9do~iJQTTINGS 6SY JI1M D1L L8 0 DRIVING ALONG iii one ut bas been appoînied for hie Yess ilsuse pre-dusk tugs recentliy lie 00>. was amazed ai the number ofi drivers who were depending un 0 IT WOULO Be ielerestirg i Ihose tiny ihings called parking knuw josi how poticians can lighls. As a de[ense ihey are prac- besi gei iheir message tu the local iically useiess and in a iug de- eieeioraîe. The oid tashioned pol- fending yourself romt the ap- ilicai meeting is eerîainly oui and proaching drivers is as import- the forma] nomination meeting ant as seeing %where coure guing. ibai ai one ime mac the holiest Quilsu irequetiliv beadlighis dont ing going is iuîuîoaliciuded omIs' siil\L ec ba,,tte esorlkiffini 11\hIll addtsadtI are cccii houer lis an app1sîush ugechs. lise C iitseiv i v ilît car ihan the iny parking lied Li pienie and the NDP hase liehis. Wbai was even mure suri- hld kt curn rousi. The Liberals prising mas the number uf ve- ha ven coulne up sih anyibing iles ihai didn'i even have park- unusua I yei bai iberess ci illimre. ing lighis iurned uon. Probahiy the round uf coltee part- os, card parties. dances and mure 0 SEEMS TO BE sumeossîîenierîainiîîg devises ssiii bc jean- are surprised lu helar the lîs cd ui c haviiy. havig aliqour piebiscile. Pe- bapc ibal's because ius une out he e0IRE LINEO cii-cois ii ihings ibai eni ibrouebcourt on-iîîeîwiii neyer bcekarealiiivil cil îviihout îch îico.Thie caie Ibore iren'[nmure nese irees planti- cs Ocluber 18 ansd tmuquectiuns cd. Tbe lusse bac a cue isariîîg will be balluted. I believe a masi- plan u ecuorage hume-eu ne, s ager fur tbe Nu's liacbeen ap- lu planti liscadjacent lu lussu pinîed bhlit b aveisi beaî-d pi'prv aidsilbibhe arîii'aiu %vbctbcr tiec qurd mnager thI ail scasu its a god tnet BY BILL SMILEY 1 bave flise deepes adoiriation, for- ihuse men sehu maie a big fussor ibeir aiteuai sncddeg aniversev. Mitie andi1baci anoiher ueeiversai'y tisc oook, and,.asustucal. neiieruoius e-- membeeed il sielil ihreeeduys allcr ils,%%as pabi, fou ltelu ceiebraie. 'Ilie casoîs 1 ,admireflisc anicirearîutllicls ib e shcer huld nes uf beir luctiis. tdcually, ihe%, as-e ubutlie roi- lenesi busbaedc lenluire, un a davtc l-day basic. Butîl ovin ee fllrid, extravaganti geclure. thsen v ipe oful cli ibir ies ot lise acl 12 îîîibts and Ian lise trîîuîsîls'îî bftr aiilhcr %car gfcitieg assiy s is eîurole. Fewoi f tt lie irdi tic [i getie. ineock. iîîtîid, uliesn- pecked hubahuds ibis era bus spusoeed. like vuu and me. Nul ibos. Amuegthieir î'anks cout [mnd the deorliuters. tbe bard driners. the puker piavoes, lise philanderers. DOV A NEW FEATURE oni, lis edi- loriai page ie iccenteei îckc. the 'Peekieg Lu iiMltu's tasc'pic- trebias hoenccatieg a lttof iîtorecî aimiig roador,-is h thei eisand iii iee-uuîo Piltuiiai. Most peuptle chic Cziîadas Ncoeîuiegiv clu lictirs'.but the inissu, c' %ou ici rcct- ore cumtpare te piecseilt %itlisthe g1,oud old d.