-~~ -.--.- -.- - - ---- 110 ion ah Gueph to bett l tara s 0 and Ms. N isDreamacmuhines are bts%, ihesefilnuedOctober 12 anti 13 the cure ofaa satm 103 tn!Ms.Ntrt 5itt aeaesiing 6theaps. -- local cemniers. 16e laie dispiavsa.1he (;tattTidinga raver. Me. Og' Yake btas i etured- ai Milon and Geoegehoms anti Dsplay Programs home Ironm Hamit is fGetieta11 lits the little Chinese girl t e Issu- The program beor16e 17t6 anal ýpili arere he tînctitîtenu tt e haie bas sponsored tm eeror esrs ra'dsiaei1n alHis irientis hape 6e siti soanlie sears. ~agreeti The Malai Meniiaet ie aran tuha atrkag,ia. Folowig te bsinssMr. S fa Muicial 1Me. Jick Biacl, abis cihtuort Folomsg hebvsinss Me, . rinîing matie a <'al nuteJob f'abr ue tudtl .ug.u Mas, Hortiulttree onvener. too!a thymn. oiher spendi bs hitiasîi oser ber pogam. Mes. Russell Ms t fiiesi-sn hr espentsMding i oic %%wit h King gave a sery excelent payer - s.E D- ' %a i hrg tsprnt r.adMis. t iii on "repartilon and biins on; oth1e peagram anti ber tapit'%%suactk. i fluraesing ereiprh higher cvtut th<e Cheaper prit'e. MsFt-uaeh lîtt<is amangemenssof tiamers aere TeHg ahs.spaid b6v acte ben hoiiîasiag si 6Mus. MW(G sbomn asti variatîs vas oi about- Lrd and StîiaurJ esu s Chisi Frascia ratt M. and! Mrs. Dio Mc isg 16cm io 16heu t atvantage. udma assest-'16eLrd Mtat Mns. DeIberi Domna shoavet a aih 1 ihbeuce prive as av ie 16 Mes. Kart Caegitt. Mes, M.Frut. film on floavees micb aas vers la choase aam ises an aaramwn tMes Eti Dredge, Mus. L. C.împhel beaulifîîl anti muvbenjavet ivha terma. Ilanti Mes. D. Henti stun utfte tbe ladies. The mýeeing vost The Ladies' Ait! met thte sanie Nassagameya Cburvh enve the6t sîih <6esining i 'he Qeca' day bui ihere aas nai muavh btusu- bua rip sruthh1e ktamîiett Lunch mus seeseti 6v Ms. . nes <adu. Mis. Nasb oh Sone% tadhes outsWednstuIor iKilitbei Merry asti Ms. H. OConnor, as-i Creek bas accepted the invita- e. MILTON NIGHT SCHOOL CLASSES THsE MILTON ADVISOIY COMMITTEU ON ADULT EDUCAION IN COC- OPERAION WITN THE MILTON N1014 SCHOOL BOARD, ANNOUNCES THE POLLOWING NIONT CLASSES. 1 Conversationai French 2 Woodworking 3 Welding 4 Electronicm 5 Elementary Oil Painting 6 Intermediate 011 Painting 7 Elementary Sewing and ChiIdrens CIothing 8 Advanced Sewing 9 Tailoring 10 Typing il Millinery 12 Smocking 13 Floriculture 14 Rug Making 15 Copper Enamelling 16 Drapes and Slip Covers 17 Needie Point Couraes i ta 10 iii canis! of 16 imo-hovie lessoas vommeneiang an Tues., C. 9th atu .001 p.m. andl each Tut-s. fltiuîing utnil Dec. 71h, anti iet'<uiaieaing Jas. 4<, 1966 antu titiiuugh untit February 22nc. Courses 10 la 17 iii onsisitf 9 Imohuraîetsosîaî'ummenif Ties., Di. 19 ant ins lhraugb <inii Det. 7uh. There iii be a RE-ENROLLMENT FOR THE SECOND TERM ON THE L.AST NIGIIT 0F THE FIRST TERMI or belore Dcv. 31s, 1965. The respoaat tut iis nritu'uincnî viii îlteî'nîne the atiîisabiiuy o! tarrying Classes for THE SECOND TERM. The Basic Fe fuie the 16 meck course iii bc $8.00. Tht- Bisi Fer for the 8 sve-k couis-se saihi bc $4.00 for eavh lcrm. Ose dolae muai 6e fîuemtueîcd air the appicaitin luîem. Ail supplies extra. A mInimum number or 13 applicants monti 6e neeîîred for eaeh clanrs. The Cammîtîce renervea thse elgisiIo carry or cancel any clan Il wtnhen. Appleansnmont 6e 16 yearrn of ale or one. APPLICATION FOR NIGHT SCHOOL CLASSWORK Complehe anti Mail BEFORE SEPT. 301h, 1965 Ila"The Secretary of Nlght Classes"<, Mes. R. G. Kng, R.R. 1, I4srnhy. PFEASE ENROL!.. ME IN: FI.EASE STAlE SECOND CHOICE: lb W cek Course ............ . O....... 8 W cek Coturse .......... ..... (PIeuse M. Stale Ms. W h ich ) M iss ....... ........... ...... .. .. .. ......... ........... . ..... ADDRESS ........................................................PHONE ..........1...... Furber information periaising 10 lb ese couraes may be obtaineti fromt Mes. Deibvrt Damwna 878-4897; Ms. D. A. Wendover VA 7-3334; Mes. R. G. King 878-2279. Be sure îo encloae yuur regisration tee of $100 ib application. By mailing yiiue applica- lion ealy you iii increase yoaetchancesuof baiing yoare v-oive. STOP DON'T MAKE A MOVE 1 BEFORE FRIDAY, OCTOBER lst UNTIL YOU SEE-m m m '66 BL GALAXI ES '66 FAIRLANES * FALCON * HERE Ban FIRST SHOWING AT TRAFALGAR MOTORS FRIDAY, OCTOBER lst Bm CO. TD. PO MOTORS 4 409 AIN ASTMILTON - TR 8-.2369 hIle atIl Tues ime A d enj. ber Hor lau! ace ti ing Fui Bei Coi] gar fore euhi liber beld Ma Wri ben ing, Mrs les 16<a ____th________hapin______ay Spt 1, 96 KILBRIDE w-,a reîumed Sunday at >RBYTh Cndin haponW~ned- P br9 iîde United Chîîggh wlth 1Iev. p~..I CR. Wragg in charge. ÀN&Ionw ~~~Mrs. Rohi. MMlePno M#wrwMW ' wast ho% Flowe Arragemens DSinstasedhtsteçssta the SoCial Flowr Arange entsDemostraed ________relire - Club Tuesday evening s w~it wo tables pia cd. iee By Mrsa Willam Watson n ght s designed ta0 ntroduce wi nners werc Mrs. Liayd toul- At Institute Horticultural M eeting The annuai Bethe] Chape! ihe p"ol ea cas n t r.Du asn meml i rveaa miia e n, c sf Dinner guesis wiih Mr. and VearIll By An Culso n al srvie wa wel ilýb Itic,ýýd IlisMais Wiliiani Watson Sunday By Ut. J. NeCrron sisted liv the hostesq. the CIsIF.. for the second sa i yAnCusn TeSyeîe ciiî i i eddSsa fenoSp-The insiractors of ihese art!- %eaironswn nto o n uKnElla adSul', Scpieinber is lie monih %vile T-ll prerisA ot inember 5, miienRev. C. R. Wragvile iib n în ih ceMr. and Mes. Frank Lid- heaironsmigui fCogratulations Io Mr. and 1an -mi.v aiid lap, Ken" and i. bc had it Hornby LUnied Chur awrifra ch met Mr'. Jack Marchmeili 0n the ac- who showed tie irsi prîce vear- a lai ai i ishcî'irninsi awav iheir' wa iîld Thnri-lav, Sepîcmber ai Carlisle andi Kithîlde charge samples af ermrk nomafBaolle oimcate, Mrs. EV a the home ut Mes. Winch on rivai of' their son ai the Souh ing heifer, Rock Etia Acme Di- gear lor-another veai - biît mc2.,a in t aicrua mnis. A god <rn- vondîicied the service. A so Innatidipasoftecur B leanktiamii 0f M. iltoMe sda. Spteber7. There Peei lHospial, Cooksvilie, on Fr1- ana. Hornhy and district wui îInk<u aamsae hr rvlie opaariy uih ws eendeed by Mrs. A. K. Grif-l-i0 ofned dipais ma sei- Heshîs. i f ilo 1agond iendance and ihe day eveisg, Seplember 1, naivelrepresented ai the C.N.F.. aie siit lots a1 ih isad and' duh. F.cttion nîighi iras hlci11 iths, accampanied by Mes. Gea. e rîcctasst hlm. _______ le was speni in t<ing a quili. ltile brothler for BettY Jean and ibis year wth many wins. itus is anecoai[lie bosi limnes loiandn iher vere qaite a l,1 c Cuallua aithergue. Youaarecardiully 'avi'ied ta leliclous potltuck tilaner wu.