer tout es- ptttt-ibte for accidents oui sic- Sale ta be hetd in doors. ALFRED R. SPENCE, b-13 - Auctioneur, 077-3306. Dead Stock Walnut Ranch Ltd. Crippleti andtisaalled CoWs and Morse 24 Houe Servies Uàc. Nos. 133-RP. 20&eQ4 The Canadien Champion, W*.en.eley, Sopt. P2, 1965 RU& ~ fq 6Jt , a., a5t the intersection or I4iugh: ing cars driven by E. Robert Reed District roads wvere foghound .1. 416 Woodward St., Milton, and uariy Saiurday morning and ses. Robert E. Dredge, R.R. 3 Milton. rai car accidents resulted. Most Damage iotaiied $275. ecrious incidents were threc ecp- arate accidents boli happened ai A car di en by Jothn B. Wood of thesane intersec ion sortit aoi R.R. Actais and the Reed car Milton, au iithjs eigh iint es were then invoieed sn another of ecdi iihec. UWhe poice tiait accident, wiiti $150 damage resut- qhe inveîstigationIcopmpicîrd il ing. A tcw minutes lter cars turneci out [jvc drivers tiad bies driven by Mariene Irving of R.R. invotved in ihree m ishaps - ov-3 Miltan and Raymnond E. Mackez tf thcm ineItsvof itie acicidents. utofR.R. t Acion coiiidcd ai the The tirsi coliioun came ai 8.13 'aime corner with S.500 damage.. FALL ENGLISH WOOL TWEEDS 54"-58" -$3.98 -$498and up Corduroy 36" needie wale 1.19 Corduroy 45" wide wale 1.59 and 1.79. TEX MADE FLANNELETTE 36" plain 69c 36" printed 79c Magicare Cordette Flannel 42" - 1.19 'i FOR HOUSECOATS CLEARING LAS? SIASON'S WOOL AND WOOL BLNOS ONE PRICE $2.98 'ra6opicC#m 12 MART IN ST. - 878-6861 CAMPING TRAILERS for RENTAL and SALES See Our Exhibit at the Full Fuir - Special Clearing Prices ARIA DEALER ~e 318 QUEIN ST. I. Bill Toth Sheli Srice C..., ONT. LOKTO (t~ Use The Crest FOR iIE BEST ~ BUDGET PLAN On These Hoover Specials.... HOO VER DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN Save On Hoover Quality Floor Car. Appliances YOU'LL FIND BIG SAVINGS Cstellation World's Finst OUR LATES? MODEL Suetion Cleaner DELUXE POLISHER 49*95s 28.88Latest Model with Tool Waterdown MU 9-1044 PACONI 12 r Dead Stock Removal %R WE LI-MITED O " Don Merril Auîboruced Dealer, Omner Ht*sCshd Prlcea for dcad or . .dlet owaanihas 136 MAIN ST. MILTON TRB-6011i Licence No. HGC 349C65 226RP651m Phone ZEnith 9-7950 FO ff fiffffrr rfFf l IFÀF, effti eL el Sc ai ti ismirýIMOn