îec". Thai's sîhy the uid pictures. lu ume especc liv, arc su inerectiîse. Tianks I luicirp-eccictauleus lu,, have lîseol ie Miilui,,lfor iatus cear. ho lihaoetic-e iîît,,uî- cofsevera eres inîuedescrips- tionîsîotheho iuugrapbc. And %me du appreciatce eecorrec tilles, as tho piciuos boiîîg usecino col hcrepu inied inea speciali19h7 Ceneiiai eiîiuueoutl'bc Cliauiip- ionpv lui tiv c' elî,i'i c ur iast as il totaes lu flie 10011 A,îd yt, sill a cueiîa lilsî ut uiler eirunlcry and iecred- ible craiicss, îhey carry il oit esery year A big bush ut caiidv. a Iliuuisiî ut foes tinneeeaedia igb une ho lus- aed the oîld lady [ails tue il eoory ime. lhs is e i,itIcati'tudr ctaed. Wume, espcitl. i e sîhu bure beon maeied [oea lew years, are eui culu iuulv soit- iieaded. An e ii huee one svouperlectlin sel keus,' hai the îld mns-is asu -iiine gheel. ail encipieni iush. ur a big - mouuied b,î,o. go al îsoak ai the kîsees ivhrb os, ecal in onîl te aiie.ayih a îsuiod planît. eu nt nsakiiig ibis titi.Lci', taie ins pal Chantie as a exaeîpic. Hec roal. lIii chanîge niibie thjiie eucies. Cisaril souldel hoc cugisi dead ak- et lhs wile lu chueeh or the muvies. duriegthie rear. Ho lies hschuiid.,ys einhe lait, sîhen tbe busys are tuing deer ibink about il. Delalis outhIe pî'ugram nwili be outiinedaganin in adveriising sborily and ibere ia definile quota un the number uftirees lu be ubiaincd ai haIt price. e LOOKING AT flise MiiiPond 1 souudered if il seuuld cver dry Up in Lime luerss'rk iin clcaning acicleatiiig îis ' ea,. Chalîîitait ul the- proet. Nu r'is, Peaco-, tels mie il's dry due-n a ,lem inobes'bul theres oili pieîîiy ut drying out lu goi n the maieriai deeper dusse. Thecinitiatioun of the prjeci mili bave lu seau awhile yei. 0 THE 1010 YEAR terifu Milton Councillurs is being sucs- gecied nuis in an efort lu suir up voler iniereci. Ccci vear me- bers topped lie puy luouoiliorc iin an efortun lu iniulalo lmure in- Icresti n lie ouunoilscoats. 1 duelt det-et an euoiioibic- cir finter es iththai muve andolqusiosn lîcier a issu yar ternisevuoid (lu onuchitbor. litiîîiiîi. Mabel 5isUbihoe. IL gises ber a chanicetuiziakc he leasos aiid poutilthecliji uiiduss un. Wlîpcî hailie tîttîsîtes ý souci, boluias a cotuple tiric quickoue-s ss 1helbchusi, grunîs ai Mabel i lie ies hurng doiîî- nei -grao insluscurling hî'usm îor gouf clubs, and lscalds ouiie duur. Cis,,lies dca it of îloasatnt scioal eOeiiig loii. Muied s t,, e1dlc.oe o iii cibot-siter %%ilie bc luaite poker tiili i. Aller, of cours,clasimel a liaigoelunichsfluthe bois. Charlie lias afi of troble siib Mahlc extravagancoe. Heccli hc eivecchor ibirîs îidollar, îasîcci tu ruelthe buseandiilledn (Cuntiiîued uPago 4C) NN(S) IN THIS ÇORNER HXE x ]gaz vHul bîrtliday ut