% Tommy. Mr. and Ms. Lorîîe Sampson atchîtflic<lie rai ig ailes.Ticehmes i incll sctctiiivc.The KiheideFerWees presen ted cime oi ni0ciiniiî- NOBLESSE OBLIGE aved tiy ail. Mr ant iIMs.Douglas Newtonandtî!sans ai Kingstoîn speni the, aler skiers .adi speetid o'so eape puict < loula,îr iniicoachies Fraa oîla, Bt!lr nistiid se oimti lv e Be ;îoiî Osith isant gill. cii ce iiiaictl thc <i ît.liili t' els.i't t iti Sti iîîîiîs' eveoiig, M is, .. Simpison.îl taIit loît I jcI itg 'Itii Éit- l tt tlt l-t itti It'.dIeitii , iIIi it i ti il ic lighier. ta mailinW iversars ail Fritia., Scîsi ia0 j-S ie nîber tI ai [lie Sky-i.inc Happy Brlf!îay tti i siii itt i i res it,ittD a ',î i tîti s i a-gttlhe i ic o m i e eil irs. ti ti 4Ltiietîî st vc itt k i I i ' l tvers sorrs. r10 siib a famiis 'dia er iof Haie.Matitn. (tiesis i* ie cîi-etings tand god i slb.ti..iestii )iîKtt gl i e tgier i oe<fM <býers fried chieke-n ai the eveflig ctie M. ani! Mci. Curey go Io Doaldt Leslie. eebialiiig Aisîî, (le lsuilue «Iii aint i*he clii,'KenLewis s ishing dir JohnîîNnykîîruk, MeNiven Rd. )rnby Tomvera Golf Club. Fol- Freemnantand M.tint! Mes. Ai:1a îirtuîay on Septenîber 20. îdeep fioles .as Itle ,ie-gels' ceior, Aîîî Cîîîîsaî i sinargtîîu e t n,îrnetors ing the dinner, sdictes of lbereSmeeeic. The irai meeting out Haris- couler .atd lies',sI lugel cuvic airiitiii iresbuildinMtcrhn-tSE - H A :entip u tpha1e mesi cotîsi eir Attend Classes Norh 4-H Homemaking Clih Ioshorefoir toodt. One doesin't a i ilîMtii ice Clebtiiing tom- eiîer 15 tonighil. a "kie! ithe - mn. The Training Sehoot for 4-H aili bche ed un Saiurday mura- haîve tla iîe tuitîtloi gotîtilii Mîîri attsînh tîd arvîciors Nighl miii be held sn he lai Hoenby Ctîhs opcned Honîemaking Club teatirs mal isg, Scpîembe 18 ai thc home oaing dcinig Sepîcîlîber anîd Ovia '<atteBi teraîîmetsîî l chargte DUwid omui alThs ler fa!! season un Fidas cvn- held in the Gravie Anglican Ms. J. McRay ai 900 a.m. Mcm- ler. Lake Niîissing sit 'pradtit- o udrii ait a! the Homîîby CommiAiniiv and 9. The peaieci for ihis lait anc ihing tw ais. pitease cou-.îatskv. andtireîtîc Kiit aîtnt i l vo'«<here about .îthe .Feam the U.nied States IRenowned k. M. anti Mrs. Geoff. Dew- sit! Ile Woeking îilh Waal"and tact Mes. J. McKavorMs.Rv6i6c.i cJ, nilasitbs' irapcîtesain lo l Ih"hi,96- aesi p palling soema thai8.4 aok and Mr. and Mes. Bob leaders foe Hoenby North Club Wilson. isenîsivo iila.6.Jm 1einMtnmlhbstaepoaînaunkied14 akson bosted the affale. Tiven- iii Ile Mes. J. McKay and Mes. The U. C. W. ut Edenî United i n <su t4iita aittison Kim. He la million ish. The report mates I USCA boys assembled 10o pay brief Roy Wilson. The Training Schout Chvrch sacis tharge ar aisotîtti ,p.îrînet iniilie îIrîîking hem'n municipal mvaste kitird 4.1 mut- A M SC N ons of soccer and football be- mas vondutved bv Mes. Patrivia ai the a'tiiin sale heitila Cnrtlainîiboeaie amoprtosici bastng arsmaiims ntiSqtire Hume EonomialtueorHa!