oui- nationu. Su its e olu e ho topboiuceuscacd got ai]thebomisuedercltandiets cioeropaiscusauir1967 issucîs Il ho as accurato s possible. Onc esacîplo uic tho photo uit lisee lotgas trie lise tis.uîappez.urcd lu ho bcadicg op the Main St. ie -t pi-ado. 1 guecscd theto s',build- tngs enlise bickgu'uuuud sserc tho pi-sent Fusiis Beaaly Couege andotLido Retauarcel buildings. baut n sritieg te cupione 1 ered anti cid the largcetCLio building ws ontce c cpieeiuug miii i. DO'eteadite-s,,ioihisîacs, uug le to-lut.ui t isuught w isus Facssu, Beautve Cuuaevsastic Puek Fat-uis Dairs. cand th c-it-r building ws ts iboCeneels Bock ssbeîc Hnu cue onand Thuuuuscu lite ofie ic cloaioei. Aeeîler ncado, callticius use tio h 'cpi tiuiiL iiiil' c-ttti. iuu it uas uonce a siic lido, 'y lcîc lic Lidos lu- stands. Tho,, alucig cmue i thii, old- o-cru huttes ite McicSi putis wvanud lie sacs thc pcitlue ccc'teeniitkelitif] Mil lu,,,ai11l 1 chcukcltiilesuldingpfi-otines i Ise oldtiphotouuîsuuls the pueccitu Macie St biciliiigs.anditiu ue't Su %01su s rigîi titcl.l o ts ltit a oi . il lier eue, acontcentu ai e on pu zliîug uursot sc su %lhtubhiue l plut,. os thi pîscr ibis stock oued ini cncuin eeks on tueiis pige. Meanwis ie. iliiciks lui (,cuu Jacksoni ioftueotu Si. luoi uuuuuuu, osdmio itiofutMiisîî' paci lsshuob itipichedtif) lt i si acetiotu sale,lcanuud uii.îîk, lii,- Io otites 'ctic-sss bu have o luie sco u suit pioluioýs tu rtundî oul (lieselu- ictiiots hPEEKING INTO MILTON'S P MITONS MAUN ST. bas enperienced several changes - liotb us oe-nersisip anti appoarances - SinCo lis Photo mas taken seVerai years ago. Tise troussebuilding ai lcftI bac itce linon ropiaceti by Sers bue-hp Fashions; thte ole is e ceetre mas S. R. Sase' Bees' cilohung and tussisb- ings, and is nom the Flora Shoppe; nt to il was Yatns' Shue Store e-hi-ch is nom Dornan TV and Appliances; and on the tar rigbl is Marchands Jeweiiery, whieh is sîill in ihe Marchand nameen(anayoeel uos approotirudtely wesu ttibpicture mai. taise A Pensive Chief Asn taken fmom the files of the Can. Champion, Sept. 20, 1945. The iwu Wiamee's Ausiliaries uf Si. Pauls United Church e oenily beid ceparale nmeetings. The Evening Auxiiiary beid a cupper meeting in the Sunday Scbuul ruum wiih about 30 mm bers procce i. The precidel., Mrc. K. Piiisisichan-,,oft he, iiî'eliiig Ilitai "lowîilîîiiîl lic cli lie. Ais incpiiig deotitial a guvn by Mrc. H. Wbeweli. A group of girls from the Milton Missione Baed saeg a imo part eumbot-. Mes. G. Gîsîdobild and Mrc. C. Wooud gavne ae ineeciieg piccsnialiiue ofthe siudy buouk. Tint, dayc laier. the Afterîîuîîîî Aasiiiary leet ai lie hume ut Mrs. James Bell wiih a good ai- tedance. The presidcni. Mrs. R. M. Clemeîc was ie hhechair andolîpeed the meeting silb priaye. M, c. R. B. Galbraithu bol lle dlcniliieai, accsied by Mec. G. Dîîiby. Mrc. Daies, Mrs. Bell, Mis. Lamib aî,d Mrs. Nuiris of Milton. TS ELECTION TOME UN HALTON and the Counlys Conservalives broagbtinie ieir Federai parlp chie), John Dieebaker, lu kick off the eampoigiiilise coueîp milli Oalteilin Mayor Aitun Masson, the Hallon PC. slandard-hearer. Mr. Dîienbaker is ceen heme in a penseenood e-h n strkers' placards surroued hum ai ihe PC. pice cin Oukvilie oui Sat s day. 5"4rcd4t P49 Daner Ahed... Those otus whu ive ine-a i er 0-e eten worldopcyhboa othfr doutu peueuttod the nducîdual lip our orgaeue- aluons, instutuiuons aed systeîis ut gverît- And eghtuy su. tndeed weoprie ibis treedoun sa highiy, e nit speak pabliuci, peuple e-ho atiuvoiy sappurt poltiicai philosophies e-hicb wuuld dlesiroy eue chorished righls, We ale- these lu dsseouleate halo literaluroe-hich openiy adeocates the violent oveuibsue- ut our urder- y e-ay utfle. Wbeîher ut s e-se ftrue s t coetinue ta do su has be tht subjeci t fcuch hoaled dtinhof lt aie. Cerlaunlyty Ilios umnuch to) lcin coud tt heargumenute-hichi muud dras- fiuallp carli sch acluvultes. Bp the saisie lelien wee iusi he eves n)indfll uthle dang- ers ut cencorshtp. Da3ngeroa i.as are lie ltîlauuau, utu piloso- phiessscol as conuuuuuaum avd tascusuuu, lbey are, uppareetynu longer the sole Ibmeat lu ndueutiual trecdoittuIlu ses outer nmorc suliste menns et contrul are liîg douicod. lIn onetoutfle laInsi long-racge torecasi Ilui scimpie morcl dS easy10ca, easy I)1O le Hue- otieus do e-c tako a uitle k,,,drinss lot o snrvicecreedernd asodîtaitier ut course ci iccept1uil os eus due orî somuethusg liti os nittpeuuauuî. Noting could bclarc osemti liari, lial. Illo is ip1lo e-orsi 'litaîtis - il, is te-uile, 01fici u oye. 0[ud tutuu le-,citgocs o'le-it e-up utnl iuuq Iltersnso leIou,, tls ctid ,.ves e-ltaiyuaptuej ti day, adcisîcais. To lie upprootuied islenotutai anîdi iuisan ai,(] rughi; tbatisc aîsîsecuaîuor andth al s sehese Isle situe u ile mord Of uua elsluec, colies uts andti c iîctlps fou otucu, orgoitetu. Apprecauuu dosnî noceccariiy bave la lie ouprsccd eocaiiyliai a soilo and the mao thIe hand carrnes the came message. This le parîucuiusly isue wen driving,weiu îeous'of fluc.IRANI Couutuuiiti, ilo toue f ciglutY scucuiuic oeerts moto acked thoîr opinions as ole- hencerntain dscoeeries or bmreakîhuougbs wnrn lîeytp uosecur. Te-o ut ihese toi, psodicued inventions e-Aich coutd aeen e-lai baie tuean a-d spseech,- iuakiiig havee alîtetu do. For exdauîpieoneo soîeuisî saîi lin ex- pecied liai by 1975 huologusal agonis Io des- trop a peeson's mill to resîsi mould bis ound. Anoîher bas siaied tliai hp 1983 tînre miii lue dregs availabtao lptroda(c e psotialiiy changes. Each uftihese losecasi dtscoveetes disais dîrectlp arîd iiiiniaiely e-tub maci hîtiseli. We lcen graee doahîs about the eîsdocî ut oeekng t lck uminoenr. tee- ifutany, ut