- iaem of Me. and Mes. Witmh, iii Mît1Iîîîlaluits sîcîland ue-<ticin î n t xiiiiiiihloai laisting trop srvsacait o ovioîlitîîîî îîîîeiir eîîs ci 00la eiiiin r1.9 million.Abtto-hit ing the cors aîond the hon- tan. Ans girl ai 12 seti.,rs ma Misan as Saiiedas - Sesîhmer h fliAludLENTEDivihu*, eiiltý eiÉon'o butoetic e. l w s i god hgiunie fi. esious. ii tîkiag ihis vclub Il tint! repotari ti s-cc sesaiu cai it ulrill u ii io, îîîî ole lie tte luiiî.ivailiî îesîîns.But ltIle lish sîcre kiitti furvcrnum-N ED S EA E 'oew sason~. l sgi g abaîl gel inîun iiit i'lh the icaîl day. GordoniiLee iiilîlic ii <<iiiSportls. <te ai kllitti i t%îi <ilcathe tire,'îîîercii tl t iue. esa cic.Conigratulaions iii Mi- nd<ni! uitet ssoît ilîîi iin eîiIL It..ii ti- alt oin Iiit iiitiIle [roc'iitkct a - s In ttute Meels Congu aî'tiaons laW. F. Itia.Mes. Gtîr Htamiltonîîoîîî the itul31 inth -î13 ---- pitiietel t1, tilin. Jil i i iiilt i tie (o le onil.I îîs tîiig l gi h he Seplember meeting of* the la îiisiiii iiM'oîaii îl ie i li .ît il ailllie iingl giih lîs im eKî iîîsî"îîîlng ihe iallvi Hîîpliti îîî hai i nis. i. ge l ita l ule tail, i l it, msert i ini and .îî i srh ani,.îpitipf conemetona ge toge d ai the bhome ai Mes.Siantes I\ItilI av ,,Ii ll, o'Ild vtý l (liafte-.i. hng r en av h rsdnMes. C. Gra nt! Chanîpian Mtarket Steel, iii tSepienîlse . )ci-î9. îîri itî. îes Iti ln lt iIlle.ILs-titg li'l' .of î[îli iiiieIit bffaefr tiythe ingr a re eng Visits M itonl for 1 D ay iggessvrlh openedth ie mcci- - ti l eu ci i «e, eilicd I ,iii l t!its te«caii ne iof the irai* i s i tis a hink. is hall of' ihe fan gsiih 1he singing te O1 e n -' ille ttsiing iiiliî «<etIlie (i iii îîrîiîsSuo oui-k ivo s iir ,in. uiMoîîse are abtondantinl D de, iottasved 6v 1he MarvMOFFAT I!tiltit.ttcekeltv l i<t cas itiet îîî 'l in<titi Ill'Il lie ou, 001 hern country and afiîîed SUNDÀAY Se te, ber 29 -ira Cohuetiniiisî. Tore ne i/e lliter 36 -ILtiIs îîîînterliîi ting. keeping 1he s an attendanve af 10 mens a i- Asn-i viios incites tlong. Ar i,<ini «iititil 5 niiepîtiîo aa aapo irs, lavavisitors andt isachili! Ladies' Meetin gJ it îttttt lthttiti io-îîlilts'îîîli lîin lIc ciellatin o tht proa- * ~~*~*L ~î vin lail 71i- piiiid,. lîtttII tîl <l aiits , sla Otîi 111pli[ n v ha1e Depatrmeni of E N ERDXEDA T The rot! cuit, a hial os gartien- rrorninent i n District iNew~s Rus and Jaltk i ofîîtieî ii t i <t20 fi, iii elîî2î.îî Thetoit - I <tiisandîtiFiiects. Jast i îie I E N ERDaI ENA t.L. mso etandte m il - The WMSmet reenus ai thetiionIoaspeakaiitheaaecheon tter <titi.onlIIi <t tî<itî'i.îtt utitiiîîttîîît .iiîs.îîîîeî\,îst klois boer4ie, s oth atmeigadtehmofMes. ahw <n t l Ii-f I.rpigodLk rl[EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH .01 ~rgua ihelai eeinlad 6e ' eeetinsg.otiîl lMI,<î< iiisli «aitîosýe ppulatioîn 'ne 'asrers repori.totf1ilosed bs eaa anhs meiîg r. Threr\cîrie 14 isîcîtîbes and Tîshi, Lle lîha, led 11<liiciu<« W.ioie c)l1 ltiiîti iý îi «eI iion t-eII soi îlotsn. itihermNise diseuse anti te coreespondenve. DiscussiiaMin pns d 9 th etn vltathelr rse e iitituiigtti l iilt îîîîîliillii,<i ttii îîîîîîn.îrîîivîisiaCM ECIL S. - MLO ,,l regarinti he cosses- snigsîm iubCne- The tombine, anti Élirehing tIile\% is.l.tIi.tlItl iilie 1luliteti Stucs itin tnc sîîîpatehsîtihlIA 409 MAIN EAST