us havee ibis ight or are e-use nnougb -u kioe- e-latis Insu lor utîtous, îauîîculasiy weeIsriti50Ity p s Lueiceiied. SceuîelJly. tni i '.101a useic ai ai, irdveudliîy ise-euîlup et pruoectin «and une -licou. Ho i t euset-hitg lubis maipulai- od. oiluugod d lotelit ic ad teîciAnd e-e ilast encaureilouorder of ihungs, lit oas 5scerii dos sol dogenocuae tluilits ceci. os c(ro"ssfile- it-ric aiîluta weer ftlue liici upfilie-otIter drivers us a flue- ixfrisoit of flite moiti tti,iuks paltiaiti". Uiitruiiaely, s50 uuIi tiile- e-lut-u tie ib is il su if, oiuciruel -. iiaie-r oI toit-e iidla'it fieendoiir.t hlsrii il oP-sitap trlifutiueCu yut ýlJItIjIuitloe-oft iuire- takIO i.iu. tut,i Ylit-et jle'-p Ilia'. Icnei~pre o fi l te t ue 111,1 la t-Iilol,(J. Brief Comments -... ilemise-01utppuy leCe. Il c-tliilc bcgiitiing of a dog's lite. A seiI-madie mari sacod ecouuîly hlifu tieci ud tlu do coier aguisu, he'd gel soutee lue 11,. As taken from the files of the Can. Champion, Sept. 23. 1915. 'llite Hîîeeby Scouîî Fair os- cecolcd all ospeolaiîîe. Tbis was itruc iii regard tu ehîbils. ai- tondane oand eeihuciasm. The buard of' di reclurs e-as biglsly plcaced and ai-e iiibecueografli laiod oie .îraegieg cuch a day il pomcandi profiit lus licbusc anti girlsiof Hîti-ebvdistricitceci fo lte isowu.pc. Be 9am,.î..a cotiiistlad gaiboeed andolbceiiti 'ti 8011 pople Osere in en ae.A laite leet Mas oîoc led li' Illecchuing iof exbibiic o[ ciinaîîeîîdc.Iluwecrs. pillai- (,e, oîkingand cesiet. l'ie ,chou]îlpariadl e as prclic. nvorv sclîuîl paraded aed ibe obiid- leîuloofbahsob,îl saegeasîeg hloreethe lar ge audieece. 1Dur- îîîg lise stite, tho sccbîîî chltnliielbec,, giiiiog coups tiots ocd, cuppiied by the Do- pýinv I ofAgî,IiCUIILîîîo. TlOso cl(Is eicc caîiîinccl andti iliec %%vie assaided. ilts lake,> Irîsea[lie files ofrIlhe Cao. Champion, Sept. 21, 1965. Oui Thu, sday ueueeing last, tullr us on wssa rouusd bv thc ,0No Ilice cc'cite bandî, il nul. peitiuuisiets. sîtlu liuug lîcigut. bue- ii.ttsuuug. tuiod 01 lic(arantd leiipci-tcc-picuui o 'li'ue el live u iitdas. lho-y uuaicbct i lu lic '*ll'ti-aico' fiait. lbut ii tglu oie- lelcotci icle t iacloitnts. citid loet sectilco' Altuuî,. îer sotinct' tutu, i est hiaiteolpeu nis ic tu cii tltic' Agi0, utuil liait. suit pinu CliiiiietliuuCu uliîîsBvsîsle [lie cholîuiliîî utcitlle ie poiketic tc' utlt]igcl Io o tn iiii usuguusu busIle ýil(ielc lii lu sel abeuclisu liesi hics' lii I ic ti oio t i us ,,, %CeIle cJcalsotc. l'lic cPcLikcr, NIl-MNORUES OFi OLD Si.. A t1tutu i cols mi, .a l Nii t u r loto 'llu l\ s its i ii,- R ut hlst" situe, l,.c leuRoti île mie-t, uuuou 0it. iiii' tutu t is illtlit i .tut' ' ii p i oti11ils uiit il u , l it' Io iii ou uii n ui heuiiîiîîîai No. h1.10. hulit\,.Asite icMtl.ciiiisu titi utuD i-uit *%;i 1ttiiits us,,, iilit, in Ilite 1.1vîîîîîees .W B.Ami, lîefi,, did iii itii it tt iieis tal la i ici tsc'tik. hic-ic Mcii lusseni tutti ile' ioak ic'i )t ot%% ýI asntdti1 tsilit-st-liccil~itoil vi ets tct-slv I iuilltuttit't tin i c i, titi., iulsN'm i, I -c' luis litecil Dlii l uaitl(" .1 i louiî î'iîîk sis iiis Iloi 2t dIliI-IiýWiuti-uc Iil 'sca.11 Harnesi Tbaeksgiîing servions weceleineSi: Cokes Anglican Chur-ch Palermo, on Sunday, wiib moreing and evenieg ser- vices. Goosi speaker ai the moru- iee service e-as a reiurned sec- viceman aed Mrc. R. Neelands îstuolici. Ren. Edwards ut Pitlerseti [Unitedl Cburch read lic Sijii-c lechîîroh ceas tit ttibous iii t utiiiuii hueors adliai vcclcd grains. 'rte uuîal c erp cocond week dane of ti he Btîcy Becs Club ut Naccagawecia mac bolinleBrook- villo Hall. Te-o lii the len boys bhaltlise club lîad beee ceeding cot-lr l u e-bile overýcas mere Piesoîiis nd welcomed hume. The boys sscie preceeied with pcîîcil andi pecsetswiîb ibeir ratsasol raekc eegraved on l1-iel s lItikois su apprecialion loi Mitai licy liii dune fur their coLitîclîanid lbcir cale arrivai hoîme-. "Fti'They-vAro Joliy Goud Fclut'las Sunîg and dancing loîllosîcd. 'flicte irs!cianuai pieic ueder Ill auspicof tihe- Hallon Junior Faîîîoici hbcbeld in F. C. Willetttllc Gîîîve ionSaturday, Sopienîho, 25. Tisere is lu be a hasebali nîaich boe-ceen the Ion- ir Fat mors and the Cosmupoli- Th clW.C.lld are lu huid lipai liii iteeîincg ai the home ut MI,. J. MhI iessai lbhe ed ut Sopitci-. "lise Ueion ic pleased litb h o .îîî t-l lcthe pisececofu fli llîîîîî,î cle Pro-cideel ol the Diîuiîiîîîî h.C.T.fl., sslîo 15 10 gile tc t'sso. Speciai music , , bc pîîîîîdcîi asd a culver collcctionîîî dcc lirtshe pairiolie fitîtîciAll lic tsimeno-efiMilton an itici ar c iniiid lu ai- PaiticitlaitsofIllie opens cacon li gali,,-fits hlc e aeeouno-ed li' Spoitistitel. iteder an îîrder- iricoutîc, il K caeiiotiied ibul flic- iilite t ili f ld grouse, iutiiic.sikand igsov cquri- ilis%%as piollhilieol îîî,îil1917. %et-i'liaiitlit c-il sos-ross'tub [fi,- moeuucao nuoeutMilon bctofIlecielcictive arrange- centcunade lîu-ecciv tbe pre- cclipaiiiu. bbc-ee asa a mut ut hrloou, ctionletlicieeceMii- sus lou e-i.asuco-e,, iland ubose If l ic coisiraictahis bocause us hen utup iae o oluid the de- ss,îuîlieu-c Ile Mutuuuts iiieiiteciîed iltiiiliec-ietp- tulite tP, di utos ibcuo ce as îîuîtiîg lt uuu iti ittistra- lion oeut llu%îctut, fl ic' utbor meni tc,,ieli, icotute aess.oay, %il liuil A te. iiicetii i-,%asfiliii suItie hlîuîîîî liii ['lu pel. Nie' touisies- t-uit Nelsutu 'Ilictle, , and cdibtes c i Al,'îît haArnidn, [ited it ciiidute tocs ecled. Tu il ite tous u 'ýcit cced lte s .ll ut uîueuuis rossd. 'tic lý 'jlits ci euud uîh cclilicechoir of Ile WPueiean Clissreh, Milton, sus Ii cie tuc, ial artiicle anner. Voiii 'c*ltbatikcisc-e tcisdered tu ie cliou auîd fltc speakers. et ii"ltuu setiisesi et Junior t ft c' lic iulus ttg cer lai tus tI,ýIitiuc'c econdsuiyear iii ýýc, u iH it ii aliit'd.itici.of us tlte titu utu îlc'Iilti' tise 1iil \,- lu, i-utuiii f i-ti' hie- ph (,111 iîcuuuî 'tu tîfliic e Miss li'ititli'. hiui .tiofice ei lui Lfe i lluis i i ln l "1 1' dti t l , ' u cugiuuu, ien tuss iIth iIiie usîciatodi listhe Meîliîs Miitlis,.Aiesuitierc, î'îîe/ic's -Milltutus. tîsîss iiii uitoise s tuttr,(ai' t itiu 1it",,tScot- t)tliiuty lic'u 1u iluttit ouut ad- 11l.titi uhuut eii \I 111 lil" ' l ii'. ,,' luitui si.' suii tsI, a i -.tiig i \C i lluy tut good l itiN uîucî Sux; titi tutti, i-lui , liii,- il , u sI, utine u I it l u- ici- uii snul ýd it iu.h , l its iiu C(I Iu is îes l'lc tusessuI all .iic uekitsutslue irlinc luit. l)hI uîl titi-k he , .u tîuIl tutus,-IIýIIIw 111u tu- lob- lutt uis iîîî' it li littautl %\'lk ' l ic i t 111 u-iucto t lc utsi stlieuu h hd 1 C10,1f.1tîo.i,k lue tti, hc llirt l u tonus us tii-tu utopil,a it'1111i 1 cIit stucittt I i tovaci1ro l uu at I i, -u 1usti.u tutu -, i 1tic-t l liîgiiltuvt\pIuts Pwt-ssc ttli -huis o]n ter. Simuiecsatituu.tIind -isiticueiitoIl onisdm. I i lttl,- chbuishoitlcItise tisaitisai \011 go, U, the- long tutti tutpntigiess. iessu us as suo: Buit st-e filo, tutlooklick aiie',upge, tiddtsu Iii te us-ltiitgluits- tut sus, li, issu, iu, wlu i ug suItd. 1ilîcu-tl'lise IluneiR'.,sseeo iauitil,,i li tutu sr iv ,iotec, And ol oic lossuns for lifo liut ssc-o ti iii thse hîsîo. ROBERT D. CITTCE. 54 Atrtold SI., Rilitittuttl 1h11 ,oui. an P at s s o lu ttuu N ame THE GOOD QLD DAYSNa b - - - r' "mea GLANCING BACK TO 20 YEARS AGO GLANCING BACK TO 50 YEARS AGO GLANCINO BACK TO 100 YEARS AGO 0ur Reuders Write 7he Caita4ia» Ch amph»n Puhblchcd hy thc illil Printlîîg and Puibli,%hine 1V.%. I Id. 1:Ittdi i ('bief - .A. DliNIc-M A 9 111i2 l ite - lAtW A l1it'. N,'%%cN[-ilitti-- Roîy i )îEii . l'ttci-.iig Mîîî N IC ie ii i'ihirsd yevWediicc.day ai 191 Main dîtr i'.sgoniiît Iiiliv itiim SI., Mii, 011in. Mciibiheî et ise 'WN.A.. liaiii, î-,*,,*ci -i a lîîpgîtiîî..M caer hoi OJii îîo<Oiichec Disîiion C.WN.A. aid mlia si l ilii,-itit -n cOct- Canaiiaiî(oilitnivNcws.paper-, Repre ipsicd h lic ho i eivi, ii i i gelliti sciiativeu-oSihîhsoipIioîîîîcpayable jlIIad- a ii ira'c,ilr t loai i, îtsîîaliiiir' sto.$4.01)i iii (aiiaia; 971) iiial couii cIlii tip t Ir l o i , i.l'silit IC halas,- lritesutie-r tliiî Caiada. Il 11ulieadiu urincri, 'sdi h, ptaid luir ai tic applicable ilaie. Il ir cit,rt ot 'nriaphîî ai ci-iciad %fiimigpSs r if Aiawiciig pile. îx)îuil. wiNîoe-u11.4vîil,uru Aduifi i-u is iîîî,rii îuîor i, clIianid juan lbc soi idimai iali aîiy Iinci Autborized as Second Ciass Mail by the l'ost Dijice Doparimeni, Otiiwa - ------------ ---------------------------- ----------------- -------------- ---------------------